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Some important links

Registry Section

Windows Installer Section

Difference between .bat & .cmd files and .lnk & .pif files

Technical Interview Questions :

1. What is Packaging ?
2. What are the benefits of Packaging ?
3. What is Repackaging ?
4. What are the benefits of Repackaging ?
5. Which combination of standard is used in Lehman Brothers for XP Packaging ?
6. What is the default Packaging Procedure for XP in Lehman Environment?
7. What are the Contents of DMFiles.? what is importance of each component of DMFiles ?
8. What is full form of XML ?
9. What is importance of XML as a whole, and XML usage in XP packaging in Lehman Environment ?
10. What are subcomponents of XML and what happens when they are read by LBAppInstaller & LBMTickle ?
11. Why are shortcuts put in xml file ? what is the benefit of this modification ?
12. Which are the four methods to create XP Package in LB Environment. ?
13. Why do we use Disco32.exe for snapshots ?
14. Which are the other applications that can be used for taking snapshots ?
15. What is the Version of MSI.
16. What is the Difference of Compressed and Uncompressed MSI.
17. What is MSI ? How does MSI Architecture work with Windows Environment ?
18. What is Clean-up ? What are the benefits of clean-up ?
19. Which Product is used for cleaning up MSI. ?
20. Which 7 Installation methods are available in Wise for Windows Installer ?
21. How is “Empty Project” Installation Method used for Unattended Installation Standard ?
22. For what is “Empty Module” Installation Method used ?
23. For what is “New Transform” Installation Method used ?
24. For what is “Import SMS / Wise Script” Installation method used ? ( So SMS can be imported in Wise, Good feature to
compile with SMS Installers )
25. For what is “Import VB Project” Installation method used ?
26. For what is “Application Watch” Installation method used ?
27. For what is “Setup Capture” Installation method used ? ( same as disco32.exe )
28. What are the sub modules of Wise for Windows Installer ?
29. What are the sub modules of Installation Expert module of Wise for Windows Installer ? How they are used for
modifications ? ( All features, files, registries deletion, modification, addition ).
30. What are the sub modules of MSI Script module of Wise for Windows Installer ?
31. What are the sub modules of Setup Editor module of Wise for Windows Installer ? How they are used for
modifications ?
32. What is called Features in MSI. ?
33. What is called Components in MSI. ?
34. How are Components , Features, Tables, Dialogs & Application Interlinked ?
35. What is importance of Registry in Windows Environment ?
36. Which command is used to display and modify registries with GUI in Windows Environment ? ( Command
Prompt\Regedit = Registry Editor )
37. What are the sub parts of registry ?
38. For what is HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT used ?
39. For what is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE used ?
40. Is HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT subpart of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ? Where is it located in
41. For what is HKEY_USERS used ?
42. For what is HKEY_CURRENT_USERS used ? Is it subpart of HKEY_USERS ?
43. For what is HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG used ?
44. Which are the main two types of components used in most of the applications in windows environment wrt XP
packaging ?
45. How to identify if the component is registrable or not ?
46. Which application is used from command prompt to register a component ?
47. What do you mean by registering a component ?
48. What are the entries a component will put in registry if it is registered ?
50. What is Conflict Management ? How is it addressed in XP Environment ?
51. What is an Assembly ?
52. What is the use of Side by Side Assembly ?
53. Explain three different type of assemblies.
54. What is difference in Generic Assembly and Application Manifest ?
55. What is specialty of Shared Assemblies ?
56. What is a manifest file ?
57. Why Manifest is Created.
58. How do you Create Manifest ?
59. How to use Lehman Side by Side Assembly maker ?
60. What is significance of each field in side by side assembly maker ?
61. Why to use Dependency Walker ?
62. Why to use WinDiff ?
63. Why to use Roll Call ?
64. Why to use RegMon ?
65. How to use Event Viewer for debugging conflicts in manifest file of assembly ?
66. Why do we need Pre and Post install scripts ?
67. How to give “change permission” to files and folders ?
68. How to give “change permission” to Registry keys ?
69. What are the customization parameters available in “CACLS command” ?
70. What are the customization parameters available in “SUBINACL command” ?
71. Where do we add addins, and what script do we use for it ?
72. What are the difference between .bat files and .cmd files.
73. What is the difference between .lnk and .pif files.

HR Interview
1 What is your Date of Birth and Passport Number.
2 What is your roll in Lehman Brothers.
3 Why do you like in Lehman Brothers
4 What do you know about Lehman Brothers.
5 What is the Previous Experience you have.
6 Do you know any Scripting Language.
7 What is the most Difficult Package you have Done.
8 Do you have any Experience in Packaging Project.
9 Since how long you are working in this Project.
10 What do you know about TCS ?

Documents Attached : ( All zipped )

1. Windows XP draft document

2. Assembly Documents
3. What is the role of Current and Required Version in xml
4. REC XML 20001006.pdf
5. Wise Studio Helps
Wise and Windows Installer Help paths.
C:\Program Files\Wise for Windows Installer\Help\ Getting Started Guide.pdf
C:\Program Files\Wise for Windows Installer\Help\ On-line Reference.pdf
C:\Program Files\Wise for Windows Installer\Help\ Msi.chm

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