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(This book was found by me outside of ‘Mothers’ grocery store In HB in April 2007)

Table of Contents


02). THE WARRIOR SPIRIT. . . . . . 7
03). THE TEST OF POWER . . . . . . 13
04). THE DRAGON . . . . . . . 17
05). THE DEAD ZONE . . . . . . 22
08). THE KUNDALINI AND WILL . . . . . 38
10). THE QUEST FOR FREEDOM . . . . . 52
11). THE LAST BATTLEGROUND . . . . . 59
12). THE INITIATION . . . . . . 62
14). THE NATURE OF THE LIGHT . . . . 87
15). PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY . . . . . 94
18). THE VICTORY . . . . . . . 111
19). THE PAIN AND THE PASSION . . . . 116
20). FEEDING THE DRAGON . . . . . 125
21). THE WOUNDED WARRIOR . . . . . 129
22). HOW YOU OWN THE WORLD . . . . 132
23). THE SOURCE OF CREATION . . . . . 139
The strange story of how I came into contact with the group of Warrior Beings known as
the Fellowship of the Serpent and my personal guide Quetzalcoatl, whom I call Master Q, begins
in the summer of 1980. At that time my pursuit of spiritual and psychic development was, as I
felt, very much an uphill battle. I tried all manner of techniques and had gone to many groups
and teachers but I was not really content with the direction I was going. Later, I realized that the
energy I needed to put into developing real spiritual and psychic abilities was on a scale that I
could not even imagine at that time in my life, but if there was any one event that I could pin
down as the beginning of a coming to an understanding of what was needed in real self-
development, it occurred on a hot evening in August, 1980.
I was walking down the street I lived on in New Brunswick, New Jersey. It was usually
busy as daytime yielded to twilight but this day there was strangely no one on the street. There
was a strange calm in the air like that of negative ionization that occurs before a storm. Then, all
of a sudden, without the slightest sound, a flying saucer about six to ten feet in diameter landed
about ten feet away from me. It shone with different colored brilliant light. For an instant a beam
of white light came to bear directly on me. As soon as it had occurred, it was over, and the flying
saucer was gone without leaving any clue to the reason it had landed or the activity it was
engaged in. Also, for some reason, something about the event had clicked off in me, and even
though I remembered it clearly, I really did not attribute any real significance to the event except
that it had happened. It was probably the unconscious belief that it was little more than a
hallucination rather than a real event. Little did I realize that this single event would change my
life forever, for it was then that I began to spontaneously leave the physical body and travel in
the other worlds and dimensions beyond this one.
One of my major interests was in the other planets of our own solar system. It was there
that I met Quetzalcoatl, where he had evolved from his incarnation on Earth as the Plumed
Serpent, as he was known during the Mayan and Aztec civilizations, to become a flame being
living on the Sun. It was there that I became aware that my life had led me to this moment to
receive the initiation into the mysteries of life from this being and find the mission that I had
assigned myself in this lifetime, but first I was entreated to begin a painstaking learning process
about the group of beings Master Q is part of and their philosophy and techniques.
The beings of the Fellowship are diverse in nature for they not only exist in number in
this solar system but also in other solar systems throughout the physical universe as well as the
gamut that runs throughout the other dimensions. The beings of the Fellowship and their
techniques are the most mysterious in the Universes upon Universes. Their techniques and
philosophy are considered unnatural except to the most advanced and evolved. They are not like
the other Lodges that have influenced humanity in their religion and philosophy. The Fellowship
stands aloof and silent and waits till the few of some stature make their way to the door of one
who represents the Fellowship and then they begin an educational process that transforms the
ordinary person into one of them, there to take up silent residence where they live as
representatives of the Fellowship.
This is the first time in the history of the Earth that such an undertaking was allowed to
take place to revel that the Fellowship actually exists apart from myth and legend, and in those
stories only bits and pieces reveal their true essence to the uninitiated. It has been recognized that
the Earth is going through a transition, and as such, much attention is focused here to watch and
see what goes on. It is now that the Fellowship, along with the other Lodges, are taking a more
active part in the process. Earth is but a dust particle in a desert storm of immeasurable size, yet
the single particle is causing a tremor felt throughout the desert storm.
It is in this light that I have channeled these lessons from Quetzalcoatl with the many
mysteries they contain, along with clues to their solution I have learned in the process. Consider
this book in that light – that it is open to all considerations and interpretations.
As such, those that read these lessons must take care not to become an extremist but seek
balance in all things. Look for the hidden meanings written between the lines. Take what you
find as truth and functional, and shelve what you might consider false or not easily understood or
imaginable. I hope this book might serve as stimulation and a bridge for others to meet the truly
remarkable beings of the Fellowship of the Serpent. Who knows, maybe life has led you to this

There are only two types of individuals in this world. There are Warriors and then there
are “Those at War” or Worriers. In this world the individual is at odds with everything in the
universe. Only on the surface does it seem that conflict does not exist. This is only because one
has either developed numbness, tolerance or mastery over situations in the environment. The
Warrior is one who is clear about this conflict, doesn’t mask it, and accepts it as part and parcel
of the life experience. For the Warrior, where there is peace and serenity one must be even more
on the alert, for such states signify only the calm before the storm. The storm is the only natural
state of affairs in this world.
What is commonly called peace is not the goal of the Warrior as it is for so many. The
Warrior knows peace only as a temporary state; one in which there is only a temporary
suspension of conflict internally so that one can consolidate power for the battle ahead. The
Warrior learns to ride in the eye of the storm. When all is chaos and destruction, the Warrior can
always find the place of thundering silence and of power to fuel the Quest for Freedom.
“Those at War” are constantly engrossed in the self-indulgence of various mental and
emotional states. At some point in one’s growth there is a realization that one is at odds with the
entire universe. Here is the fork in the road. It is here that one either becomes the Warrior or one
goes about the process of creating numbness is relation to the objects and events of the world.
Numbness is the buffer that shields one from the real stimulating energy of the event to de-
energize and desensitize one from it.
Upon the lips of the Worrier is always how the world is affecting oneself. The Worrier
becomes constant effect without realizing the cause, thus the necessity to limit the intensity of
the world. The Worrier wonders what of significance is going to happen , while the Warrior
plans something significant to do.
Present-day society is a Worriers society. The motive of life is to find a safe place. One
must have a job, a home, a family, etc. This is where the Worrier hides fleeing death, fear and
The realization of the Warrior is that there is no safe place in the universe. It is here that
life becomes unconditional and everything becomes possible. Death, fear and conflict are allies
to the Warrior. Death opens the greatest amount of new possibilities to understand the Unknown.
To the Worrier, death is just the ultimate state of unconsciousness or numbness, and in the
illusion of safety, the Worrier becomes immortal in the span of momentary numbness.
There is true immortality – the immortality of one’s Self-perpetuation of creative-active-
causal essence that even the cessation of the physical body cannot destroy. To explain this you
need only know that you are creative beings. You think, you feel, and you imagine. I dare any
scientist to open up a skull and produce a thought, feeling, or image in a tangible form as one
would reel off images from a spool of film. These aspects are of another order of reality, and
their effects are only seen in the biophysiological fluctuations of the organism. Following these
elements back to their sources one finds another order of reality: a transcendental or non-
ordinary reality.
The postulation of transcendental or non-ordinary reality is intrinsic to primitive,
shamanistic religions, and some philosophical systems. It is here that the Worrier can begin the
process that transforms one into the Warrior; for, whereas, in ordinary reality change is slow and
confrontation mundane; in non-ordinary reality change is swift and confrontation goes deep into
one’s being. The choice is transform or regress. The status quo is never really quite maintained.
The Worrier is created from this effect modality of regression by identifying with the
physical body as a source of thoughts, feelings, and images, and any non-ordinary reality or
otherworldliness as something other than imminent. The tendency is to perpetuate
unconsciousness and a false sense of immortality in the safety of Society’s larger reality. If the
physical body is the source of thoughts, feelings, images, then upon death all functions die with
the physical body. Immortality becomes a biological function of passing on one’s genes in
reproduction. The progeny become yourselves, and you impose restrictions upon them as you
would ideally for yourselves in their state. Thus the perpetuation of excessive discipline or
leniency is because you regard your children as yourselves. You would want them to fall in line
where you have failed or where you have dreamt. The future generations become a repository of
your frustrations at not having fulfilled your own lives.
The existence of the Worrier is reinforced by Society. Society is a greater reality
responsible for satisfying, or making the means available to satisfy the needs of its’ inhabitants.
Society provides safety, and even in this, it is not totally successful. Crime is rampant, altruism
and selflessness is dead, replaced by self-serving politicians, police and civil servants that keep
the individual in confusion. Religion supplies the individual with answers of survival with
mystical mumbo-jumbo. Whenever any real mystical phenomena occurs, Religion suppress it
with long-term investigations that usually turn up nothing, for it is already after the fact. This
forces the individual to retreat even further into the numbness, especially when the real needs of
the individual aren’t met. The Worrier retreats to at least satisfy the needs that aren’t as
significant or as difficult.
What Society created is out of control. Society itself is an unconscious organism and
therefore it’s creation is always less than perfect. Yet you raise Society’s creation above your
own, because it is masked in the illusion of what you want and therefore think is right.
The creation of Society is only the construction of an individual striving for perfection on
an unconscious level. In the evolution of the human physical body, individual cells give up their
identities and individual pursuits to join with others and create a complex organism capable of
consciousness. Society is formed the same way. Ideally, individuals give up part of their
individuality to cooperate in the functioning of the whole. Yet, much of both organisms social
and individual, are unconscious. That is why disease can strike; that is why immune systems can
be weakened; and that is why the balance of power can shift to the dark side in wars, famine and
disease. Where certain dominant individual cellular entities take advantage of the whole. The
disease in the individual mirrors the disease in Society and vice versa.
The original purpose of Society was to serve the individual; to create a place of safety so
that existence and pleasure could be pursued by all. Now it is the individual serving Society and
its’ pursuits. When only a few cells are being fed in the whole organism, the whole organism
Thus the perpetuation of the Worrier. In retrospect, the realization of the Warrior is that
there is no safe place in the universe, and the only perfect creation must be borne from the defeat
of the unconscious. Therefore, it really doesn’t matter a lot. It matters, but not a lot. In essence,
the direction of energy should be to work on oneself.
The perpetuation of the Worrier is marked in the creation and reinforcement of the
unconscious. The unconscious is a natural phenomena. The direction of evolution is the
expansion of consciousness. More complex organisms exhibit greater awareness and therefore,
greater functionality in terms of manipulating internal and external environments. Eventually,
consciousness realized that there is no safe place and that it is at odds with the entire universe.
Therefore, it was necessary to limit incoming stimuli. Such a realization could be more
dysfunctional or at least it is though of as such. The realization of a universe against the
individual; a cold force whose only purpose is destruction, could be devastating in its
It takes a special person to, firstly, realize that one is at odds with the entire universe by
tearing down the unconscious, and secondly, to permit oneself to be assaulted by the unlimited
incoming stimuli. The line between a Warrior and the insane is fine indeed. It is a matter of the
degree of self-indulgence one finds necessary to exist in such a state. Does one pity or delude
oneself and one’s perception, or does one rise to the challenge and become greater than the
universe by withstanding the onslaught? Herein the Warrior realizes causality rather than the
never-ending drain of power as a result of being the effect. It is not so much what is happening to
the Warrior that is significant, although it is considered in its rightful place as effect, but rather
what is considered significant is what the Warrior creates as a result of any activity.
The Warrior must never be numb but practices tolerance in all situations. The Warrior
must live in Society, for the battleground is the fragmented Self, not Society. Making Society the
battleground gives it too much significance – more than it deserves. There is nothing the Warrior
can do to defeat Society or its’ hold upon another, for the realization must come form within. All
the Warrior can do is to become an example of the significance of the inner struggle to
Enlightenment and be a brick on the path for another to trod on when the time is right.
Again, as the Warrior looks inward, there is the realization of why they have chosen to
live in this state, not only once, but many times beyond any one mere lifetime. The whole
process is a game, and the purpose of the game is to realize the rules. Anyway, you enjoy living
on the edge no mater how unconsciously. The Source would not deprive anyone of their quality
and quantity of life. You enjoy losing yourselves and then finding yourselves again.
If there is a need for structure in the life of the Warrior it is found in the religion of the
Warrior. It is in Spiritualism and Animism that this structure is found. Spiritualism serves as the
basis if the Warriors connection to other Warriors. Here is the cooperation of Brotherhoods and
Sisterhoods and Fellowships of Warriors assisting each other not only here in this world, but also
in spirit worlds without end. Animism serves as the basis of the Warrior’s relation to all the
various kingdoms. In the Animal, Plant and Mineral kingdoms the Warrior finds the riddle of the
hidden manna. In the Deva Kingdom the Warrior finds another race of beings very different form
themselves. It is through the Deva Kingdom that one finds an element to the solution of the
hidden manna and learns about allies and helpers the Warrior can use, and be used by, in order to
accomplish goals.
There is also the realization of power that the Warrior is exposed to. Whatever you use,
you are used by. So choose your allies and helpers well. Make sure it is in a symbiotic
relationship that you lend your self to others. At all times the Warrior must be impeccable with
energy as you have heard in the teachings of Don Juan. If there is a drain form any experiment
you must have a strategy to gather power. To be without power is to be in dire circumstances,
especially for the Warrior. The Warrior’s realization of things is different from the Worrier, who
doesn’t mind living without power, or living in illusory power. When you realize that there is no
safe place in the universe and that you are at odds with it, then you had best learn to gather, store,
and guard your power. For that is the only safe place in the world. Thus the irony of life: the only
safe place in the universe turns out to be the unsafest place in the world. Here, at the gate of the
Unconditional you are everything, every potential, and every thought, emotion, image, and
energy. You awaken to the consciousness of every cell, molecule, atom, and particle in your

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In some manner or another the Warrior realizes that one is at odds with the entire
universe. This perception of conflict is one that either makes or breaks the individual. If one
accepts conflict as intrinsic to the notion of existence, does not seek to suppress or repress the
energy or negative experience, and puts away the childish goals of peace and happiness, then one
is on the path to realization and Power.
The nightmare, which frightens most, is a tool used by the Warrior to see where there is a
deficiency in Power. This is the spirit of the Warrior and when applied to the life experience is
the Warrior Spirit. The whole world is Power and therefore nothing should be eliminated unless
it causes personal weakness, yet this does not preclude weakness from being eliminated from the
analysis. Weakness is key to understanding strength. You will find that energy is the real
commodity. If you have energy, then anything can be accomplished.
Each individual walks upon three paths that issue out of the highest consciousness and
colors existence from the moment one begins as individual consciousness. The three paths are
Power, Truth and Love. This is where the individual can learn from the greatest teacher life has
ever produced. To examine one’s life in relation to these three paths is to grasp the totality of
existence and experience.
Analysis of these three paths reveals that each has a spirit, a human quality and an
opposite. The spirit is how one encounters that particular path in consciousness. The human
quality is the degree to which one has integrated the spirit of that path as a useful entity. The
opposite is how one judges the path in terms of the TAO, or the duality of existence, since
nothing exists except in relation to its’ opposite.







[Judgement] TRUTHS



Individuals have the tendency to make one particular path more important than the others,
Thus masking the other two paths as color for the primary path. In Society the Worrier is found
to make the path of Love of primary importance. Thus Power becomes associated with the ability
to manifest the experience of the ideal relationship. The Trust comes in the understanding of how
to maintain the relationship, or when to move on.
The Warrior, on the other hand, rather than make one path more important than the
others, strives to make each path simultaneous. Of course Power is very important to the Warrior
because it is realized that Power makes things work. Love and Truth are important, but without
Power they are just the intellect’s passive appreciation. It is like the appliance that is not plugged
into the electrical outlet. That appliance does not work.
It is Love that opens the door to the mysteries of the Unknown for the Warrior, it is Truth
that arms and protects the Warrior, but it is only through Power that the Warrior goes through the
door to encounter the Unknown. In giving Power this realization, the other two paths become as
houses in which Power lives and can be experienced. In Truth the Warrior learns the parameters
of Power, the analysis of causes and effects and ponders the ethics of its use. In Love the Warrior
learns to join with it and have that feeling of Power flowing through one and the upliftment by it.

In examining the three paths you must give Power primary importance as long as it is
balanced by the other two. Examine each path by its opposite. Truth is just as much a fabrication
as lies, since you can create reality by your beliefs and much of what you consider Truth is
merely a cultural imperative or an opinion. In Love, Love and hate are easily confused, for
emotion and desire are far too varied and fickle. Again there is confusion. In Power one cannot
confuse Power with impotence unless there is extreme delusion. Even so, energy is mandatory to
making anything work. Even the hopelessly deluded can eventually realize that impotence is
powerlessness. The problem is even the deluded can revel in this, taking extreme measures to
transform impotence into feelings of superiority. In Truth and Love it does not take delusion to
confuse the one with its opposite. Many times the reality of one is the demonstration of the other.
Thus the path of Power is more straightforward. It is either black or white; there are no shades of
gray. You either act or you can’t act. Thinking and feeling don’t quite get one to the goal,
although they are helpful and important.
The real problem with the path of Power is that it can manifest extremely devastating
experiences that have impact upon the person long after the experience has been forgotten. This
comes about in the wrong use of Power whence Power is not properly aligned with Truth and
Love. Here ignorance of the law is no excuse. In the wrong use of Power the fall from Power is
it’s own punishment. Lack of energy is the worst experience in the world. It leaves a whole
person fragmented. Thus the Warrior must travel the path of Power as an integrated or
integrating person. Also it must be realized that pure Power is incorruptible. It is only when one
corrupts Power with erroneous desires and with lies, that Power will strike back at the individual
to maintain it’s purity.
Upon the path of Power one’s greatest teachers are fear and death. As I said earlier,
energy is a commodity, even negative energy. If one were to destroy or get rid of energy, one
loses that energy. The point is the conservation of energy and the consolidation of Power. All
energy is one. It just becomes differentiated by where it is located in the physical body. It also
becomes differentiated by its direction as the cause and the effect. Effect is further distinguished
into the unknowing and knowing effect.
So what is seemingly negative energy can be seen in its direction. So instead of getting
rid of negative energy you simply reverse it. The direction of negative energy is commonly
called the effect, although one can never divide it from the cause. The seeming activity originates
from the external world seeking to invade the internal world. The direction is from outside to
inside. The solution is to change the energy, or better yet perspective, to the cause, or energy that
flows from the internal worlds to the external or from inside to outside. This is done by changing
the unknowing effect into the knowing effect.
The energy one experiences is the energy one has created. You have created the
perception that energy is invading from the external world. The perception that is actually
created is one of a mirror that reflects back to you what you have initially created. Thus cause
and effect. Wherever there is an effect it is up to you to discern the cause or else further divide
yourself from the self.
Then through meditation, introspection, and analysis you begin to see it thusly. You
begin to operate in an etheric power body rather than an emotional or mental body. Each
particular body exists in a specific cause-effect point of view. In the emotional body, for every
act one can draw a variety of possible emotional reactions such that the cause usually gets lost.
Emotions usually blame someone or something else or overblame oneself for an act. In the
mental body, for every act one could draw a variety of possible conclusions or reasons such that
the original premise gets lost. The new conclusions or reasons become the new premises upon
which further conclusions and reasons are gained.
In the etheric body, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When the
activity is this simple, it is not so difficult to gain sight of the actual cause, and therein one is apt
to be the knowing effect rather than the unknowing effect as a result of losing sight of the cause.
Thus the Warrior considers fear as a teacher and guardian of the Unknown because
negative energy can be handled. Whenever fear is felt, it means the Unknown is near even
though one may feel one knows the object of fear. The reason why one might fear an object is
not because of the object, but because that object mirrors an inner unconditional state which
eludes momentary adaptation. Once one adapts, usually by the process of rationalization or any
of the ego defense mechanisms, there is a return to the normal state of numbness. What is of
significance here is not the object, even though the senses draw one to believe that is the cause,
but actually it is the inner unconditional state. The Warrior seeks these states and uses the
unconditional energy to shift into a heightened state of awareness, whereas the Worrier would
seek to avoid these states maintaining normal consciousness. The process of the Warrior is to
suspend adaptation as long as possible. The Warrior seeks object after object to confront until the
adaptive state is suspended so that the unconditional state can be created from itself without
reliance upon any engendered external state. This is the threshold of power.
Death is another guardian and teacher of the unknown. In life there are always conditions,
and eventually the Unconditional is adapted to. In death, all options open, all conditions fall
away. This is the playground of the Warrior.
Such is the Warrior Spirit. Each person must uncover it, each person must discover it.
The way one does it on the path of obstacles and conditions is to do it in spite of all obstacles and
The key word here is “spite”. Even though failure is imminent or the odds against one are
innumerable, you must act without considering the limitations of fear and death (or rather one’s
limited concepts of fear and death). You must learn to die daily as your “good book” advises.
You can afford to lose a battle, but you cannot afford to lose the war.
So you might ask how one can develop the Warrior spirit. Listen on then, but know that
foremost you must develop, if nothing else, the Will. What you develop you uncover or discover.
Will is the only essential attribute of the Warrior Spirit really worth developing. All else is
merely superficial or developed as a result. All that is significant can be gained by developing
the Will.
So if you can’t do or get the things you wish, then reflect upon your life and see where
you are deficient in Will, and you will find the key to accomplish the things you wish.
Everything in life can support this endeavor. If you work for it, you will be supported in your
endeavor by this Warrior Spirit.

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Why is it that, in the world, Power, Truth and Love are met with so much resistance? It is
because this is the realm of the Test of Power. Power, Truth and Love guard the Warrior spirit so
that one might face the Test of Power and never be totally defeated, just modified. Through the
test of Power one can integrate Power, Truth, and Love in a functional way. The Warrior is
simultaneous in Power, Truth and Love. This simultaneity produces the state of realization. This
is where you can turn your life around; this is the Great Reversal of Energy. Realization is the
state of becoming the knowing effect whence you can see your causality more clearly.
In the state of realization, Power, Truth and Love are never restricted and are only limited
to the extent that you have integrated them. It is only the location and direction of energy that
you don’t comprehend when you are out of the realized state or the state of heightened
awareness. When you are not in this enlightened state, the effect is divided from its cause. This is
the only perception of limitation. It is a limited awareness that considers itself as either the cause
or the effect and not both.
There are three directions of energy: cause, knowing effect, and unknowing effect. The
cause is the source of all effects. Unknowing effect is when one perceives the effect or the
apparent circumstance as the cause-in-itself. Knowing effect is when one perceives the apparent
circumstances as the culmination of a chain of events that started from an internal unconditional
state. Modifying Power, Truth and Love in accordance with this analysis of the direction of
energy eventually produces realization of conditional existence and is a gateway into a realm
where there is less resistance. Although, for the most part, you can only minimize resistance.
There will always be some resistance, and there will always be the possibility of being the
unknowing effect. You must fight to be the knowing effect. This is structured in the very nature
of consciousness in a body of limitation, whether it is the mental, emotional, vibrational, astral,
or physical body. This is structured in the very core of the Test of Power.
The Test of Power is structured in the necessity of limitation. For indeed one must limit
oneself to some degree in order to relate to the world, but it is not necessary to take this
limitation seriously. That is why one needs to travel in the inner realms of causality. It is here
that one begins to take limitation less seriously while living in the limited state and
acknowledging it’s laws. In these inner realms, you begin to perceive the internal unconditional
state and therein learn the awareness of being the knowing effect.
In the state of reality-illusion, you travel in only one body; the Soul or Monad. Many are
trying to get out of their bodies not realizing that they are already out of the body. You are out of
the body that perceives no limitation. This is the Monad. The physical, astral, emotional, mental,
and vibrational all perceive limitation. Therefore, when you travel in any of these vehicles, you
are out of the perception of unlimitedness. The body that perceives no limitation is your true,
natural body. Therefore, when you are in one of these other vehicles, you are out of the body, the
natural body that is. Once you realize this, you can begin the preparation to live in your true body
or live in limitation without being the unknowing effect. This is true because the Monad [Soul]
incorporates no real division. It only opts for a functional division of its own choice. The Monad
is only one thing: consciousness.
Now that you are in the original body, you can perceive the very structure of reality and
illusion; that all is made of the substance of reality-illusion. Some systems of thought create
definitions of what is real and what is unreal. This is a theme that structures the very basis of
knowledge. I say that for any object or subject that this is a meaningless distinction. I say that for
whatever is defined as real, it is as much unreal as it is real; and for whatever is defined as
unreal, it is as much real as it is unreal. In the path to becoming the knowing effect, all you have
to know is how subjects or objects can be both real and unreal. Then you will have the basis to
create a system of thought not dependent upon definitions of reality and illusion at it’s core.
What is real will never vary when perceived from different levels of consciousness or
different perspectives. Is there any such thing? Even the gods, or even the Source of Creation
itself, when perceived in their heavens, can only be realized in that state of consciousness. When
perceived in another state of consciousness it is different, even less apparent. This is also true
when all those that have visited such a realm have come back, each with a different point of
view. Thus for the most part, the pristine perception of the gods or any transcendental state is as
much an illusion as this physical world is for those absorbed in those pristine realms. Both of the
worlds fall apart until one is consigned to one or the other on a permanent basis. Still I would not
try walking on the freeway or disregarding any god’s law of karma just yet.
The problem is when you become a multi-dimensional, sentient , individualized entity,
you will never find a permanent home. You have been spoiled for anything else for the rest of
eternity, for there are other experiments going on. Your only permanence is your immortality,
your deathless dying, and your eternal becoming. Your only purpose in existence is your desire
to create new experiences and your taste for the Test of Power. The desire to create new
experiences is your cause, and the taste for the Test of Power is your effect. In most this effect is
unknowing; in others, the very few, it is knowing.
Thus, by your own nature, know that whatever world you are in as reality-illusion. Some
worlds will be more reality than illusion, and others will be more illusion than reality, but both
reality and illusion are locked together in some proportion. This is as much in perception as it is
in the world.
The faculty of the Monad is imagination. Imagination is the integration of the entire Self.
Imagination deals with the potential of what can be created, and in that you are responsible for
the creation of the varying states of reality-illusion. The primal Source of Creation does the same
thing. In this way, you are created in the image and likeness of that Source. The circumstances
you find yourselves in are a dream-image of a higher Self. It is just that your perception is
structured in limitation by the unknowing effect that you cannot perceive. The processes of
imagination that eventually find themselves as one’s views and perspectives are how one is like
this Source. In one’s images, one can realize new perspectives and perceptions; new worlds in
the making if one but frees oneself from the limited pursuit of reality-illusion in being the
unknowing effect. In these images, one can have the objective or aloof perspective, the
subjective or involved perspective, or both at the same time. You can explore the solar system
and other galaxies, other dimensions, previous lives and historical records of the Akasha, as well
as parallel lives if you but exercise the imagination.
In this way, the Test of Power is most appreciated; because it is you, the individual Self,
that creates these experiences utilizing the Source of Creation itself. You will find that this
Source from which you derive the substance of images is the very same Source of Creation, all
because it is unlimited and unconditional. As an individual, you create the limitations and
conditions to derive a specific experience from this Source, all because you are, by nature,
limited and conditioned. Thus you are the functional aspect of this Source. This Source never
created you as an inferior, but in many ways you are superior because of your functionality, as
also you are inferior because of your dysfunctionality. This is the gift you have received as a part
of taking on limitations and the Test of Power. You have become functional.
There is so much to say about the Test of Power that it could fill volumes of
material, for it is the history of the universe. Yet it is caught more in the experience of an
individual than taught in mere words. Never accept defeat when facing yourself. When you face
the Dragon, or the personal Demon, things seemingly larger than yourself, know them to be
pieces of the puzzle that are fighting for wholeness. Why impede their progress? They are better
off working for you than against you. Your disunity is only the perception of being the
unknowing effect. Know that the clearest perception of yourself is in the mirror image the so-
called “enemy” affords you. By instinct, you believe that the enemy is something you should
repel. I say just the opposite. Take a positive step in the direction of all the enemies that lurk in
your life. Do not fear death and do not fear fear-itself. Fight to make the enemy your friend and
in so doing you fight to unify yourself.

page 13

The physical plane is the most significant plane in creation. If you would dissolve your
self-importance, if you could see beyond your self-pity, and if you could begin the analysis of the
Self and escape “the lives of quiet desperation”, you would see a more interesting creation
beyond what the six senses show you.
The physical universe is structured such that every conceivable state of consciousness
exists here in some form or another. The state of consciousness you seek may not be here on
planet Earth physically, but it is manifested physically somewhere in the physical universe. The
only thing you must realize is that the human aura is not limited, even though it might only fill a
limited space. For all the seeming limitation of the extension of the human aura, for so many feet
or yards from the physical body, with it you are capable of realizing any state of consciousness in
creation. In a sense you are there, somewhere in the galaxy, where that state of consciousness
exists in the physical universe feasting upon some hidden manna.
That is the nature of the physical universe. For all its expansiveness, all states of
consciousness are compressed here in some form, whether it is some ethereal spiritual state or
some extremely low, unevolved consciousness.
The foundation of all physical creation is based upon the mineral kingdom. The mineral
kingdom, incorporating the different combinations of molecules interacting upon some
vibrational strategy, manifests the types of consciousness that will experience it. For instance,
planets with high mineral density will manifest a very physical somatic consciousness, while
planets of low mineral density will manifest a more ethereal, other worldly consciousness,
mimicking what some might consider to be other-dimensional realities, although they are of the
same physical dimension. Yet it is within the province of each individual’s realization.
It should be stated that there is life on all planets whether it is simplistic, elemental as
Devas, constituting a specific mineral strategy, or the more complex, multi-dimensional beings
that humans are part of. It is not just life as you know it, but it is also life that you could only
realize in your wildest dreams and imaginings.
This physical creation is most interesting in its impact upon human life. If you were to
conceive of the totality of creation in one moment as a personal entity that one can interact with
on a daily basis, you would know the Dragon. The Dragon is not an arbitrary designation for this
state of being. Dragons have different meanings in different cultures. The Judaeo-Christian
concept of personified evil, the Oriental concept of power and good luck, do not do justice to this
magnificent beast. They merely see some facet of the form and reject the rest. Limited, dogmatic
systems of thought do this anyway.
I will say that the Dragon is what you conceive it to be even if you start from no pre-
existing definitions. It is anything you wish to portray it to be, but it is always something more.
Whatever definition one comes up with to describe this magnificent beast is one that is lacking.
To examine the Dragon, it is necessary to get back down to the fundamentals. The
fundamentals I have talked about are cause and effect, consciousness and unconsciousness, the
distinction of Warrior and Worrier, and the Test of Power plus what I will relate to you in future
topics. Basically the Dragon is the way one relates to life and how life relates back to one. The
Dragon is pure, incorruptible Power that you have divided yourselves from by being the
unknowing effect. The Dragon is one’s best friend and worst enemy. The Dragon is the ruthless
realignment of energy that operates without regard for personal wants and needs. The Dragon is
a being so large you cannot see it with the naked eye. It is the play of Power.
The play of Power is the experience of those who travel that path, yet those who travel
other paths experience it just as intensely. There is no escape. Even being the unknowing effect
is a poor hiding place.
The play of Power is three-fold. First, those who play with Power are played with by
Power. Secondly, Power never goes to your strength but always hits you where you hurt or
where you are weakest. Thirdly, Power always gives you just a bit more than you can stand.
The reptilian nature is apparent within one. Power comes from mastery of the Kundalini,
which is represented as a Serpent. The limbic system and the inner brain are basically the vestige
of one’s reptilian nature. All of this is basically what represents the bridge to the unconscious,
one’s potential for Power. The activation of the Kundalini, throughout the ages, has been a step
towards Power and Enlightenment.
It is the destiny of each Warrior to battle with the Dragon upon its own home ground.
Even though this battle is merely play; neither are killed, only transformed; the idea of battle is
used, for the experiences of the Dragon are those of conflict and the extremes of the universe.
Better yet, it mirrors in one the conflict and extremes that are already there, but not yet apparent.
In the beginning, the Source created the Dragon as law and then created itself as a scale
somewhere hidden upon the Dragon. Each scale upon the Dragon is a universe-in-itself. For the
most part, one is absorbed in one or, at most, a few scales on the Dragon. Each lifetime you
explore new or different scales, trying to formulate functional belief systems.
Belief systems are structured in self-importance and self-pity. The Dragon is constantly
working upon these aspects of one’s Self with its fire. Anything placed in this fire long enough
will eventually reveal its true nature as ashes and smoke. In the process of Enlightenment, that is
exactly what happens to self-importance and self-pity. Their true essence is revealed as just
cosmic dust in a cosmic storm.
Instead of trying to create a functional belief system, one should be trying to perceive the
“Big Picture”. The Big Picture is the perception of how things are and work together. These
lessons are the explanation of the Big Picture that I and those I represent have realized.
Well, you can say that this Big Picture is just my opinion. Well I say to formulate the
vision of the Big Picture one must see all available opinions, not just one’s own. And one’s
opinion of all these opinions must be made a part of the whole. The idea is that opinion is
secondary to the picture of all opinions and the different ways they work together or conflict.
Anyway, the Big Picture is harder to perceive than it is to explain. It is something that is
always building upon itself and growing. You are a part of It and the whole of it, and by the
flame of the Dragon, what you consider essential, is revealed as ashes and smoke.
This flame is how experience molds one from event to event. It is the Alchemical formula
of growth. Ultimately, the Warrior sacrifices oneself to the Dragon as food, and in the digestive
process becomes the part and the whole of the Big Picture. But before you find your way to the
Dragon’s stomach you must find your way to its flame. Before you find its flame you must find
your way out of the singular scale you are momentarily absorbed in by realizing the existence
and relation of all the scales of the Dragon.
Begin by examining your own life and by getting out of the seeming limitations. Get in
the body to get out of the body. Learn to interpret your dreams so that you might be able to
interpret your life in the same way. This is the Warrior’s use of dreams. The Worriers use of
dreams is merely to resolve the conflicts that are unresolvable in daily life. To the Warrior,
dreams are a chance to see the mirror that is less apparent in one’s absorbed daily existence. One
is given keys more readily by the Dragon in the language of symbols. At least it is easier to
discern that these elements in a dream are symbolic; that they mirror something in oneself that
needs exposure. This is a way the Dragon has life structured or how you have life structured
through the Dragon. One scale of the Totality at a time, and you are only given just a bit more
than you can stand at any one time.
Why have you decided to incarnate here over and over? In reality no one forces you to
come back. You do it because you love to play the game and live on the edge. You love to live
between life and death and feel the stimulation of the Unconditional. You play the game where
you must make up your own rules and compare them to other systems of rules. Most of all, you
love the fire of the Dragon that at the same time liberates and destroys. You love to be roasted in
those flames having your essence revealed from where you have hidden it. You complain a lot
about it, but you complain even more without it.
So it is game time. The interaction with the Dragon reveals the magick of life. In a
previous incarnation of the planet Earth, Dragons existed mutually and as a result of Wizards,
Alchemists and Warriors because they were extensions of each other. Today the real Dragons no
longer exist as they did in those days of yore because of the downplay of magick and
imagination. But once the imagination is awakened, then magick and counterpart – the Dragon –
comes into conscious awareness again. Until this moment, you are only half-alive. When it
happens, it is your real birthday and you can begin to live up to your potential.
Each person is entitled to their own Dragon in consciousness, but you must earn it in
realization. On the path of Truth, Truth is structured in one’s own awareness; on the path of
Love, Love comes unbidden for it is the gift of life that first brought you to individual
consciousness and that continues to support that consciousness; but on the path of Power, Power
must be earned. You are only born with the Power you have earned from previous lifetimes
without the awareness of that fact, and, for the most part, you have been devastated by the Tests
of Power you had encountered. So for the quality and quantity of life, you must continue to earn
Power. Energy is a commodity more valuable than gold or gems, for without energy you cannot
accomplish anything of significance even though you may possess great amounts of wealth and
On the path of Truth, the Truth is as much a fabrication as lies. On the path of Love, Love
and hate are sometimes confused. On the Path of Power, Power is victory over impotence. That
is why I travel the Path of Power and confront the Test of Power in order to be simultaneously
upon the three paths. That is why I embrace the Dragon. With Power, Truth and Love are alive.
Without Power, Truth is a problem without a solution and Love is an unfulfilled desire.

page 17
The mystical experience is something that has been part of consciousness since its birth.
One aspect of this is what is called the out-of-body experience. It just lends itself to the notion of
the multi-dimensionality of the individual in which consciousness resides. Whether one agrees
with this class of human experience or not, the “other side” of consciousness makes itself known
one way or another no matter how much one might try to disregard. Dreams are accepted by
everyone, but in its acceptance as another order of reality, it is trivialized so as to buffer its
impact upon those who wish to remain numb. For those who do not disregard dreaming or any
other mystical phenomena and are fascinated by the possibility of something beyond the norm
might wish to explore and understand such occurrences, and some might even wish to master it
as part of their daily lives.
For those who try to consciously leave their bodies know what kind of effort it takes to
accomplish such a feat. For some it is easy while for others it is difficult. What is the common
denominator between the two? Whatever it is, upon the surface it is not apparent.
It is not apparent for a reason. Those here on this physical plane are here for a reason and
that reason is a karmic one. Whether the individual has to work out something personal or with
others, or is just here to experiment with cause and effect, a karmic seal is placed upon each
individual’s silver cord. This seal contains the intensity and polarity of the experiences one will
encounter within a lifetime. This karmic seal is not necessarily static in nature, but it takes a
supreme effort to make any significant changes in its intensity and polarity. For the most part, it
does not change until a particular lesson is learned, although one might be here just to learn to
manipulate this karmic seal.
One receives the karmic seal in the spirit world from a Deva known as a Lord of Karma.
This Deva is well known by those who have had near-death experiences. The common
experience related by those who go through such an occurrence is fairly well documented.
A near-death experience is of the type that can make a significant change in the karmic
seal. What is not understood is what happens between life in a spirit world and the eventual
process that ends up in the physical plane. There is nothing that forces an individual to
reincarnate. The individual reincarnates by choice, although this is not always apparent, but once
the choice is made a karmic seal is prepared by a Lord of Karma.
Once one receives this karmic seal that individual is propelled by its weight into a void
which exists between the astral realm and the physical plane. Going through this “Dead Zone”,
which contains nothing but the reflections that are created by the karmic seal, most of the
individual’s energy and consciousness is absorbed there preparing that individual for birth in the
physical plane and the world he or she will inhabit in the various developmental forms human
consciousness goes through. This removes or absorbs whatever memory one has had of previous
lifetimes or of being in a spirit world. Any memories are stored away in the Dead Zone as one
loses consciousness. Thus, the individual is allowed the boon of the blank slate.
In essence, what I am talking about is the creation of an unconscious. This Dead Zone is
the obstacle between the individual and a variety of mystical experiences. Many times an
individual will fall asleep and awaken in some mystical state such as an out-of-body experience,
some dream, or even some other dimensional experiences and either forget upon waking or have
a vague recollection but forget it later on. This is the Dead Zone and its property of absorbency.
This Dead Zone is built into the aura not only to absorb memory, but also helps one deal
with external experience by limiting the amount of external stimuli one is exposed to on a
conscious level. If you were aware of the full impact of all the external stimuli bombarding you
at any one moment you would go crazy. Insanity is caused by a breakdown in the Dead Zone
It is a general opinion that the aura only goes out from the physical body to a limited
extent, but I tell you this; that your aura is not limited. It contains the awareness of the entire
physical dimension and all other dimensions as well. The Dead Zone helps to limit your
awareness by your very own hands. You can make the Dead Zone more substantial than it is if
your wish to close off your life to the things you fear.
The insane are catapulted into the Dead Zone where they experience the images that are
absorbed there from the karmic seal. Having no belief system available to handle such an
experience, the person will distort the images by whatever belief system is available. In the face
of the uninterpretable, you will never know how the human entity will react. Thus in one
instance, catatonia will be produced by one not willing to face the imminent, or paranoia by one
who resorts to a dogmatic belief system to interpret the experience.
The only individual suited to go through the Dead Zone unharmed to eventually conquer
it is the Warrior. The Warrior knows that the images in the Dead Zone were placed there by
oneself and that their natures are basically dead except when consciousness is breathed into
them. Then they become alive and seem separate from the individual as you do in the perception
of the physical world. As the Warrior goes deeper into the Dead Zone, there is a realization of
the energy that was absorbed there, that was left there upon the decent into that lifetime. This
energy can be used productively or it can be used to fuel mania and delusion.
The Warrior realizes that these images are reflections of oneself, of the karmic seal and
neither threatening nor overpowering. The Warrior receives all the energy that was placed there,
while the insane are fixated in their delusion and thus only perpetuate the energy of their
delusion. Eventually, the Warrior can almost totally eliminate the Dead Zone and explore
whatever space, time, or dimension desired. But as long as there is a Dead Zone, there will
always be some personalized effect created every time one violates the Dead Zone by going into
it or beyond it. It then becomes the erroneous zone. This personalized effect is only the reflection
of some desire or wish that is not realized. This is the very nature of something unrealized. There
is always the possibility that some need will present itself to be satisfied. This is the nature of
personal existence. Personal existence is based upon frustrating circumstances. There is no
apparent end to your needs. You can eliminate some and minimize others, but you never totally
eliminate desire. That is how you are connected to the path of Love. Therein, you may not have
to contend with a Dead Zone all your lives, but the Erroneous Zone (the transformed, minimized
Dead Zone) will always be with you until you complete the project you have started at the
beginning of time. It is much like the duality of the internal and external is with you as long as
you are embodied. You can realize the fault in the distinction, but you can never seem to go
beyond it. It is basic to the karmic seal.
The only way to deal with this is through humor and not taking oneself too seriously. The
Erroneous Zone is there for that reason. Those who take themselves too seriously and without
humor start creating a Dead Zone again and are robbed of energy. The images of the Dead Zone
are fed by the seriousness of one’s experiences in previous lifetimes. Why start this same cycle
over again? Know that by interpreting the reflections as from oneself, but not the real Self, and
not taking oneself so seriously, you can conquer the Dead Zone and make the Erroneous Zone an
page 22

“You are created in the image and likeness of God”, it says in the Bible. There are many
ways to interpret this. I am open-minded enough to accept all interpretations of this quote as
representing the level of consciousness from which it comes, although there is a particular
interpretation that I see as having validity in representing the Warrior’s point of view. To
elucidate this I would like to stress the two elements relative to this quote; that is the “image of
God” and the “likeness of God”.
Simply stated, creation in the “image of God” means that one’s existence is but a dream
or visualization of a higher Self. The existence that you call your personal life is actually just an
image, and the creator of that image or dream is one’s sleeping higher consciousness that has the
power to imbue that image or dream with a depth of reality. If you could wake up to this higher
Self, you would realize that your parents are only the circumstances of your biological
manifestation into that image. It is that this higher Self can manifest itself from unconditional
consciousness into conditional consciousness. It only seems that the world of the physical is held
up by something other than this Self. This is the condition the lower self dwells in.
The whole set up of Lords of Karma, Angels and such Devic entities are only beings that
are manifestations of this higher Self that oversees and maintains the operation of that image.
While you are asleep to your true nature, consciousness must be maintained by these other
beings. This is also true of the lower consciousness or subconscious. That is what is so special
about human beings even in their sleep from their true nature. What makes you so special is your
consciousness. Consciousness connects one to all things in life. A master of consciousness is like
a Solomon; a master of all things, of angels and demons, of good and evil, life and death, and
consciousness and unconsciousness. In the human, all levels, planes and powers are accessible.
In the human is manifested the integrity of the universe.
Now for the “likeness of God”. What is the activity of God or higher consciousness? If
you are created in the image of God, then what is the significance of the creation of that image?
The activity of God or higher Self is the creation of that image into which the unconditional
consciousness becomes the conditional consciousness. Now if you examine yourself and others,
you will see that you are also functional in the creation of images whether it be in dreams or
visualization. This is the “likeness of God”.
For the higher self, dreaming or visualization results in actual physical creation. That is
the nature of unconditional consciousness. It is such a consciousness where power is not limited,
thus instantaneous creation. In terms of conditional consciousness, dreams and visualization
seem the shades of a wandering mind and those that dwell in them are romantics or the insane.
Yet your commonality with the higher self is this “likeness”.
Scientists believe these images to be created out of the brain’s various physiological
processes. If so, then it would be a simple matter to open the head up and pull out a bundle of
pictures like a roll of toilet paper or reel of film. But this just isn’t the case. The truth is that the
brain is merely a receiver and transmitter of this higher self and only contains a fraction of the
total consciousness that is of human potential.
Thus these images have their being in a metaphysical realm. They are of a different order
of creation. They represent potential creation. Unconditional consciousness can create
instantaneous reality while conditional consciousness can only create potential reality that needs
the services of time and space to fulfill its destiny of manifestation. These potential creations
must wait for the random circumstances to sort of fit into their niche in order for physical
creation to result. It may not happen this day, week, year, decade, or lifetime, but it will happen.
Thus you may not see your creation or the circumstances of their manifestation as a conscious
being. The process of death, reincarnation, and having the veil of forgetfulness of the Dead Zone
being drawn over one brings about a condition wherein one will meet one’s creation not as a
welcoming parent, but as estranged Sirens who have forgotten their parenthood and
Just as you are motivated to seek the higher Self as the conditional consciousness seeks
the unconditional consciousness to find the truth of its creation, so do the images of the
conditional consciousness seek its creator. You can see that random circumstances and destiny
are two sides of the same coin.
So when you meet your creations as estranged Sirens, most likely if you have manifested
some negative circumstance or something that no longer fits into a new belief system, your
reaction will be to shun or push away and refuse to accept the responsibility for the situation.
Pushing away the child only makes the child angry and unmanageable. It devises new ways to
get the attention of the parent and get one to take responsibility. Thus the creation begins to take
on a life of its own. The more the parent pushes away the creation, the more energy the parent is
giving it. Absorbing this energy, it takes on monstrous proportions as a parasite. This is what is
called the Personal Demon. The Personal Demon is the sum total of all the energy that you have
used to estrange your creation into unmanageable circumstances.
Eventually with the energy you use to continually push away and block the circumstances
of creation, the Personal Demon uses to create its own higher Self which is mandatory for
continual, individual existence. So it takes pieces of the parent’s psychic structure, particularly
the Dead Zone, and forms the Shadow. The Shadow is a void that is formed similar to the parent
as an outline. In the void are stored all the images of the circumstances wherein, the creator
rejected its creation. The Personal Demon does it this way because this is the only knowledge it
has of its creator. The child is forming its personality by what the parent demonstrates and that
which the parent demonstrates is caused by the human tendency of being the unknowing effect
of circumstances.
Thus what is formed is a vicious cycle; a cycle that enslaves. In the process of
reincarnation, some say that one can choose the circumstances of the new life. This is true to a
degree. You choose which aspect of your creation you need to work on next. You are beckoned
into the next life by the force of the Personal Demon until you resolve that issue.
One cannot fully choose or have freedom in any lifetime unless one can break the cycle
of the Personal Demon. The only way to do this is through the process of Enlightenment. Accept
that all circumstances that you seemingly are the effect of, you are also the cause of as well.
Drain the energy of the Personal Demon back into yourself by learning the reason or the lesson
of the circumstances you created.
Also learn to contact the Shadow; and by passing into the void, retrieve the duplicates of
the activity that have been recorded there and learn the ways you have been blocking your
creation. The lesson of the Shadow is the lesson of the higher Self and how to contact it by
learning the lesson of forgetting, which is ignorance, and remembering, which is Enlightenment.
All this is conveniently stored in the Dead Zone for you.
There is a tremendous amount of energy waiting for its retrieval. This is the energy of
creation. Now you know why there is so much resistance to your power, truth, and love. It is the
resistance with which you avoid it. It is the energy of your imagination and its manifestation.
Even in actual demonic possession, it is the Personal Demon that has grown by robbing and
feeding upon the energy of its creator and the participants who become involved. It seems to act
as an independent agency with evil intent, but it only works to the degree that one is unconscious
of the reality of one’s own creation. What you don’t use will eventually use you. That is the
effect of unconscious existence. Practitioners of evil magick can attack anyone bound in the
circumstance of the Personal Demon, but cannot touch anyone who has resolved that issue. The
ultimate in protection is to have no weakness upon which to be attacked, or have anything that
needs protecting.
In this line of thinking, wherein you create the Personal Demon as your path to either
ignorance or Enlightenment, the higher Self uses the Dragon as its preferred instrument of
Enlightenment. In many ways, you encounter this Dragon in the Self. The Personal Demon is
only one aspect.
The inner child is another aspect of the Personal Demon. The inner child is that
innocence within the individual that believes emotion. This is but one way in which you give
away power. Examining the inner child can be productive, but it is only a small part of the work
you must accomplish. It is not necessarily a direct route either. What you must accomplish with
the inner child is to be no longer duped into believing all emotion. You do not realize how you
are drained of energy by this.
The higher Self is not a completely conscious creator, yet it is not unconscious as a
human could be. The creation of the entire universe is one in which the creator creates a mirror
to see Itself in. It is not completely conscious in that It wishes to create new and more
monumental visions to see itself. It is not like you that It can forget. It may not be totally
conscious, but yet it is totally conscientious.
This creation that is expanding and contradicting – manifesting the new and reflecting
upon Itself in the development of the old - is the Dragon. It is the creation of the higher Self as it
stands in the creator’s own faculty. It is the manifestation of the Unconditional. It is the
Unconditional in action, and it guards the process of creative activities in relation to the Personal
Demon and the Shadow. Being the guardian of this process, it does not interfere with the
process. The Dragon only ensures that you get just a little bit more than you are used to or are
capable of dealing with. The Dragon is the Big Picture of which all one’s images of the past and
future are but a mere grain of sand in a desert. The Dragon is the mirror upon which all your
personal mirrors are only shards of glass broken from the totality and in which you only see a
fragment of the total reflection.
When one breaks the cycle of the Personal Demon, the Dragon becomes a new ally upon
the new path of Emancipation. At this juncture, one has passed from understanding personal
reality to the understanding of universal reality. You manifest power, truth and love
simultaneously in all your actions and activities. You are allowed to feast upon the scales of the
Dragon and see strange and wonderful sights and participate in strange and wonderful mysteries.
In each scale of the Dragon, from the tail to the head, you can view the framework and structure
of reality-illusion. In the fire of the Dragon, the gross self is burnt away and you begin to revel as
the higher Self. As the higher Self, you can feed upon these scales and refresh yourself in the
fire. As you eat, so too are you eaten by the dragon, growing more fully integrated with and
assimilated into the manifestation of the Unconditional.
I have seen the evidence of the Dragon in so many people’s auras. Most subject
themselves to the Personal Demon and thus bear the Dragon’s teeth and claws upon their aura or
the snap of its tail. Their opinions make them sour and only allow a certain amount of digestion
and assimilation to occur, and thus come out robbing the Dragon of its food and barely finding
sustenance themselves. As a result, these people resort to feeding upon unauthorized forms of
energy. They wander life as the heartless Christs, the blind Buddhas, the impotent Wizards, and
the wounded Warriors. You most likely have noticed your dealings with these people. You most
likely recognize them in yourself.

page 26

As I stated in the previous lesson, there is always some resistance to one’s power, truth,
and love in the world. The path the Warrior travels to minimize this resistance is called the
Warrior’s inventory. I stress the word “minimize” here, for to completely eradicate any
resistance would put one in another world altogether.
The world is constructed in the Test of Power. The Dragon sets it up so that you always
get a little more than you can stand. It is very much like the proverbial straw and the camel’s
back. Throughput the Test of Power, one can accumulate much straw wherein it will only take a
thread of straw to finally break the camels back. That is what each one faces in the Test of
Power. You are already one straw away from the breaking point, and the Dragon, as your best
friend and worst enemy, is there to place that last straw there. You have had enough preparation.
You have lived for this day; to be broken or to finally break the cycle of your own undoing.
This is built into the very yang nature of the physical universe. On the yin side of life you
have all the ethereal, expansive planes of existence that the gurus and philosophers have talked
and hypothesized about. But also there is the yang side of life. The yang point of view
compresses all existence into the physical, solid framework of reality-illusion.
Notice that I use the term “reality-illusion” especially when talking about the yang side of
existence. The world is called by some, Maya or illusion, as well as reality by others. There is
justification for both views, so therefore, I call it reality-illusion or else perception. I call it
perception because that is the determining point of reality-illusion when applied to an individual.
Individual perception is capable of perceiving anything from cold, hard concrete reality to
fluxual, hallucinatory illusion. It is only in the perception of these things that one can make any
judgements at all concerning reality or illusion except to theorize their existence.
Now in this yang point of view, all levels of consciousness are compressed into some
manifestation of physical form. One is separate from these states of experience only by time and
space. A Black Hole, or particular planet, or any celestial or galactic phenomena is emblematic
of some state or plane of consciousness. On the yin side, one has greater access to these realms,
but that should not take anything away from the idea that all these realms do exist as well in this
physical dimension in an objective point of view. This notion sets the foundation of the Dragon.
If you were to conceive or perceive the entire universe all at one moment, you would know
something of what the Dragon is all about. It is this force, the composite energy of the entire
universe-in-potential, that is the dramatic foil of the Warrior.
Where there is life there is interaction; where there is interaction there is drama and the
possibility of irony. The great infinity of space and eternity of time that one can know of in the
yin or yang sides of life are built upon these principles. Therein sets the stage for the Warrior’s
thought process and the realization of the Warrior’s inventory.
The question is, why do you act? Why is it that you eat? Why do you perform all the
mundane activities, repeating them day by day, usually in prescribed order and manner? Why,
also, do you seek out new things?
Much, as the Dragon is the composite being of the entire universe taken all at once on the
yang side, you are also a composite being on the yang side. One’s composite nature is partially
made up of lists and categories of experience. This then is made up of the conscious and
unconscious ways one can view causes and effects. The way one views causes and effects is the
way one relates to the Dragon. Thus, it is through the creation of lists and categories, or what is
known as inventories, that one relates to life. The Warrior uses this for the purpose of realization,
but it is used in a particular way. The Warrior seeks to determine all those things that are
interacted with and to determine the actual effect upon the quality of life.
So I ask again those fundamental questions. Why do you act? Do you act to survive or
just maintain a certain prescribed quantity and quality of life? The Warrior has only one
consideration when seeking to determine the effect of something upon oneself. Does my act
grant me strength or does it cause weakness? The Warrior begins with the basic needs of
nourishment. Does the food I eat give me power or does it rob me of power? There are things the
normal person does consciously and unconsciously that can cause strength and weakness.
If you eat just to survive, then you can get by on little and need to derive little power. If
you eat just for taste, then your need becomes more essential than the consideration of what the
substance desired might eventually produce in your body. The Warrior eats only for power. By
examining the effect of what you put into your body as fuel, you can determine whether what
you have eaten gives you strength or robs you of strength. The Warrior determines this upon
different levels by clues given not only in daily life by the quantity and quality of energy, but
also by dreams and meditation. Does the food I eat enhance or diminish these aspects of daily
life in any way? In making this determination, you can eliminate that which robs you of power
and use that which gives you power. At least you know what is occurring to you when you feed
upon some unauthorized source of nourishment.
There is no easy way in this or shortcuts. There is only the trial and error method, but as
you continue you will begin to acquire power. Those strong in their Warriors inventory cannot be
disturbed except by their own mistakes. One may be drawn to what might make one weak by
desire, but with the knowledge of the association between a particular substance or act and
weakness, the Warrior Spirit will not tolerate that substance or activity, as one becomes more
conscious. Thus a conflict is created by a desire of the lower self, and the desire of the Warrior
Spirit which oversees the Warriors inventory. Who will win is your choice, but you must be
patient with yourself and allow the transformation to take place. Forcing the issue may be
counterproductive to the issue which is to resolve and realign the lower self and not force it out
By this process you begin the breakdown of the influence of the lower self and begin to
see the Warrior Spirit. The Warrior Spirit will take an active part in the process. Whatever
reveals the Warrior Spirit is of itself intrinsic to the path. Although simply stated, the Warrior
Inventory is not easily mastered, nor does it ever have an end. After all, you must reconcile
everything and every consideration in the world to get beyond it. You carry the Warriors
Inventory into other dimensions where you will test the effects of such states of being.
By this process, you learn to guard your energy. By guarding your energy, you can
accumulate a reservoir of energy. The feeling of energy itself will spur you on, and you will hate
the mistakes. A mistake can have drastic consequences, for it is possible, that by one mistake,
you can undermine all that you have accumulated and have to start the process over again.
Although a mistake reveals a weakness, by eventually minimizing the mistakes and their effects,
you can begin to perfect and strengthen yourself. The best way to arrive at any goal is through
perfect action. Mistakes usually waylay ones path to the goal, but by mistakes you learn. So
mistakes can be just as strategic as perfection. Mistakes teach that one cannot stand still or create
dogmatic systems of thought, and that life is in flux.
In the Warriors Inventory, there is a great temptation to stand still or to become dogmatic
about what you think works. This is a mistake. The Warriors Inventory is a moving and dynamic
discipline that evolves. It shifts through different conditions that you carry with you which you
know works. Power is a moving energy. It is kinetic; the more you store, the more you want and
need to move. It almost takes you with it. What you don’t use in this world, you use in other
worlds. You master the art of dreaming, out-of-body travel, etc. There is little rest for the
Warrior. There is never any vacation or time off you can take from your self.
So what is realized is the play of power. Those who play with power are played with by
power; power always goes to your weakest point, and you always get just a bit more than you
can stand. Following the path of Power can be very stimulating, but it is also more devastating in
comparison to other paths. You can take the emotional letdowns, you can take the realization of
the dysfunctionality of your belief system, but the destruction of your energy is the most
devastating and disheartening experience you could ever go through. It affects one down to the
Warrior Spirit. This is why people have a tendency toward ill-health, disease, and just general
quiet desperation by willingly accepting less and seeing no other solution except to enter
Society’s treadmill treatment system. Somewhere along the line a person suffered a mistake so
devastating that it caused one to give up and discontinue the Warriors Inventory and to indulge in
self-pity and weakness. It is in this way that one forgets oneself and loses track of the Warrior
The secret of power that few realize or accept about power is that it always acts to reveal
one’s weakness. Here is the activity of the Dragon and the Warrior’s relation to it. It is a hard
mirror that one must confront that always reveals one’s weakness. It grates upon the Soul, but
you must learn to appreciate the process and embrace the Dragon. This is the only way to find
real strength and power in a world that seems resistant to one’s personal power, truth and love.
Herein lies the significance of negative experience. Negative experience, in whatever
form it takes, is the Dragons way to get you moving in the Warrior’s Inventory. The spirit on the
path of Power is fear. Fear is the energy that most effectively wakes one up, even if it is only
temporarily. When one beholds something that attacks one in life or in dreams, one is forced to
stand up and take notice. One more readily questions oneself. Without fear there would be little
or no significant realization.
The pursuit of the Worrier is to eliminate fear and eliminate the examination and
questioning of the Self. Thus what is eliminated is Enlightenment. If one questions fear in the
Warrior’s Inventory over lifetimes, and finds that it robs the energy of the weak and enhances the
power of the strong. If there is careful meditation upon fear it will reveal the Self in all its
unconditional glory.
Fear leads the way into the realm of power. Fear will lead you into the deepest parts of
your Self; parts you have forgotten long ago, for it is in fear that you first took that step out of the
womb of the Source of Creation into manifested reality-illusion.
Fear will teach you its own undoing if you follow it carefully and can read its cryptic
signs, for fear is the spine of the Dragon. This is what is called the Great Reversal of Energy
where you use an energy, rather than be used by it. Fear will eventually teach you that, but only
through making you the effect of your own circumstances. It teaches by this method so that you
might become the knowing effect instead of the knowing effect. Once you become the knowing
effect, you can reverse the energy and establish yourself as the causal point of the entire
universe. Do not judge fear from surface or trivial experiences. It does more than lead you into
being afraid. It leads you where you fear to go, and that is beyond the safe enclosure you made
for yourself.
It was once believed by humans, that the planet Earth was the center of the universe. This
belief is viewed now as part of your innocent past. Now you know that the planet Earth is lost in
a galactic desert where the center is indeterminable.
Actually, every sentient being in this universe is the center of the universe even though
they may exist somewhere on the fringes. Most refuse this mantle. Few fully accept it.
Nonetheless, every individual is this center. This is why the Dragon attacks each in a very
personal way. The Dragon seeks out the source of its creation within each individual, and if you
follow the Dragon, it will take you there for that is the way it goes.
In the beginning, the Source of Creation created the Dragon and then created itself as one
scale upon the Dragon. The Dragon was created in the remotest and deepest part of the Source of
Creation. When it attacks you, it attacks to reveal that deepest and remotest part of the Source of
Creation in you. Does this particular scale of the Dragon fester with sores and disease, or does it
shine and illuminate the whole skin of the Dragon?
If you follow a thought back to its source, you will most likely find the mind. If you
follow fear back to its source, you will most likely find the Dragon. For the most part, you take
the mind and emotions too seriously and pay little attention to the call of the Dragon. The planet
Earth is in this current state of confusion and pollution because of this, and you wish to bring this
state of affairs to other planets. First resolve the issues of your own planet and then the door will
open for your kind to visit elsewhere beyond your own planet. Fear will teach you respect for all
of life. Mind and emotions teach only to respect the current situation.
The suppression or extinction of fear and the illusion of fearlessness builds great Demons
and dark Shadows. The only release from fear is to become it. This is done in the Great Reversal
of Energy. To accomplish it, you must go through it. There are no shortcuts except the strides
you make.
page 32

Awakening the Dragon or awakening to the Dragon is of great importance to the Warrior.
There exists an energy hidden in the physical body. Over the ages it has been identified with the
Serpent. This energy is called Kundalini. According to the various religions and occult belief
systems, the Kundalini is an energy that exists in the base of the spine. Once activated, it travels
up the spine, activating whatever chakras lie in it’s path until it reaches the head where it
manifests in the enlightened or Self-realized state. It is usually believed to be activated by yogic
postures or by the energy of a guru.
Actually Kundalini is always circulating to some degree or another in the physical body.
It usually goes most readily to the focus of one’s attention. Thus eventually, the Kundalini can
become stagnant and inert if one’s consciousness is such, resonating to a particular static energy
pattern. It can move and circulate more readily if you can find this energy and become aware of
its activity. As a rule, Kundalini is stimulated by awareness and dulled by unconsciousness.
Awareness reveals that the Kundalini is dormant in the base of the spine and activated in
the brain, particularly in the areas of the brain stem, medulla oblongata and the limbic system;
what is called the reptilian brain. This is the inner brain, considered a leftover from your reptilian
evolutionary past, having to do with instinct. More precisely, it is a conduit of energy that
activates and integrates the entire brain that covers it, including the corpus collosum, circulating
the Kundalini and bringing it into a dynamic focus in the consciousness of the individual.
For the most part, the Kundalini is unconscious in the individual until it is focused in the
head. Once in the head one can realize the integrity of the energy as consolidating realization of
any part focused upon down to the smallest unit of matter. One can realize its effect upon each
chakra and organ, as well as, upon each level of spiritual and material reality. The Kundalini is
the focus of consciousness; a focus that tears away any obstacle to knowledge or knowing in
consciousness, or a focus that can isolate one in the circumstances of mundane reality in
Thus, what is created is a duality of instinct and Will. The Kundalini is that instinctual
energy which is your Will. This is a kind of contradiction in terms until you realize that the
faculty of Soul is not necessarily the faculty of the gross physical body. The Soul hides some of
its secrets in the physical body, knowing that when it takes on consciousness, it will have some
of itself to rely on. The rest is stored in a more subtle physical body.
It is much like imagination. You do not realize why you have it or what it is used for
besides dreaming. It is also a faculty of Soul. It leaves something of itself in one for times of
need or for general maintenance until one realizes its real place and full purpose. It does this in a
subtle physical body known as the astral body.
There is an esoteric purpose for each part of the physical body. For instance, the entire
skeletal system is more than just the basis of structure for the human form. The skeleton is as
sensory as any other part of the physical body, although its capacity of sensation is not yet
realized in most humans. Personal power is stored in the skeletal structure. This is the reason
why bones are so esteemed in necromantic rituals, voodoo ceremonies, and certain shamanistic
initiations. The burial grounds of Native Americans are their power spots because the bones of
Warriors and Healers are buried there. As a result, the bones become sacred. Consider then the
graveyards of Society. They contain nothing but the bones of Worriers, and the area becomes
home for nothing more than earthbound spirits. The areas of graveyards become no more than a
cesspool of frustration at the living and the accumulation of neurotic patterns repeating
themselves over and over again.
Thus one must consider not just the organs and nervous system, but also the skeletal
system when talking about the Kundalini. Eventually, the Kundalini will activate skeletal
awareness and the esoteric function of the physical body will be fulfilled in consciousness.
The deepest realization of the Kundalini is the association with the faculty of Will.
Totally activated Kundalini reveals a person who is the higher Self, or more precisely, an
integrated individual with all aspects in alignment rather than the scattered, fragmented
personality of the lower self. This is the fulfillment of the Jungian Indivuation Process and
Transcendent Function. The division between conscious and unconscious selves fall away. All
the stellar aspects of the personality that have run amok seeking control now have taken their
rightful places in relation to the Self, supporting the totality, rather than leading their own
separate lives in a panorama of the personality isolated from the whole.
Therein, no divine guidance is needed ever again. Your word is law. You will have only
yourself to answer to for the actions you manifest. The power you send out is the power you
receive in return. It carries its own morality. This is the one law from which all laws come. This
is the law you have lost sight of; the law you carry in your very bones. It is the mineral structure,
or skeleton of the planet, that forms the basis of your physical evolution and consciousness. The
mineral structure is a mirror for this very law in action as is your skeletal structure and mineral
chemistry of your physical body. You were created by this law, and you create by this law. This
is the law of Karma, of cause and effect, that states for every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction.
One can readily see the mythology of the Kundalini and the Occidental attitude towards it
in the Old Testament, particularly in Genesis. The final integration of the Self comes in the form
of the integration of the male and female archetypes of Adam and Eve. For a moment take the
perspective of Eve; the receptive aspect of your Self, whether you are male or female, as she
stands before the forbidden Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and is tempted by the
Serpent to eat of its fruit. The Serpent claims that eating the fruit will make one as a god. Do you
eat the fruit and then offer it to the male aspect, the active principle of the Self? Therein lies the
quandary for all ages. Do you seek knowledge at the edge of such an abyss? Can you trust the
Serpent before the law set down by God? Is the ultimate knowledge attained, Self-knowledge?
Do you dare eat the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? Thus, the stage is
set for the drama that still has its influence upon the silent theatres of one’s Soul.
Firstly, what is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? In one’s daily life, one
comes to know good and evil, or generally, just to know things by one’s awareness of objects
and events. The seat of this awareness in the physical body is in the brain. The brain and its
branches of the nervous system is the Tree of Knowledge, and the Serpent is the Kundalini that
offers to one, through the fruits of one’s actions and thoughts (cause and effect), a barometer for
understanding oneself, and a s a result one can take responsibility for one’s own life.
Adam and Eve ate the fruit, and as a result the God of the garden is evoked in Its
anger, creating feelings of guilt and wrongdoing. The God that claims ownership of the world is
the voice of conscience. Conscience is evoked as a result of the consideration of personal
activities in an external field of endeavor. Conscience invokes guilt especially when the internal
and external worlds do not match, and by guilt it cripples the Will and the Kundalini. Upon the
precipice of Self-knowledge one can hear two voices; that of the internal and external worlds.
The voice of the external world says, “Focus on me; I am the real world and all else is illusion”.
The voice of the internal world says the same thing but points in a different direction. The
external world has many more tactics to keep you focused upon it to the point of invading the
internal world. Hunger, desire, love, family, friends, laws and religions are all those tricks, yet
tricks you cannot ignore.
One’s first steps upon the path of Self-knowledge invokes all forms of ghosts of
the external world. All the internal world can say is that ‘the unexamined life is not worth
living.’ Those who tread upon this path are truly Warriors, for you have chosen an alien path far
from what is considered the norm. Herein, you begin the process of confrontation and
reconciliation of everything significant in your world. This is called the Warriors Inventory. It is
by the use of your Will to examine life that makes you truly different from the person of external
orientation. In this way, you become a person who can make oneself more than one who is made
by external influences.
The guilt that keeps one focused upon the external world, that seeks to quell itself by
quieting the Warrior Spirit, forces the Kundalini into the base of the spine where it is dormant.
This is the same as the God of the garden punishing the Serpent by forcing it to crawl upon its
belly upon the earth.
The failure of Adam and Eve was not in eating the fruit, but in succumbing to the guilt of
the external world. Their innocence was in Will. Will is the process whereby the Kundalini is
circulated and maintained in the physical body. The pursuit of the world, external reality-illusion,
is to pull the Kundalini down the spine into dormancy. The serpent and the tree are one’s
consciousness; the God and the Garden are the extensions of the external world that attacks the
Will to form the consciousness.
The misdirection of the Kundalini leads out of the ideal conditions of the Garden
of Eden where internal and external worlds live simultaneously in actual conflict. Generally
speaking, the raising of the Kundalini creates the same circumstances as the Garden of Eden. It
creates the ideal conditions for the manifestation of reality-illusion. The test is to be able to
overcome the onslaught of the not-so-ideal conditions that get in your way as a result. The not-
so-ideal conditions of the external world and the physical body do not want to die. Some part of
you wants to keep this life going on in status quo. The adaptive patterns of the conditional are for
some very intoxicating. The influence of Society conditions one away from the Unconditional.
This is not a hard job. You fear the Unknown and you fear fear-itself. Yet these are the greatest
things. These are the very things that will set you free.
From the mythology of the Garden of Eden you can see real conditions result if
you raise the Kundalini. Whether one believes in a Garden of Eden or not, or a Judaeo-Christian
religion or not, makes no difference. You are still affected by the societal structures created from
this myth. Basically, the conditions created by this myth are those that disinherit the true
knowledge, the Self-knowledge that are derived from the Will and imagination. What occurs is a
devaluing of humanity, this is borne out in the Old and New Testaments. The only solution is
that a unique person saves humanity because humanity or the individual cannot save themselves.
The philosophy of self-knowledge and individual enlightenment is displayed by vicarious
atonement. Salvation by character is replaced by salvation through faith in dogma.
I believe the Anti-Christ to be an invention of this kind of philosophy. It is more
appropriately called the Anti-Christian. Those who are at odds with the religion of the Worrier
are the devils who will suffer eternal damnation in the flames of Hell. Those who see beyond the
salvation of the herd, the Warriors, are the ones the clerics fear.
Look at the evolution of the Christian religion in general. The Catholic Church has gone
to a belief in mundane, monotonous, and repetitious rites and dogma away from the miraculous.
These beliefs are derived not from the original teachings of the Essenes and the Emancipated
individual known as Jesus, but from the Dark Ages of the Inquisition. Only their Savior could
have performed those miracles. All others are the “false prophets.” It would be interesting to see
the Catholics manifest their Savior and reject him at the same time because they do not believe in
the miraculous. Are they creating themselves in the role of the Pharisees? Anyway, to manifest
the miraculous, the Christ must manifest again. This just creates another waiting game, placing
the emphasis away from Self-knowledge and development.
The Fundamentalists take a stand in the miraculous but will not take responsibility for the
power they manifest. It is still a result of a unique person. It is still deep in dogma and one-sided
interpretations of scripture. It is still deep in the prejudice that divides humanity. One questions
whether Fundamentalism was instituted for the money or to really expound upon the gifts of the
Spirit. Whatever personal mystical experience the individual has is beyond the sphere of
religious dogma yet they would claim expertise in this area usually without having any such
experiences themselves. The reason why a person has a mystical experience is not so that some
religions can interpret that experience; it is so that the individual will search for the meaning of
that experience, and in so doing, rise to the occasion of power.
Religion has always known about the power of the individual. It is through the individual
that reality-illusion is manifested, and the one law from which all laws come from, manifests
through. Thus it is the pursuit of religion to accumulate as many souls as possible so that their
beliefs can manifest as a priority. Belief is a very powerful tool. Here again, one can see the
problem with the path of Truth. Truth is just as much a fabrication as lies. Any point of view can
be manifested given enough attention and power.
This is the manipulation of the masses by religious and social institutions. Their pursuit is
to keep the individual in an unconscious state so that the creative powers can be used for their
own purpose. The dogmatic beliefs, the repetition of monotonous rituals all go to program the
subconscious mind.
The religion of the Warrior is borne out of the rising of the Kundalini. It is the natural
religion of Animism and Spiritualism. These religions are born out of the heightened awareness
the Kundalini produces. The pursuit of the Warrior is to become the Christ where there is no
need for a mediator. Life can become a real mystical experience, and the miraculous is always
available as a result of the focus of the Kundalini upon what needs to be attained.
The Tree of Life as talked about in the Bible, as an alternative to the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil, is actually the Tree of Life and Death. Eating the fruit of this tree
is the same as the process of reincarnation; forgetting the knowledge one has already attained
and entering the Dead Zone preparing for the cycle of birth and death. Any process that reverts
back to an unconscious state is one that can be used by Society to foster its purpose. The Warrior
reserves the test of the Tree of Life and Death as a special test of power that goes beyond
Enlightenment into higher states of mastery.
The Eastern religions are more familiar with the Kundalini than the West, but even here
one must practice awareness. The science of Shakti, which is the raising of the Kundalini by a
guru, is still suspect, although I will not discredit the practice for experience and analysis. I
would just wish to warn you that some of these techniques were born out of vampiristic
practices. Some lamas and gurus use these techniques, some consciously and some
unconsciously, to absorb the energy of their followers. One might have an ecstatic experience but
be drained of energy later. Some sects would practice sleeping with virgins in order to absorb a
particularly potent form of Kundalini. If you have ever had the Shakti experience, you will notice
an incredible amount of emotional outpouring. This is similar to many Satanic rituals. The
purpose is for the priest to absorb the energy expressed in raising of the group Kundalini. Those
who tend to have such experiences spontaneously have an opening from previous lifetimes so
that those gurus can siphon energy from them knowing that the cycle will repeat itself.
Many times true Kundalini is not activated by these processes. Usually what is
activated is called psychic heat or psychic cold. The experience of psychic heat or cold can be
productive as any other experience. They are just explorations of consciousness and part of the
Test of Power. True Kundalini is only activated by Will. No guru or satanic priest can activate
your Will. They can activate accumulated organic energy in accordance with what energy is in
the domain of the Personal Demon, but Will is something different altogether.
Kundalini is already circulating in your body. Relating to this will reveal the Will you left
behind by not being conscious of this energy maintaining your life. Also it will reveal what you
need to add in order to resolve deficiencies in Will. Kundalini is felt in the physical body in three
ways; by the feeling of temperature, electricity, and pulse. Whereas the agitation of heat or cold
uses up energy in activity, the feeling of warmth or coolness is the storage and maintenance of
energy in the physical body. One knows the Kundalini is activated by the pulse or throbbing
sensation made at critical points in the physical body called chakras, or what is known as the
glands or endocrine system. As the Kundalini spreads through the body, the awareness
accompanying its flow is the electrical nature of the Kundalini connecting all critical areas
through the nervous and circulatory systems.
When true Kundalini is activated and raised, it brings about different crossovers in
consciousness involving physical sensation. You could see sound and hear color as well as enjoy
the taste sensation of these crossovers upon the tongue. It is as if new neural pathways in the
brain are being opened up. Also developed is the focus of consciousness necessary for the
Siddhas, or supernatural powers. The barriers of time and space will fall away to this focus of
consciousness and then to a fully conscious physical body when the skeletal structure is
You have all that is needed to know the Kundalini, but do you have the resources to keep
up with it? As you experiment with it, you awaken to the initiation into the Arcane Mysteries.
You will realize that you are Self-initiating and the control is in your own hands.
The Kundalini is the path of being simultaneous upon the three paths. Whereas Love
comes unbidden and Truth is integral to consciousness, Power must be earned by going through
the Tests of Power. That is why I believe it is best to approach the three paths through Power
itself. Power teaches that one must work and integrate every step of the way, that one is
responsible for every thought and act. The reality of one’s energy will reveal all the power one
gave away or usurped unnecessarily love or hate, passion or melancholy, pleasure or pain, or in
awareness or in ignorance.
You have been the Child of God, being provided for, centuries upon centuries. It is time
to grow up, to be the Adult of the Source of Creation and to take equal responsibility and status
in your creatorship as well as providing for others when you are fit.

page 38
The life of a Warrior is based upon conflict and its resolution. The Warrior knows the
war so well that there is no drain of energy by it, while the Worrier is one who knows so little
about the war that the drain of energy is incredible. The approach of the Warrior is much like
those who study martial arts. They perfect their abilities so they do not have to fight. They only
fight when no option is left and then it is only defensive. It is the same for the Warrior. The
Warrior is someone who knows where the conflict is and can maintain a harmonious state to the
distraction of all things. The Worrier is one who does not know where the conflict is, so that the
conflict rampages inside. The storm is everywhere except inside the Warrior.
The Warrior realizes that the goal of peace is a suspect state. The Source of Creation and
the Universes upon Universes are a storm. Everything is in flux; everything is fire to which the
Warrior must add the missing alchemical elements so that one’s power is not consumed.
The act of creation is much like a nuclear explosion and implosion based upon the Source
being both a fission and fusion generator. Thus the Warrior realizes that the conditional nature of
the world readies one for the explosion and implosion a little bit at a time. No one can realize the
Dragon and remain the same. The Dragon bites at the aura and inflames the Soul in order to get
you moving. The Dragon will always give you just a bit more than you can handle, for it is trying
to teach you the Great Reversal of Energy.
For the most part, you are in a state in which your own power works against you.
Throughout the centuries of your existence, you have given away your power cheaply, and
usurped power from others at great expense. The people on the planet Earth are basically power
criminals. That is why you do not realize the extent of your power. Because of your criminal acts
you are made to forget your power and live mundane lives of unconsciousness. This does not
belie the Dragon.
There was a time in the history of the universes upon universes, in a previous lifetime of
the planet Earth, where there existed real Dragons and Wizards side by side. The reason for this
is that the two are one. That is how the Universe upon Universes is constructed. Dragons existed
because of Wizards, and Wizards existed because of Dragons. Dragons are the real allies to the
Wizards. As humans abused their power of creation and were made to forget, the Dragons started
to die off. Everytime someone downgrades the imagination or the Will, a Dragon is scarred.
They recede to become the potential of what they are, as one’s power has become only a
potential of what it once was. Rather than being an alley, the Dragon became a teacher.
If there would ever again be a real Wizard, the real Dragons would start appearing again.
There are still magickal things happening upon Earth that no one can explain and most disregard.
For instance, the so-called Loch Ness monster has always left the best scientists bewildered.
Until the real Dragons and Wizards start appearing again, it is the potential of the Universes
upon universes that teaches you by reflecting your own mistakes back at you. The whole scheme
appears in bits and pieces and as the Dragon is so large one cannot see it with the naked eye, you
must piece those bits of experience together to begin to understand the whole. The process is
structured so that someday you might accomplish the Great Reversal of Energy.
It is the impeccability of the Warrior that Castaneda’s Don Juan refers to. When there is
no mistake, there is no need for your mistake to be reflected back upon you. There is only a clear
channeling of energy for a purpose. What is reflected back is the manifestation of the good you
wish to achieve. What is real is the simultaneous nature of cause and effect. You no longer have
to wait long periods of time until the Universes upon Universes conform to your desire. It is
achieved in the same moment that you Will it.
This is not an easy state to attain, although it is very real. Because of your criminal
activities you are placed in an environment where there is more energy working against you than
there is working for you. For one, there is the law of gravity. That law that keeps you from flying
off the planet also keeps you from realizing your goals. It works with the law of inertia to slow
you down as you get older. The further you expand upon the evolutionary spiral the more energy
it takes to maintain that position. The laws of yin and yang is much like passing through the eye
of the needle that can only be passed through by those who have reconciled everything in their
lives and determined their balance in relation to the extremes. If you are not in the middle, then
you are either “too much” or “not enough”. “Too much” can sabotage your energy as much as
“not enough”.
The natural state of affairs in your world is disease. If things go unchecked they
will rot and die. It takes an extra-ordinary effort to achieve health and power. The action of the
Dragon is to hold you back until you are responsible enough to handle greater power, while at
the same time it gives you just a bit more than you can handle in the Test of Power so that you
can earn your way into realms of power. If you listen to it, heed it, and embrace it, you will
achieve the goal. To do this you must learn to read its omens and signs. Basically, it is the way
you feel and the on goings of your own conscious and unconscious processes that reveal the
errors and the things you do right. This again is the Warrior’s Inventory.
The law of individuality is another law that works against you. Consensual reality is
doomed to failure by this law, for what works for one does not necessarily work for others. You
are possessed by the body of the herd, but even so, you exist as a separate consciousness only
restricted by certain parameters that you internalize during the process of socialization. Beyond
this, trial and error is the way of things and experimentation is the only way to your truth.
The world is an Alchemical laboratory. There is no distinction between the physical body
and the environment in which it resides, although you might think they are separate. For every
substance in the world, there is a way to manufacture that same substance in the physical body,
given enough raw material. The physical body works on the law of enforced dependence.
Because the physical body is incomplete and unrealized, you are forced to seek sustenance for it
so that certain alchemical operations can continue. The reason for your existence is to collect the
four elements of air, fire, earth and water in the right proportions of ether so that you can
manufacture the fifth element of Spirit. In so doing you will realize the Philosopher Stone, the
Elixir of Eternal Life, and the Mirror of Truth.
The physical body can either be an expression of the highest nature or it can be a tumor
upon the Soul. It is up to you. Your desires are instruments to reveal the necessity of existence,
not what is necessarily good or evil. Desires are amoral. Morality occurs when a determination is
made that a desire can be productive or unproductive in relation to the herd. Generally speaking
there are only certain desires one can generalize about in this way since the law of individually is
at work.
When one eventually fathoms the desires that are unproductive one can accomplish the
Great Reversal of Energy. The greatest release, and thus a Great Reversal of Energy, I have
experienced upon the Earth as a result of my Warrior’s Inventory, is the release from the need for
love and happiness. It has allowed me to focus upon the path of Power. From this, I have learned
that love and happiness are merely effects and should not be made into the causes of life.
Many times your own needs and desires work against you. The fact that you need
something enslaves you to it. You become enmeshed in the seeking of the effects of life as your
cause. Thus you are driven to the desire by the desire. The purpose of your mind and emotions is
to create and develop strategies to acquire what you want, not to become a slave to unsolvable
problems created through unconsciousness. As a result your life becomes one-dimensional.
This is especially true about love and happiness. Love and happiness come unbidden.
That is the secret of live and happiness. To desire it only pushes it further away. Love and
happiness’ elusiveness is because you seek it as a cause, rather than seeking it as a result of your
action. Whether you seek it as a cause or as an effect, the effect is always temporary when you
seek it in the realm of the Test of Power. By your own inventiveness, you have tried to extend
the effect, but you only get caught up in your own lack of effectiveness. You are always trying to
divide the cause from the effect or make insufficient causes to manifest sufficient effects. You
suffer because you break the law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, but to continually break the
law when pain is apparent as a result is ridiculous. Some exist in this state for lifetimes. The
realization of the Buddha is that it is all self-perpetuated.
There will always be obstacles in the world. You have been around long enough not to be
surprised by this. There will never be an easy going in the long run. You may find rest points
here and there, but these are only periods in which you should store energy for the trials ahead.
You cannot afford to succumb to personal gravity or the force of inertia. Just the motion of
acting in spite of all obstacles will bring you closer to the Great Reversal of Energy.
Finally, the Warrior does not anticipate what might happen today or tomorrow, but
anticipate what of significance can be created for today and tomorrow. The best one can expect
in terms of effect is the realization of how one is the cause of it. The best one can do is to create
miraculous events as a result of one’s creativity. The worst that one has done is to sit passively
by and wait for the miraculous to occur. There is still magick in the world, but it only exists as
you create it. The conditions through which it will materialize are in one’s use of the
Unconditional. Would you rather know that life manifests at you firm external source or would
you rather know that the source of the miraculous is with you as well as yourself?
Find what you want to do, work at it, streamline it, expand it, perfect it, and change it
until you know it will work over all conditions. By your involvement, the Dragon will present
itself and become involved. Once that occurs success is apparent and imminent.
Then, finally, that which has been working against you can be reversed. What has been
working against you is self-perpetuated sabotage. You fear success more than failure. You have
learned to prefer failure more than success so that your responsibility will not be as great. You
are each an Atlas bearing the weight of the world. You would forget this weight is preference to
numbness, but you still continue to carry it and wonder why you are so burdened. It will take a
monumental effort to reverse this so that you might carry the world in conscious dignity rather
than a deluded dream.

page 47
The Great Reversal of Energy completes the Consolidation of Power, but the
Consolidation of Power is only the beginning of the Quest for Freedom. The reason for the
Consolidation of Power is so that one might be simultaneous upon the three paths of Power,
Truth and Love. Once the three paths have been balanced the threshold of Freedom can unfold.
There is no real description of Freedom or Liberation except that once it is attained one can more
readily see the Big Picture. The entire work of integration now is apparent in an organic, animate
and expanding mass where all mysteries are solved. Although it is no longer possible for the real
Wizards and Dragons to exist here on the physical plane, that relationship manifests in a real way
upon that other plane.
In the first stage one has had mock battles with the Dragon in the denial of basic reality-
illusion structures. Then by the work in embracing the Dragon the doors are open and lit from
within. It is by Love that the door is opened and the lights are lit; it is by Truth that one is
protected; and it is by Power that you go through the door to encounter the Unconditional.
Freedom, in the Unconditional, is where one finally rests. It is in the storm of creation that one
finds peace.
There is no real Void to dissolve in, for one who has gotten this far. All voids are filled
eventually. Nothing is left for naught. You begin a new battle with the Dragon at your side. You
take on the Impossible.
The Impossible is the greatest word in the language of sentient beings. The fact that one
can realize the possibility of the Impossible means that it can exist. The Impossible can destroy
the Erroneous Zone and fill one with a power never known in the world. It is much like fear,
death, and the Unknown. Even though they can fill one with awe and destroy one’s self-
importance, they are possible and apparent. The Impossible is impossible, and for the most part
ignored except by the most valiant Warriors.
The very notion of Freedom is almost impossible, realizing the work and the
astronomical odds it takes to accomplish such a feat. The concept of the Unconditional is so alien
to conditional existence, yet, some have accomplished it. Upon attaining Freedom, which no
longer reigns as absolutely impossible, one takes on the absolutely impossible as a test of this
attainment. To accomplish this, you have the resources of the Big Picture. Here are the
accumulated resources of creation. Here are the historical records of the universes upon
universes. These universes have had previous lifetimes, much as you have had previous lifetimes
as galaxies. This was the yin-existence when you could feel all events going on in your body but
were not able to act upon them. This had led to a frustration the magnitude of which you cannot,
as of yet, realize. As a result, you took steps to manifest in a more yang form so that you would
be freer to act. The problem is that, in the process of contraction, you lost the ability to feel all
that was going on in your body. The whole point has been to reconcile the two extremes.
All this, and more, is available for your research in the pursuit to manifest the Impossible.
This is a personal project that you decide on. One has the entire ether to fill with whatever one
could conceive. One will have the cooperation of the various kingdoms in this travail, especially
the Deva kingdom. This was the original purpose of the Deva kingdom. Its original purpose had
dissolved since sentient beings began to forget their real status in the Universes upon Universes.
Instead of assisting in projects of the Impossible, the Devas participated in routine universal
maintenance. From the smallest Nature Elemental to the most Divine Archangel, these Devas
maintain the Universes upon Universes by the focus of their imagination. They are responsible
for maintaining the passage ways where substance begins in the state of primary elements of
eidetic substance to actual differentiated substance of form. In layman’s terms, it is how images
become the various types of physical substances.
Begin at the perception of the Dragon; the entire Universes upon Universes. From there,
focus in on the physical universe and then in on the Milky Way, a galaxy among many galaxies.
Then focus in on this Solar System, then the planet Earth, onto the continent in which you live,
then your Nation, your State, City and finally your street and home. Life is all maintained in a
very complex hierarchy supporting the image-making process of the imagination into physical
substance. Much as the other planes are populated by Heavens and Hells of groups of people in
agreement to certain religion or belief systems, so is the entire framework of this creation. It is an
agreement of one Soul as manifested in the multitudes of sentient beings that populate the
Universes upon Universes. All forms were originally created as a project of the Impossible by
this one Soul. All this is but one scale upon the Dragon.
Human limitations are based upon what one believes and what one doesn’t believe. In
this, you adhere strictly to what you believe and are rigid in closing off other possibilities.
Creation is an open-ended system. To be a creator instead of merely a creation, one must be this
open-ended system. That means almost never adhering too strictly to one thing while rigidly
rejecting other possibilities. One’s analysis is never-ending. The only depth you will ever reach
is a new surface, and the only surface where you can rest is a new depth.
The experience of all that has happened to you keeps you fermenting in the effect range
of existence. Of course, you can say you’ve been abused, but you also have abused. Your
message to the world may never be fully understood but neither do you fully understand yourself
yet. Life will continually be happening to you. It is a fact of life, but it is only one side of the
coin. The criminal acts upon consciousness that have gotten you here, have created a Dead Zone
wherein you cannot perceive the causes of all that has happened to you. It will only be by
supreme act of Will that you will be able to thrust yourself beyond the Dead Zone and find real
Freedom. Many are satisfied to call the Dead Zone the Transcendent. Following the path of
Power, being impeccable with energy, is the only way to survive the drain the Dead Zone creates
upon you until you can finally defeat it.
The best prison is one where the prisoner has the greatest illusion of freedom. The
Pilgrims and the Australians were given a chance at a new life beyond the restrictions of the
Society that condemned them and exiled them. They were free to be and act as they Willed. The
provision was survival in the wilderness. Could they create a haven out of the wilderness to
optimize their freedom or would they destroy each other? Already built-in limitations were
Your prisons are self-contained. You have freedom of movement, thought, consumption,
and even greater freedoms on the horizon. But are you indeed free? On the surface, maybe, but
it never explains why you are driven by your desires and needs. Basically, you are incomplete
creatures and in your incompleteness you are driven, sometimes to extremes, to become
complete. When you hunger you eat, when you lust, you find a mate, and when you desire you
know, you seek the solution. In this state are you ever free?
When you finally eat, you no longer hunger. When you mate, your lust is appeased.
When you know, your mind is quiet. But these are only temporary states. Maybe, by the
temporary nature of these states you are led into something greater. Through inventiveness and
ingenuity you can extend these temporary states and lay them bare for analysis.
In a previous lifetime, you have all been galaxies. As a galaxy, you could feel your entire
body right down to the subatomic particles and deeper, but you could not act. Your motions were
set. As a person, you cannot feel the innermost core of your body, which is the same as a galaxy
except in a more contracted state, but you are able to more functionally act with free will and
react with intensity.
That is the wisdom of creativity. The creative in the individual desires to create
something better than itself. You, as creations are in a sense, potentially better than the original
creator because you can do all the things the original creator does and you can act and learn from
your actions. The entire momentum of the Source of Creation is to learn by doing, and in so
doing, create the New out of the Old. The Dragon is an instrument of this process. It is a Being in
which one can become aware of the universal process. Yet, it will bite your aura, it will burn you
in its fire, and it will always give you a bit more than you can stand; but by embracing it, you
embrace evolution. Not an impersonal evolution that happens over the span of eons, but a
personal evolution where you grow in quantum leaps and bounds and in light years in a short
period of time. There is always opportunity for growth; the Dragon sees to that.
This growth leads to new vistas and horizons in the individual displacing what was
created by the herd, within one. The herd’s creation was originally inspired by the individual’s
realization of the Dead Zone. When you minimize the Dead Zone, the frontiers of consciousness
open up. You become aware of levels of consciousness that inspire the balance of power, truth,
and love. The herd’s consciousness is derived from the Dead Zone. It would absorb much of that
power and realization that you, as individuals, allow it to.
In Society only the few, the elite, and the privileged have the wherewithal to become the
explorers, the pioneers, and the innovators. Even fewer have the freedom of the inner worlds.
Those that do are indeed special. Everyone has the capacity, but few use it. For many, the Dead
Zone is too much to overcome. For theses people life becomes the rejection of anything beyond
the mundaneness of their lives. That is the real prison.
The meek shall inherit the Earth, but it is the strong that will inherit the Universes upon
Universes and the Unconditional. The meek are those who, because of their weakness, must
usurp their power from others by bullying those in a lesser position in Society. Their exterior of
strength is only a façade to hide their weakness. The strong are those who have gone through the
Test of Power and by their own Will have minimized the Dead Zone accomplishing the Great
Reversal of Energy. Where they stand, there the Universes upon Universes stands as their ally.
Their strength is a silent strength. Their strength comes from giving Freedom to others, for they
know there is no diminishment in this, whereas the meek usurp power by imposing limitation
because they fear the diminishment of their power. The meek must guard their power and
freedom because it is only a façade that hides the truth of their weakness. Even if there is a
diminishment, the strong know how to regenerate their power and freedom without usurping it
from others. Their strength comes from the simultaneity of power, truth and love.
The meek know who they are. They must hide in the guise of the herd. They hide in
organized religion and extremist politics. They are the Popes, Imams, and Presidents who dictate
policy in order to amass great amounts of wealth for themselves. I have nothing against amassing
wealth, but I do have something against belief systems that manipulate people with lies and half-
truths. I have more respect for people who amass wealth by telling the truth as they see it so that
it can be applied to the betterment of individuals firstly and Society secondly.
The great corporations that pollute the world and the political regimes that support and
conspire with them are also the manifestation of the meek. What a world they are about to
inherit. Nothing can save them except the utter destruction of the planet. Maybe they realize this
and are thusly systematically committing suicide. All this is a result of the meek’s unwillingness
to look into the mirror and clean out the closet of the subconscious. Their division from
themselves places all in danger.
This is what is so interesting about the state of affairs upon Earth. The drama created
from the varieties of interactions within the group consciousness lends itself to some interesting
analysis. If you spend enough time in the muck and mire you either get used to it and accept it as
home, or you begin to resent it and make preparations to change or leave the system.
All analysis must ultimately reveal the tools that are best used to construct the most ideal
manifestation. The greatest tool is one that liberates the user. The mirror does not always reveal a
beautiful reflection. It will most probably reveal the worst flaws. If you can go beyond this and
use this reflection constructively, you will inherit the most valuable and most ultimate of
weapons as your tool. The greatest weapon is Freedom, for with it you can destroy and
reconstruct the world by releasing the imprisoned Soul into Emancipation. You will no longer be
the “child of God”. The Source of Creation has greater plans for you. You will take upon your
shoulders the mantle of creation. As a “child of God” you were provided for. When you take
upon yourself the mantle of creation, you take the same responsibility as the Source of Creation.
You can no longer afford to want, for your own desire will place you at odds with yourself. The
whole war could start over again. After all, the Source of Creation has used this constructively in
all of you for time beyond reason. Such is the irony of existence.
The whole idea is that you have been free before and rejected it. In Freedom there is no
peace and there are no gods that serve you or that you serve. There is only the Self and the
Source of Creation, and the responsibility of the act of creation. That is why it will take a
monumental effort to re-attain Freedom again. It is because the aspect of yourself that rejects
Freedom still exists. It exists in the face of the aspect of yourself that embraces it. In one act you
would take a productive step towards it, while at the same time you sabotage your every effort.
The question is; to what extreme measure would you go through to attain Freedom? What would
you be willing to do to defeat yourself?

page 52

It is my job to bring about within you Armageddon. Yes, the last battleground is before
you. The Personal Demons are released. The Dragon is released. The Deity is released as well.
The final conflict lasts throughout eternity. The only difference is that you must now consciously
participate in this war.
The battleground that I speak of exists upon the terrain of the Soul. The war wages on at
this very moment with or without your awareness. Your life has been basically a participation in
smaller battles and skirmishes. Be ready for the final conflict. It may present itself anytime,
It is much like Buddha just before his Enlightenment when all the forces of the world
came to distract him or like Arjuna in the middle of the battle between good and evil. It is the
law of the prison, that the more you withdraw from the world, the more the world fights to retain
you. After all, you are karmically bound to wear the world for the duration of your internment
here. That way you are insured of learning the law you have abused.
Jesus battled with his Personal Demon before he took up the mantle of the Christ
Consciousness. This is the stage all must pass through before one can get to that higher Self-
place. The realization is that the Last Battleground is an eternal place. This is the place of the
conflicts of opposites. The change that takes place is not in the battleground, but in the
individual. Through all the mock battles you have fought as preparation for this moment, you
should have enough strategy and know-how to finally win the war by winning your Self.
Winning the war is not resolving the conflict externally. The conflict rages on seemingly
without reason. It is by resolving it internally, for that is where one is attacked. One does this by
realizing that the conflict of opposites, upon which this universe is built on, can be viewed in
different ways. It is the viewpoint that is significant. The change of viewpoint, in this respect,
means you have resolved all the conditioning that formed your essence in the conflict. This
compresses all one’s previous lifetimes of social and environmental conditioning. At this point,
you have broken free of some of the conditioning. It is the last remaining fragments that fight to
retain you.
Upon this battleground, you will realize who the real enemy is. The real enemies are not
the Demons or Dragons; the real enemy is the fragmented Self that hides from the Self. Upon
this battleground, the opposing forces fighting for control are not good and evil; it is
consciousness and unconsciousness and ultimately life and death. Upon the panorama of the
personality, any action can be interpreted as a result of this unconscious conflict. It is
unconscious because you do not look at it and examine it closely, especially the death force. It is
through the death force that you sabotage yourselves. For all the good you do, you have the
tendency to sabotage yourself by losing energy when it counts the most to have energy. This is
done by losing Confidence, lacking Will, and allowing oneself to succumb to the force of
personal gravity.
The life force says that one must act in spite of all obstacles; one must have Confidence
and retain Will Power in spite of all circumstances. The deathbed of lethargy must never
overtake you. Even though you feel like you are wearing weights on your feet, you must
continue. The only way to build Confidence and Will Power is to have Confidence and Will
Power. Raising the Kundalini will help, but in order to raise it one must have Confidence and
Will Power. Confidence and Will Power are the force of life and they are in essence the
Kundalini mastered. Confidence and Will Power are the brain, spine and nervous system of the
Dragon. This is the Rod of Power.
In far distant times, wars were waged with no other weapon than the Kundalini. These
wars were more devastating than any war of recent history even with that of nuclear weapons.
When one’s Kundalini was defeated, it was not just a physical, mental, or emotional defeat. It
was a spiritual defeat and it was one that would send the defeated into oblivion. Many have
experienced incarnating under these circumstances. It is a life of a zombie or of the walking
dead. Essentially, this person is merely existing without substance or significance. They are
easily manipulated. They exist to fill up space so that their conqueror can use their creative
energies without interference from the person who was defeated in this way. The zombie can be
very useful for several lifetimes until such time as the person starts waking up. Society has been
constructed so that one does not wake up, or so the process of waking up can be slowed down.
The process by which you wake up is called the Consolidation of Power and its
instrument is the Dragon. The Dragon is the perfect instrument of this process of waking up.
Society does not know of the Dragon’s existence or how it works, yet the way Society works is
very much like the Dragon. Society is a beast with scales. Each scale is a thought form to lull
you to sleep. One can see it in everyday life. Making you a consumer, dependent on the products
that Society provides, ensures a safe and restful sleep.
The one thing Society cannot duplicate is the law of manifestation. Society itself is a
creation of the individual. Yet Society does not serve humanity. You must realize that you must
serve yourselves. You cannot allow this beast to get too large to influence and rule your lives.
Society was originally created to serve your needs. Now humanity is being created by Society to
serve its needs. This is the most heinous form of idolatry that can exist. You cannot allow your
own creation to become so large that you are made to be less that it and cannot see beyond it.
This is the cycle of the Personal Demon.
The stamp of the Dragon is also on this. Anything created has the stamp of the Dragon
upon it. It is a test of your own power to find a way out of this maze. It is as if you play Devil’s
Advocate with yourselves or gain enjoyment losing yourselves for the delight of finding
yourselves. So even at the point of condemning Society I must congratulate the Group Soul
whose agreement is to allow Society’s existence. It is a fantastic playground of Self-realization,
even more so than Nature. Nature is much too one-dimensional. Society is as its creators. It is a
multi-dimensional mirror that exposes or numbs one’s perception. Society is a great place for the
Test of Power. If you all went back to Nature and forgot about Society, you would eventually
create it again so you could invest yourselves in this Test of Power.
The Test of Power can be seen on a historical panorama with regard to the testing and
strengthening of certain racial and minority groups. The Native Americans, the Jews, and the
Blacks are known for their historical travail, as well as Women, Gays and Lesbians, and other
such groups seeking freedom and equal rights. There should be no question as to the equal rights
of these racial and minority groups because equal rights are human rights. Anyway, who knows
what occurs behind the Veil alongside the fight for equal rights. Are these reincarnated bigots
and chauvinists forced into confronting a more multi-dimensional point of view of life by their
own effect of a one-dimensional point of view? Or are these groups segregated from the rest of
humanity for crimes inflicted upon their new taskmasters? Probably the answer is a combination
of these and other possibilities.
In Nature, one had to be alert all the time just to survive, for death could be right around
the next corner. In Society, one has the freedom, safety, and reinforcement to lose oneself. In
Society, there are so many deaths without the problem of mortality. One could extend these
unnatural deaths years before the actual death of the physical body. What a great place to test the
life force. This is truly a creation of a Warrior. After all, what is the good of power if there is
nothing to match it up against?
All this is the play of the higher Self. In order to awaken to this position, you must play
the game. All that is expected of the participants is to play the game within the limitation of the
three paths of Power, Truth, and Love. The only rules are that you make up the rules as the game
goes on. Many times, you have experimented with someone else’s rules or dysfunctional ones.
It’s all part of the game. Using dysfunctional rules in one sense delays you while in another sense
allows you to experience a valuable lesson. It’s all part of the Warrior’s Inventory. Stay true to
the power, truth, and love that you have realized and there is no wasted effort no matter how
many times you have to repeat things. Realization is the part of the game that allows you to
succeed and expand your knowledge of power, truth, and love. It is the x-factor that makes you
fit to play the game. Realization is the process by which you integrate new knowledge into the
Self and make it a functional part of the whole. Follow your realization and be willing to change
in the light of new evidence.
The game is the path that will take you beyond the Last Battleground into the knowledge
and experience of Freedom, if you play with heart. The Quest for Freedom is at the heart of the
game. Armageddon is here and now. It is the pursuit of the Warrior Spirit to live in the Self-
realized state in spite of all obstacles and interference. The way is rocky because your closets,
that need to be cleaned, are a reeking mess. In frustration, you allow your own mess to
externalize and interfere with others. On a macroscopic scale this is the cause of war.
Upon the surface of this war, you are the in-between of the two extreme polarized selves
of good and evil, Christ and Anti-Christ, and God and Satan. Evil and its minions are so
misunderstood. This is the part of one’s Self that rages against the Light due to the frustration
accumulated in the Test of Power. Of course, you side with good and God, but your job is to
reclaim the whole Self. Take into your arms and being the rage and frustration you feel about the
failures in the Test of Power. No longer cast yourself into the pit of self-pity because the universe
is cold and hard. Generate your own warmth and make your own way. Do not complain that it
does not understand you, for it understands you all too well and beyond your own understanding.
When you are in the pit of self-pity, it is hard to go beyond yourself. The energy to go
beyond yourself is the energy you have neglected. The energy to go beyond oneself is the
beckoning of the Warrior Spirit and it is accumulated through the Consolidation of Power. If one
thing is overlooked, the whole war could start again. When the passion for the Quest for
Freedom fills the Soul, you will know it as your own dissatisfaction with mundane existence.
You will know it by your understanding that the substance you are made up of is Adventure.

page 59
Soul is the essence of one’s Self. It has never ceased to exist. It is both masculine-active,
feminine-receptive, and completely neutral. It can support several lifetimes at the same time
because it is inquisitive and a seeker, but not yet willing to lend itself into participation with
anything except the ideal situation. As such it is the silent watcher of one’s lives. It never
interferes, but watches with scientific scrutiny the successes and failures of its experiments and
takes notes. It is the eternal Alchemist with eternity and infinity on its hands.
Much of its scientific concern is how it is related to by sentient beings. Soul is composed
of consciousness. Its concern, therefore, is in consciousness. Consciousness is the process by
which one can extend into an event and therein have an experience of that event. The event is
intriguing to Soul. The event reduces eternity and infinity into the moment. Soul recognizes the
moment as a ground upon which to consolidate its expansiveness into something finite, thus
giving it ground upon which to experience something in numerous ways instead of only one way.
This is how Soul Feeds. It feeds through a process of consciousness becoming experience of an
It does this through the principles of extension and intention. In the process of extending
and intending itself into images, it loses a part of itself. In extension, it projects its consciousness
into an image from its formless realm of eternity and infinity. By intention, it transforms that
image composed of the stuff of imagination into something concrete. The Alchemical elements
of air, fire, earth, and water, of which all images are composed, eventually settle into the normal
fabric of reality-illusion that makes up the mundane world by these two processes.
In the process of extension Soul, progressively limits itself so that it can fit its eternity
and infinity into a moment. It does this by creating considerations. Each consideration it creates
is a limited way an experience can be perceived much in alignment with its scientific method.
From it own vantage point in eternity and infinity it can see or form an image as a speck of dust
in a great desert. Upon further examination, it perceives that this image is unique and offers
different possibilities and opportunities of experience. Thus a spiritual body is created in this first
extension. Noticing the uniqueness, Soul intends significance to the image, and thereupon, forms
a bridge upon which to participate in it. Upon further examination, Soul notices that the image is
predisposed to certain laws of cause and effect, and can be manipulated in different ways from
the inside and outside of the image. Thus the creation of an etheric body. Soul notices that it feels
certain ways as a result of being the cause and the effect. Thus the creation of an emotional body.
It forms opinions of the quality and quantity of these feelings and sensations. Thus the creation
of a mental body. It stores away these sensations and opinions for future use. Thus the creation
of a subconscious. It notices that within the image there are crossovers of energy going between
the internal world of the personal and the impersonal world of the external. Thus the creation of a
vibrational or intuitive body. It limits its attention to one experience at a time in order to fully
understand and savor the event at hand without interference in a very personal way. Thus the
creation of an ego. As a result of experience, Soul develops a like or dislike for certain
experiences and would thus seek to limit the intensity or intensify them. Thus the creation of the
ego defense mechanisms.
When this is all concretely formed, Soul takes on a particular identity in terms of all the
limitations it has placed upon itself to fully experience consciousness in a particular way. Thus
the creation of an astral body. Whereas, the etheric body is the yin-amalgam of all the other
bodies or what is an ethereal contraction of the psychic structure, the astral body is the yang-
amalgam into a physical expansion of the psychic structure. It is a composite body through
which the other singular bodies operate and can express themselves in a functional way. When
this composite body is contracted it is an astral body, and when it is expanded it is an etheric
body. This is so that Soul can delineate the different levels without changing its totality or
entering into one of the particular bodies of consideration.
In the devising of all these bodies, each body takes upon itself a particular dimension
peculiar to itself. These dimensions incorporate all the structures, facilities, and considerations
that maintain that particular body plus any peculiarities it takes upon itself in its particular realm
for its own comfort and recreation. Each plane incorporates the inventiveness of Soul with the
consequence of its creation. Soul invents and utilizes the Devas to maintain and facilitate each
body upon its own personal disposition while it is both aware and unaware of their activities in
doing so. Thus Soul allows the Devas free disposition to maintain and facilitate each body within
certain pre-defined limitations so that it can lend to its work in experience and not worry about
the mechanics of the operation.
This entire operation is structured in the formless universe of eternity and infinity within
the storm of the Unconditional and is still there. What one is experiencing at this moment is one
such creation in that storm. That storm is filled with such creations.
When creating a physical body, Soul must create new considerations. In the astral and
etheric worlds, experience is personal. Even the experience of other Souls can become
temporarily personal. The astral and etheric dimensions are Soul’s sensory realms. Experiences
can be recorded and shared. So if you are a male and wanted to experience being a female, you
could mold that experience out of astral-etheric substance on a temporary basis.
The bridge to the creation of a physical body is in the addition of impersonality. Soul
chooses an experience in which to indulge to the exclusion of other beings. This is the creation of
individuality. Individuality is formed as an experiment so that an event can be experienced in a
unique way yet still have room to move and grow. Each individual is a unique way of
experiencing an event. Individuality is created upon the principle of the privacy of experience.
Though it is personal, it is also impersonal. One experiences the event in a particular way to the
exclusion of others. This exclusiveness of experience fosters a gulf between beings. Personal
space is created. The factor of exclusion that isolates one individual’s experience from another
also changes the substance of reality-illusion from the substance of image to the substance of
particular objects. This is the energy that maintains and facilitates experience in the physical
world. The only problem is that at this point Soul is forgotten.
On the etheric-astral planes, objects are symbols. They have a universal significance to
all that experience them. In the physical world symbols are objects. They can become symbols
again when one implants arbitrary significance or discovers the original meaning. Thus, in the
physical world, there is no particular value or meaning to anything until the individual places
value or meaning there. Then the same object can be used again and again to derive a similar
experience in accordance to the disposition of that individual.
The individual has a tendency to collect symbols and also collects the memories
associated with the experience of these symbols. Although they are only memories on the
physical plane, on the etheric-astral planes, they are actual experiences that have lost none of
their impact or primacy. Symbols become symbols rather than merely objects because there is a
stronger and more extreme reaction to them. Objects that one is neutral to may have significance
on the etheric-astral planes, but in the realm of personal space, one has no relation with it until
some significance is ascribed to it. How one associates objects into symbols is by associating its
existence with some extreme sensation. The extremes of sensation that are universally
understood by sentient beings in the unique way of personal space are pleasure and pain. When
an object becomes associated with pleasure or pain, it becomes significant to the individual and
invites further examination. If an object increasingly causes a pleasurable sensation, the
individual will welcome it as valuable and use it in that association. When an object increasingly
causes painful sensation, the individual will reject its use and stamp it with an undesirable label
limiting association. When an object causes both pleasurable and painful sensation, the
individual develops a dilemma. Thus objects and events can cause states of value, fear, and
The problem with the privacy of personal space is that the content of objects and events
can no longer be controlled. On the etheric-astral plane, all objects and events have significant
symbolic value, and whether they are positive or negative, pleasurable or painful, they lead to
some sort of meaningful experience. In the physical, all one notices is the surface experience of
pleasure and/or pain. The symbolic significance of essential nature is lost in the analysis of basic
causes and effects when considering it in terms of pleasure and pain.
The Warrior’s inventory does not make pleasure and pain the primary consideration in its
analysis of causes and effects. The Warrior considers strength and weakness as primary in the
analysis of basic needs. Thus there is room to examine objects and events beyond the mere
sensation of pleasure and pain. This brings the Warrior out of the physical world of perception
and into the etheric-astral point of view. The etheric-astral dimension is the mid-point of
experience, for as it is still absorbed in understanding the cause and effect of sensation, it is also
concerned with the cause and effect of specific molecular structures upon the Will. Will becomes
the central issue rather than pleasure and pain. Also, rather than perceiving one object or event as
significant, perception shifts to the relation of objects and events. In these chains, one can see the
Big Picture. You see the Formless-Form from which all forms come from and have their
existence in. This in Alchemy is called Ether. Ether is the environment of substance and contains
the substance that different substances have in common. Out of Ether, all objects, events and the
vehicles through which they are perceived, are made and have their being. It is truly a marvelous
experience to behold the shift of ascending and descending orders of substance from one to the
other going from the potential of the Formless-Form and eventually becoming flesh.
The whole process has been for Soul to reconcile objects of perception in different ways;
first, as an innocent, in its own creation learning about its abilities of extension and intention,
then, focusing upon sensory cause and effect to learn the fundamentals of experience, and by
growing in this process, focusing upon the functional utilization of the environment to acquire
power in order to return to the Source of Creation as a Master and perceiver of its own grand
plan in the Big Picture. The whole point has been to transform Soul from an amorphous,
unknowing spark into an individualized, knowing flame.
For all the souls that have gone through this process there are still unmanifested Souls
whose only purpose is to supply the shape and form of manifested reality although being
dormant-in-themselves. The material of the substance of images are these unmanifested Souls.
This is why the laws of imagination work. Even so, when one of these unmanifested Souls
begins the process of consciousness, it is born out of the realm of time and space in the realm of
eternity and infinity, and thus can begin its sojourn at any point of reference. Past and future are
meaningless concepts until one becomes involved in the processes of time and space, extension
and intention.
Images from the Source of Creation eventually become physical matter. That is the whole
purpose of creation. The differences in substance are merely unmanifested, unconscious Souls
identifying with one of the four elements: air, fire, earth and water. It is these unmanifested Souls
utilized by manifested Souls through the Deva kingdom that create the various kingdoms you
know as the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms. Manifested Souls hold a very important
position in the Universes upon Universes. With that conscious creative potential they unify all
the kingdoms. Their spirit extends and intends from the Source of Creation to the point of final
physical manifestation.
So every time you get down on yourself and are depressed, you are not seeing the Big
Picture. This is a result of associating the objects of perception with pleasure and pain. You have
every right to get depressed, diseased, distressed and to die, but you only have yourself to blame.
You have come to the realm of the Test of Power as the blind Buddha, the heartless Christ, the
impotent Wizard, and the Wounded Warrior surrounded by others of like ilk. What you hate or
love most about them is what you hate or love most about yourself. It is in the identity of Self
that you most naturally identify objects and events. They may seem different but you cannot
escape the role as creator and mirror of the world.
The difference between manifested and unmanifested Soul is Will and initiation. The
bequeathal of Will upon anything is the initiation that transforms Soul from its unmanifested
state to its manifested state. The bequeathal of Will transforms the spark into the flame. Initiation
is the beginning. The spark is allowed to ignite and catch on to some object or event just as a
spark ignites wood turning it to fire. This fire must be fed. The purpose of the fire is to
continually and constantly reassemble the instance in which the spark turns into a flame. The
flame develops a voracious appetite for the creation of experience creating a fire that leaves
ashes and smoke.
The point at which Will is bequeathed is never really known until its rediscovers it
beginning beyond time and space in the realm of eternity and infinity. This is called Adi Karma
or the first cause and effect. All that is really known is that in the process of reassembling the
instance of Will, one creates Self, or who one is. This can eventually lead one back to the
experience of the first cause and effect.
The flame that is not fed eventually consumes itself and returns to being just short of a
spark. The very nature of returning to the sparkedness of oneself can feed the fire in ways no
particular object or event can, but the whole idea is to return to the Source of Creation as a
regenerating force, not a degenerating force. Most return in this degenerating force, but with
enough regenerative force to make the trip worthwhile it is possible to rejuvenate. This is a new
beginning, this is the initiation. Thus the individual is the only perpetual motion machine. You
are essentially Self-initiating once the spark becomes the flame and you can solve the riddle of
your own fire.
The problem comes when one forgets this process or sets up defense mechanisms
towards it, and becomes stagnant as a result. Then the individual can be awakened by someone
who is awake in the process. What you are learning in this New Age is basically initiatory since
it is trying to awaken that process. By studying and applying the principles in one’s life
experience, one can go through various mini-initiations, but when events begin to fit together and
principles align with Will and they work in phenomenal ways, then one is on the threshold of a
significant initiation by the effects of your own causality. You may meet someone on the
physical or astral dimensions who will complete the chains of causes and effects you have
created. What is revealed at the time of initiation is how you are self-initiating in a particular
way. Then if one practices what is revealed at the time of initiation, one can expect greater
experience, understanding, and regeneration.
The concentration could be on a particular part of the initiation or upon the whole. It is
also possible that the individual who underwent the initiation could dismiss or forget the
experience. Then one just goes back to the usual state of affairs temporarily until the
remembrance is rekindled and practiced. Thus, one could have had initiations in previous
lifetimes and as a part of the transition through the Dead Zone, forget what took place.
Eventually, the initiate will reassemble the information in bits and pieces or in sudden bursts of
illumination. Whatever degree one reaches is never really lost or gone.
Initiations have always been a test of life and death situations. In the Native American
tradition the Warrior, after ceremonial cleansing, will subject oneself to poisonous snakes or
being hung from ropes attached to bear claws through the chest. This will release the Warrior out
of the body where information important to the initiate is revealed by Spirit Teachers and
Ancestors. Usually the information is in visions pertaining to the future or vocation, or it is a
time when powers are passed on. If there is success, the initiate faces the test of getting back into
the physical body. The real test is whether the initiate can transmute the snake venom or
withstand the intense pain and return to the physical body where the visions must be fulfilled.
In ancient Atlantis, the final initiation would be to seal the initiate into a crystal
sarcophagus with only a sample of cellular material outside. The test was to see whether or not
the initiate would be able to reassemble the physical organism by creating another physical body
from the cellular material outside the sarcophagus. If the initiate failed, then the only solution
would be to try in another lifetime. If the initiate succeeded, then mastery over the forces of life
and death, consciousness and unconsciousness was demonstrated and the initiate became the
Master. Whichever occurred, the residual energy of the encased initiate’s physical body would
be used to power their civilization. Their religious establishments had halls lined with such
The Egyptian pyramid initiation was based upon the initiation from Atlantis, although the
technology and spiritual advancement of the Egyptians could never match that of Atlantis.
Egypt, for the most part, was a very primitive culture who ritualized its knowledge as a result of
contact with the great beings from Atlantis. After the destruction of Atlantis, many of these
superior beings went among the many nations of the planet Earth to influence those primitive
cultures with their ways. Some of these great beings, who were immortal, did not necessarily
have good intentions. Many of these immortals had only conquest and slavery of humanity as
their intention, yet they had never openly demonstrated their superiority. These immortals, god
and bad, still walk among you seeking to influence the world with their power. Of course, they
have mainstreamed their physical exteriors to look like normal humans so that they do not draw
attention. They do have cellular and genetic mastery, so they can generate any form desired. It is
by the manipulation of genetic structure via consciousness, or technology or both, that they have
accomplished this, although in the beginning, just after the destruction of Atlantis, it was
difficult. The raw materials were not available in the form they needed so they were content in
what they could accomplish just through consciousness. Later, as their influence became
stronger, they were able to guide these primitive cultures into avenues that were advantageous to
their goals. The type of energy that is necessary to accomplish the manipulation of genetic,
molecular, and atomic structure is beyond anything that the present technology has come up
with. This type of power can consciously generate atomic explosions in any animate or
inanimate form just by manipulating the atomic structure using force of Will and technology.
They had harnessed the control of cellular structure and the derivation of energy from it. This is
what the civilization of Atlantis had accomplished and this is what destroyed their civilization.
Whether it is the destructive potential of fission or the constructive potential of fusion, the energy
of the human cell coupled with consciousness and technology could very well be the ultimate
force in the universe.
Neither the good nor evil side wants to destroy the planet even though there has been
such a surprising suggestion from some of the good side. For the most part, those of the good
side work from afar trying to maintain the checks and balances until they can weed out and
defeat the evil ones. The evil side wants to accumulate Earth’s resources. They don’t mind
pollution, they plan on it. It serves to manipulate and keep the population manageable. Actually,
the history of the planet has not changed. Only the external facade of the circumstances have
changed. The evil ones are not supernatural agencies like the “fallen angels”, but are sentient
beings who have acquired power over the ages. The same goes for the good side.
The evil ones have their own ways of immortality. Usually, after an advanced age has
rendered their physical body useless, they seek after another physical body to displace its
consciousness with their own. This can be done by cloning or by finding the ideal person in a
family who has a position of power and can easily be manipulated by his or her interest in dark
and unauthorized practices. It could be accomplished most effectively by cloning, but it is to
their liking to upset the natural balance and inflict tragedy unto the unsuspecting and innocent
who think they are worldly. The good side will clone or regenerate cellular material, but
eventually cloning becomes unnecessary.
This shows the significance of the path of Power. Power is always something you earn
regardless of intention. What you earn you can deal with in your own way. You can either keep it
or give it away. If you give it away, that person or event will return to you lifetime after lifetime
until the situation is balanced. If you keep it then your power will stay with you lifetime after
lifetime. The only problem would be to forget, but then you give your power away to the
unconsciousness. You make the mistake of taking power for granted. In this, you neither use
your power functionally, nor do you seek to acquire more. You can make the same mistakes over
and over until you wake up. There is always the ever-present danger of devastation. Even the
smallest mistake can set you back and reverse your energy to the negative or affect modality.
Once you reverse your energy, you must learn to walk a tightrope. The path is extremely narrow
indeed. There are no vacations from your power. The higher you rise, the farther you will fall.
You can take vacations from love and truth without too much damage, but not maintaining your
power day by day, moment by moment can be devastating. Those strong in the Warrior’s
Inventory can successfully transmute any problem in a short period of time. Those that are
devastated by some quirk or mistake can take solace in the laws of power. The laws of power
state that those who play with power are played with by power, power always hits you at your
weakest point, and gives you just a bit more than you can stand. Here at least is a realization
which can give you solace while you are recovering from the devastation. It is not that the gods
or the universe have abandoned you, it is that you must take responsibility for your actions.
Intent and action are not a very great consideration in storage of power. They are secondary.
They are primary in goal orientation. Content and circulation are primary in the consideration of
the storage of power. As such there are consequences to every act that even the greatest evil
sorcerer cannot hold back. Eventually, it will catch up to you. The evil sorcerer tries to hold back
the consequence of intent by mastering the Personal Demon. Rather than reversing the energy by
integrating with it, the evil sorcerer will feed it something other than his or her own energy. Now
one enters the realm of human sacrifice. By feeding the Personal Demon with the energy of
others the evil sorcerer can universalize it. It is no longer the Personal Demon but it is still
attached to the evil sorcerer. By this method, one can hold off the backlash of consequence of
intent for long periods of time but the process is not foolproof. You will find that most of the
practices of evil sorcerers are not foolproof and those that are usually bring out a tragic flaw
So at least learn from your mistakes. Learning from your mistakes can eventually lead
you to the innermost sanctum of the most mysterious. That is the path of initiation one must
travel as a fragmented Self. The higher in initiation you go, the more advanced the Test of
Power. The more advanced the test, the more impeccable you must be to get through. If you are
impeccable with energy, there is no mistake or at least not one significant to drain power.
The purpose of the initiation is to awaken the Warrior Spirit and with it the Dragon. The
Dragon always gives you just a little bit more than you can take at any one time. The Warrior
Spirit always expects more than you can give at any one time in the lower self. That is why you
must be the higher Self. There, in the higher Self, you can give that extra energy the Warrior
Spirit expects while being able to withstand the little bit more the Dragon imposes.
Thus, initiation is serious business. Most have been initiated in previous lifetimes and
failed their tests miserably to the point of death and reincarnation. They forgot their initiation and
remained trapped in the same mistake. The mistake is the point of view. Viewing an object or
even as an attack or as draining power is the wrong perception, but nonetheless significant of an
attack. As one ascribes significance to events, one’s word becomes law. The trick is to be able to
interpret it or ascribe characteristics to it on another level of consciousness. Never take anything
personally until you take it universally. Never believe life has abandoned or attacked you.
Believe that you are significant enough for life to initiate and test you.
The original reason for dreaming was so the Warrior could learn how symbols work and
interrelate, so that one could eventually interpret one’s life as a dream. Dreams are how one
internalizes the external world. An attack in the physical world or in the dream state could mean
that there is an unauthorized opening in the aura that needs to be sealed or that a reversal of
energy is needed in some particular situation symbolized by the circumstances of the attack.
Generally speaking it means that there is a deficiency in power.
Any psychosis or neurosis is a disease of the point of view. The Dragon is unleashed in
the initiate’s life but the Will is weakened over the term of lifetimes. The hallucination
overwhelms and overpowers the initiate. The conditioning of Society maintains that imagination
and hallucination are fictitious, illusory, and non-productive. The initiate is defeated before there
is even a beginning. The Warrior understands that imagination and hallucination have
significance. They are projections of one’s level of consciousness, mirror images of the Self at
whatever degree of integrity or fragmentation it is at. They are projections in that there is more to
them than just surface significance. They will evolve you to a new understanding. Mostly they
are scales upon the Dragon that the Warrior eats as communion. Here the Warrior is on the way
to victory.
The victory is over the fragmented Self. This is the being that laughs at you for every
mistake, that hides in the deepest interiors of the Soul, and sabotages every step you take. The
goal that you wish to attain is the very thing that puts obstacles in the way. The difference is in
the degree of fragmentation or integrity, but whatever degree it is, it is still the Self. The reason
always comes back to the fact that you must earn power through the Test of Power. You cannot
attain the Selfhood of Enlightenment without paying your dues. The dues you must pay is in
your impeccability. That is the high standard set for the Selfhood of Enlightenment.
Such is the paradox of life. You think you are yourself but you are not. The Self of
Enlightenment is One. What you are is the result of conflicts going on inside you. These conflicts
are the wars between two polarized forces. You try to quell the war by separating the two forces,
by creating a higher and lower self, and by supporting the reality of a Dead Zone within you.
Your conscious personality becomes the effect rather than the mediator between the two
opposing forces now formed into the subconscious and the superconscious. Now personality
becomes a political regime where the fragments are fighting for supremacy rather than fighting
for unity.
The path of the Warrior is to resolve the conflicts that are as inseparable as the yin and
yang of life. To do this you must resolve all conflicts into yin-yang categories so that they can be
seen as extreme polarities that are complimentary rather than antagonistic. In this way, you can
come to terms with what you fight. You can become both extremes and blend into the universal
reality as an individual rather than as an afterthought. As you blend into the universal reality, you
become the power of the Universes upon Universes and can travel simultaneously and
harmoniously on the three paths of Power, Truth and Love. The war is outside you while the
storm of creation can rage on within you.
Most everything is taken so matter-of-factly by the consensual population. In this you
miss the mystery in everything. When something exceeds itself in the expectation of consensual
perception, and goes out of the norm, the first response is denial. The process of consciousness is
to reconcile objects and events internally and externally. The process of being consensual is to
amass as much matter-of-fact information and circumstances as possible, so that the out-of-the-
norm does not appear or can be rationalized into something else. That is why you go to school
for so many years.
Initiation is the touch of the Unconditional. What had seemed so matter-of-fact before is
now as mysterious as the very rudiments of one’s own consciousness. New reconciliations must
manifest as a result of making new fragments available. The old and new level of consciousness
become points of view. The realization is that objects and events can be seen from different
points of view, and that these different points of view are not necessarily in different people or in
a different aspect of the Self, but can reside all in one person. Prejudice melts away in this
realization and one no longer fears an invasion of one’s conditional world by an alien presence or
concept. One is then truly a citizen of the universal reality and no longer has to defend the
mirrored speck of dust of a conditional world one has called home. By your own point of view of
many points of view, you are set free, shifting one to another, as found useful and fulfilling.

page 62
The human aura is not limited. Although the human electromagnetic field is seen a s a
bundle of light emanations surrounding the physical body and extending out a few feet, this
perception is based upon the limitations of those who have viewed such a phenomena. If one
were to view one’s own aura the perception would be different. What the various seers have
perceived is known as the personal aura. The personal aura is the energy field of the limited self
that is based upon the extension and intention of the individual’s awareness into the environment
at hand. The way one relates to an environment is through awareness. The way one relates to
awareness, as it extends and intends into an environment, is through factors of social, cellular,
evolutionary, electromagnetic, universal, and the unconditional. These are the forces that interact
with and affect the energy structure known as the aura and shape the defense mechanisms. The
defense mechanisms are those which have been maintained to keep out extraneous and unwanted
energy patterns that constantly bombard the human energy structure. This causes the creation of
a subconscious and super-conscious schism in the personality. It is not so important to discuss
the factors involved in creating the defense mechanisms or the way one limits awareness, as it is
to note that the resultant limitations of awareness produce a division or schism in the personality
that needs to be resolved in order to really know the significance of an unlimited human energy
structure. You must realize that this schism runs deep.
Awareness is divided to maintain a functional relation with the physical environment, but
to accomplish this, much of the spectrum of awareness must be sacrificed. Much of the social,
cellular, evolutionary, electromagnetic, universal, and unconditional information is lost in a
suppression and repression of energy. If one were to be bombarded by all the information and
energy that the environment has as its potential, one would probably be overwhelmed and
overpowered. In what psychology calls psychosis, that is the case. What modern psychology
calls hallucination is actually the awareness of the interaction of the individual and the
environment beyond the defense mechanisms. The personal aura extends, for a time, to an aura at
large. The personal aura extends into the aura of the planet Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy, and the
Universes upon Universes. The problem here is that modern psychology and psychiatry are at a
loss to interpret the situation. The only solution the established consensual perspective sees is to
suppress the symptoms by numbing the individual to the phenomena of the interaction of
personal and impersonal worlds.
This has been the usual strategy in relating to the world in general. The intellectual and
scientific consensual establishment have just taken the process to the next stage. Rather than
limiting the awareness by one’s own hand, this process is taken over by an established authority
to define ways and means of limiting awareness.
This is where the necessity of a Shaman or alternative healing practice becomes another
path to follow by those not satisfied with the poor success rate of the established authority. That
is the influence of the Warrior Spirit in the Warrior’s Inventory that causes one to seek
alternative pathways.
In Society, one is taught that imagination, visions, hallucinations, and dreams are
fragmentary and counterproductive to the quality and quantity of life. They say that these ghosts
have no bearing on the real world except in a Freudian sense as mere wish fulfillment. The
Shaman interprets this situation differently. If there are dreams, visions and hallucinations, then
there must be a source to these things. Modern science views this source as the brain. If the brain
is the source of this eidetic activity, then the two must be of the same order of reality and
material. In such a case, one would be able to open the head and pull out dozens or hundreds of
photographs out of the brain, or at least the unprocessed film. You can rule out this case.
Now if the brain and images are of a different order of reality and material, then the brain
would be like a radio that receives radio waves and translates them functionally into awareness,
but never stores those radio waves. The brain is only a biological machine that is receptive to
thoughts and images by localizing awareness in the physical body. These thoughts and images
which are just as fleeting as the actual radio waves, are never stored in usual circumstances, but
are constantly assembled, recycled, and reassembled by a mechanical source to a potential source
and back again.
Such is the case with human awareness. It is a case of now you see it, now you don’t.
Radio waves can be extended over a period of time by electromagnetic force. Thoughts and
images can be extended over a period of time by a similar human electromagnetic force, but
eventually fade back to their source of potential energy. Mechanical instruments work upon this
principle, but human awareness can eventually work beyond this state to the point of being able
to hold up thought-forms for millions of years by the force of Will. The law of decay eventually
triumphs, but never totally. The law of decay eventually recedes to a new law of creation and
These laws work on the processes of evolution, cellular mechanical, opinions, emotions,
imagination, right down to the core of the formless-form. Whereas the human processes derive
themselves from a causal relationship with others of the same process, the Formless-Form of the
Unknown process is a case of Self-perpetuation. The Formless-Form is the actual-potential of
everything to give rise to itself, maintain itself, and destroy itself by its own action of itself upon
The raw material of the Formless-Form is classified in categories of air, fire, earth, and water,
but in its entirety it is known as Ether. Ether is what the diverse elements of air, fire, earth, and
water have in common and derive their being from. Ether is the constructive material of time,
space, energy, and matter. One sees in Ether the relation of things to their opposite. Wen you see
a bowl, you see the solid part and the vacuum which is its potential to be filled. Both are
functional parts of the object. The bowl would not be a bowl if it didn’t satisfy both parts of the
equation. Also, when you see the bowl itself on an atomic level you see that it’s not as solid as
you thought; spaces exist in between the solidness that makes up the bowl. The same idea holds
true for the vacuum. In the vacuum there is not just the emptiness, but infinitesimally small units
of solidness that are invisible to the naked eye.
Thus one views these different states of form and formlessness in terms of contraction
and expansion. The more contractive the energy and matter, the more solid it is. The more
expansive the energy and matter, the less solid it is. One could question whether there could be
anything in the universe that is absolutely form or formless in itself. The answer to this is yes and
no; but in this context everything lives in relation to its opposite. This is the unity of yin and
yang. One can mentally dissect them, but one cannot fragment experience without paying the
consequence. You can fragment your own experience, but the full perception or the Big Picture
is one that “Will”, buy its own existence, maintain that fragmentation. Each perception can be a
full perception no matter how limited. You create your own reality by this process, by limiting
and expanding awareness to exclude or include fields of awareness.
Viewing the universe in this yin-yang continuum, one can make certain assumptions
about the extent of life in the universe that can be borne out in experience. For instance, the yang
or solidness of planet Earth is based upon the mineral structure. The human life form is derived
from these parameters. Now take another planet with a different mineral structure. There will be
a different life form. Now take a planet with a low mineral structure or for that matter one with a
negative mineral structure that exists in a non-material state. Whereas humans are solid, they
would be more ethereal, lacking the physical structure that humans have come to know. One
must consider that all this is accomplished in the yang environment of the physical universe.
In speaking, you may assume the possibility of other dimensions of reality. The various
planes and dimensions, as well as, parallel universes exist here in this physical universe. They
may not exist in the same time-space continuum of a personal universe but the doors to them
exist in the human aura. This is especially true in the case of the inhabitants of the planet Earth.
Earth is a planet of the completion of things; and in the human aura is the network that connects
all things in consciousness.
It is possible to travel by spaceship to an astral or ethereal plane. Without sufficient
protection of suitable environment, one would only be able to maintain existence there for a short
period of time.
Since one’s physical structure is unlike the nature of that particular area one had entered,
one would be subject to the law of accelerated decay that destroys that which is unlike the
environment and maintains that part of one which is like that environment. In time one can adapt,
but it is at the expense of that which cannot adapt. If two different frequencies of energy exist in
the same time-space continuum, the frequency of dominance will consume the other frequency.
Of course a human body entering an alien environment will die, but potentially could adapt by
changing the configuration of the genetic structure to that which would enhance existence there.
Humans, though, have shut off that possibility.
Something of yang nature entering a yin environment and partaking of it will expand to
match that more expanded environment as with the opposite. The spaces between the atoms will
shift to match the new environment. The life-form that has entered the new environment will
experience a sort of psycho-physiological anomie. Although one life-form decays another will
flourish. The variable is endurance. If there is enough endurance, then the life-form can
eventually adapt.
This is not to discount the possibility of alien environments you may encounter that are
entirely productive to the human organism. There are alien environments that will foster the
termination of the accelerated law of decay. In these environments, you will not age or die, nor
will you be limited by time and space while still in its continuum. These are the planets of pure
Ether. One could travel by spaceship there and be comfortable in its environment, as well as, any
other life-form without any special considerations. These types of planets are a meeting place for
many types of life-form. Eventually humans will discover such a place and will be confronted by
the many different life-forms that exist there.
Much like thoughts and images which are not the same order of the physical
environment, so the physical body decays in its own environment. The physical body is derived
from the physical environment, but is also derived from the realm of thoughts and images. Both
forces have formed it and both forces fight to claim it. The force of the physical world would
claim it in the differentiated elements of its constitution. The force of the world of thoughts and
images would claim it as the formless, malleable substance that it is. The two forces interacting
together create an organism that is at home in the environment of its creation and is alien to it.
One can perceive images and think thoughts. One can draw substance from the Source of
Creation, but the establishment of their reality in the physical plane is another question. The
manifestation of thoughts and images is not an easy task, consciously or unconsciously, but it is
possible. It is because you are the result of these two forces working together that makes it
possible. The two forces orient themselves upon their own plane so the interphasing of one with
the other creates the physical organism that changes in response to the dominance of one force
over the other. This dominance shifts in the human organism by what the human organism has
internalized of those two forces. So it is either by conditions or choice that the dominance shifts.
Thus on one level, the manifestation of thoughts and images is impossible, while on
another level it is very possible. Again it is governed by the point of view and how much effort
the individual cab use to make the shift from conditions to choice. In the realm of conditions one
is subject to the effect of circumstances, while in the realm of choice one is subject to Will. Thus,
if one were able to make the shift from conditions to choice one can create new definitions,
although those new definitions are restructured out of and in relation to the conditions at hand.
So one seeks the optimal conditions for the choice to be at its strongest.
The only thing that stands in the way of the manifestation of one’s thoughts and images is
the Formless-Form’s definition of the physical body. If the identity is formed from the somatic
engrossment of the Formless-Form into the physical body, then one’s thoughts and images don’t
manifest except through long term causes and effects, because choice has succumbed to
conditions as the dominant force. If the identity of the Formless-Form is toward a desensitization
of the physical body as the only causal reality, and realization of it as a thought-form, as a way to
identify the Formless-Form in the physical environment, then the senses are no longer
overwhelmed by conditions or limited in choice. One then perceives the process of manifestation
of thoughts and images, because one perceives the original thought-form that was set up in the
process of creation. It is possible to perceive oneself as Formless-Form, as well as, a physical
body at the same time. The realization is that you have created the circumstances of your own
reality through the process of thinking and imagining, and that is how you have limited your
options in manifestation as well.
So even though the physical body is of the same order as the physical world, it is still
subject to the laws of decay unless it brings about the new identity in the Formless-Form. Once
this is accomplished, the maintaining and manipulation of the physical body is no longer a
process of complex biochemical operations, but a simple manipulation of consciousness.
Thus it is the flame of awareness and imagination that is the essence of sentient existence.
The flame is something that consumes and destroys, but if maintained, can give warmth and
light. You are each your own flame driven by your incompleteness to be maintained. Here in the
physical universe you are incomplete, yet in that incompleteness you are complete. You seek
outside yourselves for the solution to your own fire. You are forever burning up, yet you never
heed the burns until it is too late and then you run to Society for solutions. As if Society-itself is
not burning up; you just burn more as a result of its intervention. I would rather go to something
that hasn’t changed in a thousand years than subject myself to something that is in transition.
How can you trust something that is learning from its own mistakes, and that needs to make
repeated mistakes to learn its lesson? At least if it learned speedily from its mistakes and didn’t
have to go through such long repetition, you might not fear becoming a statistic. Society is also
very obstinate about its process and refuses to change its mind in the light of new evidence.
Individuals are not naturally like this. It is the conditions of Society that make then like this. It is
the conditional that makes them like this so they form their image in Society, but as the
Formless-Form they learn quickly and make transitions smoothly.
All diseases and problems are a Test of Power. One supplements one’s knowledge with
other perspectives, but the seat of responsibility lies within oneself. You are the creator of your
own tests. What you experience, you have created. In the world, there is destiny and there is
randominity. In randominity, one has the experience of a secondary cause. Maybe you did not
cause it, but you did accept it. This means one’s aura had an opening that allowed the experience
to get through. Herein, the responsibility is your own. Whether it is random or accidental like
getting hit by a car, a falling brick, or a wandering germ, you have created yourselves in a
dependant, unprotected condition as a result of entering the world. If you have not developed the
awareness to bypass it or the strength to withstand it, then it is your own opening or weakness
that caused the problem and not the external event. The very reason for randominity is so that
one can learn where those openings and weaknesses lie.
You must realize that life on the physical plane is like walking a tightrope. You choose
this existence just because it is like that. You have those experiences that you have been working
on, as well as, the potential for completely new experiences. Yet death can take you away at any
moment. But what does death really take? It only takes away a certain potential of awareness and
imagination, but it cannot discredit other potentials of awareness and imagination.
The fear of death comes form the idea that you cannot maintain your flame here through
the habit patterns you have developed. Death represents an unconditional or unknown realm. In
this realm, you would have to reassemble new patterns in order to maintain that flame. The irony
is that the flame itself is unconditional. The unconditional cannot be, in the long run, maintained
by conditions. What you are trying to maintain is fire’s connection to things. In doing so you
only burn those things. In the extreme of this, one becomes the vampire usurping the power and
life-force of others in a deep hunger that needs to be appeased. In the other extreme, one can
become the Alchemist that consciously balances one’s fire with the other forces of nature in
order to develop personal power and realization.
Yes, you must feed upon other things to maintain existence. That is one of the mysteries
of your own existence you must meditate on and solve. Herein you can acquire those other
elements to complete your lives by manifesting the fifth element of Spirit. The reason why you
are so fiery is that fire is the element that most closely resembles Spirit, your true Self.
It is by the hands, eyes, and heart of one’s true Self that one offers fire to the world of
one’s own creations. The Spirit in one is that of Prometheus trying to ignite the fire that
transforms the lower self into the higher Self. For doing this, the Zeus-conscience chains one to
the rock of enslavement and suffering, while the vultures of guilt feast upon an ever-renewing
liver. You have placed those vultures there to feast. They are the vultures of Society. You place
them there because you believe that you are powerless. The irony of it is that Society gets no
richer by feasting upon this renewing liver. It has an insatiable appetite. It eats not to appease an
appetite, but only to mimic the human. In this, it is insatiable. It believes that by symbolic
cannibalism, by eating you up into the system, is can have a Soul. So you give up your power of
renewal to a god such as this. This is the same god you have created to be served by. This
creation has gotten out of hand, yet it is a beautiful foil for you to overcome. You will never get
to the real Source of Creation until you have dealt with these created gods.

page 78

Much of mystical lore has to do with the individual encounter with “the Light”. This is
also the basis of personal religious experience. In the encounter, one usually cannot define what
sort of elemental agency one has dealt with but that is not the significant aspect. Whether it is
Angelic or Demonic, whether it is Lord of Karma, Solar Logos, Archangel, Dhayan Chohan, the
TAO, or the Source of Creation itself is not what I would ascribe significance to, but rather what
I would ascribe significance to is the influence of that Light upon the individual Soul. The Light
takes on many forms, or rather many take the Light on as their form, but its effect upon the
individual is one.
Usually it is assumed that some chosen individual will cavort for a time with such higher
agencies and receive their knowledge for the betterment of humanity. There have been
Enlightened Ones who have been transformed by their experiences and set out upon their
assigned task of the improvement of humanity, but the actual experience is not limited to the
few. I would venture to say that every individual is a result of this encounter with the Light no
matter what position or opinion they represent.
It does not matter what world you are consigned to, you are transfixed by the Light of
that world to freeze your experience. This is the effect of the Light which is most interesting.
This is what divides the enlightened from the unenlightened. It is called the Medusan Effect. All
forms of light have this Medusan Effect in them.
The Greeks were very accurate in their depiction of this Effect. In the myth, Perseus must
defeat the Medusa in order to accomplish his assigned task. The Medusa is a goddess with
snakes for hair and a countenance which can turn mortals into stone if she is gazed at. Perseus
defeats the Medusa by not gazing at her directly, but by seeing her in the reflection of a polished
This is the task set upon all sentient beings to go through in order to reach Enlightenment.
The Light is like the world it forms. They both overwhelm and overpower the senses. They are
both nourished by one’s attention to form its basic structure. The basic mistake is that you view
the Light, as well as, the world as something greater than yourselves. It is in the realization of
Perseus that the world, the universe, and the Light become what they were meant to be. If you
look at the world, the universe, and the Light as a reflection of the Self, of your own state of
consciousness, the world becomes a window and the Light becomes a doorway.
The world can become a window in which one can see clearly what one’s potential is and
how to actualize it. The Light, out of which all things become manifest, can become a doorway
into other dimensions and other potentials that can be actualized. The key is never to belittle
oneself, even though you are mortal standing before immortal. They represent their own
limitations as well.
All these entities that you consider divine are actually elemental in nature. In Dr. R.
Moody’s books on near-death experiences, those who have been revived from clinical death have
a similar experience. They go through a tunnel, which is an extension of the karmic seal, and
meet a Light of tremendous proportions exuding peace from its being. In the meeting, whether
the individual will come back to the physical plane or not is decided, as well as, a discussion of
one’s life and mission. It is viewed in the form of images. This entity is a Lord of Karma. This
entity is an elemental being assigned a particular task, as are the Angels, Lords of the various
dimensions, and Galaxial, Solar, and Planetary Spirits. In one respect they are unlimited in the
power, truth, and love they can manifest, but in another respect they are limited in that they can
only manifest their power in a certain area.
There are all sorts of entities claiming creatorship of the universe. Even Jehovah of the
Judeao-Christian tradition is famous or infamous for this claim; but the examination of this
elemental entity concludes that it is a channel through which various structures of reality-illusion
are manifested from higher dimensions. Actually, Jehovah represents the integrity of the group
mind of the physical plane, or what is known as the Astral Light. If you notice, in the Old
Testament, when one significant person [the king] commits a sin, it is usually the whole
population that suffers. This is the punishment inflicted upon one who represents and is
responsible for a nation as the king was.
Thus it is that Jehovah is the integrity of the group mind. It is also evolving, but it evolves
in response to creating and maintaining checks and balances of cause and effect in the physical
universe. It is evolving as much as you are, but in a different way. The Buddhists are waiting for
the incarnation of Matreiya while the Christians are waiting for the Second Coming. This only
denotes the enlightening of the group mind. There will no longer be the few Buddhas and Christs
to inspire and instruct humanity. One cannot afford to be unenlightened in the world. You are all
the blind Buddhas, heartless Christs, wounded Warriors, impotent Wizards, and mortal
immortals. You can become the realized Buddha, compassionate Christ, healer Warrior, all-
powerful Wizard, and one who is continuos in consciousness by virtue of your work to enlighten
the group mind. Then one’s sight, heart, power, and immortality are returned and not doled out to
you by the consideration of some other entity. Jehovah can go back to being an aspect of the
Universes upon Universes and not greater than the Self, while you are free to be yourselves. No
longer will he absorb your power in order to maintain the physical universe. Considerations,
beyond that of holding up the physical universe beyond your awareness, is no longer necessary.
Because you were unconscious this was necessary. When you become conscious this will no
longer be necessary.
The greatest schism that Jehovah ever created, as a result of the general unconsciousness
of humanity, was to maintain that the physical universe is the moral war between good and evil.
This governs planets by creating drama in interaction of sentient beings. Those striving for
Freedom and Enlightenment disrupt the order of the universe for they create an impact much
greater than the power of Jehovah to keep the universe in order. Once the order of the universe is
disrupted, a rift occurs in the group mind that wakes others up. Those that were unconscious or
merely working to maintain smaller aspects of the physical universe, of which Jehovah has
dominion, start to question their circumstances. To maintain order Jehovah must compensate for
the loss of his dominion by casting more darkness to balance the effect of Enlightenment that
disrupts the dimensional integrity of the universe. He who is known as Lucifer or “Lord of
Light” was a being very significant in the hierarchal structure that maintains the Medusan Effect
in the universe. The Medusan Effect is maintained by various elemental beings in a passive state
of contemplation of Jehovah’s light. In an event that almost shattered the entire fabric of the
physical universe, Lucifer woke up and rebelled against his passive condition. As a result, for the
first time, an elemental being passed over the boundary that divides elemental from sentience.
Lucifer became the elemental of the spirit of sentient beings striving for freedom and personal
evolution. Thus a mythology had to be created. Lucifer, who strives for freedom and personal
evolution beyond the passive existence under the Medusan Effect, is shown to be evil or
contraindictive to the prescribed order of the good that maintains the balance of the universe. In
your lives, this is the enforcing of the status quo in mundane existence. So Jehovah creates a
heaven for those who are good and follow the law of passivity, and a hell for those who would
follow Lucifer and his way to Freedom and personal evolution.
So in the astral planes there are many heavens and hells maintained by the beliefs of
those who inhabit them. Basically, without the individual’s ability to create structures of reality-
illusions by drawing directly from the Source of Creation, Jehovah is an over-glorified janitor
that keeps things clean, polished up and maintained. As long as you are unconscious, all entities,
all religions, all societies will use your power to serve their needs. When you become conscious,
then you can no longer be manipulated. These elemental entities must ask your permission to
make changes and their function becomes to serve the awakened.
So in the astral planes there are many heavens and hells maintained by the beliefs of
those who inhabit them. Basically, without the individual’s ability to create structures of reality-
illusions by drawing directly from the Source of Creation, Jehovah is an over-glorified janitor
that keeps things clean, polished up and maintained. As long as you are unconscious, all entities,
all religions, all societies will use your power to serve their needs. When you become conscious,
then you can no longer be manipulated. These elemental entities must ask your permission to
make changes and their function becomes to serve the awakened.
The Luciferian Spirit is exemplified by Prometheus, who, having brought fire to
humanity, is punished by Zeus. The Luciferian Spirit and those that belong to the fellowship of
the Serpent are the enlighteners of Buddhas and the annointers of Christs. They bring the fire of
awareness and imagination to the individuals who have gone through the Test of Power. They
open up the doorways of these lights so that one might approach the very Source of Creation
Itself. The Oneness that is experienced as a result of drinking of the Holy Grail is felt after a long
travail and sojourn in the realm of reconciliation. For all its work, that I could never describe in
words, it is worth all the effort.
The Source of Creation is an enigma and can only be expressed in paradox. It is apparent
in all things, yet it is hidden away from all the senses. It is the Formless that creates Form and It
is the Form that creates the Formless. It is unbounded and limited, infinite and eternal, but yet it
can be placed on the point of a needle and experienced in the Nowness of time and space. It
binds and limits objects and events in their activity, yet all things grow, expand, and evolve in
their activity by Its presence. It is impersonal, yet personal. It is both the universal and the
particular, thing and no-thing. It is an explosion like no other nuclear bomb with the power to
tear apart the entire fabric of time and space, and It is an implosion reintegrating objects and
events back from destruction in a new and transformed state. It is the common source of reality
and illusion where no such distinction is made.
Man’s fascination with bombs and explosions comes from this realm of existence. He
feels that by creating the ultimate explosion he can mimic the activity of the Source of Creation.
After all, the explosion is power when dealing with an enemy. Whoever has the biggest bomb
has the greatest power of creation; the power to create an ideal existence without an antagonist or
enemy. Such is the tale of a modern Tower of Babel. The bigger the bomb, the closer one can
mimic the activity of the Source, and the greater the power to unify the extremes of existence by
dispersing anything foreign.
One can never hope to manifest the creative power of the Source of Creation in such a
way. That is why It functions the way It does without care or consideration for humankind.
Humankind is fodder for the manipulation of Elementals. Only the Enlightened can begin to
functionally handle this power. To emancipate individuals into Its arena of power, It must be
utterly ruthless, for the power is itself unconditional. The only consideration is for the individual
and comes in the form of the Dragon. The Dragon is no less ruthless, but it is more personal, so
that one might become aware of the Source through Its immediacy.
I see people moving in and out of everyday life with the scars and the burns in their aura
from the Dragon. There is not really a good enough understanding of this ruthless nature that
affects every sentient being in such a personal way. You do not believe in the Dragon’s existence
because it is so large it is invisible to the human eye, and so you live in denial of its attack. That
is where you can become the victim.
You are concerned about such petty things. Your personal needs are the major concerns
that fixate your mind in a limited state. You are driven by your incompleteness rather than using
your incompleteness to understand the human predicament. You are basically selfish without
being any sort of credible Self.
What does a parent do to wake a child out of its selfish state? When the basic concerns of
the child are about the things taken away or left unfulfilled, there is a recognition of a great self-
involvement by the parental agency. The focus should be to go beyond oneself to resolve the
issue of lack, so the parent must develop a vehicle of confrontation in order to uncover the real
desire in the child to go beyond oneself. The Dragon is this instrument. The Dragon is the
ruthless nature in the Universes upon Universes that realigns dysfunctional energy patterns.
What better way to lose interest in the objects and events that attach one to selfishness than by
having those objects and events that one needs and loves to work against one.
There is a decay factor to all attachments in the human condition. To get an equal thrill
from the use of recreational drugs you must either take more and more each time or you must
allow your body to readjust through the lack of it. If you eat the same thing over and over you
will eventually get sick of it, especially if you eat for taste. By your own incompleteness, you are
driven into relationships with others who are just as destructive as you are. You marry someone
who you think is the perfect mate. You did not marry someone because of their selfishness, but
because they have certain facets in their character that serve you. You marry as a result of
selfishness, and divorce them because your needs are no longer being met. Thus relationships
become war zones of expectations in the satisfaction of needs.
This is what occurs when you do things in consideration of taste or survival. If you would
have this same attachment to personal power, you would give more attention to what you do and
not to be so concerned with the surface attachments of taste and survival. You would make a
determination of whether something really satisfies your need of strength to accomplish the hard
work ahead, or if it is the decay factor of attachment in operation. In this analysis, you can be
released from unproductive desires that drain your energy so that you can use that extra energy to
go beyond yourself. This makes life worthwhile and you will feel much better about yourself as a
result. The only satisfaction you will ever find in the world is in going beyond yourself.
Relationships based upon this can succeed more readily for the focus is not on motives of
selfishness but on the satisfaction derived from going beyond oneself. The significant other is
what is beyond at hand, so careful analysis and support of one’s relationship can reveal new
dimensions of sharing heretofore unrealized. You only know the Self by going beyond the self.
You only know the integrated, realized Self by going beyond the fragmented, disoriented self.
One must be objective about one’s subjectivity.
The Light is the Self beyond the Self. To make it work, one must realize and work toward
the state of Emancipation. The state of Emancipation is expressed in the principle of the Self
beyond the self. That is; “the Light you visualize is the Light of the Source of Creation
visualizing you. Focus upon this Light to the exclusion and inclusion of all things.” This is the
mystery of the Light that you must reconcile. This is the cross you must bare.

page 87

You are immortal. You were born many times never to die, yet you have made your
immortality an anathema. Mortality suits your nature much better for the “life on the edge”. The
stimulation of the approach of the Unconditional is as essential to your nature as is orgasm.
Danger, fear, death, and the resultant instinct for survival makes living in sentient conditions
worthwhile. You would even desensitize yourself for long periods of time so that danger, fear
and death will have greater impact.
Danger, fear and death are decaying energies much like the energy of orgasm. To step up
the stimulation and intensity of orgasm temporary abstinence or the introduction of new
techniques is indicated. Temporary abstinence is a much better way of increasing intensity,
although this is not always the path people follow. If you seek stimulation after stimulation,
intensity after intensity without rest, the physical organism will lose its ability to reproduce that
stimulation and intensity on a functional basis. In all extremes, the need for rest to rekindle the
physical body’s fire is without exception. Even if you have the ultimate rejuvenator, the physical
body must first rest in order assimilate and internalize the new energy.
Thus, you live on the edge seeking some ultimate stimulation and intensity. You would
even go to the extreme of resting for a lifetime just to experience some significant stimulation
and intensity as death. Continuity of consciousness decreases the stimulation and intensity that
death affords one. You do this over and over, lifetime after lifetime. There are lines of
disincarnate spirits waiting in line for the next available place. These spirits are not too choosy
about what circumstances open up, either; they will take the first one that comes up just for the
opportunity for whatever form of stimulation and intensity is available.
I would not take this away from you, nor is there any elemental or spiritual agency that
would interfere. After all, the life of feeling is not without significance. Out of the life of danger,
fear, and death that produce pain and pleasure, health and disease, there have been created great
works in all fields of endeavor. Humans work best when time is running out. The feeling of
mortality spurs one on to do great things.
The problem lies with those who are unrealized in their pursuit of stimulation. The more
one is unconscious in pursuit of stimulation and intensity, the more one tends toward perversion.
Rather than utilizing the energies of danger, fear, and death for personal realization, the pervert
would instill danger, fear, or death in others in order to create stimulation and intensity. What
one does to oneself inside or outside the parameters of the Warrior’s Inventory without hurt or
harm to others is alright. It is merely the expansion of the process that underlies the Warriors
Inventory. To extend hurt or harm to others for any purpose is a most heinous crime. Even so
there are those that seek out these criminals so that their intensity and stimulation can be
increased by their passivity to the event. These are the sadists and masochists of the life
experience. It goes beyond the simple torture chamber of the dominatrix or slave master. Here
life is predicated upon torture or being tortured. You meet these people everyday of your life.
You interact with them and wonder why you feel so drained of energy. They are the psychic
vampires wandering in life leaching from the psychic reservoir without adding anything back.
One’s unrealized nature is basically vampiristic. After all, the energy of the human
interdimensional network comes from the process of feeding. One must live off of other life
forms in order to insure the possibility of stimulation and intensity. That is why the Warrior’s
Inventory is so important. Since you must live off of other life forms, you must insure yourself of
enough power so that you do not need to take from unauthorized sources. Those who feed for
survival or taste eventually find themselves lacking in power and either unconsciously feed off of
unauthorized sources to make up for their lack or begin to wither away. Thus one cannot afford
to be unrealized in whatever venture one may enter. The possibility of breaking some law of the
universe always presents itself to well-meaning people as well as the criminal. You should never
forget that in some way you are all criminals on Earth. You are criminals of consciousness
partaking of some form of unauthorized energy.
Feeding off of someone else’s pain or fear, creating disease and war by polluting the
environment with poisons and minds with prejudice is your crime. No matter what group you
belong to racially or socially, you all share the environment and group mind in common. The
conclusion should be self-evident, if only experience validated this reality.
As long as one does not relate to this [see this ?] one will never find freedom. The
Warrior Spirit will evade you. The Luciferian spirit will ignore you. The Dragon will damage
you. You can still have mundane success in the world, but eventually you will find yourself
waiting in line to enter the numbness of the Dead Zone to participate in another lifetime as an
unconscious entity in the endless pursuit of stimulation and intensity.
What is the solution to all of this? Many have turned away from the pursuit of immediate
stimulation to the pursuit of the immortal nature. This can even be taken to the extreme of
seeking physical immortality as it is with your extreme nature. Even the pursuit of medical
science; the pursuit to eliminate disease and to perfect the human species biologically, is the
inherent desire to break out of the prescribed physical limitations and live forever. Even so, you
are unfit for anything except immediate stimulation. If you were fit for physical immortality, you
would be able to see what is necessary to attain this state. Even the solution to your own
immortal nature is beyond your capacity.
The solution to the immortal nature is known as the Warrior Spirit. The Warrior Spirit is
the only thing worthy enough to become physically immortal. This is why your lower nature
does not have the keys to physical immortality. The lower nature is not worthy of anything
except immediate stimulation. The purpose of the Warrior Spirit is to make the impossible
possible. Therein, if you seek the solution to your immortal nature or the possibility of physical
immortality, the Warrior Spirit is where to look for it.
Society’s pursuit of physical immortality is political. It is a pursuit that will be the gain
for the elite or those who are able to pay the price. Most probably this would afford the
undeserving more access and leave others out in the cold. All the better reason to take the
individual path to physical immortality.
Ideally, in physical immortality, you would desire the best of all worlds. Not only should
you desire contact with other dimensions and the freedom to explore them at Will, but also the
perfection and ease of a physical organism that never grows old or wanes in power. Much of the
problem lies in the influence of the physical body upon the spirit. It is by the force of gravity; the
energy that binds all objects to Earth, that the physical body overwhelms one’s consciousness.
The senses are limited in what they can perceive. The more that sensation is specialized in
function and location, the more one is subject to the laws of the physical universe. Thus, any
process of immortality must begin in the desensitization of the physical body as the only causal
reality so that the senses are not overwhelmed and one is not limited in consciousness. The
physical body returns to its original state as a thoughtform that is held up by the consciousness,
rather than a consciousness held up by the physical body. In this state, the genetic-molecular
structure of the physical body is manipulatable rather than rigid. One could manipulate the
genetic structure into any of its composite variations by thought or imagination. This is the
technique employed by shapeshifters. Humans do this now to a degree by creating disease, but it
is usually a long process. Similarly, it takes just as long to create a general state of health.
To desensitize the physical body one must begin the process of withdrawal from it. That
is why death is a great ally and teacher. Death teaches and assists the withdrawal from the
physical body into the Unconditional. Activating, isolating and focusing the astral body, which is
based upon separation, is helpful. When in the astral form one is desensitized from the physical
body while still in a yang form. One can still be functional in terms of activities that entail
movement and interaction.
I have discovered many out-of-body states, even in the higher realms, that are just as
physical as the physical state you are consensual in with the rest of Society. The determination of
such states is in relation to the personal proximity between the physical and astral planes. The
closer the astral to the physical, which is different from person to person, the more physical state
the astral is in and the more of an astral state the physical realm is in. also, the closer the two
realms, the greater the power of the individual.
The power one inherits from the close proximation of the two planes is the ease to
manipulate physical matter by thought or imagination. Astral mastery is necessary for this
power. You may have any degree of spiritual, mental, vibrational, or emotional mastery, but for
the manipulation of energy and matter upon the physical plane you need astral mastery and the
ability to draw the two planes close together so that they overlap. This is what is normally called
The astral body is a composite body as is the physical, except that it is out of the
influence of the force of gravity. The astral body is under the influence of the force of personal
gravity. In other words one gravitates to states by inclination rather than to be in a state dictated
by gravity. Gravity is a state that fosters inertia and that limits the force one can produce.
Movement is limited and wanes until enough energy is added to overcome it and the force is
restored. In the physical plane one is always fighting inertia. The astral plane is an extension of
the physical plane where there is the least amount of inertia.
Of course, the Dead Zone must be dealt with. The Dead Zone is an extension of the
physical and astral planes where there is the most inertia. Energy is absorbed to such a degree
that unconsciousness is brought about when trying to proximate the two planes. As long as the
Dead Zone exists, the transition between the physical and astral is accomplished with great
difficulty and reversed effort. As long as any work needs to be accomplished through reversed
effort and great difficulty, then life will always seem to be upside down. Nothing is
straightforward or simple. All one’s causes seem to be mirrored back and nothing is ever
completed. This is great for self- awareness, but not for the state of immortality.
In self-awareness you are two; the perceiver and the object of perception. In the state of
immortality you are One. If you are perceiver and object of perception in the state of
immortality, you are both without distinction, one for the other, yet can retain normal functional
consciousness. If you are mind and body, then you are both without distinction. The body
becomes a thoughtform of the mind rather than the mind being a thought form of the body. This
is how power is attained. This is the fulfillment of the Wizard-Dragon relationship upon the
physical plane. Once again the seeker has broken through to the potential of all energy, and as
with all energy and power there must be impeccability with its use. What is recommended is the
storage of intensity as a solution to the necessity of immediate stimulation. Errors in this incite
the Dragon to strike and heal the misalignment of energy by any available means. The Dragon is
the ruthless realignment of energy without consideration for personal wants and needs, but it
attacks on a personal level when there is any lack. The Evil Magician keeps the Dragon at bay by
reinforcing the Personal Demon with unauthorized forms of energy, while the Wizard stores and
recycles personal intensity in any accessible vehicle in the muti-dimensional structure so that a
oneness with the Dragon is attained. The Dragon is an extreme energy and its ways are the
extremes of the universe. The realization of the Wizard is the realization within the individual of
the right relationship with the Dragon, where energy works for one rather than against one.
In the elder times of recorded history, the reason for the use of hallucinogenic substances,
or, what are known as power plants were to allow the Warrior conscious entry into the realm of
the Dragon. There the Warrior engages in mock battles know the disadvantage of engaging it on
its own turf, but realizing the advantage in gaining an understanding of the impeccability of
energy. This is the trial the Warrior faces to become the Wizard, This is how the Great Reversal
of Energy is accomplished. Although it is not necessary and not recommended to use power
plants to accomplish this, they have laid the groundwork. In essence, power plants have a direct
relation to the Dragon set up by nature elementals and can give one an immediate experience of
the Unconditional. Anyway, there are other plants available, that, while not necessarily being
able to give the immediate experience of the Unconditional, can allow one to store energy in
anticipation of that event. That is more significant and within the limits of legality that any wise
Warrior would follow. It is a little more difficult to enter the realm of the Dragon by natural,
sober means. One’s relation to the Dragon, other than power plants, is in the Kundalini.
Activating the Kundalini will bring about the entrance into the realm of the Dragon. The mystery
of the Kundalini is in its feeding. It will feed you, if you feed it. What it accepts grows in you;
what it rejects dies in you; both individual and Dragon die as a result. The Dragon is not an
energy that accepts death, so it fights to save energy by tearing you up.
The Kundalini is the fire element of Alchemy. Fire must be maintained by the earth
element as a solid foundation for its feeding, and by the air element it is given room to grow and
flourish. The water element is the way that the fire is circulated and felt in the physical body.
Water is where the effect is felt, but earth is the immediate measure to control the uncontrollable.
Basically, fire is the great consumer. It is hunger personified. Unbridled, it becomes the
destroyer with the power to leave you only a shell of a person. Controlled, in a good alchemical
balance, it will produce a warmth or cool that sustains and enlightens. It becomes the extension
of your own Will and your Will is its command.
The question is, why is there death? The reason for death is because one has given up the
Will to live. Over a long period of time the force of the Will to die has become part of the
biology of the human species. When the Will to live dies everything suffers decay. Will is the
only attribute that is really alive. All else follows in accord with Will. You have become
programmed in the Will to Death. You spend all your lives avoiding it, yet by your
unconsciousness, you foster it. The Unenlightened, unconscious state of normal human
consciousness is the greatest death. It is a death preparing for death ordained by the species
intent upon dying. As a Warrior, it is up to you to reverse all that. The Warrior cannot tolerate an
unconscious, unrealized lifespan. One’s own Will must win in spite of all obstacles. Succumbing
to the inertia of the unconscious places one back in the herd unaware of the slaughter that waits
just beyond the fodder bin. If you at least die a Warrior’s death. Fight for consciousness. It is the
quality of life that is really important. The quantity is only secondary. To live a moment as a
Warrior, fighting for consciousness, is better than living forever as a Worrier. The Warrior Spirit
is the springboard to the immortal nature whether it is in the limitations or possibilities of the
physical plane, or in the expansiveness of some other dimensional framework. Foster and follow
your own Warrior nature. Live the life of conscious and conscientious Will. You need not
develop a Will that can move mountains, but you must develop a Will that will get you to move
into the right avenues and activities.
For those in the process of dying, life is all too short even as the moment of mundane
existence is all too long. For those that have attained physical immortality, though they have
lived for thousands of years, they are always in a new beginning of the potential of life.

page 94

Consider this question: Who has been the most evil person in the history of humanity? Was it
Napolean, Hitler, Manson, Khadafy, Khomeni, Hussein? You could probably think of other
names that could be listed in this category. Also there are new names yet unknown waiting for
their entry to this list. The sensationalism of evil is printed in the daily newspapers and imprinted
upon the human mind. After all, evil is a commodity of interest in a world all too mundane. The
cult of Hitler has survived him. Either the collectors of Nazi memorabilia, the followers of the
Neo-Nazi movement, or those who would correct the injustices created by the Third Reich all
insure the immortality of the name Hitler. Are the Avatars, Saviors, and Saints as well known?
History has shown something very interesting about such evil men. Although one never
sees how they acquire the elements of their inner power one does see their end. Somewhere
along the line they exhibit some tragic flaw and their power backfires as a result. All that they
have built in the years of their power is destroy in a short period of time.
Have you ever compared yourself to this sort of scenario? It is in my perspective that the
only difference between you and those that have reached the level of historical infamy is just a
matter of magnitude. They have destroyed thousands, millions of lives, placing many in karmic
limbo for as many years. Let me ask you this. Where is the crime? What I am about to say will
be very hard for you to digest or accept. The severity of the crime is not so much in what was
done to others; the severity of the crime is what one has done to oneself as a result of what was
done to others. After all, you are in a universe in which the tone of existence is the Test of
Power. Of course, you will encounter situations of depression, alienation, physical, mental,
emotional and spiritual rape and abuse. Of course, there are and will be disease, wars, famine,
and natural disasters. Every situation in one’s life is preparing one for that Test of Power on a
very personal level. It is the game here. You enter as a gambler not knowing that you have
wagered your Soul in a game to match your strength against demons of terrible proportions.
These demons of depression and alienation are your own creations. You created them to test your
power. The Warrior Spirit demands this test. In the fire of its own destruction does it live. In an
attempt to make the impossible possible, the Warrior Spirit puts itself in impossible situations so
that it may become possible rather than impossible. This is how the Warrior Spirit feeds.
This is why the pursuit of the Warrior is to seek out the Dragon in its own realm where
one would be at a disadvantage, and have mock battles with it. The problem comes when the
Warrior seeks out the Dragon in their own territory where they have the advantage of
unconsciousness, and involves all those in their environment in their battle no matter how trite or
serious. This is how the Warrior feeds. The price the Warrior pays for this is the Soul. You pay
the price all too willingly.
The greatest crime in the universe is the act of Self-sabotage. In what ways do you isolate
yourself from what you are? Humans are great engineers of Self-sabotage. You have such great
power but due to your feelings of inferiority, guilt, and being led astray by other belief systems,
you divide yourself from your own personal power.
Examine the life of a multiple personality disorder. Different personalities exist
dominating one person as a result of some trauma or set of traumas. As a result of each trauma,
an aspect of global Self is aspected and divided from the whole following its own personal
growth pattern. You are no different than this in your power. There is a Shadow that follows you.
In the Shadow, you will find all those instances where you gave away your own personal power
very cheaply and usurped another's power at great expense. In each of these instances is the
reason why things are not working in the way you expect, or that you are content with mundane
reality and not willing to go beyond yourself. This contentment arises from numbness. That is
why I never trust any blissful, satisfied, or peaceful state. They are merely the calm before the
storm. They are only restpoints in infinity. This is a place where you can store your power to
prepare for the tests to come.
As much as there are suspect states of consciousness, there is no book or person you can
trust for the truth. You cannot even trust those very thoughts flowing through you nor can you
trust me for your own personal truth. You cannot trust anything external to yourself and you
cannot trust anything internal until you get past the Dead Zone and Personal Demon. The only
truth you can derive from anything internal or external that is perceived in a personal
environment is that it is symbolic. As long as humans are subject to personal needs, as long as
they are driven by their own incompleteness, they cannot be trusted. Neither can you trust
yourself. You would sabotage yourself and others just for momentary satisfaction.
No, Napoleon, Hitler, Manson, Khomeni, Khaddafy, or Hussein are not the most
infamous of criminals, nor is it anyone other than yourself. You sabotage your own progress to a
goal you have purposely forgotten. You have forgotten it if you don’t remember it every waking
and dreaming moment of your lives. That is why the Dragon attacks you. It attacks you to save
itself from the lackluster existence of potential energy. It is an act of Self-preservation that it
bites and scars your aura with the sharp teeth, snapping tail, and a powerful annihilating fire. It
does this to wake you up and to save itself from an existence in potential energy.
How long have you fed upon unauthorized substances? Just because they are available
does not mean they are appropriate. The only appropriate form of nourishment for Soul is the
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. When you gave up this diet you began eating from
unauthorized sources. You have eaten from the Tree of Life and Death, you have eaten the fruits
of the Dead Zone. You share what virtue you do have with the Personal Demon. You make a
prison out of your own physical body through immediate stimulation. Could you ask for a greater
hell than this? These are the mysterious you shall eventually contemplate. Understanding this
will give you a freedom such as you have never known before. You will be a god in your own
right. You will be your own Self. You will be awake.
Here is yet another mysterious for you to complete. You bear the Mark of Cain upon your
brow. As Cain killed Abel, so have you allowed the worst within yourself to kill the best within
yourself. Examine all the negative karmic patterns and see if this does not stand true with regard
to your dilemma.
Not only this, but as a result of the Mark of Cain, you have crucified the Christ; not
Christ the person, but the Christ-Self within you. When truth is available, it is through a process
of crucifixion that you integrate anything. The truth of things is subjected to one’s own
individual point of view. Opinions generally take precedence over the Big Picture. Single
experiences take precedence over the totality of experience.
These positions must be reversed. The best in yourself must triumph over the worst in
yourself, and you must resurrect the Christ-Self out of the oblivion of self-importance and self-
pity. You must begin the process of integrating all things into a useful and dynamic organism
that feeds you when you feed it. How many times have you fed and glutted yourself and still
come out hungry? Seek your power and the truth will be restored, and you will have the
sharpness and clarity to see and understand any scale upon the Dragon.
page 102

In the other planes and dimensions beyond this one there exists a unified field of
endeavor. In this world, among the various spiritual and new age groups, among the various
gurus and new age teachers, there is division. People are warned against certain practices. One
should not raise the Kundalini or open the lower chakras. One should eat certain foods and not
others, or engage in certain forms of sex, relationships, and livelihoods and not others. In other
words, they dictate lifestyle as a result of one’s commitment to their belief system. Even I do
this, but of course there is a purpose to this madness.
This is for the most part where conditions are created for the individual to work out their
personal needs by disrupting one’s established habit patterns. As long as one’s attention is on
one’s personal needs, the more likely it will be that Self-sabotage or interference with someone
else will result in order to satisfy those needs. That is why you are one, or you interact with a
criminal of consciousness who is placed in prison. The perfect prison is one that affords the
greatest illusion of freedom while keeping the prisoner in prescribed limitations so that
rehabilitation can occur. Not only does the world and the physical body work upon these
principles, but all the spiritual and new age groups as well. For all the Freedom they profess and
the keys to that state they will sell you, they still foster limitations. Although this is functional for
the criminal Soul, it is contraindicative to the very nature of the Warrior Spirit. Under the
influence of the Warrior Spirit, Soul realizes its true nature. Its faculties are Will and
Imagination, its expressions are Power and Self-determination, and its activity is Freedom and
Creation. Soul is enlightened in its own realm, for all is One; but in the Universes upon
Universes of creation, Soul is ignorant of its own creation. As it is ignorant, a great potential for
criminal behavior is possible.
The further inward you travel, the more unity among diversity you will realize. The
exponents of all the various sects that support the differences in the mundane world are more
cohesive with common goals until you reach the realm of Soul where all is One. Somewhere
within the hierarchy of these various sects, one might be lucky enough to find a particular Lodge
of Masters through whom one can see the Big Picture as has been presented in these lessons.
Channeling is very popular now-a-days. There are many different types of channeling;
from trance channeling to automatic writing to the channeling of energy. These lessons are not a
result of a mere dictation of words. They are a result of a practice of a heightened state of
awareness in which the genetic-molecular structure is stimulated into an enlightened
consciousness. Even as these ideas are channeled through the secondary channel, they enter the
consciousness of the instrument as a result of the same process. They just don’t come through
with the same power as those of us who experience it in the primal state of the Unconditional.
These have been my own words. I am not special. We are very much alike. The only difference
is that I have paid my dues. I have worked ceaselessly to acquire and learn from Power. Even in
my previous lifetimes upon your planet I had worked toward that end giving up all else. As a
result of that effort I was able to meet a Lodge of Masters called the Fellowship of the Serpent.
These beings represent the paths of Power, Truth, and Love, but they represent it from the
perspective of Power. Power is first and foremost. Others will gravitate elsewhere. It is their
realization that the significance of truth and love come in their demonstration. To demonstrate
anything one needs power.
Anyway, you have heard or believe enough about Love to turn your life into a spiritual
soap opera. Love by itself will eventually debilitate the strongest individual. It is the exponents
of Bhakti Yoga that are the real maintainers of the prison. Bhakti Yoga or the yoga of love is an
old practice of the Piscean Age that has overlapped into the Aquarian Age. It is the basic
principle of Bhakti Yoga that the individual must take a secondary, subservient position in the
universe. Taken to its extremes, Bhakti Yoga fosters a belief in an elite class and a class of
secondary citizens. The individual has always taken a backseat to the gods and Society, yet it is
within the individual that realization is possible. Thus women take a secondary position to men,
or a minority race to the ruling race. The creation of Soul was not intended to take second place
to anything but was meant to continue and complete the creative process. The form Soul takes is
irrelevant. You have all experimented with many different forms yet the one law from which all
laws derive remains the same.
Thus it is that I had taken the initiation into the Fellowship so long ago. As a result I have
set myself out into the realm of total freedom and responsibility in the Unconditional. I can look
to these Masters for guidance, but they look at me as an equal. The perfect Master sets up the
perfect circumstances for Self-realization. You are no different and no less capable in this
practice. The only difference is that you have a tendency to forget the cause that produced the
effect. In these Masters there is no such loss of continuity.
The Fellowship of the Serpent is a group of Warrior Beings from all over the universes
and dimensions that have banded together to make themselves known at this time. This is the
time when the teaching of the Warrior Path is most needed. At present the inhabitants of Earth
are in a very unconditional time where there is upheaval of all types. It is a time when you do not
know what tomorrow will bring. The quality and quantity of life is threatened. One can say that
you have never been richer or medically and technologically advanced, but it is also a time of
disease, poverty, famine, homelessness and natural disasters where power is given, not to the
Warrior, but to those at war. Judge the times for yourself.
The only solution is the Warrior’s lifestyle. The focus is on personal development and the
Quest for Freedom. Do not wait for the flying saucers to rescue you or the Angels to free you.
What you cannot do for yourself will not be done for you and you will be lost in a similar
condition the general lack has created.
Those who are at war not only have created weapons that have a destructive potential to
wreck havoc and kill in the physical plane, but also have the ability to destroy and create havoc
in the other higher dimensional realms. The nuclear and neutron bombs have a destructive
potential that can reach to the very core of one’s being. It can cause injury and imbalance to
At another time in the history of this Solar System, at just the beginning of recorded
history upon planet Earth, there was seen a great explosion in the sky. There used to be a planet
in between Mars and Jupiter. Now there is only what in known as the Asteroid Belt. That planet
parallels yours in many ways. Many of the inhabitants of Earth are those that have reincarnated
from that destruction. They are still trying to piece together their lives from the unconsciousness
that resulted from the shock of instantaneous planetary destruction. These are the zombies of the
life experience. They just occupy space until such time as they can regain the fragments of their
lost lives. They may seem normal, but they are nothing more than conditioned responses to
external stimuli.
Is the death instinct so deep and overpowering that you would seek to set up the death of
your own essence? Seeking Self-annihilation over Self-realization is the direction of those at
war. As a result they will unleash a Demon of proportions never realized in the history of the
Solar System. This Demon of the slow death is being prepared at this very moment in the group
mind. There will be no instantaneous death as before. On Earth you will experience the slow
death so that you can savor every moment of your own destruction.
The Dragon, complete life affirming energy that it is, is the only solution to this
destructive force. The Fellowship of the Serpent is calling to all its initiates past, present, and
future to embrace and release their own Dragons for your own personal benefit, as well as, for
the benefit of humanity. Seek out the avenues of power that are afforded to you. Reconcile
everything in your environment. Expand to include more than you are. Guard the power that you
have earned already and never take it for granted. Use it to free and heal yourselves and others
without expectation of fame or payment. It is better to pay for power than it is to be paid by
others for that power. Power is its own reward.
We of the Fellowship know this is our time. The belief in an age of peace is one that we
distrust. We are more trusting of these times. We know what to expect. The energy of these times
is aspected very nicely to get your butts in gear, (I believe would be the slang upon your planet.)
The New Age promises that other dimensions become commonplace. Would this lead to
boredom or to removing the specialness of these vistas as it was when one had to earn their way
into these realms by facing the Test of Power. It is in the time of the greatest conflict that the best
is released in people. The problem is that the worst is released as well. Are you such that the best
can only be released in response to the worst?
It is not important what side you take in the struggle, not in the beginning. It is important
that you are inspired to action. In action you will find the realization of the point of view you
have ascribed to. Until then, all you might think is untested and merely opinion or theory. It is in
action that the dwellers in the Universes upon Universe stand up and take notice. So choose you
must. You already know the right choice or the right way to take intuitively. The time for
overthink is at an end. Overthink has never helped you but has hastened your travail into inertia.
Join those of us in the Fellowship who have taken the mantle of self-responsibility beyond that of
good and evil. The conflict of good and evil is only the surface of the war. The real war lies in
the conflict of consciousness and unconsciousness, and Self-realization and Self-annihilation.
Good and evil are the lessons of the prison. Realization is the lesson of Freedom. This is the
Lodge of the Fellowship of the Serpent, and you are invited to enter if you have the fortitude to
find us and the power to maintain your existence with us. The gates will open and you will be
accepted inside. It is never too late to learn this lesson.

page 106

Throughout your many existences as Soul in sentient form, you have been grading your
own performance. You grade yourself by the feedback you receive in the creative process. The
cause cannot be divided from the effect, even though it seems that your cause are for naught and
that you are the effect of circumstances. In Enlightenment, one realizes the unity of the causes
and effects. This in itself is a great blessing and a severe punishment. By the very fact of a
unified field of causes and effects, you can go about the business of Self-understanding by Self-
reflection. In Newtonian terms, for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. In
metaphysical terms, for every image and thought that comes from the core of one’s being there is
an external manifestation that mirrors the creative source and the person from whom it is
manifested from. This is the law of imagination.
In the law of imagination, for whatever one imagines there is a similarly existing state
somewhere in the physical plane or a new state of consciousness that is waiting in the variables
of time and space for the consideration of universal law to compensate for it. If you visualize a
planet and place upon that planet certain life forms or purpose, then somewhere within the
infinite possibilities of the physical universe that exact planet must exist or eventually must come
to pass. It does not necessarily come into existence at the very moment one might conceive the
ideal, but by the action of astral creation, the physical universe must eventually conform in
accordance with the law of cause and effect and evolution.
Yet many times you have placed your creation as far away as possible so you don’t have
to take responsibly for it until you begin on the path of Self-realization. Thus humanity’s desire
for exploration of outer space could very well be the desire for Self-exploration and Self-
knowledge of knowing one’s creative abilities. If that is the case, then one just might have to
determine by what creative process the planet Earth came into being. Are you the after effect of
some alien’s creative intelligence? Would you feel any less significant if the answer were in the
In Societal terms, only the few can embark upon the adventure of a lifetime in the
exploration of outer space while the rest must stand passively by content to live vicariously in the
wish of someday being able to actually live in that adventure. Once the process is mastered then
the rich can go on the adventure with a safety factor that was not there with the first explorers.
Then when it becomes commonplace the ordinary person can finally take the same trip except
that the entire zone is mapped out with all the advantages Society has to offer, complete with
advertisement and trash receptacles.
In terms of inner potential, everyone has that potential for Self-exploration. Built into the
imagination is the blueprint of the Universes upon Universes. Everyone has the ability to
experience the pristine condition of the Unconditional wherein the entirety and totality of
creation can be realized. Not only that, but one can experience the Source of Creation itself
whence one can be refreshed by the sense of an all pervading Newness and contemplate the
manifestation of the impossible.
Of course this great system can be subverted by those who inhabit it. One exists in the
midst of a creative paradise and the only thing that is created are tools of punishment and the
weapons of destruction. Guilt and frustration undermines the unified field of cause and effect. It
is here that the political drama of one-upmanship is played. This is the belief that in every
situation there must be a winner and a loser, or that success and failure are goals to be desired or
avoided, respectively. The winner comes out as the casual factor, and mentally and emotionally
unscathed as a result of success, while the loser is the effect, suffering the guilt and frustration as
a result of failure. The winner goes on defeating those that stand in the way of success in order to
attain whatever goal is aimed for. The loser usually accepts lesser goals and becomes satisfied
with the numbness that is the shield against the guilt and frustration as a result of losing.
The irony of the whole scenario is that no one really wins. The so-called winner becomes
enrapted in the sensation of the momentary stimulation of success. The winner becomes as much
the unknowing effect as the loser when the sensation of stimulation becomes more important
than the success itself. This leads the winner down a dark path that leads to experimentation in
the excesses of unauthorized stimulation.
So where is the victory? Part of the victory comes in becoming knowing effect. In this
state, one can see where the effect, whether it is considered satisfactory or not, comes from. As
one cannot divide the cause from the effect in being the knowing effect, one returns to the
unified of endeavor. The best one can do in the state of being the unknowing effect is to use the
various ego defense mechanisms to subvert the true picture of causality. Knowing effect is the
state of realization where one begins to see the Big Picture.
The victory is in realization. It does not matter what happens to you or at you just as long
as you act responsibly and within a moral nature derived from the Warrior’s Inventory. There are
no real winners or losers, but there are victims. A victim is one that by the acts of forgetting the
Big Picture is lost in a morass of emotionalism and senseless seeking of momentary stimulation
and vindication as a result of being the unknowing effect of one’s own causality. The solution is
to never take anything personally even if it is a threat. Of course, you must protect yourself, but
you must also protect yourself in a way that you do not become like the attacker. Becoming like
the attacker is not causality either but is still deep in unknowing effect. Take all things
impersonally and act to resolve things as if they are symbolic conflicts. Hence, one can defend
oneself, as well as, remain in the format of the Big Picture by learning the essence of all
Enlightenment can no longer be a luxury that only the few have or can afford. In this day
and age, one cannot afford to be out of this state. Enlightenment is a state of becoming that
realizes the state of being the knowing effect and as such one can be more effective. By the
analysis of your own existence, you must realizes and leave the realm of being the unknowing
effect. This is the beginning.
In the state of unknowing effect, one becomes satisfied with the numbness while
absorbing a number of seemingly unrelated physical, mental, and emotion symptoms as a result.
In the state of knowing effect, one must continually add to one’s arsenal of understanding in
order to protect oneself from slipping and becoming the unknowing effect once again. This is
what is called “the edge”. No longer do you merely acquire facts, but you acquire useful
information that supports and bolsters your self-analysis. The Big Picture becomes a mirror in
which you now enjoy your reflection. Knowledge becomes significant because it is self-
knowledge. It reveals something about who and what you are.
Let us get rid of the science of statistics. This science is a waste of time and energy.
Never tell me what the odds are for or against me in any situation. I live the life of astronomical
odds against me. This just spurs me on to greater heights and the necessity to gather more power
to meet the resistance that is self-created or actually antagonistic. It is self-created as a Test of
Power that must be faced merely because one actually enjoys the game even if that realization
does not accompany the situation. If one enjoys the game, then no amount of guilt or frustration
will stop one for too long. The reward for playing the game can be victory; the victory of the
realization of the Test of Power and the momentary tastes of Freedom beyond it. The goal of
Freedom is one that is valued only by the most courageous of Warriors because it is even more
fleeting than the sensation of momentary stimulation, as well as, more difficult to attain. Yet in
those fleeting moments, the Warrior achieves transformations that are beyond anything that can
be accomplished in the sensation of momentary stimulation.
The utilization of one’s multi-dimensional nature is the only way that one can adapt to
this realization for it has indeed broken many an individual. Before, being multi-dimensional
meant that in the chest of drawers of life, whenever one closed a drawer, another would open of
its own accord hitting one in the face. When that one was shut, another would open hitting one in
the stomach. The whole idea is that you are out of alignment and incomplete, yet you take tasks
and projects on your shoulders that demand alignment and completeness. That is why you must
find that path of integration that affords the courage so that you might find those fleeting
moments of Freedom in which to transform from the heartless Christ, blind Buddha, wounded
Warrior, and Impotent Wizard to the real compassionate Christ, all-seeing Buddha, integrated
Warrior, and all powerful Wizard that you truly are. The Dragon will no longer sabotage your
efforts at your own request, but becomes an alignment of energy most efficient for
accomplishing any goal.
Now you can adjust very nicely to the rings and rounds of the life experience you must
go through. Reincarnation is no longer a necessity for you can learn to reincarnate without any
loss of consciousness. Life and death hold no more tragedy or trauma so that loss of
consciousness is no longer psychologically necessary. You can become beings out of the
confines of psychology, no longer psychotic or neurotic but perfectly adjusted to the conflict you
must face. You are perfectly adjusted in the realization of Self, not in terms of behavior. For the
realized individual, the war goes on around one, but not within one. For the unrealized
individual, the war goes on within one even though there may be none outside. In the realized
state, there is no limitation except the parameter you place upon yourself, no matter what
external state you might be in, or for that matter, place yourself in.
How many are prepared for victory let alone the war they are in? To the victor goes the
spoils, and for most part it is not a pleasant sight. The spoils of rotting flesh and putrid thoughts
and emotions that you inherit to be resurrected in a new form. Then you can go about the task of
creation without succumbing to the interference of the dead or erroneous. Upon this you can
feed. This is a banquet for the ages.

page 111

The civilization of Atlantis is indeed rising again as has been predicted. It is not so much
in the physical sense that the ancient ruins will leave their watery grave and rise for everyone to
see. It is more than the memories of Atlantis will arise in the consciousness of those who can
accept them. These memory patterns will be very difficult for the normal human to take so that it
will only be those who can accept the pain as well as the pleasure that will resurface as a result.
Atlantis was a civilization that had reached a level of technology that the present day can
only symbolically approach, even though the potential for destruction is still just as prevalent.
Present day civilization is just the working out of karma of the patterns created in that bygone
age. Circumstances have been manifest in order that similar choices can be made again. At the
present time, civilization, as you know it, is at a similar crossroad as Atlantis had been. The
choice is whether the knowledge and power the world has acquired will be used to perpetuate the
life affirming or the life denying.
The technology of Atlantis incorporated the use of the mineral kingdom with that of the
power contained within human biology, particularly cellular structure. Within the nucleus of the
cell is a powerful nuclear reactor that the Atlantean scientist-priests learned how to channel and
practically use for the ease and comfort of its inhabitants. The problem was that inherent within
cellular structure is a planned obsolescence. The death wish that exists alongside the life force is
not so apparent. The Atlanteans lived to perfect their existence. They had never foreseen the
manifestations of their own death wish in such an instantaneous and cataclysmic event that
destroyed their world.
Today this death wish is much more apparent. One can see it in the destructive nature of a
Society that breeds drug addiction, disease, and general dehumanization. The sole purpose is to
weaken the individual at the core of one’s strength and create a race of mindless workers that
serve and need little service. The only things they might need is to occasionally plug their brains
into some pleasure machine and some artificial food substance that provides the basic elements
that sustain life. Aside from the artificial food substances and the pleasure machines, the
individual of the future would be conditioned to exist in a state of numbness that would sustain
them through hours of monotonous work.
That is one possible future, for you are already on the path where your lives are
conditioned to seek pleasure and avoid pain by the set up of a status quo in a mundane world.
The avoidance of pain is the most critical part. That part of the conditioning is already well
Pain is the language of the physical body and of consciousness that refuses to submit to
the death wish. Pain is the language of Will. It is through pain that there is birth. Women know
the story of pain. It affects them in their monthly cycles of their reproductive organs. Wherever
there is a potential for life there is the language of pain that goes along with its birth and possibly
of death.
One can never defeat pain while residing in a physical body prone to disease. The human
body is created from a reservoir of hurt, frustration, guilt, anxiety and self-destruction that exists
in a collective unconscious. Pain is the warning signal that one is the effect of these things. The
usual reaction would be to repress the hurt, frustration, guilt, anxiety, and self-destruction and
enter the numbness. Pain is the language that awakes one to resolve these issues.
Look at the consensually accepted healing art of the present day world. The pursuit of
Allopathic medicine is to suppress symptoms and not deal with them as created by the
individual’s lifestyle. This works great in terms of crisis intervention, but for the more chronic
illnesses there is much less success. Resolving issues of lifestyle and attuning oneself to the
collective unconscious helps one to live the life of pain more graciously. This is what is called
the Warrior’s Inventory.
Everyone that exists upon the planet Earth has a hidden closet. In this closet, one stores
away things one doesn’t want to see and wishes to forget. The closet serves to remove the burden
of responsibility in the causality of one’s lives. As a result of being incomplete creatures of
personal needs that are often unfulfilled, one interacts with others from the repository of the
hidden closet.
The whole point of Enlightenment is never to forget or repress anything ever again. The
process by which one creates and maintains the closet must be analyzed and stopped. The only
way to accomplish this is to explore one’s pain. One does not need to create pain in order to feel
life. There is already enough pain for that. The real necessity is to examine the pain that is
already there so that one can really feel life and not be shut in by its influence. This eventually
leads one beyond Enlightenment into a state of Emancipation where the cycles of the hidden
closet, of the Dead Zone, and of life, death, and rebirth can be broken.
Amidst all the beauty, bliss, and love that the Gurus speak about there is also a great
accumulation of ugliness, pain, and rage in the universe that cannot be ignored. One’s personal
Quest for Freedom must go through both realms. The Quest for Freedom leads one to the Test of
Power in the realms of Light as well as in the realms of darkness or the Void. Many enter the
void to return to the nothingness of unmanifested Soul not knowing that this is really antithetical
to life. Who knows when those very special circumstances will manifest once again that will be
the unique individual that one is. The Enlightened seek to maintain their awareness through all
circumstances. That is why they go through the tests of Emancipation. The Test of Power in the
state of Emancipation is to maintain consciousness and Self-integrity through all circumstances
whether it be through various states of pleasure and pain or through the entire process of
reincarnation to return to the world as a fully conscious being. Also, the more advanced will
attempt to pass into the Void without reverting to the state.
Alongside the path of Bhakti Yoga exists the Path of Renunciation. The practices and
techniques of this path eventually lead one back to the Void where, without a focus of power, the
individuality of that particular Soul will be consumed. You must realize that everything in the
Universes upon Universes feeds. So if there is some object or event that exists in the universe,
that object or event serves as fodder or nutriment for something, even if that something happens
to be nothing, or in this case, the Nothing. You will find, as I have, that all sorts of paradoxes and
things, that have no logical basis in fact have their existence in the fabric of reality-illusion. All
that is necessary are the laws of imagination and awareness. Thus one must take into
consideration all aspects of the universe and understand their life-affirming and/or life-denying
natures. The Void is only the ultimate denial of the universe. To affirm life is to affirm both
pleasure and pain, and beauty and ugliness, as well as to affirm individual consciousness.
The greatest pain that exists in individuals derives itself from the misunderstanding of the
nature of love. It was in an act of love that individuality was created by the Source of Creation as
an actual unique and separate being capable of consciousness and creation. This is where love
begins and ends. To take love further is erroneous. Anything after the act of creation of
individuality is dealing with issues of power or truth. Many will tell you that this world is or
should be a realm of love. This is not a realm of love. This is the realm of the Test of Power, and
the only love that manifests here is only that which is empowered by individuals. When you can
get this straight once and for all, then you can become enlightened. The realm of love exists only
at the Source of Creation where the spark becomes the flame, and after that initial act, all issues
turn into those of power. That is why so many who are drawn to love are also drawn to the Path
of Renunciation. So many would wish to bypass the responsibility and difficulty associated with
the Test of Power and return to that lone instance of love. The only real thing that is left of that
lone instance is a fleeting memory.
This is the beginning and ending of love. Love is simple. In “The Prophet” by Kahil
Gibran, it is said that love has no other need except for itself. Thus the same love that supports
the individuality of the good and evil person, rich and poor alike, is the same love that supports
your individuality and will continue to do so throughout infinity and eternity if that is your
choice. This is why you are all so confused especially in issues of trust. As long as personal
needs are at issue in the human condition, there is no one you can trust, not even yourself.
Love is not the path or the means to the goal as adherents of Bhakti Yoga would claim.
Love is a goal. The realization of the very foundation of existence, that is through an act of love,
the special circumstances of individual existence is established by the Source of Creation, and
can be reassembled and experienced once again. The path to this or any other significant
experience is Power. This is the tyranny of the Dragon. One cannot approach any significant
experience as anything but integrated Self. If one is found lacking, then whatever experience one
becomes a part of will be lacking as well, and more than likely one will be lacking in any
significant realization. The Consolidation of Power is the path by which any goal of significance
is attained.
It is the advocates of the Bhakti Yoga that have made love the path to the goal. Bhakti
Yoga has been the established system of realization for the Piscean Age. Its focus has been to
establish the institution of Society through religion and create order out of chaos and confusion
and thus curb Man’s inhumanity to Man and the environment by establishing law and morality.
During this time, humanity was not advanced enough to take its rightful place in the scheme of
things. The tragedy of Atlantis caused a regression in human evolution. The essence of power
that was so commonplace in the antedeluvian times was scattered by misuse. Eventually only
superficial power came only to the elite. Even though it was only superficial power it was
enough, as a result of the unconscious condition of humanity, to construct the status of second
class citizenship. In order to maintain the complex structure that keeps individuals in mundane
reality, intermediaries became necessary. The philosophy of racism naturally resulted as a result
of closing down the possibilities of cellular consciousness. What had occurred is a natural
hierarchy of second class citizenship borne out of unconsciousness. Women became the first
since they lacked the natural physical strength and Will that a person of power needed.
Minorities were next since they represented some alien special interest group apart from what
was considered the general norm.
Also Bhakti Yoga, in its religion and politics, formulated a division of power so that the
ultimate power would not be in the hands of one individual. Of course, Earth’s history has seen
its share of tyrants and monarchs but power is always delegated from the top to the specialized
talents of individuals. It is never one person responsible for the harmonious operation of the
whole. Judges, lawyers, police, and politicians became the intercessors of the law; the same with
religion, as well as, the metaphysical structure of the universe. The elaborate systems of control
were established and allowed to evolve to its present day status so as to eliminate the potential
for wrongdoing or evil brought about by the extremes of human need. The question is, has it
The mythology of Bhakti Yoga is based upon the lives of certain special, eccentric people
with special powers acquired from the elimination or curbing of personal need. They were the
ones that went against the mainstream of society. The demonstration of their power and altruism
enlist the devotion of their admirers to follow the path they have set forth. The devotees are told
to have faith and perform set rituals or ascribe to certain dogmatic beliefs. This is used by
Society as a control by reinforcing the second class status of the adherents.
In some way or another, either morally, politically, or religiously, you have adhered to
second class citizenship and thus have become manageable no matter how extreme your view.
Even those who are the rebels or the bohemians only serve as contradictions to themselves.
Initially, the criminal, the beatniks, and hippies of Society either attracts others of their kind or
repel others through fear. Eventually through sublimation, these subcultures are accepted into the
social fold. The bohemian society has been sublimated into the entertainment and fashion
industry in order to diffuse its potential to create rifts in the social structure. Society is like a
giant all-purpose amoeba. It finds a way to assimilate any matter into its system.
The cult of Bhakti Yoga and its philosophy of love is generally debilitating upon the
individual. Those who follow the path of mainstream Society of the day build up a hierarchy of
blocks between themselves and their personal power. One must reconcile personal need with the
issue of personal power. The resolution of these issues is not in the escape from Society, as the
path of Renunciation would claim as the alternative of Bhakti Yoga. There are fewer and fewer
places that have not been sublimated by Society’s protoplasm. The solution is to cleanse the
dysfunctional restrictions and mythology out of the individual. Many of the restrictions are
functional. The sacredness of human life borders on the sacredness of life in general that those of
a more universal view take, but with every concept there comes the raging debates and knit-
picking of special circumstances attested to by special interest groups, the lunatic fringe, and
learned rhetoricians. Debate does not reveal the truth of these issues as the exploration of the Self
will. Enlightenment on a personal level is the only solution.
The Warrior knows to observe all of Society’s laws and traditions without being them. To
violate any law would place the Warrior in jeopardy of losing the Freedom that is the goal. The
attack of the Dragon would be felt as a result, although the Warrior can tolerate any limitation or
restriction. The real Freedom of the Warrior can be found in the Unknown of any world by
which the Warrior knows that tests will be manifested to guard its entrance. This is nothing new.
The Test of Power is as old as infinity and eternity. After all, it was Lucifer who said, “I would
rather be free in Hell than be passive in Heaven.” Each individual that exists in this great Hell,
this place of testing, has in essence used this saying as an invocation to enter this realm. This is
the statement of the Warrior Spirit. There is no reason to condemn Lucifer and your Warrior
Spirit as evil just because you have found yourself in a world you don’t understand and to throw
away your Freedom as a result.
In the realm of the Test of Power the place of desire is confused. You think that desire is
power. Desire is what you want whereas power is what you Will. Actually, what you want is the
reverse of what you Will. Therefore what you consider love, desire, or personal need is only an
aberration of power. Learn how to desire little, learn how to streamline your desires, and you will
have all the power you need to Will what you want. It is by your own desire that you divide
yourself from what you want. Your desire must be as you are. What one realizes within can be
manifested with enough focus and work. Humans, as victims of personal need, cannot really
love, nor do they have enough power to accomplish goals. Real love has no need but for itself.
Personal need is need for everything but itself. The key is not to be a victim of your desire. What
you lack in personal need or desire is its fulfillment. Let your need be a test of your own personal
power of manifestation. Know that in the world, things are accomplished for the most part by
reversed efforts until one can defeat the Dead Zone. Send out your desire and let it go. Do not
hold on to it. Act as necessary to manifest your dream. Live in the desire fulfilled; and remember
that those with the greatest need are always the least and last in fulfillment. And when it returns,
embrace it even though you will always get more than you bargained for.
Another mistake in love is in the area of relationships. Even though the Warrior knows
that the only significant relationship is the Alone with the Alone, human relationships are a
significant arena to enter. People mistake the first surge of biological activity that attracts two
individuals as love. It is not love. It is the expression of power that the Warrior Spirit
demonstrates as a potential of energy between two incomplete individuals. In love, eventually
the power will wane, and either the couple stays together in mutual dissatisfaction, or they
separate to seek out a similar case of momentary stimulation again in someone else. What has
actually occurred is that the couple has not found devises to live up to the power that was there
when they first met. Power realized can never be taken for granted. Power taken for granted is
like maintaining a fire without fuel.
Part of the problem is that alternatives to current views of sexuality are not available. The
sexuality practiced today is for procreation. Every time semen is ejaculated the potential for birth
is either available or wasted. Either way, this practice does not necessitate recreation. It seems
more masturbatory, as something to relieve the pressure or to scratch an itch. Rather than to just
waste energy in potential recreation or just to scratch an itch, I believe that an alternative of
learning to store the energy through sexuality should be made available. The Eastern philosophy
of sexuality should be investigated especially the Tantric and Chinese Alchemical traditions.
These systems teach that sexual energy can be maintained for long periods of time, and thus a
greater potential for recreation is available. All that is needed is a little time to learn the
techniques and disciplines in order to use them. In this way a couple can take responsibility for
their relationship and maintain the power that was expressed in that initial meeting. If not, then
one must repeat the cycle once again until one can learn to break it.
It is the religions, as the main institution of Bhakti Yoga, that have maintained the
techniques that produce second class citizenship. Ultimately they conclude that everyone is a
second class citizen in relation to God. There are many gods and goddesses in the multi-
dimensions of the Universes upon Universes who would have you believe this, but the Source of
Creation did not create you to be a second class citizen no matter what appearance you might
take. By the very notion of the Test of Power, you were created to be equals with, if not better
than, the Source of Creation. The only thing that holds you back from your equality is your lack
of understanding about yourself and your lack of pursuit to consolidate the personal power you
have left behind.

page 116

The greatest mystery that all within this realm of endeavor must confront and master is
the mystery of feeding. It is through the process of feeding that one can survive and maintain
health, but it must also be realized that through feeding one also ages prematurely and retards
health. The process of feeding shows that you are essentially incomplete beings and are
dependent upon the potential of your environment for survival. The ease of movement and
manipulation of the environment through human ingenuity shows that you are independent is
some respects, but eventually you must return to the environment for the basics of fulfilling
personal needs. This brings you back to the former realization.
Throughout the feeding process, can you claim to be well fed? Can you claim satisfaction
especially when your lives have been controlled by desire? The very nature of desire denotes that
something is not being fed or satisfied even though you may stuff yourself to no end. Is your life
ruled by desire? That is quite a task-master that you have set up as a tyrant over your life. You
can point to what Freud called the superego as overseer and controller of desire, but I say that
conscience, morals, and socialization are all suspended when the individual is faced with the
hunger that exists within. Normal people spend much of their lives trying to avoid and escape
this without much success, while the Warrior takes steps to confront it, analyze it, and solve it.
Everyone must eventually pass through the point where there is contact with the immensity of
human hunger. The whole point is that this is the way the Dragon signals its existence. One
might experience it as the Personal Demon, but that does not belie its urgency and the cryptic
messages one receives as clues to its maintenance and resolution. It is in the realm of human
hunger that the Dragon becomes apparent. Throughout the many lives you have spent as
individual consciousness, the main thrust of existence has been to derive personal satisfaction in
momentary stimulation. In this you have forgotten your connection to the rest of the Universes
upon Universes. You are responsible for the care and feeding of these other realms and
dimensions, as well as, feeding yourself. These other realms and dimensions do not exist apart
from the process of feeding as your own existence depends on feeding as well. This is the basic
unity of all existence and experience.
The ancient Alchemists realized that the physical body is a vehicle to gather, store, and
utilize the elements of air, fire, earth, and water in order to create the perfect circumstances for
the manifestation of Spirit. The Alchemist knows that the formula of Spirit demands the
unification of all kingdoms for the ultimate satisfaction of human hunger in the states of
Enlightenment, Emancipation, and Ascension. The mineral, plant, animal, and elemental
kingdoms must all be satisfied. This is the game and the puzzle each individual must play and
solve in order to find Freedom. The irony of it all is that it is one’s own hunger that drives one to
this eventually. Hunger becomes the expression of Spirit when it evolves through and is
tempered by the Great Reversal of Energy and the Test of Power. It is the Dragon that inspires
the Great Reversal of Energy and the Test of Power so that what it eats from human existence
and experience can grow in quantity and quality.
So the physical body becomes an alchemical machine that through the processes of
feeding, digestion, and assimilation breaks down foodstuffs and releases it into energy that
creates and maintains the fabric of the entire Universes upon Universes. You will learn that
feeding for mere personal satisfaction has never gotten anyone anywhere. Feeding to create and
maintain the universe brings the individual to the Source of Creation.
Human existence is so wrought with imperfection, that everyone somewhere in their
deepest thought or emotion has asked the question concerning the purpose of life; but then you
have accepted the circumstances of life passively, since it is apparent that all live in a similar
condition of humanity. But every once in a while, there is someone who won’t take to the
apparent circumstances passively and takes the question to the Source of Creation. At this
moment the Dragon smiles. At this moment the human is transformed. The human learns not to
fear fear because that is food for the Dragon; and in so being, that one can participate in the
process of digestion and assimilation into the Universes upon Universes. On can make as many
rounds as one wishes, and in so doing, becomes perfected in the process. It is like a cosmic roller
coaster ride. The difference is that now it is no longer necessary to forget who one is.
In Enlightenment one sees the cycles, but in Emancipation one can break the cycles. One
breaks the cycles by not forgetting anymore. Some of the Tests of Power that one goes through
in the process of Emancipation are to consciously go through reincarnation from death to rebirth,
or to enter the Void, the absolute denial of the universe, without losing Self-integrity. Of course,
these greater Tests of Power occur on a lesser extent in the lessons one learns in daily existence.
It is the smaller events that prepare one for the greater events. Success in the smaller events feed
the Dragon which in turn feeds one the greater event knowing that the banquet is returned to it in
its own realm. You can feed upon the scales of the Dragon as your eating feeds the Dragon anew.
These are the rudiments of experience and such is the relationship between the Wizard and the
Dragon. The mortal nature has become satisfied with just a few cast-off scales of limited
sensation, while the immortal nature glories in the visions of scales of things humans have never
known or understood.
When you learn to feed the immortal nature, you can become an initiate of the Dragon’s
inner circle. In this inner circle, Dragon scales of immense vision and power are revealed. Why
would the Dragon care much for the eating of mortal flesh when it can dine on immortal flesh,
and then why would those of immortal stature care for visions and powers of the mundane world
when one can inherit the visions and powers of worlds and existences beyond comprehension?
Those with only the cares of the mundane world cannot have this symbiotic relationship with the
Dragon. The Dragon is too immense and uses the mundane world only as a training ground for
the preparation of the greater Test of Power. It is all the Dragon though. The training is as
important as the achievement in the eyes of the Dragon, but to care for only a narrow point of
view makes one that size. The Dragon is about the Big Picture. The Big Picture is what is
released in an individual who has been eaten by the Dragon.
The Dragon is fed by the use of the Warriors Inventory. By making a determination of
how things effect one for the better or worse, one can make specific determinations of what
things can yield a positive, empowering effect and accentuate that over that which can yield a
negative, debilitating effect. This not only applies to foodstuffs but to anything that is
internalized. In this way, one learns how to feed one’s power and immortal nature and in so
doing becomes exquisite bait for the Dragon.
I cannot recommend specific diets or beliefs that will yield desired results, but I will say
that if you feed consciously and conscientiously and contemplate the feeding process in all of its
aspects, you will learn what is best for you. The Dragon is your personal guide in this. When the
general things in life have deserted you, the Dragon is still with you. Some are tightly wrapped in
the coils of the Dragon and cannot move, while others are loosely caressed in the same coils.
Nonetheless, you are all encased in those coils of the Dragon.
page 125

Look upon the auras that bear the scars and burns of the Dragon and must bear the
intensity of its coils. This is why many do not see the auric emanations of others let alone their
own. How many can stand to look at the wounds inflicted by the abuse of energy? When the
Dragon attacks, it has no other action except the ruthless realignment of energy. Consider the
lifetimes of ignorance of the laws in operation, as well as, those that were consciously abused.
The scab runs deep over a still festering wound causing gangrene of the Soul. That scab can
never be good enough protection from the wounds that only hide the activity of the Dragon. For
every effort that the Dragon tries to dig itself out, you have sought to bury it over. As a result, the
Dragon attacks through other channels. The channel from where you hurt the most, would have
been the most effective to launch an attack, but that is the one you have fought so hard to conceal
from others and yourself. So now it attacks from the external world where it would illustrate the
necessary lessons through similarly enacted situations. It repeats these dramas until they are
learned and the location of their causality is found. In everything, the Dragon points to the
Source of Creation, for that is where the realignment of energy is most perfectly and effectively
brought about.
A Warrior is one who is impeccable in the use of energy. In order to accomplish this
impeccability, the Warrior must be artful in pulling away the scabs and dealing
effectively with the wounds. Within every wound is the circumstance from where it
came. It is like a movie that keeps repeating itself over and over without a reasonable
conclusion. Under the scab it has had time away from the light of consciousness and has
grown out of proportion and unmanageable, because, along with the rest, it has demanded
more attention than you have courage to give. At this point, the Warrior takes on the job
as healer.
Healing is one of the most impeccable uses of energy. It is one thing, that in its giving, is
also satisfying to the giver. It is a place where one can finally go beyond personal need. It is in
the realm of personal need that the wounds were caused to begin with. It is in the process of
healing that the Dragon no longer attacks but works in cooperation with the individual. As such,
it becomes necessary to learn the art of healing in whatever form necessary so that one might
manifest this state of cooperation. In anything, even healing, there are the pitfalls of ignorance
and abuse. It is there that the Dragon attacks.
The most erroneous concept taught upon Earth about healing is the idea that the healer
acts as an instrument of a higher power and that one should not use personal energy in healing
work. The truth is that your personal energy is the higher power if you are impeccable and do not
create such distinctions. In the healer, there must be a perfect alignment of Self so that the energy
is at its most efficient.
This erroneous concept comes from the Piscean ideal of “Not my Will, but thy Will be
done”. Again, you are victimized by the adherents of Bhakti Yoga. You are not made to be
second class citizens. You must come to terms with the idea that your personal Will is the only
thing that really exists in your personal world. Under ideal conditions, that Will can manifest
reality for the entire world to see.
The adherents of Bhakti Yoga fear the isolation in the universe even though they, as
individuals, are everything. The mantle of responsibility that goes along with the mantle of
power is just too much for some people to bear, so they band together in order to hide from the
real wounds. Those real wounds are the ones caused by the fear of fear. The heralding of the
Unconditional causes them to retreat even further into the unconsciousness that is caused by the
denial of responsibility, and that denial of responsibility is the denial of personal power. These
people deserve the various sects of Bhakti Yoga.
Those who wish to be Warriors must go about the business of the accepting of
responsibility and the reclaiming of power. This means digging up every scab and exposing
every wound. In order to resolve the problem of personal needs and the abuse of energy, one
must resort to the one thing that is most satisfying in the giving, and become a Master at that.
There is little one can do for the adherents of Bhakti Yoga. The life of refuge in the herd
is a chosen path. Indeed, they put their entire life under the protection of a scab and find it
freeing. Warriors, on the other hand, find themselves banding together in order to complement
each other in expertise, but more than likely, they will find themselves alone in their path
towards true healing. That is why it is necessary to exhaust the field of study. Learn at least
something from every perspective and integrate the different healing systems as you would
Among those that exist with the wounded Warrior within the Self are the blind Buddha,
the heartless Christ, and the impotent Wizard. You also see them everyday in your dealings with
others. Moreover, you need to see them where they really are. These are the outer coverings of
the wounds. They are the scabs, the walking wounds. Joined beneath the scabs is a great
reservoir of frustration and pain, the likes of which you have never experienced before, but I
would beckon you there. Someday you might have such an experience. Someday you might
stand at the edge of the abyss and look down into this ocean of frustration and pain. Would you
have enough power not to be absorbed into this ocean? The ocean of pain and frustration is a
mirror that will try to illicit a response of identity in you. You must know it and take steps to
resolve the portion of it that is your own, but you must never identify with it. You were lost in it
once before, you must never get lost in it again. Misery loves company too much for your own
good. The addiction of Self-pity is just this.

page 129
Because of the freedom of movement and the ability to manipulate the elements of the world that
the individual demonstrates, albeit how limited it is, one might consider oneself separate and
independent from the world in which one lives. This is a fallacy of consciousness that humanity
has perpetuated since the biological form first had its start on the planet Earth. The consciousness
of false independence is at the root of the escape from the Self. Also, the distinction that the
Source of Creation is both a Place in Its Oneness and Being in Its duality is at the root of the
sentient dilemma.
At the core of being, at the Source of Creation Itself, all life is created by the reflection of
two mirrors onto each other. It is as if the Source, Place of Oneness that it is, divided Itself into
two and reflected upon Itself and as a result, transformed Itself into a Being capable of
experimentation and observation. This reflection causes the creation of infinity and eternity, into
which whose emptiness was eventually to be filled with all the great effects of those experiments
that continue to this day.
The nature of an individual experiment is one that is not necessarily controlled, but it is
observed. A particular circumstance is created and allowed the freedom of its own effects so that
its Source might watch and muse upon Its creation and Its potential. Every experiment, without
its knowledge, is stamped with the seal of the Source of Creation, so that no other place might
ultimately claim it except the Oneness of the Source from where it was created. Even though the
experiment becomes the subject of a Being of duality, it cannot ultimately be claimed by duality,
for even duality bears this seal of ownership. This was done as much for the experiment as it was
done for itself. Even though the Source had divided itself. It still wished to maintain Self-
The duality of the Source of Creation and Its Beingness was created by a mirror. The
necessity of a mirror came about as the Source of Creation sought to approach equality with Its
sentient creation. In Its Oneness It is perfect, but in Its duality is the perfect-imperfect. Therein
lies the potential of feelings of inferiority or superiority. Such is the dilemma of duality and
Beingness. In this state, there is hardly any distinction between what is sentient and what is the
Source of Creation. This has been the source of the insanity of the universe, but one must
consider a reason for the madness. In order to arrive at true sanity, one must go through insanity
so as to resolve it and never have that state act as a barrier to the attainment of any goal. In order
to attain states of Enlightenment, Emancipation and Ascension, it is necessary to confront this
insanity that exists beyond the personal identity.
In the creation of the mirror, It wanted to see what It looked like. What It saw was a
mirror reflecting a mirror, and as a result, the vacuum of infinity and eternity was created in Its
Self-perception. In raising the mirror unto Its own mirror nature, It realized the cause of
everything in Itself. So then It was capable of actual conscious creation instead of just being a
place. The experiment of universal insanity was created because the Source desired the
functionality of a conscious being to know what It is capable of.
The problem with a certain group of experiments was that they did not want to maintain
the Self-integrity of Oneness along with the functionality of Beingness in duality as much as the
Source of Creation did. They desired the state of universal insanity that had set up the current
status quo. Being free to create their own effects, they isolated themselves from the potential of
the world to focus upon some form of immediate stimulation. They no longer believed in the
consciousness that manifested them there. They only believed in their own ability to create
effects and sleep from the cause of it. From this moment on the necessity of sleep and death first
occurred and had its impact upon the universe.
Even though this form of unconsciousness came into being the mirror is still in operation.
In the realm of sleep and death many see it and don’t know it. They still isolate themselves from
the potential of the world for immediate stimulation. They pick only particular segments to focus
upon and manipulate to prove their power. Yet they have not accomplished anything but
destruction of the unity of the world.
The Native Americans, on the other hand, saw the world in a different fashion. They saw
themselves as children, as well as, maintainers of the land. They did not believe that anyone
could own the land, but that the land was a stage in which power was acted out in the spirit of
Nature. The land taught them what they needed to know to be in harmony and they fed off what
they had learned. Thus no one side held dominance but each added to the other to form a
stronger whole. This philosophy has always been true to the original structure of the Source, but
there is still room for technological and scientific advancements. In many ways, the Native
Americans were passive. That is why they are dying out.
The politician’s and scientist’s active approach have no less brought you to the brink of
destruction, yet these are the ones most likely to survive in a sterile, artificial world of their own
creation since no planet will support their parasitic activity. The harmony of the mirror that the
Native American sought to uphold is being broken piece by piece, in the perpetuation of one-
sided dominance that can only end in ruination. I have seen civilizations strike an accord
between technology and the environment. Atlantis was very close to the ideal, but their mistake
was not enough Self-reflection. Technology can work if the stress is placed upon the
development of the individual as the creative source. Too many times the individual is lost. The
link between the inventor and the invention is more significant than what any corporation can
pay to possess the outcome of individual creativity, ingenuity, and inventiveness.
This new race of corporate beings are a strange colorless species. None among them is
strong enough to stand alone, but must cloak themselves in the disguise of the herd that has a
belly of repressed desires. This is the youth of such a strange race, whereas, the Native
Americans are as old as time itself. They are dying out, for as an experiment, they are bound for
higher ground. They have outlasted the Test of Power. They will give way to the race that is new
to the Test of Power. These are the angry ones who throw tantrums because they do not like what
they see when they look in the mirror. What they see is an image of the cruelty of youth.
In all things, life is a great mirror to see one’s Self. The external world is a manifestation
of this reflection where the dramas of uncountable experiments are unfolding. When a crime is
committed, it is a crime upon the integrity of the Self, and that is a crime upon the Self-integrity
of the Source of Creation. That is the greatest pain and that is the greatest numbness with which
one endures the pain. No court, lawyer, or judge can plea bargain or lessen the consequence.
When a man rapes a woman, it is not only the woman that is abused, but the man also
rapes the feminine within himself. This does not negate the violation upon the woman nor does it
lessen her pain, but it does not disqualify the Test of Power and the activity of the Dragon. The
same goes for all manner of abuse. The worst form of abuse, child abuse, is rising into the mass
consciousness. What has been hidden for so long is coming out of the closet. This activity can
never be condoned, yet why would the possibility of these circumstances of such a naïve,
dependent nature be created if not to meet the possibility of its occurrence.
Rape is an everyday activity within your youthful Society. You cannot imagine the extent
to which these abuses have gone, yet when you behold the Personal Demon you cry in absolute
innocence. You have no respect for your environment, mentally or physically, nor do you have
any respect for your own kind. On the path of Power that we espouse, we do not expect you to
love everyone or even try, but we do expect that you have respect for all life everywhere and in
whatever form you encounter it in. So why not experience the rape you have fostered in such an
impressionable way as child abuse. It is a hard lesson to learn, but in reality, there are no
innocents in the world. There are plenty of unconscious individuals needing to awaken. When
events of any nature occur, they occur without distinction of universal or personal reality and pay
no attention to one’s personal needs. As you would go to extremes in respect to your personal
needs, so the Dragon goes to extreme measures in the ruthless realignment of energy.
I will be criticized for this point of view, but what can I expect from a race that is still in
search of an identity? The problem here is that such conditions predispose the necessity to accept
whatever identity is available as an experiment. This is just the sort of thing that has been
established by the universal insanity of the Source of Creation. I cannot criticize any individual
or race in this pursuit, for it is only through experimentation that there is any growth in
understanding. What I can criticize, is when the same experiment fails over and over again
without any hope of success, and you cling to a fruitful outcome. Better that you contemplate the
Impossible than cling to a hopeless possibility. At least try some other possibility.
I cannot even criticize any activity that would lead to destruction because it is in the way
of things. My only hope is that the world can be saved from the foolishness of a youthful race
bent upon destruction. Each world is precious. Each world, as a mirror, is a window unto the
Source of Creation.
From the infinity of space, I look upon you and see an intriguing experiment. From my
humanity it seems a waste, from my realization it seems to be in line with what life is all about.
Drama is the expression of life and the expression of the universal insanity. The drama of world
events, as it unfolds towards a natural evolution of life force or death wish, mirrors the individual
lives that need this lesson fulfilled. This is the energy behind the Mark of Cain.
I would say that the death of millions of Jews, the enslavement of the Black race and
other minorities, the prejudice against alternate sexual lifestyles, and the second class citizenship
of Women have not been for naught. On a macrocosmic level, the Test of Power tests an entire
race or some such group to the marrow. From weakness, dependence, and impressionability the
Test of Power takes one to strength, independence, and an ability to make a significant
impression upon the world. The way of enslavement makes freedom that much more palatable,
especially to those who are subject to inertia. Those who won’t evolve beyond their own
superiority or inferiority don’t stand a chance.
The fetus does not have the status of freedom of choice, so any action taken upon it is
reconcilable as long as it does not interfere with the freedom of someone who has the choice.
Again, I know that some special interest group will take exception to this idea. I believe that the
reason for conditional existence is an escape from the Unconditional. At any moment your
physical body may stop functioning or any manner of catastrophe might befall you. Alongside
the law of cause and effect exists the law of randominity. Yet you take your life for granted and
are part of the destruction of the world. There is a much greater evil than saving a woman’s life
or her freedom by an abortion. Which is worse in your mind: the aborting of a fetus or the
destruction of an entire world? You will be responsible for aborting the planet Earth from the
physical universe if you are allowed to go about your destructive ways. My world may allow for
some very ugly things, but at least I would hope to step back from the magnitude your world
would provide. Anyway, I am against abortion. Those who have not mastered their sexual energy
and are immature in the use of it should shoulder the responsibility of the act, but there are
always special cases and considerations.
The world has its own politics. Not only is there goodness, beauty, life, growth, and
abundance but there is also evil, ugliness, death, corruption, and famine. This is undeniable and
irrefutable. Maybe someday you might control your own destinies and minimize the negative,
but then what will be lost in humans in the process? Will you succumb to the lethargy and inertia
of an unchallenged existence? I have seen it happen on so many planets. The original reason you
are there is to play the game and test your own fiber. The reason you take life so seriously is that
you have lost yourself in the game and have ceased to take it as such. Human life is precious as
is all life, but it is much like the Earth politic itself. It is subject to all the negative and positive
aspects. It is imperative to remember that life is a game and the whole point is to realize the rules
and master the game. All the obstacles you face in life are merely part of the game. The key to all
obstacles is this: you have accepted the small things in life as obstacles and made them big as a
result, while the Warrior accepts the entire Universes upon Universes as the obstacle and makes
it small by realizing that it is embodied within oneself. This is the Great Reversal of Energy that
must be accomplished.
Do you know how you own the world? You will never know until you endeavor to go
through the Consolidation of Power. You will never know unless you face yourself in the mirror
and come to terms with who you are beyond that which is taught in schools, religions,
governments, or by gurus. The drama of life had been on overtime inside you and outside you. It
is in the world, and in dreams where the world is inside you. This is what you must understand
and then you might be able to do something about it. Where you are found deficient in Will, that
is where you are lacking. What you won’t or can’t do for yourself will not be done for you. If
you do not like something, you need the energy to change it. It all comes down to energy. Energy
is the greatest commodity of the universe. With it you can travel to whatever planet, known or
unknown, without a spaceship. Without it, you are doomed to a life of quiet desperation.
Now you are standing upon the same abyss that all the great adventurers, explorers, and
pioneers have stood upon. You are bound to explore the first and last and greatest frontier. This
is the fulfillment of the life of a Warrior. This is the perpetual beginning of that life. Such a task
is one that you have been lacking. The lack of such enterprise has caused great inertia and lack of
judgement. Seek whatever avenues that can open the doors into this new frontier and take your
place at the beginning and ending of creation. In the Self you are this.

page 132

All the gods, avatars, and saviors that have ever been known and unknown would give
you an easy time in the life experience because they do not know you. I, on the other hand, know
you too well. I would have you stand upon the precipice of the abyss and gaze deeply into
oblivion. I would have you feel the shaking in your bones that reaches deep into the Soul. I
would have you experience this because this is what I have experienced. To stand there, where
the crutch of belief system, dogma, or certainty is torn away, and you are left suspended in-
between every possibility and potential that exists in the Universes upon Universes, is what the
Unconditional is all about.
You have been on these crutches for too long. You have existed in the false light of
conditional existence. Have you finished the chore of the analysis of that false light? If you have,
then it is time to take that step into the dark side. When you enter the dark side, the only light
you enter is your own light. That is the purpose of the dark side. It is the greatest Test of Power.
The place where there is no light is the perfect place to reveal any light and to reveal any
imperfections in that light.
There has been too much self-indulgence in the avoidance of these things. Consensual
reality classifies objects and events as good or evil, looking no further than the surface of things.
That is why the only true diet of humanity is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eat this
fruit and see beyond the surface reality of things. Even so, society will only look at the surface of
things and make their judgement from that standpoint. That is the reason for Society and the
reason for Society in you. When contemplating the depth of something, one enters a new
territory. Here one begins to think in terms of how objects and events affect one on a path toward
Freedom, rather than contributing to the safety and security of one’s world. The judgement of
ethics, in this case, usually reveals the same considerations but has a different focus than the
Warrior’s Inventory. One still learns that life is precious, but in the Warrior’s Inventory one
learns how life is precious. When the elements of fear and death are removed, the transcendent
factors of life are removed as well, leaving the individual in the state of quiet desperation.
The state of quiet desperation is a cancer that eats at the fiber of the Soul. It seems
strangely ironic to me that the inflictor of all disease is the one that takes the most extreme
measures to cure all disease. Society is the great breeding place of diseases, while at the same
time it has been a great healer; but I say that the greatest disease is the one borne out of putting
the Warrior Spirit in a box and hiding it away. The disease I am referring to is the deterioration
of the Will. This is acceptable to many, especially when it is accompanied with the promise of
the love and nurturence of Society that would bind you to the breast of unconsciousness.
The greatest healing that can ever take place is the resurgence of Will. When it is realized
that this is not a world of love, and that unconsciousness will not suffice for the quality and
quantity of the life experience, the diseased become the healed and the insane become the seers.
To accomplish this, the Warrior Spirit must be taken off the shelf, out of the box that it was
stored in, and hidden in the closet, and unleashed into the life of the individual.
The process of feeding the Warrior Spirit must begin in the silent halls of meditation and
Self-analysis. That is where the true food of the Warrior Spirit can be discovered in the Tree of
the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Then a determination must be made in what is internalized
physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in comparison to pure food. One must
determine the functionality of any internalized object or event to the goal of Freedom. The use of
consensual validation in the selection of functional objects and events has been Society’s weapon
of choice to divide the individual from the original source. Basically, all things have their place
in the world. All things may not be functional for every individual, but they all have a learning
experience associated with them. People become tied up in the morality and the cogitation of
situations to be able to see clearly the drama and the irony of consensual validation and how it
has its effect upon decision making and history. This pursuit has yielded only partial answers.
History has shown that, ultimately, you are only temporarily satisfied with partial answers.
You have been all too indiscriminately satisfied with what the little gods, saviors and
avatars have fed you, although it has been mere pablum without any real nutritional benefit.
They have only seen the broken shards of the mirror that have broken away from the whole a
long time ago and have shown you these fragments. They may seem large, but they are only so in
comparison to the mundane world you have sought refuge in. I say go beyond all gods and be
your own savior. The Source of Creation is imminent. Although one cannot define the process of
something coming from nothing, even in human terms, it is still apparent if you but look at the
human creative processes. You are drawing upon this Source of Creation as you are drawing
upon the food you eat or the air you breathe for survival. I say that one could have the most
nutritious food and the greatest of riches the world has to offer, but if you were not the Source of
Creation, then all the food and riches in the world would be for naught. You would not even
Meditate upon your transcendental nature. Know that you are made of the same stuff as
the Source of Creation. Even the physical world and body are made of the same substance. Know
that this Source of Creation is an open-ended system, and to realize It, you must become like It.
Even the negative and evil have their place. The problem is that you give special consideration to
the negative and to evil, so that when it manifests you become shaken and doubt your Self-worth.
That is why evil and negativity manifest. They manifest to shake you out of passivity and
awaken you into consciousness and conscientiousness. Even within the confines and protection
of Society, you are not immune to their attack. Evil and negativity do not shed much light upon
themselves, but shed much light upon those that view them. They show whether you are a person
of conviction.
Know that negativity and evil are nothing special, but very much a part of the world. If
negativity and evil affect you so deeply, then they rob you of part of your Self. You are drawn
into the emotionalism of the situation. Again you are the dupe of the aspect of the Personal
Demon known as the inner child. By your belief in the external existence of an absolute evil
agency, you feed unauthorized creations. When you are drawn in, you cease to be an effective
Warrior. If you wish to defeat evil and negativity, then you must create a different strategy. A
more effective strategy might be to point to yourself rather than to point the blaming finger at the
mirror. The mirror is only the reflection of yourself.
The whole purpose of evil and negativity is to draw one into those particular
circumstances and out of the realization of the Big Picture. The focus into the particular or the
small things in the world makes them larger than life. You have accepted the small things in life
as obstacles and made them big. The Warrior accepts the entire Universes upon Universes as an
obstacle and goes about the process of making it small. There it is in a nutshell for you. This is
the magnitude of the reversal of energy that you need to accomplish if you would know the
Warrior Spirit in its depth.
To accomplish this, you must seek out the Unconditional with as much intensity as It
would seek you. You must grab It by the tail and hang on for the ride of your life. The only
reason why you do not realize the intensity of the Unconditional is because your senses are
overwhelmed by the intensity of the conditional. The Unconditional is key to expanding the
circumstances of the contracted self so that the Source of Creation can be experienced more
effectively. The Source of Creation exists within all circumstances, but as humans (and above all
individuals), you must use the force of expansion in order to realize this. To use expansion more
effectively, you must learn the lesson of contraction in order to maintain that force of expansion
over longer duration and without losing Self-integrity. The forces of contraction and expansion
are both aspects of the whole. The expansion facilitates realization while contraction facilitates
functionality. The two sides empower the whole. Morally, they are at odds with each other. This
can help in the understanding of the Warrior’s Inventory. Theses are the two extremes that need
to be satisfied in the parameters of Self-experimentation.
Know that you are born with the biological flaw of death that could take your life at any
moment. Do you think you own your own physical body? Well I say what you do not control,
down to the minutest part, you do not own. You do not control the functioning of the heart or
brain or any other organ. Basically, you are only renting, and according to the lease, the real
owner may repossess at any time. That is why you must seek out the Source of Creation to set
that biological flaw right. That is what the stages of Enlightenment, Emancipation, and
Ascension are. They are the setting of things right again. These are the stages of preparation in
facing eternal life and that can be just as scary as facing death. It is scary because you must
accomplish it by the force of your own Will. The only reason why you die is that you have given
up the Will to live. The deterioration of cellular consciousness into cellular structure or rigidity
by the death wish causes the lackluster of old age. In everything that is done, one must affirm life
over death even in the face of death and even though death is an ally. No Warrior is ever passive
to anything. You must root out all emotions, thoughts, and actions that are death oriented. You
must know them for they are the real enemy. Consider eternal life in a biological form without
Will and you would have realized eternal aging. That is what you are accomplishing except that
you give yourself an illusory respite in that you consider death final. No matter how much you
would wish it to be, it is not. So from lifetime to lifetime, all you realize is a retrograding
condition under the ebb of gravity and inertia. Precious youth has a shorter duration giving way
to continual and eternal aging.
That is why I like the dark side so much. It is the best mirror to understand the force of
destruction and sabotage going on within the fragmented Self. How can you effectively plan for
the future without taking into consideration this area of human consciousness? The dark side is
that realm where the most wondrous workings of incredible demons are taking place. This is the
realm of insanity and possession. This is where one hears the siren-like voices that tell one to
commit suicide or to kill another. The power there is amazing and it is all pointed toward
destruction. To be able to wander through this realm without losing identity or facility is a great
test of power.
The dark side is very strong at this time. The channels for this realm are very apparent in
current events; the bizarre murders, the increase of suicides, the abuse and rape of women and
children, prejudice, and the focus of awareness in the carnal appetites of immediate stimulation.
The death wish is very political. The manipulation of people and events creates a tremendous
focus of power so that the death wish and the dark side can take hold and eventually rule. Its
reign is one that few know about. That is how it rules most effectively. The less anyone knows
and the more action comes from impulse rather than choice, the more the dark side rules. The
more the general population act from this focus, the more you are drained of energy.
The dark side is filled with the residual energy of the pain and pleasure of murders, rape,
addiction, and abuse. That is its domain. Murder, rape, addiction, and abuse are just misdirected
vital energy. That is the great plan of the dark side; to direct the vital into its realm by the
manipulation of the innocent, naïve and unenlightened. The dark side has its own reversal of
energy. The innocent, naïve, and unenlightened are easy prey, for they are so pliable through
their personal needs. Personal needs, in themselves, are not evil. They are a natural part of
existence, but they are a point of weakness and thus very open to attack. That is the difference
between the Enlightened and the Unenlightened. To the Unenlightened, personal needs are
considered one’s strength, while to the Enlightened they are considered one’s weakness. Why
else would one want to feed one’s weakness? To the Unenlightened, one loses strength if
personal needs are not met, while to the Enlightened, such a circumstance is an opportunity to
gain strength. This is why the Warrior works in the realm of personal needs. To refine, minimize
and streamline personal needs to the point where they are strengthening rather than debilitating,
you can negate the influence of the dark side even though you may be deep within it.
Those strong in the Warrior’s inventory can never be shaken for very long or very
seriously. One can refine the Warrior’s inventory to the point of physical immortality. Once you
understand the mystery of feeding the Dragon, then you can learn to store energy that can last
lifetimes. Instead of three meals a day, one might be able to get away with three meals every
century or millennium and still maintain the same balance and energy without decrease. The
reason you are not at this point is that you have not taken responsibility for your life and
manipulated your own destiny.
One’s energy can either add to the light side and the life force or it can be added to the
dark side and the death wish. It was humanity that created the dark side to feed off itself. It is
only the individual that can break the cycle one place at a time. The lesson of the dark side is to
understand misdirected creations by irresponsible individuals. Only a Source of Creation could
have accomplished this.

page 139
From Castenada’s Don Juan, you know that the warrior is one who is impeccable in the
use of energy. As a warrior, I must contemplate the energy of my creation as you must do in any
similar case. On the positive side, I see this book serving humanity in the Quest for
Enlightenment and serving the individual in the Quest for Freedom, for as Quetzalcoatl says we
can no longer depend on the angels or UFOs to save us. He also says that the next stage of
evolution for humanity is the enlightening of the group mind; that Maitreya is not a person but is
a consciousness that embodies this next stage in human development. For this to occur no
particular person is necessary. It is the enlightening of individuals that will accomplish this great
cause, and that has always been an individual path. Anyone coming forth proving to the
Enlightened is just a brick that solidifies the road to that goal for everyone.
On the negative side, history has shown humanity prone to fanaticism. Fanaticism is
borne out of looking at things one-dimensionally. How a person can take this point of view in the
light of multi-dimensionality is the subject Quetzalcoatl devoted the first part of the teachings, in
order to prepare me for what was to come next. That is the subject of the next book. The
endeavor was to dredge up the hidden things of the closet of those brave or stupid enough to read
this book. So with the putting of this book into print and distributing it, I have opened myself up
to the possibility of a great backlash. I do not fear this, I expect it.
My motives have been to help. Indeed the greatest powers in the universe are the power
to heal and the power to enlighten. I have found both in my relationship with those who belong
to the Fellowship of the Serpent. The power of Enlightenment occurs when the depth of the
individual is healed. Some people will kill you just because the healing was not what they
expected or wanted, or just because they disagree with you.
So here I stand, one person against the multitudes. Even so, we are all One, and we
understand each other perfectly. We are all made from the same substance and have contracted
similar lessons, tests, and goals.
I am willing to take responsibility for the opinions stated here. I hope someday life will
verify the possibility of even the most far-out opinion. In the effect of what I do, I cannot take
shelter in the Fellowship. Although they are my teachers, they have only watched and offered
occasional advice, while the Dragon taught me directly as It does every individual. It teaches so
that one will stand on equal footing with the Source of Creation and learn to take responsibility
for one’s actions.
Such are the dues one must pay for Freedom. Those who have been the slaves and have
forgotten Freedom, I Will there to be a great uprising of consciousness and new expression of
power. The tyrant you destroy is only an aspect of your own Self. In the new responsibility, we
must learn to maintain the balance of the Universes upon Universes. I have learned that if one
does not maintain the balance, or is found lacking when extreme circumstances arise, one can
lose Freedom so easily. In the new dispensation, we are no longer given the grace of
unconsciousness but must face the truth of Freedom in full consciousness. I have experienced
Freedom, momentarily, and all too fleetingly. Even in this the responsibility is greater than I

-Avendar Dragon

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