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Action Plan

Kathlea F. Bendaño

Sarah Michelle Tampoy

Embraces and practices the spirit of evangelical poverty.
Shows special love, a love of preference, for the poor.
Does not discriminate against the poor, but vindicates their rights.
Gives preferential attention and time to the poor.
Has Pastors and leaders who will learn to be with, work with,
and learn from, the poor.
st Objective

To teach healthy living style

to people.
-making healthy lifestyle changes affects not only our
risk for disease and the way we feel today but also our
health and ability to function independently in later

Our task is to assemble them and teach them the healthy tips, for them to have fewer
health problems. As we all know people nowadays are more prone to social media they
can lay in bed for hours which is not good to our body.
Success Time Resources
I think 1 month
If the tips we A program
since most people
have taught would apply it would help them
them were being because I know understood it
applied in their they also care for more and to
daily lives or by their lives. Of demonstrate
inviting other course if they have some things for
people to do it some clarifications them to take
we would be
with them note and they
can have guides
nd Objective

To facilitate them as they

start doing they healthy
-It is first time for them to take new adventure or let's
just say that, to add new living style in their lives
without those people who facilitate them, I think it
would be possible for them especially when they don't
have someone who'll motivate them to do it.

Our task here is to facilitate them, to help them, to make it as an easier task for them. If
we will not facilitate them for sure they won't continue doing it cause we all know that
some people don't have time to things such thing so we should be their during the
Success Time Resources
Facilitators that
If they are 1 week. I think would help them
already inspired it would be easy throughout the
or devoted to do for them. Since journey.
or continue it as we would be Facilitators that
their part of there for them will not give up
their living style from the start to them for we
and even to the know there are
end. times that we
lose hope
rd Objective
To help them financially
- Pandemic caused havoc in our lives
which leads us to lack of money. Lot's of
people were affected by this, so in times of
like this we should help one another.

Our task here is to do something to help them not just their living style but
also financially because we all know that we struggle in that part. We are
gonna sell some things that are less needed in the house to the privileged
Success Time Resources

If we already I think, After 5 We people who

gave them the months, it is not would help us, to
part of the also easy to sell help others. Also
money we things especially other people
earned and use it in this times but that would
to their daily I know there are willingly give
lives. people who money for the
would help. less fortunate.
"This is why I want a Church which is poor and
for the poor. They have much to teach us. Not
only do they share in the sensus fidei, but in their
difficulties they know the suffering Christ. We need
to let ourselves be evangelized by them..."

Pope Francis

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