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Learner Assessment Tasks

BSBADM502 Manage meetings

BSBADM502 Manage meetings Learner Assessment Tasks

BSBADM502_ Learner Assessment Tasks V1.0 (9 September2019)

Richmond School of Business | CRICOS Code: 03717E | RTO Code: 45432 2
BSBADM502 Manage meetings Learner Assessment Tasks

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2
Assessment Information 3
Assessment Instructions 5
Student Assessment Agreement 6
Assessment Task 1 Cover Sheet 7
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions 8
Assessment Task 1 Instructions 10
Assessment Task 1 Checklist 12
Assessment Task 2 Cover Sheet 13
Assessment Task 2: Formal meeting project 14
Assessment Task 2 Instructions 16
Assessment Task 2 Checklist 22
Assessment Task 3 Cover Sheet 24
Assessment Task 3: Informal meeting project 25
Assessment Task 3 Instructions 26
Assessment Task 3 Checklist 29

BSBADM502_ Learner Assessment Tasks V1.0 (9 September2019)

Richmond School of Business | CRICOS Code: 03717E | RTO Code: 45432 3
BSBADM502 Manage meetings Learner Assessment Tasks

Assessment Information

The assessment tasks for BSBADM502 Manage meetings are included in this Student Assessment Tasks
booklet and outlined in the assessment plan below.

To be assessed as competent for this unit, you must complete all of the assessment tasks satisfactorily.

Assessment Plan

Assessment Task Overview

1. Written questions You must correctly answer all questions.
2. Formal meeting project You must prepare for, and conduct, a formal meeting.
3. Informal meeting project You must prepare for, and conduct, an informal meeting.

Assessment Preparation
Please read through this assessment thoroughly before beginning any tasks. Ask your assessor for
clarification if you have any questions at all.

When you have read and understood this unit’s assessment tasks, print out the Student Assessment
Agreement. Fill it out, sign it, and hand it to your assessor, who will countersign it and then keep it on file.

Keep a copy of all of your work, as the work submitted to your assessor will not be returned to you.

Assessment appeals
If you do not agree with an assessment decision, you can make an assessment appeal as per your RTO’s
assessment appeals process.

You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel you have been dealt with
unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.

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Richmond School of Business | CRICOS Code: 03717E | RTO Code: 45432 4
BSBADM502 Manage meetings Learner Assessment Tasks

Naming electronic documents

It is important that you name the documents that you create for this Assessment Task in a logical manner.
Each should include:
 Course identification code
 Assessment Task number
 Document title (if appropriate)
 Student name
 Date it was created
For example, BSBADM502 AT2 Meeting Agenda Joan Smith 20/10/18

Additional Resources
You will be provided with the following resources before you begin each Assessment Task.

Assessment Task 2
 Meeting Policy and Procedures
 Meeting Agenda Template
 Meeting Minutes Template
 Draft Conference Program

Assessment Task 3
 Meeting Policy and Procedures

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings Learner Assessment Tasks

Assessment Instructions

Each assessment task in this booklet consists of the following:

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

This must be filled out, signed and submitted together with your assessment responses.
If you are submitting hardcopy, the Cover Sheet should be the first page of each task’s submission.
If you are submitting electronically, print out the cover sheet, fill it out and sign it, then scan this and submit
the file.

The Assessment Task Cover Sheet will be returned to you with the outcome of the assessment, which will
be satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U). If your work has been assessed as being not satisfactory, your
assessor will include written feedback in the Assessment Task Cover Sheet giving reasons why. Your
assessor will also discuss this verbally with you and provide advice on re-assessment opportunities as per
your RTO’s re-assessment policy.

Depending on the task, this may include

 resubmitting incorrect answers to questions (such as short answer questions and case studies)
 resubmitting part or all of a project, depending on how the error impacts on the total outcome of the
 redoing a role play after being provided with appropriate feedback about your performance
 being observed a second (or third time) undertaking any tasks/activities that were not satisfactorily
completed the first time, after being provided with appropriate feedback.

Assessment Task Information

This gives you:
 a summary of the assessment task
 information on the resources to be used
 submission requirements
 re-submission opportunities if required

Assessment Task Instructions

These give questions to answer or tasks which are to be completed.
Your answers need to be typed up using software as indicated in the Assessment Task Instructions.

Copy and paste each task’s instructions into a new document and use this as the basis for your assessment
task submission. Include this document’s header and footer.

If you are submitting electronically, give the document a file name that includes the unit identification
number, the task number, your name and the date.

This will be used by your assessor to mark your assessment. Read through this as part of your preparation
before beginning the assessment task. It will give you a good idea of what your assessor will be looking for
when marking your responses.

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Student Assessment Agreement

Make sure you read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement

If there is anything that you are unsure of, consult your assessor prior to signing this agreement.

Have you read the assessment requirements for this unit?  Yes  No
Do you understand the requirements of the assessments for this unit?  Yes  No
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed?  Yes  No
Do you have any specific needs that should be considered?  Yes  No
If so, explain these in the space below.

Do you understand your rights to re-assessment?  Yes  No

Do you understand your right to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?  Yes  No

Student name

Student number

Student signature


Assessor name

Assessor signature


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BSBADM502 Manage meetings Learner Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 1 Cover Sheet

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

 I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded
with any other student(s).
 I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me
according to the process explained to me.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
Student name

Student ID number

Student signature


Assessor declaration
 I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried
out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor name

Assessor signature


Assessment outcome S NS DNS Resubmission Y N


Student result response

 My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.
 I would like to appeal this assessment decision.
Student signature


A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

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Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Task summary
This is an open book test, to be completed in the classroom.
A time limit of 1 hour to answer the questions is provided.
You need to answer all of the written questions correctly.
Your answers must be word processed and sent to the assessor as an email attachment. 

 Access to textbooks/other learning materials
 Computer and Microsoft Office
 Access to the internet

 Answers to all questions

Assessment criteria
All questions must be answered correctly in order for you to be assessed as having completed the task

Re-submission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have
satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you
written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance.
Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with
unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any
part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of
the assessment.

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Written answer question guidance

The following written questions use a range of “instructional words” such as “identify” or “explain”, which tell
you how you should answer the question. Use the definitions below to assist you to provide the type of
response expected.
Note that the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.

Analyse – when a question asks you to analyse something, you should do so in detail, and identify
important points and key features. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs

Compare – when a question asks you to compare something, you will need to show how two or more things
are similar, ensuring that you also indicate the relevance of the consequences. Generally, you are expected
to write a response one or two paragraphs long.

Contrast – when a question asks you to contrast something, you will need to show how two or more things
are different, ensuring you indicate the relevance or the consequences. Generally, you are expected to write
a response one or two paragraphs long.

Discuss – when a question asks you to discuss something, you are required to point out important issues or
features and express some form of critical judgement. Generally, you are expected to write a response one
or two paragraphs long.

Describe – when a question asks you to describe something, you should state the most noticeable qualities
or features. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three sentences long.

Evaluate – when a question asks you to evaluate something, you should put forward arguments for and
against something. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.

Examine – when a question asks you to examine something, this is similar to “analyse”, where you should
provide a detailed response with key points and features and provide critical analysis. Generally, you are
expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.

Explain – when a question asks you to explain something, you should make clear how or why something
happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three sentences long.

Identify – when a question asks you to identify something, this means that you are asked to briefly describe
the required information. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three sentences long.

List – when a question asks you to list something, this means that you are asked to briefly state information
in a list format.

Outline – when a question asks you to outline something, this means giving only the main points. Generally,
you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.

Summarise – when a question asks you to summarise something, this means (like “outline”) only giving the
main points. Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.

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Assessment Task 1 Instructions

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1,2,3,4,5 start done

1. Provide an explanation of each of the following meeting terminology:

a. Quorum
b. Procedural motion
c. Proxy
d. Conflict of interest

Quorum: A quorum refers to the minimum acceptable level of individuals with a vested interest in a
company needed to make the proceedings of a meeting valid under the corporate charter. This clause or
general agreement ensures there is sufficient representation present at meetings before any changes can
be made by the board.

Procedural motion: Procedural motions relate to how the meeting is conducted. These motions are designed
to allow for the smooth transaction of business during a meeting, but they can be used to disrupt and prolong

Proxy: A proxy is an agent legally authorized to act on behalf of another party or a format that allows an
investor to vote without being physically present at the meeting.

Conflict of interest: A conflict of interest occurs when an entity or individual becomes unreliable because of
a clash between personal (or self-serving) interests and professional duties or responsibilities

Quorum: Quorum is figuring out what number speaks to a larger part in your association. A straightforward
lion's share is the most ideal approach to decide a majority in the event that you don't have a specific
number officially recorded in the by-laws. Discover the all-out participation of your association, and after that
isolate that number so as to have one number more noteworthy than the other by one.

Procedural motion: Procedural Motions can bring new business before the assembly or consist of:
 Numerous other proposals to take procedural steps or carry out other actions relating to a pending
 To the assembly itself such as taking a recess.

 Authority or power to act for another
 a document giving such authority specifically 
 a power of attorney authorizing a specified person to vote corporate stock

Conflict of interest: A conflict of interest is a situation in which an individual has competing interests or

loyalties. A conflict of interest can exist in many different situations.

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A. Quorum: Quorum is the minimum number of members that must be present in a meeting to make
the meeting legally valid. Any decision passed without fulfilling quorum in a meeting has no legal
B. Procedural Motion: Procedural motion is a formal process of bringing attention to a certain matter
while the meeting is going on. They are designed to make a meeting smooth and fruitful but they are
also used to disrupt and prolong affairs by unsatisfied members.
C. Proxy: When a certain member is unable to attend a meeting, s/he has the rights to send another
person as his/her representative. This process is called as Proxy. Proxy allows an absent members
representative to speak and vote on behalf of him/her.
D. Conflict of Interest: Conflict of interest is a term used to describe a situation when a party has two or
more interests and serving one could mean working against another interest. This type of situation
mostly occurs when a person is involved with two different businesses. It may lead to distrust
between members of a same group which is very harmful for successful work environment.

a. Quorum

The minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to
make the proceedings of that meeting valid

b. Procedural motion
Procedural motions relate to how the meeting is conducted. These motions are designed to allow for the
smooth transaction of business during a meeting, but they can be used to disrupt and prolong affairs.

c. Proxy
The authority to represent someone else, especially in voting

d. Conflict of interest- A conflict of interest arises when the interests of a member of the
management committee/board are in conflict with the interests of the organisation they
are helping to govern.
Examples of a conflict of interest may include: influencing the recruitment, selection,
appointment or promotion of employees. Impinging on employment related decisions
where one employee is in a supervisory relationship to another.

A. Quorum

Minimum number (or percentage of those invited) required to be at a meeting for it to proceed legitimately.
The minimum number of members of an assembly or society that must be present at any of its meetings to
make the proceedings of that meeting valid.

B. procedural motion

A motion aimed at changing the sequence or timing of events at a meeting, rather than one which
addresses an agenda item. Procedural motions relate to how the meeting is conducted. These motions are
designed to allow for the smooth transaction of business during a meeting, but they can be used to disrupt
and prolong affairs.

C. Proxy

The authority to symbolize a person else, especially in balloting

D. Conflict of interest

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- A struggle of interest arises while the hobbies of a member of the control committee/board are in battle
with the pursuits of the corporation they're supporting to control.
Examples of a conflict of hobby may also consist of: influencing the recruitment, selection, appointment or
promoting of personnel. Impinging on employment related selections in which one employee is in a
supervisory courting to every other

2. Outline a meeting structure for a formal meeting.

Agenda sets out the structure of the meeting. Minutes are a formal record of the events which occur
during a meeting. Motion is a proposal or a suggestion within a meeting. Chairperson the
chairperson is in charge of the meeting and decides who can speak and when.

 Apologies for absence.

 Date
 Start Time - End Time
 List of Invitees
 Minutes of last meeting.
 Matters arising
 Training & Development
 Report on Funding.
 Finance & Equipment
 Time and date of next meeting.

Formal meeting is a pre-planned gathering of two or more people who have assembled for discussing on a
common topic Formal meeting is mostly done through verbal interaction. Here is a brief outline of a formal
meeting structure.

Step 1: Set objectives

A clear objective will encourage people to attend the meeting because they're going to understand its intent.
It also will set the inspiration for a focused meeting.

Meetings usually have one among two objectives - to tell or to make a decision. "Discussion" isn't a
gathering objective. For instance, "to determine the market positioning for Series 2006 trade advertising" is
an efficient objective. It focused and clearly announces the aim of the meeting.

Step 2: Assemble attendees

Create an inventory of who must attend this meeting. Think twice about whether or not someone must be
within the room for the duration of the meeting (perhaps they will join you via call or for one specific topic).
Remember, if you waste someone's time, he or she is going to be less likely to attend and participate within
the next meeting you run.

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Step 3: Create an agenda

An agenda may be a list of the key items to review so as to satisfy your objective. It is often something you
employ for yourself or distribute at the meeting. The upside of handing out an agenda is that it provides a
script for people to follow. The downside is that it's going to distract your attendees; it could tempt them to
leap to issues you're not able to cover. For instance, if the fifth bullet down is engineering, the engineers
within the room might want to leap right thereto. If you would like to resolve other issues first you'll want to
stay the agenda to yourself. If you're running a standing meeting you'll use your project timeline as your

Step 4: Maintain control

Once the meeting has begun, it's your responsibility to stay it moving and keep it focused.

Step 5: Follow up

Once the meeting has ended, you continue to have worked to try to.

Put together and distribute an action list summarizing what was covered, what was resolved, and what
actions got to be taken for issues requiring further clarification. This could come straight from the meeting

1- A Formal Meeting Structure

Start Time - End Time

Description of Meeting [type of meeting]

Name of Meeting Facilitator

List of Invitees:
1. xx
2. xx
3. xx
Please Read: [documents to be read before meeting]
Please Bring: [documents to be brought to meeting]

Time Activity 1 Location
Time Activity 2 Location
Time Activity 3 Location

Additional instructions:

 Agenda
 Minutes
 Motion
 Chairperson
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3. Outline a meeting structure for an informal meeting.

 Schedule the meeting

 Location

 Make room arrangements

 Purpose and aims

 Date
 Time
 Location
 Attendees
 Explain the motivation behind the gathering.
 Facilitate the session and request thoughts/contribution from the gathering.
 Discuss thoughts/input.
 Come to an accord about moves to be made

An informal meeting is a causal gathering between two or more persons without solid structure and plans. It
is mostly held to discuss on small matters. Here is a brief outline of an informal meeting structure.

Step 1 Prepare: Gather all the facts before inviting the worker to debate specific concerns.

 Identify specific examples to draw upon within the meeting e.g. details of conduct or performance

 Choose a personal location and supply adequate time to discuss/explore the problems.

 Notify employee of informal meeting, via face to face communications, or phone/email.

 Briefly identify what you would like to debate at the meeting.

Step 2 Meet: Hold an informal meeting, advising that this an informal meeting aimed at supporting the
individual in addressing specific concerns and/or reaching and maintaining necessary

Step 3 Explain & Explore Issues: Constructively explain concerns/issues (i.e. shortfall), provide factual
examples and permit the worker the chance to supply any explanations (which should be subsequently
followed up and checked, where appropriate).

 Outline the impact these concerns are having on the department/area of labor.

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 Ensure that some regeneration is provided, where possible.

 Together explore any potential causes and any special circumstances. The employee's
views/perception of all matters involved should be taken fully under consideration, and any
additional or alternative evidence considered.

 Acknowledge any factors beyond the employee's control.

 Explain any required standards or expectations which aren't being met.

 Explore possible reasons/specific problems/underlying issues preventing improvement.

 Explore how issues can be addressed. Consider any suggestions the worker may offer to deal with
the concerns.

 Clearly explain relevant expectations and therefore the need for sustained improvement.

Step 4: Agree Outcome: Together discuss and agree any follow up action/targets/SMART objectives and
responsibilities for attaining a sustained improvement and therefore the proposed timescales, including
period of monitoring/review, (as appropriate). See Top Tips: Setting and agreeing objectives and standards
for existing employees.

 Generate an Improvement Support Plan (ISP)/consider any reasonable adjustments (as

appropriate). See ISP Template.

 Consider any possible needs for further development (i.e. training) if relevant.

 Consider needing for external support (Workplace Health & Wellbeing etc).

 Explain that insufficient sustained improvement, within the time-scales defined, may cause more
formal action.

 Outline formal stage if improvement isn't reached/situation not remedied. (Refer to relevant

Informal Meeting Structure

Date: xxxx
Time: xxx
Location: xxx
Attendees: xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx

Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3

 Meeting attendees

 Date and time

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 Location

 Purpose

 Meeting minutes

4. Outline at least three key arrangements that need to be made for a meeting.

Make room arrangements

Arrange for recorder
Circulate supporting information

Location – Where the meeting will be held.

Participants – Who will be invited to attend the meeting
Equipment – Are any pieces of specialist equipment needed at all as part of the meeting

The arrangements for a meeting are the things which need to be done before a meeting takes place, in
order to ensure that the meeting is able to happen, that all of the participants are able to attend and all of the
resources which are needed for the meeting are available.

Key Arrangements

•Location – Where the meeting will be held.

•Participants – Who will be invited to attend the meeting?

•Equipment – Are any pieces of specialist equipment needed at all as part of the meeting?

•Agenda – It is important that you organize the agenda before the meeting, in order to ensure that the
meeting has appropriate structure.

Meeting arrangements will include:

Organizing a venue
Check out the venue in person or get someone you trust to do it. Consider:

 Size – enough room for everyone together, plus space for break-out groups.
 Suitability of furniture and facilities – number of chairs and tables, comfort, equipment availability,
location of power points, parking, access for disabled.
 Location – travel times, transport to venue. Is it near your project? Easy to find?
 Lighting/blackout for slides and overheads, heating and fresh air.
 Acoustics and background noise levels from the street or other meeting rooms.
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 Space for childcare or children’s activities if a family-oriented event.

 Access to refreshment facilities and toilets.
 Space for displays and other information.
 Occupational, safety and health hazards – undertake a site inspection prior to the event.
 Accommodation if required – at a standard and price that suits the audience.
 A back-up venue, especially if meeting is on a marae, as a tangi will take precedence

Setting a date and time

For a meeting or small event, try to give people two weeks’ advance notice. For more significant events,
such as an all-day field trip, you may want to give a month’s notice and request an RSVP. Follow this up 3–5
days before the event with a phone around or further general publicity.

Consider organizing a ‘telephone tree’ to share the load or focus on people you think are critical to the
success of your project. Sending out personally addressed invitations works well. Make sure you include a
map if directions are required and list clothing needs for field trips.

Hold the meeting or event at a convenient time for everyone. Consider school hours, and the time of the
year (avoids lambing, calving, planting or harvest if working with farmers!) Avoid clashes with other events
or major projects.

Consider how long you need to achieve your purpose and how far people might have to travel. If a half-day
is suitable, invite people to bring lunch and start afterwards, or hold the event in the morning and finish with
lunch. If your audience includes dairy farmers, consider milking and travel times, and start evening events

Organizing equipment and materials

Identify handouts for photocopying, such as copies of slides or speaker’s notes.

Identify any background information you want to display.
Prepare a clipboard and contact sheet for registration.
Identify the equipment that you, the facilitator, presenter(s) and caterers may need (refer to the checklist).
Make up a kit/bag to take to meetings and events with any materials you might need (see the checklist for

Meeting preparations will encompass:

Organizing a venue

Test out the venue in man or woman or get someone you agree with to do it. remember:

 length – sufficient room for anyone collectively, plus space for destroy-out groups.

 Suitability of furnishings and centers – range of chairs and tables, comfort, gadget availability,
place of energy factors, parking, get admission to for disabled.

 location – travel instances, transport to venue. Is it close to your assignment? smooth to locate?

 lights/blackout for slides and overheads, heating and fresh air.

 Acoustics and history noise stages from the road or other assembly rooms.

 Area for childcare or youngster’s sports if a own family-oriented event.

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 Get entry to refreshment facilities and lavatories.

 Space for shows and different statistics.

 Occupational, protection and fitness hazards – undertake a website inspection previous to the

 Accommodation if required – at a fashionable and price that suits the audience.

 A back-up venue, mainly if meeting is on a mare, as a tangy will take precedence

Meeting a date and time

For a meeting or small occasion, try to deliver humans two weeks’ strengthen be aware. For greater
massive events, such as an all-day subject journey, you can want to provide a month’s word and request an
RSVP. comply with this up three–five days before the occasion with a phone round or in addition trendy

recall organizing a ‘phone tree’ to percentage the weight or awareness on people you think are vital to the
achievement of your mission. Sending out in my view addressed invitations works nicely. make certain you
include a map if guidelines are required and list garb desires for discipline trips.

maintain the meeting or occasion at a convenient time for each person. remember faculty hours, and the
time of the 12 months (avoids lambing, calving, planting or harvest if running with farmers!) avoid clashes
with different activities or foremost tasks.

take into account how lengthy you need to gain your purpose and the way far human beings might have to
journey. If a half-day is appropriate, invite human beings to bring lunch and begin afterwards, or preserve
the occasion inside the morning and end with lunch. in case your audience includes dairy farmers, keep in
mind milking and tour instances, and start night activities early.

Organizing equipment and materials

Become aware of handouts for photocopying, consisting of copies of slides or speaker’s notes.

become aware of any background records you want to show.

put together a clipboard and contact sheet for registration.

perceive the device that you, the facilitator, presenter(s) and caterers may additionally want (refer to the tick
list). Make up a package/bag to take to meetings and occasions with any materials you might need (see the
checklist for ideas).

 Clarify purpose and aims

 Create an agenda
 Schedule the meeting

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5. Outline two responsibilities of a Chairperson prior to a meeting.

Select the most appropriate time and place for the meeting.

Set a well thought out and timely agenda.

To provide leadership

The overarching role of the chairperson is to provide leadership; they must be an effective strategist and a
good networker.   

To ensure the Management Committee functions properly

The Chairperson is responsible for making sure that each meeting is planned effectively, conducted
according to the constitution and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner. 

Chairperson is the person who controls and maintains order in the meeting. Prior to a meeting, any two
responsibilities of a Chairperson are as follows:
a. Organize everything according to the agenda
b. Welcome the attendants and make sure all the important members are present

 The chair controls the meeting.

 All remarks are addressed through the chair.
 Sum up all of the items on the agenda, giving each one the time you feel represented its
significance to the overall debate.
 Members aim to reach a consensus.

The chairperson should avail agenda of the meeting to the participants

Consult with the secretary and the other company directors concerning the issues to be discussed during
the meeting.

The chairperson should meet with the secretary to discuss any matters the meeting will cover

 Set agenda

 Decide attendees

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6. Outline three important aspects of a Chairperson’s job during a meeting.

Indicate progress, or lack of.

Refocus discussion that has wandered off the point.
Conclude one point and lead into the next.
Highlight important points.
Assist the secretary if necessary.
Clarify any misunderstanding.

 Start the gathering on time – the Chairperson must ensure the gathering begins on time as generally
this can effect on other work duties.
 Clarify jobs and duties – the Chairperson clears up the jobs and obligations of every one of those
engaged with the gathering, for example, their own job to seat the gathering. They may name a moment
taker to take notes.
 Establish standard procedures and rules – for instance, encouraging members to hear each out other
and not to intrude.

A chairperson is responsible for leading a meeting in accordance with plan and meet its objectives. For this,
three most important aspects of his/her job to make a fruitful meeting are as follows:
a. Chairperson should represent the company and ensure fairness and equality in the meeting.
b. It is Chairperson’s job to make sure that the conventions of the meeting are being followed.
c. After formatting a formal minute, Chairperson needs to approve it or reject it to ensure they are
correct representation of the meeting.

 Ensure you establish control from the outset.

 Keep the meeting focused and on time, and encourage participation and contributions from
 Agree and minute all the key points and actions with timeframe and accountability detailed.
 Ensure unresolved items or non-agenda items raised during the meeting are noted for later

 The Chairperson should ensure that the participants follow the agenda.

 The Chairperson should ensure that the participants of meeting are present, and note down any

 The Chairperson should ensure that any voting that takes place is fair, and noted down accordingly

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 Lead the meeting.

 Maintain order at the meeting.

 Ensure that the rules of the meeting are followed

7. Explain why it is important for a Chairperson to monitor the participation of all those involved in
a meeting.

The Chairperson is responsible for making sure that each meeting is planned effectively, conducted
according to the constitution and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner.
The Chairperson must make the most of all his/her committee members, building and leading the team.

At the point when discourse is in progress, it is the director's obligation to guarantee that it keeps on
streaming easily by including all individuals present and by not allowing a couple of individuals to overwhelm
the gathering. Outlining by the administrator amid gatherings can:
 Indicate advancement, or absence of.
 Refocus discourse that has strayed from the point.
 Conclude one point and lead into the following.
 Highlight imperative focuses.
 Assist the secretary if vital.
 Clarify any misconception.

Members in a meeting are fundamental for the outcome of the meeting. So, in order for a Chairperson to
make a meeting effective, s/he should make sure all the parties are equally involved in the meeting to make
a decision.

For meetings to be effective, participation is required from all those present. The key skills of interpersonal
communication and listening are important. To ensure the success of a meeting, good preparation is
essential and the role of the chairperson is paramount. The Chairperson is responsible for making sure that
each meeting is planned effectively, conducted according to the constitution and that matters are dealt with
in an orderly, efficient manner to achieve the meeting purpose.

For conferences to be powerful, participation is required from all those gift. the important thing talents of
interpersonal communiqué and listening are essential. To make sure the fulfillment of a meeting, accurate
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practice is critical and the function of the chairperson is paramount. The Chairperson is answerable for
ensuring that every meeting is planned effectively, carried out in step with the charter and that topics are
handled in an orderly, efficient way to obtain the meeting reason

It is crucial to check to participation of all the attendees, so the that meeting become effective and no one or
two persons dominate the meeting.

8. In relation group dynamics answer the following questions:

a. explain how, in the role of a Chairperson, you would manage someone who is
dominating the meeting.

b. Explain how in the role of a Chairperson you would manage someone who is too shy to
contribute to a meeting.

c. Explain how in the role of a Chairperson you would manage two people having a private
conversation within a meeting.

a) Acknowledge a Contribution With Only Body Language

If someone continues a dialogue long after it should have ended, chances are great that’s
because the dominator feels compelled to have “the last word.” So let him. Give eye contact, a
smile, a nod, or an open palm. Then turn to someone else for another contribution on the topic.

Play Traffic Cop With a Verbal Cue

“Let’s hear from several people on this issue.” “Somebody from Legal—what do you think about
the proposed change?” Or: “I’d like to hear everyone weigh in on this issue. What do the rest of
you think?”

Encourage Others by Name to Enter the Discussion

Bring others into a discussion intentionally. “Jaime, what do you think about X?” It’s difficult for a
dominator to continue talking over another person when someone redirects traffic to a specific

b) Meet with shy employees, individually, as a way to check in and see how they're doing. Ask
the employee to write down what he perceives to be his strengths and weaknesses for an
appointment the following week. Let the employee know you wish to work with him to
improve his work experience and facilitate a comfort level in sharing.

Providing the shy employee with the opportunity to get to know another employee better in
the work environment can raise the comfort level during meetings.

c) Stand by the people engaged in the conversation

If there is a horseshoe-shaped table arrangement, and you have been moving around, you
simply need to gradually move yourself near the problem.

The chatterers will notice your presence and get the hint, or they will notice that everyone is
looking at you, which also means they are looking at them.

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The beauty of this approach is you don’t need to slow things down by interrupting.

Stop and ask for people’s attention

If someone has the floor and others are chatting, I might say to the person with the floor,
“Excuse me, Maggie. It’s important we all give Maggie our attention, so we don’t miss what
she has to say. Thanks. Continue, Maggie.”

The people doing the talking are now on your radar. They know it. Everyone knows it.

a) You serve in much the same capacity as a moderator for a panel or a presidential debate. Your goal
is to create an environment where everyone has opportunity to contribute to the discussion, and that
often means putting some controls on the dominator.

 Ask for their feedback
 Thank them for sharing
 Point out the risk of not speaking up
 Encourage them to learn public speaking
 Ask them to compose a memo
 Accept both written and verbal feedback

c) The office meeting is exceptionally critical anything the subject is. In the event that there was
ever an assembly conduct it'll orchestrate because a critical subject will be examined within the
assembly. As a chairperson in case I see two individuals having private discussion then; I will ask to
halt their conversation. If their discussion is important at that point, I will ask them to highlight their
conversation within the meeting. If they precede their discussion, I will have to make them take off
and take an appropriate action.

a) As a Chairperson, my role would be to make sure all the participants are equally heard.
So, if a person is dominating a meeting, I would appreciate his opinion and move on to
other participants for follow up and ask for their views and opinions.
b) If a person is too shy to contribute to a meeting, then it means s/he is withholding his/her wisdom
and ideas. I would get them to understand the impact of their behavior on different occasions either
positive or negative. And also to boost their confidence, I would genuinely compliment if they make
any progress by speaking up and thank them for their ideas. This may help the shy person to keep
on taking steps on coming meetings.
c) If two people are having a private conversation within a meeting, as a Chairperson, I would
call out their name and ask what they have to say in front of whole meeting in a friendly
manner. I have to make them understand the disrupt they are causing on the meeting and
ask them to focus on what’s important while the meeting is going on.

a) Dealing with People Who Dominate Meetings

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 Many of the same techniques you use to deal with shy people can be used in reverse with someone
who has little time for the ideas of others.
 Sit next to the person and keep eye contact to a minimum.
 Look at everyone but the dominator when posing questions to the group.
 Outside of the meeting, point out the problem while expressing your appreciation for the input. Ask
for help in keeping everyone involved.
 Interject when the person stops to catch a breath. You can say, “Thank you; what other opinions are
 Indicate your desire to get a variety of opinions before you ask a question. Get opinions in sequence
(round-robin), reaching the dominant person last.

b) Ask for their feedback. If someone knows that they're expected to participate, they'll be more likely
to do so.
Thank them for sharing. If someone who is shy does share publicly, a simple "thank you" will
reinforce the behaviour. "Saying things like, 'Thank you for sharing, excellent thought,' will have a
positive effect and spur them on to continue to contribute to the conversation.

Ask them to compose a memo. Before a meeting, ask the staff member to generate a memo of
some kind to help lead the discussion. "Ask them to write an article, project update or a suggested
idea and circulate it to the other staff members, which will generate some great discussion among
staff members coming to the shy person versus the shy person going to them.

c) People Who Have private conversation within a meeting-

• Discuss privately after meeting

• Glance in their direction

• If that fails, walk near them

• Or, go quiet, stop the meeting

• Let them finish their conversation

• Ask their opinion about topic

• Sit next to them

Dealing with People Who Dominate Meetings

 Many of the same techniques you use to deal with shy people can be used in reverse with someone
who has little time for the ideas of others.
 Sit next to the person and keep eye contact to a minimum.
 Look at everyone but the dominator when posing questions to the group.
 Outside of the meeting, point out the problem while expressing your appreciation for the input. Ask
for help in keeping everyone involved.
 Interject when the person stops to catch a breath. You can say, “Thank you; what other opinions are
 Indicate your desire to get a variety of opinions before you ask a question. Get opinions in sequence
(round-robin), reaching the dominant person last.


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Ask for their feedback. If someone knows that they're expected to participate, they'll be more likely to do so.
Thank them for sharing. If someone who is shy does share publicly, a simple "thank you" will reinforce the
behavior. "Saying things like, 'Thank you for sharing, excellent thought,' will have a positive effect and spur
them on to continue to contribute to the conversation.

Ask them to compose a memo. Before a meeting, ask the staff member to generate a memo of some kind to
help lead the discussion. "Ask them to write an article, project update or a suggested idea and circulate it to
the other staff members, which will generate some great discussion among staff members coming to the shy
person versus the shy person going to them.


People Who Have private conversation within a meeting-

• Discuss privately after meeting

• Glance in their direction

• If that fails, walk near them

• Or, go quiet, stop the meeting

• Let them finish their conversation

• Ask their opinion about topic

• Sit next to them

 Accept Comments From the Dominator Without Yielding the Floor: Giving verbal
pats on the back typically encourages the person to keep talking and explaining.
Withholding such pats can extinguish the dominator’s input.
 Break the Dominator’s Train of Thought: Simply break eye contact, and divert
attention elsewhere.


 Meet with shy employees, individually, as a way to check in and see how they are doing.
 Pair the shy employees with a coworker or mentor who can assist them with the arears in which
the employees want to improve.
 Assign the shy employee the task of sharing a skill or information in their area of expertise.


 Stand by the person engaged in the side conversations: By simply standing near to the person will
make them realise that they have been noticed.
 Ask everyone for their attention to the meeting only.

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9. What are group dynamics and how would you describe this in relation to meetings?

The term "group dynamics" describes the way in which people in a group interact with one another.
When dynamics are positive, the group works well together. When dynamics are poor, the group's
effectiveness is reduced.

Anytime two or more people meet with the goal of coming to consensus, chances are they will take on
different roles in the process. This interplay between individuals and the group forms an important basis for
group dynamics.

In meetings, the playing field is not level. Meeting participants are often influenced by others in the group.
Powerful leaders, participants with personal biases (including cultural differences), and persuasive
personalities can coerce the individual or group and affect the meeting outcome.

Group dynamics are the ways in which members within a group and in this context in a meeting relate to
each other. Group dynamics are a determinant of how good the group will work with each other. In essence,
if the dynamics are positive the group works well together and vice versa. It is guided by factors like
personality power and roles.

Anytime two or more people meet with the goal of coming to consensus, chances are they will take on
different roles in the process. This interplay between individuals and the group forms an important basis for
group dynamics.

In meetings, the playing field is not level. Meeting participants are often influenced by others in the group.
Powerful leaders, participants with personal biases (including cultural differences), and persuasive
personalities can coerce the individual or group and affect the meeting outcome.

Anytime two or more people meet with the goal of coming to consensus, chances are they will take on
different roles in the process. This interplay between individuals and the group forms an important basis for
group dynamics.

In meetings, the playing field is not level. Meeting participants are often influenced by others in the group.
Powerful leaders, participants with personal biases (including cultural differences), and persuasive
personalities can coerce the individual or group and affect the meeting outcome.

Group dynamics deals with the attitudes and behavioral patterns of a group. Group dynamics concern how
groups are formed, what is their structure and which processes are followed in their functioning. Thus, it is
concerned with the interactions and forces operating between groups. People often behave differently in
groups than they do as individuals. When you maintain a work team of individuals dedicated to a particular
job, group dynamics become a force in your projects. Often these interactions are profitable as they produce
greater creativity, better problem solving and more energy.
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10. Provide a definition for each of the following roles within meeting dynamics:
a. Initiator
b. Clarifier
c. Dominator
d. Degrader
e. Distractor
f. Supporter
g. Gate Keeper

Initiator- An initiator is an instigator, the one who begins something. Initiator comes from
the Latin initiare, meaning “beginning.” The spark that lights the fuse is the initiator of the
bomb’s explosion.

Clarifier- A clarifier is a settling tank used in a variety of processing industries to

separate a liquid substance from a solid one. The solid-liquid mixture is introduced into
the tank and allowed to settle over a period of time with the aid of a rake system to
guide the solids to the bottom of the tank. The liquid is recovered from the top of the
tank while the solids are settled or suspended at the lower end of the tank due to
gravity. Clarifiers may have an increased risk of corrosion due to prolonged contact with

Dominator- 1. To control, govern, or rule by superior authority or power: Successful

leaders dominate events rather than react to them.

2. To exert a supreme, guiding influence on or over: Ambition dominated their lives.

Degrader- Make personal attacks using belittling and insulting comments.

Distractor- A person or thing that distracts the attention. An incorrect choice among
multiple-choice answers on a test.

Supporter- a person or thing that supports. An adherent, follower, backer, or advocate. a

device, usually of elastic cotton webbing, for supporting some part of the body,
especially a jockstrap.

Gate Keeper- Gatekeepers are people or policies that act as a go-between, controlling
access from one point to another. They may refuse, control or delay access to services.
Alternatively, they may also be used to oversee how work is being done and whether it
meets certain standards.

 Initiator- suggesting an action—a task or goal—as the meeting is getting started, or when the meeting is
at a lull and needs a kick-start.
 Clarifier- checking whether participants’ need increased understanding of a particular matter or
 Dominator- This person uses a meeting for his or her personal forum on every agenda item.
 Degrader- attacking other participants or their point of views. Creating tension, dissolving trust and the
willingness to work together.
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 Distractor- having side conversations that not only disrupt the meeting for others, but also remove the
distracters from active participation with the group.
 Supporter- often expressed via supportive comments, like “Mary, that’s an excellent idea,” or “I see that
Marketing and Sales agree on at least three of the four points under discussion” that can ease tension.
 Gate Keeper- One who jumps in to save situation when someone is taking too long

a. Initiator- One who suggest and action. Kick starter of ideas

b. Clarifier- One who checks out whether other members in the meeting are in need for more
information to help with understanding of an idea
c. Dominator - One who asks so many questions or takes so much time in presenting an argument.
Lacks flow with the meeting
d. Degrader - One who is attacking other people for their ideas
e. Distractor- One who initiates private conversations as a way to distract themselves and those they
converse with from the meeting
f. Supporter - One who most often than not gives supportive comments?
g. Gate Keeper- One who jumps in to save situation when someone is taking too long

1. Initiator- suggesting an action—a task or goal—as the meeting is getting started, or when the
meeting is at a lull and needs a kick-start.
2. Clarifier- checking whether participants’ need increased understanding of a particular matter or
3. Dominator- This person uses a meeting for his or her personal forum on every agenda item.
4. Degrader- attacking other participants or their point of views. Creating tension, dissolving trust
and the willingness to work together.
5. Distractor- having side conversations that not only disrupt the meeting for others, but also
remove the distracters from active participation with the group.
6. Supporter- often expressed via supportive comments, like “Mary, that’s an excellent idea,” or “I
see that Marketing and Sales agree on at least three of the four points under discussion” that
can ease tension.
7. Gate Keeper- someone who can jump in if anyone is monopolizing the conversation or if
someone is too timid to speak up and needs a nudge. It may be that the meeting’s ground rules,
or at least the pertinent ones for the problem at hand, need to be restated.

a. Initiator- This is a participant who suggests a particular task to be undertaken, or a goal that should be
b .clarifier- Participant who ensures that the participants understands the requirements of an idea.
c. Dominator- This is a participant who tends to dominate the meeting by asking too many questi
d . Degrader- Participants who keeps on attacking other participants’ opinions
e. Distractor - Participant who keeps having side conversation with other participants during the
F .Supporter - Participants who expresses support with the opinions of the other members
g .Gate Keeper- Participant who jumps in the conversation to nudge others to participate in the
conversation or to break monopoly by other participants

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a. Initiator- This role initiates discussions and move groups into new areas of exploration.
b. Clarifier- This role gives clarification of the matter.

c. Dominator- Tries to control the conversation and dictate what people should be doing. Often
exaggerates his or her knowledge and will monopolize any conversation claiming to know more
about the situation and have better solutions than anybody else.

d. Degrader- Make personal attacks using belittling and insulting comments.

e. Distractor- – Uses group meetings as fun time and a way to get out of real work. Distracts other
people by telling jokes, playing pranks, or even reading unrelated material.

f. Supporter- Affirms, supports and praises the efforts of fellow group members. Demonstrates warmth
and provides a positive attitude in meetings.

g. Gate Keeper- Regulates the flow of communication. Make sure all the members have a chance to
express themselves by encouraging the shy and quiet members to contribute their ideas.

11. Describe two ways of conducting meetings.

1. It Gives You the Chance to Understand their Body Language:

Communication is not necessarily conveyed through words alone, and you can understand a lot if you
carefully observe the body language of a person and the small signs he/she gives through facial
expressions and hand gestures. You need not be any expert to understand these signs, as you
subconsciously will be able to figure them out. Email or a phone call conversation does not allow you to read
these signs, but the fact is if you are able to read the body language of people it can prove to be immensely
beneficial for you. You will be able to understand much more than what the person is actually telling you. For
instance, if your client tells you that they completely agree with what suggestions you have offered, but their
body language suggests otherwise, and you are able to spot these signs then you can suggest them some
alternative ideas, or try to reassure them.

2. It Helps Make Focusing Easier:

Technology has both its pros and cons. Virtual meetings are certainly very beneficial and attractive, but in
this world of multitasking, chances are bright that during the meeting people may be involved in other tasks
as well, like checking emails, which will not allow them to fully concentrate on what is being shared in the
meeting. However, in face to face meetings chances of multitasking are very rare and this is one of the most
important face to face meeting benefits. It is because such meetings are more engaging, and people also
have the fear that they may get noticed if they try to do something else, and thus full or maximum
concentration is sure to be enjoyed in such meetings.

3. Deeper insights: In much the same way as reading body language, observing your clients surroundings
will tell you a lot about their mindset. Is their office tidy with everything organised? Or is it a sea of chaos
with piles of paperwork balanced on every surface? Knowing how they work will help you handle
communication and requests. If their work environment is a bit jumbled, you might have to send requests for
information earlier and cajole them slightly to deliver what you need to do their accounts. If their method of
working is a bit disjointed, do they need extra (paid!) support with planning and strategy?

Examples: Face-to-face communication include: Team meetings or company annual conferences. ... Social
activities with colleagues such as lunches or team-building activities. One-on-one meetings with managers
and team leaders.

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 Meetings can be coordinated by means of telephone. Telephone get-togethers will undoubtedly be for
short, easy going social occasions
 Online get-togethers – such get-togethers are profitable when individuals are geographically dissipated
or happen to be away upon the landing of the get-together. Web advancement grants members to both
see and hear each other

The two most common ways of meeting are Face to face Meetings and Virtual Meetings. Face to face
meeting is the method of conducting meeting in person. It is done by gathering two or more people
physically in a certain time and location to discuss a topic. It is more efficient way of conducting a business if
unless the meeting participants are far from each other. While Virtual meeting or Online meetings is done by
using technologies and tools of communication. The meeting participants don’t need to be physically
together to hold this kind of meeting. So, it saves a lot of time and money for the organization.

Make a list of required and optional attendees. Determine which departments are involved in the project,
and make sure someone is present from each department with decision making authority.

Check the schedules of all attendees before scheduling the meeting. Many meetings are derailed when the
project leader discovers at the last minute a key person cannot attend. Be sure to check vacation schedules
as well; some employees may not post their vacation days to their calendars until a few days prior. If you are
unsure whether a key player can attend, check with that person's manager.

Consider time zones when scheduling teleconferences. When it is 9 a.m. in New York, it is only 6 a.m. in
Los Angeles. Schedule the meetings to accommodate all attendees. Avoid early morning and late afternoon,
especially if they have different work schedules.

Send a detailed agenda with the original meeting invitation. Make sure it clearly states what will be
discussed, and in what order.

Give each attendee a set of action items to complete before the meeting. Follow up a few days before to
ensure completion.

Produce handouts for everyone. They should include a copy of the agenda, along with any notes and
related documents.

Start the meeting on time. Do not stall for late attendees. Send someone to round up anyone not present,
but press ahead with the meeting.

Assign someone to take notes. You do not necessarily need to produce formal meeting minutes, but you do
need a clear record of what was said and all actions agreed upon. Send these notes to meeting participants
as soon as possible after the meeting, and assign any follow-up tasks.

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The two most common ways of meeting are Face to face Meetings and Virtual Meetings. Face to face
meeting is the method of conducting meeting in person. It is done by gathering two or more people
physically in a certain time and location to discuss a topic. It is more efficient way of conducting a business if
unless the meeting participants are far from each other. While Virtual meeting or Online meetings is done by
using technologies and tools of communication. The meeting participants don’t need to be physically
together to hold this kind of meeting. So, it saves a lot of time and money for the organization

 Virtual meeting: Virtual meeting allow people to share information and data in real-time without
being physically located together.
 Face-to-face meeting: A face-to-face meeting is one where all the participants are physically in the
same place. In other words, a face-to-face meeting is what everyone used to just call "a meeting"
before the advent of conference calls and web conferencing.

12. Describe three advantages of face to face meetings and give an example of a workplace
situation where this type of meeting may be used.

1. Saves Time – The most important advantage of teleconferencing is time-saving. With teleconferencing, it
is possible to hold meetings on a very short notice. In addition, there is no time spent traveling to the venue
of a meeting as all meetings are held through machines or Internet. Reduced mileage translates to
thousands of hours of travel saved every year. Teleconferencing also encourages punctuality as meetings
are scheduled and done at fixed time frames.

2. Save on Travel Expenses – In addition to time, travel costs can be quite significant when added up over a
long period. Most companies that have a global reach incur massive costs associated with the travel ever
year. Teleconferencing, however, removes the need to travel often and thus saves huge company
resources. Attend meeting thousands of miles away is now faster and less cumbersome.

3. Efficient Record Keeping – One of the main teleconferencing advantages is efficient meeting recording
keeping. Computing devices are able to record, keep logs and track every detail of a particular online
meeting without needing a lot of monitoring. This makes teleconferencing facilities among the best tools for
capturing and storing important meeting data. Teleconferencing also makes it very easy to retrieve this data
in the future and make references whenever necessary.

Example: When attendees of a meeting can be present at one location. They are geographically scattered.
Then web conference is the best way of conducting meeting.


1. It Gives You the Chance to Understand their Body Language

Communication is not necessarily conveyed through words alone, and you can understand a lot if you
carefully observe the body language of a person and the small signs he/she gives through facial
expressions and hand gestures. You need not be any expert to understand these signs, as you
subconsciously will be able to figure them out. Email or a phone call conversation does not allow you to read
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these signs, but the fact is if you are able to read the body language of people it can prove to be immensely
beneficial for you. You will be able to understand much more than what the person is actually telling you. For
instance, if your client tells you that they completely agree with what suggestions you have offered, but their
body language suggests otherwise, and you are able to spot these signs then you can suggest them some
alternative ideas, or try to reassure them.

2. It Helps Make Focusing Easier

Technology has both its pros and cons. Virtual meetings are certainly very beneficial and attractive, but in
this world of multitasking, chances are bright that during the meeting people may be involved in other tasks
as well, like checking emails, which will not allow them to fully concentrate on what is being shared in the
meeting. However, in face to face meetings chances of multitasking are very rare and this is one of the most
important face to face meeting benefits. It is because such meetings are more engaging, and people also
have the fear that they may get noticed if they try to do something else, and thus full or maximum
concentration is sure to be enjoyed in such meetings.

3. It Is Appreciated By Clients
Yes, you will have to put in extra efforts, manage your schedule, and steal time to visit your client's office for
a face to face meeting, and though this may seem a little troublesome, your clients will appreciate all the
trouble you have taken. This further helps you create a great positive impression. Your client is likely to feel
that as you have put in efforts into visiting them personally in this world of virtual meetings, it means you
give a lot of importance to your work and that extra personal touch is crucial for you. This, in turn, will make
your business relation stronger and thus prove to be immensely beneficial.

Client Interaction

Generally, for day-to-day communication, email is fine. In most service industries where the quality of the
relationship is essential, regular in-person meetings for more important matters are de rigueur. That’s
especially true for lawyers, accountants, human resources professionals, financial advisors, etc. In between
those meetings you can communicate via email.

Any three advantages of face to face meetings are as follows:

a. It can help to understand what a person is thinking by their body language.
b. It is safer for discussing confidential and serious news for a business.
c. Participants are more focused and attentive on face to face meetings
For example: When a business has to negotiate with its clients, it’s always important to do a face to face
meeting. It helps in better understanding each other’s interests and clear confusions through verbal

The Main Advantages of Face to Face Meetings:

1. It Gives You the Chance to Understand their Body Language
Communication is not necessarily conveyed through words alone, and you can understand a lot if you
carefully observe the body language of a person and the small signs he/she gives through facial
expressions and hand gestures. You need not be any expert to understand these signs, as you
subconsciously will be able to figure them out. Email or a phone call conversation does not allow you to read
these signs, but the fact is if you are able to read the body language of people it can prove to be immensely
beneficial for you. You will be able to understand much more than what the person is actually telling you. For
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instance, if your client tells you that they completely agree with what suggestions you have offered, but their
body language suggests otherwise, and you are able to spot these signs then you can suggest them some
alternative ideas, or try to reassure them.

2. It Helps Make Focusing Easier

Technology has both its pros and cons. Virtual meetings are certainly very beneficial and attractive, but in
this world of multitasking, chances are bright that during the meeting people may be involved in other tasks
as well, like checking emails, which will not allow them to fully concentrate on what is being shared in the
meeting. However, in face to face meetings chances of multitasking are very rare and this is one of the most
important face to face meeting benefits. It is because such meetings are more engaging, and people also
have the fear that they may get noticed if they try to do something else, and thus full or maximum
concentration is sure to be enjoyed in such meetings.

3. It Is Appreciated By Clients
Yes, you will have to put in extra efforts, manage your schedule, and steal time to visit your client's office for
a face to face meeting, and though this may seem a little troublesome, your clients will appreciate all the
trouble you have taken. This further helps you create a great positive impression. Your client is likely to feel
that as you have put in efforts into visiting them personally in this world of virtual meetings, it means you
give a lot of importance to your work and that extra personal touch is crucial for you. This, in turn, will make
your business relation stronger and thus prove to be immensely beneficial.

This type of meeting may be used to discuss project progress, project issues as well as make decisions.

Many employers provide leadership training using experiential methods such as role play to instruct
supervisors on best practices for conducting performance appraisals. A webinar or video conference on
conducting employee evaluations doesn't give participants the opportunity to learn by doing, which may
impact their ability to retain knowledge about performance management activities which will be completed
by face-to-face meetings.


 Body language: You can see far more than what a person’s tone will tell you, so for instance, if a
client is telling you that they are in agreement with something you are suggesting, their body
language might indicate that they have reservations. If you spot the signs, you can either reassure
them if they have any worries, or you can suggest an alternative solution they feel more comfortable

 Clients appreciate it: You may have to juggle your schedule to fit in the travel time to get out and
meet your clients, but most of them will appreciate your endeavours. It also helps you make a strong
favourable impression – if you have made the effort to arrange a visit it shows that you appreciate
their custom. It also deepens your business relationship and increases customer loyalty.

 Deeper insights: In much the same way as reading body language, observing your clients
surroundings will tell you a lot about their mindset. Is their office tidy with everything organised? Or
is it a sea of chaos with piles of paperwork balanced on every surface? Knowing how they work will
help you handle communication and requests. If their work environment is a bit jumbled, you might
have to send requests for information earlier and cajole them slightly to deliver what you need to do
their accounts. If their method of working is a bit disjointed, do they need extra (paid!) support with
planning and strategy?

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Example: Face to face meetings are the most commonly used for the layoff discussions because these
meetings are the most personal form of communication in business. Such meetings are the best choice of
building and maintaining relationship.

13. Describe three advantages of meetings held by teleconference or web conferencing and give an
example of a workplace situation where this type of meeting may be used.

1. Saves Time – The most important advantage of teleconferencing is time-saving. With teleconferencing, it
is possible to hold meetings on a very short notice. In addition, there is no time spent traveling to the venue
of a meeting as all meetings are held through machines or Internet. Reduced mileage translates to
thousands of hours of travel saved every year. Teleconferencing also encourages punctuality as meetings
are scheduled and done at fixed time frames.

2. Save on Travel Expenses – In addition to time, travel costs can be quite significant when added up over a
long period. Most companies that have a global reach incur massive costs associated with the travel ever
year. Teleconferencing, however, removes the need to travel often and thus saves huge company
resources. Attend meeting thousands of miles away is now faster and less cumbersome.

3. Efficient Record Keeping – One of the main teleconferencing advantages is efficient meeting recording
keeping. Computing devices are able to record, keep logs and track every detail of a particular online
meeting without needing a lot of monitoring. This makes teleconferencing facilities among the best tools for
capturing and storing important meeting data. Teleconferencing also makes it very easy to retrieve this data
in the future and make references whenever necessary.

Example: When attendees of a meeting can be present at one location. They are geographically scattered.
Then web conference is the best way of conducting meeting.


Reduces Travel
One of the most-apparent benefits of teleconferencing is reduced travel. Businesses with multiple offices
and federal governmental agencies with state offices can hold discussions, share critical information and
conduct other meetings with employees through teleconferencing.

Saves Time
Teleconferencing frees up time for company executives to finish tasks and execute assigned roles in their
own locations or home bases. Time saved from reduced travel can be used more productively.

Enhances Productivity
Teleconferencing allows dispersed employees to communicate with coworkers at headquarters, conduct
long-distance meetings and strategic discussions, and share grievances and other human resource issues.
Better employee engagement, understanding of roles and effective use of time lead to enhanced

Short-Notice Scheduling
Teleconferencing systems and toll-free, dial-in access facilities make it possible for companies to schedule
short-notice or ad-hoc employee teleconferencing meetings or discussions.

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A large enterprise has established many offices in more than ten different countries all over the globe. It will
be difficult for the company’s decision-maker to quickly inform the managers in dispersed offices the
important decision simultaneously. By implementing a video conferencing solution like ezTalks free 100-
participant plan, the enterprise can easily host a virtual video meeting. Participants can also express their
ideas during the conference. Hence, it makes the face-to-face communication more productive and efficient.

 Cost and time efficient
 No location fees
 Increases productivity

Web conferencing, business meetings involving people from different geographical locations required
months of preparation, a lot of expenditure in terms of hotel services, transport as well as travel fees. Days
were spent in procuring tickets, visas and in airports. With web conferencing however, you only need an
hour in the most to allow everyone to log into their account, and settle in for the conference. There is no
need for settling, no need for hotels and tickets.

Advantages of Teleconferencing
1. Saves Time – The most important advantage of teleconferencing is time-saving. With teleconferencing, it
is possible to hold meetings on a very short notice. In addition, there is no time spent traveling to the venue
of a meeting as all meetings are held through machines or Internet. Reduced mileage translates to
thousands of hours of travel saved every year. Teleconferencing also encourages punctuality as meetings
are scheduled and done at fixed time frames.

2. Save on Travel Expenses – In addition to time, travel costs can be quite significant when added up over a
long period. Most companies that have a global reach incur massive costs associated with the travel ever
year. Teleconferencing, however, removes the need to travel often and thus saves huge company
resources. Attend meeting thousands of miles away is now faster and less cumbersome.

3. Efficient Record Keeping – One of the main teleconferencing advantages is efficient meeting recording
keeping. Computing devices are able to record, keep logs and track every detail of a particular online
meeting without needing a lot of monitoring. This makes teleconferencing facilities among the best tools for
capturing and storing important meeting data. Teleconferencing also makes it very easy to retrieve this data
in the future and make references whenever necessary.

4. Cut Conference Costs – There are indeed many logistical costs associated with holding a conference.
Hiring equipment, acquiring a venue, buying food and refreshment are just some of the normal costs
associated with any meeting. Teleconferencing removes all these costs as no such arrangements need to
be made. The flexibility of teleconferencing also ensures that meetings are held as often as possible with no
extra costs being incurred.

5. Encourage Productivity – The fifth teleconferencing advantage is that teleconferencing ensures that
workers at various hierarchies in the company structure are in constant communication. This translates to
effective information-sharing and prompt actions. Such recurrent engagement is a motivational factor that
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results turns out increased productivity. Teleconferencing also makes multi-branch management easier as
the proximity of every department of a company is optimized.

6. Reliability – Teleconferencing is one of the most reliable ways of holding meetings. This reliability has
increased exponentially over the years due to advancement in technology. Teleconferencing channels are
today much more stable and communication challenges are almost non-existent. It is also a very secure
mode of communication where the safety of data as well as privacy is guaranteed.

The constraints of time and physical location make it impossible to give clients the kind of prompt and
immediate response they so deserve. With web conferencing however, customer service personnel can be
reached in real time and be able to sort the complaints of the client. This goes a long way in improving the
rating of your company on these ranking websites.


 Increase Productivity: Web conferencing does save travel time, but that’s the only way it can save
you time. Through web collaboration solutions, companies can give online demos of products and
services without wasting time in the planning process. By having a webinar demo or tutorial ready to
deploy online, you save all the time that’s usually spent on coordinating with clients, employees, and

 Conduct Employee Training Easily: Most people think of the advantages of web conferencing in
terms of internal meetings, but you can also utilize it for employee training. Vendors like Blackboard
specialize specifically on training and education, making it easier than ever to train employees
located in various locations at the same time.

 Improve Customer Relations: Web conferencing tools can even be used to improve customer
support and relationships. Utilizing the advantages of web conferencing solutions can give your
support team more ability to take control of a client’s computer and fix problems in a more efficient
and timely manner.

Example: When attendees of a meeting can be present at one location. They are geographically scattered.
Then web conference is the best way of conducting meeting.

14. Describe the use of webcams for meetings, including a brief description of how to use a web

Webcam meetings allow users to meet face-to-face even when separated by an ocean. These convenient,
eco-friendly video chats serve as a more personal alternative to audio-only calls, whether made for business
or pleasure. Meeting via webcam saves money on airfares and long distance fees.

Education & Training

Webcams make distance learning easier and more accessible. Students can request to speak to their
lecturers via a webcam if they struggle to grasp something in the lesson plan. With the help of a webcam,
the lecturer can explain certain concepts visually using sketches and diagrams. It is also possible to hold an
online training session or study group with multiple students using webcams. Many online tutorials are
recorded with webcams.


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There are many other applications for a webcam. Some programs can help you use it as video surveillance
equipment. You could set it up to only survey your room, or set up multiple wireless webcams throughout a
building as part of a security system. A webcam can also be used as a type of nanny cam. Many weather
stations and nature parks use webcams and allow people to watch live feeds from the cameras. A webcam
can also be used for home recording purposes -- for instance, when you need to send in a video clip for a
competition or if you want to record a party or other event.

No time constraint:
Time differences between countries do not matter when people use this method of communication because
they do not actually need to travel to attend meetings.

Dramatic travel saving:

Not only is a direct replacement for many in-person business trip, but also there is virtually no cost for
people to be involved in a virtual meeting, you can easily bring the right them together.

Easy communication:
People can use web cam to communicate with anyone with HD video and other collaboration tools such as
whiteboard, text exchange, file sharing, media sharing, screen sharing, remote control, electronic voting,
conference recording etc.

Increased productivity:
By eliminating time and district barriers, meetings can be hold anytime, anywhere with anyone. In this way,
meetings are shorter and more effective. And also with the rich collaboration tools, decisions can be made

A web conference is an online meeting between two or more participants in different locations using online
conferencing technology. This enables them to share screens, work on documents together in real time and
even see each other with the use of webcams.

If your camera is attached to your computer by a USB cable, the length of the cable will dictate where you
can place it. USB cables cannot be very long as the signal degrades the longer they are.
USB cable length

If you have a stand-alone webcam with a separate power cable and a power outlet close by, you can use an
ethernet cable (also known as a ‘cat 5 cable’) to connect the webcam to your wifi modem/router, which in
turn is connected to your computer. Ethernet cables can be up to 100 metres long, which gives you lots of
options for positioning your webcam. But make sure that you tuck the cable safely out of the way so you
don’t trip over it.
Ethernet cables

If you’ve chosen a wifi (wireless) webcam, a whole new set of options become available to you. This
webcam can be located much further away from your computer, depending on which international standard
of wireless webcam and modem/router you have. For instance, with the ‘IEEE 802.11g’ specification you
can site your Wi-Fi webcam up to 30 meters away or as far away as 100 meters with the IEEE 802.11n
long-range spec.

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Uses of webcams: Webcam meetings allow users to meet face-to-face even when separated by an ocean.

 Work: Webcams are often used in the corporate world for video conferencing. Their use makes
remote work possible. People who work from home can feel isolated from their colleagues, but
through the use of webcams it is still possible to have a daily meeting.

 Education & Training: Webcams make distance training easier and more accessible. Employees
can request to speak to their mentors via a webcam if they struggle to grasp something in the

How to use webcam: Meeting via webcam saves money on airfares and long-distance fees. The process
of setting up a video chat varies depending on the software you're using, but a few basic principles apply
across applications.

15. Explain the purpose of an agenda and identify five items that should be included in an agenda.

 Item Number: The number that represents the order in which the agenda item is planned to be
discussed on the meeting agenda.
 Subject: A short title that describes the issue to be discussed.
 Background: Relevant information relating to the importance of the issue and links to previous
actions, previous decisions, other topics or reference to previous meetings.
 Category: Informational, Advisory, Problem solving, Request for help.
 Time management.

 To outline the most important issues that will be discussed so that members can prepare ahead of
 To let the member knows the minimum amount of information they must know ahead of time.
 An agenda also contains a goal of what the meeting should accomplish.

 Location
 introduction
 Purpose of meeting
 Items for discussion
 Acceptance of past minutes

An agenda is used in business meetings to outline the main topics that will be addressed and to keep it on
track. Agendas are also often used as a personal tool to keep track of events, responsibilities and deadlines
in the future.

There are three main components of a general meeting agenda. The first aim is to outline the most
important issues that will be discussed so that members can prepare ahead of time. The second component
is to let members know the minimum amount of information they must know ahead of time. Finally, an
agenda also contains a goal of what the meeting should accomplish.
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Item that should be included in an agenda:

1. Last, but not least, double check meeting details, such as time, place and conference logistics.

2. Leave a section for action items and off-topic discussions at the end of your meeting agenda.

3. Identify the list of required attendees.

4. Outline a list of meeting agenda topics for discussion.

5. Define the meeting goal.

16. Explain the purpose of meeting minutes and list five items that should be included in meeting

Minutes are an official record of actions the board or committee took at a meeting, not a record of
everything that was said. They serve a historical purpose, but just as important, they serve a legal
purpose, documenting the group's adherence to the proper procedures and the association's by

Five items that should be included.

Subject of meeting
Location (if relevant)
Date and time
Agenda items

 Publicly held companies are required by law to keep minutes of shareholder meetings, board of
directors meeting and executive committee meetings.
 The format for keeping meeting minutes starts with the date and purpose of the meeting.
 It then lists those attending as well as who is chairing the meeting. An agenda of what is to be
covered follows.
 Motions and resolutions presented during the meeting are listed and are identified as having been
passed or denied.
 The minutes are presented for approval to the body that held the meeting the next time that they

 Date and time of the meeting
 Names of meeting participants and those unable to attend
 Acceptance of previous meeting minutes
 Decisions made about each agenda item
 Next meeting date and time

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The minutes of a meeting are a written report about the meeting, which includes the date, place and time of
the interview, the subject of the meeting, a list of the people who attended the meeting and a list of all of the
things which were discussed during the meeting. These notes are usually distributed to those who were in
attendance and are available to anyone else who is interested.

To write effective meeting minutes you should include:

 The names of the participants.
 Agenda items.
 Calendar or due dates.
 Actions or tasks.
 The main points.
 Decisions made by the participants.
 Record what are the most important points?
 Future decisions.

The purpose of meeting minutes is to keep a record of what was done or talked about at a meeting,
including any decision made or action taken.

List of items to be included in meeting minutes:

 The date and date.

 Place of meeting.
 The names of persons who attended the meeting and who did not attended the meeting.
 The agenda.
 Outcome of the meeting

17. Explain the difference between informal meeting minutes and formal meeting minutes.

The minutes will be in the appropriate sentence and formal language, in a much-structured way. Although
informal minutes tend to favour informal meetings than formal meetings as they are less stressful and
easier. However, they may quickly drop their structure.

 A formal meeting commonly falls into one of a number of categories, including board meetings,
committees, special task forces and groups.

 The majority of day-to-day meetings organized by businesses will fall into the “informal” category.
These can include staff catch-ups, brainstorming sessions and progress updates.

 Formal meetings take place in planned locations, like meeting rooms or a formal meeting room at
the office. On the other hand, an informal meeting takes place anywhere, including a committee
member’s house, a cafe or a restaurant.

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Informal meeting minutes may be accepted by companies and businesses who do not have a specific
format of their meeting minutes. This means that the person tasked to create the minutes of the meeting can
freely create his or her own template of the said document as long as all the needed information are
included in the specific report.

Formal Meeting minutes are the written or recorded documentation that is used to inform attendees and
non-attendees about what was discussed or what happened during a meeting. Meeting minutes or notes are
generally taken by a designated meeting minute’s recorder during the proceedings so that an accurate
record exists of what transpired during the meeting.

18. Access the Corporations Act 2001 from the Internet and identify the information from the Act
that relates to notices of meetings. Now answer the following questions:
a. To whom must a notice of meeting be provided?

b. How must the notice of the meeting be provided? Indicate at least two ways.

a) Notice shall also be given to the Directors and Auditors of the company.
By Email
By Telephone

a) To each part who is qualified for cast a vote and to every chief. Notice can be given to only a solitary
part where there is a joint enrolment.
b) • Sending it to the part through any electronic methods chose by the part
• Sending by post to the location for that part in the individuals' register or some other location
picked by the part

a) To all members individually

 Either a written notice
 Or one that is sent electronically

a) Written notice of a meeting of a company's members must be given individually to each member
entitled to vote at the meeting and to each director.

A company may give the notice of meeting to a member:

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(a) Personally

(b) By sending it by post to the address for the member in the register of members or the alternative
address (if any) nominated by the member

(c) By sending it to the fax number or electronic address (if any) nominated by the member;

 by sending it to the member by other electronic means (if any) nominated by the member;

 by notifying the member in accordance with subsection

(d) By any other means that the company's constitution (if any) permits.

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Assessment Task 1 Checklist

Student’s name:

Did the student provide a sufficient and
successfully Comments
clear answer that addresses the
suggested answer for the following? Yes No
Question 1 a
Question 1 b
Question 1 c
Question 1 d

Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8 a
Question 8 b
Question 8 c
Question 9
Question 10
Question 11
Question 12
Question 13
Question 14
Question 15
Question 16
Question 17
Question 18a
Question 18b

Task Outcome: Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Assessor signature

Assessor name


Assessment Task 2 Cover Sheet

Student Declaration
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To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

 I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded
with any other student(s).
 I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me
according to the process explained to me.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
Student name

Student ID number

Student signature


Assessor declaration
 I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried
out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor name

Assessor signature


Assessment outcome S NS DNS Resubmission Y N


Student result response

 My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.
 I would like to appeal this assessment decision.
Student signature


A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

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Assessment Task 2: Formal meeting project

Task summary
This assessment task requires you, in the role of Operations Manager, to prepare for and conduct a formal
meeting to discuss the program for the upcoming Leadership Conference for Grow Management
Consultants. This will include developing an agenda, and then conducting the meeting and checking and
distributing the minutes.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in RSB.

 Access to textbooks/other learning materials
 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
 Meeting Policy and Procedures
 Meeting Agenda Template
 Draft Conference Program
 Meeting Minutes Template
 Space for a meeting and roleplay participants

 Email with Draft Conference Program and Meeting Agenda attached.
 Email to your assessor with the following attached:
o Meeting Minutes
o Revised Conference Program
o Screen shot

Assessment criteria
For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all
of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete
further assessment to demonstrate competence.

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Re-submission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have
satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you
written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance.
Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with
unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any
part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of
the assessment.

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Assessment Task 2 Instructions

Carefully read the following:

Grow Management Consultants is a small consultancy company specialising in leadership development


Staff employed at Grow Management Consultants include the CEO (Paul Burns), Operations Manager
(you), a Senior Management Consultant (Bob Downs), Marketing Manager (Jack Steel) and an
Administration/Project Officer (Sally Smith).

There are also two management consultant contractors (Jane Simms and Leander Duval) who work from
the office at least 2 days a week each. All of the management consultants travel extensively across Australia
visiting clients.

Each year the company runs a Leadership Conference. This year’s conference will be held in October 2019
and planning has commenced. The theme of the conference this year is Leadership Conference 2019:
Leading in the twenty first century and the idea is to have talks and workshops on the latest trends in, and
techniques for, leadership.

You (the Operations Manager) have developed a preliminary conference program that shows the overall
format and timing for the conference.

However, you have decided to call a formal meeting to:

 Discuss your own ideas for conference topics.
 Seek ideas for conference topics from staff for each of the allocated spots in the program.
 Arrange a suitable schedule of meetings to ensure that plans for the conference are regularly
discussed and actioned.
 Allocate roles and responsibilities in regard to organising and running the conference, including:
o Identifying and organising a venue for approximately 100 people,
o Organising catering for approximately 100 people
o Identifying suitable speakers
o Organising travel and accommodation for speakers
o Developing and printing marketing material

Complete the following activities:

1. Develop a meeting agenda

Based on your review of the case study information above, as well as the Grow Management
Consultants Meeting Policy and Procedures and the Draft Conference Program, you are
required to develop an agenda for the meeting.

Use the Meeting Agenda Template to guide your work.

The agenda must:

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 Clearly show the date, time and location for the meeting.
 Include the duration of the meeting (30 minutes).
 Clearly identify the names of staff who will attend the meeting as per the meeting
policy and procedure.
 Include items for discussion as per the scenario information and meeting policy and

The Administration and Project Officer will be roleplayed by the assessor, who will take notes at
the meeting.

The other staff will be roleplayed by other students. Each student roleplaying a staff member will
be briefed by the assessor to research and make notes on a topic for the conference for

Before attending the meeting, consider to whom you should allocate each of the required roles
and responsibilities for the conference (There is no right or wrong answer for this. You only need
to advise each staff member of their roles and responsibilities).

Save this document as Meeting Agenda.

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: 21 January 2021

Meeting Time/duration: 10:00 AM/30 minutes

Meeting Location: Grow Management Consultants Conference Hall

Operation Manger
Senior Management Consultants
Attendees: Administration/Project Officer
Marketing Manager
Two management consultant contractors
Chair: Administration/Project Manager

Please bring &/or read: Meeting Policy and Procedure

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1 Welcome and apologies 2 minutes

2 Presentation 5 minutes

3 Deciding the venue 10 minutes

4 Dividing responsibility for catering 8 minutes

5 Setting time table of conference 5 minutes

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Meeting Agenda
Meeting Date: 11th January 2021

Meeting Time/duration: 10:00 AM/30 minutes

Meeting Location: Grow Management Consultants Board Room

Operation Manger
Senior Management Consultants
Attendees: Administration/Project Officer
Marketing Manager
Two management consultant contractors
Chair: Administration/Project Manager

Please bring &/or read: Meeting Policy and Procedure

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1. Welcome and apologies 2 minutes
2. Summary of the meeting 3 minutes
3. Overview of Leadership Conference 2019: Leading in the twenty first
5 minutes
4. Discuss the topic regarding to the conference 10 minutes
5. Divide the topic that will be discussed in the conference 5 minutes
6. Prepare the schedule and timing of the conference 5 minutes

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: 11/11/2020

Meeting Time: 08.00 am to 8:30 am

Duration 30 minutes

Meeting Location: Conference Room-C2

Attendees: 100 person

CEO (Paul Burns)

Operations Manager (Shailendar Singh)
Chair: Senior Management Consultant (Bob Downs)
Marketing Manager (Jack Steel)
Administration/Project Officer (Sally Smith)

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Please bring &/or read: Note and Marker

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1 Conference Welcome 02 minutes

General Welcome: CEO, Grow Management Consultants
Welcome to Country : Traditional Custodian

2 Leading in the twenty first century and the idea is to have talks 03 minutes
and workshops on the latest trends in, and techniques for,
leadership by
 Lead flexibly by receiving feedback from many parties
 Lead by doing first before giving instructions
 Leading to use technology as a means of coordination
Keynote Speaker: CEO of Grow Management Consultants

3 Morning Tea and networking opportunity 05 minutes

4 Lead flexibly by receiving feedback from many parties 10 minutes

Presenter : Senior Management Consultant

6 Lead by doing first before giving instructions 05 minutes

Presenter : Administration/Project Officer

8 Leading to use technology as a means of coordination 03 minutes

Presenter : Marketing Manager

9 Closing 02 minutes

Meeting Date:
30th November 2020

Meeting Time/duration:
30 minutes

Meeting Location:
Boardroom meeting hall, Grow Management Consultancy main building

Staff, senior management Consultant (Bob Brown), CEO (Paul Burns),
Marketing manager (Jack Steel), Project Officer (Sally Smith)

Operation manager

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Please bring &/or read:

Read the purpose of the meeting prior to presenting yourself in this formal
group meeting and bring your own laptops for presenting your Ideas and
take necessary notes on the agendas of this group meeting.

Please read the meeting guidelines regarding code of conduct and notice of
this meeting on your email. Attached documents are necessary to be read
by every participant.

Agenda Items
Time Allocated

1 Welcome and apologies 2 minutes

2 Upcoming Leadership conference in October 2019. 5 minutes

3 Identification key trends in Leadership in the current century 5 minutes

4 Identification Of suitable speakers for leadership and 5 minutes

development skills

5 Organizing travel and accommodation for speakers 6 minutes

6 Allocating roles and responsibility of individuals 7 minutes

Meeting Agenda
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Meeting Date: 27th January 2021

Meeting Time/duration: 11:00 AM/30 minutes

Meeting Location: Grow Management Consultants Conference hall

Operation Manger
Senior Management Consultants
Attendees: Administration/Project Officer
Marketing Manager
Two management consultant contractors
Chair: Administration/Project Manager

Please bring &/or read: Meeting Policy and Procedure

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1. Welcome and apologies 2 minutes
2. Presentation 8 minutes
3. Deciding two topics for upcoming conference 5 minutes
4. Dividing topics to speakers 10 minutes
5. Setting time table of conference 5 minutes

19. Identify leadership topics

Prior to the meeting, you are required to identify potential topics for the leadership conference by
reviewing and analysing information from the report Global Human Capital Trends 2017 at:

Based on your interpretation of the information in the report, identify at least two ideas for
leadership topics. You should make notes (handwritten or typed) to speak from at the meeting
for two proposed conference topics and that include:
 Proposed conference topic title
 Summary of the content to be discussed.

When speaking about your ideas at the meeting, as a guide you will speak for 1 to 2 minutes on
each topic. Use the following example to guide you in developing your ideas and making notes
(this example has not been taken from the above report, it is an example only to help you write
down your ideas).

Example topic and information:

Mindful Leadership: Becoming a Mindful Leader by the Application of

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Principles.

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ACT is an evidence-based approach that has been applied to clinical and

organisational settings. When used as a leadership model, the application of
ACT principles can assist managers in increasing work performance and
innovation while reducing work stress and work errors.
The presentation will introduce basic ACT principles and provide an introduction
to the qualities of being and acting as a mindful leader and person. Such
qualities include empathy and self-compassion.
This will be a practical session with the focus on teaching and applying
mindfulness techniques at work.

During the meeting, you need to be able to demonstrate that you can identify and interpret
information from complex texts. That is, that you can identify two topics based on the information
in the report, and then summarise the information in your notes for discussion at the meeting.
The example above provides an indication of the level of response required.


Problem solving: Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem;
identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution. The problem-
solving process.

Team Building: Team building is the process of turning a group of individual contributing employees into a
cohesive team a group of people organized to work together to meet e needs of their customers by
accomplishing their purpose and goals.

Decision making: Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering
information, and assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-by-step decision-making process can help
you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant information and defining alternatives.

Self-management: self-management which is also referred to as “self-control” or “self-regulation,” is the

ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviours effectively in different situations.

Topic: Strategic Leadership Style

Summary: Strategic leadership is one that involves a leader who is essentially the head of an
organization. The strategic leader is not limited to those at the top of the organization. It is geared to a
wider audience at all levels who want to create a high performance in life, team or organization. The
strategic leaders fill the gap between the need for new possibility and the need for practicality by
providing a prescriptive set of habits.

Topic: Team Leadership and Effect of it.

Summary: Team leadership involves the creation of a vivid picture of its future, where it is heading and what
it will stand for. The vision inspires and provides a strong sense of purpose and direction. Team leadership
is about working with the hearts and minds of all those involved. It also recognizes that teamwork may not
always involve trusting cooperative relationships. The most challenging aspect of this leadership is whether
or not it will succeed.

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The topic chosen for the conference are:

TOPIC 1 - Create better creativity in training giving

Grow Management Consultant give the chance for the creativity of leadership training in order to get more
things to do. It is not only to the companies but also to the Australian people that like to use leadership in
any organization. It is also different teaching idea that is for the training to hospital, social worker, volunteers
or the non-profit organization. Leadership training must be more creative and it sometimes have the
example of video, photo guessing, quiz or any games challenge to make the leader involve and demonstrate
their knowledge and idea in developing the teamwork.

TOPIC 2 - Use of digital media to enhance training process

Australian leaders view digital communications tools as a key facilitator of team connectedness, with 80% of
respondents predicting an increase in the use of work-based social media platforms (compared to 67% of
global respondents) and 68% predicting an increase in the use of instant messages. Digital development
has enhanced the mindful leadership to use their good work using the digital media such as teleconference,
webcam, social media and also other things. It is to enhance the leadership direction, motivation,
communication easier and also direct customer service with the client that is adding from the social media

TOPIC1- Leadership skills

To be a great pioneer, you would like to utilize certain authority aptitudes for your organization to reach its
objectives. These are administrative abilities that effectively empower group individuals or players to do their
work viably. These are abilities that create a concordant relationship among individuals within the

TOPIC 2- Leadership strength

Examining self-awareness, situational mindfulness, great communication expertise and arrangement
abilities, collaboration abilities, capacity to work etc.

TOPIC 3- Leadership directories

The Administration Registries, moreover known as the Yellow Books, contain exact, point by point contact
data counting emails and direct-dials—on industry pioneers in a classic, easy-to-browse, and always-
available arrange

 All members agreed to the selected topics.
 Selected by project officer and will be delivered by the speakers.


Conflict management styles:

Managers who perceived to exhibit more on transformational leadership style adopted integrating and
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obliging style of conflict management. Those who perceived to exhibit more on transactional style opted for
compromising style of conflict management. Whereas, managers perceived to exhibit laissez-faire
leadership style adopted avoiding style to manage conflicts with subordinates.

Mentoring and leadership development:

Mentoring has emerged as a means to cultivate the leadership skills of current and future leaders. Mentoring
has a rich history and harbors immense learning potential, which is supported by the theories and concepts
of prominent researchers and philosophers such as Vygotsky, Rogoff, and Bruner. Mentors take on various
roles and, like chameleons, transform their roles to fit the needs of their mentees, including becoming
coaches, supporters, counselors, educators, and sponsors. The benefits of both mentors and mentees are
extensive, ranging from increased self-esteem, awareness, insight, and professional skills to reduction of
stress. While the benefits to mentoring are immense, personal and societal constraints such as time,
incompatibility, and inadequate training show that engaging in mentoring takes immense time, effort, and
commitment in order to obtain the desired results.

The organization of the future: Arriving Now

High-performing organizations operate as empowered networks, coordinated through culture, information
systems, and talent mobility. Companies are focused on redesigning the organization itself, with nearly half
actively studying and developing new models. And many organizations are not only designing but also
building this new organization. As networks and ecosystems replace organizational hierarchies, the
traditional question “For whom do you work?” has been replaced by “With whom do you work?”

• Fully 88 percent of this year’s survey respondents believe that building the organization of the future is an
important or very important issue.
• More than three in five (59 percent) say the issue is very important—a 3 percent increase from last year.
• Yet challenges remain: Only 11 percent of survey respondents believe they understand how to build the
organization of the future.

Careers and learning: Real time, all the time

The concept of career is being shaken to its core. Employees now enjoy the prospect of 60-year careers.
Yet at the same time, the half-life of skills is rapidly falling. These new realities are forcing companies to
rethink the way they manage careers and deliver always-on learning and development (L&D) opportunities.
Leading companies are moving to overhaul their career models and L&D infrastructure for the digital age,
though most organizations are still in the early stages of this transformation.
• This year, the issue of improving employee careers and transforming corporate learning emerged as the
second most important trend in our survey, up from fifth last year.
• Learning technology is changing rapidly. Traditional learning management systems are being
complemented with and replaced by a wide range of new technologies for content curation, delivery, video
distribution, and mobile use.
• This upheaval in learning and careers has become a catalyst for radical change. Nearly half of our
surveyed executives (45 percent) cite this problem as urgent or very important (an increase over last year).
As capabilities fall behind, companies’ ability to keep up with employees’ demands for learning and career
growth has dropped by 5 percent.

Talent acquisition: Enter the cognitive recruiter

Talent sourcing and recruitment face tremendous pressure. Talent and skill shortages are widespread.
Employees are demanding new careers and career models. And technologies and innovations—including
cognitive, artificial intelligence, social collaboration, crowds, and the sharing economy—are reshaping the
workforce. Leading companies are turning the open talent economy into an opportunity by embracing
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technologies and developing new models that make innovative use of on- and off-balance-sheet talent
• Attracting skilled resources is no longer simply the responsibility of HR. It now stands as a top concern of
business leaders, ranking third in our survey this year.
• More than 8 in 10 (83 percent) executives say talent acquisition is important or very important

The employee experience: Culture, engagement, and beyond

In a digital world with increasing transparency and the growing influence of Millennials, employees expect a
productive, engaging, enjoyable work experience. Rather than focus narrowly on employee engagement
and culture, organizations are developing an integrated focus on the entire employee experience, bringing
together all the workplace, HR, and management practices that impact people on the job. A new
marketplace of pulse feedback tools, wellness and fitness apps, and integrated employee self-service tools
is helping HR departments understand and improve this experience. Through new approaches such as
design thinking and employee journey maps, HR departments are now focusing on understanding and
improving this complete experience and using tools such as employee net promoter scores to measure
employee satisfaction.
• Organizational culture, engagement, and employee brand proposition remain top priorities in 2017;
employee experience ranks as a major trend again this year.
• Nearly 80 percent of executives rated employee experience very important (42 percent) or important (38
percent), but only 22 percent reported that their companies were excellent at building a differentiated
employee experience.
• Fifty-nine percent of survey respondents reported they were not ready or only somewhat ready to address
the employee experience challenge.

Performance management: Play a winning hand

Over the last five years, organizations have radically changed the way they measure, evaluate, and
recognize employee performance. Today, with much initial experimentation, continuous performance
management practices are being deployed on a wide scale. While not all the tools are in place at every
organization, the new practices are becoming clearer and more standardized, and they are definitely
working. Agile goal management, check-ins, and continuous feedback are becoming common, and new
models of evaluation and rewards are being adopted next.
• The redesign of performance management is picking up speed: 79 percent of executives rate it a high
priority, up from 71 percent three years ago, with 38 percent calling the problem “very important.”
• Company capabilities to implement performance management have improved. Our research shows
organizations are 10 percent more capable than they were in 2015, and most are heavily focused on
retraining leaders to implement agile, developmental management approaches.
• The impact of these new performance practices is high: 90 percent of companies that have redesigned
performance management see direct improvements in engagement, 96 percent say the processes are
simpler, and 83 percent say they see the quality of conversations between employees and managers going

Leadership disrupted: Pushing the boundaries

Leadership development continues to be a significant challenge for companies around the world, as the
transition to the new digital organization creates even larger leadership gaps. High-performing leaders today
need different skills and expertise than in generations past, yet most organizations have not moved rapidly
enough to develop digital leaders, promote young leaders, and build new leadership models.
• The leadership gap has become larger; organizational capabilities to address leadership dropped by 2
• Forty-two percent of companies cite “leadership development” as very important.
• The percentage of companies with strong or adequate experiential programs for leaders rose by 2 percent
this year.

Digital HR: Platforms, people, and work

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HR is undergoing rapid and profound change. Once viewed as a support function that delivered employee
services, HR is now being asked to help lead the digital transformation sweeping organizations worldwide.
We see this change taking place in three areas:
• Digital workforce: How can organizations drive new management practices (which we call “digital DNA”1),
a culture of innovation and sharing, and a set of talent practices that facilitate a new network-based
• Digital workplace: How can organizations design a working environment that enables productivity; uses
modern communication tools (such as Slack, Workplace by Facebook, Microsoft Teams, and many others);
and promotes engagement, wellness, and a sense of purpose?
• Digital HR: How can organizations change the HR function itself to operate in a digital way, use digital
tools and apps to deliver solutions, and continuously experiment and innovate?

People analytics: Recalculating the route

People analytics in HR is undergoing a seismic shift. Driven by the widespread adoption of cloud HR
systems, companies are investing heavily in programs to use data for all aspects of workforce planning,
talent management, and operational improvement. People analytics, a discipline that started as a small
technical group that analyzed engagement and retention, has now gone mainstream. Organizations are
redesigning their technical analytics groups to build out digitally powered enterprise analytics solutions.
These new solutions, whether developed internally or embedded in new digital solutions, are enabling
organizations to conduct real-time analytics at the point of need in the business process. This allows for a
deeper understanding of issues and actionable insights for the business.
• While 71 percent of companies see people analytics as a high priority in their organizations (31 percent
rate it very important), progress has been slow. The percentage of companies correlating HR data to
business outcomes, performing predictive analytics, and deploying enterprise scorecards barely changed
from last year.
• Analytics is being applied to a wide range of business challenges: Recruiting remains the No. 1 area of
focus, followed by performance measurement, compensation, workforce planning, and retention. We see an
explosive growth in the use of organizational network analysis (ONA) and the use of “interaction analytics”
(studying employee behavior) to better understand opportunities for business improvement.
• Readiness remains a serious issue: After years of discussing this issue, only 8 percent report they have
usable data; only 9 percent believe they have a good understanding of which talent dimensions drive
performance in their organizations; and only 15 percent have broadly deployed HR and talent scorecards for
line managers.

Diversity and inclusion: The reality gap

Diversity and inclusion have become a CEO-level issue around the world. The digital organization of today,
which operates as a network of teams, thrives on empowerment, open dialogue, and inclusive working
styles. Leading organizations now see diversity and inclusion as a comprehensive strategy woven into every
aspect of the talent life cycle to enhance employee engagement, improve brand, and drive performance.
The era of diversity as a “check the box” initiative owned by HR is over. CEOs must take ownership and
drive accountability among leaders at all levels to close the gap between what is said and actual impact.
• In this year’s survey, the proportion of executives who cited inclusion as a top priority has risen by 32
percent compared with our 2014 survey.
• Over two-thirds (69 percent) of executive’s rate diversity and inclusion an important issue (up from 59
percent in 2014).
• Thirty-eight percent of executives report that the primary sponsor of the company’s diversity and inclusion
efforts is the CEO.

The future of work: The augmented workforce

Driven by the acceleration of connectivity and cognitive technology, the nature of work is changing. As AI
systems, robotics, and cognitive tools grow in sophistication, almost every job is being reinvented, creating

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what many calls the “augmented workforce.” As this trend gathers speed, organizations must reconsider
how they design jobs, organize work, and plan for future growth.
• This year, 41 percent of companies reported they have fully implemented or have made significant
progress in adopting cognitive and AI technologies within their workforce.
• Another 34 percent of survey respondent are in the midst of pilot programs.
• But only 17 percent of global executives report they are ready to manage a workforce with people, robots,
and AI working side by side—the lowest readiness level for a trend in the five years of the Global Human
Capital Trends survey.

20. Confirm the meeting arrangements

Send an email or calendar appointment to the meeting participants in accordance with the
timeframes as set out in the Meeting Policy and Procedures. Send these emails out to your
classmates and your assessor who are role playing the meeting participants.
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style. It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachments. Ensure
that your email includes the date of the meeting within the body of the email to show that you
understand the designated timelines as set out in the Meeting Policy and Procedures. Attach
the Draft Conference Program and your meeting agenda to the email. Your email needs to
request confirmation of attendance.

Confirm meeting attendance with all participants and send any emails or calendar invite
acceptance emails to your assessor as evidence of this.

Send the Administration and Project Officer an email to request that they book Meeting Room 1
for the required date and time and advise of any other necessary arrangements as per the
meeting policy and procedure.


To: Administration and Project Officer

From: Operations Manager
Subject: Arranging and Booking the Meeting Room

Respected Sir,

This mail is notify you all the meeting members that is meeting confirm date is 21 January 2021.
Kindly book the meeting room 1 for the meeting. The meeting will start 10:00 AM and ended at
10:30 AM. Make sure all the necessary materials will be available in the meeting.

Thank you.

Regard form

Operation Manager.

To: All staff

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Subject: Invitation for Leadership Conference Meeting

Hi everybody,

I believe you are on the whole well. You are totally welcomed for a meeting in regards to administration
meeting program. The meeting will occur on 11/01/2021 concerning conversation on groundwork for the
authority meeting program. The plan of the meeting is attached to this email. The meeting will begin at 10.00
am to 10.30 am at Grow Management Consultants Board Room. It would be ideal if you benefit yourself on
schedule. If you don't mind research about initiative points that can be introduced at the meeting. Your
perspectives and commitments will be profoundly acknowledged.

Much appreciated and respects



Operations Manager

To: Administration and Project Officer

Sub: Arranging and booking the Meeting Room

Respected Sir,

I am writing this email to inform you that I have for a meeting for upcoming leadership conference to be held
on October 2019.

I request you to make the necessary arrangements for the meeting on 11/01/2021. The duration of meeting
will be approximately 30 minutes. 10 staff members along with the members of the management will be
present. Please make necessary arrangements accordingly.

Thanking you

Kind regards

FROM: Shailendar Singh
TO: Administration and Project Officer


Good afternoon Administration and Project Officer,

I hope this email finds you well.

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I am writing to communicate the meeting we will hold to discuss the details of the Leadership Conference we
will attend in October.

Below the main details of the meeting:

DATE: 11/11/2020

LOCATION: Grow Management Consultants meeting room 1

TIME: 10.30AM


I have attached to this email the agenda of the meeting which we will refer to.

Please confirm your attendance by COB 11/11/2020

If you have any further question or concern does not hesitate to contact me directly.

Kind regards
Shailendar Singh



Dear assessor,

Good morning!

I would like to inform that the conference meeting agenda and the draft conference program have been
prepared and they are in attachment for your approval.

The conference suggestion topics are:

Leadership Topics:

TOPIC1- Leadership skills

To be a great pioneer, you would like to utilize certain authority aptitudes for your organization to reach its
objectives. These are administrative abilities that effectively empower group individuals or players to do their
work viably. These are abilities that create a concordant relationship among individuals within the

TOPIC 2- Leadership strength

Examining self-awareness, situational mindfulness, great communication expertise and arrangement
abilities, collaboration abilities, capacity to work etc

TOPIC 3- Leadership directories

The Administration Registries, moreover known as the Yellow Books, contain exact, point by point contact
data counting emails and direct-dials—on industry pioneers in a classic, easy-to-browse, and always-
available arrange
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 All members agreed to the selected topics.
 Selected by project officer and will be delivered by the speakers.

For any more questions, please do not hesitate in contacting me.


Operations manager
Ashanta Arshad



From- Jaspreet

Dear assessor,

Good morning!

I would like to inform that the conference meeting agenda and the draft conference program
have been prepared and they are in attachment for your approval.

For any more questions, please do not hesitate in contacting me.


Operations manager
Jaspreet kaur


To: All meeting participants


Subject: Invitation for Leadership Conference Meeting

This mail is to let you all know that a meeting is being organized on 27 th January 2021 and will take place at
Grow Management consultants conference hall. The is scheduled from 11 am till 11:30 am. I have attached
the required documents with this email, kindly find them.

Please assure me your presence in the meeting.

Thank you.



Operations Manager

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To: Administration and Project Officer

Subject: Arranging and booking the Meeting Room

Respected Sir,

This mail is inform you that is meeting is schedules for 27 th January 2021. Kindly book the meeting room 1
for the meeting. The meeting will last for 30 minutes and will by started at 11am. Make sure to arrange all
the thing necessary for meeting.

Thank you.


Operation manager

21. Conduct the meeting

You are required to conduct the meeting in the role of the Chair.

Review the Meeting Policy and Procedures to make sure that you understand and can apply the
Chair’s role and responsibilities.

Prior to the commencement of the meeting, ask the Administration and Project Officer (your
assessor) to take notes of the meeting so that you can prepare the minutes following the
meeting. Provide instructions for note taking as per the meeting policy and procedure. You will
be assessed on this. The Administration and Project Officer will write up their notes and provide
them to you following the meeting. Note that you should also take your own brief notes so that
you can check that all the meeting content was covered.

Chair the meeting in accordance with the company’s meeting policy and procedures for face to
face meetings, as well as meeting legal and ethical requirements. This is to include the

Prior to the meeting

 Checking that the meeting space meets health and safety requirements as per
health and safety legislation. Your assessor will set up at least two hazards in the room
which you will be required to identify and then rectify.

At the outset of the meeting

 Introducing yourself and welcoming everyone.
 Making sure everyone has a copy of the agenda and draft conference program.
 Stating the purpose of the meeting.
 Advising the timeframe for the meeting.
 Encouraging all team members to contribute.

Chairing the meeting including

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 Keeping to the time frame as set out in the agenda e.g. wrapping up the discussion
when the time limit for the agenda item is reached.
 Going through each of the agenda items in order.
 Keeping on track by ensuring everyone sticks to the agenda.
 Respecting everyone’s views and using active listening techniques.
 Making sure the meeting starts and ends according to the time in the agenda.
 Promoting ethical behaviour – at the meeting a staff member will raise an ethical
issue which you will need to respond to appropriately.

Leading the meeting according to your agenda, ensuring that:

 You share your own ideas for conference topics.
 You seek the ideas from the staff team, encouraging everyone to contribute.
 All ideas are discussed, and the conference program is agreed on. Note as there
will be one more idea than there are spaces in the conference program, you will need to
discuss this issue and facilitate a consensus.
 You achieve the meeting outcomes desired i.e. to finalise the conference program.
 You facilitate a consensus on the best day and time for conference meetings.
 You explain that the minutes of the meeting and a finalised conference program will
be sent to staff following the meeting.

During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills including:

 Speaking clearly and concisely

 Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
 Asking questions to identify required information
 Responding to questions as required
 Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

At the end of the meeting, notify the note taker that the notes of the meeting will need to be
provided to you within the timelines specified in the meeting policy and procedure.

Meeting Date: 21 January 2021

Time: 10:00 AM

Location: Grow Management Consultants Board Room

Safety Hazard identified and rectified

 Improper Lighting
 Fire extinguisher is not working

Kindly change the fire extinguisher because the old one is not properly working and second is repair the
electric wires and switch board.

During meeting:

Good morning to all my members. I am operation manager of Grow management consultants. We are
gathered here to talk about the impending leader conference.

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The intention of this meeting is to select the topics of conference and discussion about the upcoming
leadership conference.

The meeting will start 10:00 AM and it will probably last for 30 minutes. I expected all the meeting members
will join and give their opinions and ideas.

Meeting Agenda

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1 Welcome and apologies 2 minutes

2 Presentation 5 minutes

3 Deciding the venue 10 minutes

4 Dividing responsibility for catering 8 minutes

5 Setting time table of conference 5 minutes

Leadership topics:

Problem solving: Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of
the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a
solution. The problem-solving process.

Team Building: Team building is the process of turning a group of individual contributing

employees into a cohesive team a group of people organized to work together to meet e needs
of their customers by accomplishing their purpose and goals.

Decision making: Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision,
gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-by-step decision-
making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions by organizing relevant
information and defining alternatives.

Self-management: self-management which is also referred to as “self-control” or “self-

regulation,” is the ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviours effectively in
different situations.

Promoting Ethical Behaviour:

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Being ethical involves conducting yourself in accordance with the accepted principles of right and
wrong. A company that conducts business in an ethical manner gains respect not only from the
employees but also from the society. Employee retention is high in companies
that promote strong ethical behaviours.


All the participants gave their own ideas and opinions about the topics and after we have finalized
for the meeting.

Meeting date- 11/01/2021

Time- 10:00 a.m.
Venue- Grow Management Consultants Board Room

During meeting:

Good morning everyone. Hope you all are having a great time. I am Yasin, your operational manager and
today we are gathered for the purpose of discussing our agenda regarding the upcoming conference on
future leadership to be held on October 2019.


As our yearly routine to organize a conference in leadership, the upcoming conference has been decided to
be held on October 2019. The prospective topic and ideas will be discussed in this meeting.


Approximately 30 minutes will be required to complete this meeting. It is compulsory for all the members to
participate in the meeting give their views.

Meeting Agenda
Meeting Date: 11th January 2021

Meeting Time/duration: 10:00 AM/30 minutes

Meeting Location: Grow Management Consultants Board Room

Operation Manger
Senior Management Consultants
Attendees: Administration/Project Officer
Marketing Manager
Two management consultant contractors
Chair: Administration/Project Manager

Please bring &/or read: Meeting Policy and Procedure

Time Allocated
Agenda Items
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1. Welcome and apologies 2 minutes

2. Summary of the meeting 3 minutes
3. Overview of Leadership Conference 2019: Leading in the twenty first
5 minutes
4. Discuss the topic regarding to the conference 10 minutes
5. Divide the topic that will be discussed in the conference 5 minutes
6. Prepare the schedule and timing of the conference 5 minutes

Leadership topics:

Topic: Strategic Leadership Style

Summary: Strategic leadership is one that involves a leader who is essentially the head of an
organization. The strategic leader is not limited to those at the top of the organization. It is geared to a
wider audience at all levels who want to create a high performance in life, team or organization. The
strategic leaders fill the gap between the need for new possibility and the need for practicality by
providing a prescriptive set of habits.

Topic: Team Leadership and Effect of it.

Summary: Team leadership involves the creation of a vivid picture of its future, where it is heading and what
it will stand for. The vision inspires and provides a strong sense of purpose and direction. Team leadership
is about working with the hearts and minds of all those involved. It also recognizes that teamwork may not
always involve trusting cooperative relationships. The most challenging aspect of this leadership is whether
or not it will succeed.


- All members agreed to the selected topics.

- The two main topics were selected by project officer and will be delivered by the speakers.

Chairman: The meeting will please come to order. May I request the Secretary to announce whether the
notice of the meeting has been disseminated to the members?
(Secretary calls the members who have been sent emails about the meeting.)
Chairman: May I request the Administration and the Project Officer to take notes of the proceedings which
will be made as basis for the minutes of the meeting, although the Secretary is requested to take down the
minutes. Shall we look at the agenda of the meeting? Secretary, please read the agenda of this meeting.
(Secretary reads agenda.)
Chairman: Before we proceed to the agenda, shall we request the Secretary to read the minutes of the
previous meeting?
(Secretary reads the minutes of the previous meeting.)

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Chairman: Any comments, suggestions or amendments to the Minutes of the previous meeting? If none, will
you please make a motion to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting? (Motion approved.) Before we
proceed to the agenda for this meeting, let us recall the meeting policies and procedures that we have set
so far. Can you please mention one and explain? (The members answer.)
Thank you. Now we are ready to proceed to the agenda of this meeting...

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: 11/11/2020

Meeting Time: 08.00 am to 8:30 am

Duration 30 minutes

Meeting Location: Conference Room-C2

Attendees: 100 person

CEO (Paul Burns)

Operations Manager (Shailendar Singh)
Chair: Senior Management Consultant (Bob Downs)
Marketing Manager (Jack Steel)
Administration/Project Officer (Sally Smith)

Please bring &/or read: Note and Marker

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1 Conference Welcome 02 minutes

General Welcome: CEO, Grow Management Consultants
Welcome to Country : Traditional Custodian

2 Leading in the twenty first century and the idea is to have talks 03 minutes
and workshops on the latest trends in, and techniques for,
leadership by
 Lead flexibly by receiving feedback from many parties
 Lead by doing first before giving instructions
 Leading to use technology as a means of coordination
Keynote Speaker: CEO of Grow Management Consultants

3 Morning Tea and networking opportunity 05 minutes

4 Lead flexibly by receiving feedback from many parties 10 minutes

Presenter : Senior Management Consultant

6 Lead by doing first before giving instructions 05 minutes

Presenter : Administration/Project Officer

8 Leading to use technology as a means of coordination 03 minutes

Presenter : Marketing Manager
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9 Closing 02 minutes

The topic chosen for the conference are:

TOPIC 1 - Create better creativity in training giving

Grow Management Consultant give the chance for the creativity of leadership training in order to get more
things to do. It is not only to the companies but also to the Australian people that like to use leadership in
any organization. It is also different teaching idea that is for the training to hospital, social worker, volunteers
or the non-profit organization. Leadership training must be more creative and it sometimes have the
example of video, photo guessing, quiz or any games challenge to make the leader involve and demonstrate
their knowledge and idea in developing the teamwork.

TOPIC 2 - Use of digital media to enhance training process

Australian leaders view digital communications tools as a key facilitator of team connectedness, with 80% of
respondents predicting an increase in the use of work-based social media platforms (compared to 67% of
global respondents) and 68% predicting an increase in the use of instant messages. Digital development
has enhanced the mindful leadership to use their good work using the digital media such as teleconference,
webcam, social media and also other things. It is to enhance the leadership direction, motivation,
communication easier and also direct customer service with the client that is adding from the social media

Meeting participant evaluation form

Candidate name Internal Auditor

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree


The meeting started on time. 

The meeting purpose was clear. 

The chairperson kept discussions focused on

achieving the purpose of the meeting.

The chairperson-maintained control of the meeting

throughout the duration.

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The chairperson ensured all participants were involved

in discussions.

The chairperson facilitated the problem-solving activity

to resolve any issues.

The chairperson facilitated decision-making to ensure

required decisions were made.

The meeting followed the agenda. 

The desired outcome for the meeting was achieved. 

The meeting concluded on time. 

General feedback regarding the way in which the

meeting was conducted.

Candidate name Proxy of shareholders

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree


The meeting started on time. 

The meeting purpose was clear. 

The chairperson kept discussions focused on

achieving the purpose of the meeting.

The chairperson-maintained control of the meeting

throughout the duration.

The chairperson ensured all participants were involved

in discussions.

The chairperson facilitated the problem-solving activity

to resolve any issues.

The chairperson facilitated decision-making to ensure

required decisions were made.

The meeting followed the agenda. 

The desired outcome for the meeting was achieved. 

The meeting concluded on time. 

General feedback regarding the way in which the

meeting was conducted.

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Candidate name Directors

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree

The meeting started on time. 

The meeting purpose was clear. 

The chairperson kept discussions focused on

achieving the purpose of the meeting.

The chairperson-maintained control of the meeting

throughout the duration.

The chairperson ensured all participants were involved

in discussions.

The chairperson facilitated the problem-solving activity

to resolve any issues.

The chairperson facilitated decision-making to ensure

required decisions were made.

The meeting followed the agenda. 

The desired outcome for the meeting was achieved. 

The meeting concluded on time. 

General feedback regarding the way in which the

meeting was conducted.

Candidate name Independent Director

Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree


The meeting started on time. 

The meeting purpose was clear. 

The chairperson kept discussions focused on 

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achieving the purpose of the meeting.

The chairperson-maintained control of the meeting

throughout the duration.

The chairperson ensured all participants were involved

in discussions.

The chairperson facilitated the problem-solving activity

to resolve any issues.

The chairperson facilitated decision-making to ensure

required decisions were made.

The meeting followed the agenda. 

The desired outcome for the meeting was achieved. 

The meeting concluded on time. 

General feedback regarding the way in which the

meeting was conducted.

Meeting date- 30/11/2020

Time- 11:00 a.m.
Venue- Meeting room Grow Management Consultants

During meeting:

Hello everyone. I am Ashfandyar Arshad, your operational manager and today we are gathered for the
purpose of discussing our agenda regarding the upcoming conference on future leadership. Please be
seated. I hope all have copy of meeting details.


As our yearly routine to organize a conference in leadership, the upcoming conference has been decided to
be held on October 2019. The prospective topic and ideas will be discussed in this meeting.


Approximately 2 hours will be required to complete this meeting. It is compulsory for all the members to
participate in the meeting give their views.

Sharing views:

Kindly share your views on the prospective topic on future leadership and integration of technology and
dividing work effectively for effective leadership management. Kindly respect each attendee and must
compile with the code of ethics while communicating with each other. Please provide your personal
understanding regarding the different possibilities of future leadership approaches. We will provide equal
importance to the opinion of each respondents and proper evaluation will also be made on each respondent.

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Agendas are prospects and requirements for the conference and leadership styles, key trends in leadership
styles and suitable speakers are required to be identified and you are welcome to share your views.
What are the prospective issues associated with these ideas?
As per discussion, the above mentioned two topics have been finalized and all the relevant documents and
information will be sent to your email ids.

Meeting date: 27/01/2021

Time: 11:00 am
Venue: Grow Management Consultants Board Room

Safety Hazard Identified and Rectified:

 Chair and desks are worn out.
 Fire extinguisher is not working.

Please change the chairs and desks, make sure they are safe enough for an employee to use.
Get a new fire extinguisher and replace the old one.

During meeting:

Good morning to all. My name is Jatin, I am operation manager of Grow management consultants. As you
all already know we are all gathered here to discuss the topics about the upcoming leadership conference.


The purpose of this meeting is to decide the topics of conference. The meeting will be carried out according
to the agenda set for meeting.


The meeting will probably last for 30 minutes. It is expected from all the attendees of the meeting to
participate in the meeting consciously and give their opinions.

Meeting Agenda

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1. Welcome and apologies 2 minutes
2. Presentation 8 minutes
3. Deciding two topics for upcoming conference 5 minutes
4. Dividing topics to speakers 10 minutes
5. Setting time table of conference 5 minutes

Leadership topics:
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Conflict management styles:

Managers who perceived to exhibit more on transformational leadership style adopted integrating and
obliging style of conflict management. Those who perceived to exhibit more on transactional style opted for
compromising style of conflict management. Whereas, managers perceived to exhibit laissez-faire
leadership style adopted avoiding style to manage conflicts with subordinates.

Mentoring and leadership development:

Mentoring has emerged as a means to cultivate the leadership skills of current and future leaders. Mentoring
has a rich history and harbors immense learning potential, which is supported by the theories and concepts
of prominent researchers and philosophers such as Vygotsky, Rogoff, and Bruner. Mentors take on various
roles and, like chameleons, transform their roles to fit the needs of their mentees, including becoming
coaches, supporters, counselors, educators, and sponsors. The benefits of both mentors and mentees are
extensive, ranging from increased self-esteem, awareness, insight, and professional skills to reduction of
stress. While the benefits to mentoring are immense, personal and societal constraints such as time,
incompatibility, and inadequate training show that engaging in mentoring takes immense time, effort, and
commitment in order to obtain the desired results.

Promoting Ethical Behavior:

Two of the attendees are having private talks during the meeting. They are not focusing on what is being
discussed in the meeting.
As a leader, stood near the offenders and make them realize that they have been noticed. So, that they can
be aware of their offend.

All the attendees gave their ideas on the topis and after a brief discussion the above topics have been
finalized for the meeting.

22. Prepare meeting minutes

Review the notes of the meeting provided by the minute taker (your assessor) and then prepare
detailed meeting minutes based on the notes provided.

Use the Meeting Minutes Template to guide your work.

You are required to check that the minute taker has taken a true and accurate record of the
meeting, as well as proof reading for any spelling and grammar mistakes.

Save this document as Meeting Minutes.

Meeting minutes

Date: 21 January 2021

Time 10:00 AM

Place Grow Management Consultants Conference hall

Attendees: Operations Manager

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James Duval (Administration/Project Officer)

Jack Smith (Senior Management Consultants)

Jack Steel (Marketing Manager)

Michael Simms (Management Consultant Contractor)

Leander (Management Consultant Contractor)

Apologies: N/A

Item Description
Meeting purpose
-Select the topics of conference

-Discussion about the upcoming leadership conference.

2 Review of previous meeting (if applicable. Delete of not)

Item discussed

-Leadership Topics.

Problem solving: Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the

cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution;
and implementing a solution. The problem-solving process.

Team Building: Team building is the process of turning a group of individual contributing

employees into a cohesive team a group of people organized to work together to meet e
needs of their customers by accomplishing their purpose and goals.

Decision making: Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision,
gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-by-step decision-
making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions by organizing
3 relevant information and defining alternatives.

Self-management: self-management which is also referred to as “self-control” or “self-

regulation,” is the ability to regulate one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviours effectively in
different situations.


All the participants gave their own ideas and opinions about the topics and after we
have finalized for the conference topic.

4 Item discussed :
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Finding the speaker

Dividing responsibility for catering

Outcomes: CEO and operations manager have been finalized as the speaker.

5 Meeting close: 10:30 AM

Next meeting: will be decide after the conference

Time: 11:00 AM
Date: 27 January 2021
Place: Grow Management Consultants Board Room

Minute taker: Administration and project Manager

James Duval

Date: 21 January 2021

Meeting Minutes:
Date: 12th January 2021

Time: 3.00 PM

Place: Grow Management Consultants Board Room

Sally Smith (Administration/Project Officer)

Bob Downs (Senior Management Consultants)

Yasin(Operations Manager)
Jack Steel (Marketing Manager)

Jane Simms (Management Consultant Contractor)

Leander Duval (Management Consultant Contractor)

Apologies: N/A

Item Description

1 Meeting purpose

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- Overview of the conference program

- Discuss the topic regarding to the conference
- Share ideas and topics regarding to the conference
- Provide the topics and speaker

Item discussed

- Share the draft conference program

- Suggested the topics for main conference session
 Strategic Leadership Style
-Strategic leadership is one that involves a leader who is essentially the
head of an organization. The strategic leader is not limited to those at the
top of the organization. The strategic leaders fill the gap between the need
for new possibility and the need for practicality by providing a prescriptive
2 set of habits.
 Team Leadership and Effect of it
Team leadership involves the creation of a vivid picture of its future, where
it is heading and what it will stand for. The vision inspires and provides a
strong sense of purpose and direction. Team leadership is about working
with the hearts and minds of all those involved.
- All members agreed to the selected topics.
- The two main topics were selected by project officer and will be delivered by the

Item discussed

- Sally Smith outlined the task to the members for the conference.
- Organize venue for at least 100 people.
- Select appropriate speaker for specific topics.
- Organising catering counting distinguishing whether the setting itself can give
3 catering or whether there will be an outside caterer.


- Operations manager will be responsible for organizing catering

- Within one week the conference venue will be identified by Operations Manager.
- Bob, Jake, Jane will identify and recommend the speakers.

4 Meeting close: 3.30 PM

Next meeting: Will be held after the conference.

Time: 11:00 a.m.

Date: 19th January 2021

Place: Grow Management Consultants Board Room

Minute taker: Administration and Project Manager

Signed: Sally

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Name: Sally Smith

Date: 12th January 2021

Grow Management Consultants

Meeting minutes

Date: 11/11/2020

Time: 10.30 am

Place: GMC meeting room 1

CEO (Paul Burns), Operations Manager (Shailendar Singh), a Senior

Attendees: Management Consultant (Bob Downs), Marketing Manager (Jack Steel) and
an Administration/Project Officer (Sally Smith).

Apologies: n/a

Item Description
Meeting purpose
Leadership Conference 2017: Leading in the Twenty-first century
To discuss more about the 21st century development in the meeting and it has the great
outcome and development.
Item discussed
Create better creativity in training giving
Grow Management Consultant give the chance for the creativity of leadership training in
order to get more things to do. It is not only to the companies but also to the Australian
people that like to use leadership in any organization. It is also different teaching idea
that is for the training to hospital, social worker, volunteers or the non-profit
organization. Leadership training must be more creative and it sometimes have the
example of video, photo guessing, quiz or any games challenge to make the leader
involve and demonstrate their knowledge and idea in developing the teamwork.

Participants agree on showing more games, challenge, quiz and also the video to
demonstrate the leadership that is good and showing them knowledge of leadership
from the training platform.
3 Item discussed
Use of digital media to enhance training process
Australian leaders view digital communications tools as a key facilitator of team
connectedness, with 80% of respondents predicting an increase in the use of work-
based social media platforms (compared to 67% of global respondents) and 68%

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predicting an increase in the use of instant messages. Digital development has enhanced
the mindful leadership to use their good work using the digital media such as
teleconference, webcam, social media and also other things. It is to enhance the
leadership direction, motivation, communication easier and also direct customer service
with the client that is adding from the social media account.

Grow Management Consultant will follow the better advertising and also making the
influence of the leadership motivation to the client or people that view it from
Facebook, Instagram, Instagram story, Youtube. Then they are going to make the better
development on making the support service chatting to the client via social media.

Item Discussed
Leadership marketing tools and advertising media
Marketing Manager said the advertising tools in leadership training can be in varieties of
media. They can be the newspaper, email, newsletter, flyers, billboard, social media,
4 and website advertising and so on. It is useful and cheaper price.

All participants agree on the new advertising method and will do the best toward this
and keep their good performance.
Item discussed
Get the loyal routine training from the big company
CEO of Grow Management Consultant make sure that the better strategies to develop
better sales is to make the cooperation and get the loyalty of routine training of
leadership from big companies that have more than 100 staffs in a corporation. It can be
like Allianz, Commonwealth, ANZ, ING Direct, Suncorp, Energy Australia, etc.

Grow Management Consultant will develop their better development in pursuing the
loyalty and the routine training package selling offer to the big companies.

6 Meeting close: CEO of Grow Management Consultant close the meeting

Next meeting:

Time: 09.00 AM – 5.00 PM

Date: Wednesday, 11th November 2020
The Sydney Boulevard Hotel, ½ Grand Ball room, 90 William St,
Sydney NSW, 2011, Australia

Minute taker: Operations manager

Signed: Sally Smith

Name: Sally Smith

Date: 11/11/2020

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Grow Management Consultants

Date: 1st December 2020

Time: 10:30 am to 12:30 am

Place: Meeting room Grow Management Consultants

Attendees: Staff, senior management Consultant

(Bob Brown), CEO (Paul Burns),
Marketing manager (Jack Steel), Project
Officer (Sally Smith)

Apologies: 2 minutes

Item Description

1 Meeting purpose

 Conference on October 2019 on leadership

2  Item discussed
 Prospective ideas of and requirement for conference
 Outcomes
 Agreed on the proposed topic and resources

3  Item discussed
 Prospective speakers and future of leadership topics
 Outcomes
 Name of prospective speakers will be reported shortly regarding

5 Meeting close: 12:30 pm

6 Next meeting:

Time: 11 am

Date: 10th December, 2020

Place: Board meeting room

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Minute taker: Sally

Signed: Sally

Name: Sally

Date: 1st December 2020

Meeting Minutes:
Date: 27th January, 2021

Time: 11:00 AM

Place: Grow Management Consultants Conference hall

Jatin (Operations Manager)

James Duval (Administration/Project Officer)

Jack Smith (Senior Management Consultants)

Jack Steel (Marketing Manager)

Michael Simms (Management Consultant Contractor)

Leander (Management Consultant Contractor)

Apologies: N/A

Item Description

Meeting purpose

1 - Discussion about upcoming leadership conference

- Deciding the topic for the conference
- Deciding the speakers

2 Item discussed

- Potential leadership topics.

- Decide schedule for meeting

 Conflict management styles:

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Managers who perceived to exhibit more on transformational leadership style adopted

integrating and obliging style of conflict management. Those who perceived to exhibit
more on transactional style opted for compromising style of conflict management.
Whereas, managers perceived to exhibit laissez-faire leadership style adopted
avoiding style to manage conflicts with subordinates.

 Mentoring and leadership development:

Mentoring has emerged as a means to cultivate the leadership skills of current and
future leaders. Mentoring has a rich history and harbors immense learning potential,
which is supported by the theories and concepts of prominent researchers and
philosophers such as Vygotsky, Rogoff, and Bruner. Mentors take on various roles
and, like chameleons, transform their roles to fit the needs of their mentees, including
becoming coaches, supporters, counsellors, educators, and sponsors. The benefits of
both mentors and mentees are extensive, ranging from increased self-esteem,
awareness, insight, and professional skills to reduction of stress. While the benefits to
mentoring are immense, personal and societal constraints such as time,
incompatibility, and inadequate training show that engaging in mentoring takes
immense time, effort, and commitment in order to obtain the desired results.


- All attendees gave their consent for topics of conference

- Assigned topic to speakers

Item discussed

- Duval outlined the task to the members for the conference.

- Organize venue for at least 100 people.
- Select appropriate speaker for specific topics.
- Organising catering counting distinguishing whether the setting itself can give
3 catering or whether there will be an outside caterer.


- Operations manager will be responsible for organizing catering

- Within one week the conference venue will be identified by Operations Manager.
- Bob, Jake, Jane will identify and recommend the speakers.

4 Meeting close: 11:30 am

Next meeting: Will be held after the conference.

Time: 11:30 am
Date: 29th January 2021

Place: Grow Management Consultants Board Room

Minute taker: Administration and Project Manager

Signed: James

Name: James Duval

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Date: 27th January 2021

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23. Update the conference program

Write the conference program according to the ideas finalised at the meeting. This will show that
you have correctly reported on the outcomes of the meeting.

Use the Draft Conference Program to guide your work.

Save this document as Revised Conference Program.

Draft Conference program

Leadership Conference 2019: Leading in the twenty first century

2 February, 2021
9:30 am to 5:00 pm

9.00-9.30 AM: Conference Welcome

 General Welcome by CEO and other members.
 Welcome to Country
9.30-10.30 AM Topic: Problem solving: Problem solving is the act of defining a problem;
determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting
alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution. The problem-
solving process
Speaker: CEO of Grow Management Consultants
10.30-11.00 AM  Tea Break
 Networking opportunity
11.00-12.30 PM Topic: Team Building: Team building is the process of turning a group of individual
contributing employees into a cohesive team a group of people organized to work
together to meet e needs of their customers by accomplishing their purpose and

Speaker: Operation Manager, Grow Management Consultants.

12.30-1.30 PM Lunch

1.30-3.00 PM Topic: Decision making: Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying
a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-by-
step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions by
organizing relevant information and defining alternatives.

Speaker: Marketing Manager, Grow Management Consultants.

3.00- 3.30 PM Afternoon Tea and Networking opportunity
3.30 PM- 5.00 PM Topic: Decision making: Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a
decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions. Using a step-by-
step decision-making process can help you make more deliberate, thoughtful decisions by

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organizing relevant information and defining alternatives.

Speaker: CEO of Grow Management Consultants

Draft Conference Program:

Grow Management Consultants
Leadership Conference 2019: Leading in the twenty-first century
20th January 2021
10.00 AM – 6 PM

10.00-10.30 AM: Conference Welcome

 General Welcome by CEO and other members.
 Welcome to Country
10.30-11.00 AM Topic: Leadership Qualities; What makes you a great Leader
Speaker: CEO of Grow Management Consultants
11.00-11.30 AM  Tea Break
 Networking Session
11.30-12.30 PM Topic: Strategic Leadership Style
Summary: Strategic leadership is one that involves a leader who is essentially the head of
an organization. The strategic leader is not limited to those at the top of the organization.
It is geared to a wider audience at all levels who want to create a high performance in life,
team or organization. The strategic leaders fill the gap between the need for new
possibility and the need for practicality by providing a prescriptive set of habits.
Speaker: Marketing Manager, Grow Management Consultants.
12.30-1.30 PM Lunch
1.30-3.00 PM Topic: Team Leadership and Effect of it.
Summary: Team leadership involves the creation of a vivid picture of its future, where it is
heading and what it will stand for. The vision inspires and provides a strong sense of
purpose and direction. Team leadership is about working with the hearts and minds of all
those involved. It also recognizes that teamwork may not always involve trusting
cooperative relationships. The most challenging aspect of this leadership is whether or not
it will succeed.
Speaker: Operations Manager, Grow Management Consultants.
3.00- 3.30 PM Tea Break
3.30 PM- 5.30 PM Discussion about the leadership topic
5.30 PM- 6 PM The speakers will gather feedback from audience

Grow Management Consultants

Leadership Conference 2020: Leading in the twenty first century

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8 November 2020
9.30 am to 5.00 pm

9 – 9.30 am: Conference welcome

General Welcome – CEO, Grow Management Consultants

Welcome to Country – Traditional Custodian

9.30 – 10.30:
Mindful Leadership: Becoming a Mindful Leader by the Application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
(ACT) Principles
Team Reflection

meaning and findings

Keynote Speaker: CEO of Grow Management Consultants

10.30 – 11 am: Morning Tea and networking opportunity

11 am – 12.30 pm:
Adopt continuous, feedback-based performance management
Team Reflection

meaning and findings

Presenter: Shailendar Singh

12.30 to 1.30: Lunch

1.30 – 3.00 pm: Final discussion

solution for leader

case studies on possible solutions

Presenter: Shailendar Singh

3 – 3.30 pm: Afternoon Tea and Networking opportunity

3.30 – 5.00 pm: Question and answer

Team Reflection

Public Commitments

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Presenter: Shailendar Singh, CEO, ATTENDEES

Date 1st December 2020

Duration 9.00am -7.00 pm

Conference program minutes Outcomes of the meeting

9.00am - 9.30am The operational manager will introduce himself and welcome the
participants. The CEO will throw the light on purpose of conference.
9.30am -10.00 am The operational manager will introduce leadership topics. Detailed
background of the three leadership topics will be provided to the
10.00am - 11.00am The operational manager will take feedback from the audience
regarding the three leadership topics. The conception of the audience
regarding the topics will be discovered.
11.00am- 11.30 pm Refreshments will be served to the audience and the participants will
be able to discuss among each other and expert professionals
11.30am- 12 noon The leadership topics will be confirmed, and the CEO will confirm the
topics to the audience
12 noon - 1.00 pm Audience will get effective networking opportunity within this time
1.00 pm- 2.00 pm Lunch break
2.00 pm- 4.00 pm Lecture on the leadership topics by the expert speakers

4.00pm – 4.15 pm Afternoon tea

4.15pm- 6.15 pm Discussion about the leadership topic

6.15pm- 7.00 pm Audience will be able to interact with the speakers and the speakers
will gather feedback from audience

Draft Conference Program:

Grow Management Consultants

Leadership Conference 2021: Leading in the twenty-first century
5th February, 2021
10.00 AM – 6 PM

10.00-10.30 AM: Conference Welcome

 General Welcome by CEO and other members.
 Welcome to Country
10.30-11.00 AM Topic: Leadership Qualities; What makes you a great Leader
Speaker: CEO of Grow Management Consultants
11.00-11.30 AM  Tea Break
 Networking Session
11.30-12.30 PM  Topic: Conflict management styles:

Managers who perceived to exhibit more on transformational leadership style

adopted integrating and obliging style of conflict management. Those who
perceived to exhibit more on transactional style opted for compromising style of
conflict management. Whereas, managers perceived to exhibit laissez-faire
leadership style adopted avoiding style to manage conflicts with subordinates.

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Speaker: Operation Manager, Grow Management Consultants.

12.30-1.30 PM Lunch
1.30-3.00 PM  Topic: Mentoring and leadership development:

Mentoring has emerged as a means to cultivate the leadership skills of current and
future leaders. Mentoring has a rich history and harbors immense learning
potential, which is supported by the theories and concepts of prominent
researchers and philosophers such as Vygotsky, Rogoff, and Bruner. Mentors take
on various roles and, like chameleons, transform their roles to fit the needs of their
mentees, including becoming coaches, supporters, counsellors, educators, and
sponsors. The benefits of both mentors and mentees are extensive, ranging from
increased self-esteem, awareness, insight, and professional skills to reduction of
stress. While the benefits to mentoring are immense, personal and societal
constraints such as time, incompatibility, and inadequate training show that
engaging in mentoring takes immense time, effort, and commitment in order to
obtain the desired results.

Speaker: Marketing Manager, Grow Management Consultants.

3.00- 3.30 PM Tea Break
3.30 PM- 5.30 PM Discussion on leadership topic
5.30 PM- 6 PM Gathering audience feedback

24. Take a screen shot of your folder and files.

You should create a folder and save all documents associated with the meeting in this folder.
This will demonstrate that you can save meeting documents according to requirements.

You are required to demonstrate that you can file all of your records in a logical structure.
Ensure that you have an overall folder for your work, as well as sub folders if necessary.
All of the documents you have submitted for this assessment task should be correctly named
and filed.

The screen shot should show all the folders and documents.

25. Send an email to staff (your assessor)

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.
It should include a brief summary of the outcomes of the meeting (3 to 4 points) and direct the
recipient to read the attached minutes and conference program.

Attach the following to the email:

 Meeting Minutes
 Revised Conference Program
 Screen shot

The minutes must be sent to staff within the designated timelines as specified in the Meeting
Policy and Procedures.


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From: operation
Subject: outcome of the meeting

Dear Staff Member,

This mail is to give you information about leadership conference. Latterly, a meeting was
arranged to discuss time table and other schedule of meeting. The outcomes of meeting are:

 Deciding the venue

 Dividing responsibility for catering
 Setting time table of conference

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Kindly find the regarding documents attached to this email and read carefully.

Thank you
Operations Manager


Dear Staff Member,

I have attached the conference topics that will be discuss in the conference and also the meeting
minutes and its outcome. Three main topics will be discussed in conference which was already
mentioned in the meeting. Operations Manager will be responsible for arranging the venue and the
catering. The speaker was also decided in the meeting. Please find the attachments and look
through it.

Thank You,
Operations Manager



Good afternoon team,

I hope this email finds you well.

I am writing to provide you the meeting minutes which we have taken during our meeting held on

Below the main points discussed during the meeting:

 Discuss your own ideas for conference topics.

 Seek ideas for conference topics from staff for each of the allocated spots in the program.
 Arrange a suitable schedule of meetings to ensure that plans for the conference are
regularly discussed and actioned.
 Allocate roles and responsibilities regarding organizing and running the conference

I have attached to this email:

- Meeting Minutes
- Revised Conference Program
- Screen shot

If you have any further question or concern does not hesitate to contact me directly at any time.
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Kind regards
Shailendar Singh




Dear assessor,

Good morning!

I would like to summarise the meeting outcomes. All the topics below were discussed with proper outcomes:

 Definition of project management plan

 Project deliverables
 Project Benefits
 Project Scope
 Project Milestones

Please, see the meeting minutes and the conference program revised in attachment. The files are being
archived and named properly in accordance of Meeting Policy and Procedures.

For any more questions, please do not hesitate in contacting me.


Operations manager
Ashfandyar Arshad

Subject: Outcome of the meeting

Dear Staff Member,

This mail is to give you information regarding leadership conference. Recently, a meeting was organised to
discuss schedule of meeting. The outcomes of meeting are:
• Assigned duties to all the staff members.
• Finalised leadership topics.
• Assign speakers for conference.

Please find the concerning documents attached to this mail and read them carefully.

Thank you.

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Jatin Operations Manager

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Assessment Task 2 Checklist

Student’s name:
Did the student: successfully Comments
Yes No
Develop an agenda that includes the purpose of the
meeting using the Grow Management Consultant’s
Agenda Template?
Follow the Meeting Policy and Procedures regarding
developing the agenda?
Send agenda and conference program via email to
each required meeting participant at least three
working days prior to the meeting?
Identify and interpret information from the report Global
Human Capital Trends 2017 so as to inform possible
conference topics?
Brief the minute taker on taking of meeting notes
according to the meeting policy and procedure?
Check that the meeting space is safe so as to conform
with health and safety legislation and remove hazards
At the outset of the meeting, perform the
responsibilities of the chair?
Chair the meeting as set out in the Meeting Policy and
Lead the meeting according to the agenda?
During the meeting, demonstrate effective
communication skills including:
 Speaking clearly and concisely
 Using non-verbal communication to assist with
 Asking questions to identify required information
 Responding to questions as required
 Using active listening techniques to confirm

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Develop formal minutes of meeting from transcribed

Check that transcribed notes represent a true and
accurate record of the meeting and update accordingly
in the final minutes?
Save the meeting minutes according to the subject of
the meeting and the date of the meeting and under
Conference meetings folder?
Correctly reflect meeting discussion in finalised
conference program.
Send minutes and final conference program via email
within required timelines?
Include in the final email a summary of the outcomes of
the meeting?
Store all meeting documents in relevant folders?

Task Outcome: Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Assessor signature

Assessor name


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Assessment Task 3 Cover Sheet

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

 I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded
with any other student(s).
 I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me
according to the process explained to me.
 I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
Student name

Student ID number

Student signature


Assessor declaration
 I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been carried
out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor name

Assessor signature


Assessment outcome S NS DNS Resubmission Y N


Student result response

 My performance in this assessment task has been discussed and explained to me.
 I would like to appeal this assessment decision.
Student signature


A copy of this page must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

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Assessment Task 3: Informal meeting project

Task summary
This assessment task requires you, in the role of Operations Manager, to prepare for and conduct an
informal meeting with your team to discuss social activities for the team.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in RSB.

 Access to textbooks/other learning materials
 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
 Meeting Policy and Procedures
 Space for a meeting and meeting roleplay participants

 Email regarding meeting arrangements
 Email with draft summary of the meeting outcomes
 Email with revised summary of the meeting outcomes

Assessment criteria
For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily address all
of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will be asked to complete
further assessment to demonstrate competence.

Re-submission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have
satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you
written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance.
Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with
unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any
part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of
the assessment.

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Assessment Task 3 Instructions

Carefully read the following:

Grow Management Consultants has recently implemented a work-life balance policy.

The policy includes a new initiative to hold a quarterly social event for all staff.

As the Operations Manager for Grow Management Consultants, you have decided to have an informal
meeting with your staff to seek their ideas on social activities and to discuss timing (e.g. which days of the
week work best, what time). Note that the policy states that a maximum budget of $500 per activity may be
allocated and that activities may be held on Friday afternoons or after 5 pm on any other day of the week.

You should follow the Grow Management Consultants Meetings Policy and Procedures for informal

Complete the following activities:

1. Develop a meeting agenda.

The agenda should conform to the Meeting Policy and Procedures.

It should clearly show the date and time for the meeting, as well as who is to attend the meeting
and items for discussion as per the scenario information and meeting policy and procedure.
Note that the meeting will last for about 15 minutes.

Your assessor will advise you of the date and time for the meeting.

Prior to the meeting, you will also be required to make notes on your own ideas for social
activities. Research and make notes on at least two ideas to take to the meeting.

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: 3 February 2021 (11 am)

Meeting Time/duration: 15 minutes

Meeting Location: Conference hall

Operation Manger
Senior Management Consultants
Attendees: Administration/Project Officer
Marketing Manager
Two management consultant contractors
Chair: Administration/Project Manager

Please bring &/or read: N/A

Agenda Items Time Allocated

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Agenda Items Time Allocated

1. Welcome and apologies 2 minutes
2. Presentation 3 minutes
3. Discuss the social activity 4 minutes
4. Budget of discussion 3 Minutes
5. Voting for time and time 3 Minutes

Meeting Agenda
Meeting Date and Time: 19th January 2021 (10.30 AM)

Meeting Time/duration: 30 minutes

Meeting Location: Board Room

Operations Manger
Senior Management Consultants
Attendees: Administration/Project Officer
Marketing Manager
Other Staffs
Chair: Administration/Project Manager

Please bring &/or read: N/A

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1. Welcome and apologies 5 minutes
2. Summary of the meeting 5 minutes
3. Discuss on the work life balance policy 10 minutes
4. Arrange social activities 5 Minutes
5. Fixing the timing of social activities and allocate the budget 5 Minutes

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: 17/11/2020

Meeting Time/duration: 10.30 am (15 min)

Meeting Location: GMC BOARDROOM

CEO (Paul Burns)
Operations Manager (Shailendar Singh)
Attendees: Senior Management Consultant (Bob Downs)
Marketing Manager (Jack Steel)
Administration/Project Officer (Sally Smith)
Operations manager (Shailendar Singh)
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Please bring &/or read: Previous meeting minutes

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1 Welcome and apologies 2 minutes

2 5 minutes
 Discuss on social activities ideas

3  Time to be allocated on social activities and how often 2 minutes

4 4 minutes
 Allocation of Role and responsibility
 Q&A

5 Closing the meeting 2 minutes

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: 10/12/2020

Meeting Time/duration: 10 a.m. – 15 minutes duration

Meeting Location: Meetings room

Operations Manager
Administration Project Officer (Sally Smith)
Attendees: Senior Management Consultant (Bob Downs)
Marketing Manager (Jack Steel)

Operations Manager (Ashfandyar Arshad)


Please bring &/or read: Bring your laptop

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1 Welcome and apologies 2 minutes

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2 Work-life balance policy purpose and benefits explanation

3 minutes

3 2 minutes
Brainstorming of social activities

3 minutes
Budget explanation

5 Voting of better day that suits all staff 5 minutes

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date and Time: 9th February 2021 (10 am)

Meeting Time/duration: 15 minutes

Meeting Location: Conference hall

Operations Manger
Senior Management Consultants
Attendees: Administration/Project Officer
Marketing Manager
Other members
Chair: Administration/Project Manager

Please bring &/or read: N/A

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1. Welcome and apologies 2 minutes
2. Presentation 3 minutes
3. Discuss all aspects of work life balance policy 4 minutes
4. Finding social activity 3 Minutes
5. Finalize time and budget for activity 3 Minutes

2. Send an email to the staff who will attend the meeting.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite,
business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.

Attach the meeting agenda to an email to the relevant staff members. The email should confirm
the meeting arrangements and include an outline of the agenda.

To: Staff members

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From: operation

Subject: Invitation for meeting

Respected staff member,

Hope you are fine. This mail is inform you for a meeting on 3 February 2021 and will start at 11am. This

meeting is about to work life balance policy. The main motive of this meeting is that to decide social

activities for all staff member. Please read the schedule carefully.

If any doubt and give the suggestion please do not hesitate and contact me.

Thank you.


Operations manager

To: Staff members

Dear Staff Member,

I hope you are doing well. I want to inform you that we have decided to arrange a meeting on 20/01/2021 at
10.30 AM regarding new work life balance policy. In the meeting we will discuss about the social activities in
work life and fixing the timing of that.
I have attached the meeting agenda. I have also included date and time. Feel free to check it and hopefully
you will send me the review and finalize the meeting agenda.

Thank You,
Operations Manager




Good morning GMC Staff,

Hope you are well.

I am writing to invite you to participate to our informal meeting we will have on 17/11/2020 at 10.30am (and it
will run for 15 min circa) in our recreational area to discuss topic for social activities and timing.
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I have attached to this email the agenda of the meeting.

Please confirm your attendance by COB 17/11/2020

Kind regards
Shailendar Singh



Dear staff members,

Good morning!

I would like to inform you that Grow Management Consultants has recently implemented a work-life balance

It is very important that all of you know the purpose and the benefits that it will bring to us. The reason why I
would like to book a meeting with you on 10/12/2020 at 10 a.m. at the meeting’s room. It will last only 15
minutes and the participation of all of you is mandatory.

Please, see the meeting agenda attached.

For any more questions, please do not hesitate in contacting me.


Operations manager
Ashfandyar Arshad

To: Staff members
Subject: Invitation for meeting

Respected staff member,

Hope you are fine. This mail is to invite you for a meeting that is going to be held on 9th February, 2021 and
will begin at 10 am. This meeting is in reference to work life balance policy. The meeting aims to decide
social activities for all staff member and time/date for the activities.
Please find all the information regarding meeting in the meeting agenda attached with this mail. Do not
hesitate to give your suggestion regarding meeting. Hoping for a positive response.

Thank You.
Operations Manager

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3. Conduct the meeting

You are required to run an informal meeting with the staff (roleplayed by your assessor and two
other students). Review the Meeting Policy and Procedures to make sure that you understand
the role and responsibilities of the Chair for an informal meeting, as well as the requirements for

The Administration/Project Officer will be roleplayed by your assessor and the other two staff will
be roleplayed by two other students. Each student roleplaying a staff member will be briefed by
the assessor to research and make notes on their ideas for social activities to share sat the

Chair the meeting in accordance with the meeting policy and procedures. This includes:
 Introducing the meeting by stating the purpose of the meeting and encouraging all
team members to contribute
 Ensuring that the meeting follows the requirements of the Chairperson as outlined
in the meeting policy and procedure
 Ensuring that the meeting is kept to time and focused on the specified purpose

Conduct the meeting according to the agenda in the email ensuring that:
 You share your own ideas for social activities
 You seek the ideas from the staff team
 All ideas are discussed and at least four ideas are agreed on
 You facilitate a consensus on the best day and time for the social activities
 Explain that you will send an email to report on outcomes.

During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills as follows:
 Speaking clearly and concisely
 Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
 Asking questions to identify required information
 Responding to questions as required
 Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding.

Meeting Date:
Time: 10 AM (15 Min)

 You share your own ideas for social activities

Board Game Tournament

Fun, creative and challenging. The first on our list of work social event ideas is an epic board game
tournament. Everyone in the office will have a board game that they love, whether it’s a childhood classic
such as Monopoly or a modern twist on Cluedo.

Scavenger Hunt
A classic that never gets old! Scavenger hunts are awesome and gets the whole team active. This will
involve some prep beforehand but will most definitely be worth it. Scavenger hunts can vary, and you should
incorporate a range of different activities such as trivia challenges and local treasure hunts.

Work Sports Day

Get active and encourage teamwork with a social work sports day! These are fantastic team-building events
that enhance healthy competition. If you work in a traditional office, then your employees will spend the most
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part of their day sat at a desk in front of an office, so getting outside for the day will be an exciting thought
for the whole office, even if they don’t like playing sports.

Sports Activities

The Egg Drop

This is one of the most popular team building games. It encourages problem-solving through teamwork. The
aim of the game is to create a package with limited resources for an egg so that it can survive a 2-3 storey
fall. The package should be made with limited resources like straws, rubber bands, plastic, etc. The game
usually lasts for about an hour.

The team that survives the fall is declared as the winner. In the case of a tie height of the drop can be

Sport pertains to any form of competitive physical activity or game that aims to use, maintain or improve
physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants and, in some cases, entertainment to
spectators. Sports can, through casual or organized participation, improve one's physical health.

• You seek the ideas from the staff team

a. Comedy Night
If your social event promises fun and laughter, then the number of attendees automatically
increases. Start registration early to get an idea of the number of participants and audience
you might have. Or, if you have a fixed venue then go with first come, first serve. Build up
the participant list combining a mixture of local and professional comedians. This type of
event can get a lot of audiences owing to its ability to release the stress that has been
building up inside everyone.

Fashion Gala
For fashion lovers, the best way to get updated on the latest trend is to host a fashion event.
It is the perfect opportunity for dress-makers and fashion designers to showcases some of
their newest creations. People who are interested in the hottest styles will come to your
event making it a big social gathering.

Camel Cup
A great way to bring people together is a race. Arrange a camel racing event where
participants can register their camels into the contest, and the winner gets to take the prize
home. You will have a large number of attendees coming to watch this interesting race.

This event will include snow games, music, dancing and cozying up at the spa. For those
who need a break from all the strain and anxiety it can be the perfect event. Different
groups of people will be joining your event which will make it a place of social bonding.

More Ideas

Fringe Festival
Get your whole community stirred up by arranging a fringe festival. Bring singing, cycling,
skating, dancing, and other fun activities together in one place. Volunteers will have an
important part to play to make your event successful. Award your volunteers’ hard work by
giving them free T-shirts and arrange for a chance to win prizes and rewards.

Pottery class
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Pottery is the process and the products of forming vessels and other objects with clay and
other ceramic materials, which are fired at high temperatures to give them a hard, durable
form. The place where such wares are made by a potter is also called a pottery

 All ideas are discussed and at least four ideas are agreed on

Comedy Night
If your social event promises fun and laughter, then the number of attendees automatically
increases. Start registration early to get an idea of the number of participants and audience
you might have. Or, if you have a fixed venue then go with first come, first serve. Build up
the participant list combining a mixture of local and professional comedians. This type of
event can get a lot of audiences owing to its ability to release the stress that has been
building up inside everyone.

Camel Cup
A great way to bring people together is a race. Arrange a camel racing event where
participants can register their camels into the contest, and the winner gets to take the prize
home. You will have a large number of attendees coming to watch this interesting race.

Pottery class
Pottery is the process and the products of forming vessels and other objects with clay and
other ceramic materials, which are fired at high temperatures to give them a hard, durable
form. The place where such wares are made by a potter is also called a pottery

Fashion Gala
For fashion lovers, the best way to get updated on the latest trend is to host a fashion event.
It is the perfect opportunity for dress-makers and fashion designers to showcases some of
their newest creations. People who are interested in the hottest styles will come to your
event making it a big social gathering.

 You facilitate a consensus on the best day and time for the social activities

The activities can be arrange on Saturday night once time in a month.

 Explain that you will send an email to report on outcomes.

The 4 selected activities are:

Comedy Night
If your social event promises fun and laughter, then the number of attendees automatically
increases. Start registration early to get an idea of the number of participants and audience
you might have. Or, if you have a fixed venue then go with first come, first serve. Build up
the participant list combining a mixture of local and professional comedians. This type of
event can get a lot of audiences owing to its ability to release the stress that has been
building up inside everyone.

Camel Cup
A great way to bring people together is a race. Arrange a camel racing event where
participants can register their camels into the contest, and the winner gets to take the prize
home. You will have a large number of attendees coming to watch this interesting race.

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Pottery class
Pottery is the process and the products of forming vessels and other objects with clay and
other ceramic materials, which are fired at high temperatures to give them a hard, durable
form. The place where such wares are made by a potter is also called a pottery

Fashion Gala
For fashion lovers, the best way to get updated on the latest trend is to host a fashion event.
It is the perfect opportunity for dress-makers and fashion designers to showcases some of
their newest creations. People who are interested in the hottest styles will come to your
event making it a big social gathering.

All the information of activities will be send to email of the members

Meeting ended

Meeting date- 20/01/2021

Time- 10.30 a.m. (30 min)

 You share your own ideas for social activities

Strong social connections make people happier and physically healthier, which can translate into work
performance. Employers who support social connections in the workplace and help employees form strong
relationships with one another help build a successful workforce.

Monthly Party

Plan a party once a month that’s just for the sake of having fun! Each party can be themed with specific
foods, activities, and music. Encourage employees to get involved with the planning, and get everyone
excited for what to expect at the next event! It’s great to have something to look forward to, and office
parties are always a good opportunity for everyone to casually bond and let their hair down! Try using
different cultures for each monthly theme and introduce everyone to new cuisines.

 You seek the ideas from the staff team

Daily Fun Routines

Social activities don’t always have to be on a larger scale. You can improve employee engagement through
simple, daily routines! These could be anything from a daily joke, riddle, or quick office game to get a smile
and laugh out of everyone. This will establish a playful routine, and let everyone know that light-heartedness
is encouraged every day, instead of just once in a while.

Weekly Draws

Another way to give everyone something to look forward to is establishing a weekly draw program. It’s up to
you what prizes will be included – a good way to keep things under control is to announce a price maximum
and the prizes will always fall under. Think about things that everyone can enjoy. Gift cards to common
places like iTunes, Starbucks, and Amazon are always an enjoyable treat! At the beginning of each week,
announce what the prize will be and gather the staff together when the name is drawn.

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Workplace Awards

Don’t be afraid to get creative! Putting on a silly in-office awards ceremony is a great opportunity to show
your wacky side. Think of some playful awards categories that don’t relate to actual work performance.
Things like “nicest ties” or “funkiest style” are good for light-hearted awards. Let everyone vote on the
categories and plan the ceremony as an end of year or quarter event. This is another good opportunity to
have food, drinks, and a nice time as a team!


 Childcare services in the work place so that married women can bring their baby in the office
and we will recruit nannies for the babies.
 Arrange picnic in every quarter weekend.
 Arrange Dinner Program in every weekend with all the staffs.
 Include more fun activities. Take a half day Friday to do something fun together. Go on a scavenger hunt,
play sports outdoors, go paintballing or bowling.

 All ideas are discussed and at least four ideas are agreed on

 Childcare services in the work place so that married women can bring their baby in the office
and we will recruit nannies for the babies.
 Arrange picnic in every quarter weekend.
 Arrange Dinner Program in every weekend with all the staffs.
 Include more fun activities. Take a half day Friday to do something fun together. Go on a
scavenger hunt, play sports outdoors, go paintballing or bowling.

Weekly Draws

Another way to give everyone something to look forward to is establishing a weekly draw program. It’s up to
you what prizes will be included – a good way to keep things under control is to announce a price maximum
and the prizes will always fall under. Think about things that everyone can enjoy. Gift cards to common
places like iTunes, Starbucks, and Amazon are always an enjoyable treat! At the beginning of each week,
announce what the prize will be and gather the staff together when the name is drawn.

 You facilitate a consensus on the best day and time for the social activities

The activities can be conducted on weekends and on every National holiday

 Explain that you will send an email to report on outcomes.

The 4 finalized activities are-

 Childcare services in the work place so that married women can bring their baby in the office
and we will recruit nannies for the babies.

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 Arrange picnic in every quarter weekend.

 Arrange Dinner Program in every weekend with all the staffs.
 Include more fun activities. Take a half day Friday to do something fun together. Go on a
scavenger hunt, play sports outdoors, go paintballing or bowling.

The details of activities will be send to email of the members

Meeting closed

Meeting Outcomes

Date: 17/11/2020

Time: 10.30am

Place: GMC meeting room 1

CEO (Paul Burns)
Operations Manager (Shailendar Singh)
Attendees: Senior Management Consultant (Bob Downs)
Marketing Manager (Jack Steel)
Administration/Project Officer (Sally Smith)

Meeting Subject:  Discuss on social activities ideas

Item Description
Item discussed type of social activities

The social activities we would like to do are (but not limited to):
- Family at work
1 - Staff lunch
- Staff drink
- Religious festivity
- Diversity calendar
- Role plays

Item discussed role and responsibilities

All staff are responsible to provide ideas on activities and promptly participate to activities
Management is responsible to organise activities and set date and time

5 Meeting close: 10.45am

Meeting date: 10/12/2020

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Time: 10 AM

Me: Hope you all are doing well, we have gathered together to identify the best activities for the
employees to increase the work-life balance structure. Please provide your valuable ideas
Project officer: I have accessed some social activities and their impacts but most of the activities are
suitable for morning. My ideas are which may go to amusement parks or wildlife centuries
Me: I have shortlisted some ideas and please provide proper attention towards my ideas and provide
proper feedback.
Project officer: Please go ahead
Me: Thank you sir. As I know there are plenty of social activities available but I have choose 3 activities
The activities are:

Go to night club for outing

Have picnic every 2 months
Go to a pizzeria for pizza party

Project officer: This is a great idea and it will also increase the team spirit and bonding among the
Me: All the ideas are very interesting and I want to address that it is important to provide proper
equipment and other necessary elements to the employees.
Project officer: Of course the higher authority has allocated a good amount of budget.
Me: Thank you everyone for providing your valuable time and we will start our implication process based
on the discussion of this meeting.
Project officer: I think we will establish an effective workplace culture for our employees.

Meeting date: 09/02/2021

Time- 10:00 am (15 min)

 You share your own ideas for social activities

Social activities keep a person sharp and mentally engaged, and this is important to prevent the onset of
dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Maintaining good emotional health. Connecting with others helps keep
employees in a positive mood, which in turn wards off depression. Improving physical health and
productivity that is beneficial for workplace.

Sports Activities

It is a well-known fact that physical activity makes people feel better. Quarterly organizing a sports event for
employees, gives them the opportunity to participate in exercise sessions. They can take part in various
games. This helps to build a sportsperson spirit in employees which in long term may prove productive for
the organization as well. Arranging sports events for employees make they feel free from the everyday work,
makes them feel happy and energetic.

 You seek the ideas from the staff team

Celebrate the small victories

Everyone agrees that it’s important to celebrate momentous victories: a new acquisition, a new client,
exceptional sales revenues, etc. But what about the small accomplishments that are often overlooked? Each
milestone should be highlighted in a memorable way to keep your team motivated. For instance, why not
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offer your team a drink at 4 p.m. on Friday afternoons to mark the start of the weekend? By celebrating the
small victories, you’ll contribute to creating a culture of recognition that is conducive to success!

Highlight birthdays

Think of organizing a monthly activity where you highlight the past month’s birthdays. Some companies
even allow their employees to take the day off on their birthday. What’s important is to find a creative and
personalized way to make every employee feel special on their birthday.

Theme Days

Establishing theme days is an effective method of loosening people up and creating a humorous office
environment. Some theme days can be wardrobe related, like pajama day, or beach day, which is great for
a company that requires formal office wear. Try a “be yourself” theme day where employees are encouraged
to show off their personal style. This can include total casual wear, personal adornments, or outfits that
reflect what they like to do in their spare time. Days like these are great for office laughs, conversation, and
overall silliness!


 The brown-bag lunch idea involves randomly drawing six to 10 names each week and bringing
individuals from different divisions together for a casual noontime chat. Not only is it an effective
mixer for broadening everyone's social circle, but it also allows managers to put actual faces to
some of the names they previously only encountered in a printed roster.
 Appeal to the kid in everyone by handing out candy. Bring a basket full of miniature candy bars
and launch the treats at employees as they throw out great concepts in a brainstorming session
or when they finish giving a department update. The exercise is fun and the sugar boost will
keep everyone alert through the rest of the meeting.

 All ideas are discussed and at least four ideas are agreed on

a. Highlight birthdays
Think of organizing a monthly activity where you highlight the past month’s birthdays. Some
companies even allow their employees to take the day off on their birthday. What’s important is to
find a creative and personalized way to make every employee feel special on their birthday.

b. Theme Days
Establishing theme days is an effective method of loosening people up and creating a humorous
office environment. Some theme days can be wardrobe related, like pajama day, or beach day,
which is great for a company that requires formal office wear. Try a “be yourself” theme day where
employees are encouraged to show off their personal style. This can include total casual wear,
personal adornments, or outfits that reflect what they like to do in their spare time. Days like these
are great for office laughs, conversation, and overall silliness!

c. The brown-bag lunch idea involves randomly drawing six to 10 names each week and bringing
individuals from different divisions together for a casual noontime chat. Not only is it an effective
mixer for broadening everyone's social circle, but it also allows managers to put actual faces to
some of the names they previously only encountered in a printed roster.

d. Appeal to the kid in everyone by handing out candy. Bring a basket full of miniature candy bars and
launch the treats at employees as they throw out great concepts in a brainstorming session or when

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they finish giving a department update. The exercise is fun and the sugar boost will keep everyone
alert through the rest of the meeting.

 You facilitate a consensus on the best day and time for the social activities

The activities can be organized on Friday afternoon once in a month.

 Explain that you will send an email to report on outcomes.

The 4 finalized activities are:

a. Highlight birthdays
Think of organizing a monthly activity where you highlight the past month’s birthdays. Some
companies even allow their employees to take the day off on their birthday. What’s important is to
find a creative and personalized way to make every employee feel special on their birthday.

b. Theme Days
Establishing theme days is an effective method of loosening people up and creating a humorous
office environment. Some theme days can be wardrobe related, like pajama day, or beach day,
which is great for a company that requires formal office wear. Try a “be yourself” theme day where
employees are encouraged to show off their personal style. This can include total casual wear,
personal adornments, or outfits that reflect what they like to do in their spare time. Days like these
are great for office laughs, conversation, and overall silliness!

c. The brown-bag lunch idea involves randomly drawing six to 10 names each week and bringing
individuals from different divisions together for a casual noontime chat. Not only is it an effective
mixer for broadening everyone's social circle, but it also allows managers to put actual faces to
some of the names they previously only encountered in a printed roster.

d. Appeal to the kid in everyone by handing out candy. Bring a basket full of miniature candy bars and
launch the treats at employees as they throw out great concepts in a brainstorming session or when
they finish giving a department update. The exercise is fun and the sugar boost will keep everyone
alert through the rest of the meeting.

The details of activities will be send to email of the members

Meeting closed

4. Send an email to your team (your assessor).

You are required to demonstrate that you able to review and revise text, so this email will be the
draft version, and the next will be the revised version.
Assume that you have agreed on all of the social activities discussed at the meeting, as well as
the time that the activities will be conducted.
Draft an email to be sent to the team that briefly details the meeting outcomes and lists the
social activities agreed on, as well as the agreed times.
Finish the text with a note that you will be correcting the email and sending the corrected version
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This email should have the word “Draft” in its title.

Send the draft email to your assessor.

Draft Email:

From: Operations manager

This mail is to give details about to the meeting in analyse with work life balance policy. In meeting the need

for execution of work life balance policy was considered. After a discussion all the meeting members looking

for their suggestion and we have been finalised the social activities. All the activities are mentioned below:

Comedy Night
If your social event promises fun and laughter, then the number of attendees automatically
increases. Start registration early to get an idea of the number of participants and audience
you might have. Or, if you have a fixed venue then go with first come, first serve. Build up
the participant list combining a mixture of local and professional comedians. This type of
event can get a lot of audiences owing to its ability to release the stress that has been
building up inside everyone.

Camel Cup
A great way to bring people together is a race. Arrange a camel racing event where
participants can register their camels into the contest, and the winner gets to take the prize
home. You will have a large number of attendees coming to watch this interesting race.

Pottery class
Pottery is the process and the products of forming vessels and other objects with clay and
other ceramic materials, which are fired at high temperatures to give them a hard, durable
form. The place where such wares are made by a potter is also called a pottery

Fashion Gala
For fashion lovers, the best way to get updated on the latest trend is to host a fashion event.
It is the perfect opportunity for dress-makers and fashion designers to showcases some of
their newest creations. People who are interested in the hottest styles will come to your
event making it a big social gathering.

Please analysis the activities. I will sending the corrected version shortly.

Thank You,

Operations Manager

Draft Email:
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Dear Staff Member,

As you know that we will conduct a meeting few days ago regarding to the work life balance policy. In the
meeting we about the summary of the meeting and the reason for implementing new work life balance
policy. We also discussed about the social in work life. Some of ideas were great and on that idea we have
decided to go with four social activities:
 Childcare services in the work place so that married women can bring their baby in the office
and we will recruit nannies for the babies.
 Arrange picnic in every quarter weekend.
 Arrange Dinner Program in every weekend with all the staffs.
 Include more fun activities. Take a half day Friday to do something fun together. Go on a
scavenger hunt, play sports outdoors, go paintballing or bowling.

I hope you will through the mail and take the final steps. Though I will send the final draft shortly.
Thank You,

Operations Manager

Email (draft)

To: All staff members

Administration Project Officer (Sally Smith)
Senior Management Consultant (Bob Downs)
Marketing Manager (Jack Steel)
All other relevant staff

From: Shailendar Singh (Operational Manager)

Subject: the concept of social activities

All staff

Based on the meetings that have been conducted on 17 th November, 2020, it has been agreed that the
social activities carried out are
1. Visiting a nursing home to give them entertainment such as inviting them to play so they don't feel
lonely. Invite them to watch a movie in a nursing home so they feel happy.
2. Visit a home for orphans and bring them food or clothes for them to use and school supplies for
them to use to go to school.
This activity will be carried out after business hours or starting at 5pm. The first social activity will be
conducted on Tuesday and the second social activity will be held on the first Friday in December. It is
expected that all staff will participate in this social activity.
Together with this e-mail, a meeting agenda has been attached.

Thank you

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With Respect,
Shailendar Singh
Operations Manager



Title: Draft e-mail – Social activities

Dear staff,

Good morning!

As a result of our meeting held yesterday, I would like to inform the summarise the meeting outcomes and
lists the social activities agreed on, as well as the agreed times.

As discussed and explained in our meeting, Grow Management Consultants has recently implemented a
work-life balance policy that includes a new initiative to hold a quarterly social event for all staff

The social activities agreed were:

Go to night club for outing

Have picnic every 2 months
Go to a pizzeria for pizza party

These activities will be held alternately on Tuesday i.e. 15th December 2020 at 5 p.m., after work.

For any more questions, please do not hesitate in contacting me.


Operations manager
Ashfandyar Arshad

Draft Email:


This mail is to give you information regarding to the meeting in concern with work life balance policy. In
meeting the need for implementation of work life balance policy was discussed. After a brief discussion with
all the staff embers and seeking their suggestion, the following social activities have been finalised for

a. Highlight birthdays
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Think of organizing a monthly activity where you highlight the past month’s birthdays. Some
companies even allow their employees to take the day off on their birthday. What’s important is to
find a creative and personalized way to make every employee feel special on their birthday.

b. Theme Days
Establishing theme days is an effective method of loosening people up and creating a humorous
office environment. Some theme days can be wardrobe related, like pajama day, or beach day,
which is great for a company that requires formal office wear. Try a “be yourself” theme day where
employees are encouraged to show off their personal style. This can include total casual wear,
personal adornments, or outfits that reflect what they like to do in their spare time. Days like these
are great for office laughs, conversation, and overall silliness!

c. The brown-bag lunch idea involves randomly drawing six to 10 names each week and bringing
individuals from different divisions together for a casual noontime chat. Not only is it an effective
mixer for broadening everyone's social circle, but it also allows managers to put actual faces to
some of the names they previously only encountered in a printed roster.

d. Appeal to the kid in everyone by handing out candy. Bring a basket full of miniature candy bars and
launch the treats at employees as they throw out great concepts in a brainstorming session or when
they finish giving a department update. The exercise is fun and the sugar boost will keep everyone
alert through the rest of the meeting.

Please review the activities. I will shortly send you the corrected version.

Thank You,


Operations Manager

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5. Send an email to your assessor.

Re-open the sent email and carefully check it for spelling and grammar and ensure that it is a
true and accurate record of the meeting. This email gives you the opportunity to demonstrate to
your assessor that you are able to correct your own work accurately, so this email needs to
contain text that is an improvement on the previous one.
When finished, send this revised draft of the email to your assessor.
This email should have the word “Revised” in its title.
It should be sent within the timeframes set out in the Meeting Policy and Procedures.

Final Draft Mail:

From: operations manager
Subject: Revised draft

Dear Staff Member,

This mail is a editing of the draft mail that I already sent you previous. Now it is the revised draft without any
mistakes. Latterly consider with all the members and pursuing their proposition, all the activities are finalised
for workplace and the mentioned below:

Comedy Night
If your social event promises fun and laughter, then the number of attendees automatically
increases. Start registration early to get an idea of the number of participants and audience
you might have. Or, if you have a fixed venue then go with first come, first serve. Build up
the participant list combining a mixture of local and professional comedians. This type of
event can get a lot of audiences owing to its ability to release the stress that has been
building up inside everyone.

Camel Cup
A great way to bring people together is a race. Arrange a camel racing event where
participants can register their camels into the contest, and the winner gets to take the prize
home. You will have a large number of attendees coming to watch this interesting race.

Pottery class
Pottery is the process and the products of forming vessels and other objects with clay and
other ceramic materials, which are fired at high temperatures to give them a hard, durable
form. The place where such wares are made by a potter is also called a pottery

Fashion Gala
For fashion lovers, the best way to get updated on the latest trend is to host a fashion event.
It is the perfect opportunity for dress-makers and fashion designers to showcases some of
their newest creations. People who are interested in the hottest styles will come to your
event making it a big social gathering.

Thank You,


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Operations Manager

Revised Draft Mail:


Dear Staff Member,

I hope you are doing well. I sent a draft mail regarding to the informal meeting. In that mail there was some
spelling and budget mistakes. This is the final draft. In the meeting we discussed about the summary of the
meeting and the reason for implementing new work life balance policy. We also discussed about the social
in work life. Some of ideas were great and on that we have decided to go with four social activities:
 Childcare services in the work place so that married women can bring their baby in the office
and we will recruit nannies for the babies. (Budget- $300)
 Arrange picnic in every quarter weekend. (Budget- $500)
 Arrange Dinner Program in every weekend with all the staffs. (Budget- $200)
 Include more fun activities. Take a half day Friday to do something fun together. Go on a
scavenger hunt, play sports outdoors, go paintballing or bowling. (Budget- $250)

All the staff members will be divided in four equal teams. The activities will begin from 27/01/2021 and then
the activities will be switched between the groups.

I hope you will go through the mail and take the final steps.
Thank You,

Operations Manager

Email (draft)

To: Assessor
From: Shailendar Singh (Operational Manager)

Subject: The Concept of Social Activities


Based on the meetings that have been conducted on 17 th November, 2020, it has been agreed that the
social activities carried out are
1. Visiting a nursing home to give them entertainment such as inviting them to play so they don't feel
lonely. Invite them to watch a movie in a nursing home so they feel happy.
2. Visit a home for orphans and bring them food or clothes for them to use and school supplies for
them to use to go to school.

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This activity will be carried out after business hours or starting at 5pm. The first social activity will be
conducted on Tuesday and the second social activity will be held on Friday in the first week of April. It is
expected that all staff will participate in this social activity.
Together with this e-mail, a meeting agenda has been attached.
Thank you

With Respect,
Shailendar Singh
Operations Manager


Sub: Received mail for brief details regarding the meeting outcomes
I will provide important information about the discussed matters in the meeting procedure. All the present
members in the meeting have decided on the following activities-
The social activities agreed were:

Go to night club for outing

Have picnic every 2 months
Go to a pizzeria for pizza party

As organization manager I have decided that every Friday we will taking all the staff members to Sydney
pub the main purpose is the entrainment for the staff members to relax them from their work schedule.
Going on picnic with all the staff members every 4 months is next activity decided. The staff members can
choose picnic spot of their choice and the company will sponsor all the expenses of the picnic.
The last activity decided in go give pizza party during lunch hours every Wednesday.
I hope above activities will surely boost the morale of all the staff members. Looking for a positive feedback
from you


Operations manager
Ashfandyar Arshad

Final Draft Mail:

Subject: Revised draft

Dear Staff Member,

This mail is a correction of the draft mail that I sent you before. This is the revised draft without any bugs.
After a brief discussion with all the staff members and seeking their suggestion, the following social activities
have been finalised for workplace.

a. Highlight birthdays
BSBADM502_ Learner Assessment Tasks V1.0 (9 September2019)
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Think of organizing a monthly activity where you highlight the past month’s birthdays. Some
companies even allow their employees to take the day off on their birthday. What’s important is to
find a creative and personalized way to make every employee feel special on their birthday. (Budget
- $450)

b. Theme Days
Establishing theme days is an effective method of loosening people up and creating a humorous
office environment. Some theme days can be wardrobe related, like pajama day, or beach day,
which is great for a company that requires formal office wear. Try a “be yourself” theme day where
employees are encouraged to show off their personal style. This can include total casual wear,
personal adornments, or outfits that reflect what they like to do in their spare time. Days like these
are great for office laughs, conversation, and overall silliness! (Budget - $300)

c. The brown-bag lunch idea involves randomly drawing six to 10 names each week and bringing
individuals from different divisions together for a casual noontime chat. Not only is it an effective
mixer for broadening everyone's social circle, but it also allows managers to put actual faces to
some of the names they previously only encountered in a printed roster. (Budget - $ 200)

d. Appeal to the kid in everyone by handing out candy. Bring a basket full of miniature candy bars and
launch the treats at employees as they throw out great concepts in a brainstorming session or when
they finish giving a department update. The exercise is fun and the sugar boost will keep everyone
alert through the rest of the meeting. (Budget - $325)

All the staff will be divided in 4 teams to perform activities.

Please review the mail and take required steps.

Thank You,


Operations Manager

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings Learner Assessment Tasks

Assessment Task 3 Checklist

Student’s name:

Did the student: successfully Comments
Yes No
Develop a notice for an informal meeting according to
the Meeting Policy and Procedures?
Send the email to each identified meeting participant
at least two working days prior to the meeting?
Chair the meeting as required?
Conduct the meeting according to the agenda?
Include in the email a summary of the outcomes of
the meeting?
Correctly reflect meeting discussion in email
summarising meeting outcomes.
Check email for spelling and grammar and to ensure
that it is a true and accurate record of the meeting?
Make changes to email as required?

Task Outcome: Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Assessor signature

Assessor name


BSBADM502_ Learner Assessment Tasks V1.0 (9 September2019)

Richmond School of Business | CRICOS Code: 03717E | RTO Code: 45432 121

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