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For me history is something that I cannot miss past it. When I
was in high school, everyone in the class was bored when it
came to this subject for me, it was the complete opposite. So
there was a historical event that left an indelible impression on
me. It was the day "Liberation of the South, Reunification of the
country" took place on April 30, 1975. After the Geneva
Agreement of 1954, the North had peace, the whole Party and
people joined hands to build socialism, accompanies the
Southern compatriots in the struggle with the US and Wei to
unify the country. Under the leadership of the Party, the people
of the South successfully carried out the Dong Khoi movement
throughout the region, defeating the US policy of aggression
with "new colonialism". The revolutionary government and
armed forces were established, marking the maturity and growth
of the southern revolution. With the support of the North, the
revolutionary war in the South developed stronger and stronger.
Our army and people fought bravely, defeating the strategies of
"special war", "local war". Especially with the Tet Offensive
campaign in 1968, when the enemy was most subjective and let
his guard down. The combination of fighting inside and out,
fighting in, between military offensive and uprising for the
people's mastery are extremely important factors for us to win
the General Offensive and the Spring uprising. Tet Offensive
1968. That general offensive shocked the world, forcing the US
to switch to the strategy of "Vietnamization of the war". At its
climax, the battle of "Dien Bien Phu in the air" in December
1972 ended with the war. glorious victory of the army and
people of the North. On January 27, 1973, the Paris Agreement
on "ending the war and restoring peace in Vietnam" was signed.
Closely combine military offensive with uprising to fight for
people's power. Until the General Offensive and Uprising in the
Spring of 1975, the culmination was the historic Ho Chi Minh
Campaign thanks to the simultaneous attack from 5 directions
with the combined strength of the army and the army, destroying
the enemy divisions. At the front line, we successfully ended the
resistance war against America and saved our nation. With a
resilient and indomitable will, the army and people of the whole
country defeated the most modern war strategies of the enemy,
established a heroic victory, liberated the South, reunified the
country, and brought complete joy to the country. integrity for
the whole Vietnamese people and the people who love peace,
justice, respect independence and freedom in the world. regions
as well as to pay a tribute to brave soldiers who sacrificed during
the war

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