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1. Give at least 6 assumptions in the conduct or use of scientific method.

In other words, what are

assumed by people in the course of using the scientific method as a way of solving
environmental problems?

 Nature is orderly, and the laws of nature describe that order. ...

 We can know nature. ...

 All phenomena have natural causes. ...

 Nothing is self-evident. ...

 Knowledge is derived from acquisition of experience. ...

 Knowledge is superior to ignorance.

2. What are the elements of the scientific method? Explain briefly the significance of the previous
step to the next.

Purpose/Question. Ask a question – Will serve as the topic for the experiment.

Research. Conduct background research – The gathering of information that links to the Question.

Hypothesis – The explanation as result of the initial research

Experiment – The experiment to test your hypothesis.

Data/Analysis – Record observations and analyze the meaning of the data from the experiment

Conclusion – The overall result derived from the Analysis

3. What is a variable? If you are testing the effect of carbon dioxide to plants place in BUS 101,
what could be the possible dependent and independent variable(s)?

A variable is any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types.

Dependent Variable – Growth of the plant

Independent Variable – Amount of CO2

4 Differentiate a theory from a scientific law

Scientific law is a description of an event. theory is the explanation for that event

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