An Introduction To Edgeconnect Language Maps: Release Date November, 2013

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An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

Release Date November, 2013

Overview of Language Maps
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 A way to provide alternative texts for display on the screen

 Allows use of a single Presentation

 Layout must allow for all text lengths & image sizes
 Can use L2R and R2L

 You create a Language Map file (Tools option)

 Set alternate texts using edgeConnect Language Editor or Excel or
Xliff editor

 All Language Maps should be loaded at Startup

 Rule in initialise phase or button is used to select or reset the

language map
Language Map Usage - Storage Arrangment
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

Language maps are loaded

into the context Context

Alias: French Alias: German Alias: Hindi Alias: Chinese

User User User User User User User

Session Session Session Session Session Session Session

Multiple user sessions share the same set of maps

Example – Welcome Page with Button Links
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps
B2B Client Details
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps
B2C Client Details
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps
What Can be Mapped?
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 All textual content can be mapped,

for example:

 Question text, Headings, List values & groups, help text, hint text, prefix/post
fix, error messages, date format, number symbols ...

 SetValue Rule
• Special “Message” setting puts the original text into the Language Map
file so that an alternative can be provided

 Send Email rule subject and body

Language Maps and Presentations
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 Same Presentation  Different Presentations

 Arrange content to suit all  Allows for text to be tailored to

possible text lengths and the layout of the presentation.
image sizes  E.G. Concise text for mobile
devices .v. more verbose texts
for desktops
 Shorter .v. longer natural
 Casual .v. Expert users

Need to assess on a case by case basis

Language Map Formats
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 .xml file used by edgeConnect Editor

 .xls file for use with Excel

 .xliff file for use with Xliff tools

 XML Localisation Interchange File Format

An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 edgeConnect V5.1 contains prototype level support for Xliff formatted

language maps.

 Xliff is an open standard for translation of documents.

 It defines a process and XML schema via which the textual contents of
arbitrarily formatted file can be extracted, translated using standard machine
translation tools and then reconstituted into the original document.
 For more information see:
• Wikipedia page is also a good starting point.

 Current functionality allows the creation of a basic Xliff file that can be
used/translated by the standard tools.
Procedure for Using Language Maps
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

1. Create your project as normal

2. Use: Tools... Language Maps... Generate Language Map

 Generate this into the project area

3. Use appropriate editor to add alternative texts

 We use the edgeConnect editor in the exercises

4. In Project Startup Rules (Rule Editor)

 Add the LoadLanguageMap rule

5. Decide how to select the language map

 Logic in the initialise phase
 Button on a page
Language Map Editor - Overview
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 The Language Editor is a separately installable tool that is used to edit the
propriatory edgeConnect XML format language maps.
 It provides many features such as:
 Project-structured tree representation
 Completion/Review tracking:
• Settable on individual items or generally for a section or whole map
• Summary of completion states
• Ability to annotate mappings for comments between translator and reviewer
 Ability to filter mappings to allow the user to focus on specific items
(such as incomplete mappings)
 Validation of attributes with specific formats, such as DateFormat.
 Search and Navigation (next incomplete mapping etc)
Exercise 1
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps


Create a simple language map for the Training Course

Project structure and language maps
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 The content of the language map follows the structure of the project
 Certain values for an object can be defaulted by other objects:
• Default question text comes from the process question
• Actual question text may be set in the presentation
 In the case of Designs certain values may be provided exclusively by the
Design object itself.
• Prefix/postfix text, date formats.

 Best practice to set text in Designs rather than being repeated for each
question/heading/button etc.
 When looking in a language map for text, the lookup follows the normal
project search order.
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 The exact set of attributes that are offered in the Language Editor
depends on:
 The type of the project object
 Project settings (such as use of Designs) for that object
• For example: If a question is using an Answer Design then the pre/post fixes and
messages are given by the design not the question. So in this case the language
map will not offer mappings for these at the question level and instead mappings
must be made against the answer design itself.

 If you want to remove a project value (i.e. force it to be blank) then a

special value can be used in the editor:
Provide new text in the language map
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 The project may have no text for a element and the language map may
provide some.
 The map can add help text to a question where none was specified in the
 The map can set the question prefix/post fix according to natural language or
country norms (e.g. £, € and $)
Modify Text in the Set Value Rule
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 SetValue Rule
 Special ‘Message’ setting puts the original text into the Language Map file so
that an alternative can be provided
Exercise 2
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps


Alternative Text in Designs and in the Set Value Rule also

adding new text via a language map
Handling external resources
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 A new system word holds the alias of the currently set language map:
 If no map is set, then this is empty
 It is found within the “Session” category

 This allows external resources to be selected:

 For example if used in a path for an image:
 This will use:
• project/resources/language/welcome.jpg (alias ‘language’)
• project/resources/welcome.jpg (no alias)
Exercise 3
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps


Use Alternative Image Files

An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 Static lists:
 When values are present in the project, these will be generated in the
language map file and can be mapped as usual.
 Dynamic lists:
 Dynamic list values can not be mapped via the language map file
because there are no values present in the project at generation time.
 However, the AddToListRule is extended to allow list values to be added to a
list for a specific language map (using its ALIAS).
 Note: Static list values added with the AddToListRule can also be added
using a specific language map alias.
Exercise 4
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps


Provide Alternative Texts for Dynamic Lists

Language Maps and Components
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 Components are supported by language maps...

 Current implementation is simplistic
 When a component is invoked a lookup is made for a map with the same alias as the
caller and that is then set for the component.
 Current restrictions:
 Each component must have its language map which is loaded by its startup rules.
 All maps across the solution must have the same alias names.
 DO NOT put a SetLanguageMap rule in a component unless it is setting the alias
for the whole solution
Language map Usage - Components continued
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 When a component is invoked it inherits the alias of the caller.

 When a new language map is set the full chain of all components owned
by the project is traversed and the alias is set for each.
 So language map setting effects only that project and child components and
not its callers.

 An option in the SetLanguageMap rule can be selected to enabled the

traversal to start from the main project.
 Thus the new alias is set for the entire solution.
 This would be needed in cases where the language selection is contained in
a component eg in a navigation side bar from the main project.
Language Map Usage - Widgets
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 Widget can have language mapped attributes.

 The attribute needs to be marked in the widget definition file.

 By added a mappable=“Y” xml attribute to the widget attribute definition on
the widget.custom.item element.
 This will cause the attribute to be included in the generated language map.

 The value should be automatically mapped at runtime by the widget

presentation code.
Language Map Usage - Custom Rules
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

 It is possible for custom rules to have language mapped attributes.

 Generating language map attributes:

 The rule needs to implement the IHaveLanguageMapAttributes interface.
 Implement the getLanguageMapAttributeInfo()method to return an
AttributeInfo for each of the attributes that require mapping.
• The other methods in this interface can generally be ignored provided safe values are returned.
 The usage for the attributes to be included in the language map needs to be marked
with RequiredAttributes.USE_IN_LANGUAGE_MAP usage.

 Use the mapped values at runtime in evaluate.

 The FormSession class has a mapLanguageString method specific to Rules that can
be used to map the attribute and project value.
 Very important to pass a valid project value as this is what will be returned if no map is
set or it doesn’t contain a mapping.

 See the SetValueRule class for examples of the above.

Language Map Usage - Storage Arrangment
An Introduction to edgeConnect Language Maps

Language maps are loaded

into the context Context

Alias: French Alias: German Alias: Hindi Alias: Chinese

User User User User User User User

Session Session Session Session Session Session Session

Multiple user sessions share the same set of maps

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