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In Bombardier Global 5000 aircraft the air bleed system is controlled during
all phases of operation by (2) two bleed management controls. This Bleed
Monitoring Computer (BMC) is responsible for indications and warming to EICAS
and maintenance information to Central Aircraft Information Maintenance System
(CAIMS). In normal flight the air bleed deliveries air from the engine to the
Environmental Control System (ECS) and wing and cowl anti-ice system and the
location of Bleed Air System control panel in Global 5000 aircraft is on the overhead
panel same place as the air conditioning system place. However, the APU generally
supplies air in high pressure ground air supply unit while in the ground or the bleed
air from the engine can also be used.

The air conditioning system controls during phases of operation by two air
conditioning system control (ACSC). The Air Conditioning System Controls (ACSC)
deliver indications and warnings to Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System
(EICAS) and maintenance information to Central Aircraft Information Maintenance
System. In the air conditioning system of Global 5000 consist of the following sub-
system the flow control system, (2) two air conditioning units, temperature control
system, air distribution & exhaust and the last one is emergency pressurization
system. From Cabin Pressure Control System to EICAS is responsible to give a
warning & indications and maintenance info to CAIMS. The air conditioning system
of Global 5000 aircraft includes the flow control valves, air conditioning units, ram
air system, distribution system, ventilation system and auxiliary pressurization
system. The flow control system controls the airflow to the air conditioning units
from the pneumatic duct. The temperature from Aircraft Control Unit (ACU)
decrease and moisture content of bleed air starting to the pneumatic system. In the
aft equipment bay is placed the Aircraft Control Unit (ACU). Through ram air
system the alternate source of fresh air is accessible/available. From the cooling
packs the conditioned air is transmitted to mix manifold (distribution system). The
Avionics and Cockpit Display Exhaust system make sure that the ventilation of the
avionic equipment and cockpit displays to prevent unnecessary heating. The
auxiliary pressurization system provides substitute pressurization source for the
cabin, if both cooling packs are damage

In this system of ACSC of Global 5000 contains the safety devices which
affect the outflow valve travel limitation, cabin altitude limitation and differential
limits exceed.

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