109上第2次段考2年級英聽 R

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高雄市立興仁國中 109 學年度第 1 學期第 2 次段考試題卷

年級 科目 範圍
2年 班 座號: 姓名:
2 年級 英語聽力測驗 P.37-74
選擇題 30題 (1-10每題4分,11-30每題3分) 答案請寫在電腦答案卡上

( )1. (A) (B) (C) ( )2. (A) (B) (C)

( )3. (A) (B) (C) ( )4. (A) (B) (C)

( )5. (A) (B) (C) ( )6. (A) (B) (C)

( )7. (A) (B) (C) ( )8. (A) (B) (C)

( )9. (A) (B) (C) ( )10. (A) (B) (C)

( )11. (A) We were in a park. (B) I was reading a comic book then. (C) I got home at eight last night.
( )12. (A) I rested on a bench then. (B) I often jog in the park. (C) I can drive you home when I have time.
( )13. (A) Yeah, he’s very poor now. (B) Sure. It is yours now. (C) Good job! I’m so proud of you.
( )14. (A) No, he didn’t join the meeting. (B) No, he isn’t. His dog got lost last night.
(C) Yes, the meeting lasted for two hours.
( )15. (A) The restaurant has delicious pancakes. (B) I wasn’t very hungry then.
(C) Thanks, but I ate too many pies after I finished dinner.
2 年級英語聽力測驗試卷 1 共有 2 頁
( )16. (A) No, I can do it without you.
(B) No, I don’t know the reporter.
(C) No, I cannot help you write the report.
( )17. (A) Is that important for you to know?
(B) I plan to do that next year.
(C) I was a teenager when I met her.
( )18. (A) It was exciting. (B) We have a bright future. (C) Everyone had a good dream.
( )19. (A) Because I’m a teenager. (B) Because I’m good at acting. (C) Because I never thought about it.
( )20. (A) Yes, a dream is just a dream.
(B) Ha ha, the videos are so funny.
(C) Yes, I do, but I only do it for fun.

( )21. (A) She was talking on the phone.
(B) She was busy feeding her kids.
(C) She was sleeping.
( )22. (A) The movie isn’t interesting.
(B) It wasn’t quiet when he watched the movie.
(C) The woman didn’t go with him.
( )23. (A) After she washed the dishes.
(B) Before she mopped the floor.
(C) When her dad came home.
( )24. (A) She was looking for something.
(B) She was having a picnic.
(C) She was watching TV.
( )25. (A) She ran after a dog.
(B) She got lost in the park.
(C) A dog barked at her.
( )26. (A) A writer.
(B) A pro gamer.
(C) A singer.
( )27. (A) She caught a bad cold.
(B) She had to do a history report.
(C) She had bad dreams for three nights.
( )28. (A) She’s the man’s favorite movie star.
(B) She’s the woman’s good friend.
(C) She’s a popular singer.
( )29. (A) She wants to be a writer.
(B) She is making money by writing stories.
(C) She only finished the first part of the story.
( )30. (A) She is a housewife.
(B) She enjoys doing the housework.
(C) It’s important for her to go to the movies with the man.

2 年級英語聽力測驗試卷 2 共有 2 頁
1090102 2 年級段考英語聽力測驗答案

1. CD: Look at the time. It’s half past two.
2. CD: Before Grandma took a walk, she drew a picture.
3. CD: When Mike read the book, some questions came up.
4. CD: The boy was cleaning the park when I saw him.
5. CD: Bob couldn’t sleep. A person was singing a song then.
6. CD: My cousin cannot get into the house without the keys.
7. CD: My cousin always wanted to be a writer, and she is famous now.
8. CD: Making a lot of money is the man’s dream.
9. CD: The woman is a housewife, and she enjoys doing the housework.
10. CD: It’s exciting for Benson to win the running race.
11. CD: What were you doing at eight last night?
12. CD: What do you do when you have free time?
13. CD: I found the businessman’s money. Let’s give it back to him.
14. CD: Nick didn’t say a word in the meeting. Is he OK?
15. CD: We’re going to a great restaurant tonight. Come and join us.
16. CD: Do you want me to help with your report?
17. CD: When did you start working as her secretary?
18. CD: How was the game last night?
19. CD: Why do you want to be an actor?
20. CD: Don’t you like to make funny videos?
21. CD: M: Were you busy at nine last night? W: Not really. Why did you ask?
M: I called you, but you didn’t answer the phone. W: Oh, sorry. I was sleeping with my kids then.
Q: What was the woman doing at nine last night?
22. CD: W: Did you enjoy the movie at Star Cinema yesterday? M: No, I didn’t.
W: Why not?
M: When I was there, some kids were making noises. And the woman next to me talked on her cellphone for minutes.
W: That’s terrible. Q: Why didn’t the man enjoy the movie?
23. CD: G: Dad, I did a lot of housework today. M: Really? I’m all ears.
G: First, I mopped the floor in the living room. After that, I did the dishes. And then I washed the dirty clothes.
M: You did all of them? G: Yes. Mom gave me 50 dollars for doing all the housework.
Q: When did the girl wash the dirty clothes?
24. CD: M: Did you see Jamie? She is not in her room. W: I saw her in the living room before I went out for the picnic.
M: What was she doing there? Was she watching TV? W: No, she was looking for her key.
Q: Why was Jamie in the living room?
25. CD: W: Let’s take Kitty out to the park. M: She is resting under the sofa. She doesn’t want to come out.
W: What happened? M: A big dog barked at her and ran after her yesterday.
W: Oh.... Poor little thing. She must be afraid. Q: What happened to Kitty yesterday?
26. CD: B: What’s your dream job?
G: My mom wants me to be a singer. However, I love playing games, so I want to be a pro gamer. What about you?
B: I love telling stories, so I want to be a writer. Q: What does the girl want to be?
27. CD: M: You look bad. Are you sick? W: I’m fine. That’s because I stayed up for three nights.
M: That’s terrible. Why did you stay up? W: For the history report. Today I can finally go to bed before ten.
M: Have a good night. Q: Why did the woman stay up?
28. CD: M: Is that Kristine Lee in the photo?
W: Yes, she came to my brother’s birthday party and sang a song. Then we took the photo.
M: A popular singer sang for your brother at the party? That’s so cool.
W: Yes, because she is my brother’s good friend. Q: Who is Kristine Lee?
29. CD: M: The story is interesting. Did you write it? W: Yes, and I love writing.
M: Then do you plan to be a writer? You can make money by writing. W: Yeah, that’s my dream job.
M: Are you serious? W: Yes, but before that, I have to finish the last part of this story.
Q: What can we know about the woman?
30. CD: M: Martha, let’s go to the movies today. W: Sorry. I don’t have time.
M: Why are you always busy? W: Because there’s always a lot of housework to do.
M: But you have the whole day to do it. W: Well, why don’t you do the housework, and I go to work?
Q: Which is true about the woman?

2 年級英語聽力測驗試卷 3 共有 2 頁

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