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Erna Vicky Fatmala Putri



Translation is the process of switching source language to target language

by choosing the appropriateness equivalence without changing the meaning.
Translating of education is very interesting as translating narrative video. In
translating, there must be a problem of narrative video. One of them is the diction
that can affect the meaning conveyed in a narrative video. This problem is often
found by college students. In this case, narrative video is Bawang Merah and
Bawang by Glue Studios as subject in this research to analyze error diction by
informants (the 5th semester of English Language Education of University of
PGRI Yogyakarta) in translating a transcript of subtitle video of Bawang Merah
and Bawang from English to Indonesian.
The type of this research is descriptive qualitative method. This research
uses the social situation (population) totality as informants because this research
uses saturated sampling. The data of this research were gained from a transcript
made by researcher based on the video subtitle of Bawang Merah and Bawang
Putih. Data stages in this research using data analysis in the field Miles Huberman
model consisting of three main stages such as data reduction, data presentation
and conclusion.
Based on the result of data analysis, researcher found 275 error dictions
from 666 sentences that all informants translated. Those error dictions are
ambiguity with 125 data or 45.45%, non linguistics context with 118 data or
42.91% divided into verbal action participants with 17 data or 6.18% and non
verbal action participants with 101 data or 36.73%, hypernymy with 12 data or
4.36%, denotative with 11 data or 4% and redudancy with 9 data or 3.27%. The
total percentage obtained from the category of error diction that appears that is
99.99%, it can be rounded up to 100%.

Keywords: translation, error diction, subtitle, narrative video


Penerjemahan merupakan proses mengalihkan bahasa sumber ke bahasa

target menggunakan padanan kata yang tepat tanpa mengubah makna yang
disampaikan. Menerjemahkan dalam dunia pendidikan sangat menarik seperti
menerjemahkan video naratif. Dalam menerjemahkan sebuah video naratif pasti
terdapat masalah yang terjadi. Salah satunya berupa pemilihan kata yang dapat
mempengaruhi makna yang disampaikan dalam sebuah video naratif. Masalah ini
mungkin sering dihadapi oleh mahasiswa dalam perguruan tinggi. Video yang
dimaksud adalah Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih by Glue Studios sebagai
subjek dalam penelitian ini untuk menganilisis kesalahan pemilihan kata oleh
informan (semester 5 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta)
dalam menerjemahkan sebuah transkrip dari subtitle video Bawang Merah dan
Bawang Putih dari bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia.
Jenis metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif
menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Penelitian ini menggunakan keseluruhan
situasi sosial (populasi) sebagai informan). Data untuk penelitian ini didapat dari
transkrip yang dibuat peneliti berdasarkan subtitle video Bawang Merah dan
Bawang Putih. Tahapan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data di
lapangan model Miles Huberman yang terdiri dari 3 tahapan utama seperti reduksi
data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, peneliti menemukan 275 kesalahan diksi
yang muncul dari 666 kalimat yang diterjemahkan seluruh informan. Kesalahan
diksi tersebut adalah ambiguitas yang berjumlah 125 data atau 45.45%, konteks
non linguistik dengan jumlah 118 data atau 42.91% yang dibagi menjadi aksi
verbal partisipan 17 data atau 6.18% dan aksi non verbal partisipan 101 data atau
36.73%, hipernimi berjumlah 12 data atau 4.36%, denotatif dengan jumlah 11
data atau 4% dan redudansi dengan jumlah 9 data atau 3.27%. Total persentase
yang di dapat dari kategori kesalahan diksi yang muncul yaitu 99.99%, hal
tersebut dapat dibulatkan menjadi 100%.

Kata kunci: terjemahan, kesalahan diksi, subtitle, video naratif

INTRODUCTION word. First, they express the meaning
of translation, then they express the
The mastery of error diction language style. In this definition, it
based on the context in translation of means that the meaning and the
Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih language style translated into the
narrative video by the 5th semester target language must suitable with
English Language Education of the content reasonably of source
University of PGRI Yogyakarta language without any extravagant
in the academic year 2016/2017 as word and the translation is not
informants still needs to be ambigous. Berikut ini adalah proses
improved. Most of the students are terjemahan oleh Nida dan Taber
still lack of vocabularies and they (1982) :
less precise in determining diction to
translate a transcript derived from A(Source) B (Receptor)
subtitle video. Based on the
background of the research, the
researcher formulated the problem by
looking for the types of error dictions (Analysis) (Restructuring)
and its causes by the informants.
This research is expected to
give contributions to translation
X (Transfer) Y
studies such as the following :
1. Introduce to the students that the a. analysis : the activity of analyzes
translation of video (transcript/ a text to identify difficult words
subtitle) not difficult and it is of the meaning and combination
very interesting. words;
2. Facilitate students in translating b. transfer : the switch messages
subtitles (transcript with video activity from source language to
display and add or develop target language based on the
student’s vocabularies). translator’s knowledge;
3. Solve the problems of learners in c. restructuring : in which the
translating especially in transcript transferred material is
or subtitle translation from restructured in order to make the
English to Indonesian based on final message fully acceptable in
the context of narrative video. the receptor language.
In this case, for the students
LITERATURE REVIEW interested to translate, researcher
combine translation learning with
The translation come from video media. Example: Bawang
Nida and Taber (1969) in Merah and Bawang Putih narrative
Widyamartaya (1989:11), they video from Glue Studios. Researcher
suggest that translating is the activity give instructions for informantss to
of switching the language from watch the video and translate a
source language to target language transcript based on the video with the
with the appropriate equivalent of the translation process such as a chart

from Nida and Taber 1982. In the FINDINGS
narrative video translation, suitable
diction greatly affects the outcome of Based on the analysis of
the informant's translation. informant’s translation result,
Appropriate diction will produce a researcher finds the data, the total
good translation but the dictions are number are 275 error dictions.
not appropriate will lead to an Ambiguity category of relation
ambiguous understanding by the meaning in the first position because
readers. Based on the result of the it is mostly appear with 125 data or
translation by informants can be 45.45%. The second is non
found types of error dictions and its linguistics context category of
causes of translation analysis. Then, context with 118 data or
it can be given a solution to 42.91%divided into verbal action
minimize error dictions by students participantswith 17 data or 6.18%
(informants) in the future. and non verbal action participants
101 data or 36.73%. The third
RESEARCH METHOD position is hypernymy category of
lexical structrure with 12 data or
Based on the purposes of this 4.36%. Then, denotative meaning
research are to find out the types of error category of types of meaning in the
diction and its causes to minimize the 4th position with 11 data or 4%. The
error diction by informants as well as last is redudancy category of relation
English learners in the future so that the meaning with 9 data or 3.27%. The
type of this research used is descriptive
errors diction appear total are
qualitative research. This descriptive
99.99% and it can be rounded to
qualitative research was chosen
100%. the calculation can be
because it discussed about document
described in the form of pie chart as
and descriptive analysis. The
researcher used audio visual media in
the form of narrative video. It had
English subtitle and the document Types of errors diction appear
used video transcript of Bawang
Merah and Bawang Putih by Glue Ambiguity
Studios in English that was translated 4% 3.27%
to Indonesian by informants to get 4.36% Non Linguistics
the data. The researcher emphasized Context
the descriptive analysis with detailed 45.45% Hypernymy
and depth sentences. The detailed 42.91%
and depth descriptions in this Denotative
research were used to explain the
data that obtained based on the real
events in the field. In this case,
researcher collected the data,
analyzed and the researcher
described the overall data that
obtained more deeply.

From the pie chart above, it informants, it was divided into
can be concluded that the error verbal action participants with 17
dictions that most often appear is data or 6.18% and non verbal
ambiguity category of relation action participants 101 data or
meaning and the errors diction that 36.73%. In this case, there were
appear with little percentage is two things that affected the non
redudancy category of relation linguistics context categories of
meaning. error diction, that were non
verbal action participants and
DISCUSSION verbal action participants.
According to Keraf (1984: 32),
Based on the error dictions by that the verbal action participants
informants, researcher would are everyone who get involved in
describe the error diction appeared speech by using language based
from the highest percentage to the on the on going situation and the
lowest percentage, as follow: non verbal action participants are
1. Ambiguity gestures or facial expressions of
Ambiguity is one of the subtypes people involved in the
of the relation meaning that had conversation of a context. In this
highest percentage. The case, dominant informants had
ambiguity category that was less clarify about the person who
45.45% or with 125 data of 275 spoke and lack of understanding
error dictions appeared total by of gestures or facial expressions
the informants. Based on the that affected the topic in the
Chaer (1995: 104-105) that an every sentence of Bawang Merah
ambiguity is often called to be and Bawang Putih video context.
double meanings. The double 3. Hypernymy
meanings are more than one The third position with 4.36% or
meaning, the original meaning is 12 error diction were appeared by
a speech context and the other the informants. It was one of the
meaning refers to the ambiguous relation meaning that called
sentence. Ambiguity category of hypenymy. According to Chaer
error dictions appeared because (1995: 100), hypernymy is a
the dominant informant did not common word of the mention of
provide a detail explanation of other words. Hypernymy can be
the translated sentence, based on called a category and hyponimy
the transcript and the context of is a member of a category
Bawang Merah and Bawang (hypernymy). In this case, the
Putih video by Glue Studios so dominant informant still
that causing of ambiguous translated word by word from the
meaning. source language to the target
2. Non Linguistics Context language so that created a
The second position, Non translation meaning that formed a
linguistics context that was word category with its
42.91% or with 118 data of 275 explanation. In fact, if every
error diction appeared by word in a sentence was

completely understood and in so that the translation results
logic based on the on going were less acceptable and it less
situation, it could produce the easy to understood. If the
appropriate diction to replace the informants really understood the
word by word translation so that context of the video transcript
the meaning was well conveyed. and the video context, there
4. Denotative Meaning would be no additional words
The fourth position that was 4% that were considered
or 11 data of error diction unnecessary. If the excessive
appeared by the informants. It words was omitted, it would not
was one of the types of meaning change the meaning conveyed
that the meaning of denotation. from the story of Bawang Merah
Based on Chaer (1995: 65-69) and Bawang Putih.
states, that denotative meaning is
a sentence that has been CONCLUSIONS
supported by the word (meaning
refers to the concept, reference, Based on the data analysis in
or idea). In this case, the this research could be concluded that
dominant informant was still the dominant informants (the 5th
confused choosing the suitable semester English Language
diction and they still had Education of University of PGRI
difficulty to distinguishing a Yogyakarta in the academic year
word that must be translated into 2016/2017) still had difficulty
denotative meaning or determining diction in every sentence
connotative meaning. to produce the acceptable and
5. Redudancy appropriate translations. Most
The last position with percentage informants were still translating word
3.27% or 9 data of error diction by word so that meaning in transcript
appeared by the informants. It and video of Bawang Merah and
was one of the relation meaning Bawang Putih by Glue Studios were
that called redudancy. According not well conveyed. Dominant
to Chaer (1995: 100), the informants only focused on every
redundancy term is defined as sentence of the Bawang Merah and
excessive. The excessive words Bawang Putih video transcript rather
usually do not give effect in the than its video.
meaning of a translation so that From the explanation above,
the word is considered the appear of several causes of error
unnecessary and it better should diction were made by informants as
not be added in the sentence if follow:
there is a more suitable diction.. 1. most informants translated
In this case, some informant still Bawang Merah and Bawang
add excessive words to translate Putih by Glue Studios transcript
Bawang Merah and Bawang and its video subtitle word by
Putih by Glue Studios video word without attention to
transcript from the source storyline were displayed;
language into the target language

2. informants mostly chose a The researcher also gives
synonym that was non standard several suggestions to other
word; researchers in the future who are
3. informants watched the video interested in discussing the error
shortly and they only depended dictions using transcript and video or
on their transcripts that translated film, several suggestions by
literally, researcher as follow:
4. in translating Bawang Merah and 1. Informants as well as English
Bawang Putih by Glue Studio learners
transcript and its video subtitle, a. Informants as well as English
most informants were still using learners must understand first
a loan word from another about the source language
language; and target language that
5. some informants did not finish contain in transcript and
their sentences of translated subtitle in the video display.
results; b. Informants as well as English
6. the use of pronouns was less learners better not only focus
clear; on transcript that have been
7. in the translation result by given because the video
informants, there were some displayed aims to make
extravagant words. informants more easily
From the findings, those translate every sentence
were the types of error diction appropriately. Video that
appeared and their causes, displayed can stimulate the
several solutions could be given informant’s imagination of
based on Keraf's theory, the the delivered storyline. After
solution by extended the stimulate the imagination, the
vocabulary to learning through video can also provide
educational institutions, learned stimulation to our brain to
in the daily context of determine the suitable diction
informants, learned to translate in the sentence based on the
with dictionaries. Informants or context in the video.
English learners could also c. Informants as well as English
activate the vocabulary by learners better use video
hearing new words continuously transcript and watch video in
(Outside someone’s desire) and balance. Transcript is used to
they could sharpen the meaning keep informants from left
of words with a synonym and behind the subtitle shown in
common dictionary (someone’s the video and they still able to
desire consciously). To complete translate overall. The video
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and Sutjipto, the solution was storyline and the meaning in
learnt by using video that had the video can be delivered
subtitle or transcript based on the well. When both of the
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