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FE modelling of a drained staged

construction (loading) problem


Arya Assadi, BSc., MSc., Tehran University of TMU

Farhad Elmi, BSc., MSc., DEA., Phd. Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées

Tehran University of Tarbiat Modares,

School of Civil Engineering,
Advance numerical computations presentation series 2006
Within the next slides, we analyse the construction of a homogenous
embankment in three steps. The analysis is implemented by SIGMA/W
and PLAXIS 2D 7.2 .
Input Parameters, SIGMA/W

Horz.Sc. 1:100
30 Vert.Sc. 1:100

   d  19 kn / m3
E  3000 kpa
  0.2 16

K 0  0.4



3H + 30 = 180
Dealing with a homogenous Body force is defined .
embankment, a single type of
material is defined.
The value of grid spacing is about 0.1 m in x and y directions. Hence, the mesh is
very fine , and the analysis outputs deemed to be accurate enough.
The vertical and horizontal degrees of freedom for the nodes at the bottom of the
embankment are restricted, and therefore the vertical displacements would occur
within the embankment body .
Analysis takes place in three
stages , in which , each stage
comprise of a 17 meters
height earthfill .
PLAXIS: Inputting project-specific data
PLAXIS: Node coordination
Point X Y
[m] [m]

0 0.000000000000 0.000000000000
1 180.000000000000 0.000000000000
2 154.000000000000 17.000000000000
3 25.500000000000 17.000000000000
4 51.500000000000 34.000000000000
5 129.000000000000 34.000000000000
6 105.000000000000 50.000000000000
7 75.000000000000 50.000000000000
PLAXIS: Mesh generation
Total vertical displacement contours : Step 1
Total vertical displacement contours : Step 1

Total vertical displacement appeared in an even distribution on SIGMA/W.

Furthermore, unlike SIGMA/W, PLAXIS shows highest compression at upper
layers close to the edges of the embankment.

1. Element type: 4-nodes quadrilateral elements in SIGMA/W and 6-nodes

triangular elements in PLAXIS
2. T6 elements fits better for geotechnical problems. Q4 elements are less
accurate in elements closer to the boundary.
3. T6 elements better represents non-linear displacements, benefiting from
their middle nodes. Q4 elements perform best for linear displacement

4. Grid spacing in both directions equals 0.1 m in SIGMA/W model. The

latter was defined as ‘very fine’ in PLAXIS.
5. Material being permeable sand, it appears that confinement is better
applied via the use of T6 than that of Q4.

T6 elements brings advantages, more than that brought by Q4

elements in geotechnical loading problems.
Total vertical displacement contours : Step 2
Total vertical displacement contours : Step 2
Total vertical displacement contours : Step 3
Total vertical displacement contours : Step 3
Total (= effective) vertical stress contours : Step 1
Total (= effective) vertical stress contours : Step 1
1. Stress distribution pattern and values did show negligible
differences between the two outputs.
2. Both methods demonstrated the contribution of confinement is
sandy fill. This can be viewed in higher stress values in the core
lower layers of embankment.
Total (= effective) vertical stress contours : Step 2
Total (= effective) vertical stress contours : Step 2
Total (= effective) vertical stress contours : Step 3
Total (= effective) vertical stress contours : Step 3
Nodal Displacements
Displacements at the mid-height of each layer gained by PLAXIS and SIGMA/W
Chart 1
Step Y-Displacement vs. Time

50 Node 1008



Node 1025


Node 1042

0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
-3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0
Uy [m] Time


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