Group4 - EMP - Oct - 20 - MIS - Project - AWS Report

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[ Term III – MIS Project work ]

Prof. Dr. Anjali Kaushik
Management Development Institute

Group- 4
Roll No 20EMP2- 05 [ Anshul Gupta]
Roll No 20EMP2- 12 [ Mugundaram R]
Roll No 20EMP2- 17 [ Raja Kumar]
Roll No 20EMP2- 24 [ Rajkumar SP]
Roll No 20EMP2- 30 [ Vandana P]


I. Background – About Amazon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Comparison with competition ……………………………………..4

II. AWS computing models . . . . . . . . . ………………………….. . . 4

AWS cloud services. . . . . . . . . . . ……………………….. . . . . .5
On-Premise Vs AWS Cloud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …….. . . .. . 6
Risk & Challenges …………………………………………….…6
III. AWS Security Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

IV. Big data & data lakes Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . …………… .9

V. AWS Data movement services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………. . . 10

AWS snowball …………………………………………………..11
VI . Case studies from India …………………………………………12
Case 1 : Tata Vistara ……………………………………………12
Case 2 : OYO hotels……………………………………………..14


About Amazon
Amazon is one of the most creative companies in the world at present. They began in 1994
with an online book selling idea and later cemented their name as e-reader giant that goes
by the name of kindle. Eventually, Amazon has grown itself both horizontally and vertically.
Today Amazon is providing solutions in a very vast domain including warehousing, supply
chain, products & services, and now even the Web Services. Under the able leadership of its
founder Jeff Bezos, Amazon has grown to a market capitalization of 1.7 trillion US dollars. If
we compare Amazon’s market capitalization to the GDP of any country then they stand as
tall as the 14th richest country in the world i.e., South Korea.
About Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services is one of the key cloud computing solution providers with over 32%
market share. They provide the cloud computing services as per the demand of the
customer and differentiate themselves by charging the customer on a metered pay as you
go basis.
The key benefits associated with the Amazon Web Services are:
1. Agility:
AWS offers a broad array of readily available technologies which can be used
by the businesses in their problem areas. Thus, their ability to execute in a
very short span of time offers agility to the businesses.
2. Elasticity:
Cloud services by their very nature are elastic when it comes to the scalability
of the operations and AWS is no different in this case. The capacity
requirements can be increased or decreased at a click of a button.
3. Cost Saving:
The advantages associated with the IaaS, PaaS and the SaaS services offer the
opportunity to convert the fixed cost of the company into variable cost and
since the variable costs are lower it ultimately leads to cost saving.
4. Security
Last but not the least AWS also offers the End-to-End security solutions for
the data stored on the cloud for both the internal and the external threats.
In April 2021, AWS reported a 32% year on year growth and contributed to about 12% of
Amazon’s total revenue and 47% of the total operating income.
AWS has a vast global cloud infrastructure that spreads across 81 availability zones in 25
different geographic locations which helps in reducing the latency in the data
communication. To improve it even further they are working of extending their
infrastructure in 21 more availability zones spread across 7 different geographic location
located in South East Asia, UAE and Australia.

Comparison with the competition
As per the Gartner’s magic Quadrant for the cloud infrastructure and platform services, AWS
is the market leader owing to the completeness of the vision and their ability to execute.
AWS is followed closely by Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.
The IDC Market Scape Vendor assessment for World Wide Public Infrastructure as a service
also shows similar results with AWS leading the pack. In the IDC graph shown the diameter
of the circle represents the market share and it’s the largest for AWS as they hold a market
share of around 32% (with IaaS and PaaS leading the revenue generation).
AWS currently has over 200 service offerings for their clients to support them in a varied
range including the upcoming technologies like block chain and Industry 4.0 (through
Internet of Things and Augmented & Virtual reality services).

II. AWS cloud computing models

1.AWS Cloud Deployment models
a) Public cloud – service offered over a network that is open for public use
b) Private cloud – service offered only for a single organisation
c) Hybrid cloud – composed of 2 or more clouds
2. AWS Cloud Service models
a) Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
( AWS manage Virtualisation , Servers, Storage, Networking)
a) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
(AWS manage runtime, middleware, O/S, Virtualisation , Servers, Storage, Networking)
b) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

(AWS - application, data, runtime, middleware, O/S, Virtualisation , Servers, Storage, Networkin
AWS Cloud Services
AWS offers more than 200 services in different areas covering most of the emerging

Some of the commonly used services are explained using the example of a social media
application ( refer figure1) . The example demonstrates the comparison on-premise
architecture set up replaced by the following commonly used AWS services.
1. Amazon EC2 – Elastic compute cloud which is auto scalable elastic compute
capacity. EC2 can substitute the web servers / application servers
2. EBS – Elastic block storage which is an auto scalable disk space
3. Route 53 – does the Domain Name system (DNS) function
4. ELB – Elastic Load balancer manages & distributes the traffic from DNS
5. RDS – Relational Data base
6. Dynamo DB – for non-relational data base
7. Amazon S3 – Amazon Simple Storage Service – Unlimited object external storage
8. Lambda – Serverless service for execution of any format conversion logic
9. Rekognition – Used for content filter
10. Kinesis – used for click stream analysis & can analysis the data
11. EMP – Elastic Map Reduce – operations like aggregating / sorting can run
Sprak/Hadoop jobs
12. Glue – can be used for Extract , Transform & Load operations
13. Redshift – Data ware house servicing
14. Athena – SQL query interface – used of along with Quick sight for BI reporting
15. Cloud-Front – Does the content delivery catche with the help of AWS Edge location
16. SNS, SQS, SES – Simple notification service, Simple Que service, Simple E-mail service

17. CloudWatch – Monitoring dashboard of Infrastructure in real time
18. CloudFormation – Used for creating infrastructure from scratch ( for provisioning)

On premise Vs AWS comparison

Risk & Challenges of using Cloud

 Increased Security Vulnerabilities

 Reduced Operational Governance Control

 Limited Portability Between Cloud Providers

 Multi-Regional Regulatory and Legal Issues

Other disadvantages of AWS are
Amazon EC2 has its limitations -Service will come with a prescribed set of limitation
regarding volume, images, and snapshots
Limitation by Region -Limits number of resources allocate to its customers based on region
Confusing Billing-Need expertise or knowledge of tech to understand billing generated
General Cloud Computing Issues
- Internet connectivity
- Security
- Privacy
- Limited Control
- Backup Protection

Figure 1 : Comparison of an on-premise vs AWS cloud of social media enterprise architecture
[ Example – demonstrated to show the service offered by the AWS ]

III. AWS Security Services
IAF – Identify & Access Management Most important service for securing the AWS Services
KMS- Key management service – Encryption of data in EBS, AWS S3, EMR , Redshift etc
ACM – Amazon certificate manager -digital certificates to secure communication
WAF – Web application firewalls – prevents , SQL injections , malware attacks, Dos etc
Inspector – put agents which can scan for vulnerabilities -

The cyber security of the AWS services is critical from the user perspective particularly
while availing the AWS Iass services data , middleware, runtime, O/S security setting is
configured by the user. Data breach can happen & AWS sensitises the vulnerabilities to
customer. Some of the example cases of data breaches happened in AWS is shown below.

Big data & Data lakes services by Amazon

IV. Big data & data lakes services
Companies are increasingly looking for data-driven decision making. Managing data is
increasingly becoming a challenge as it is growing with
a) Volume & Velocity– Growing exponentially
b) Variety – From new sources
c) Veracity - increasingly diverse
d) Value – used by many people and analysed by many applications .
With the increasing use of big data , the traditional approach of database, data ware house
used for BI reports are not becoming effective as the data is interlocked in silos.
The new approach to handle the big data is to use the data lakes where the data is kept in
the raw format irrespective of the structured, un-structured and semi structured format.
The raw data from the data lakes can be used by self service applications to derive data-
driven decision making.

AWS offers best in class data lakes and analytics tools which having the flowing advantages
a) Easiest to build data lakes and analytics, b) More secure infrastructure for analytics,
b) Most comprehensive and open ,d) Most scalable and cost effective
Some of AWS data lake infrastructure and management service are AWS S3/
Glacier / Lake formation / Glue

V. AWS Data Movement Services

Why migrate databases to cloud:
Companies face number of challenges in the maintenance and operation of the servers.
Hence, businesses are preferring to migrate to the cloud server. Some of key reasons for
migration are mentioned below:

1. Traffic spikes handling issues

2. Inability to increase instant server resources
3. Sudden requests for operations
4. Very high cost involved
5. Processes are relatively Inefficient
6. Data storage requirements

Migration Consideration:
1. Preparation to ready application to migrate to the cloud. Unprepared applications
pose several issues while migrating.
2. Cost of migration to be evaluated in advance. Most of these procedures may lead to
unwanted wastages if not planned in advance.
3. Choose your preferences suitable to your business needs
4. Skilled personnel required to manage cloud database. Data to be secured in cloud.
5. Nothing comes in a plate. Always be prepared to accept the challenges posed during
migration of the application or data.
6. Prepare a clear cloud migration master plan. Develop a master plan that enables the
migration easy and flexible, based on your requirements. 

Data Migration using AWS Snowball & Snowmobile

Applications are shifting to the cloud faster today than ever before in the past. A new
category of applications requires better performance and capabilities.

AWS provides edge software and infrastructure that moves data processing as close as
necessary to where data is being created in order to deliver real-time responsiveness and
streamline the amount of information transferred. This includes deploying AWS managed
software and hardware to locations outside AWS network Regions and even beyond AWS

 AWS Snow Family helps users that need to run operations in non-data center
environments, and in places where there's a lack of consistent network availability

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 The Snow Family offers a number of capacity points and devices, most within built
computing capabilities
 AWS Services help physically transport up to exabytes of data in these physical
 Snow Family devices are managed and wholly owned by AWS

AWS Snowball

AWS Snowball is a part of the AWS Snow Family. It is an data migration, edge computing and
edge storage device that comes in two different options. Snowball Edge Storage Optimized
devices provide both Amazon S3-compatible object storage, and block storage. They are
well suited for scale-data transfer and local storage.


1. Easier data movement: Snowball moves Exabytes of data in about a week.

Application examples in moving healthcare records, analytics datasets, databases,
media content, archives, IoT sensor data and backups, especially when network
conditions are not suitable.
2. Simple to use: Once a job is created in AWS console, AWS automatically ships a
Snowball Edge device to your place. When you receive the Snowball device, simply
attach it to your network and connect your applications. Once the device is ready to
be returned, the E Ink shipping label automatically updates, and your transport
carrier transfer it to the correct AWS facility where the upload begins.
3. Locally process & analyse data: Run applications directly on your device in a
consistent AWS environment even without network connectivity. This capability
helps you in developing your machine learning and analysis tools and test them in
the live cloud. 
4. Secure: Snowball Edge devices use 256-bit encryption, tamper-evident enclosures,
and secure standard Trusted Platform Modules (TPM) designed to ensure both full
chain-of-custody and security for your data. Encryption keys are secured with
the AWS Key Management Service (KMS).
5. Scalable: Snowball can transport multiple exabytes of data. Multiple devices can be
used in parallel or combined together to transfer exabytes of data into or out of
AWS. Snowball is currently available in select states and countries.

VI. Case Studies from India:

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 AWS is now being widely adopted in India with more than 180 clients as of now
attracted by the success of AWS globally across various sectors and industries.
 In India, few firms who are using the services of AWS are listed below. The client base is
spread over many sectors like Travel & hospitality, manufacturing, Agriculture, Financial
Services, Media, Healthcare, Education etc.
For example,
 AWS helped “Dr Lal Pathlabs” during Covid-19 pandemic in terms of seamless
receipt, storage and analysis of huge data of Covid test input data and the results.
 AWS helped “practo” in scaling their business model requirements exponentially
inline with the exponential growth of customers availing online medical
consultations due to lockdowns in the country

Let us look into two case studies from India in detail to understand the adoption,
transformation and the benefits achieved by “VISTARA” and “OYO” using AWS.

Case Study 1: Vistara (TATA SIA Airlines Limited)

 Vistara operates more than 200 flights a day connecting 32 destinations serving through
a fleet of 32 aircraft
 Since the launching operations, Vistara has served more than 18 million customers.
 Vistara is the first Indian Airline born on the AWS cloud and running mostly all workloads
on the AWS Cloud
 AWS Cloud workload has mission-critical ones such as its digital workloads, enterprise
applications, infrastructure and security workloads for security operations centers
(SOCs), network operations centers (NOCs), and CyberSOC
 The AWS services used by Vistara are AWS Direct Connect, Auto scaling, Amazon
Relational Database Service and Amazon Redshift.
Mr. Subhash Mishra, Head of IT Enterprise, Vistara has lauded AWS by saying “Since using AWS
services, we have never faced a single instance of downtime.”

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Let’s look into two major services of AWS – AWS Direct Connect and Auto scaling

AWS Direct Connect is basically a cloud service solution which makes it easy to establish a dedicated
private network connection from any location to AWS. It increases the bandwidth throughput as
required and provides a more consistent network experience than other internet-based connections.

The seamless on board to AWS Direct Connect require steps mentioned in image below.

AWS Auto Scaling monitors the utilization of applications and automatically scales up the capacity to
maintain optimal application performance even though capacity of workloads is dynamic and

AWS Auto Scaling enables applications to provide uninterrupted high-quality service at the
competitive and lowest possible cost. AWS Auto Scaling working is detailed in image below.

VISTARA has got benefited by AWS in the critical area of Aircraft Predictive Maintenance wherein
they achieved signification reduction in Unscheduled Maintenance Delays and Flight Cancellations
using AI/ML. Few key points how they have achieved are listed below,

Collection of real-time fault logs and pilot reports, Maintenance logs, part removals, and part repair
history from the maintenance & engineering systems and Quick Access Recorded data

Correlation of flight delays and cancellations due to fault logs, maintenance logs, part removals and
QAR data which helps analyzing critical issues for taking necessary actions

Developing of Models for improving predictions and reducing false positives

Benefits to Vistara: Vistara has chosen Amazon Web Services (AWS) due to its global success,
experience in the market, wide breadth and depth of services , flexible pay-as-you-grow model, and
robust security features.

The major benefits obtained are listed below,

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 Ability to manage over 180 servers with a team of only 3 Engineers
 Reduction in costs by 50% using AWS Direct Connect rather than using a VPN
 Ensures 99.99% availability for Mission-Critical Workloads by seamless traction of
workload with capacity around 133 hits/second
 Has support for international expansion with Auto scaling service and using data lake
 With launch of data lake, route profitability reports are generated in less than a day
instead of 2 weeks
 Built an automatic big data analytics platform to obtain real time route profitability
analysis which were previously dependent on manual decision-making process of
“Intuition or sheer tribal wisdom.”

Case Study 2 - OYO Hotels & Homes

OYO Hotels & Homes also known as OYO Rooms or OYO claims to be the world’s third
largest hospitality chain of leased and franchised hotels, homes, managed living and work
places. OYO was founded in 2013 as budget hotels aggregator in India. Presently, OYO
comprises of more than of more than 23,000 hotels and 125,000 vacation homes and
millions of rooms. They are present in over 800 cities in 80 countries including India,
Malaysia, UAE, Nepal, China, Brazil, Mexico, UK, Philippines, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka,
Indonesia, Vietnam and Unites States. More than 1.1 million people visit the OYO website
every day.

With its growth, OYO was being presented new challenges in managing its operations, huge
amount of data it was generating and increasing its overall efficiency. The company has
been attempting to do data analytics to inform its business decisions. However, their
erstwhile data management system was not being able to cope up with the colossal
increase in the data with growth. There were other structural problems e.g. property
owners were not willing to customer data with OYO.

On a rapid growth trajectory and increasing global footprint it needed something that could
be quickly ramped up and have scalability and elasticity to keep pace with its current growth
and could be easily scaled up in future.

The business requirements needed OYO to overall efficiency and profitability. With the shift
in its business model and increased focus on making the company a tech driven company, it
needed tools that would help it focus on its core business and economise the time and
resources spent on manging the back-end.

OYO started moving to AWS in 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic provided that additional push
to OYO to go 100% on cloud. It was focusing more on its global business and needed to
reduce costs. Now, all its infrastructure is on AWS.

AWS services used by OYO

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AWS provides scalable computing capacity to OYO. It allows OYO to develop and deploy
applications at a faster pace and to avoid investing in hardware at the outset.
AWS Elastic Beanstalk: AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an easy-to-use service for deploying and
scaling web applications and services developed with Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python,
Ruby, Go, and Docker on familiar servers. The developers can just upload their code and
Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment, from capacity provisioning, load
balancing, auto-scaling to application health monitoring 1. The control of the AWS resources
is retained by OYO so that it can access the underlying resources per its needs.
Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS): RDS makes setting up, operating and
scaling up the relational database on cloud easy.
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS): It provides flexibility to start, run, and
scale Kubernetes applications in the AWS cloud or on-premises.2
OYO is using the AWS API Gateway. It is fully managed services which makes it easy for
developers t create, publish, manage, monitor and provide security for the API at required
Figure : AWS infrastructure at Oyo Rooms

Benefits to OYO
 Scales to support rapid annual growth
 Forecast to reduce infrastructure management time by 50%
 Automates deployment and provisioning
 Supports plans to provide analytic capabilities.

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