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Social Imagination: Ladakh people generally called them economist.

Not because they are

increasing their economy. They take care of the nature and they don’t waste anything. In the
ancient time they don’t throw anything into the water, and they use their waste in the production.
Socialization: In the movie “The God must be crazy” we see that civilized people wants to be
busy every time and they judge each other very easily. They are busy with themselves, and they
don’t have any time for others. And they choose to easy way of life. For example, we can see
that a people coming out from his house with a car for dropping a mail.
On the other hand, bush people don’t feel necessity of technology and they find their own way to
collect foods and water.
Dimension of Sociological Theory: In terms of Micro level, Bush people love to live in the
small group. And in the movie, Ancient future learning from Ladakh, people like to live with
everyone, like to interaction with the neighbors, sharing the food with neighbors which means
their dimension is Macro.
And in the movie, “God must be crazy” we see that people were fighting for the bottle. When
they feel inequality, they were in conflict for the bottle. And this conflict things makes them
Economy: Ladakh economy mainly dependent on the agriculture before globalization. But after
globalization their agriculture is dying. It is the part of our lecture “Scopes and Coverage”.
Dominating Culture: Before the Modernization, Ladakhis used to follow their traditional
culture, used to wear their traditional dress. But after reaching the movies, cinemas in the
Ladakh, lifestyle of Ladakh teenager get changed. They try to wear dresses like heroes. Which is
also the part of our lecture “Scopes and Coverage.”
Gender Preferences: In the “God must be Crazy”, we see that Man from Bush people went to
the hunting as they have more strength.
Agents of Socialization: Ladakhis plays a role of agents of socialization, children learn so many
things like norms and values, agriculture from the senior citizen.
On the other hand, family of bush people plays a role of Agents. Children learn things from their
family members like how to hunting and making things.
Culture Core/Chores: Ladakhi people are so friendly. They work with each other, they help
each other.
And bush people in the movie, they are so polite and friendly. They help each other and they
don’t judge each other.
Nurture: Nurture is very important for the Ladakh people because their children learned things
since childhood from their elder one. Beside institutional education, they also learned many
things from their family and neighbors.
Division of Labor: Division of labor worked in the bush people They dividend their work in
terms of how good they are in any work.
Justifying Inequality: After globalization, Ladakh growth is increasing day by day. But their
development is not. In the movie the journalist said that, gap between rich and poor increasing
day by day. That means inequality increasing day by day. People who make money that means
Bourgeoisie people get richer day by day and proletariat people cannot find a good way of living.
Life Chances: Ladakh people have similar way of earning and lead a similar lifestyle.
Interdependence: Ladakh people are interdependent as they help each other in farming and
Bush people are most interdependent as they are small group, and they have to live there with
limited resources.

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