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Lesson 4 – Visual art and its Purpose


1. To familiarize oneself of how an artwork is made, put together, or organized.

2. To determine the meaning conveyed by the art and how an artwork makes life
more meaningful.
3. To appreciate the vase of self-trust in producing art
4. To compare and contrast the different mediums in art production.
5. To come up with a simple art presentation.
6. Identify the purposes of visual art
7. Familiarize the five purposes of visual art
8. Understand the purposes of visual art


This unit designed to provide an overview of artist medium and techniques on visual art
and performing art.
By the end of this unit, the students will be able to identify the different material
used by an artist; understand the different technique to achieve the desired and
meaningful effect of work of arts; appreciate the vase of self-trust in producing art; and
come up with a simple art


Pre-test. The purpose of this test is to determine your baseline knowledge or

preparedness in this unit.

A. Answer the following questions.

1. What is medium? What is technique?
2. What are the different mediums used by painters? Sculptors? Architects?
3. Why do artist differs in their choice of subjects for their artworks?
4. What does the artist express in his paintings?
5. What is the medium of literature? Explain the nature of translation

B. Multiple choice:
Complete each statement by circling the letter that responds to your answer.

1. This learning unit deals primarily with

a. History of painting
b. The artist’s medium
c. The painter as a visual artist and his work of art
d. None of the above

2. Realistic artists portray in their artwork

a. Man’s inhumanity to man
b. The exact replica of what they see and feel
c. Sceneries, events, and places
d. None of the above
3. The favorite subject of realists are
a. The life of the poor, the peasants, and the condition of their period
b. Their emotions and aspirations
c. Their talents portrayed in colorful contrast
d. None of the above

4. The art of making two or three dimensional abstract form by the use of different
a. Painting
b. Sculpture
c. Architecture
d. Literature

6. Art of designing and constructing building.

a. Painting
b. Sculpture
c. Architecture
d. Literature


1. Medium refers to the materials used by an artist.

2. Technique is the manner in which the artist controls the medium to achieve desired
3. Combined arts are those whose mediums can be both seen and heard and which
exist in both space and time.
4. Painting is the art of creating meaningful effects on a flat surface by the use of
5. Architecture is the art of designing and constructing a structure.
6. Sculpture is the construction of a figure by putting together module segments of the

Medium are classified into two:

1. Visual – these are mediums can be seen and which occupy space.
Group into two Classes:
a. Two-dimensional arts- painting, drawing, printmaking, and photography.
b. Three-dimensional arts- sculpture, architecture, landscape, community planning,
industrial design, ceramics and furniture.

2. Technique- is an important aspect that distinguishes an Art form Craft.

Example: a sculptor’s technique is his way of handling chisel and hammer, likewise a
painter who holds his brush and flows his strokes applied in the canvass.

Mediums: In Painting

a. Watercolor
b. Fresco
c. Tempera
d. Pastel
e. Encaustic
f. Oil
g. Acrylic
h. Mosaic
i. Stained Glass
j. Tapestry
k. Drawing
l. Bistre
m. Crayons
n. Charcoal
o. Silverpoint

In Printmaking
a. Woodcut
b. Engraving
c. Relief
d. Intaglio
e. Stencil Printing

In Sculpture
a. Stone
b. Jade
c. Ivory
d. Metals
e. Bronze
f. Brass
g. Copper
h. Gold and silver
i. Lead
j. Plaster
k. Clay
l. Glass
m. Wood
n. Terra Cotta

Purposes of Visual Art

 Why do people create visual art? What is it used for? Why is it valued? Art plays
different roles in different situations.
 There are five purposes for visual art: Ceremonial, Artistic Expression, Narrative
Functional and Persuasive.


Ceremonial art is made to celebrate or commemorate something important in the

culture, in ritual or worship, or in personal life.

Narrative art tells a story or makes a point. Some communities commission narrative
murals for buildings or walls to depict stories from local history. Narrative art describes
or illustrates experiences, documents important or historical events, or communicates
ideas or information.

Artistic expression

Art created for Artistic Expression focuses on the artist most of all, for it is a self-
expression of the artist’s personal, internal emotions, feelings, experiences or ideas.
This type of art is sometimes, but not always, abstract or nonobjective.


Functional art seeks to beautify objects that are useful in everyday life. Many of the
objects we use – including pottery, quilts, baskets, furniture (serve a useful purpose) but
are also designed or decorated in a way that is artistically pleasing.

Persuasive artworks promote ideas, philosophies or products. Advertising, marketing,
propaganda and visual messages of ideology fall into this category


Direction: Identify each image with the correct artistic purpose. (Persuasive,
Functional, Artistic Expression, Ceremonial, and Narrative)







8. .



Research through the internet some purposes of visual art.

In this module, you learned about visual art and its purpose.
Visual arts are a way of life for a person who is not so excellent in study & hasn’t good
grades or a better in hand but has the skill to develop. And with this particular skill, he
can earn their livelihood by performing visual arts.

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