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Vietnam National University, Hanoi

University of Languages and International Studies

Name: Dao Ngoc Bich
Class: 16E13
Student code: 16040051



When I was a little child, my grandmother often told me about an old long bridge
where my grandfather had to go over to meet her, which always attracted my attention.
Up to now, although there are several ways to go to my university, I choose to go across
this bridge every day owing to feeling a sense of belonging. I cannot remember when I
knew the name Long Bien bridge, but my heart will probably flutter if I hear about it. I
just know that the bridge has witnessed and attended the ups and downs of a nations for
more than 100 years, which makes it become iconic feature of the courageous capital.

Long Bien bridge (‘Long’ means dragon, ‘Bien’ means edge) is described as a ‘a work of
art in the shape of a dragon undulating across the Red River’, which connects Long Bien
district and Hoan Kiem district in Hanoi, Vietnam. Stretching majestically 1,680m, it is
recognized as one of four greatest bridges in the world at the time it was built.

Crossing Long Bien bridge day by day, I notice a plate engraved with the words “1899 -
1902 - Daydé & Pillé – Paris”. It means that the bridge was built in 1899 - 1902 by the
architects Daydé & Pillé of Paris.
Sharing the weather with Hanoi, Long Bien bridge features a warm humid subtropical
climate. In addition, with spacious and airy space in the early morning, the bridge is a
good place for the local people to do exercise.

The hustle and bustle of Long Bien bridge starts when people from suburbs move to the
urban areas in the morning so as to work or study. Maybe one of the most prominent
reasons making me feel comfortable when going through this bridge is that it is served
only for pedestrians, motorbikes, bicycles and occasional trains.
Along with a small station which was named after it, Long Bien bridge ‘takes care of’
trains going in and out the beloved capital all days and nights.

In the noontime, many brides and grooms choose the bridge as nice background in their
wedding albums, while teenagers take nice photos to keep memories of youth. Each time
I see them, I wish to have my own photo album taken on this place.
The fresh products grown and raised by Bai Giua residents, who live in an area under the
bridge are sold with reasonable price.

They often open a small air market on the bridge in the afternoon for the public to buy
green vegetables, or even sometimes I can see fresh caught fishes. I think it is quite
convenient for suburban people to prepare for their dinner.
When the twilight has fallen, it is also the time I along with many other people move on
this bridge to come back home after a tiring day. I often go at leisurely pace to admire the
beauty of the scenery and feel the breath of life on Long Bien bridge.

Watching the peaceful boats on the Red River, I wonder whether the noisy and busy
world above could affect them or not.
I suddenly notice that in a city developing at the speed of light, Long Bien Bridge is a
rare piece of treasure from the past. It still stands tall in ancient appearance to witness the
changes to a city that rose up from bombs and bullets.


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