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Generic Name: Risperidone

Brand Name Risperdal

Date and time ordered: ----

Classification: Antipsychotic, Mood stabilizer
Dosage, route and frequency: 2 mg OD PO
Mechanism of action: Blocks dopamine, 5-HT2, alpha1 and alpha2 adrenergic, and
H1 histaminergic receptors in the brain.
Desired effect: To improve mood, behaviour, and psychotic symptoms.

Nursing Responsibilities Rationale

This is to ensure that the right drug is

1. Check and verify the doctor’s order.
administered to the patient.

2. Observe the 12 rights in administering To ensure right patient and prevent error in
medication. administration of the drug.

3. Obtain baseline BP and PR before The patient may experience orthostatic

starting the therapy, and monitor BP. hypotension.

Monitor closely for notable changes in

4. Monitor patient’s mental status
behavior that could indicate the emergence
(orientation, mood, behavior) and
or worsening of suicidal thoughts or behavior
mood before and periodically during
or depression, especially during early
5. Instruct about the mechanism of
For the patient to be knowledgeable of the
action of the drug depends to the
drug and to promote compliance.
status of the patient.

6. Instruct to adhere to the prescribed

regimen depends to the status of the To achieve desired effect of the drug.
7. Observe patient when administering To ensure medication is swallowed and not
medication. hoarded or cheeked.

8. Encourage patient to take the drug at

To potentiate the action of the drug.
the same time every day.

9. Instruct the client to place the tablet

The tablet will quickly dissolve and can be
on his tongue, not to chew or crush
swallowed with or without liquid.
the tablet.

10. Assess for falls risk. Encourage patient To minimize orthostatic hypotension and
to rise and change position slowly. avoid fainting.

11. Warn patient to avoid activities that

To prevent falls and occurrence of other
require alertness until effects of drug
accidents, this drug may cause drowsiness.
are known.

12. Instruct the patient to avoid drinking Alcohol can increase dizziness and
alcohol. drowsiness.

13. Monitor patient for onset of

extrapyramidal side effects and for
development of neuroleptic To provide immediate intervention and to
malignant syndrome. Report prevent complications.
immediately to the physician if these
symptoms occur.

14. Document relevant information such For legal purposes and to provide
as time, dosage, frequency, route, information that the medication has been
and patient’s response. administered.

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