3.humanities Paper Xi CDF Q.paper Dt.12.07.2021

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TIME:01:00Hrs Max Marks:30


1. From which word Cuneiform is derived?

1) Latin
2) Greek
3) Chinese
4) Mayan
2. Which language replaced the Sumerian language after 2400 BCE?
1) Mesopotamian language
2) Akkadian language
3) Chinese language
4) Middle Eastern language
3. With which person, the first event of Sumerian trade is associated?
1) The ancient ruler of Uruk City, Enmerkar
2) The ancient ruler of Lebanon City, Enmerkar
3) The ancient ruler of Nile City, Enmerkar
4) The ancient ruler of Aral City, Enmerkar
4. The earliest temples in Southern Mesopotamia were built-in
1) c.4000 BCE
2) c.5000 BCE
3) c.6000 BCE
4) c.7000 BCE
5. Mesopotamian weapons were prominently made of
1) bronze
2) copper
3) stone
4) iron
6. The technological landmark witnessed by the urban economy of the city of
Uruk was
1) bronze tools
2) construction of brick columns
3) potter’s wheel
4) oil pressing technique

7. War captives and local people who were put to work for the temple or for the
ruler were paid
1) bronze tools
2) cattle
3) coins
4) rations
8. In _____ part of southern Iran, the first cities and writing emerged.
1) plain
2) deserted
3) mountainous
4) hilly
9. What marks the city life of Mesopotamia?
1) agricultural activities
2) division of labour
3) warfare
4) flood control
10. Which river had provide a way of communication?
1) Ganga
2) Rhine
3) Tigris
4) Ob

11. What is the distance between the Earth and the Sun?
1) 149.6 million kms
2) 15.98 million kms
3) 169.34 million kms
4) 179.67 million kms
12. In 1950, who revised the ‘nebular hypothesis?
1) Immanuel Kant
2) Laplace
3) Chamberlain
4) Otto Schimdt and Karl Weizascar
13. The expanse of universe means increase in space between the ____.
1) Planets
2) Asteroids
3) Stars
4) Galaxies
14. One light year is equal to_______.
1) 9.461 1012 km
2) 9.561 1012 km
3) 9.431 1012 km
4) 9.231 1012 km

15. Why are the terrestrial planets rocky?
1) These planets are smaller
2) They could not hold the escaping gases
3) Both 1 and 2
4) None of these
16. Which one of the following has the longest duration?
1) Eons
2) Period
3) Era
4) Epoch
17. The process through which the gases were outpoured from the interior is called
1) Differentiation
2) Degassing
3) Big Bang
4) Giant impact
18. Life on the Earth appeared around how many years before the present?
1) 13.7 billion
2) 3.8 million
3) 4.6 billion
4) 4.6 billion
19. Which one of the following is not an outer planet?
1) Jupiter
2) Saturn
3) Uranus
4) Mars
20. The Earth was mostly in a _____ state in its primordial stage.
1) Solid
2) Liquid
3) Volatile
4) Ice

21. Mean should be

2)Based upon all items
3) Rigidly defined
4) All of the above
22. Average value of given variable in known as
4)Index number

23. The A.M. of 1, 3, 5, 6x, 10 is 6 the value of x is
4) None of these
24. The value of all item are taken into consideration in the calculation of
4) None of these
25. Measures of central tendency are known as
1) Difference
2) averages
3) Both
4) None of these
26. Simple average is sometimes called
1) UnweightedAverages
2) Weighted Averages
3) Relative Average
4) None of these
27. Sum of square of the deviations about mean is
1) Maximum
2) Minimum
3) zero
4) None of these
28. ____ average is obtained by dividing the total of sets of observations by their
3)Both (1) and (2)
4)Neither (1) nor (2)
29. Sum of the deviations about mean is
1) zero
2) Minimum
3) maximum
4) one
30. Measures of central tendency for given set of observations measures
1) The Scatterness of the observations
2) The central location of the observations
3) Both (1) and (2)
4) None of these

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