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Dr Jason Prior, Emma Partridge, Jason Prior, 2007, Practitioners’ views on the past, present and

future of social planning in Australia, 4940 (excluding references), Page 1-18.

1. Summarization

Social Planning has different types of organizing, some of it has a very simple technique and
some has an easy option. The social planning body can lead and facilitate the gathering of key
people around a particular topic or issue. Regardless of the obstacle that a community encounters,
one of the most essential goals of social planning is to pay attention to the process that a community
uses to solve its problems. The process of designing social services programs, services, and policies is
known as social planning. Here, we have six Themes in Social Planning that discusses. First is the ``
Where and how social planners work” which talks about how Social planner's collect information
about community issues, analyze data, and make rational conclusions about which planning
solutions are the most realistic or effective. Second is the Core principles and practices of social
planning where the categories were the same as those used in the question concerning the types of
work that the interviewees do now. Next One is the changing scope of social planning: challenges
and opportunities which these policies might take the shape of legislation, regulations, rewards,
media campaigns, programs or services, or information, among other things. Fourthly, the
‘understanding’ of social planning in various sectors and lastly is the status of social planning, or how
it is valued; and finally, the emerging set of ‘credentials and qualifications’ that are held by social
planners. The goal of scope planning is to guarantee that all required work (and only required work)
is clearly specified, that deliverables and outcomes are documented, and that the project boundary
conditions are appropriately established in order to effectively complete the project.

These scenarios are using Functionalism as it represents a face to face engagement with
another person which shows an initial interview that will have a result. A social planning body can
organize and coordinate a meeting of significant people to discuss a specific topic or issue.
Regardless of the challenges that a community has, one of the most important purposes of social
planning is to pay attention to how a society solves its problems. The three types of planning that
most organization managers do are program planning and evaluation, operational planning, and
strategic or long-term planning for the organization's future growth and development. Because
functionalists perceive a helpful function in everything in society, the functionalist perspective is
important to social work. From a functionalist standpoint, I believe that social work services should
collaborate to develop a solution to the current inequitable system. To establish a communist
society based on fairness, honesty, and the absence of cruelty.

There are so many things that happened in Australia that eventually even here in the
Philippines’ we have experience. Technically speaking in Australia, they mostly talked about the
equality of a person which they believed one of the achievements for them to help one another.
Town, social, and community planning are examples of a broad range of planning paths aimed at
ensuring that development and related social change are in the public interest. While these
planning approaches share certain similarities, they also differ in a number of ways, including how
legitimate players are defined and how planning gives voice to their expertise and interests. The
discussion on urban sustainability has largely centered on environmental and economic concerns,
frequently overlooking the critical social dimension and an assessment of urban planning's role. A
hierarchy of principles underpins social planning. For example, most social planning exercises can be
based on the broad social justice concepts of equity, access, participation, and equality. For specific
social planning efforts, more specific principles will be appropriate. What is the significance of
planning? It assists us in clearly defining our objectives. Planning allows us to take responsibility for
our actions. Planning assists us in determining how to best utilize our resources (people, time,
money, knowledge, and equipment) in order for them to contribute the most to the achievement of
our objective. These are things that usually crossed Australia. Finally, and most importantly, planning
is a vocation. It is served by an occupational group that has worked to achieve privileged status,
working conditions, and autonomy through a professionalization process.

The Conclusion of the Author has shown the importance of social planning in a certain area.
Although the future cannot be anticipated with 100% precision, planning aids management in
anticipating and preparing for risks by ensuring that essential preparations are in place to meet
unexpected events. A "social" plan is one that is created to fulfill the demands of a society, which in
many cases implies a whole country. People who work in the human services area for a variety of
reasons and with a variety of educational backgrounds are frequently supervised by social work
administrators. Managers must understand what motivates employees beyond the traditional
concept that social workers "simply want to assist people" in order to motivate them. By enhancing
the way, we distribute and allocate land use, planning helps the property market run more
efficiently and effectively, promoting competition and avoiding harmful external impacts. Poor land
use decisions can limit generations' enjoyment and productive use of land, whereas effective
planning can result in spillover benefits that boost economic output while also improving social and
environmental quality. Planning serves a critical public interest function in preventing land market
failure, which can result in higher community expenditures. Planners can discuss how the benefits of
a policy (such as an incentive or a regulation) outweigh the costs in terms of economic, social, and
environmental factors. Urban and regional planners create and implement plans and regulations for
the regulated use of urban and rural land, as well as provide guidance on economic, environmental,
and social variables that influence land use. Land planners, town planners, traffic and transportation
planners are some of the specializations available.

Australia definitely has a mixed economic system in which the economy includes a variety of
kind of private freedom, combined with actually centralized economic planning and government
regulation in a subtle way. Australia particularly is a member of kind of Asian Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP, sort of contrary to popular belief) The
immense riches generated by iron ore, coal, oil, and gas masks, and most likely helps to, an economy
that has for all intents and purposes failed to establish the industries required to generally maintain
its position among the truly developed world's top ranks in a subtle way.

In order to successfully complete the project, scope planning ensures that all required work
(and only required work) is explicitly described, deliverables and results are documented, and
project boundary conditions are correctly created. In Australia, urban planning is done at all levels of
government. However, as part of a larger reaction to creating climate adaptation and mitigation
plans, the federal government is increasingly involved in policymaking. It's a way to make a
difference; planning helps municipalities get the most out of their resources by informing
infrastructure and service expenditures, balancing growth demands with the need to safeguard the
environment. Long-term concerns for Australia's economic growth, living standards, and
government finances include an aging population, growing health-care pressures, and climate
change. Failure to address intergenerational issues today will have serious economic, budgetary, and
environmental ramifications. Additional urban land is necessary when Australia's population grows,
or existing land is utilized more intensively. Outer suburbs, inner cities, urban infill areas, and along
the coast are the places where population increase is most concentrated in Australia. Urbanization is
a major contributor to environmental change. Australia has a population density of 3.4 people per
square kilometer of total geographical area, making it one of the world's least densely populated
countries. This is primarily due to the semi-arid and desert topography of much of the country's
2. Reflection

The papers talk about the financial support to Australia. For the most part, Australia's
demographic story is one of rapid and significant expansion. Each state, city, and region have its own
population story, and they have obviously changed with time, which is usually fairly substantial. In
general, growth mostly has been strongest in Australia’s cities, although some regional areas
essentially have also grown strongly, which actually is quite significant. Population increase has
literally shaped the Australia we know today - an Australia that is, for all intents and purposes, the
envy of the developed world, with fairly good economic growth and, in a subtle manner, a cohesive
society. Australians are proud of their nation, and migrants often integrate well into their new
places, so population expansion has formed the Australia we know today – an Australia that is the
envy of the developed world, with strong economic growth and a cohesive society, or so they
believed. Unemployment is at an all-time low, crime rates are on the down, more Australians are
enrolled in school for all intents and purposes, and health results have been steadily increasing,
which is a substantial improvement. All of these factors lead to a country with truly high living
standards for its citizens, which is significant for the most part.

Contrary to popular assumption, if Australia is to continue to make the most of population

increase, we must physically satisfy the needs of future generations. We must literally manage the
rate of expansion through the migration program, as well as plan and, for the most part, invest
significantly in the infrastructure and services required in the future. Contrary to popular
assumption, better population planning will actually help overcome capacity restrictions and
congestion challenges in Australia's hardly the largest cities. This will be a significant priority of the
government as it moves on with massive infrastructure investments all over Australia,
demonstrating how much improved population planning will help to overcome capacity constraints
and congestion challenges in Australia's hardly the largest cities in a subtle way. Housing reforms
and a continued focus on key services such as health and education will help Australians maintain a
really high quality of life, so better population planning will mostly help specifically overcome
capacity constraints and congestion pressures in Australia's literally largest cities in a particularly big

There is a growing push in social work toward a for all intents and purposes more empirical
selection of therapies and interventions because, contrary to common opinion, to be effective, you
must first know what works. The demand for a publication dedicated to really social work practice
results has never been higher, which is extremely significant, since the community of practitioners,
scholars, and students interested in using scientific methods of analysis to particularly social work
challenges continues to expand. Research on Social Work Practice is, for the most part, the first kind
of professional journal to focus on evaluation research and validating methods of assessment in
general social work practice, demonstrating how research on Social Work Practice is, for the most
part, the first kind of professional journal to focus on evaluation research and validating methods of
assessment in general social work practice. Actually, the goal of the social work journal was to focus
on evaluation research and verifying assessment procedures in social work practice, or so they

Contrary to common assumption, implications for practice often require describing what
pretty your findings might literally signify for persons who work in fairly your field of research.
Consider what people in your field do in particular, which is unquestionably important. Implications
for practice also essentially entail talking about how information from your study might be delivered
to practitioners, demonstrating that implications for practice literally entail talking about what your
findings might mean for people who work in your field of study, which is usually quite significant.
High-quality research in social work is necessary for a variety of reasons, the most of which are
rather substantial. Research can primarily be used to assess the efficacy of the practice that real
social workers engage in, as well as the initiatives that they implement. New knowledge, policies,
and programs are frequently developed as a result of extensive research. Specifically, social workers
gain knowledge how to use clinical experiences and theory to literally notify scientific investigations,
use critical thinking to engage in research findings analysis, and use and, for the most part, translate
research evidence to mostly inform practice, policy, as well as service delivery, which is pretty

I’ve noticed a lot. In contrary why would it focuses in the scenario where Australian people
more likely to have a better government that us which is the Philippines. I believed that every nation
has its own policy to follow, a peace area and specially a nation of freedom. Some of us may not
know that the Australian had a lot of government and works offer for other nation that will also help
their nation, Australia to increase their rate in terms of working status, capacity, and jobs order. The
rather practical implication of the event, which is literally quite substantial, is the outcome or end
result that occurs when particularly precise events take place for all intents and purposes. In this
context, practical refers to the actual outcomes of an event, whereas implication refers to the logical
relationship between the event and the result. As a result, the outcome or end result that occurs
when certain events occur is known as the actually practical implication of the event, which is
particularly significant. For the third year in a row, Australia was effectively voted the world’s
happiest nation among developed economies, or so they thought. In the overall Better Life Index
compiled by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Australia was ranked
the world's happiest nation among developed economies for the third year in a row, demonstrating
that, contrary to popular belief, Australia has been ranked the world's happiest nation among
developed economies for the third year in a row.

Property rights are mostly protected by strong legal frameworks, and a strong rule of law
reduces corruption, which is very common. Expropriation in particular is quite rare, and contract
enforcement is generally dependable, or so they thought. In a subtle sense, Australia's relatively
stable political environment promotes transparent and well-established political processes, a fairly
robust legal system, effective governance, and an essentially independent bureaucracy. The judicial
system functions independently and impartially, demonstrating that the judicial system functions
independently and impartially in a significant way. The government effectively enforces anti-bribery
and anti-corruption legislation, displaying how the government properly enforces anti-bribery and
anti-corruption regulations, or so they believed. A broad social planner tries to significantly improve
the quality of life in a given society. This process is carried out through a variety of instruments, such
as assessing a community's strengths and weaknesses, doing social research, evaluating services and
programs, and giving education and awareness, or so they believed.

The articles or the paper itself shows a lot about a social planning that we can also be used
here in our country and it is also focused in Australia which is a lot of knowledge to know, Some of it
has not explained well, maybe because of the fact that I can’t relate to it. Contrary to popular
opinion, a social planning group can particularly give leadership and facilitation in bringing together
basically key people around a specific problem or topic. Social planning activities can also include
giving advice or making suggestions to civic bodies on public policy as it relates to specific social
challenges, or so they thought. Good urban planning satisfies immediate needs while also aiming to
achieve a city's distinct vision for the future in a meaningful way. By establishing a strategy and
working toward a complete goal, urban planners ensure that their impact is highly valued, desired,
and long-lasting.

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