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Software installed on Industry
customer computers
to the User's Manual
161150 - 067 - C – en - 2014/09 — P/N 161150 - 577

bioMérieux SA
Chemin de l'Orme
69280 Marcy-l'Étoile - France
RCS Lyon 673 620 399
Tel. 33 (0)4 78 87 20 00
Fax 33 (0)4 78 87 20 90

bioMérieux, the blue logo and VIDAS are used, pending and/or registered trademarks
belonging to bioMérieux or one of its subsidiaries, or one of its companies.

Any other name or trademark is the property of its respective owner.

© 2014 bioMérieux S.A.

Photos: bioMérieux / Printed in France / bioMérieux S.A. RCS Lyon 673 620 399
Table of Contents

Aim of the document ..................................................................................................... 1
Intended use ................................................................................................................. 1



User accounts ............................................................................................................... 3
Generalities ........................................................................................................ 3
Creation of the db2bmx user account ................................................................. 3
User account passwords............................................................................................... 4
Character restrictions.......................................................................................... 4
Updating the db2bmx account password ............................................................ 4
Starting the VIDAS PC application ................................................................................ 5
VIDAS PC “Journal” menu ........................................................................................... 5
Data backups ................................................................................................................ 5
Full system backup / snapshot...................................................................................... 5
Frozen VIDAS PC application (screensaver enabled) .................................................. 5
Audit trail backup .......................................................................................................... 5


Introduction: .................................................................................................................. 6
Audit trail Backup .......................................................................................................... 6
Audit Trail browser ........................................................................................................ 7

VIDAS® PC Software installed on Industry customer computers I-1

Addendum to the VIDAS PC User's Manual
1. Introduction

2B Aim of the document

This addendum provides additional information for use of the VIDAS PC
Software on the Industry customer computers. However, when using this
addendum, users should refer to the current VIDAS PC User’s Manual, ref.
93073 and the VIDAS User Instrument Manual, ref. 99762.

Intended use

Industry customers will be able to run the VIDAS PC software on their own
It is intended for professional use only.
Although the VIDAS PC applications remain unchanged, the use of a
computer and/or an operating system other than the ones provided by
bioMérieux can change or restrict certain features.
Specific recommendations and restrictions for use are described hereafter.

VIDAS® PC Software installed on Industry customer computers 1

Addendum to the VIDAS PC User's Manual
2 . M i n i m u m h a r d w a r e a n d s o ft w a r e

The following minimum computer specifications must be strictly respected

to ensure proper operation of the VIDAS PC software on the Industry
customer computers.
− Central Processing Unit: Intel Celeron - 600 Mhz
− RAM: 2 Gb
− Hard Disk: 8 Gb free space
− PCI slot available (low profile or standard) for the provided serial card
− DVD ROM drive
− USB 2.0 connector for the barcode reader
− Speakers: enabled for alarms
− Monitor: resolution set to 1024*768
− Printer: Configured to use PCL5 or PCL XL with PCL5 compatibility
mode enabled
− Operating system: Windows 7 32b only (64b is not compatible).
− Disk partition: at least C: and D:
Note: the disk MUST NOT be encrypted.
− Time zone and day light saving: the "Automatically adjust clock for
daylight Saving time" option must be selected.
− User account: a specific user account called db2bmx must be created
by the customer network administrator. The VIDAS PC software can
only be installed using this account.
The characteristics of this user account are the following:
− User name: db2bmx
− Full name: db2mbx
− Description: DB/2 Administrator – Installation account
− Password: defined by the customer network administrator (refer to
the “Character restrictions” on page 4)
− Privileges: Administrator
− Screensaver disabled: if authorized by the Windows security policy
because it is enabled, the Windows closing session will prevent the
VIDAS PC application from being refreshed (See “Frozen VIDAS PC
application (screensaver enabled)” on page 5).

2 VIDAS® PC Software installed on Industry customer computers

Addendum to the VIDAS PC User's Manual
3 . V I D A S P C s o ftw a r e r e s t r i c t i o n s f o r u s e

User accounts


It is the customer’s responsibility to create and manage user accounts in

accordance with the instructions in the VIDAS PC user manual (for group
For user accounts created for the VIDAS PC software, the caps lock must
be disabled by pressing the SHIFT key.
Another possibility is to disable the caps lock when the VIDAS PC software
is running (always use lower case).
IMPORTANT ! Each time a local user account is created for the VIDAS PC software
using the user manager application, it is necessary to first log into
Windows with this account in order to change the password.
Note: If a local user account is given the same name as a network account, the
corresponding user will automatically log on to VIDAS PC.
For daily use of the VIDAS PC software:
1. log on to Windows using a network account,
2. log on to VIDAS PC using a local VIDAS PC account (member of the

To configure the VIDAS PC Software:

1. Log on to Windows using a local VIDAS PC account (member of the
2. Start the VIDAS PC software,
3. After configuration, log off from VIDAS PC and Windows and then, to
access the network, log on again as for daily use of VIDAS PC.

C reation of the db2bmx user account


Before installing the VIDAS PC software, a local user account must be

created on the customer’s computer.
The characteristics of this user account are the following:
− User name: db2bmx
− Full name: db2mbx
− Description: DB/2 Administrator – Installation account
− Password: defined by the customer network administrator (refer to the
characters restrictions listed in the next section).
− Privileges: Administrator

VIDAS® PC Software installed on Industry customer computers 3

Addendum to the VIDAS PC User's Manual
User account passwords
Character restrictions

In order to be compatible with the VIDAS PC database, the db2bmx

account password must be restricted to the following characters:
− letters A to Z (lower and upper case) as defined in the basic (7-bit)
ASCII character set.
− Numbers 0 to 9.
− % { } . - ^ ~ _ (underscore) @, # and $.
Nota : If the security policy does not allow the use of the password “db2bmx”, use “Azertyu-”

The option “User must change password at next logon” must be unselected
(see figure below).

Updating the db2bmx account passw ord

The update of the db2bmx user account password on the customer

operating system has no effect on the db2bmx user account password for
the VIDAS PC software.
Therefore, after each update of the db2bmx account password on the
operating system, it is necessary to update the db2bmx account password
in VIDAS PC. Discrepant passwords will lead to database errors.
To update the db2bmx user account password in VIDAS PC:

4 VIDAS® PC Software installed on Industry customer computers

Addendum to the VIDAS PC User's Manual
Starting the VIDAS PC application
When starting the computer, wait 5 to 10 minutes after launching the
Windows operating system. Then start the VIDAS PC software.
If the VIDAS PC software is started too early, an error message will appear
and VIDAS PC will not be able to start.
After closing the error message box, wait a few minutes before restarting

VIDAS PC “Journal” menu


This menu is not accessible by the db2bmx user account.

The event viewer can be accessed using the computer management
console of the operating system.

Data backups

Automatic data backups will be stored on the customer’s computer hard

The customer is responsible for storing these backups on his network or
any other backup medium.
WARNING! In case of backup restoration, your backup data must be located on
the computer hard disk.
Contact your local bioMérieux representative for the correct backup

Full s ys t e m ba c k up / s na pshot

The VIDAS PC application should always be shut down before a full

system backup / snapshot is performed.

Frozen VIDAS PC application (screensaver enabled)


If the screensaver is enabled, the VIDAS PC application data will not be

refreshed (results will be retained and not printed).
In this case, close the VIDAS PC application and restart it to update the
supervision and result screens. The results will be printed a few seconds

13B Audit trail backup

If the audit trail is activated, Auditbackup should be launched every month
to avoid having a too large database which could slow down the PC.
See Using the Audit Trail software on page 6.

VIDAS® PC Software installed on Industry customer computers 5

Addendum to the VIDAS PC User's Manual
4 . U s i n g t h e A u d i t Tr a i l s o ft w a r e

To use the Audit Trail software, it must be previously activated by a
bioMérieux field service engineer.
The audit trail enables all operations performed using the VIDAS PC
software to be recorded.
The Audit Trail is composed of 2 applications:
− Audit Trail backup: to empty the database in a DataBackup file. This
application has to be launched regularly
− Audit Trail browser: to read all the actions performed using the
VIDAS PC application and which have been recorded in a Databackup

Audit trail Backup

Reminder: The data backup has to be launched every month (to avoid having a too
large database which will slow down the PC)
• Launch the the ‘AuditTrailBackup’ by clicking on the shortcut on the
• Change the destination path of the backup data file if necessary.

• Click “Backup”.

• Click “Yes” to perform the backup:

6 VIDAS® PC Software installed on Industry customer computers

Addendum to the VIDAS PC User's Manual
IMPORTANT ! Do not take the following error message into account. The backup file
“audit_trail.audit” will be correctly created in the selected directory.

Audit Trail brow ser

To view the contents of the backup files created with the Auditbackup
application, use the Auditbrowser application.
• Launch the ‘AudittrailBrowser’ by clicking on the shortcut on the

• Select “Edit file list…” in the “File” menu.

• Select the backup file that you want to view and then click “Add”.

VIDAS® PC Software installed on Industry customer computers 7

Addendum to the VIDAS PC User's Manual
• Click “OK”
You can now view the contents of the backup data file.

8 VIDAS® PC Software installed on Industry customer computers

Addendum to the VIDAS PC User's Manual

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