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Madre De cacao with Lemon scent as

hand sanitizer

By: Johnro P. Lustado


The essential of Sanitizer nowadays are excessive because many countries

encounter COVID-19 that can affect lives, economy, livelihoods and others. For

this study Madre de cacao are experimented and observed to make a good source

for sanitizer. This study was therefore conducted to evaluate the properties of G.

Sepium biological properties. To produce extract from leaves of Madre de cacao,

it undergo decoction method. Adding lemon scent to give fragrance smell, that

can give relaxation that is why lemon is selected by the researcher. This Science

Investigatory Project used experimental and descriptive method to observe,

investigate and detailed the effectiveness of Madre de cacao as sanitizer. The

purpose of this study is to give people a resourceful sanitizer that may easily get

because madre de cacao can be found in surroundings. Sanitizer are helpful in

pandemic days to kill the viruses and harmful bacterias. It is affordable for the

consumer to make a alternative sanitizer for their safety.


Gratitude to almighty God for guiding me while doing this research study. I am

thankful to Mrs. Regina Giarte, my subject teacher and our beloved principal, Mr.

Mario Guevara who gave me chances to make a Science Investigatory Project (SIP)

entitled "Madre de cacao with lemon scent as Sanitizer". Grateful for my parents

who financed my research study and also to my friends who helped to finalize this

project in limited time frame. I appreciate all helps that I received, so much

overwhelmed for all support that they gave. Without their help this study cannot

be completed. Gratefulness to acknowledge those people who support me to

accomplished this project. Thanks to my special one for helping me to collect data,

different information that related in this study and for guiding me to finish this


Thanking you,

Johnro P. Lustado

Table of Contents

Title Page 1

Abstract 2

Acknowledgement 3

Table of contents 4

Chapter I- Introduction 5

Background of the study 5

Statement of the problem 7

Hypothesis 7

Scope and Limitation 8

Definition of Terms 8

Chapter II- Review of Literature 9

Chapter III – Methodology 14

Chapter IV- Results and Discussions 16

Chapter V – Conclusions 17

Chapter VI- Recommendations 18

Chapter I - Introduction


In this pandemic days people should always have Sanitizer to be protected

in COVID-19. According to Laura Howes (2020) , washing your hands with soap

and water are the best thing to stay away from the viruses to make your hand

virus free, but if you are away from sink using a sanitizer is should do because it is

next best thing. People are aware that COVID-19 are give a harmful effects in

terms of lives, economy of the countries, livelihoods, etc. Sanitizer can be save

ourselves, going outside are becoming danger because of the pandemic but

because of sanitizer lessen the chances for you to have virus. Madre de cacao

came from Fabaceae family, commonly known as madre cacao, belize, kakawate

or gliricidia sepium. Easy to propagate by stem cutting and directly planting in the

ground that can grow 10 to 12 meters high.

According to World Agroforestry Centre (2013), in some countries like

Africa, madre de cacao becoming essential part of farming practices because it is

nitrogen-fixing tree. Boosting crop yields are possible without expensive fertilizer

with the help of madre de cacao, it can fix the nitrogen in soil. Furthermore, it is

capable in cut back to crop height year after year , when it cut back the state of

tree are latent so the root system are not competing in other plant species to gain

nutrients, and the crop are free to become established. When the crop is already

tall it is the start of the tree to come out in hidden state. It is reportedly for

folkloric medicine,this tree can be used as medicinal and insect repellant property.

Researcher choose lemon scent to make the product more presentable and nice

scented in terms of smell.

According Debra Rose Wilson (2019) , lemon essential oil can use as

ingredients that helps with depression, exhaustion, clears the skin, make the

inflammation reduce, and also kills harmful bacteria and viruses, swear by some

people. Can be diluted, diffused into the air and inhaled, also applied topically to

the skin. This research conducted to make alternative sanitizer that the source are

easy to find and to have. Madre de cacao are common in Philippines and some

countries, it can be found anywhere. Also it is easy to propagate by stem cutting

and quick to grow. The goal of this investigation is to make a sanitizer from madre

de cacao with lemon scent for the fragrance. Researcher found an relevant

replacement for the expensive sanitizer. This sanitizer are established from madre

de cacao with the fragrance of lemon scent. This study aims to create a

homemade sanitizer that will be affordable and effective for killing bacterias and



This study aims to know if madre de cacao can be used as sanitizer. Specifically, it

sought to answer the following questions:

1. Does Madre de cacao can be used as Sanitizer?

2. Does Lemon scent can be used as fragrance for Sanitizer?

3. Is the Madre de cacao are effective to be used as sanitizer?


1. Madre de cacao can be used as Sanitizer.

2. Lemon scent can be used as fragrance for Sanitizer.

3. The Madre de cacao are effective to be used as Sanitizer.


This study aims to find out if Madre de cacao possible to be used as

sanitizer, to give consumer a resourceful product that came from surroundings.

Madre de cacao are under investigation together with lemon scent to make a

possible sanitizer. Researcher process this research in Barangay Castillo Pagbilao,

Quezon. It would take weeks, depending on the needed amount of time to

accomplished the making of sanitizer. The research primarily focus on madre de

cacao with lemon scent that can be found in environment, significant source for

sanitizer. Other materials will be based on house equipments or tool


Madre de cacao- a species from Fabaceae family that can be used as Sanitizer.

Lemon scent- a fragrance that will be mix in madre de cacao for Sanitizer.

Sanitizer- helps to kill harmful bacterias and viruses.

Topically- applied to or affecting a localized area of the skin.

Nitrogen-fixing tree- A tree (Madre de cacao) that can provide nitrogen for soil.


Review of Related Literature

This chapter discusses the Review of Related Literature. The studies that

was cited in this chapter are came from different journal, article and websites.

According to Godofredo U. Stuart, M.D. (2018), Madre de cacao are

possible alternative treatment in non-nosocomial infections, confirm their used in

folkloric medicine. In ten medicinal plants in Columbian folk medicine, including G.

Sepium, accomplished the screening for antimicrobial activity. Find out the

effectiveness of Madre de cacao against three or more pathogenic

microorganisms. The ethanolic extract of G. Sepium are investigated for

antimicrobial activity against gram positive, gram negative bacteria, and fungi.

Between 0.5 and 1 mg-1 against bacteria and 2.5 mg-1 against fungi are the

maximum inhibitory for antimicrobial activity. The various extract of flower, bark

and leaves can be possible used as antiseptic against different pathogenic

bacteria.To produce antibacterial agents, chemical constituents pharmacologically

are needed- G. Sepium contained that type of chemical.

Based on the study conducted by Pakistan J. Agric (2011), ethanol extract of

Madre de cacao have most active antibacterial components than antifungal and

can used as good source for chemical compounds.

According to Pharmacophore (2019), G. Sepium (Jacq.) Wall leaf ethanolic

extract reportedly for antibacterial activity. It showed antimicrobial against the

Gram-positive bacterium B. sublitis which have antimicrobial index of 0.3 mm.

Even, it did not show antimicrobial actually against the Gram-negative bacterial S.

typhimurium and K. pneumoniae, the Gram-positive bacteria S. aureus, and

fungus A Yet, in the study of Akharaiyi et al. ( 2012), it can inhibited the

growth of S. typhimurium, K. pneumoniae, S. aureus and other clinical bacteria

like Pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. marcescens, E. coli, B. cereus, Proteus mirabilis,

and Enterococcus feacium. Variations of the ecology and variety of the plant used

are the possible causes in different results. Need to note that Madre de cacao has

inhibitory actions despite the result shown slow inhibition to the 2 out of the 6

bacterial and fungal microorganisms.

Susan Mahr (n.d) state that, planting lemon scented herbs in garden may

everyone have own lemon scent and flavor that they can used for dishes, salads,

teas and other foods. It can be incorporated into the soaps, household cleaners,

potpourri etc. Lemon scent are naturally repellent to insects, commonly

mosquitoes. Lemon balm are more effective if the leaves are crushed then rubbed

onto skin.

According to Kathi Keville (n.d), therapeutic properties of lemon are

antiseptic, antidepressants and antiviral. It helps to increase the immune system

to stimulate the production of white corpuscles that fight infection. Furthermore,

lemon essential oil counters a wide range of viral and bacterial infections. Lemon

can help the brain to concentrate to lessen the mistake. Breathing with lemon

scent can be helpful for making decisions, because it stimulate the mind while

calming the emotions.

Based on the study of Cathy Wong (2020), stimulating the immune system

elevating mood, easing stress, promoting weight loss and alleviating pain are

some health benefits from lemon. It might be used for acne, athlete's foot and

warts. Improve mood, stress reliever, decrease anxiety, and promotes relaxation

can be possible by inahaling the aroma of lemon essential oil.

Safeopedia (n.d) state that, viruses, bacteria and fungi can kill permanently

by hand sanitizer at least 99.9 percent because it is a type of antimicrobial agent.

Hand sanitizer are often used in environmental risk of transmitting infection-

causing pathogens such as healthcare setting. In non-healthcare environment like

offices may reduce episodes of illness and illness related absenteeism when using

hand sanitizer.

According to Gold NA, Mirza TM, Avva U. (2020), to reduce the colonization

and infection, especially among healthcare workers recommendation of hand

hygiene are critical. This will decrease the transmission of microorganisms to

patients, ultimately reducing morbidity, mortality, and costs associated with

healthcare-associated infections (HCAI). The global burden of HCAI is gigantic.

Worldwide are affected at anytime, data suggests that more than 1.4 million

patients in developed and developing countries. This activity reviews indications

and contraindications to the usage of alcohol-based sanitizer and highlights the

role of the interprofessional team in the education of patients and colleagues

regarding regular hand washing.

Based on the study of Isabelle Faivre (2018), using hand sanitizer can kill a

lot of dangerous germs and viruses, also it can reduces microbial counts.

Providing hand sanitizer for employees in communal areas and at desk, is just as

needed as providing the accurate tools and equipment to do their job well. It is

helpful to maintain the healthy workplace and thriving environment.

CHAPTER III- Methodology


 Madre De Cacao Leaves

 Oil

 Lemon

 Isopropyl

 Knife

 Casirole

 Stainless Bowl


Step 1 : Put the Madre De Cacao leaves with water.

Step 2: Cut the Madre De Cacao leaves in small pieces.

Step 3: Put an oil the Madre De Cacao leaves and stir it.

Step 4: Decocting the Madre De Decacao with another stainless bowl

Step 5: Put the extract of Madre De Cacao in container

Step 6 : Mix the lemon and Isopropyl alcohol

Step 7: Combine the lemon with isopropyl alcohol and extract of Madre De Cacao

Chapter IV

Results and Discussions

After the process of extracting the Madre de cacao as hand sanitizer, it was

tested by the researcher itself. At first, the researcher observed for unnecessary

side effects such as sign of skin irritation and itching but through the process of

trying the new hand sanitizer, none of this effect have shown. The sanitizer in this

study are not only effective for killing germs and viruses, it also have nice scent.

Just like of commercial sanitizer it is effective too but, it is more affordable

because it can be done by yourself-easy to make, can be found in surroundings

and easy to plant and grow.



The researcher concluded that the naturally hand sanitizer out of extract of

Madre De Cacao is functional that does not only for viruses but for insect bites

and fungi. However, commercial hand sanitizer had a lot of chemicals and

alcohols though the Madre De Cacao extract was antioxidant and helps as an

antibacterial on the skin making it a better hand sanitizer than the commercial

hand sanitizer. The purpose of the lemon was not only used for fragrance, it is

used also for some benefits like relaxations, easing stress, concentration of mind

and many more. When you rub this sanitizer in your hand you can smell it for



To help increase the effectivity of the Madre De Cacao extract with lemon scent
hand sanitizer, the following recommendations are proposed:

* Test the effectiveness of hand sanitizer with Madre De Cacao extract
* It is recommended to store with the temperature of 30-35 degree Celsius to
maintain the scent of lemon
*Use an accurate amount of water for decocting extract the Madre de cacao to
maintain the biological properties of the G. Sepium.
*Use a small amount of oil to make the Madre de cacao extract more, to avoid
greasiness of the sanitizer.


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Roland Anthony R. M. 2019. Qualitative evaluation of the antimicrobial,

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Belize Travel Blog: User's Guide. (n.d.). Madre de cacao- A simple and elegant tree.

Belize Photos: Author. Retrieved from https://belize-travel-

Cathy W. 2020. Lemon Essential Oil Benefits and Uses.

Godofredo U. S. Jr. 2018. Philippine Medicinal Plants: Kakawate.

Gold N.A. Mirza T. M. Avva U. 2020. Alcohol Sanitizer. Treasure Island (FL):

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Isabelle F. 2018. The Importance of Hand Sanitizer Placement in the Workplace.

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Kathie K. (n.d.). Aromatherapy: Lemon.


Kathryn W. 2019. What You Need to Know About Lemon Essential Oil. Retrieved



Laura H. 2020. What is hand sanitizer, and does it keep your hands germ-free?.

Volume 98, Issue 12. American Chemical Society. Chemical and Engineering News.

Pakistan J. A. 2011. Antimicrobial Property of Gliricida Sepium Plant Extract.

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