307IPC and The Provisional Bullshit

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The Intriguing Section of 307 IPC-Dangerous to life… is it?

Article  in  Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine · January 2017

DOI: 10.5958/0974-0848.2017.00062.8

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5 authors, including:

Ashish Tyagi Hitesh Chawla

Shaheed Hassan Khan Mewati Government Medical College Shaheed Hassan Khan Mewati Government Medical College


Nishtha Malik
Thermofisher scientific India


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J Indian Acad Forensic Med. July – Sept. 2017, Vol. 39, No. 3 ISSN 0971-0973

Review Research Paper

The Intriguing Section of 307 IPC – Dangerous to life . . . is it?
1 2 1 4 5
Ashish Tyagi, Shashank Tyagi, Hitesh Chawla, Nishtha Malik, PK Paliwal

Medical documentary evidences like medicolegal reports on injuries prepared by the medical
practitioners are very important for the courts in making their legal judgments. A medical officer has to
prepare the MLR in all cases brought in the emergency by the police, those coming of their own for
medico legal examination or any other case in which foul play is suspected. The type of wounds and
weapons, legal categories of hurts and their ages are specifically noted in these reports. Now a days,
most of criminal cases, more in particular, in the District Sessions Courts in India, are ‘Hurt’ cases such as
offences punishable under section 323, 324, 326 & 307 of Indian Penal Code,1860. There is no criminal
Court in India without these cases. Section 307 IPC – attempt to murder is defined as an act which is
done with knowledge or intention that it is likely to cause death. The line of demarcation between an
offence punishable under Section 326 IPC and under Section 307 IPC is that to fall within Section 307
IPC, the act must be done with such mens-rea as would have formed the act of murder if death had
occurred. However, the law enforcement agencies instead of enquiring about the other elements of
Section 307 IPC is mainly looking for the comment ‘injury dangerous to life’ in the MLR report prepared by
doctor. As the definition of injury ‘dangerous to life’ is not very precise because of which there are
subjective variations present in each case as compared to grievous injuries and thus, the chances of
making errors by the doctor increases. In this article we’re going to discuss in detail about different court
judgments and practical hurdles faced by doctors with regard to this section.

Key Words: Dangerous to life, attempt to murder, Section 307 IPC, grievous hurt, medico-legal report

Law enforcing officers generally brought
In India wounds are graded not only by
the wounded victims for routine treatment and
their physical nature, but also by the perceived
essentially for medicolegal reports of the cases.
risk to life or health of the victim. Medical
Occasionally the victims from their own selves
practitioners very commonly need to examine,
request the attending medical practitioners to
treat victims and issue medicolegal reports in
issue medical certificates and reports which will
day to day working of their line of work dealing
be needed to start a legal action against the
with wounded persons.
accused persons. Most of the times medico legal
evidence or reports are critical to the success of
Corresponding Author:
Assistant professor,
investigation of crimes against person. There are
many circumstances in which doctors
Professor, sometimes become involved with the law simply
Deptt. of Forensic Medicine, Shaheed Hasan Khan since they have professional skills or
Mewati Govt. Medical College, Nalhar, Nuh
experience. It is necessary that the medical
Assistant Professor, professional examines all wounds carefully and
H.B.T Medical College & Dr. R.N. Cooper Hopital, Vile describes them in detail completely and
Parle, Juhu, Mumbai
correctly. This examination and description of
PG Resident, wounds can have important medico-legal
Dept. of Microbiology, Govt. Medical College, Amritsar implications, which may be civil or criminal and
Email i.d.: djashtag96@gmail.com. may not become apparent for many days.
L.M.No: LM/IAFM/919/HR/12 Examination of the site, orientation and
DOR: 25/10/2016 DOA: 04/09/2017 pattern(s) of the wounds will frequently reveal
DOI: 10.5958/0974-0848.2017.00062.8
useful indications about the nature of the injury.

J Indian Acad Forensic Med. July – Sept. 2017, Vol. 39, No. 3 ISSN 0971-0973

Section 307 relates to attempt to murder. It consideration, the nature and extent of injury,
reads as follows: the kind of weapon used, the part of the body
"Whoever does any act with such struck and the condition of the patient or victim
intention or knowledge, and under such including nature and extent of medication during
circumstances that, if he by that act caused the hospital stay.6
death, he would be guilty of murder, shall be There is no precise definition of injuries
punished with imprisonment of either description ‘dangerous to life’ in law as compared to
for a term which may extend to ten years, and grievous injuries or hurt. The main stress is
shall also be liable to fine; and, if hurt is caused given on the word imminent or direct impending
to any person by such act, the offender shall be danger to life of the person. The confusion also
liable either to (imprisonment for life), or to such prevails with the definition of injuries which are
punishment as is hereinbefore mentioned." ‘likely to cause death’ and the injuries which are
Attempt to murder – Essentials for the ‘sufficient to cause death in ordinary course of
criminal attempt: (i) an existence of an intent on nature’.
the part of the accused to commit a particular Hurt which endangers life is an injury
offence (ii) some steps were taken towards it which has a 50% chance to end in a fatality.
after completion of preparation (iii) steps must Endangerment may be for a short duration only.8
be apparently adopted to the purpose destined Difference between “culpable homicide not
(iv) it must come dangerously near to success amounting to murder “and “grievous hurt” (i) in
(v) it must fall short of completion of ultimate former the injuries must be such as are “likely to
design i.e. death.2 It must have both the cause death”; in the latter the injuries must be
necessary mens rea and actus reus.3 Section “dangerous to life”. The difference lies in
307 is a cognisable offence with issue of warrant “chances of death”. Chances of death are more
took place in the first occurrence only.3 Also it is in the former, which is purely a subjective
non-bailable and non- compoundable and is consideration (ii) in the former; there must be
exclusively triable by the Sessions Court.3 intention and knowledge. No such requirement
‘Dangerous to life’ definition & review of in latter i.e. in grievous hurt.6,8,9
literature Different court judgements and the
The concept of injury dangerous to life is confusion. . .
not a precise one. Danger to life should be In Criminal Misc. Application 2014, the
imminent before the injuries are designated Hon’ble Gujarat High Court held, an offence
‘dangerous to life’. Such injuries are extensive, under section 307 has the following essential
and implicate important structures or organs, so ingredients; “Firstly, That the accused did an act;
that they may prove fatal in the absence of any Secondly, That the act was done with intention
surgical aid 4-7. Some of the examples listed in or knowledge and under such circumstances to
different texts of injuries dangerous to life are: all cause a bodily injury as the accused knew to be
head injuries showing signs of compression, likely to cause death or that such bodily injury
compound fracture of skull, burns involving was in the ordinary course of nature to cause
>1/3rd of total body surface area, haemorrhage death, or that the accused attempted to cause
>1litre, injury to a large blood vessel, laceration such death by doing an act known to him to be
of any visceral organ, penetrating wound to any so imminently dangerous that it must in all
of the body cavity, any neck wound, injury to probability cause death or such bodily injury as
spinal cord at the upper cervical cord level, is likely to cause death; and lastly that the
combined effects of number of injuries, none of accused had no excuse for incurring the risk of
which by itself and alone may be sufficient to causing such death or injury.”
cause death, but may cause it by their For liability under section 307, the
cumulative effects rupture of internal viscus, prosecution has to prove the following facts:
thrusting of lathi into the anus, injuries which “(1) That the accused did an act, and (2) that the
cause vasovagal shock etc.8 Apart from these act was done with such intention or knowledge
injuries described, for declaring the injury and under such circumstances that if he by that
‘dangerous to life’ , the doctor may take into act caused death he would be guilty of murder. If

J Indian Acad Forensic Med. July – Sept. 2017, Vol. 39, No. 3 ISSN 0971-0973

hurt is caused by such act, the offender In case Tej Ram vs. state of Punjab
becomes liable to imprisonment for life, and State of Punjab v. Tara Singh, that the injury
otherwise the maximum term of imprisonment described by the doctor as 'dangerous to life'
prescribed is 10 years. Thus the section itself and if not treated i.e. to say that but for timely
does not take into consideration the effect of the and medical aid the injured was likely to die.
act of the accused except as a measure of Such type of injury/opinion is not the type of the
sentence to be imposed upon him.” injury as would attract the provisions of Section
“In State of Maharashtra v. Balram 307 Indian Penal Code, which envisages an
Ваmа Patil it was observed that to justify a injury sufficient in the ordinary course of nature
conviction under Section 307, it is not essential to cause death, such injury would fall within the
that bodily injury capable of causing death ambit of clause Eighthly of Section 320 Indian
should have been inflicted. Although the nature Penal Code, would be punishable under Section
of injury actually caused may often give 326 Indian Penal Code and in view of such
considerable assistance in coming to a finding opinion, charge under Section 307 Indian Penal
as to the intention of the accused, such intention Code cannot be sustained." To bring an offence
may also be deduced from other circumstances, under Section 307 Indian Penal Code, the
and may even, in some cases, be ascertained prosecution is required to prove that the accused
without any reference at all to actual wounds.”12 had an intention to commit murder of injured.
“The Section makes a distinction This intention could be gathered either from the
between an act of the accused and its result, if act of the accused or from the impact of the
any. Such an act may not be attended by any injuries. 14, 15
result so far as the person assaulted is An identical question and the distinction
concerned, but still there may be cases in which between the words "dangerous to life" and
the culprit would be liable under this Section. It is "endangering life" came to be determined by a
not necessary that the injury actually caused to Division Bench of the Court in Atma Singh v.
the victim of the assault should be sufficient The State of Punjab and it was held as under:-
under ordinary circumstances to cause the death "Held that the expression 'dangerous' is an
of the person assaulted. What the Court has to adjective and the expression 'endanger' is verb.
see is whether the act, irrespective of its result, An injury which can put life in
was done with the intention or knowledge and immediate danger of death would be an injury
under circumstances mentioned in the Section. which can be termed as 'dangerous to life' and,
An attempt in order to be criminal need not be therefore, when a doctor describes an injury as
the penultimate act. It is sufficient in law, if there 'dangerous to life', he means an injury which
is present an intent coupled with some overt act endangers life in term of clause 8 of Section
in execution thereof. Therefore, an accused 320IPC, for, it describes the injury 'dangerous
charged under Section 307 IPC cannot be to life' only for the purpose of the said clause. He
acquitted merely because the injuries inflicted on instead of using the expression that this was an
the victim were in the nature of a simple hurt.” injury which 'endangered life' described it as
This position was highlighted in Girija Shanker v. 'dangerous to life', meaning both the time the
State of Uttar Pradesh (2004 (3) SCC 793), R. same thing”.
Parkash v. State of Karnataka (JT 2004 (2) SC Even the Courts at times have
348) and State of M.P. v. Saleem @ Chamaru considered an injury described as dangerous
and Anr. (2005 (5) SCC 554) and, State of to life as an injury envisage in clause Eighthly
Madhya Pradesh v. Imrat and Anr. 2008 (11) of Section 320 of the Indian Penal Code. In this
SCC 523. regard, reference can be made to Muhammad
In Sarju Prasad v. State of Bihar it was Rafi Versus Emperor and Jai Narain Mishra &
observed in para 6 that the mere fact that the Others Versus State of Bihar.17, 18
injury actually inflicted by the accused did not cut In Ganga Ram vs State of Rajasthan
any vital organ of the victim, is not by itself and Roopa v. State of Rajasthan the court
sufficient to take the act out of the purview of clearly defines the injury ‘dangerous to life’ and
Section 307.13

J Indian Acad Forensic Med. July – Sept. 2017, Vol. 39, No. 3 ISSN 0971-0973

the responsibilities of a doctor and court in this of nature envisaged by clause Thirdly of Section
matter.19, 20 300 IPC. When a doctor describes an injury as
“In Hardev Singh @ Deba Son Of Assa "dangerous to life", one has to see what had the
... vs State Of Punjab the court relied on the doctor intended to convey thereby. Is it one to
judgement of Atma Ram's case that the Court is hold that since injury has not been described by
not absolved of the responsibility, while deciding the doctor as one which "endangered life", so
a criminal case to form its own conclusion the concerned injury cannot be held to be
regarding the nature of the injury, Expert's grievous on the specious ground that an injury
opinion notwithstanding. The Court has to see described as "dangerous to life" is not as serious
the nature and dimension of the injury, its an injury which "endagers life". Therefore, in
location and the damage that it has caused. order to appreciate whether in the
Even when an injury is described as to be one circumstances, offence under Section 307 IPC is
which endangers the life, the court has to apply made out; the injuries are to be of kind as
its own mind and form its own opinion in regard mentioned in Section 300 IPC except that death
to the nature of injury, having regard to the has not occurred.”
factors that should weigh with the Court, already The question of intention to kill or the
mentioned. It was also held that wherever a knowledge of death in terms of section 307 is a
doctor describes an injury as 'dangerous to life' question of fact and not one of law. It would all
and the nature of the injuries is such which could depend on the facts of a given case and
merit such a conclusion, then such an injury has secondly, the important thing to be borne in mind
to be treated as 'grievous hurt' of the description in determining the question whether an offence
mentioned in first portion of clause (8) of Section under section 307, is made out is the intention
320 of the IPC.”21 and not the injury (even if simple or minor);
Whatever might have been the judicial Vasant Virthu Jadhav v. State of Maharashtra.24
conflict on this subject, it has been set at rest by Discussion & Conclusion:
the two decisions of the Supreme Court, namely; The main question arise is why we want
Sarju Prasad v. State of Bihar and Om Prakash to discuss this section in such a detail. The
v. State of Punjab. In both these cases the answer lies in its complexity and practical
observations made by Beaumont C.J. were problems which arise in day to day opinion
quoted in extenso and were approved. In these formation regarding nature of injury. The medical
circumstances, it is not necessary for a practitioners have to use their medical
conviction under Section 307, Penal Code, that knowledge and skill to identify and classify these
the injury actually inflicted should be sufficient in injuries, different causative weapons or means
the ordinary course of nature to cause death or for making very useful medicolegal reports and
that it should be on any vital organ.13, 22 on a later date to act as competent expert
“In Atma Singh v. The State of Punjab, witness in the courts of law.
1982 Division Bench of the Court held that when Earlier the question asked by the I.O. is
the doctor is required to carry out medico-legal to give opinion regarding nature of injuries but
examination of the injury suffered in a criminal now a days, the I.O. specifically asked whether
assault, he is required to examine the injury from the injuries are dangerous to life or not. This is
two stand points i.e. 1) for the purpose of opining due to the fact that after certifying the injuries
the kind of weapon used to inflict the injury in dangerous to life the I.O. can apply Section 307
question and (2ndly) to form an opinion to the accused party without any hesitation.
regarding the degree of seriousness of the injury Neither the IPC or CrPC or the IEA or police
in question. The Indian Penal Code recognises manual insists that there should be the opinion
from the stand point of seriousness only four of a medical officer as a condition precedent to
types of injuries (1) simple injuries (2) convicting a person for an offence U/S 307 IPC.
grievous injuries (3) injuries of the kind inflicted Thus, the police official is saved from charges of
with intent to commit murder described in clause partiality as they say the doctor gave the
Firstly and 2ndly of Section 300 IPC (4) injury particular opinion because of which this section
sufficient to cause death in the ordinary course is applied. However, after through perusal of the

J Indian Acad Forensic Med. July – Sept. 2017, Vol. 39, No. 3 ISSN 0971-0973

above section in detail and different court about ‘dangerous to life’. If one of the parties
judgements we’re of the opinion that nature of gets the required comment on the particular
injury is of less importance in deciding the MLR, the other party soon ask for re-opinion by
culpability of this offence, it mainly depends board of doctors or by medical college experts.
upon the facts and circumstances of each case Thus, this vicious cycle continues.
whether the accused had the intention to cause As it has been already been mentioned
death or knew in the circumstances that his act in this article in detail about the definition and
was going to cause death. The nature and type consequences of the section 307 and nature and
of the weapon used, the intention showed by the complication of the comment ‘dangerous to life’,
accused at the time of the act, the purpose for so in the end, we can concur that it would be
the commission of the offence, the nature and prudent to give opinion as grievous injury
size of the injuries and the parts of the body of (endanger to life) rather than dangerous to life
the victim on which the injuries inflicted are which is far more critical, confusing and less
important factors which may be taken into specific. There was no provision in the Indian
thought in coming to a finding whether in a Penal Code which envisages or refers to an
particular case the accused can be convicted of injury described as "dangerous to life". As a
an attempt to murder or not. An offence under medical practitioner and forensic expert we owe
Section 307 IPC is a grave offence and it a duty towards the society, when we know that
requires same very factors as an offence under our opinion has far reaching consequence on a
Section 302 IPC except that it just falls short of person’s life and any mistake could jeopardise
death of the victim. person’s future. So, instead of giving rash
Most of the medical board cases which opinion we should stick to better one so that in
are coming to the Deptt. of forensic medicine in the court of law better judgement prevails and be
State of Haryana for second opinion or sure to know your words before you write them
remedical examination belongs to such category down. Ending this article remembering the words
i.e. to opine whether the injuries are dangerous of Buddha, ‘If you truly loved yourself, you could
to life or not. As the primary opinion is given by never hurt anyone.’
the Medical officer sitting in the periphery, these Conflict of Interest: None
cases (section 307, 323 to 326) amounts to bulk Financial Assistance: None
of the cases which are brought forwarded for References:
reopinion in the court of law and in police station. 1. Indian Penal Code, Act No. 45 of Year 1860.
The concept of injury dangerous to life being not
2. Dikshit P C. Textbook of forensic medicine and
very precise, it is necessary that the medical toxicology. 2nd ed. Pee Pee publishers and
witness should not remain content with making distributors (P) Ltd: Delhi; 2007. p. 275
bald statement that the injury in a particular case
3. http://www.shareyouressays.com/119089/punish
is dangerous to human life.19 Because of this
there are subjective variations present in each of-ipc
case as compared to grievous injuries and thus,
the chances of making errors by the doctor 4. Kannan K, Mathiharan K, Eds. Modi A textbook of
19 medical jurisprudence and toxicology. 24th ed.
increases. While there may be cases which
Lexis Nexis: Nagpur; 2012. p.559.
can be easily placed cither in the category of
injury dangerous to life or in the other category, 5. Karmakar RN, editor. J.B. Mukherjee‟s forensic
there may be marginal and border line eases medicine and toxicology. 3rd ed. Academic
where it may be very difficult to categorise publishers: Kolkata; 2007.p.285.
the injuries as dangerous to life or not and in 6. Vij K. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 4th ed.
such cases the medical experts may also differ. Elsevier publication: New Delhi; 2005. p. 209.
Also, because of complexity and gruesome 7. Biswas G. Review of forensic medicine and
nature of this section wrongful detention is quite toxicology. 3rd ed. Jaypee brothers medical
common and many a times accused and publishers: New Delhi; 2015.p.297-8.
complainant parties used to offer large sum of
money to doctor and police official to comment

J Indian Acad Forensic Med. July – Sept. 2017, Vol. 39, No. 3 ISSN 0971-0973

8. Aggrawal A. Textbook of forensic medicine and 17. Muhammad Rafi Versus Emperor, AIR 1930
toxicology. 1st ed. Avichal publishing company: Lahore 305
New Delhi; 2014.p.211-2.
18. Jai Narain Mishra & Others Versus State of Bihar,
9. Empress of India v. Idu Beg ILR (1881) 3 All 776. 1972 Criminal Appeal Reporter 19(S.C.)
10. Criminal Misc.Application (for quashing & set 19. Ganga Ram vs State of Rajasthan on 17 March,
aside FIR/order) no. 3120 of 2014, Gujarat High 1966, 1968 CriLJ 134 (1)
20. Roopa v. State of Rajasthan AIR 1966 Raj 68
11. https://articlesonlaw.wordpress.com/2015/03/27/t
21. Hardev Singh @ Deba Son of Assa ... vs State Of
Punjab on 1 April, 2013 CRA No.942-SB OF
12. State of Maharashtra v. Balram Ваmа Pate [AIR 2001.
1983 SC 305]
22. Om Prakash v. State of Punjab 1961 AIR 1782,
13. Sarju Prasad v. State of Bihar (AIR 1965 SC 843) 1962 SCR (2) 254
14. Tej Ram vs. The state of Punjab, 1987 (1) RCR 23. Surinder Kumar vs Sunil Kumar and Others on 22
(Criminal) 611: 1978 (6) CLR, 76 February, 2012 CRM No.16008 of 2011 and
CRM No. A-289-MA of 2011 (O&M)
15. State of Punjab v. Tara Singh, 1987 (1) Recent
Criminal Reports (Criminal) 184 24. Vasant Virthu Jadhav v. State of Maharashtra,
(1997) 2 Crimes 539 (Bom)
16. Atma Singh v. The State of Punjab, 1982 (2) CLR

Contd From Page No. 282

Figure 3 Response to Q. 3 Figure 5 Response to Q. 5
3. For a proper demonstration of autopsy how 5. For conducting the autopsy
would you prepare before actual
following is must?
demonstration of autopsy?

11 A. By lectures of the A. Inquest

20 B. Seniors- 3 (2.15%) 0 3(2.15%)
3 1
3 B. Mortuary-
100 1
C. Internet- 20(14.3%) 0

D. Books- 11(7.91%)
C. Forensic
Figure 4 Response to Q. 4 1(0.7%)
4. In mortuary respect for the dead Instruments-
body is shown by? 1(0.7%)
A. Handling the body
gently- 7(5.03%) All of the
5 1
7 B. Make less noise- 129(92.8%)
C. Cleaning thoroughly
121 after autopsy is done-
1 (0.7%)
D. All of the above -

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