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Propaganda Influence on the Spanish American War

1.History of the Spanish American War

2. Imperialist Roots of War
3. Propaganda in the war
- (Political and Military Imp of SP-AM - p.9)
4. Post-effects of propaganda


1.History of the Spanish American War

P1: (Spanish American War Reader)

-Spain was entering a decline coming from a once global power in their possessions of lands known as
the “New World”
-Tensions arose as Spain emphatically held onto Cuba as the last valuable land from an ending empire.

P2 (https://www.britannica.com/event/Spanish-American-War)
- The war stemmed from an urgency from Cuba to secede from Spain.
- In the race for expanding colonization across the Americas and Asia, the United States was looking to
protect their valuable assets in Cuba

P3 https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/rise-to-world-power/age-of-empire/a/the-
- In self-interested intentions, the U.S. sent the USS Maine was sent as a result to no avail as Spanish set
an onslaught against the warship.
- Engaging in maritime battles led to the declaration of war as the Americas set to salvage Cuba from the

P4 (SP-AM Cuban P.O.V. -4th paragraph)

- Contrary to the American view as to start of the war, Jose Marti - organizer of the revolution - initiated
the war as a result of Cuban sentiments regarding American motives.
- It was no wonder that Cubans were reluctant to seek military assistance from the U.S.

2. Imperialist Roots of War

P1 - (Political and Military Imp of SP-AM - p.9)
- Such sentiments were brewing long before the war, as the U.S. advocated imperialist attitudes through
expansionist efforts
- Americans advocated the expansion as they were influenced by politicians who echoed the rhetoric of
the Monroe Doctrine.

P2 - (Imperialism, American Style)

- Beyond the political push however, imperialist attitudes spawned from the boom in productivity and
- U.S. foreign policy saw the expansion to the new territories as economic control over new markets.
P3 - (Imperialism, American Style)
- Others find imperialism coming into form due to a psychological view.
- In this sense, American emotional public response to events established America’s imperialist nature.
P4 - (American Imperialism p.6)
- Despite the nation’s imperialist outburst, resistance to engage in the war was prevalent in the political
- With imperialist beliefs, naturally a vocal public response alongside an opinionated media frenzy
influenced the events leading up to and during the Spanish-American War

3. Propaganda in the War

P1 (Propaganda and Artificial Glory – p. 4 pdf)
- Known as “yellow journalism,” this sensationalist type journalistic coverage portrayed the events of the
war in both local and national levels.
- Hearst was the forefront for pushing the propagandist agenda using specific techniques with the aim of
spurring Americans to support the involvement in war.

P2 (Propaganda and Artificial Glory – p. 4 pdf)

- Various newspaper publications relayed the events of the war with a clear journalistic slant
- While there were differences in portrayal, the local newspapers were able to add fuel to an already
kindling fear of Spain’s disdain for the U.S.

P3 (Propaganda and Artificial Glory – p. 5 pdf)

- The central region, the newspaper obsessively spewed anti-Spanish rhetoric.
- By emphasizing how “alien” Spain as well as an imperialistic pull, the local press was able to appeal to
the people of Greencastle.

P4 (Propaganda and Artificial Glory – p. 6 pdf)

- In the South, the news focused on a global agenda to rally its locals for war
- Vincennes Commercials successfully galvanized the public by reiterating the American Empire
narrative that the U.S. was a global economic power.

4. Effects of the Propaganda

P1. (Propaganda Junta)

- Propaganda activities were unique in The Junta as it was written from a Cuban Perspective
- While it was not the sole factor, the Cuban Press propelled the demand for war.
P2 (Propaganda and Media Portrayal p. 12)
-Political cartoons provided a visual aid that exhibited American ideals to sway public opinion
- The various political powers took on an edge that instilled an emotional effect among Americans.

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