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t SECTION 5400


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(A) G-C ALIGNMENT SCREWDRIVER-low induc- vision and FM adjustments. Made of Butyrate. (P) G-C TV "SHORTY" DUPLEX ALiGNER-Spe·
tance metal tip screwdriver made of Butyrate Cat. No. 8196 2112" long, %." shaft dia. cially m'ade for trimmer and I.F. transformers
material. Net $ .38 where space does not permit the use of a longer
Cat. No. 5000 114" Diameter x 6" Tool (J) G·C TV CORE ALIGNER-For Motorola and tool.
Net $ .42 other 'sets using Stackpole or other stud type Cat. No. 8277 21/2" long, ~" shaft dia.
cores that are not slotted. Milled steel insert on Net $ .52
(B) G-C TV ALIGNMENT TOOL-Very short, sturdy
tool with a fine metal screwdriver blade. 'one end, thin screwdriver blade on other end.
Cat. No. 8271 6" long, ~" shaft dia. (tl) G-C TV TUNING WAND-Brass insert on end
Cat. No. 5066 2112" long, ~.' Shaft Dia. Net $ .57 reduces inductance and iron core on other end
Net $ .37, increases the Inductance.
(K) G-C TV I.F. OSCILLATOR ALIGNER-Specially Cat. No. 8278 6" long, ~" shaft dia.
(C) G-C TV ALIGNING WRENCH-New tool with made for I.F. and OSCillator adjustments. Will
14" square socket wrench, ~" shaft with in- Net $ .53
fit all makes·of sets-R.C.A., G.E., Philco, Ad-
sulated handle. miral and others. (R) G-C TV CORE ALIGNER-Tool has a recessed,
Cat. No. 5080 Net $ .53 Cat. No. 8272 61/2" long, 114" tip dia. steel milled slot to fit over the Stackpole and
Net $1;12 other, type stud cores that are not slotted.
(D) G-C INSPECTION MIRROR-HandY inspection Cat. No. 8279 7112" long, ~," shaft dia.
mirror to inspect parts, coils, wiring, etc. Made (L) G-C TV ALL-PURPOSE ALIGNER - Specially Net $ .88
of metal shaft with glass mirror and a plastic made for TV I.F. adjustments. Very thin spring
handle. steel tip Is recessed so the tool will guide itself (S) G-C NEW ZENIITH TV WRENCH & ALiGNER-'
Cat. No. 5090 Fie" Inspecti~n Mirror over the screws. New nylon plastic mO,lded special tool made, spe-
Net $ .42 Cat. No. 8273 8" tong, 'M/' shaft dia. cially for Zenith TV sets.
Net $ .68 Cat. No. 8282 5Uo' long, .100 Dia. Hex,
Use to inspect coils, reSistors, sockets, etc. (M) G'C TV LONG REACH ALIGNER-Specially Dia. Net $ .37'
while the chassis is hot. No danger of shorting. made for Admiral, Zenith, R.C.A. and other sets
for adjustments of nested iron cores that are (T) G-C "SHORTY" TV ALIGNMENT SCREW DRIVER
Cat. No. 5090-P Fie" Plastic Mirror Net $ .38 -Only '1:' long overall to adjust hard-to·get·at
hard to reach.
(F) G-C K-TRAN TOOL - Specially designed for Cat. No. 8274 9" long, Ya" shaft dia. places under TV tubes, etc.
K·tran and I.F. transforme'rs. Butyrate material, Net $ .83 Cat. No. 8289 2" long, ~," shaft dia.
, Net $ .45
screwdriver on both ends, (N) G-C TV ZENITH UNIVERSAL ALIGNER-Spe-
Cat. No. 5097 6" long, %,," Fibre Tip, lis" cially designed for Zenith and other sets. Made (UI G-C UNIVERSAL SCREW DRIVER ALiGNER-
metal Tip Net $ .78 of bone fibre and plastiC handle. Made of unbreakable flexible clear plastic shaft
Cat. No. 8275 5" long, Va" shaft dia., 1/4" and an amber plastic ~andle. " '
(G) G-C TV CHANNF.L TUNING TOOL-Completely Net $ .52 Cat. No. 8290 7" long, ~," shaft dia.
insulated, non·metalilc tool with long 14" nar- Net $ .63
row blade. Made of bone fibre, , (0) G-C TV DUPLEX ALIGNER-An all-purpose TV
Cat. No. 8195 7114" long, lis" shaft dia. aligner for trimmers and I.F. transformers. Made (V) G-C ZENITH·ADMIRAL NYLON HEX WRENCH-
Net $ .72 of B~tyrate material with extra thin spring steel New nylon hex wrenc~ alignment tool for Zenith,
tips. Admiral and other sets.
(H) G-C TV AND FM TUNING TOOL-Special short Cat. No. 8276 6" long, ~2" shaft dia. Cat. No. 8606 5" wrench, 11" long Net $ .48

tool with fine recessed screwdriver top for Tele· Net $ .52 8606-L 11" wrench, 11" long


new G-C Tinnerman Nut Remover is a
handy dual pUlipose tool for removing
large or small tinnerman nuts with just
a tWiSt. Eliminates fumbling with hard-
to·remove nuts:
STANDARD ALIGNMENT Cat. No. 9355 • Net $ .93
TOOL KIT-Made to last and
wear-a quality kit. Kit
contains 9 essential tools
in roll type case.
Cat. No. 8455 Net $4.77
MIRROR-A hinge·mounted mirror fastens to a
MASTER DELUXE TOOL KIT-A super·deluxe kit 6" transparent lucite rod which transmits light
in a superior leatherette roll type case. Contains from a small anodized aluminum flashlight.
25 tools and includes all TV alignment tools ex· G·C No. 5040 TOP 12 TOOL KIT-12 Cat. No. 8725 Ys" Mirror, frame 0.0. 1M,'
cept the extra long ones (over 9") which would Net $2.02
not fit in the case. most popular TV alignment tools.
Cat. No. 8283 Net $14.17 Plastic roll·up case. G-C SPEEDEX SLIM-TYPE SOLDER

Cat. No. 5040' , Net $7.50 IRON TIPS-A new high-heat,
DELUXE ALIGNMENT TOOL KIT-Case is made of turned-down tip made of one-
durable leatherette ,that will give long service. piece copper, Will fit %" Irons.
The steel tips are all extra thin and are of the Tips 41/2" long.
bes.t grade hardened spring steel that will give Cat. No. 8741 Net $ .60
you service. Kit contains one each of 16 tools G-C CONTACT BURNISHING
you need.
Cat. No. 8280 Net $8.63 TOOL KIT-A complete kit G-C SOLDER IRON TIPS-Bright plated to
,for the serviCing of relays, resist corrosion. These tips are made of
SWitches, etc. where critical , best grade hard·drawn,copper.
GoC ALL-PURPOSE TV ALIGNMENT KIT.,-A handy, contact pOints must be kept Dia. Long ,
all-purpose TV kit put up In a convenient plastic clean for Ideal operation
container. Kit contains four basic essential tools conditions. Cat. No. 724 '14 "x3" Net $ .37
that will service the majority of TV sets. Cat. No. 9339 Net $ .75 725 ~"'x4112" '.45
Cat. No. 8457 Net $1.95 726 %"x4lh" .57

Page 1272 • The MASTER - 26th Edition Net © U.C.P., Inc.



f~'C: 4>

-Handy new long-reach TV aligner with in- New, extra-long-reach alignment tool for 9091-L 11" long .63
sulated metal shaft and nylon tip. 12'14" Zenith sets and others where adjustments
long overall, .195 Shaft Dia. are had to get at. Tool is 18" long overall. (P) G·C PRINT·KOTE SOLDER AID PROBE-
Cat. No. 8607 TV Tool Net $1.50 18" long, %,' Shaft Dia. Handy, fine point probe specially designed
(B) G-C ALIGNMENT TOOL-Handy to align Cat. No. 8821 TV Tool (Type A) Net $ .93 to aid in probing and soldering printed
and adjust TV sets, radio sets, etc. Made of 8896 TV Tool (Type B) .93 circuits .
clear plastic 5" long x %" dia. 8897 TV Tool (Type C) .93 Cat. No. 9093 8" Length Net $1.00
Cat. No. 8609 Net $ .63
ALIGNER-Made of clear, unbreakable plastic HANDLE-Handle affords a better grip and Fine Stainless Steel brush and hardened steel
easier adjUstments. Length is 2lh" with a scraper are required to scrape and clean
material. Ends colored red and blue for size the Silicone Resin from printed circuits.
identification. Tips are made of spring steel 1V." shaft length. %,' diameter blade with Cat. No. 9094 8" Length Net $ .98
recessed for easy location of stud. recessed slot in blade end.
Cat. No. 8721 9" long, %," Shaft Cat. No. 9051 Net $ .48
Dia. Net $ _78 (R) G-C SLUG RETRIEVER TOOL-A precision
8722 7" long, %," Shaft (K) NEW G-C STANDARD COIL SLUG TUNER made tool with hardened steel tips made for
Dia. Net $ .67 ADJUSTING TOOL-A new special slug tuning removing lost TV tuner slugs in Standard
tool especially made for adjusting Standard Coil tuners. Ends ground to fit standard
(D) NEW G-C K-TRAN TELEVISION. ALIGNER- Tuners, etc. Completely insulated. 7W' long, coils.
Specially made for' K-Tran I.F. Transformer '14" shaft diameter, shaft ends .170 diameter. Cat. No. 9096 12" Retriever Net $2.58
tuner slugs. Precision made of bone fibre. Cat. No. 9087 Net $ .67 9097 15" Retriever 3.00
Cat. No. 8727 6'14" long, %,' Tip
Dia. Net $ .60 (N) G-C ADJUSTABLE SHORTY-Recessed tip
TV alignment tool. Adjustable from 1'14" to 2" (5) G·C MINI-HOLD SCREWDRIVER~peeds reo
(E) TV LONG REACH ALIGNMENT SCREW in length, for those hard-to-get-at places. placing of phono cartridges. Designed with
DRIVERS-Made of bone fibre, extra thin '1a" Cat. No. 9090 Net $ .58 exclusive "Wedge Action" enabling secure
diameter screw drivers for adjustment of gripping of tiny screws. (Nos. 0, 1, 2, 3 and
TV receivers. Screw drivers tip on both ends (0) G·C DOUBLE END IRON CORE TOOL-All No. 8 set screws and smaller) Special short
-can be re-ground and used over. nylon hex tool made to fit cores with .125 length .(2",a" when in use).
Cat. No. 8728A '1a"x7" 'Iong
8728 '1a"x12" long
Net $ .431
hex opening. One end of tool undercut so it
can reach the bottom slug in coils without
Cat. No. 9346 3'14" long, 27/a"
in use Net $1.72
8729 '1a"x16" long •70 turning the top slug . 9347 7" long, 63,4" in use 2.25

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(0) G·C RCA TV ALIGNMENT TOOL-Double end slugs with hex heads. Has .100" hex and and screw nib inserted on other end.
nylon tool with a recessed metal tip on one %{' handle. Cat. No. 5003 Net $ _53
end and a plastic slot on the other end. Cat. No. 9295 11"x.100" Hex Net $ .63
Cat. No. 9150 6'! Length Net $ .93 9296 11"x.075" Hex .63 (P) G-C flO-METAL INSULATING ADJUSTMENT
9297 11"x.075" Hex .63 SCREW DR IVER-Made of black bone fibre .
(D) G·C SCREW STARTER SCREW DRIVER-A Indispensable for aligning all-wave sets.
handy screw holding screwdriver that will (K) G·C SHORTY ALIGNMENT TOOL-A con- Cat. No. 5004 7" long Net $ .48
start screws in hard-to·get-at places. Holds venient tool for hard-to-get-at places. Has LOW-LOSS POLYSTYRENE TYPE-Ideal for
the screw securely while It starts it. K,' shaft, 2" length. Overall length of tool 4". U.H.F. Sets.
Cat. No. 9148 12" Net $2.58 Cat. No. 9298 Net $ .48
(E) G'C TV AND AUTO RADIO WRENCH-Spe- (L) G-C COLOR TV TOOL-Used on converg- screw driver and ~..' hex wrench. Approved
Fial female slotted wrench to remove screws ence controls and others in color sets. The by U. S. Army Signal Corps.
and stud screws from auto radios and backs outer sleeve fits into the O.D. adjusting slot Cat. No. 5027 Net $2.10
of TV sets, etc. and' the inner drive penetrates to the inside
Cat. No. 9211 Net $1.08 slot. Cat. No. 9299 Net $1.33 (5) G-C 4-in-1 ALIGNMENT TOOL-Consists of
(F) G-C DUAL NUT STARTER-New tool that (M) G-C RCA WRENCH FOR VHF CHANNEL screw driver with metal nib, '14" hex wrench
hOlds and starts hex, nuts or hex head screws SELECTOR-Tool is made to fit square headed slotted and ~..' hex wrench on other end.
Cat. No. 5014 Net $ .87
~~x ~~~~~to-get-at places. Fits '14" and ~..' set screws in RCA VHF Channel Selector
gear assembly without removing chassis. G-C 5-ln-1 ALIGNMENT TOOL-Consists of
Cat. No. 9147 Net $1.G5 Cat. No. 6035 Net $1.08 screw driver with metal nib, ~..' hex
wrench, '14" hex wrench slotted, with metal
(G) G-C FlBREGLASS SCREWORIVER~Gives full (N) G·C NEW TRANSISTOR I.F. CORE screw driver on one end.
protection on hot .chassis when adjusting ALIGNMENT TOOL~ne end square .055, op- Cat. No. 5015 Net $1.17
high potentials. For close-up . hard-to-reach posite end rectangle nib. .047 x .078 to
places. Cat. No. 9291 7" Net $ .75 reach bottom slugs in iron cores. G-C 6-in-1 ALIGNMENT TOOL-Consists of
Cat. No. 9440 113,4" long Net $ .63 screw driver with metal nib, ~..' hex
(J) G-C NYLON HEX TOOLS-For the adjust- wrench, '14" hex side wrench and '14" hex
ment of iron cores inside mounted chassis, (0) G-C RCA ALIGNING TOOL-Made of %," end wrench slotted.
and the tuner adjustment of iron and brass Butyrate rod, narrow screwdriver on one end Cat. No. 5016 Net $1.20

© U.C.P_, Inc_ Net The MASTER - 26th Edition. Page 1273







The G-C Degaussing Coil serves to demagnetize ASSORTMENTS popular size wrenches .. 050 to ~,' fitted in a
the magnetic fields set up in the color CRT Cat. No. H1600·F Plastic Box of 4 Net $ .60
due to the sensitivity of the tube. 5029 Kit 5 Assorted 'steel case·like pocket knife blades.
Cat. No. 9317 Net $17.97 Wrenches in leather- Cat. No. 9124 Net $1.83
ette Case. $1.05
transparent optical filters sealed in permanent (G) SPLINE KEY WRENCHES KITS and (L) G-C PLASTIC BOXES-Clear plastic boxes for
plastic. Simplifies phase and matrix adjust- ASSORTMENTS stocking small parts, screws, nuts, bolts, con-
ments on color TV sets using a saturated color Cat. No. H1602,F Plastic Box of 4 Net $ .37
for signal. Makes adjustments possible in the densers, resistors, etc.
5070 Kit of 6 Assorted Wrenches Cat. No. 8022 4"x4"x2Y." deep
home. in leatherette Case .80 Net $ .40
Cat. No. 9309 Net $1.50 8023 4"x4"x8" deep Net $ .77
with black-and-white test equipment. Extra Cat. No. 5071 No. 4 Set Screw Net $ .12 (M) G·C LONG NOSE CLAMP PLIERS-like an
long leads allow test box to be placed in front 5071-A No. 5 Set Screw .12 extra hand. Spring tension keeps the jaws closed
or rear of set. 5072 No. 6 Set Screw .12
Cat. No. 9318 Net $5.10 unless handles are squeezed.
5073 No. 8 Set Screw, No. 4 Cap Cat. No. 5192 Straight Nose Pliers
(D) G-C COLOR TV CHEATER-A safety device Screw .12 Net $ .75
for color TV receiver work. Used when applying 5074 No. 10 Set Screw, No. 5-6 Cap
Hi-voltage Probe through cheater. 5193 Curved Nose Pliers Net $ .82
Screw .13
Cat. No. 5650 Net $ .60
(E) COLOR TV TOOL-Used on convergence con- (H) G-C HEX-KEY AND SPLINE WRENCH KIT- (N) G-C TV-RADIO KNOB PULLER-Simply slip the
trols and others in color sets. The outer sleeve A complete wrench kit for both hex and spline G-C Puller behind the knob and pull it off. Saves
fits into the 0.0. adjusting slot and the inner· type screws. Twelve wrenches in an attractive
drive penetrates to the inside slot. leatherette case. time, the cabinet and the knob.
Cat. No. 9299 Net $1.33 Cat. No. 5028 Net $1.35 I Cat. No. 24·954 Net $ .30

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(A) G-C TWEEZER KIT-For the shop or labora- (L) G-C 4-in-l TUBE -GADGET-Four tools in one.
tory to pick up and examine small parts, start 2. G-C INTERCHANGE- Pure rubber, will not break.
screws and nuts, etc. ABLE HEX NUT Cat. No. 9130 Net $ .92
Cat. No. 7950 Net $2.28 DRIVER KIT-6 as- (M) G-C NEW TV AND AUTO RADIO WRENCH-
(B) G·C TWEEZERS sorted nut drivers in Special female slotted wrench to remove screws
Cat. No. 7946 6'12" Self-closing tweezer opens a handy plastic case. and stud screws from auto radios and backs of
when squeezed; serrated, Handle is non·inflam· TV sets, etc.
blunt pOints. Net $ .78 mabie amber plastic Cat. No. 9211 Net $1.08
with a quick change
Cat. No. 7947 6Y." Heavy-duty type, with slide plastic clip with metal ends only. The best for
lock feature; holds wires or Cat. No. 9206 UHF or fringe areas. Made of genuine poly-
parts tight like an extra fing- Net $3.30 ethylene. .
er; serrated, blunt points. Cat. No. 9055 Net $ .15
Net $ .90 9055-X Bag of 10 1.47
(D) G·C TWEEZERS -For radio and TV controls, bearings, phono
Cat. No. 7948 4Y." Precision tweezer, nar- 6. G-C DUAL SHEET METAL PUNCH-
motors, etc. Buy them by the pair--one for Punches holes for Tube Sockets and
row pointed ends for delicate grease and one for light oil.
work. Net $ .52 Condensers for hand or power oper-
Cat. No. 8690 Net $ .53 ation. Two punches Y." and 1%2'
(E) G-C AUTO RADIO TUNER-A tuner tool to ad- for one price.
just auto radios and turn the controls when (J) G-C NO-JOLT TOOL GRIPS-Modernizes old Cat. No. 9260 Net $4.93
the radio is removed. tools with new safety grip handles. Grease and 7.. G-C DUAL SHEET METAL PUNCH
Cat. No. 8285 Net $ .30 oil res istant. JR.-Punch neat, clean holes in
(F) G-C HANDY PICK-UP TOOL--One of the Cat. No. 5647 Small No-Jolt Plastic Tool chassis for tube sockets, condensers
handiest tools you can have in your home, shop, Grips (1 pair) Net $ .23 and for mounting other components.
office or farm. Tool is 15 inches long. For Y." and 3/4" holes.
Cat. No. 5089 Net $ .98 5648 Medium No-Jolt Plastic Tool Cat. No. 9261 Net $3.80
Grips (1 pair) .27 8. NEW G-C PRECISION
5649 large No-Jolt Plastic Tool specially designed
Buy them by the bag and have Grips (1 pair) .33 tool cuts, slots, strips
clips ready to sell and ready to. and crimps. Has shock-
install on TV sets. (K) G-C PRY-UP TUBE LIFTER-Handy tool for proof, oil resistant plas-:
Cat. No. 9015-X Bag of 10 removing tight tubes. Saves the fingers and the tic grips.
tubes. Cat. No. 9220
Net $1.43 Cat. No. 9213 Net $ .30 Net $4.05

Page'1274 • The MASTER - 26th Edition Net ® U.C.P., Inc.

I SECTION 5400 )-


MINIATURE ADAPTER KIT-This handy kit con-
TEST Cat. No. 9248 Net $1.57 tains all 4 of G-C's Test
SOCKET Socket Adapters.
ADAPTER Cat. No. 9250 Net $6.98
Cat. No. 9247
Net $1.65


for making measurements of
Yoltage, resistance and video
from the base of the picture
tube. It is inserted between G-C ANGLE ANODE LEAD-
A better anode lead with
G-C 9-PIN MINIATURE TEST SOCKET C.R. tube base and its socket. special "Ozone Proof" rub-
ADAPTER . Cat. No. 9251 Net $1.95 ber. Cat. No. 8637 Net $.42
Cat. No. 9249 Net $1.87

(A) G-C CONTROL GUN KIT-Cleans and lubri- Cat. No. 9281 To fit control shafts (D) G-C DANDY LITE TESTER-Your hand touches
cates noisy volum e controls. Constructed of with '12-28 thread. Net $ .50 the lead to only one side of the line for extra
solid aluminum-will not rust. Complete kit in- 9283 To fit control shafts
cludes Gun, Adapter for extra long shanks, with ~6-28 thread. Net $ .50 safety. A simple, dependable tester for tracing
Adapter for '12-28 thread, and Auto Adapter for 9282 For use on controls electrical circuits, grounded lines, shorts, etc.
~6-28 thread. with extra long shanks Cat. No. 8585 Net $ .82
Cat. No. 9285 Net $4.50 Net $ .50
Uses G-Control Kleener. (B) G-C NE-O-L1TE-A simple, safe, dependable (E) G-C SPEEDEX FUSE PULLERS-Inexpensive-
Cat. No. 65-16 16 oz. Bottle Net $1.95 electrical circuit tester-easy to use with a
Neon Glow Lamp which varies in light intensity non-slip, fuse puller. Safe and handy for cart-
65-G 1 Gallon Net $9.00
according to voltages. Traces all types of ridge fuses.
G-C CONTROL GUN-Designed to clean and trouble, such as grounded lines, open circuits,
lubricate noisy volunle controls In one sure, Cat. No. 5525 Midget Size-for fuses
short circuits, etc. 1/4" to 1/2" dia. Net $ .60
fast and easy operation. Gun nozzle fits over Cat. No. 5100 Net $ .45
the control shaft and screws securely over the (C) G-C TUBE & PARTS EXTRACTOR-Originally 5526 Pocket Size-for fuses
control base threads. designed by the U. S. Signal Corps. as standard '12" to 11/2" dia. Voltages
Cat. No. 9280 Net $3.75 equipment. Skillfully constructed of spring steel, to 200 amps at 250 volts
G-C CONTROL GUN ADAPTER5--Aluminum- cadmium plated. Has rubber cushion on the
won't rust when used with normal electronic prongs. and 100 amps at 600
chemicals. Cat. No. 5092 Net $ .98 volts Net $1.30

(A) G-C DUAL TUBE PIN STRAIGHTENER-A handy, (F) G-C THIRD EYE DELUXE GLASS TV MIRROR- chassis at best working angle. Clamps securely,
miniature pin straightener for 7-pin and 9-pin Here's a deluxe TV service mirror for adjusting makeshift setups, all metal.
miniature tubes. Accurately machined metal in- and servicing TV sets. It is made with an ad- Cat. No, 5212 Net $7.50
serts on either end of the .tool body, each made justable and collapsible telescoping stand and
of hardened metal to assure accuracy and long 12" x 10" glass mirror that avoids distortion G-C PHONO TURN-
life. of the image. TABLE STAND-
Cat. No. 9092 Net $1.27 Stand raises the
Cat. No. 8390 Third Eye Mirror, Stand turntable about 15
Precision-constructed steel die, designed for inches above the
8391 Glass Mirror Only 2.97 bench so you can
straightening pins on fragile miniature tubes of 8199 Soft Bag for Mirror 1.05
the IS5, 6AK5, 9002 variety. easily look under
(G) G-C TV PORTO MIRROR-TV service mirror the mechanism to
Cat. No. 5191 For 7-pin Min. Tubes Net $ .75 for adjusting rear controls and settings of TV check it while in
(red base) sets. Supplied with a rubber lined spring clamp. operation. Easily ad-
8105 For 9-pin Jumbo Tubes Cat. No. 8198 TV Metal Mirror, Spring Clamp justed to all sizes
(blue base) Net $ .75 Net $2.70 and types of phono turntables. Sturdily made
(C) G-C TV "HIGH-VOLT" SAFETY PROBE & 8199 Soft Bag for Mirror Net $1.05 of steel.
TESTER-A new handy tester for quickly check- (H) G-C TELEVISION MIRROR & EXTENSION Cat. No. 5205 Net $4.95
ing TV high Yoltage circuits. Tester will glow LAMP COLLAPSIBLE STAND-Handy metal col-
when high voltage is okay. lapsible and adjustable stand for No. 8391
Cat. No. 8836 Net $2.13 mirror or for clamping on metal mirrors or FREE
makes it possible to easily remove or· insert Cat .. No. 8392 Net $3.30
miniature tubes such as 6AG5, 50B5, etc. It 400-PAGE
works on the suction and vacuum principle. (I) G-C KLEER LENS-A superior lens cleaning
Cat. No. 5093 For 7-Pin Tubes Net $1.30 fluid packaged in·a handy plastiC spray type con- CATALOG!
8106 For 9-Pin Tubes Net $1.30 tainer. This cleaner will make the transparent
(E) G-C DUPLEX TUBE PIN STRAIGHTENER-The protection shield in front of the picture tube
crystal clear. Ask your jobber for big
handiest tube pin straightener for both minia-
ture and jumbo miniature tubes of the 7- and Cat. No. 9081 G-oz. Net $ .75 illustrated GC Catalog or
9-pin types. (K) G-C "QUICK-RIG" RADIO-PHONOCHASSIS write direct.
Cat. No. 8655 Net $1.50 REPAIR CRADLE-Complete 360 0 rotation to lock

© U.c.P., Inc. Net The MASTER - 26th Edition • Page· 1275

HANDLES_ Here's a safe
way of carrying TV
Chassis. Handles made
of smooth tubular steel
simply lock on to chassis
as chassis is lifted.
Handles will not slip off
until released. No. For Sizes Listed Below SPEEOEX AUTOMATIC WIRE STRIPPER. Equipped
Cat. No. 9023 Per Pair Net $2.13 with "Trig-O-Matlc" Stay-Open feature. Stay·
733 12 to 20 Wire Open features keeps wires from being crushed.
G-C TV CHASSIS SUP- 733-A 14 to 30 Wire
PORT. Prop chassis to. No. For Sizes Listed Below
easy working position on 733-B 10 to 18 Wire 744 12 to 20 Wire
your bench or in the 733-C 8 to 10 Wire 744·A 14 to 30 Wire
home. Simply slip it on 733·0 16, 18, 20, 22 Wires 744·B 10 to 18 Wire
the flange of chassis, 14, 16, 18 Wires 744·C 8 to 10 Wire
733·E 7440 16, 18, 20, 22 Wire
ghten thumb SC rews 733-F 10, 12, 14 Wires
and tilt chassis to posl. 744-E 14, 16, 18 Wire
733·G For NQ. 18 POS] or Parallel Wire 744-F 10, 12, 14 Wire
tion desired.
733·H F.or 300 ohm TV and FM twin 744·G For No. 18 paS] or Parallel Wire
Cat. No. 9176 Per Pair Net $1.80 transmission line 744-H For 300 ohm TV and FM twin
SPEEDEX STANDARD WIRE STRIPPER. -n,is is 733-1 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 Wire transmission line
the popular inexpensive Speedex model that 733-M 10 to 20 Wire 744·1 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 Wire
will work on 90% fo all stripping jobs. Blades 733·N Straight Cutter Blades 744·M 10 to 20 Wire
are inter'changeable, hardened and precision 744·N Straight Cutter Blades
ground to razor sharp edges. Cat. No. 733 Net $4.77 Cat. No. 744 Net $5.93


automatic delayed return. action to prevent
crushing fine wires. The Speed·O·Matic com·
bines the features of all Speedex Wire Strippers.
No. For Sizes Listed Below 766·M 10 to 20 Wire
766 12 to 20 Wire 766·N Straight Cutter Blades SPEEDEX WIRE STRIPPER KITS. Kits complete
766·A 14 to 30 Wire Cat. No. 766 Net $5.9a with Wire Strippers and seven different size
766-B 10 to 18 Wire SPEEDEX WHIZ WIRE STRIPPER. All new econ- blades neatly put up in a special permanent
766-C 8, to 10 Wire omy model-a perfect all round general use plasitc box. Very handy kit for the tool box,
766·0 16, 18, 20, 22 Wire wire stripper. Precision milled, hardened steel home workshop, maintenance and production.
766·E 14, 16, 18 Wire cutters. Cat. No. 733-K Standard Stripper Kit
766-F 10, 12, 14 Wire Cat. No. 788 3 Hole Blade, Gauges 12 thru 22 Net $ 9.57
7Ei.6-G For No. 18 paS] or Parallel Wire 788·B 3 Hole Blade, Gauges 10 thru 16 744-K Auotmatic Stripper Kit
766-H For 300 ohm TV and FM twin, 788·0 4 Hole Blade, Gauges 14 thru 24 Net $11.97
transmission line 788-H 300 ohm Blade forT win Lead·ln 766·K Speed·O-Matic Stripper Kit
766-1 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. 20, 22 Wire Cat. No. 788 Net $3.97 Net $11.97


~®~0~® N

1778-C (100·1778) 27.00 (H) Cat. No. 9070 8-prong octal

(B) G-C SCREW TYPE TERMINAL 1779 9 .33 Cat. No. 1786 6 lugs Net $ .08 Net $ .53
STRIPS. Mounted on laminated bake· 1779·C (100-1779) 30.00 1786-C 100 No. 1786 4.80 9071 9·pin miniature .53
lite strip s, rigidly constr~cted, 1780 10 .37 (J) (0) G-C 9·PIN MINIATURE WAFER
1780·C (100·1780) 33.45 Cat. No. 1787 7 lugs Net $ .13 SOCKET. High quality plastic wafer
terminals will not turn and short. 1787·C 100 No. 1787 $8.70 socket, 9·pin type with phosphor
G-C STANDARD TERMINAL STRIPS. (K) bronze contacts. Standard IVa"
Contacts Insulation ){•• Thick, %" Spacing. Cat. No. 1788 8 lugs Net $ .HI mounting centers.
Cat. No. 1772 2 Net $ .08 1788-C 100 No. 1788 9.60 Cat. No. 1543 9-pin Wafer Sockets
(C) Net $ .12
1772-C (100·1772) 8.10 Cat. No. 1781 1 Lug Net $ .03 SPECIAL TERMINALS AVAILABLE IN 1544 g-pin Wafer Socket
1773 3 .12 1781·C 100 No. 1781 2.70 QUANTITIES. SEND PRINTS FOR with Grounding
1773·C (100·1773) 10.05 (D) QUOTATIONS Strap Net $ .13
Cat. No. 1782 2 lugs Net $ .03
1774 4 .15 1782-C 100 No. 1782 2.70 (M) G-C EXTENSION JACK & CONNEC·
1774-C (100-1774) 13.20
1775 5 .17
(E) TOR. Special jack used in extending
radio antenna cables and phonograph
Cat. No. 1783 3 lugs Net $ .05
1775·C (100·1775) 16.05 1783-C 100 No. 1783 2.82 attachments. GC 40o-Page
Cat. No. 1744 Net $ .10 Catalog ••.
1776 6 .22 (F) 1744·C 100 $8.93
1776·C (100-1776) 19.05 Cat. No. 1784 4 lugs Net $ .05 (N) G-C HIGH VOLTAGE ANTI-CORONA ask your
1784-C 100 No. 1784 3.90 TV SOCKETS. Eight-prong octal and jobber
1777 7 .25
(G) nine·pin miniature sockets for use
1777·C (100·1777) 23.85 Cat. No. 1785 5 lugs Net $ .07 in high voltage circuits using the
1778 8 •30 1785-C 100 No. 1785 4.50 IB3, 1AX2, 1AX2A, etc •

Page 1276 • The MASTER - 26th Edition Net © U.C.P., Inc.

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