Automotive Electronics Corrosion and Testing

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Paper No.

629 The NACE International Annual Conference and Exposition


Robert Baboian
Texas Instruments Incorporate ed
Electrochemical and Corrosion Laboratory
34 Forest Street
Attleboro, MA 02703


The automobile has evolved into a complex multimaterial s stem that is

exposed to a highly aggressive and wide range of environments. 1 Its design
includes auto-body and structural materials; hardware such as trim, bumpers,
and brackets; engine; drive train and exhaust systems; electrical and
electronic systems and systems incorporating liquid passages and reservoirs
such as heat exchangers; hydraulic brake lines, fuel lines and tanks; and oil
and transmission fluid reservoirs. corrosion in the automotive electronics
industry has become a significant factor in recent years because of the
extremely complex systems that have been developed and the increasing demand on
their reliability. Technological advances have resulted in the development of
sophisticated components with closer spacing so that extremely low levels of
corrosive contaminants can cause failure. Testing for this type of behavior is
difficult and costly. Further advances in electronics can only be made where
corrosion issues are addressed and reliability is maintained. Many
publications have appeared in the technical literature on the subject of
corrosion in electronics with more and more emphasis on testing.2-*


Electronic materials include a broad range of metals and alloys depending

on the specific system, equipment, and components. The system as a whole can
include structural materials such as steels, copper, nickel and their alloys,
aluminum, and titanium. The system can also include structural materials used
for cabinets as well as those used for electronic components. The broadest
range of materials used in electronics is in components including printed
circuit boards, contacts, connectors, switches and relays, grounding contacts,
thermal contacts, and integrated circuits. Table 1 lists various electrical
components and includes important materials of construction.


The automotive electronics environment can be categorized as (1) external

exposure, (2) interior exposure, and (3) internal functional liquids. Of
these, the environment most investigated is external exposure. In external
exposure, the electronics system is exposed directly to the elements such as
road splash and spray. Interior exposure consists of environments such as that
under the dashboard. In recent years, electronic systems have been designed
into areas directly exposed to internal functional fluids such as transmission
@1996by NACE International. Requests for permission to publish this manuscript in any form, in part or in whole must be made in writing to NACE
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Automotive Electronics corrosion behavior is strongly dependent on the
actual environment. The electronics design as well as the nature of the
environment are important because failures in printed circuit boards,
integrated circuits and other components have been known to occur even in
extremely low levels of moisture and contaminants.

Materials used in electronics are susceptible to corrosion in a wide range

of environments. For example, sulfidation of silver in H2S occurs in dry as
well as humid air. However, moisture in the form of humidity is generally
required for atmospheric corrosion to occur. When the humidity is increased, a
moisture film can form on the metallic surface and can yield an increased rate
of corrosion. The duration of time at which this occurs is referred to as time
of wetness (TOW). However, the humidity at which wetness occurs is dependent
on a number of factors including the nature of the material, surface roughness
and composition, temperature, and surface contamination including atmospheric
pollutants. Since the nature and significance of the moisture film is
dependent on very complex and synergistic interactions among a large number of
variables, this subject has received a great amount of attention and has
resulted in conflicting points of view. This behavior is significant because
corrosion tests must be designed properly and include the effects of complex
and synergistic reactions. Otherwise, the test environments will not represent
those to which electronics are exposed.

In some cases, a critical humidity exists above which significant

corrosion occurs. This behavior has been described for steel in S02.9
However, many of the materials used in electronics do not exhibit this
behavior. Copper in S02, for example, corrodes at a steadily increasing rate
with increasing humidity, while in the absence of pollutants, its corrosion
rate is very low even at 100% relative humidity. The presence of certain
atmospheric pollutants therefore enhances corrosion by reaction on the surface
in the presence of moisture to form corrosive species or corrosion products, or
both . Their properties are different for each metal and therefore the
corrosion behavior will vary. Some pollutants that can cause corrosion in
electronics are listed in Table 2 along with their sources and effects on
electronic materials. This table does not include the wide range of submicron
atmospheric particles including various compounds of sulfate, chloride,
nitrate, sodium, ammonium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.l” These
particles deposit on surfaces and react with moisture to form corrosive
electrolytes. Sulfate and ammonium ions are the most common ones found in
particulate in outdoor and indoor environments.

Another source of contamination is chemicals from outgassing of organic

materials. These vapors from sealants, resins, plastics, coatings, and packing
materials can be emitted in closed areas and therefore can reach appreciable
concentrateions.2 Examples are: acetic acid from silicone sealants; sulfurous
vapors from polysulfide sealants; phenols from phenolic resins; ammonia from
molded resins; organic acids from adhesives; amines from epoxy; sulfurous
vapors from paper, cardboard, and insulation; and formic and acetic acids from
wood . Rubbers, plastics, and adhesives are also known to have residual acids
that can leach out to cause corrosion problems. For example, residual acrylic
acid in acyrlate adhesives has caused pitting in stainless steel. Many types
of rubber outgas sulfur or hydrogen sulfide, or both, which will react with
copper and silver alloys. Such rubber can be found in furniture, carpet
backing, rubber bands, etc.

Another group of contaminants causing failure in electronics is residual

chemicals. These are generally introduced during manufacturing and include
fluxes, cleaning compounds, plating solutions, and metal processing fluids.
Also included here are chemicals from fingerprints and saliva. Many of these


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include chlorides, and when these contaminants, such as residual chloride flux,
are not removed, corrosive electrolytes are formed.


The severity of the external automotive environment varies considerably

throughout the world, due to differences in the chemistry of the
environment .11-13The severest corrosion environments are in the snowbelt areas
where deicing salts are used and along coastal areas where warm, humid, salt
atmospheres exist. During the 20th century, the chemistry of the environment
has changed drastically. As a result of these changes, the corrosivity of the
automobile environment has increased.

To design automobile electronics for corrosion resistance, it is necessary

to understand the nature of the environment and how materials react in that
environment. Rain and snow are important to providing moisture to the
environment. Atmospheric moisture and the conditions that produce fog and dew
are also important.

Aggressive corrosive constituents include chlorides and pollutants.

Marine environments are corrosive because of dissolved chlorides. Atmospheric
redistribution of seawater is extremely important in marine environments.
Larger seawater droplets fall out rapidly closer to the source. Smaller
droplets distribute over a wide area while evaporating to an equilibrium size
and deposit according to local weather conditions.

The most important factor in automotive corrosion is the use of road salts
for deicing purposes.11-13 The use of sodium chloride and calcium chloride for
this purpose introduces extremely large amounts of these corrosives which come
in direct contact, through splash and spray, with the automobile. During the
year 1994, over 18 million tons of road salts were used in the United States.

Atmospheric pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen

sulfide, ammonia (S02, NO., H2S, NH4, respective ), and particulate matter, are
known to have an effect on corrosion of metals. The presence of S02 in the
atmosphere and its effect on corrosion has been studied very extensively. The
complex reaction involves the S02 molecule striking a metal surface and
converting to sulfuric acid as a result of oxidation and hydrolysis. This
introduces reactive ions, increased conductivity, and a lower PH. The presence
of hydroscopic sulfate corrosion products also lowers the critical humidity for
corrosion reaction.

Study of the behavior of NO. has led to the conclusion that nitric acid
forms on a metal surface. Also, the conversion of S02 to sulfuric acid is
enhanced in the presence of N02, according to the reactions

S02 + N02 + H20 + H2S04 + NO

Increased corrosion rates have been measured for metals in the presence of
both S02 and NOX. This synergistic effect may be important in the automobile
environment because automobile emissions contain NOX.


The automobile interior environment varies considerably depending on

geographic location and location within the vehicle. For example, the most
sheltered area under the dashboard would not be exposed to direct contaminants
such as road salts tracked in one’s footwear. However, in a severe industrial
environment, atmospheric contaminants could be appreciable. The same is true


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for the engine compartment in sheltered areas compared to boldly exposed
components. In general, the automobile interior provides a corrosion
environment of atmospheric corrosion in electronics.


Internal functional liquids include engine coolants, engine oil,

transmission fluid, hydraulic brake line fluid, fuels, etc. Electrical and
electronic systems such as sensors are commonly used within these liquid
passages and housings. The requirement of engine coolants is to transfer heat
from the engine to the radiator where it is dissipated. Properties must
include high specific heat, good thermal conductivity, low freezing point, high
boiling point, chemical stability, and noncorrosivity. Since ethylene glycol
provides a fairly good overall balance of these properties, it is used almost
universally for automobile engine coolant in aqueous solution.lg Typically, an
ethylene glycol concentrate will also include a small amount of other glycols,
chemical inhibitors, buffer or neutralizer, foam suppressed, dye, ad a small
quantity of water to dissolve the additives (ASTM D 3585, Specification for
ASTM Reference Coolant, is a typical example of a formulated coolant) . The
concentrate -is generally mixed with water for automotive service. The nature
of the water used to dilute the ethylene glycol concentrate, and the type and
length of service of the coolant will determine its corrosivity. Chloride-
containing water, for example, can override the effect of inhibitors in the
coolant and therefore will cause corrosion damage. Inhibitor depletion, and
glycol breakdown to form acids, are also mechanisms whereby the coolant can
become corrosive.1’

Basic functions of engine oil are to provide lubricity, heat removal, and
containment of contaminants.lg The composition is about 75% to 90% base stock
(such as mineral oil) and 10% to 25% additives such as viscosity index (VI)
improvers, antioxidants, corrosion inhibitors, detergents, dispersants, and
others such as antifoam agents. The aging of engine oil, as determined by the
type of driving, can result in an aggressive liquid.

Automatic transmission fluid (ATF) performs many functions including

lubrication, power transfer, hydraulic control, and cooling.lg This fluid is
extremely complex consisting of a base mineral oil (consisting of paraffinic,
napthinic, and aramatic hydrocarbons) and an additive package. Newer ATF
compositions consist of synthetic base materials. The additives prevent fluid
oxidation, corrosion, loss of lubricity and foaming. Even though antioxidants,
inhibitors, and stabilizers are added to the ATF, the base oil can react with
oxygen to form organic acids.


Corrosion mechanisms in electronic components have been the subject of

intense study. Problems are compounded by the fact that these systems are
fabricated by a number of complex processes and consist of a variety of
dissimilar materials. Miniaturization and the requirement for high component
density has resulted in smaller components, closer spacing, and thinner
metallic paths. Thus, the effect of bias potentials and small defects is

Uniform and localized corrosion mechanisms are all important in electronic

systems . Some extremely important mechanisms of degradation are unique to this
field of interest.20-24 Pore corrosion is one of these and is frequently
associated with noble metal coatings such as gold on copper/nickel.21’22 Defects
in the noble metal coatings give rise to galvanically accelerated pitting of
the underlying base metal. When that process occurs, the corrosion products


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(for example from copper) can migrate over the surface of the metal coating
(such as gold).

Several mechanisms of migration are known to cause problems in electronics

and involve metal migration and ion migration.2’5’20’21

Metal migration occurring electrolytically involves: 1),

electrodissolution, 2) ion transport, and 3) electrodeposition.23 The metallic
material is oxidized producing ions that are transported through an electrolyte
by electrical migration, diffusion, or convection, and then cathodic reduction
of the metal ions at dendritic nucleation sites.z3 Failure results due to the
resulting conductive path formed across the dielectric between biased
electrodes. This behavior has been reported for silver, gold, copper, and tin
on devices such as integrated circuits and circuit boards.

Ion migration involves movement of metal ions over a surface away from the
source metal.24’25 The phenomenon is commonly referred to as corrosion product
creep. The mechanism is not well understood, but it is known to occur in humid
or dry environments depending on the materials. Tarnish films that form on
copper in environments containing H2S and high humidity can creep over
adjoining gold surfaces causing increased contact resistance of the gold.24
Silver iodide, formed when silver is exposed to dry iodine vapor, will creep
over tantalum.25 The latter mechanism involves silver ion migration in silver
iodide and electronic conduction in the silver iodide. The driving force in
the copper/gold system is thought to involve the local galvanic cell between
the dissimilar metals. However, a mechanism involving conductive copper oxide
is possible.

One of the most widely investigated effects is the atmospheric sulfidation

of silver used in electronics. The mechanisms of silver corrosion in polluted
dry and humid atmospheres have been studied.2G For example, the reaction of
silver and H2S in air can occur directly

2 Ag + H2S = Ag2S + H2

or by reaction with oxygen

2Ag + HZS + 1/202 = Ag2S + H20

The latter reaction mechanism is favored by most researchers. The

presence of N02 with H2S greatly enhances silver sulfidation and when high
relative humidity is added, the rate of sulfidation is extremely rapid and is
limited by gas-phase diffusion even at high flow rates. Therefore, the solid-
state transport of silver atoms from the bulk is faster than the interracial
reaction and does not affect the rate.

The silver sulfidation studies serve a very important point to demonstrate

the complexity of mechanisms due to synergistic environmental effects. These
synergistic effects are not well understood and are difficult to produce during
testing unless specific conditions are met. One can easily understand how
improper tests can yield results that do not duplicate actual service behavior.

Another phenomenon in electronics de radation is whisker growth defined as

filamentarygrowth on metallic materials. Whiskers can be metallic or
inorganic compounds. Although this behavior is still under investigation, it
is reported to be a form of induced recrystallization related to metallurgical
imperfections and occurs under the influence of stress. Whiskers grow on tin,
zinc, cadmium, and silver and can grow long enough to short out circuitry.
Fretting is important in electronics because it can cause loss in electrical
continuity in contacts, connectors, and other systems.28 It occurs under


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relative motion at a contacting interface in a reactive environment. The
relative motion may be produced by vibration, differential thermal expansion,
or cyclic contact.

The mechanism of degradation due to the deposition of airborne particles

has recently received attention.29 When the system is exposed to moderately
elevated relative humidity (typically 60%), the critical humidity of the
deposited particle is exceeded and the surface absorbs sufficient moisture to
form an electrolyte solution. Various corrosion mechanisms including uniform
and localized types can therefore occur leading to failures.


Use of electrical and electronic components on automobiles has increased

dramatically so that corrosion protection is important. The primary method is
to minimize exposure to the environment by locating wiring and other components
within the passenger com artment, by shielding or providing good drainage, and
by sealing and coating.3P’31 Proper design, manufacturing, and quality are a
precursor. However, failure can occur in electrical and electronic systems if
proper precautions are not taken. Examples of critical systems are connectors,
switches, terminals, electrical comections, sensors, integrated circuits, and
other electronic control devices.

Structural materials that are directly exposed, such as in housings, and

heat sinks, are fabricated from materials such as steels, stainless steels,
brass, zinc, aluminum, and other metals and alloys with appropriate properties.
The types of corrosion encountered in these structures depend on the
environment and material as would be expected. Both uniform and localized
corrosion can be important when cosmetic corrosion is of concern. In
structural applications, crevice corrosion, corrosion fatigue, stress corrosion
cracking (SCC), galvanic corrosion, and intergranular corrosion causing
reduction in mechanical properties are important.

Printed circuit board are generally fabricated with copper conductors

separated by insulating materials and also incorporate several other metals.
These systems are susceptible to corrosion when residual chemicals such as
fluxes exist, and outgassing of insulating or adhesive materials such as epoxy
or resin occurs. Galvanic corrosion and metal migration due to bias potentials
is common under these conditions. Corrosion product creep and metal migration
can cause shorting and failure. Printed circuit boards are generally protected
in the harsh automotive environment.

Contacts are fabricated with a wide range of materials including gold,

silver, and tin. Gold is either clad or electroplated on a substrate metal,
usually a conductive material such as copper. When electroplated, a nickel
underlayer is used to act as a diffusion barrier. Pore corrosion in the gold
electroplate and/or corrosion product creep (usually from copper) can lead to
failure. To prevent sticking and erosion, cadmium oxide is incorporated into
silver in high current contact applications. With tin, the main cause of
failure is fretting. An increase in resistance between contact surfaces is
most destructive and is generally a direct result of corrosion reactions.

Connectors are a critical part of an automotive electronic system.

Corrosion mechanisms at connector interfaces include pore corrosion, corrosion
product creep, fretting, and SCC and general attack. Pore corrosion in
connectors is associated with surfaces plated with gold or other precious
metals. Corrosion product creep in connectors usually involves copper
corrosion products originating from exposed base metal areas such as at edges
with migration distances approaching 8mm in several months. Fretting is mainly
associated with tin in aggressive environments and where relative motion exists


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in the connector contact surfaces. Precious metals are also affected by
fretting under more severe conditions. In some environments, SCC of connector
base metals can occur. Copper alloy is susceptible to SCC in ammonia
containing atmospheres. Some precious metal surfaces are susceptible to
general corrosion in specific environments which can affect contact resistance.
One example is sulfur reacting with silver surfaces as described above..

Switches and relays are also required to maintain conductive contact

surfaces as well as thousands or millions of cycles of operation. The same
corrosion mechanisms, such as fretting, exist with these devices as observed
with connectors and contacts. However, the mechanical requirements can lead to
additional wear and erosion corrosion problems.

Integrated circuits (IC) are highly susceptible to corrosion due to their

small dimensions.b One example of a packaged IC consists of a silicon chip
mounted on a metal support or frame, small gold wires to attach an aluminum pad
on the circuit to external pins, and a plastic epoxy, or silicone encapsulating
material to protect the chip and wire connections. The frame is made from
copper, Kovar, alloy 42, or nickel and is selectively plated with gold or
silver. This encapsulated package with soldered or plated leads is extremely
complex and therefore is susceptible to many corrosion mechanisms. The
behavior of the package in a humid environment is highly dependent on the
quality of the encapsulation. Moisture permeation, residual deposits such as
chlorides, and atmospheric contaminants in contact with the silicon device will
contribute to corrosion. Even minimal amounts of these contaminants and the
resulting corrosion reactions can cause circuit failure. Examples include
corrosion at the gold wire/aluminum pad galvanic couple and electromigration of
silver and, in rare cases, gold causing shorting. The external surface of the
IC package is also susceptible to corrosion reactions because of direct
exposure to the environment under bias conditions. The IC package leads are
generally soldered or plated. Corrosion product creep can short the leads, SCC
of the lead (such as Alloy 42) can occur, and in some cases tin whiskers can
grow with tin plated parts resulting in shorting.

Various organic and inorganic coatings are used to exclude air, moisture,
and chemical contaminants and to increase lubricity and reduce thermal
degradation. These include paint, primer, varnish, resin, silicone compounds,
oil, and greases. A wide range of sealed connectors has been developed for use
on automobiles because even the best selection of base materials and plating
cannot provide the necessary termination protection in the severe automotive
environment. The problems associated with leakage currents (bias) have been
addressed by ensuring that proper barrier coatings, sealing, and design are


Corrosion testing has played a major role in the development of corrosion-

resistant automobiles. The tests are generally classified as laboratory tests
or field tests.1 The difference involves the nature of the environment.
Laboratory tests simulate the environment, while field tests are conducted in
the natural environment. Although laboratory test results are obtained in
shorter times, field test results are more reliable because they are conducted
in the actual environment. The design and interpretation of laboratory tests
are important in order to obtain useful information.

Laboratory tests include electrochemical tests, immersion tests, cabinet

tests, and cyclic tests. Vehicle tests include proving ground tests,
atmospheric exposure, fleet tests, and field surveYs.


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Accelerated corrosion testing of electronic components differs
substantially from traditional accelerated corrosion testing.32 Most mature
accelerated tests have been developed to evaluate the performance of structural
materials in rather corrosive environments. Therefore, structural electronic
systems on automobiles such as cabinets, housings, and accessories are tested
conventional ly. However, electronic components usually function in
environments that are comparatively mild where corrosion mechanisms and rates
can be unique. The amount of corrosion that can cause failure is quite small
when compared to that for other applications. Therefore, results of
traditional tests must be evaluated carefully in order to determine that
corrosion mechanisms are those encountered in real life. Also, new and
improved tests have been developed specifically for electronic systems.32 It
is of great importance to note that systems that are energized as in service
may behave differently because of bias voltages and other effects. Therefore
this factor must be taken into account when conducting corrosion tests. Where
appropriate, electronic systems and devices should be active/energized during
corrosion testing. A list of tests along with their use and standard
designation is shown in Table 3. Specific tests for those systems are listed
in Table 4.


Environmental tests for electronics can be divided into two groups based
on the information they provide.

The first group includes those tests that do not provide any corrodent
other than humidity and oxygen. Such tests are constant humidity exposure,
temperature cycling, and temperature/humidity cycling. For these tests, the
level of cleanliness of the sample (residual chemicals) is a major variable.
The types of questions answered in these tests are: Can a soldering flux be
changed without causing corrosion problems? Is there a corrosive agent in
organics such as an epo~ that will outgas and lead to corrosion of adjacent
electronic components? Will corrosion occur during storage, shipping, and
handling? Will electrical properties of insulating materials change due to
moisture permeation? Will the device remain hermetic?

The second group of tests answer questions such as: Are materials
selected sensitive to corrosive air pollutants? Do the coatings provide an
adequate barrier to corrodents? Are cabinet materials sufficiently corrosion-
resistant to protect sensitive components? This group of tests introduces the
corrodent and include cabinet tests such as salt spray3 (fo9), cyclic tests such
as cyclic salt spray and corrosive gas chamber tests.

A list of tests along with their use and standard designation is shown in
Table 3. Specific tests for those systems are listed in Table 4.


The automobile environment is one of the most severe with regards to

corrosion due to the use of road deicing salts and pollutants. Environmental
corrosion is having an increasing impact on automotive electronics reliability
because of the increasing complexity of these systems.

Corrosion mechanisms in electronics components are unique therefore

corrosion tests must be chosen carefully in order to duplicate the mechanisms
observed in service. These tests must be chosen according to the specific
component, location on the vehicle, and function.


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1. R. Baboian, Automotive Corrosion, in Corrosion Tests and Standards,

R. Baboian, Editor, Manual 20, ASTM, Philadelphia, 1995.

2. J. Henricksen, R. Hienonen, T. Imrell, et. al., Corrosion of Electronics,

Bulletin No. 102, Swedish Corrosion Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 1991.

3. J. Guttenplan, “Corrosion in the Electronics Industry, m in Corrosion, ASM

Handbook Vol. 13, ASM, Metals Park, OH, 1987, p. 1107.

4. E. White, G. Slenski, and B. Dobbs, “Case Histories and Failures of

Electronics and Communications Equipment,” in Corrosion, ASM Handbook,
Vol. 13, ASM, Metals Park, OH, 1987, p.1113.

5. “Design Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Avionic Corrosion,”,

NAVMAT P 4855-2 Department of the Navy, June 1983.

6. Electronic Packaging and Corrosion in Microelectronics, M. Nicholson,

Ed., ASM, Metals Park, OH, 1987.

7. Corrosion of Electronic Materials and Devices, J. Sinclair, Ed., PV91-2,

The Electrochemical Society, Bennington, NJ, 1991.

8. P. Peterson, Corrosion of Electronic and Magnetic Materials, ASTM STP

1148, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1992.

9. W. Vernon, Trans Faraday Sot., Vol. 27, 1931, P.255.

10. J.D. Sinclair, L.A. Psota-Kelty, C.J. Weshler, and H.C. Shields,
“Indoor/Outdoor Concentrations and Indoor Surface Concentrations and
Indoor Surface Accumulations of Ionic Substances, ” Atmospheric
Environments, vol. 24A, 1990, p.627.

11. Automotive Corrosion and Protection, R. Baboian, Ed., NACE, Houston,


12. Automotive Corrosion by Deicing Salts, R. Baboian, Ed., NACE, Houston,


13. R. Baboian, Chemistry of the Automotive Environment in Designing for

Corrosion Prevention, SAE P-78, Warrendale, PA, 1978.

14. Materials Degradation Caused by Acid Rain, R. Baboian, Ed., ACS,

Washington, DC, 1986.

15. V. Kucera, “Influence of Acid Deposition on Atmospheric Corrosion of

Metals - A Review,” in Materials Degradation Caused by Acid Rain,
R. Baboian, Ed., ACS, Washington, DC, 1986.

16. L.C. Rowe, “Automotive Engine Coolants: A Review of Their Requirements

and Methods of Evaluation,” in Engine Coolant Testing: State of the Art,
ASTM STP 705, W.H. Ailor, Ed., American Society for Testing and
Materials, Philadelphia, 1980.


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17. E. Beynon, N.R. Cooper, and H.J. Hannigan, “Cooling System Corrosion in
Relation to Design and Materials,” in Designing for Automotive Corrosion
Prevention, SAE P-78, Warrendale, PA, 1978, p.56.

18. Engine Oil Tests, SAE Standard J1703, Warrendale, PA.

19. H.E. Deen, and J. Ryer, “Automatic Transmission Fluids - Properties and
Performance, “ SAE Paper 841214, Warrendale, PA, 1984.

20 J. Guttenplan and D. Violette, “Corrosion Related Problems Affecting

Electronic Circuitry, ” Materials Performance, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1990, p.76.

21. D. Rice, “Corrosion in the Electronics Industry,” Paper 323,

Corrosion/85, NACE, March, 1985.

22. R. G. Baker, “Corrosion and Plating Problems in Electronics Equipment for

the Communications Industry, ” Paper 83, Corrosion/73, NACE, 1973.

23. J. Steppan, J. Roth, L. Hall,, “Review of Corrosion Failure

Mechanisms During Accelerated Tests, Electrolytic Metal Migration,”
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 134, No. 1, 1987, p.175.

24. V. Tierney, ‘The Nature and Rate of Creepage of Copper Sulfide Tarnish
Films over Gold,- Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 128, 1981,
p. 1321.

25. c. Ilschner-Gensch, and C. Wagner, “Local Cell Action during the Scaling
of Metals, 1.,” Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 105, 1958,
p. 198.

26. L. Volpe and P.J. Peterson, IBM Technical Report TR 02.1449, IBM, San
Jose, CA, March 1988.

27. Guide to the Selection and Use of Electroplated and Related Finishes,
ASTM STP 785, F.A. Lowenheim, Ed., American Society for Testing and
Materials, Philadelphia, 1982, p. 48.

28. M. Antler, *Survey of Contact Fretting in Electrical Connectors,” IEEE

Transactions, Vol. CHMT-8, No. 1, 1985.

29. R. Commizzoli, R. Frankenthal, R. Lobnig,, “Corrosion in

Electronic Materials and Devices by Submicron Atmospheric Particles,”
ECS-Interface, Fall 1993, p.26.

30 M.M. Jones, and E.E. Welker, “Electrical Component Corrosion Prevention,=

in Designing for Automotive Corrosion Prevention, SAE P-78, Warrendale,
PA, 1978.

31. J.P. Cook, and G.E. Servais, “Corrosion Failures in Semiconductor Devices
and Electronic Systems,” in Proceedings of the Automotive Corrosion and
Prevention Conference, SAE P-136, Warrendale, PA, 1983.

32. R. Baboian, Electronics Corrosion, in Corrosion Tests and Standards,

R. Baboian, Editor, Manual 20, ASTM, Philadelphia, 1995.

33. R. Baboian, and S.W. Dean, Editors, Corrosion Testing and Evaluation,
STP1OOO, ASTM, Philadelphia, 1990.

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TABLE1 - 131cctrical Components

Components Design Materials

Printed Circuit Boards Metallic conductor separated by Copper, copper alloys, copper clad
insulating materials materials, epoxy, resins, ceramics,
woven glass fiber, electroplate,
solder, tin, lead, conformal

Contacts Electrical contact maintained by Base Metal copper alloys, steels

mechanical force (clad) Contact Surface -- gold,
alladium, silver–palladium,
silver, tin, tin-lead, copper

connectors Electrical connections between systems Sprint Material - beryllium copper,

or boards stainless steels

Switches and Relays Cyclic electrical conm~c:f.ion Contact Surface - gold, palladium,
silver, silver– palladium, tin,

Grounding contacts For shielding Copper alloys, steels, stainless

steels, electroplate and contact
surface materials.

Thermal contacts [ieat sinks Copper, aluminum

Integrat,:d circuits Small dimension complex systems Gold, silver, aluminum, Kovar,
solder, glass, ceramic, silicon,
silicon dioxide, silicon nitride,

TABLE 2 - EIWi. rOtIMellL~l p311Ut6itIt S CaUSing corrosion

pollutant Sources Susceptible Metals

Sulfur Dioxide (S02 ) Fossil fuel combustion, petrochemical Most metals

industries, pulp and paper industry, metal
producing industq

Nitrogen Dioxide Auto & truck emissions, fossil fuel combustion, Copper, brass, synergistic with s02
(m2) various industries

Hydrogen Sulfide Pulp & paper industries, chemical industry, All copper and silver based metals
(H2S) sewage plants, garbage dump:;, oil
refineries, animal shelters, volcanic
activity, swamp areas, marine tidal areas.

Chlorine (c12) but Bleaching plants in industries, metal Most metals synergistic with other
most important is production, PVC plants, cleaning agents. pollutants
containing gases

Ammonia and Its Fertilizer, animal and human activity, detergents All copper based alloys, nickel,
Salts (NH3 and silver
NH+ 4 )

Chloride (Cl-) Sea salt mist, road salt al-eas Most metals

Soot (Carbon) combustion, auto & truck emi :;siw,s, steel Synergistic with other pollutants;
production. provides cathodic sites for most

Ozone Formed in polluted areas, highe:,t Strong oxidant to produce acids which
concentrateions in smog. attack most metals

Mineral Acids Pickling industry, chemical indus Lry, metals Most metals, glass, ceramics
(H2S04, Hcl, HF, product ion, semiconductor industry

Organic acids Wood, packing material, animals, preservatives Long-term effects on some metals

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TABLE 3 – Environmental test~ and standards for electronics corrosion

Test Standal-d Use

Humidity noncondensing] IEC 68-2-3 Use and storage at high humidity

Humidity condensing ) ASTM D1735, D 2247, DI1l 5001’) Use and storage at high humidity where
condensation occurs

Humidity cyclic) IEC 68-2-30, MIL-T-5422 Use and storage at high humidity where
condensation occurs

Thermal (cold) IEC 68-2-1 Use and storage at low temperature,

adhesion of plating and coatings,
physical distortion

Thermal (hot) IEC 68-2-2 Use and storage at high temperature,

long-term aging of organics and
oxidation of metals

Salt Spray (Fog) ASTM B117, IEC 68-2-11, IS(J 9227 Not recommended but used for coatings
and systems

AAss ASTM G85, 1S0 3769 Not recommended but used for coatings
and systems

CASS ASTM B 368, 1S0 3770 Not recommended but used for coatings
and systems

Cyclic Salt Spray ASTM D 2933, SAE J1563 Electronic housings, cabinets, units

Sulfur Dioxide (S02) ASTM G 87, IEC 68-2-42, DIN 40 046 Noble met-a coatings (porosity test

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) IEC 68-2-42, DIN 40 046 Noble meta coatings (porosity test)

Nitric Acid ASTM B 735, 1S0 4524/2 Porosity in gold coatings

Sulfurous Acid (H2S) ASTM B 799 Porosity in gold and palladium coatings

Paper Electrograph ASTM B 741 Porosity in gold coatings

TABLE 4 - Tests on electrical and electronics systems

Electrical Equipment Design SAE J1211

Acceptance Criteria for SAE J1879

Integrated Circuits

Corrosion Preventive MIL-C-81309

Compound for Connectors and MIL-c-16173

Conforrnal Coating Performance MIL-I-46955

Environmental Testing of MIL-T-5422

Electronic and Associated

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