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Elephant is a big mammal which can be recognized as African Bush Elephant, African
Forest Elephant, Asian Elephant and Southeast Asia Elephant.

The size of African elephants is normally bigger than Asian elephant. The population of
African elephant today is vulnerable while Asian elephant is rare due to human
predatory and conflict.

Elephant is an herbivore which can be found in such habitats including forest,

savannah, marsh and desert in which the elephant prefers to stay near water sources.
The elephant need a lot of water to drink.

Within its size, the elephant can eat 150 kg of food (grass, leaves, fruits, branches,
small tree, etc.) and 40 L of water. It also enjoys bathing in the water or in the mud to
reduce the temperature especially for African elephant.

Elephant is also a social animal in which it lives in a group to protect each other.

As the big animal, there is no predator for adult elephant and the other animals prefer to
keep their distance from the group of elephants.

Some predators such as lion, tiger, and hyena will hunt a baby elephant only if the preys
are rare to find because hunting this baby elephant is too risky as this baby is protected
by the whole group of elephants.

Elephant is also known as an intelligent animal which has a great empathy in which it
will cry if the other elephant is die.

In the relation of human being, in the past the elephant is domesticated and trained to
be used to war, transportation vehicle, and circus (in which we can still find this today).

In Javanese and Balinese culture, the keris is one of the most charismatic things.

Keris is basically a traditional Javanese and Balinese weapon which has some

The size is not as big as sword and the shape is imitating the body of snake. The length
is also not too long and because of that the keris that is used for fighting is belonged to
a warrior who has good skill of martial art. Keris is used to kill at close range.

The keris is also known as the weapon with magical power inside it.

Due to the making proses, the keris master have to do fasting for several weeks or
months or even years before starting to make it.

The master have to fulfil keris with something magical related to the spirit of the death to
build the power of keris.

Because of that, keris is not only used for war but also as amulet which function to, for
example, protect the owner from magical attack, to have good fortune, invulnerable to
enemy’s weapon, and so on.

Every Javanese or Balinese kings, warrior, or important public figure in Java and Bali
usually has keris as it is inherited by their ancestors.

They still keeping it not only as the way to keep the tradition but also as their believe on
the power belongs to their keris.

The price of good keris is wonderful and only rich people can buy that. It is because of
not only the function of keris, but also the historical value and the material used to make
the keris.

Good keris is made from some combination of metal material such as gold, silver, steel,
carnelian stone, diamond, and also the metal material from meteor which had fallen on

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