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Tyndale-Biscoe & Mallinson School

Winter Assignment for Class-9

(Session 2020-2021)

Note: All the winter assignments to be done on separate loose sheets (Subject wise). The sheets should
be properly labelled, filed and kept ready for submission in school when required.

NOTE: Dear students you have to prepare a power point presentation on below given questions
and it should be recorded on CDs or Pen drives. Support your report with pictures
Subject: HISTORY
Q1. Write down the general reasons for the outbreak of different revolutions in the world. Enlist
the various revolutions that have paved way for democracy in the world.


Q2. What are the reasons that democracy is not proving to be a successful form of government in
the modern times?


Q3. Prepare a report on the causes and consequences of 2014 floods in Kashmir.

Q. No. 4
A. Create your own atlas comprising of Indian geography.
The maps should comprise
a. Political map of India
b. Physical map of India
c. Map showing drainage system of India ( Himalayan river system and Peninsular river
d. Map showing distribution of rainfall in India.
e. Map showing wildlife sanctuaries and national parks of India.
f. Map showing distribution of different types of forests in India.
B. Conduct a family census by preparing a questionnaire. Questions should relate to age
composition, occupational structure, sex ratio, literacy etc. Compile the information in
numerical terms. Present the information through pie-chart, bar diagram, or in any other


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