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Subject: Key Aspects Of the Life of Dr. Gouranga Chandra Debnath

Submitted to

DN Ms. Dil Nusrat

Asst. Professor
English Language Institute (ELI)

Submitted by

Name: Ishrat Amin

ID: 111212087
Section: Q
Date of Submission: 25.07.2021
Prepare a list of struggles he had and how he overcame the difficult situations.
Most importantly identify some of his key traits that contributed to his

Nelson Mandela once said - "Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many
times I fell down and got back up again."

In life, we always crave for a successful life but we cannot be successful all the time.
Success is something that can be achieved through a boulevard of hard work and often
walking through the path of failure.

We know Dr. Goranga Chandra Debnath as a scholar and a successful academician but
little did we know about the epic failure and struggles he had to face in his early life.

In the year 1997, there was a time when he thought everything was finished but back then
nobody knew that this was just the beginning of his glorious journey and he could be an
inspiration for the entire nation.

After failing in the higher secondary board examinations twice, everyone in his family
gave up on him. But it was him who believed in himself and was determined enough to
start from scratch.

He again got himself enrolled in the College and worked really hard to turn his
weaknesses into his strengths. This time he studied 9-10 hours a day just to make sure
that he doesn’t disappoint anyone and can live up to his own expectations. He started
home tutoring kids so that he can provide for himself and his education. He was an
optimistic person and didn’t let distractions and challenges overtake his ambition.
Eventually his younger brother, his teachers and his friends started believing in him too
and provided him with immense mental support and empathy in those challenging times.
He was so driven and passionate towards achieving his goals that before the board
examination he even studied for 22 hours a day. And in 1999 he stood 1st in the Higher
Secondary Board Examination. After that not only he finished his graduation with flying
colours but also went abroad in order to obtain a PHD degree and is now one of the
Assistant Professor of our University.

The key traits that has contributed to his journey are-

● Big Dreams
Dr. Gouranga was indeed a passionate dreamer and a believer and never gave up
on his hopes and aspirations.

● Definite Aim, Vision and Purpose

In 1997, while getting himself enrolled in the college he knew exactly what he
wanted to do and this time he had developed strategies and tactics from his past

● Focus
In Spite of all the hardships he went through, he knew how to concentrate and
always had a clarity of what he wanted.

● A Desire to Improve
He learnt from his mistakes and turned his weaknesses into his strengths.

● A Commitment to Learning
He had a genuine desire and willingness to learn.
● Master of Time
He was an action oriented man and knew how to value his time.

● Positive Attitude and Perseverance

Dr. Gouranga has been through many bitter trials but the positive attitude he had
towards everything had allowed him to persevere and be resilient when things
didn't go their way.

● Flexibility
Not to mention he has always adapted himself to the changes in his life situation
with flair and in an unflappable manner.

● Self Acceptance
He has never made any excuse for his mistakes or failures rather he took his
mistakes as a lesson and focused on the solution.

● Discipline
Discipline was one of the key factors which played the role of a bridge between his
goals and accomplishments.

● Hard Work and Dedication

By hard work and dedication he finally started believing in himself and was
confident that this time not only he will pass the board examination but also he
will rank a very good result.
● Good Character
From his story we have learnt that he has always acted with honesty, generosity
and integrity which has influenced people around him to believe in him and to
support him.

Dr. Gouranga Chandra Debnath is a true inspiration and a role model to all of us. He has
made us believe that we can rise above our circumstances and achieve success if we are
dedicated and passionate about our goals.

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