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2D Modeling of the consolidation of soft soils

Matthias Haase, WISMUT GmbH, Chemnitz, Germany

Mario Exner, WISMUT GmbH, Chemnitz, Germany
Uwe Reichel, Technical University Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany

Abstract: Complex layered structures of tailings ponds and their vertical and horizontal flow
conditions for the pore water require to overcome the 1 dimensional modeling of the
consolidation process. A two-dimensional radial symmetric numerical model (Consol2D)
based on a fully three-dimensional approach is introduced and practical results are discussed.
Special attention is given to the validation of the numerical model with the help of analytical
solutions for special cases.

The development of a remediation strategy for a tailings pond with a fine slime zone includes
the assessment of the state of consolidation of the different zones in the pond. Usually the
pond is divided in a fine slime zone, a transition zone and a sandy or beach zone. All these
zones often built up a very complex layered structure with horizontal and vertical flow
pathways for the pore water during the consolidation process.

There exist different approaches for the description of the consolidation process. The basic
physical relationships in the consolidation theory were first investigated by K. Terzaghi [5]
and later more in general by M. A. Biot [1]. In the one-dimensional Terzaghi theory the
following two basic assumption restrict the use of the approach:
• Strains are small and
• The material properties remain constant during the consolidation process.

However, soft tailings are known to exhibit significant changes in void ratios during changes
in the stress state in response to load surcharge and therefor in the permeability, too. The
theory of non-linear finite strain (NLFS) consolidation overcomes these limitations of the
Terzaghi theory.

One-dimensional NLFS-models are often used for the modeling of the consolidation process
in tailings ponds with success. But in cases where the horizontal pore water flow has an
important effect on the consolidation process the results of such one-dimensional calculations
should be viewed with caution.

Furthermore the development of remediation strategies requires in some cases an evaluation

of the effect of vertical drains. Vertical drains are used for the acceleration of the
consolidation process of soft tailings in the fine slime zone. Standard one-dimensional
consolidation models are unable to determine the effects of such drains correctly because of
the two-dimensional (2D) radial symmetry of the problem. Two-dimensional analytical
solutions of the basic equations exist, but they do not take into account the change of the
permeability with the void ratio (usually referred to as the k-e-relationship) and the varying
stiffness of the material (void ratio-effective stress-relationship). The analytical solutions also
ignore any layer structure, that means they use only one soil type for the description of the
To overcome these limitations we developed a numerical model for solving such typical two-
dimensional consolidation problems (Consol2D). The model is based on the work of A.
Verruijt [6] with some extensions. Typical features of the one-dimensional NLFS-models and
the description of the flow conditions and of the stress-strain-problem in two dimensions are
integrated in this approach.

The original three-dimensional approach is reduced to 2D radial symmetry during the

numerical implementation (algorithm). This is sufficient to simulate vertical drains or the
consolidation process of tailings material in an axi-symmetric pond and saves a lot of
computation time. The correctness of the model has been proved by comparison with
analytical solutions and field experiments.

Basic equations
Assuming full saturation we consider the porous material as a two-phase system consisting of
a liquid phase (pore-water) and a solid phase (particles). Starting from the conservation of
mass and assuming the incompressibility of the solid particles we find the storage equation

∂ ε vol ∂p ρ
− = nβ + ∇T q (1)
∂t ∂t

Together with Darcy's law we get the equation for the excess pore pressure p:
∂ε  
− vol = nβ ∂ p − ∇T  k ∇p  (2)
∂t ∂t γ 
 w 
with the volume strain εvol, the time t, the porosity n, the compressibility of the pore-water β,
the hydraulic conductivity k, and the volumetric weight of the pore-water γw. A detailed
description of the derivation can be found in [6].

For a complete system of equations we also require an expression for the volume strain εvol.
We obtain this expression by considering the properties of the solid material, including the
equations of equilibrium (3), the principle of effective stress (4), and the stress-strain-relations
(5). We present these equations for an elastic case:

ϖ ρ
∇T σ − f = 0 (3)
ρ ρ ρ
σ = σ '− Ip (4)
ρ ρ
σ ' = −λε vol I − 2 µε (5)

ρ ρ
ρ ρ
where σ denotes the tensor of total stress, σ ' the tensor of effective stress, f the vector of the
body forces, I the unit tensor, p the excess pore pressure, ε the strain tensor, and λ and µ the
elastic coefficients (Lamé parameters).

In soil mechanics the Youngs module E and the Possoin ratio ν are often used instead of the
Lame Parameter:


λ= ,
(1 + ν )(1 − 2ν )
2(1 + ν )
The volume strain εvol is then defined by the trace of the strain tensor ε :

ε vol = ε xx + ε yy + ε zz (7)

With the compatibility equations

∂u i
ε ii = , i = 1...3
1  ∂u i ∂u j 
ε ij =  + , i, j = 1...3, i ≠ j (8)
2  ∂x j ∂xi 
ε vol = ∇T u

the components of the strain tensor are related to the displacements u. So the final system
consists of 4 equations

∂ ∇T u(= nβ
∂ p)  k 
− ∇ T  ∇p 
∂t ∂t γ w 
[ ( )
ρ ρρ ρ
∇ T − λ ∇ T u I − 2 µε (u ) − Ip − f = 0

for the 4 independent variables

p, u x , u y , u z
The other quantities are dependent and connected by several non-linear material functions.

Material functions and numerical realization

Material functions
The consolidation behavior of the tailings material is mainly characterized by the stress-strain-
relationship and the permeability-void ratio-relationship.

The stress-strain-relation is described with the compression curve for the soil. Usually a e-log
σ -plot is used for fitting this soil behavior, with the void ratio e (Eq. 10). In our case we
always load the soil column with the self-weight during filling or with a surcharge. Therefor
we can use the virgin or normal consolidation line. Swelling or recompression is not
considered here.

e = e0 − C c log σ ′,
Vwater (10)
The one-dimensional confined elastic modulus Eo may be obtained thus:
∂σ ′
E o = −(1 + e )

The Youngs modulus E in (6) is obtained with:

 2ν 2 
E = 1 −  ⋅ E o
 1 −ν 

In analogy to (10) we use also a logarithmic approach for the description of the void ratio-

e = eok + c kl log(k ) (11)

The relationships (10) and (11) we get in two ways:

1. Analyzing measured values and fit them with an appropriate regression line
2. Using the measured values as starting values in modeling the filling history of the pond
with a 1D-NLFS-model and evaluating the parameters e0, Cc, eok and ck by means of such
indicators like measured void ratio profiles, tailings heights or settlement rates.

In our practical work we have found that a combination of both methods provide defensible
parameters for further calculations with our 2D-model.

Numerical realization
The numerical realization of the model with the finite element method consists of several
steps. The first step is the choice of appropriate function spaces and the conversion into a
variational formulation. The next steps are the transformation to cylindrical coordinates and
the reduction to 2D-radial symmetry [4].

The Galerkin method with a finite dimensional trial space was used for the discretization in
space. Several piecewise linear and quadratic elements were implemented. For the time
discretization a Crank-Nicolson-scheme with a fully implicit start step was chosen.

We implemented the following features in the numerical model:

• The pond or the tailings column can consist of up to 9 different soil types.
• For each soil layer a void ratio - permeability -relationship e(k) including the anisotropy of
k and a void ratio-effective stress - relationship e(σ) can be defined.
• Measured void ratio - profiles e(z) can be used for defining initial conditions.
• Boundary conditions for the pore pressure and/or the pore water flow can be defined for
each boundary grid element.
• An additional load can switch on during a run for simulating the covering process during
the tailings pond remediation.

Analytical verification
The implementation of the model has been verified by numerical computations of problems
with known analytical solutions. The verifications were done by M. Exner as part of [3].

Terzaghi theory
The first solution of a consolidation problem was given by Terzaghi in 1923. The dissipation
of the excess pore pressure in a fully drained soil layer was investigated. An illustration of this
problem is given in Figure 1. The partial differential equation in this case is fully one-

To obtain an analytical solution some simplifications of the material properties have to be

• hydraulic conductivity k=constant
• stiffness module E=constant

With these assumptions the system can be uncoupled. The resulting differential equation is

= cv ∆p (12)

with the consolidation coefficient

cv =

For the one-dimensional Terzaghi problem this implies

∂p ∂2 p
= cv (13)
∂t ∂ z2

With the boundary conditions p=0 on z=0 and z=2h and the initial condition p=p0 at t=0
equation (13) can be solved. The solution for the excess pore pressure p depending on the time
t and the height z is

p 4 ∞  (− 1)  π  h − z   2 π cvt  
n 2
= ∑ cos (2n + 1)   ⋅ exp − (2n + 1)  (14)
p0 π n = 0  2n + 1  2  h   4 h2  

For practical computations, the infinite sum in (14) is approximated by the summation of the
first 25 terms.

In the numerical simulation we use a load to produce an excess pore pressure of 5 kPa in a soil
layer with a constant total stress of 100 kPa. The results are presented in Figure 2.
The oscillations in the analytical solution result from the break of the summation of the
infinite sum. In the numerical simulation we get oscillations in the first time steps which are
caused by slightly incompatible initial conditions. Despite these initial oscillations the
important long term correspondence of the analytical and numerical solutions is very good.

Figure 1: Calculated scenario for the one-dimensional Terzaghi-problem

excess pore pressure

(normalized) 10 days
1.2 analytical


0.8 10000

10 days

0.2 5000

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
radius (normalized)

Figure 2: Left: Excess pore pressure reduction in Terzaghi-theory, numerical (lines) and
analytical (+) results at different points of time (in days).

2D radial symmetric solution -- surrounding vertical drain

The simplifications made by Terzaghi to solve his problem can also be made for a two-
dimensional problem. Now we consider a cylinder with radius a and assume that the pore
water can only disappear over the cylinder shell, for an illustration see Figure 3: Calculated
scenario for the radial symmetric problem. The drain surrounds the cylinder. . After the

transformation to cylindrical coordinates and with the assumption of radial symmetry the
differential equation (15) reduces to

∂p  ∂2 p 1 ∂ p 
= cv  2 +  (15)
∂t ∂t r ∂ r 

The boundary conditions are such that the pressure p is zero along the outer boundary at r=a,
and that the pore pressure is not singular in the origin. In conjunction with the initial condition
p=p0 at t=0, the solution of (15) is

p ∞
J 0 (α k r / a )  α k2ct 
= 2∑ exp − 2  (16)
p0 k =1 α k J1 (α k )  a 

where J0(x) and J1(x) are the Bessel functions of first kind and order zero and one. The ak are
the zeros of the function J0(x).

As shown in Figure 4 we achieve a good long term correspondence of the numerical and the
analytical solution. We also observe some oscillations at start time, which were already
discussed in the one-dimensional case.

Figure 3: Calculated scenario for the radial symmetric problem. The drain surrounds
the cylinder.

10 days analytical
1 100 days
500 days
0.8 5000 days
10000 days
0.6 20000 days
10 days numerical
0.4 100 days
500 days
0.2 5000 days
10000 days
0 20000 days
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
radius (norm.)

Figure 4: Excess pore pressure reduction in the case of a surrounding drain, numerical
(lines) and analytical (+) results.

2D radial symmetric solution -- inner vertical drain

The more interesting two-dimensional case is the inner vertical drain instead of the
surrounding one. Here we consider a cylinder with an infinite radius and an inner cylindrical
drain of radius a, for an illustration see Figure 5.
The numerical model is unable to handle a cylinder with an infinite radius. Hence the
simulation makes only sense until the excess pore pressure reduction reaches the outer bound
of the simulated cylinder.

The boundary condition is p=0 at r=a for all t>0, and the initial condition is p=p0 at t=0. The
solution of (17) for this scenario is
∞ ∞
p(r , t ) = ∫ ∫ r ' [J (λr ')Y (λa ) − Y (λr ')J (λa )]p
λ =0 r '=0
0 0 0 0 0

⋅ exp(− cv λ2t ) (17)
J (λa )Y02 (λa )

⋅ [J 0 (λr )Y0 (λa ) − Y0 (λr )J 0 (λa )] d r ' dλ

The functions J0(x) and Y0(x) are the Bessel functions of first and second kind and order zero.

Figure 6 shows the numerical and analytical solution for the first 20000 days. The solutions
correspond very well.

Figure 5: Calculated scenario for the radial symmetric problem with an inner vertical

10 days numerical
100 days
1 1000 days
2000 days
0.8 5000 days
10 days analytical
0.6 100 days
1000 days
0.4 2000 days
5000 days

0 5 10 15 20 radius [m]

Figure 6: Excess pore pressure reduction in the case of an inner vertical drain, numerical
(lines) and analytical (+) results.

Modeling of a field test

To investigate the effects of vertical drains on the development of soil mechanical parameters
the Wismut GmbH started some field experiments in 1997. The main objective was to study
the influence in vertical drains on the process of consolidation in tailings ponds. After
installing the drains and covering the field measurements were taken at regular intervals.
These measurements enable the comparison with the numerical model.

Until now there is no possibility for long term statements, because of the short run time of the
field test, which is only a small fraction of the whole consolidation time.

The total height of the tailings pond in the test field is about 20 m. The vertical drains were
put in as a pattern of equal sided triangles with a side length of 1.5 m. The drain depth is 5 m
(see Figure 7: Geometry of the testfield and the of the draindesign). The material parameters
for the simulation were determined by samples from some bore holes near the test field (DH1
and DH 2) and the void ratios were varied in several runs of the simulation. This variation was
necessary because of the missing void ratios for the test field. The values had to be guessed
from samples of nearby bore holes.

Figure 8 shows the results of three different simulation runs for the first 200 days compared
with the measured data.

Using the two parameter sets from the bore holes DH 1 and DH 2 we get a good agreement
between measured and modeled settlement rates. The modeled values for the settlement
without drains are also in good agreement with measured settlement rates at locations near to
the test field without drains.

From Figure 9 it is seen that the accelerating effect of the pore pressure dissipation with the
vertical drain is limited to the upper 5 or 6 meters where the drain is located. For accelerating
the pore pressure dissipation in the lower part of the fine tailings the use of deep vertical
drains would be required.

Figure 7: Geometry of the testfield and the of the draindesign

Modeling of the settlement on the test fields Culmitzsch A
DH 1
DH 2
0.5 Modelling without drain
measured values





0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200

Figure 8: Consolidation of the test field, measured data and numerical simulation

Figure 9: Dissipation of the excess pore pressure with time in a cross section through the
tailings column with the vertical drain.

The implemented numerical model Consol2D was verified by means of several consolidation
scenarios. The numerical results show a good agreement with the analytical solutions for these
cases. First calculations of the consolidation state under the influence of vertical drains in a
field test give hope, that with Consol2D a good prognosis of the effect of vertical drains under
field conditions is possible.

The implementation by use of finite elements allows the modeling of the consolidation
behavior of complicated geometries (soil layers) and flow conditions. We use the program not
as a "stand alone" tool. It is integrated in a technological chain that reaches from field and
laboratory measurements over one-dimensional consolidation modeling of the filling history
and parameter evaluation to the two-dimensional consolidation modeling of drain design or
pond cross sections with Consol2D.

The model runs on PC under LINUX. A parallel computing on several machines for very
complex structures is possible.

The following features are under development:

• Choosing a spatial (two dimensional) void ratio distribution as initial conditions instead of
the depth profile
• Testing the program using cartesian coordinates (“true 2D”)
• Implementation of a time dependent loading during the run

We intend to start a test program with appropriate field measurements of the consolidation
behavior of tailings impoundments.

1 M. A. Biot. Gerneral theory of three-dimensional consolidation. J. Appl. Phys.,
12:155-164, 1941.

2 J. H. Bramble, J. E. Pasciak, and J. Xu. Parallel multilevel preconditioners. Math.

Comp., 55:1-22, 1990.

3 M. Exner. 2D Modell zur Setzung von Tailingsschlämmen. Diplomarbeit, Fak. f.

Mathematik und Physik, Universität Bayreuth, Feb. 1999.

4 U. Reichel. Numerische Untersuchungen zum Setzungsverhalten von

Tailingsschlämmen. Diplomarbeit, Fak. f. Mathematik, TU Chemnitz, Feb. 1997.

5 K. Terzaghi. Erdbaumechanik auf bodenphysikalischer Grundlage. Deuticke, Wien,


6 A. Verruijt. Computational Geomechanics. Theory and Application of Transport in

Porous Media. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995.


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