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Workshop Practice for EME I EMEg 2201

Chapter one
Safety Precautions
Objectives: At the end of this topic the students will be able to;
 Follow all safety precautions.
 Know the importance of safe work habits in metal working industries.
 Apply the general lab safety rules.
 Apply the safety rules for personal safety.
 Apply the safety rules for the proper use of tools and equipment.

1.1 General safety in workshop

“Safety first” is a good slogan at any time especially in the workshop and at site work. Your attitude to
safety at all times should be positive. You must know what to do, what to use, what to prevent and
what to guard against in the working area.
Remember, “An unsafe worker is an unwanted worker” therefore, before you start working, observe
the following safety rules:
 Follow instructions: The safe way to do a job is to do it in the correct way.
 Use the right tools for right works.
 Never use any power tools without permission from responsible person.
Causes of Accidents
 Reliable studies reveal that the number one cause for all accidents is a faulty attitude toward
safety. If we know how to drive, work, or play safely and we do not do these things according
to the rules, we have a faulty attitude. If we walk down stairs and do not take hold of the hand
rail, we have a faulty attitude towards safety on the stairs.
 The second greatest cause for accidents is failure to recognize a danger in the act being
performed. Be alert around the shop and always try to see the possible ways that an accident
could be hurt and we do not report it, we have a faulty attitude toward safety in the shop.
 The third greatest causes for accidents are the emotions, these things which take the mind
from the work, such as worry, fear, anger, uncertainty or excitement. Stimulated emotions
cause a person to let his mind wander from the work he is doing and may cause him to make
foolish mistakes. Keep a relaxed, courteous, and friendly atmosphere in the shop for the safer
Workshop Practice for EME I EMEg 2201

 The important things to be followed when entering in any shop is some of its safety rules that
can avoid accidents on one and on the others. Most accidents can be avoided by having safe
work habits. Safety must be taken as way of living. It is important to learn to be careful of
oneself, the others and things around us. In the shop, this means learning how to handle
tools, machines and materials with care. It can be also learning to follow instructions and
never taking chances.

General safety measures

 Dress correctly! Such clothing may be caught in the moving parts of a machine.
 Remove rings, wrist watches, necklaces and bracelets! Jewellery worn on the hands, wrists,
or neck may get caught in the moving parts of machines and causes serious injury.
 Always walk in the shop! Running in the workshop is not safe. There is always danger of
colliding with another student working around. A fall, especially while carrying a sharp-
edged object and injury could be the result.
 Protect your eyes! Eyes should be protected at all times with goggles, safety glasses or an
 No scrap materials on floor! Place all scraps material in containers provided for that
purpose. Keep floors free of oil grease or any other liquid.
 It is better to be safe than sorry!
 Take also care of small injuries:
Small cuts, burns, scratches are common in the workshop and building site. They may be caused
by burrs left from cutting, filing, tightening on vices or grinding with the file immediately after the
cutting or filing because of very sharp edges. Protect your hands with proper gloves or rags when
handling pipes or sheet metals.

Use wire brush to remove metal chips or burrs; don’t use your bare hands. Chemicals, explosive
materials and other burnable material have to be covert and to be stored in a suitable container/area.

Figure 1.1 Wire brush

Workshop Practice for EME I EMEg 2201

 When working with power hand tools or machineries, you protect the cable from sharp edges
or falling down items.

In case of doubt, report to your instructor. Only a professional electrician must deal
with repairs – not you!

⇨ Warning for Electric power

 Avoid standing in your own light. You need the best light possible to do accurate work and
avoid injury.
 When working with rotating tools, closely fitting clothes are to be worn.
 Don't grip into pressing or notching adaptors when making the joints.
 Tools and materials are to be deposited clearly and neatly arranged.

Under all conditions, stop, look, and think before you proceed in dangerous or unknown and
unfamiliar situations.
1.1.1 Safety for working area
Keep your working area, especially the floor, clean and free from any unnecessary items that can cause
slipping or stumbling. Materials should be properly stored in a material rack.
Protect the floor against spilled cutting oil. During cutting action use always a collecting basin to catch
the remaining/waste.
1.1.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Always wear your personal safety equipment. This will protect your body against injury.
The most common PPE's are:

 Safety goggles (with side shield),

 Safety shoes (with steel toes),
 Long working trousers (strong material),
 Working jacket (with long sleeves),
 Ear plug, Safety gloves and Safety helmet.

Workshop Practice for EME I EMEg 2201

Fig. 1.2 Personal protective Equipment’s

1.1.3 Tools and Equipment cares

 Tools
Tools are necessary for the conversion of materials such as lumber and metal into useful articles.
What they are, what they can be used for, and how to use them are of great importance to the worker.
The great variety of tools may be divided by their use into definite groups. In each of these groups will
be found the tools for major operations. Each tool has a special use.

Tools cost money; and they are made of metals — critical materials in peacetime and wartime.
Every worker should learn how to take care of the tools he uses.
Use only tools, which are in proper condition: unspoiled, complete and sharp.
⇨Never use damaged tools like files without handle, or hammer without wedges.
⇨Wipe the handles of tools clean if they are oily or greasy.
⇨Slippery tools can glide out of your hand and can cause accidents.

Care of tools:-The care of tools consists of storage, use, and conditioning.

Storage of tools:-Tools may be kept in a work bench, tool cabinet, or tool box

Use of tools: Tools should be used to do only what they are designed to do. You probably know
that it is wrong to use a screwdriver as a chisel or a chisel as a screwdriver, but an untaught or careless
person might thus misuse many tools. Such misuse is injurious both to the tools and to the person using

Conditioning of tools
A tool in good condition is a tool at its maximum efficiency. Tools should be kept clean and free of

Workshop Practice for EME I EMEg 2201

Lubrication of the moving parts of various tools is also a necessity, for all moving parts must be
kept working freely. If such parts can be moved only with difficulty, lubrication is necessary.

 Care of warmed up materials

Always wear leather gloves to handle hot work pieces


In general: report immediately to your instructor.
In case of fire: report, alarm and use the fire fighting equipment according to the instructions.
In case of injures: report and use First Aid Kit. A working area should have a first aid box, which

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