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Gokhan Yalcin (832) 577-5362

● QA Automation Engineer with 4 years’ Automation Testing and over 5+ years’ experience
in Information Technology.
● Experience of working on Agile Methodologies with Scrum team structure and involved in
all phases of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) and STLC (Software Testing Life
● Solid knowledge on Java and OOP (Object Oriented Programing Languages).
● Experience on preparing test plans, reviewing business and technical requirement,
developing, and executing positive and negative test cases.
● Experience in using software management and documentation tool such as Jira.
● Worked extensively on complete Defect Management Life Cycle and reporting all the way
from executing Test Cases, identifying defects, logging defects and verification of bug fixes.
● Extensive experience of manual and automation front-end UI testing on both Web-Based
application with Selenium WebDriver and client-server applications.
● Proficient in various testing types such as Smoke Testing, Regression Testing, Functional
Testing, UI Testing, Database Testing, and API Testing.
● Experience in designing and developing various testing frameworks to implement test
cases and test scenarios with Cucumber framework in BDD approach (Behavior Driven
Development), DDF (Data-Driven Frameworks), POM (Page Object Model) and Hybrid
framework by using TestNG and JUnit.
● Experienced POSTMAN for manually API Testing and created Automation scripts by using
Rest-Assured and Restful Libraries for Automated API Testing.
● Acquired experience in Cross Browser Testing by executing the test cases in Firefox,
Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer.
● Worked with Maven build tool and CI (Continuous Integration) tool such as Jenkins to
execute automated and daily scheduled regression test using version control through Git
and GitHub.
● Developed SQL and RDBMS queries to perform back-end level Database testing.
● Knowledge on Microservices.
● Excellent team player with excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
● Demonstrated ability to self-motivate and be flexible within a fast-paced environment.

Quality Assurance Automation Engineer
Altus Techs
May 2019 - Present (2 years 1 month +)
Roles and Responsibilities
● Understanding Software Requirement Specifications (SRS).
●Tested the application in a highly dynamic environment with sprint team using Agile
● Designed structured User Interface (UI) automated Test Cases using Selenium WebDriver

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in Java for Web-Based software products used to perform software testing.
● Developed an automation framework in Selenium WebDriver and TestNG by implementing
Page Object Model design pattern.
● Created POM.XML in Apache Maven and run the builds and integrated with Continuous
Integration tools Jenkins for running the regression test on a regular basis automatically.
● Performed various types of testing, such as Functionality, Regression, GUI Interface,
Integration System, User Acceptance, and End-to-End testing.
● Created and tested Positive and Negative Test Scenarios to test the functionality and the
error handling capability of the application.
●Worked with the web programming language HTML, CSS, XML and selected web element
by using Developer Tools
● Experienced in providing the efficient locators' strategy like XPath and CSS to run WebDriver
script in stable condition.
● Wrote Data-Driven, Cross Browser Automation Test Cases and executed them for Cross-
browser compatibility using Selenium.
● Performed Back-End testing using SQL queries to make sure that data entered has been
uploaded correctly into the Database tables.
● Extensively used SQL statements to query the Oracle Database (RDBMS) for Data
Validation and Data Integrity
● Involved in Sprint Demo meeting, Sprint Retrospective, Scrum, and other team meetings.
● Used Restful Assured libraries in API to get, update, delete, insert data via special
commands such as POST, GET, DELETE, PUT.
● Analyzed the business requirements, developed Test Plans and Test Cases using Jira.
● Highly motivated team player with analytical, organizational, and technical skills, unique
ability to adapt quickly to challenges and changing environment
Environment: Jira, ORACLE DB, Selenium WebDriver, Java, Jenkins, Maven, Git, IntelliJ

System Quality Assurance Engineer

Wells Fargo
Jul 2017 - May 2019 (1 year 11 months)
Roles and Responsibilities
● Prioritized and assigned work to offshore automation team which also included extensive
training and mentoring on best practices and methods to improve reusability for regression
●Analyzed business requirements and created automation feasibility reports for new
functionality for Wells Fargo Wholesale insurance products.
● Involved in developing automation framework that uses Java, Selenium WebDriver, and
● Developed reusable generic methods to perform various web actions such as select from
drop down menu, check box, radios buttons, entering value to text box, capturing text for
validation etc.
●Developed customized synchronization methods using implicit and explicit wait in selenium
to improve automated regression test suite test execution stability.
●Designed and developed functional test cases from user stories and converted to automated
test scripts.
● Worked closely with development team to identify the root cause of the defects and solve
● Involved to create test status report during each sprint cycle.
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●Participated all the scrum activities and performed sprint demo to the stake holders.
Environment: Windows 7, MS SQL Server, IE, Java, Selenium WebDriver, Jira, Web
Application, TestNG, Maven, Eclipse

Quality Assurance Analyst

Frontier Communications
Mar 2016 - Jul 2017 (1 year 5 months)
Roles and Responsibilities
● Understand functional and technical aspects of the system and convert the requirements
into test scenarios.
● Collaborate with developers, business analysts, and other stakeholders on software
● Applying best practices of software testing life cycle throughout the project.
● Responsible for identifying critical test scenarios from requirement specification and
business requirements.
● Ensure that all the validated deliverables meet functional requirements and design
● Participating in all the release calls and production validation after the release.
● Involved in performing smoke testing, functional testing, regression testing and execute
automated regression test suite.
● involved in to designing and developing automation testing framework using Selenium
● Updated existing test scripts for UI and functional changes during each release.
● Reported test execution result to the project stakeholders and provided detailed analysis.
Environment: Windows and Mac, MySQL, ALM, Maven, Selenium WebDriver, IE,
SharePoint, Web Application, Eclipse.

agile   •   apache webserver   •   api   •   automation   •   css   •   cvs   •   database administration   •   design   •  
eclipse   •   functional

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