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Practical Training Course

Author: Tran Cong Cao

Phone: 0909 146 976
Fb: fb/cao.trancong (#caotran)
1 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team
Introductions and Expectations

Participant introductions
v Name
v Position and background
v How long experience with Business Analysis or Requirement
v What do you want to get out of this course (expectation)?

2 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Learning Objectives
v Understand the concepts of software requirements
v Understand and appreciate the requirements process
v Describe the importance of requirements in software development life cycle
v Describe how requirements are used to solve business problem, create
products and solution that meet the stakeholders’ needs
v Use the requirements practices in the highly competitive software world
v Organize and facilitate communicate between stakeholders, users and
v Plan and setting the stage for requirements development
v Elicit and analyze requirements correctly and efficiently
v Document and validate requirements in a quality manner
v Manage changes to requirements during the development process

3 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team


4 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Rules of Engagement

One person speaks at any given
Keep discussions and questions to
the point.
Turn on your cell phones and other
communication devices to Silence
Be prompt returning from breaks.

5 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Business Analysis In Practice Course Agenda

v Module 1: Introduction to Requirement Engineering

v Module 2: Requirements Elicitation
v Module 3: Requirements Analysis
v Module 4: Requirements Specification
v Module 5: Requirements Validation
v Module 6: Requirements Management

6 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Business Analysis In Practice – Module 01

7 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Learning Objectives

v Understand the Requirement Engineering

v Understand the role of Requirement Engineer
v Understand the competencies needs to success the role
v Understand the relationships of requirements in the IT projects
v Understand reason why requirement is important support IT project
v Understand the requirement approach with new project
v Understand the common techniques to identify stakeholders and prepare
for the project
v Transform to requirement engineer mindset

8 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

What is Requirement Engineering?

v A method of obtaining a precise formal specification from the informal and often
vague requirements with customers.
v The science and discipline concerned with analyzing and documenting
requirements. It comprises needs analysis, requirements analysis, and
requirements specifications.

Requirement Development

Requirement Management
Requirement Baseline


Verification & Requirement Change
Specification Management

* Based on IEEE Standard Terminology

9 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

What is Requirement?

v A condition or capability needed by a user or

customer to solve a problem or achieve an
Customer Provider
v A condition or capability that must be met by a
system or system component to satisfy a contract,
standard, specification, or other formally imposed Documents
v A document representation of a condition or Conditions
v Requirements are descriptions of the necessary
and sufficient properties of a product or service
that will satisfy the customer’s need.
* Based on IEEE Standard Terminology

10 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Software Requirements

v Requirements describe the behavior of the software as seen from the

customer’s perspective.
v Requirements serve as a communications channel between customers,
users and project managers who are concerned with the development of
software products or services.
v If software people do NOT have well written requirements that users
agree to, how can they develop software that satisfy those users?

11 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Software Requirements

v The “TO DO” List of the Project Team.

v The List of “WHAT” Customer’s need.
v The List of “WHAT” the software must do to satisfy its Customers.
v The List of “WHAT” components must be built.
v The List of “WHAT” each component must “DO” and “HOW” they will

12 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Requirements Engineer Role

v Requirements engineer: a software engineer who has the responsibility

to gather, analyze, document and validate the needs of the project
v This role in collecting and disseminating project information is critical and
requires a lot of experience and training.

13 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Requirement Engineer – Job Titles

Requirements Engineer
Business Analyst
System Analyst

System Engineer

Project Manager
Data Analyst
Product Owner Development Lead

14 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Three Levels of Business Analysis in the Enterprise

Level 3

Level 2 v Focus to Business

Problem Solving to define
the strategy
v Most time work with senior
Level 1 v Focus to Business
managers and SME
Problem Solving
v Most work products is
v Most time work with middle
Business Model, strategic
managers and SME
v Focus to Requirement plan
v Most work products is
Engineering in detail business requirement as:
v Most time work with end- Business case, project
user and technical team proposal
v Most work products is
User requirement and
software requirement

15 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Underlying Competencies

v Underlying competencies reflect knowledge, skills, behaviors,

characteristics, and personal qualities that help one successfully
perform the role of the Requirement Engineer.

16 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Requirements Engineer’s Tasks

1) Define business requirements

2) Identify stakeholders & user classes
3) Elicit requirements
4) Analyze requirements
5) Write requirements specifications
6) Model the requirements
7) Lead requirements validation
8) Facilitate requirements prioritization
9) Transfer requirement
10) Manage requirements

17 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Where Do Requirements Come From?

18 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Relationships of Requirements

Requirements Documents

Vision & Scope

User’s view

Use Case
Requirements view
Requirements Software Requirement

19 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Relationships of Requirements

Business Needs


Subsystem A Subsystem B Subsystem C

Hardware Software Hardware Software Hardware Software

20 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

What are the problems of Product/System?

21 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Wrong Belief

v Many peoples believe that for every project there is a set of firm requirements.
v If they can get them, they can build them and produce a perfect product or
v Project team believe customers will clearly provide:
Functional requirements
How they want the work to be done
How it will be used
Performance & Scalability
System boundary (Scope)
Operating environment (Domain)
Verification criteria

Is this true?
22 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

v Customers will provide:

A wish list of what they would like to have.
A solution to their problems without knowledge about how it might be
A vague description that limits implementation.
A technology that they read from newspapers.
Changes as they often change their minds.
Strict budget & schedule.

23 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Why Is It So?

v Many customer expectations are NOT based on needs but wants.

v University training is still focusing on solving problems NOT identifying
v Most software engineers do not receive adequate training on
requirements engineering.
v Many software engineers want to
work on solutions rather than take
time to understand the problem (code
first, ask questions later).

24 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Who is the Customer?

v A customer is an individual or organization who derives either direct or

indirect benefit from a product.
v A software customer is an individual or organization who request, pay for,
select, specify, use or receive output generated by a software product.

Is there all stakeholders is customer?

25 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team
Who are Stakeholders?

v Stakeholder is a person or group that has an interest in the software and

can influence the software requirements or can be impacted by the
software product.

26 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Business Analysis In Practice – Module 02

27 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Requirements Development


Verification &

28 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Requirements Development Process


Elicitation Verification &

Analysis Specification
(Gathering) Validation

Clarify Re-Write

Correct and Close gaps

Iterative process - Multiple-steps, Not sequential

29 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Wants vs Needs

Al Davis’s Definition:
Wants = The Stakeholders wish to have.
Needs = The Stakeholders must have.

The ideal situation will satisfy both,

but in reality the Software Engineer must satisfy
all of the needs and some of the wants.

30 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Practical Techniques

v Interviews
v Workshops
v Observation

31 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Practical Technique


32 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team


Asking relevant questions

An interview is a
systematic approach Documenting the responses
designed to elicit business
analysis information from a
person or group of people Establishing relationships and
by talking to the building trust
Build support for a proposed

Interview structure
v Structured Interview
v Unstructured Interview

33 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Interview Goal

v The overall purpose of performing a set of interviews, based on a

business need
v The individual goals for each interview, based on what the interviewee
can provide.
v The goals are to be clearly
expressed and
communicated to each

34 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Potential Interviewees

v Potential interviewees are identified with the help of the project manager,
project sponsors, and other stakeholders, based on the goals for the

35 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Interview Questions

v Collecting data,
v Researching the stakeholder’s view of the change or proposed solution,
v Developing a proposed solution, or
v Building rapport with or support for the proposed solution from the

v Question Types
Open-ended questions
Closed questions

36 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Interview Logistics

v The location for the interview.

v Whether or not to record the interview
v Whether or not to send the questions to the interviewees in advance.
v Whether the interview results will be confidential

37 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Interview Flow

Opening the interview includes:

v Describing the purpose and the interviewees' time is needed,
v Confirming the interviewees' roles and information
v Explaining how information from the interview will be used.

38 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Interview Flow

During the interview, the interviewer:

v Maintains focus on the established goals and predefined questions
v Adapts based upon the information provided and non-verbal
communication from the interviewees,
v Considers both the willingness and concerns of the interviewees
v Practices active listening to confirm what the interviewer has said
v Takes written notes or records the interview as appropriate.

39 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Interview Flow

Closing the interview includes:

v Asking the interviewees for areas that may have been overlooked in the
v Providing contact information for the interviewees to follow up with
additional information after the meeting as needed,
v Summarizing the session,
v Outlining the process for how the interview results will be used
v Thanking the interviewees for their time.

40 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Interview Follow-Up

v Organize the information and confirm results with the interviewees as

soon as possible after the interview.
v Sharing the information that has been learned allows the interviewees to
point out any missed or incorrectly recorded items.

41 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Successful Interviewing Depends on Factors

v Level of understanding of the domain by the interviewer,

v Experience of the interviewer in conducting interviews,
v Skill of the interviewer in documenting discussions,
v Readiness of the interviewee to provide the relevant information and the
interviewer to conduct the interview,
v Degree of clarity in the interviewee’s mind about the goal of the interview,
v Rapport of the interviewer with the interviewee.

42 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team


v Simple, direct technique that can be used in a variety of situations.

v Allows the interviewer and participant to have full discussions and
explanations of the questions and answers.
v Enables observations of non-verbal behaviour.
v The interviewer can ask follow-up and probing questions to confirm their
own understanding.
v Allows interviewees to express opinions in private that they may be
reluctant to express in public, especially when interview results are kept

43 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team


v Significant time is required to plan for and conduct interviews.

v Requires considerable commitment and involvement of the participants.
v Training is required to conduct effective interviews.
v There is a risk of unintentionally leading the interviewee.

44 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Business Analysis In Practice – Module 03

45 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Requirements Development Process


Elicitation Verification &

Analysis Specification
(Gathering) Validation

Clarify Re-Write

Correct and Close gaps

Iterative process - Multiple-steps, Not sequential

46 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Requirements Analysis

v The process of analyzing the stakeholder’s needs to prepare the

definitions of system and software requirements.
v The process of transforming business needs into system descriptions
with performance parameters and partitioning them into subsystems
where allocation to hardware and software can take place.
v Since stakeholders and developers may have different views and
expressions, to facilitate better understanding, Software Engineers
should use abstract descriptions that are easy to understand and

47 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Different Views

Objective: To define what the system will do

Stakeholders Developers
vQualitative definition vFunctional definition
vInterpretation to be expected vPrecise, clear
vAll requests must be met vComplete
vRequirements are evolving vFrozen, baseline
vOn going process vMust complete within time
vSchedule driven vTask driven
vSystem must work v“Good” if not perfect system

How do stakeholders and developers communicate?

48 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Requirement Analysis

v Requirements analysis results in requirements models.

v Requirements models are user requirements represented by diagrams,
structured text (lists, tables, matrices) or a combination.
v Requirements analysis also focuses on trade-offs among requirements
to make decisions about their relative importance to support
v Software Engineers are responsible to analyze all requirements and
collaborate with stakeholders to prioritize their needs.
v Requirements analysis is an iterative process.

Why Requirements Models?

49 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team
Business Analysis In Practice – Module 04

50 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Requirements Development Process


Elicitation Verification &

Analysis Specification
(Gathering) Validation

Clarify Re-Write

Correct and Close gaps

Iterative process - Multiple-steps, Not sequential

51 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Requirements Specification Is
v A specification can be:
a written document,
a graphical model,
a formal mathematical model,
a collection of usage scenarios,
a prototype,
or a combination of these.
v A baseline agreement between stakeholders and project teams.
v A description of system behavior under various conditions.
v A document describing the characteristics and behavior of the proposed system from
the user’s point of view.
v The basis for subsequent planning, design and coding.
v The foundation for system testing, and user documentation.
v A bridge between user needs and the software requirements specification that the
project team will use to develop the system.

52 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team



System Goals User System
Vision Goals Requirements Architecture
Objectives System System
Performance Constraints
System Goals System
Requirements System Software
Business Constraints Requirements
Requirements Functional
Requirements Non-Functional
(Quality attributes)

53 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Business Analysis In Practice – Module 05

54 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Requirements Development Process


Elicitation Verification &

Analysis Specification
(Gathering) Validation

Clarify Re-Write

Correct and Close gaps

Iterative process - Multiple-steps, Not sequential

55 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Verification & Validation

v Requirements Verification
The process of checking that a deliverable produced at a given stage of
requirements development satisfies the conditions or specifications of the
previous stage.
Verification ensures that you build the software correctly.
v Requirements Validation
The stage of software development
in which the product is checked to
ensure that it satisfies its intended
use and conforms to its
Validation ensures that you build
the correct software.
56 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team
Business Analysis In Practice – Module 06

57 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Requirements Management

Requirements Requirements
Elicitation Analysis


Requirements Baseline
Requirements Requirements Change Requirements
Requirements Traceability
Validation Specification

58 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

The Facts About Requirements

v Most software efforts are increasing in size and complexity and require
an iterative development approach.
v Requirements will change over the life of the project due to changes in
technology, user needs, the environment, and change by issue of
requirement engineer
v Requirements continue to change as more information is obtained
during development.
v Requirements drive the verification and test process.

59 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

Requirements Management

v Quality Requirements Management requires that Software Engineers

follow a defined process to manage requirements that:
consist of specification baseline, change control, and traceability;
and identifies how stakeholders must be involved in the process throughout
the development life cycle.

60 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team


Apex Global Contact Info:

Phone: (+84) 028 62 718 187
Hotline: (+84) 0963 801 047 website:

61 Author: APEX Learning Content Development Team

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