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Individual Task

Through this assignment, I have learned how important it is to choose the suitable system in a
building because if we choose an incorrect system there must be a lot of problems such as not
durable, not convenient and also higher construction fees. Therefore, we have to invite professionals
in their own field to identify which type of system is suitable for the building before construction

In this assignment, I'm taking part in the sanitary and drainage system. Before starting my work, I
have searched a lot of information. From that, I find that there are 3 types of sanitary systems which
are single stack system, one pipe system and two pipe systems. Apart from that, different types of
building differ from the use of a type of sanitary system as these three sanitary systems have their
own advantages and disadvantages. Hence, we have to learn and understand those basic knowledges
before doing the assignment. 

We have to do internal as well as external drainage systems in this assignment. There are a few
internal drainage systems that we are familiar with in the building which are wash basin, wash
closet, point drain and others. Different types of internal drainage have different types of connecting
pipe namely, the wash basin is connected with drain pipe, wash closet is connected to the soil pipe
while the point drain is connected to the floor drain pipe. It is because with different types of pipe
and their materials used, different the function of the pipe. Furthermore, there are various types of
external drainage systems such as roof drainage, rainwater harvesting, on-site detention (OSD),
hillside drainage and the fourth. The type of drainage is affected by many reasons some of them are
soil condition, location, types of building and the like. All of these drainage systems have their own
function and characteristics. Thus, we have to understand the characteristics and basic knowledge of
the drainage system no matter if it is internal or external, in order to choose the suitable type of
drainage for the building.

Figure Drainage system (Sewer Diagnostic, n.d.)

1. Sewer Diagnostics. n.d. Sewer System Explained. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 March 2021].

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