St. John'S School Greater Noida West

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Answer Key Assignment 1

Q.I Multiple choice questions

1. The ability of metals to be drawn into thin wire is known as
a. Ductility
b. Malleability
c. Sonority
d. Conductivity

Ans. (a) Ductility

2. Aluminium is used for making cooking utensils. Which of the following properties of aluminium are
responsible for the same?

i. Good thermal conductivity

ii. Good electrical conductivity
iii. Ductility
iv. High melting point

a. (i) and (ii)

b. (i) and (iii)
c. (ii) and (iii)
d. (i) and (iv)

Ans (d) (i) and (iv)

3. If copper is kept in open air, it slowly loses its shining brown surface and gains a green coating. It is due to
the formation of

a. CuSO4
b. CuCO3
c. Cu(NO3)2
d. CuO

Ans. (d) CuO

4. Generally, metals are solid in nature. Which one of the following metals is found in liquid state at room
a. Na
b. Fe
c. Cr
d. Hg

Ans. (d) Hg
5. An element A is soft and can be cut with a knife. This is very reactive to air and cannot be kept open in air. It
reacts vigorously with water. Identify the element from the following

a. Mg
b. Na
c. P
d. Ca

Ans. (b) Na

Q.II Short answer questions

1. Define metal?

Ans. Metal is a substance which is lustrous, sonorous, ductile, and is a good conductor of heat and electricity.

2. Which is less reactive sodium or gold?

Ans. Gold

3. Give two examples of non-metal?

Ans. Sulphur, Oxygen

4. What is the nature of metallic oxides?

Ans. Metallic oxides are basic in nature.

5. Which metals can be cut by a knife?

Ans. Metals like sodium and potassium are soft and can be cut with a knife.

Q.III Answer the following questions in brief

1. Which reaction takes place during rust formation?

Ans. Iron reacts with oxygen and moisture to form iron oxide. Iron oxide is brown in colour and is commonly
known as rust.

Fe + O2 + H2O → Fe2O3

2. Why are bells made of metal and not of wood or other material?
Ans. Bells are made of metal because they are sonorous. The things made of metals produce ringing sound when
struck hard.
3. What happens when copper turnings are kept in zinc sulphate solution? Give reason for your answer.

Ans. Copper is less reactive than zinc. Hence, copper cannot displace zinc from a compound. Hence, no
reaction takes place when copper turnings are kept in zinc sulphate solution.
4. How do metals react with acids?

Ans. Metals generally react with acids and produce hydrogen gas. Confirmation of hydrogen gas is done by
bringing a burning matchstick or a burning candle near the gas. When the burning matchstick or candle burns
with a pop sound it confirms the evolution of hydrogen gas. But copper does not react with dilute sulpuric acid.

5. List some uses of metals.

Ans. Uses of metals:

 Metals are used for making machines and tools.

 Iron is used for making ships, bridges, railway lines, etc.
 Copper is used for making electric wires.
 Aluminium is used for making utensils.
 Gold and silver are used for making ornaments.

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