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CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology


Mentor: MSc Truong Dinh Huy

Project team: Team 9
Team members: Chiang Trien Nhiem
Tran Duy Loc
Huynh Van Tuan
Nguyen Manh Vu
Huynh Anh Tai

International School – Duy Tan University

Da Nang, 2021

Project Title CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

Start Date 15/07/21 End Date 15/08/21

Lead Institution International School, Duy Tan University

MSc Truong Dinh Huy

Project Mentor Email:
Phone: 0982.132.352

Chiang Trien Nhiem 0905.130.209


Tran Duy Loc 0764.562.797

Team Members Huynh Van Tuan 0898.199.447

Nguyen Manh Vu 0853.629.334

Huynh Anh Tai 0328.002.024

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................5
1. What is the Software Development Process?........................................................................................5
2. What is Process Improvement?.............................................................................................................5
3. Why Process Improvement?.................................................................................................................5
4. What is Quality Management?..............................................................................................................8
5. Benefit of Quality Management?..........................................................................................................9
II. TEAM ORGANIZATION.....................................................................................................9
1. Team Information.................................................................................................................................9
2. Role and Responsibility......................................................................................................................10
III. COBIT - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology.........................11
1. What is IT Governance?.....................................................................................................................11
2. Definition............................................................................................................................................11
3. History of formation and development stages of COBIT....................................................................11
4. COBIT Structure.................................................................................................................................13
5. Components of COBIT.......................................................................................................................15
6. Objectives of COBIT..........................................................................................................................16
7. COBIT Process Model........................................................................................................................18
8. Goals Cascade.....................................................................................................................................19
9. COBIT Core Principles.......................................................................................................................20
10. COBIT Enablers.............................................................................................................................22
11. Key Management Practices.............................................................................................................24
12. Who uses COBIT?..........................................................................................................................25
13. Implementation...............................................................................................................................25
14. Certification....................................................................................................................................27
15. Advantages of COBIT....................................................................................................................27
16. Disadvantages of COBIT................................................................................................................27
17. COBIT with other IT frameworks and processes............................................................................28
IV. Conclusion.............................................................................................................................28

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology


Table 1: Team Information..............................................................................................................................9

Table 2: Role and Responsibility...................................................................................................................10


Figure 1: Software Process Improvement........................................................................................................6

Figure 2: History of COBIT 5.......................................................................................................................12
Figure 3: CoBit cube represents the relationship between components.........................................................13
Figure 4: Components of COBIT 5...............................................................................................................15
Figure 5: Governance Objectives..................................................................................................................16
Figure 6: Management Objectives.................................................................................................................17
Figure 7: COBIT 5 Process Model................................................................................................................18
Figure 8: COBIT 5 Goals Cascade................................................................................................................19
Figure 9: COBIT Core Principles..................................................................................................................21
Figure 10: COBIT Enterprise Enablers..........................................................................................................22
Figure 11: Key Management Practices..........................................................................................................24
Figure 12: COBIT Lifecycle..........................................................................................................................26


CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology


1. What is the Software Development Process?

A software development process is the process of dividing software

development work into smaller, parallel or sequential steps or subprocesses to
improve design, product management, and project management. There are
many different software processes but all involve:

 Specification: defining what the system should do;

 Design and implementation: defining the organization of the system
and implementing the system;
 Validation: checking that it does what the customer wants;
 Evolution: changing the system in response to changing customer needs.

2. What is Process Improvement?

Process improvement is the ongoing process of identifying, analyzing and
improving current processes within an organization, ensuring your business is
operating at optimal levels to meet standards, quality benchmarks and quotas.

3. Why Process Improvement?

SPI mainly consists of 4 cyclic steps as shown in the figure below, while these
steps can be broken down into more steps according to the method and
techniques used. While in most cases the process will contain these steps.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

Figure 1: Software Process Improvement
Current Situation Evaluation

This step is the initial phase of the process and it is mainly to assess the current
situation of the software process by eliciting the requirements from the
stakeholders, & QUALITY
analyzing the currentMANAGEMENT – Group Project
artifacts and deliverables, and identifying 6

the inefficiencies from the software process. The elicitation can be conducted
through different techniques. For example, individual interviews, group
interview, use-case scenarios, and observations.

Improvement Planning

After analyzing the current situation and the improvement goals, the findings
should be categorized and prioritized according to which one is the most
important or have the most severity. We should observe what is the new target
level of improvements should look like.

Moreover, in this step, the gap between the current level and the target level
should be planned in terms of a set of activities to reach that target. These
activities should be prioritized with the alignment of the involved stakeholders
and the organization goals, for example, if the project is using the CMMI

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

model, the target could be reaching maturity level 4 and the company at level 3,
in that case, the plan should be focused on the process areas and their activities
which is related to that level of improvement with the alignment of the
organization goal.

Improvement Implementation

In this step, the planned activities are executed and it puts the improvements
into practice and spreads it across the organization, what can be effective at the
2nd, 3rd, and 4th step that planning and implementation could be an iterative
way, for example, implementing improvement for improving requirements
first, then implementing the reduction for testing process time, and so forth.
This iterative way of implementation will help the organization to realize the
early benefits from the SPI program early or even adopt the plan if there is no
real impact measured from the improvement.

Improvement & QUALITY MANAGEMENT – Group Project
Evaluation 7

What is cannot be measured cannot be improved, that’s why in this step, the
impact measurement is applied compared with the GQM. The before
improvement measures, after the improvement measures, and the target
improvement measure. Measurement, in general, permits an organization to
compare the rate of actual change against its planned change and allocate
resources based on the gaps between actual and expected progress.

There are a lot of motivators from different perspectives for companies,

management perspectives, sales perspectives, employee perspectives, and
others. I will mention here the most common motivators for SPI:

 Standardization and Process consistency: To have a standard and

practical process for software development mapped to organization goals
and strategy.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

 Cost Reduction: To improve projects cost by enhancing the process and
eliminate issues, redundancies, and deficiencies.
 Competitive Edge: Being certified in CMMI for example, can put the
company in higher competitive edge and make it gain more sales due to
the evidence of existing mature software process based on standard
 Meeting targets and reduce time to market: Meeting organization
goals, projects delivery, quality standards, valuable products,
professional documentation are outputs from SPI.
 Improve customers satisfaction: Project delivery on time and based on
the specification with high quality will improve customers satisfaction
and improve the sales process.
 Job satisfaction, Responsibilities, and Resource Management:
Employees get job satisfaction from producing a good quality product
and knowing what to do without workload and the time consumed to
resolve conflicts or to eliminate issue due to an immature process.
 Automation and Autonomy: Introducing tools to automate things and
improve quality and ensure consistency. Moreover, enabling different
employees to play different roles in the project.

4. What is Quality Management?

Quality management is the act of overseeing all activities and tasks needed to
maintain a desired level of excellence.

Quality management includes the determination of a quality policy, creating

and implementing quality planning and assurance, and quality control and
quality improvement.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

5. Benefit of Quality Management?

 Greater efficiency and less waste

 Increased customer satisfaction
 Increased profits
 Better and consistent control of major business processes, quality of
products and services
 Improved risk management
 Improved participation of employees


1. Team Information

Table 1: Team Information

Full Name & QUALITYPhone
Position MANAGEMENT – Group Project
Email 9

Chiang Trien Nhiem Leader
Team 0764.562.79
Tran Duy Loc
Member 7
Team 0898.199.44
Huynh Van Tuan
Member 7
Team 0853.629.33
Nguyen Manh Vu
Member 4
Team 0328.002.02
Huynh Anh Tai
Member 4

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

2. Role and Responsibility

Table 2: Role and Responsibility

Role Responsibility Participant(s)
● Monitoring all activities of Team.

Mentor ● Supporting team management skills, MSc Truong Dinh Huy

writing, technical and some things else's.

● Prepare material for your team.

● Maintain a team calendar or schedule.

Leader ● Communicate with team members. Chiang Trien Nhiem

● Assign responsibilities.

● Supervise and Support team members.

● Commit to completing tasks allocated to
them and assist MANAGEMENT
others to meet deadlines – Group Project 10
Tran Duy Loc
● Take an interest in the work performed by
Team Huynh Van Tuan
other team members and share relevant
members Nguyen Manh Vu
information freely
Huynh Anh Tai
● Focus on solving problems rather than
placing blame on others

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

III. COBIT - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

1. What is IT Governance?

IT governance is an element of corporate governance, it provides a structure to

align IT strategy with business strategy. By following a formal framework,
organizations can produce measurable results to achieve their strategies and
goals. ensure to deliver value to key stakeholders in an organization.

2. Definition

 Control objectives for information and related technologies (COBIT) are an

IT business framework designed specifically for IT management and
 COBIT is a set of control objectives that helps IT management and
governance professionals manage IT operations regardless of the
organization’s & QUALITY MANAGEMENT – Group Project
size. 11

 COBIT is primarily a business framework for managing enterprise IT. It is a

globally recognized open standard that works on business IT processes and
in keeping IT and business goals aligned. It is a comprehensive suite of
tools, procedures, guidelines and principles in IT governance and
management. COBIT helps organizations in benefiting from their
information systems and IT assets, while having enterprise-wide control
over enterprise IT.
 COBIT also incorporates guidelines and practices from other related
frameworks including Val IT, Risk IT and ITIL.

3. History of formation and development stages of COBIT

COBIT is a mature, best-practice framework that has evolved over the last
twenty-two years.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

Figure 2: History of COBIT 5
 COBIT (1996): First edition of the framework released, focusing on

 COBIT 2 (1998): Second edition of the framework released, adding

 COBIT 3 (2000): Third edition of the framework released, revising
Management Guidelines
 COBIT 4.0 (2005): Fourth edition of the framework released, revising
prior editions
 COBIT 4.1 (2007): Minor release, including overall upgrades
 COBIT 5 (2012): Fifth edition and a major overhaul, adding in Val IT
2.0 framework, Risk IT frameworks, concepts from ISACA’s IT
Assurance Framework (ITAF), and the Business Model for Information
Security (BMIS).

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

4. COBIT Structure

From the highest level, COBIT creates a three-level structure comprised of the
following segments:


Figure 3: CoBit cube represents the relationship between components

 Business Requirements:
- Effectiveness: Shows the relevance of information to business
operations, considering both time, accuracy and consistency.
- Efficiency: Shows the maximum use of IT resources.
- Confidentiality: Shows the level of confidentiality & reliability of
information, not being disclosed.
- Integrity: Shows the level of accuracy and completeness of information
as well as its validity with the proposed business.
CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology
- Availability: Shows the availability of information when required from
business activities.
- Compliance: Shows compliance with laws, regulations and binding
- Reliability: concerns the management system with the provision of
appropriate information for its use in the system and the accuracy of the
 IT Resources:
- Application: Can be understood as the sum of manual and programming
procedures. Any business or organization must have procedures or
application programs to support operations.
- Information: Data, standardization, security. Information sources are the
input values for each activity, usually converted into data in the
information system. Information always requires accuracy and speed.
Good information management will create business advantages of that
business or organization.
- Infrastructure: Technology and equipment (i.e., hardware, operating
systems, database management systems, networks, multimedia. must
invest in infrastructure to upgrade IT tools and systems.
- People: Skill, awareness, and productivity staff to plan, organize,
acquire, deliver, support, monitor, and evaluate information systems and
 IT Processes:
- Domains: Natural grouping of processes, often matching an organization
domain of responsibility.
- Processes: A series of joined activities with natural control breaks.
- Activities: Actions needed to achieve a measurable result. Activities
have a life cycle, whereas tasks are discrete.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

5. Components of COBIT

Figure 4: Components of COBIT 5

 Framework: The COBIT framework is designed to help organizations
SOFTWARE and categorize
PROCESS & QUALITYall of their objectives– Group
MANAGEMENT when Project
it comes to IT 15

 Control Objectives: The control objectives created in the COBIT
framework give organizations certain requirements they need to meet so that
they can manage their control of IT processes effectively in the company.
 Process Descriptions: These descriptions provide organizations with a
process model and create a common language for all departments across the
 Maturity Models: Maturity models in COBIT are used to better understand
the capability and maturity level of each process and work on any gaps
found in the same.
 Management Guidelines: These management guidelines are used to assign
job roles and responsibilities for IT governance.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

6. Objectives of COBIT

Governance Objectives and Management Objectives are the two main

objectives of COBIT.

 Governance Objectives include EDM


Figure 5: Governance Objectives

- Evaluate - It involves agreeing and identifying objectives that need to be
- Direct - This includes decision making and prioritization.
- Monitor - Compliance, and performance against objectives.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

 Management Objectives include PBRM (Plan Build Run and Monitor)

Figure 6: Management Objectives

- APO (Align, Plan and Organize) - This involves organization, strategy,
SOFTWARE supporting&activities
MANAGEMENT – Group Project 17

- BAI (Build, Acquire, and Implement) - This involves the definition,

acquisition, and implementation of IT solutions.
- DSS (Deliver, Service, and Support) - It is the operational delivery and
support of IT services.
- MEA (Monitor, Evaluate, and Assess) - The most important part which
involves performance and conformance monitoring of IT.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

7. COBIT Process Model


Figure 7: COBIT 5 Process Model

COBIT 5 Framework process reference model has two layers namely
Governance and Management layers.

Governance layers has 5 processes under EDM i.e. Evaluate, Direct and

Management layers has 32 processes under APO, BAI, DSS and MEA.

 Align Plan and Organize (APO): 13 processes

 Build Acquire and Implement (BAI): 10 processes
 Deliver Service and Support (DSS): 6 processes
 Monitor Evaluate and Assess (MEA): 3 processes

This process model is the key element in understanding the design and
implementation of COBIT 5 framework.
CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology
8. Goals Cascade

COBIT 5 framework defines required processes and enablers to support value

creation through the use of IT. This permits in transforming stakeholder needs
into an actionable strategy. The COBIT 5 goals cascade is the procedure used
to translate stakeholder needs into enabler goals, customized enterprise goals,
and IT-related goals. This alignment of needs to goals is an essential step
towards achieving enterprise’s needs, and with the right IT solutions and
services, these can be applied at different levels.


Figure 8: COBIT 5 Goals Cascade

 Step 1. Stakeholder Drivers Influence Stakeholder Needs: Stakeholder

needs are influenced by strategy changes, the business/regulatory
environment, new technologies, etc.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

 Step 2. Stakeholder Needs Cascade to Enterprise Goals: Stakeholder
needs can be related to a set of enterprise goals. The COBIT5 goals cascade
nicely organizes these into the four balanced scorecard dimensions, with 17
generic goals that can also be easily mapped to specific organizational goals.
 Step 3. Enterprise Goals Cascade to IT Related Goals: Often, enterprise
goals can only be achieved if the IT-related goals are met (where IT stands
for Information AND Technology). In the goals cascade, each of the 17
enterprise goals are mapped to a number of relevant IT-related goals. There
are 17 IT-related goals and they are also organized into the four balanced
scorecard dimensions.
 Step 4. IT-related Goals Cascade to Enabler Goals: In order to achieve
IT-related goals, a number of enablers must be successfully applied. One of
these enablers is processes. Similar to earlier steps in this cascade, each IT-
related goal is then mapped to one or more processes. The COBIT 5
framework has 37 processes.

9. COBIT Core Principles

According to ISACA, COBIT 5 helps businesses maximize IT value by

“maintaining a balance between realizing benefits and optimizing risk levels
and resource use”.
In order to achieve this balance, COBIT 5 has outlined five principles. These
principles are designed to be generic and versatile, meeting the needs of any
business, regardless of size or unique IT requirements.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

Figure 9: COBIT Core Principles

1. Meeting Stakeholder Needs: The first principle of COBIT 5, Meeting

Stakeholder Needs, encompasses the idea that enterprises exist to create
value for stakeholders – whatever that value may be. When making
SOFTWARE PROCESS regarding IT management
& QUALITY MANAGEMENTand governance, organizations
– Group Project 21

therefore need to consider which stakeholders stand to benefit from this

decision, as well as who is taking on the majority of the risk.
2. Covering the Enterprise End-to-End: Because COBIT 5 looks at
governance and IT management decisions from an End-to-End
enterprise perspective, organizations employing this framework make
decisions that extend past the IT function, and instead treat IT as an
asset that aligns with other processes.
3. Applying a Single, Integrated Framework: COBIT 5’s single
integrated framework allows it to be used as an overarching governance
tool and management system that is relevant to other frameworks
within the organization.
4. Enabling a Holistic Approach: Holism – the concept of systems being
viewed as a whole, as opposed to individual components – is a critical
modern business strategy. COBIT 5 takes a holistic approach to IT

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

management and governance, allowing for greater collaboration and
achievement of common goals.
5. Separating Governance from Management: Finally, COBIT 5
emphasizes the need to make a clear distinction between IT governance
and management. This is important because the two components require
separate organizational structures and different processes, as they each
serve separate organizational purposes.

10. COBIT Enablers

The framework also identifies seven aspects of governance that need to be in

place in order to support the five principles above:


Figure 10: COBIT Enterprise Enablers

 Principles, policies and frameworks: Are the vehicle to translate the

desired behavior into practical guidance for day-to-day management.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

 Processes: Describe an organized set of practices and activities to
achieve certain objectives and produce a set of outputs in support of
achieving overall IT related goals.
 Organizational Structures: Are the key decision-making entities in an
 Culture, ethics and behavior: Of individuals and of the organization;
very often underestimated as a success factor in governance and
management activities.
 Information: Is pervasive throughout any organization, i.e., deals with
all information produced and used by the enterprise. Information is
required for keeping the organization running and well governed, but at
the operational level, information is very often the key product of the
enterprise itself.
 Services, infrastructure and applications: Include the infrastructure,
technology and applications that provide the enterprise with information
technology processing and services.
 People, skills and competencies: Are linked to people and are required
for successful completion of all activities and for making correct
decisions and taking corrective actions.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

11. Key Management Practices

Figure 11: Key Management Practices

COBIT 5 framework provides Key Management Practices or KMP for ensuring
IT compliance
QUALITYcompliance as relevant– to
MANAGEMENT the enterprise.
Group Project These 24
include the following:

 Identify External Compliance Requirements: On a regular basis,

diagnose and check for changes in international and local laws,
regulations, and other external requirements that must be complied with
from an IT perspective
 Optimize Response to the External Requirement: Here we have to
analyze and adjust policies, procedures, principles, standards, and
methodologies to ensure that legal, regulatory, and contractual
requirements are addressed and communicated. We have to consider here
the industry standards, codes of good practices, and best practice
guidance for adoption and adaptation to any enterprise
 Confirm External Compliance: Here we have to confirm with policies,
principles, standards, procedures, and methodologies with legal,
regulatory and contractual requirements

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

 Obtain Assurance of External Compliance: To obtain and report
assurance of compliance and adherence with policies, principles,
standards, procedures, and methodologies to confirm that corrective
actions to address compliance gaps are closed in a timely manner

12. Who uses COBIT?

Because COBIT 5 is an enterprise framework, three types of people typically

engage with the COBIT framework directly:

 Management: COBIT helps enterprise managers balance risk versus

reward and control investments in an ever-changing IT world.
 Auditors: COBIT aids auditors in realizing an acceptable opinion on the
rate of assurance on the subject matter being audited and offers advice to
management on internal controls.
 Users: Enterprise users – typically in-house IT employees – may engage
& QUALITY in order to ensure the security
MANAGEMENT – Groupand controls of IT
Project 25

services provided by internal or external parties.

Though not officially designated, business process owners can use COBIT to
render more effective service in controlling IT processes.

13. Implementation

The recommended approach for the implementation of COBIT 5 is via a seven

phase implementation lifecycle. Each phase contains Programme Management,
Change Enablement and Continuous Improvement components which ensure
the implementation programme is managed effectively, behavioral and cultural
aspects are addressed and that it is not a once-off initiative.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

Figure 12: COBIT Lifecycle
The implementation lifecycle moves through seven phases from when the need
to act is recognized, MANAGEMENT
desire to change established–and
Group Project initiated
programme 26

in Phase 1, all the way to Phase 7 where the effectiveness of the programme
and sustainability of the improvements are reviewed, new requirements for
governance and management of Enterprise IT identified, and the essentiality of
continual improvement reinforced. Then the lifecycle starts all over again.

 Phase 1 asks What are the drivers?

 Phase 2 asks Where are we now?
 Phase 3 asks Where do we want to be?
 Phase 4 asks What needs to be done?
 Phase 5 asks How do we get there?
 Phase 6 asks Did we get there?
 Phase 7 asks How do we keep the momentum going?

The Seven Phases and the three components within each phase provide an
integrated, cohesive and comprehensive implementation lifecycle.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

14. Certification

Users of COBIT 5 may seek certification to ensure COBIT compliance within

their enterprises. There are three options:

 COBIT 5 Assessor: Learn how to guide implementation activities and

drive value to the business.
 COBIT 5 Foundation: Certify your understanding of the COBIT 5
 COBIT 5 Implementation: Learn to apply COBIT 5 to a range of
business challenges and scenarios within your organization.

15. Advantages of COBIT

 Accepted globally as a set of tools that ends effectively

 Functions as an overarching framework
 Provides common language to communicate goals, objectives and expected
results to all stakeholders
 Based on, and integrates, industry standards and good practices in:
- Strategic alignment of IT with business goals.
- Value delivery of services and new projects - Risk management.
- Resource management - Performance measurement.

16. Disadvantages of COBIT

 Not easy to Implement: Many organizations avoid implementing COBIT as

it needs a lot of skills and knowledge to be used as a tool to offer IT
governance support or assess IT department performance in an organization.
 Experienced Analyst Required: The maturity model offers a generic
analysis of any given situation; thus, it needs a seasoned analyst to conduct a
credible maturity assessment of an IT organization.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

 Lack of Specifications for Connections: The framework lacks
specifications related to its connections between the benefits of the activity
and how it is shown in the featured maturity model.

17. COBIT with other IT frameworks and processes

Enterprise IT managers frequently deploy other IT-specific frameworks and

processes. COBIT’s concepts and structures play well with other popular
options, including:


Uniquely, COBIT places more focus on what to do rather than how to do it,
often delegating how-to issues to other tools, frameworks, and methodologies.

ConclusionPROCESS & QUALITY MANAGEMENT – Group Project 28
The use and good management of this COBIT tool guarantees companies
implementing it a common standardization for all areas of the organization in
terms of IT, thus helping managers and users alike.

Any type of company can adopt the COBIT methodology, as part of a

restructuring process to reduce uncertainty about the vulnerabilities and risks of IT
resources and about the ability to evaluate the achievement of business goals
leveraged in technological processes.

The implementation of COBIT, in addition to being a model that facilitates the

auditing of information and technology in organizations, also allows for the
benefit of cost reduction and at the same time knowing the behavior of it follows
IT, acts in a transparent manner and verifiable information base, while providing a
quality tool and plenty of security.

CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology



CoBit - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology

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