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Clinics in Dermatology (2010) 28, 185–189


Pathogenesis of dermatophytosis and tinea versicolor

Luis J. Mendez-Tovar, MD
Laboratory of Dermatology and Medical Mycology Research, Specialties Hospital, National Medical Center, IMSS,
Apdo postal A-032, Coahuila No 5 Col Roma, 06703, México, DF, México

Abstract Dermatophytoses are infections caused by keratinophilic fungi known as dermatophytes.

Several steps are required for infection to take place: contact, adherence, and invasion of keratin layers.
The severity of the infection depends on the type of agent, environmental factors, and the host
immunologic status. Tinea versicolor is caused by the Malassezia spp yeasts, which are microorganisms
that belong to normal biota in seborrheic areas, but some contributing factors, such as the application of
oily preparations, creams, an increase in ambient humidity, corticosteroid abuse, or genetic
predisposition can induce its overgrowth in both filamentous and yeast structures. Exposure to sunlight
stimulates the production of azelaic acid, which causes the appearance of hypopigmented spots.
Currently, there is no scientific explanation for hyperpigmented lesions.
© 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Dermatophytosis contact can be with family members, in work situations (people

who live in dormitories or barracks), or by sharing personal
Dermatophytes are keratinophilic fungi that probably belongings such as combs, shoes, or clothing.4,5
appeared in the Mesozoic Age.1 In the beginning, they Owing to anatomic or environmental factors, some areas
lived in the soil (geophilic). Later, through frequent contact of the body are more susceptible to the development of
with animals and humans, some species adapted to the hosts, dermatophyte infections. The fungi under the distal nail area
causing infections. The fungi that affect animals are called remains in contact with the skin and nails for several hours or
zoophilic dermatophytes, whereas those that mainly affect even days. This allows for the growth and eventual invasion
humans are known as anthropophilic dermatophytes. 2 of the keratin layers of the nail. The spaces between the
Dermatophytoses are the most common mycoses worldwide. fingers, where factors such as sweat, maceration, and
Thus, understanding the physiopathogenesis of these infec- alkaline pH are present, provide the proper environment
tions is essential for preventing and treating them efficiently.3 for the development of these fungal diseases. Fungal conidia
that fall on the scalp are protected by the hair. They remain in
contact with the skin for a long time and can cause tinea
Infection mechanism
capitis. Local conditions in the groin also favor infection,
because the point where the scrotum joins the thigh forms an
Human infection occurs through contact with contaminated
intertriginous area with suitable humidity, temperature, and
products or specimens, such as soil, hair, or animal epidermal
nutrients for the growth of dermatophytes.
scales (pets, work animals, or fur farming), as well as with
The amount of inocula for a spontaneous infection has not
those who have frequent contact with affected individuals. This
been established. Some in vivo studies in the last century
showed that the infecting dose on hairless skin is six conidia.
E-mail address: In affected people with normal immunity, a hypersensitivity

0738-081X/$ – see front matter © 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc.

186 L.J. Mendez-Tovar

response develops in 30 days, and spontaneous recovery foreign they are, the greater the molecular weight and
generally occurs within 50 days.6 complexity of the antigen they have, the immune response is
more vigorous. For example, the response generated against
Adherence subtilisin (Sub3), a metalloprotease found in M canis,
generates an intense inflammation.14
In in vitro models, Trichophyton mentagrophytes requires The second factor is the immunosuppression, caused by
approximately 6 hours to adhere firmly, even though the metabolites in anthropophilic dermatophytes, as occurs
germination begins after 4 hours. In other models using with T rubrum mannans.15 In vitro, these compounds
layers of fingernail keratin, adherence occurs after 6 hours inhibit the cellular proliferation of lymphocytes and also
and germination of the conidia and branching after 16 hours. cause a delay in the replacement of the stratum corneum of
Other experiments using skin cross-sections showed that 12 the skin.16 Although these mannans are present in most
hours was necessary for adherence, 16 hours for germination, fungi, this immunosuppressive effect is present in only
and 72 hours for invasion of the stratum corneum.7 some fungi species; the precise mechanism for their action
Although no linking mechanism has been demonstrated is not yet understood.17
between dermatophytes and the stratum corneum, it has been Other studies performed on keratinocytes with metabolic
suggested that dermatophytes possess specific adhesins for products from T rubrum show that they release a small
some carbohydrates present on the skin surface. These are amount of IL-1α; in contrast, these same cells produce a
probably similar to the aspartic proteases involved in the greater amount of IL when metabolites of T mentagro-
adherence of Candida.8,9 phytes are added. These findings correlate with less
symptomatology and infections of longer duration in T
rubrum infection.18
Growth on keratinized tissues The modulation of the Th1 immune response or of the
polymorphonuclear and macrophage effectors of this
Once dermatophytes have adhered to keratinized tissue, response by dermatophytes is stated in various studies.
they release enzymes (keratinases, metalloproteases, and Among them are the inhibition of the lymphocytes function
serine proteases) and also produce lipases and ceramides. by the T rubrum mannans and the alteration of the
The production of these enzymes is induced by the phagocytic capacity of the macrophages. The localization
substrate on which they develop, but this has not yet of the dermatophytes in the stratum corneum is probably
been studied at a molecular level. One of the gene families another mechanism for avoiding the development of an
that is probably involved is the GATA family. In Micros- intense cellular immunoresponse.19 In vitro cultures of
porum canis, the disruption of the dnr-1 gene blocks the mononuclear cells exhibit less proliferation after the
development of the fungus if the culture medium includes addition of mannans of T rubrum and T tonsurans
only a keratin substrate.10 (anthropophilic dermatophytes) compared with the prolif-
Studies of T rubrum suggest that the production of some eration in control groups.
endoproteases is overruled by other factors associated with Immunoglobulins (Ig) are also involved in this immune
zinc, which is activated in the presence of an acid pH.11 modulation. In acute infections, there is a cellular-type
The released enzymes, aside from breaking the bonds of immune response occurs in acute infections, whereas high
the keratinized tissue, behave as antigens and induce various levels of IgE and IgG4 are detected in chronic infections.
degrees of inflammation. As a result, tissue damage is a This subclass of Ig increases in chronic pathologies with
combination of the enzymatic action of the dermatophytes poor immunologic responses.20,21
and the defense mechanisms activated during the inflamma- There are still few, although promising, studies for
tory processes.12 understanding the genes involved in the pathogenesis of
dermatophyte infections. Genes involved in the production
Immune response of enzymes like Sub3 and DppIV are being researched with
particular interest. By using animal models experimentally
The infections caused by dermatophytes generally induce infected with genetically modified strains, it will be possible
a mainly Th1-type adaptive immune response with the to better understand the mechanisms involved in the invasion
production of proinflammatory cytokines like interleukin of keratinocytes.22
(IL)-2 and interferon (IFN)-γ. The immunologic response
varies among the different species of dermatophytes. It is
more intense when the infection is caused by zoophilic or
geophilic dermatophytes and is weak when the infection is Tinea versicolor
caused by anthropophilic dermatophytes.13
Two factors account for the difference in the degree of Tinea versicolor (TV) is a chronic and benign mycosis,
immunologic response. The first factor is the type of clinically characterized by the presence of hypochromic or
metabolites and enzymes released by the agent: the more hyperchromic macules on the face, arms, and trunk. The
Pathogenesis of dermatophytosis and tinea versicolor 187

dyschromic areas also usually present a fine desquamation. be considered. The first contact with the yeast takes place a
At first, the macules are 3 to 5 mm in diameter and are few instants after birth, when the newborn's skin comes
round or oval shaped; with time, the skin lesions may into contact with the skin of an individual who carries the
coalesce, affect extensive areas of the body, and exhibit fungus. From that moment on, these yeasts will be present
irregular forms.23 for a lifetime.36
This superficial mycosis is caused by yeasts of the Ma-
lassezia genus. With the exception of M pachydermatis, all
Predisposing factors
species of this genus are lipophilic.24 In humans, the
seborrheic areas (scalp, face, and the back and frontal aspect
Given that these yeasts are lipophilic, the presence of fatty
of the trunk) are always colonized by one or several species
acids on the skin favors the development of these organisms.
of this genus. The most common are M globosa, M
In childhood, the sebaceous glands have a low rate of fat
sympodialis, M sloffiae, and M restricta.25,26 These yeasts
production, and for this reason, there are few of these yeasts.
form part of the normal skin biota and their presence
Because of the action of sex hormones in adolescence, the
probably blocks the settling of harmful organisms. Environ-
release of skin lipids by these glands increases considerably
mental modifications or individual immunologic changes
and Malassezia spp develop in large quantities, only in the
can cause cutaneous or systemic disorders associated with
yeast form. From that moment forward, it is possible for TV
these yeasts.27
to develop in any person wherever the fungus evolves to its
TV is a skin disease directly caused by these yeasts and
dimorphic form.
the only one in which the lipophilic yeasts of the Malas-
Several factors increase the possibility of acquiring TV
sezia genus exhibit their dimorphic capacity—yeasts as
lesions. Among the main ones are:
well as short, septated, and nonbranched filaments. Other
conditions associated with these yeasts are seborrheic
1. the application of oils and oily creams, which provide a
dermatitis,28 folliculitis,29 and even systemic infections.30
substrate for the development of yeasts;
In these cases, Malassezia spp only appear in the yeast-
2. exposure to sunlight, which modifies the metabolism of
phase form. Various studies have shown that the presence
the fungus and increases the production of azelaic acid;
of yeasts of this genus can modify the evolution of atopic
3. the administration of corticosteroids, which induces
dermatitis31 and psoriasis.32
the growth of yeasts in larger quantities37;
4. genetic predisposition, which is suggested by some
Etiology researchers based on clinical observations of twins
who do or do not exhibit the pathology38;
The genus Malassezia contains 13 species. The yeasts are 5. malnutrition, which some authors argue, favors the
round, oval, or cylindrical, show monopolar budding, and are development of this condition; and
variably sized between 2.5 and 8 μm depending on the 6. hyperhidrosis, which is more frequently associated
species. The first seven species, M furfur, M pachydermatis, with hyperchromic lesions in areas near the natural
M sympodialis, M globosa, M sloffiae, M restricta, and M folds of the body.39
obtusa, were established on the basis of morphologic,
biochemical, and physiologic characteristics.33 The use of As occurs in many other opportunistic infections, the
molecular techniques in recent years has established the development of TV probably depends on the combination of
existence of six other species: M dermatis, M japonica, M various factors in each individual.
yamatoensis, M equine, M caprae, and M nana. Several of
these latter species are probably varieties of the previously Development of macules
established species.34
In vitro assays have shown that the ability to form germ or Through lipases, Malassezia metabolizes various fatty
pseudomycelia tubes is limited to M globosa and M furfur; acids, such as arachidonic or vaccenic acids, and azelaic
both are the most frequent species isolated in clinical cases. acid is released as one of the metabolites. This acid
Several authors have consequently suggested that the only inhibits the action of the dopa-tyrosinase enzyme, which
causative agents of TV are M globosa and M furfur and that blocks the passage of tyrosine to melanin and consequently
other Malassezia spp isolated from scales of TV patients, results in the appearance of hypochromic spots. The
such as M sympodialis, M. sloffiae, or M restricta, may be histopathologic study of the skin in these areas shows the
part of the normal biota and not etiologic agents.27,35 presence of melanosomes that are smaller than those found
in normal skin.40-42
Infection mechanism An important fact is that the skin in the hypochromic areas
does not show an inflammatory infiltrate. A comparative
The yeasts from the Malassezia genus are part of the study assessing the quantity of granulocytic cells in biopsy
normal biota on the skin; thus, exogenous infections cannot specimens of TV and body ringworm found that there were
188 L.J. Mendez-Tovar

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