Q1. I'm A Good Person, Why Do I Need Ethics?

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Q1. I’m a good person, why do I need ethics?

Ethics justify us to become a good person or the good one. The principles of ethics
indicate that being a good person has passed the standard principle for certain consumption.
By being a good person,  we mean that a person is “virtuous.”8 Being good involves having the
character and personal qualities that we justify by reason as having moral worth. The traditional
word for such character traits is virtues.

Ethics is a system of principles that helps us tell right from wrong, good from bad. Ethics
can give real and practical guidance to our lives. Ethical values (i.e. honesty, trustworthiness, and
responsibility) help guide us along a pathway to deal more effectively with ethical dilemmas by
eliminating those behaviors that do not conform to our sense of right and wrong – our best
rational interests – without sacrificing others.

Ethics is about character -- the sum of qualities that defines a person. These qualities
include a person’s intellect, thoughts, ideas, motives, intentions, temperament, judgment,
behavior, imagination, perception, emotions, loves, and hates. In virtue ethics, character is all
about what a well-intentioned person with good character would do. Character counts, as the
saying goes, and it is the sum of who we are. What we stand for.  

Being a good person is supervised by the ethics of its and he/she qualified for admission
of that kind of state. Such as the Mill’’ Utilitarianism upholds the belief that a truly moral person
always tries to incorporate the good of others in every decision he/she makes. Virtue ethicists
place less emphasis on learning philosophical rules and instead stress the importance of
developing good habits of character – dispositions to do the right thing in the right place at the
right time in the right way. Cardinal virtues are wisdom, courage, temperance and justice. These
virtues inform ethical decision making because they provide a foundation to make good
judgments when faced with an ethical dilemma.

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