Post Ecoscope Assessment - Theory and Sigma Completed: Total Score: 25 Out of 31, 81%

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Post EcoScope Assessment - Theory and Sigma - Page 1 of 4


Post EcoScope Assessment - Theory and Sigma completed

Total score: 25 out of 31, 81%

Unfortunately you did not pass this assessment. Please review the material and try again.

1 of 30
EcoSCOPE 23: EcoSCOPE provides three porosity measurements which are:
Thermal Porosity with density correction "Best DVD Porosity"
Epithermal Porosity
High Energy Porosity
Thermal Porosity "ADN like"
1 out of 1

2 of 30
EcoSCOPE_11: EcoSCOPE tools are used by our clients for:
drilling optimization measurements
Formation Evaluation
None of the Above
Efficient Well Placement
1 out of 1

3 of 30
EcoSCOPE 18: The Cesium 137 source used for logging operations can be fished out of the tool when the tool becomes stuck downhole
1 out of 1

4 of 30
EcoSCOPE_9: There is a recess on the collar that allows the spectral Gamma Ray detector to.....
allow the measurements to be azimuthal
Get higher count rates
all of the above
focus the measurement
0 out of 1

5 of 30
EcoSCOPE 20: The activiation of the material around the PNG will dissipate in a few hours
1 out of 1

6 of 30
EcoSCOPE 32: the PNG can be disarmed performing a downlink command
1 out of 1

7 of 30
EcoSCOPE 21: The PNG is field serviceable
1 out of 1

8 of 30
EcoSCOPE_6: Azimuthal Gamma Ray is recorded in sectors instead of quadrants
1 out of 1

9 of 30
EcoSCOPE_8: What is the purpose of the spectral Gamma Ray scintillator detector used in the tool?,,SSL+sessi... 30/06/2010
Post EcoScope Assessment - Theory and Sigma - Page 2 of 4

identify the three most encountered radioactive elements Th,U, K

None of the above
Measure the total count rate of GR's occuring naturally from the formation
0 out of 1

10 of 30
EcoSCOPE 28: What is the name of the best DVD porosity?
None of the above
1 out of 1

11 of 30
EcoSCOPE_12: Resistivity transmitter 2 is physically 24 in. above the receiver
1 out of 1

12 of 30
EcoSCOPE 33: Select the answer products available for the EcoSCOPE tool
Image Derived Density
Real time images (density and Gamma Ray)
Well Eye
"best Caliper"
0 out of 1

13 of 30
EcoSCOPE_5: Ultrasonic Caliper can be acquired if the tool is not rotating?
1 out of 1

14 of 30
EcoSCOPE 30: When is the minitron considered 'Armed'?
when there is a FNP in place, but no password entered
When no FNP, or password is entered
When there is a FNP and a password entered
1 out of 1

15 of 30
EcoSCOPE 25: the Helium 3 Neutron detectors can measure both neutron count rates and arrival times relative to Minitron burst.
1 out of 1

16 of 30
EcoSCOPE 26: There are 2 Far and 1 Near Thermal Neutron Detector on the tool
1 out of 1

17 of 30
EcoSCOPE_15 : EcoSCOPE is equipped with a triple axis accelerometer and a single axis accelerometer that allow it to make the following
None of the above
lateral vibration
axial vibration
torsional vibration,,SSL+sessi... 30/06/2010
Post EcoScope Assessment - Theory and Sigma - Page 3 of 4

1 out of 1

18 of 30
EcoSCOPE 22: What are the power requirements for the EcoSCOPE tool?
55 W and 24 Volts
110 W and 30 Volts
20 W and 60 Volts
1 out of 1

19 of 30
EcoSCOPE 27: From the following list select the environmental corrections applied to Thermal Porosity
formation salinity
borehole size
lithology (Sst, Lmst, Dolomite)
mud hydrogen index
formation hydrogen index
mud salinity
0 out of 1

20 of 30
EcoSCOPE 17: LOTMAXTIME is a coefficient used to
Record vibration while drilling
Record pressure when pumps are off for a limited time
Record drilling performance while tripping out of hole
1 out of 1

21 of 30
EcoSCOPE_16: the APWD sensor is powered by the Real Time Clock battery during connections
1 out of 1

22 of 30
EcoSCOPE_1: In order to emit neutrons inside the PNG, which elements are combined?
Deuterium + He
Deuterium + Tritium
Neutrons + Tritium
1 out of 1

23 of 30
EcoSCOPE 24: Neutron counts drop as the hydrogen concentration increases
1 out of 1

24 of 30
EcoSCOPE_7: Select the measurements that the EcoSCOPE tool can make?
Inclination at the bit
Ultrasonic Caliper
Density of the formation
3 axis shocks and Vibration measurements
Formation pressure
Annular temperature While Drilling
20 Resistivity Measurements
Thermal /Epithermal Neutron Porosity
Annular pressure while drilling
Azimuthal Gamma Ray
Photo Electric Factor (PEF)
2 out of 2,,SSL+sessi... 30/06/2010
Post EcoScope Assessment - Theory and Sigma - Page 4 of 4

25 of 30
EcoSCOPE_13: Resistivity transforms are different from the ones used on the arcVISION tool
0 out of 1

26 of 30
EcoSCOPE_Sigma_Spectroscopy3: Si, Ca, S, Fe, Ti, Gd are some of the elements that can be identified using spectroscopy
1 out of 1

27 of 30
EcoSCOPE_Sigma_Spectroscopy8: the typical value of sigma for oil is around:
4.26 c.u.
193 c.u.
7.07 c.u.
20 c.u.
1 out of 1

28 of 30
EcoSCOPE_Sigma_Spectroscopy4: Capture cross section 'Sigma' is basically the minerals ability to absorb thermal neutrons
1 out of 1

29 of 30
EcoSCOPE_Sigma_Spectroscopy2: EcoSCOPE measures the Gamma Rays generated following the capture of a thermal neutron by the nucleus of an
element in the formation
1 out of 1

30 of 30
EcoSCOPE_Sigma_Spectroscopy6: Select some of the applications of 'sigma'
can be used to determine Sw
Differentiate hydrocarbons or salt water
Used to identify formation salinity and porosity
none of the above
0 out of 1


Questionmark Perception licensed to Schlumberger,,SSL+sessi... 30/06/2010

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