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Online Basic First Aid Course

Saturday, 3 April 2021
Table of Content
• Introduction to the Course
• Certification Process Flow (Temporary) – for efficiency and
membership renewal
• Course Syllabus and Content
• Lesson Plans
• Online BFA (Theory) Refresher Course
• Online BFA (Theory) Course
• Lesson Activities
• Frequently Asked Questions
The spread of COVID-19 has changed the The online course, however, only award an
way we do things. Trainings were affected online Certificate of Achievement in First Aid
and face-to-face meet ups were limited. Yet, for qualified members. The course does not
as a first aid organization, we reckon the replace SJAM regular trainings. Members will
need for members to always stay up-to-date still need to attend practical sessions and
and regularly examined. assessments to qualify for the Basic First Aid
As such, the National Headquarters has put certificate.
together an online Basic First Aid course With such initiative, SJAM has high hopes
which combines several theory topics as that members will be able to maintain
refresher course and introduction to new efficiency for the year as well as to renew
members. their membership.
Members can now attend these courses
online, facilitated by local St. John
Ambulance of Malaysia (SJAM) First Aid
trainers for membership renewal and
efficiency qualification.
Temporary Certification
For New Members and Existing Members
Temporary Certification Process
• Two different certification tracks:
• Existing Members – Online BFA (Theory) Refresher Course, to allow
membership renewal.
• New Members - Online BFA (Theory) Course, candidates to attend online
classes followed by online tutorials and assessment.
Online BFA (Theory) Refresher Course
• Efficient for the year
• Eligible for
Awarded First Aid
Attend online Online Achievement
course Assessment Certificate
(electronic cert) Attend 8 hours
Fail practical and

Sit for examination and

apply for Basic First Aid
Online BFA (Theory) Course

Pass Awarded First Aid Attend 8 hours

Attend online Online
Achievement Certificate practical and
course Assessment
(electronic cert) assessment
Sit for examination and
apply for Basic First Aid
Course Syllabus
and Content
Course Syllabus and Content
1. First Aid Priorities
• Definition and purpose of first aid
• Roles and responsibilities of first responder
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & prevention of cross infection Identifying
danger and initial assessment of casualty - DRSABCD Secondary Survey –history,
signs, symptoms, head-to-toe examination
• Monitoring vital signs – level of response (AVPU), breathing, pulse, temperature

2. Respiratory Problems
• Basic anatomy of respiratory system and mechanism of respiration
• Respiration rate – in adult, child and infant at rest, influencing factors
• Hypoxia - definition, causes, signs and symptoms, general management
• Airway obstruction - causes, signs and symptoms, general management
• Asthma - signs and symptoms, general management
Course Syllabus and Content
3. Loss of Consciousness
• Basic anatomy of nervous system
• Unconsciousness – definition, causes, assessment, management
• Fainting – definition, causes, signs and symptoms, management

4. Basic Life Support: CPR + AED

• Importance of oxygen and urgency of resuscitation
• Chain of survival
• Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for adult (trained BLS provider, one
rescuer) – purpose, the steps, high quality CPR
• Special considerations – child, infant, compression-only CPR
• Automated external defibrillator (AED) – how to use, considerations when not
to use
Course Syllabus and Content
5. Bleeding
• Types of bleeding – mild, moderate, severe

6. Management of Wounds and Bleeding

• Types of wounds
• Controlling bleeding - direct pressure, elevation
• General management of wounds – minor wound, with severe bleeding, with
embedded foreign body
7. Dressings and Bandages
• Dressing – functions, types, properties, general rules for applying
• Bandages - functions, types, principles of bandaging, checking circulation
after bandaging
Course Syllabus and Content
8. Bone Injuries
• The skeleton, bones, joints
• Fracture – definition, causes, types (open and closed) General signs and
symptoms of fracture
• General management - open and closed fractures, Do's and Don'ts
• Dislocation - definition, signs and symptoms, management
9. Injuries to Soft Tissues
• Strain - definition, signs and symptoms Sprain - definition, signs and
• The RICE procedure (rest, ice, elevation, compression)
• Cramps - definition, causes, management (foot, calf, front and back of tight)
Course Syllabus and Content
10. Burns and Scalds
• Types and causes of burns
• Assessing a burn - site, extent (rule of 9), depth, source of burn
• Thermal burns and scalds (minor and severe) - signs and symptoms,

11. Poisoning
• Definition and types
• Routes of entry into body and possible effects
• Swallowed and inhaled poisons - signs and symptoms, general management
Online BFA (Theory)
Refresher Course
Facilitator : Medical Practitioners / SJAM First Aid Trainers

Candidates must have a valid Basic First Aid Certificate.

Candidates are expected to have prior knowledge on all the

topics in the Basic First Aid syllabus.
Programme (2 Hours)
Step Duration Activity

1 10 mins Welcome and Introduction to Course

2 20 mins Revision questions: Learners will attempt 10 Revision questions based on their
BFA knowledge. Facilitator will provide the answers.

3. 10 mins Video Lesson on CPR (prepared by NHQ)

4 10 mins • Q&A Session

• Activity: My Understanding & Fill in the Blanks (Worksheet)

5 10 mins Video Lesson on Choking (prepared by NHQ)

6 10 mins • Q&A Session

• Activity: Learners to find 2 things that can choke and take a picture. Also,
show the Universal sign of choking & take a group picture.
Programme (Continued)

Step Duration Activity

7 10 mins Video Lesson on Wounds & Bleeding (prepared by NHQ)

8 10 mins • Q&A Session

• Activity: Find 3 things around that can be used as bandage

9 10 mins Video Lesson on Fracture (prepared by NHQ)

10 10 mins • Q&A Session

• Activity: Name the types of fracture

11 10 mins • Summary
• Briefing for Online Exam
Online BFA (Theory)
Facilitator : Medical Practitioners / SJAM First Aid Trainers
Target Group

• Potential New Members aged between 12 – 18 years old.


Candidates must have attended at least 80% of the online BFA

course to sit for the online examinations
8 Sessions – 1 hour session each
Session Topic
1 • First Aid Priorities
2 • Wounds & Bleeding
• Dressing & Bandaging
3 • Bone Injuries
• Injuries to Soft Tissues
4 • Basic Life Support (CPR + AED)
5 • Respiratory Problems – Choking
• Asthma
6 • Loss of Consciousness
• Fainting
• Recovery Position
7 • Burns & Scalds
• Poisoning
8 • Revision Session
Session 1 – First Aid Priorities
Step Duration Activity Action
 Welcome and Introduction to Course
1 10 mins - Learners will be briefed on the number of sessions, topics Trainer
and format of the course.
2 10 mins  Video on Lesson 1 (Part 1) - First Aid Priorities Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
3 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 01-Part 01-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
My Understanding & Fill in the Blanks
4 10 mins  Video on Lesson 2 (Part 2) - First Aid Priorities Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
5 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 01-Part 02-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
Fill in the Blanks & My Actions
 Summary
6 10 mins  Homework Trainer
Draw a poster Why Learning First Aid is Important?
Session 2 – Management of Wounds & Bleeding
Step Duration Activity Action
 Welcome
1 10 mins Trainer
 Revision on Lesson 1 : First Aid Priorities
2 10 mins  Video on Lesson 2 (Part 1) - Wounds & Bleeding Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
3 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 02-Part 01-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
Name the Wounds & Types of Bleeding
4 10 mins  Video on Lesson 2 (Part 2) - Dressings & Bandages Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
5 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 02-Part 02-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
Word Search & Name the Bandages
 Summary
6 10 mins  Homework Trainer
Find 3 materials at home that can be used as a bandage.
Session 3 – Bone & Soft Tissue Injuries
Step Duration Activity Action
 Welcome
1 10 mins  Revision on Lesson 2 : Management of Wounds & Trainer
2 10 mins  Video on Lesson 3 (Part 1) – Bones & Injuries Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
3 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 03-Part 01-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
Match the Parts & Name the Fracture
4 10 mins  Video on Lesson 3 (Part 2) - Injuries to Soft Tissues Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
5 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 03-Part 02-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
Fill in the blanks
 Summary
6 10 mins  Homework Trainer
Draw a 2 frames comic to show the cause of a Sprain
Session 4 – CPR & AED
Step Duration Activity Action
 Welcome
1 10 mins Trainer
 Revision on Lesson 3 : Bone & Soft Tissue Injuries
2 10 mins  Video on Lesson 4 (Part 1 ) – CPR & AED Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
3 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 04-Part 01-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
Fill in the blanks & Match the description
4 10 mins  Video on Lesson 4 (Part 2) - CPR & AED Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
5 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 04-Part 02-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
Fill in the blanks
 Summary
6 10 mins  Homework Trainer
Draw a Poster on DRSABCD
Session 5 – Respiratory Problems
Step Duration Activity Action
 Welcome
1 10 mins Trainer
 Revision on Lesson 4 : CPR & AED
2 10 mins  Video on Lesson 5 (Part 1) – Respiratory Problems Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
3 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 05-Part 01-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
Match the parts
4 10 mins  Video on Lesson 5 (Part 2) – Choking and Asthma Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
5 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 05-Part 02-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
Name the method
 Summary
6 10 mins  Homework Trainer
Find 2 things at home that can choke a person
Session 6 – Loss of Consciousness
Step Duration Activity Action
 Welcome
1 10 mins Trainer
 Revision on Lesson 5 : Respiratory Problems
2 10 mins  Video on Lesson 6 (Part 1) - Loss of Consciousness Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
3 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 06-Part 01-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
Match the parts and Fill in the blanks
4 10 mins  Video on Lesson 6 (Part 2) - Recovery Position & Fainting Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
5 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 06-Part 02-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
Class Discussion based on Diagrams
 Summary
 Homework
6 10 mins Trainer
Share with the Class about your experience of fainting or
treating a person who has fainted
Session 7 – Burns & Scalds; Poisoning
Step Duration Activity Action
 Welcome
1 10 mins Trainer
 Revision on Lesson 6 : Loss of Consciousness
2 10 mins  Video on Lesson 7 (Part 1) - Burns & Scalds Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
3 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 07-Part 01-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
Name the parts / type
4 10 mins  Video on Lesson 7 (Part 2) - Poisoning Prepared by NHQ
 Q&A Session Trainer
5 10 mins  Activity on [Lesson 07-Part 02-Worksheet] Prepared by NHQ
Draw and Name
 Summary
6 10 mins  Homework Trainer
List out Fire Hazards and Poisonous items at home
Session 8 – Revision
Step Duration Activity Action
1 5 mins  Welcome Trainer
2 10 mins  Revision Questions : 10 Objectives Questions
 Self-Marking
3 15 mins
 Discussion of Answers
4 10 mins  Check the Worksheet Answers
5 15 mins  Q&A Session & Feedback Form Trainer
6 5 mins  Briefing for Online Assessment Trainer
Lesson Activities
Worksheet Sample

In your own words and

understanding, define
What is First Aid ?
What are the aims of First Aid ?
 To P Life.

 To P condition
from D .

 To P recovery.
Frequently Asked
Frequently Asked Questions - Facilitators
1. Who can be facilitators in this online course?
Answer: Qualified SJAM First Aid Trainers and medical practitioners can be
facilitators. Area/State/Regional Staff Officers (Training) and teachers in-charge
are welcomed as observers during the online course.

2. Can members just watch the online learning videos and do

assignments all by themselves?
Answer: The course is designed to maintain interactions with members just like
any division regular training sessions, albeit not physically. Therefore,
facilitators are expected to facilitate the sessions, answer questions raised by
members and collect assignments submitted by members.
Frequently Asked Questions - Facilitators
3. Where can we find revision questions for members refresher course?
Answer: All links to questions, online examination and video content can be
found at the Links section of this handbook.

4. At the end of this course, how do members apply for certificate?

Answer: No application is required. An electronic certificate will be issued to
successful c a n d i d a t e s that has p a s s ed t h e o n l i n e e xa m i n a t i o n s .

5. Does taking online Basic First Aid course the same as our
regular course?
Answer: As mentioned in the Introduction section of this handbook, members
are still required to attend practical and assessment sessions to be qualified for
the Basic First Aid certificate.
Frequently Asked Questions - Members
6. What if I missed one or two online classes? Do I still get to sit for the
online examinations?
Answer: Candidates are expected to reach a minimum 80% attendance in the
course to be able to attempt questions during the online examination.

7. Other than these videos and online course, what other materials are
there as reference?
Answer: Members should refer to first aid notes provided by facilitators (if any)
or the latest edition of First Aid Manual.
Frequently Asked Questions - Members
8. Does members who successfully completed this Online Basic First
Aid Course will be eligible to wear SJAM Uniform and perform Public
First Aid Duties?
Answer: No. Members must first complete the Practical Course and Assessment
and obtain the Basic First Aid Course Certificate (Full Certificate). However,
upon passing the Online Basic First Aid Course, members can wear SJAM T-Shirt
and apply for SJAM Name Tag and ID Card.
Thank you

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