Vendor Master

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PO Box

PO Box number as part of an address.Only enter the PO Box number in this field. The text "PO Box" is provided in the recipient language by
the system when you print the address. When you print an address, the "Street address" and the "PO Box address" are distinguished. The
print program determines which of them has priority if both are maintained in an address record.
Besides the PO Box number, the PO Box address uses the following fields:
o PO Box postal code, if specified (otherwise the normal postal code)
o PO Box city, if specified (otherwise the normal city)
o PO Box region, if specified (otherwise the normal region)
o PO Box country, if specified (otherwise the normal country)
If the address is a "PO Box" (without a number), do not fill the "PO Box" field. Select the "PO Box w/o Number"
indicator instead.You can also enter a company postal code for organizational addresses, instead of a PO Box. A
separate field is predefined for this entry. Notes
For general information and examples about address formatting, see the documentation on the Address Structure Key.
Search Term 1
Short description used for search helps.
Only capital letters are saved in this field. All entries are automatically converted into capital letters.
There are two such fields for search terms. Both fields can be used independently of each other.
You can decide yourself according to which criteria you enter the search term.
You can, for example, enter the significant part of a name, or an identifier used within an organization for organizational assignment.
For the firm "Karl Hechinger & Sons p.l.c." you maintain 'Hechinger', for example, as the first search term.a
You maintain your name abbreviation that is used within your firm as the second search term, so that you can later easily identify the data
you entered.

Customer Number 1
Gives an alphanumeric key, which clearly identifies the customer or vendor in the SAP system.
The customer number is used by the payment and dunning programs for clearing open items. For line item display, the link to the
customer line items is established using this number.
If you require clearing between the customer and vendor, the following requirements must be met:
 The customer number must have been entered in the corresponding vendor master record.
 The vendor number must have been entered in the corresponding customer master record.
 The fields "Clrg with vend." or "Clrg with cust." must have been selected in both master records.
Authorization Group
The authorization group allows extended authorization protection for particular objects. The authorization groups are freely definable. The
authorization groups usually occur in authorization objects together with an activity.
You assign the authorization using authorization object F_LFA1_BEK.
Definition: authorization object
User and Authorization Management (BC-SEC-USR)
An element of the authorization concept.
Authorization objects enable you to define complex authorizations by grouping up to 10 authorization fields in an AND relationship to check
whether a user is allowed to perform a certain action. To pass an authorization test for an object, the user must satisfy the authorization
check for each field in the object.
Return ->
Definition: authorization_object
Company ID of trading partner
Company ID standard for the whole group.
When you post to this account, the company ID is transferred to the line item so that the elimination functions can be carried out within
In the reports for the German foreign trade regulations, accounts with a company ID are displayed separately.
Group key<corporate group>
If the customer or the vendor belongs to a group, you can enter a group key here. The group key is freely assignable.
If you create a matchcode using this group key, group evaluations are possible.
Tax Number 1
Specifies the tax number.
Enter the appropriate tax number:
Country Tax Number
Argentina CUIT number or CUIL number
Belgium Enterprise number
Brazil CNPJ number
Bulgaria Unified identification code
Chile RUT number
China VAT registration number (shui wu deng ji hao)
Colombia NIT number
Croatia Legal persons: company identification number
Natural persons: JMBG number
Czech Republic DIC number
France SIRET number
Greece Personal ID
Hungary Tax number
Italy Tax number
Mexico RFC number
Netherlands SI registration number (Aansluitnummer UWV) of chain- liability vendor
Peru RUC number
Philippines Taxpayer identification number (see below)
Poland NIP number
Portugal NIF number
Romania Tax number
Russia INN
Slovakia DIC number
Slovenia Tax number
Natural persons: Personal identification
South Korea
Legal persons: Corporation ID
Spain NIF number

Taiwan GUI registration number
Thailand Personal ID
Turkey Name of business partner's tax office
Ukraine Taxpayer identification number
United States Social security number
Venezuela RIF number
In the Philippines, enter the taxpayer identification number with a V or N at the end, as follows:
 If the business partner is liable to VAT: 999-999-999-999V
 If the business partner is not liable to VAT: 999-999-999-999N
Tax Number 2
Specifies the tax number.
Enter the appropriate tax number:
Country Tax Number
Argentina NIP number or CM number
Belgium VAT number
Brazil CPF number
Bulgaria Legal persons: tax number
Natural persons: personal ID
Czech Republic ICO number
France SIREN number
Greece AFM number
Russia OKPO code
Slovakia ICO number
South Korea VAT registration number
Sweden Organization registration number
Switzerland VAT registration number
Taiwan Tax registration number
Thailand Tax ID
Ukraine Legal persons: USREOU number
Natural persons: SRNP number
Turkey Tax number
United Kingdom NI number
United States Employer identification number
Venezuela NIT number
Account number of the master record with < fiscal address>
Specifies an additional master record in which the official address is stored.
This address is used in Italy for business transactions with the tax office in Italy.
Tax Jurisdiction
The tax jurisdiction is used for determining the tax rates in the USA. It defines to which tax authorities you must pay your taxes. It is always
the city to which the goods are supplied.
Account Number of Master Record of <Tax Office> Responsible
The tax authority responsible for the vendor, and which is itself a vendor.
Tax Number at Responsible Tax Authority
The tax number of the vendor at the responsible tax authority.
Tax Number Type
Taxes in Argentina:
The format and the check of tax number 1 depend on the two-digit tax number type.
The tax number type is an identification type for tax in Argentina (for example, 80 for CUIT) and is used for the DGI tax report.
For Venezuela, enter the vendor type as follows:
Type of Vendor Enter
Natural persons without RIF numbers who are domiciled in Venezuela SR
Natural persons domiciled abroad NR
Legal persons domiciled abroad ND
This information is shown in the Purchase Ledger.
Tax type
Classification of companies according to tax aspects.
VAT Registration Number
VAT registration number (VAT of the customer, vendor or your company code.
The VAT registration number is used within the EU for tax-exempt deliveries for the "EC sales list". The check rules are defined for each EU
country and cannot be changed.
Indicator: Business Partner Subject to <Equalization Tax>?
Indicator via which a warning is issued when posting to the vendor account.
The indicator is used for equalization tax in Spain (Recargo de Equivalencia) for deliveries to the retail trade.
Natural Person <sole proprietr>
Denotes a natural person.
In the following countries, the system needs to know whether the taxpayer is a legal or natural person so that it can check the tax numbers
The flag is also used in conjunction with the Statement of Payments to Natural Persons report, as used in the Czech Republic and in
Slovakia. This report only covers customers and vendors for whom you have set this indicator.
In South Korea, it is used in conjunction with the Generic Withholding Tax Reporting program.
Liable for VAT <sale/pur tax>
Determines whether the company is liable to value-added tax (VAT).
International location number (part 1)
Here you enter the first 7 digits of the international location number.
The International Location Number (ILN) is assigned (in Germany by the Centrale for Coorganisation GmbH)) when a company is founded.
It consists of 13 digits, the last digit being the check digit. There are two categories of location numbers:
 Participants who only need an ILN to cleary and unmistakably identify themselves for communication with the business partner are
given a category 1 ILN. This cannot be used to identify articles by means of EAN.
 Participants who wish to assign the location numbers for their own enterprise areas are given a category 2 ILN. For a category 2
ILN, digits 1 to 7 are described as basis number. This is used as basis for the creation of article numbers (EAN).

Industry key
An industry is a distinct group of companies with the same basic business activity. The industry key is used in selecting data for evaluations
(for example, a vendor master data list). You can specify industries such as trade, banking, service, manufacturing, health care, public
service, media and so on.
The industry field belongs to the general data area of customer and vendor master records.
Standard carrier access code<scac>
The Standard Carrier Access Code (SCAC) is an indicator used by forwarding agents in North America.
Unique code for identifying a forwarding agent
Vendor's QM system<actual qm sys>
If a QM system is maintained by the vendor, you can store a description of the QM system here.
If a material is activated for QM in procurement, the system initiates the following check whenever purchasing functions are carried out (for
example, when a request for a quotation is made or if a purchase order is created):
whether the vendor's verified QM system, according to vendor master record or quality info-record (for a combination of
vendor/material) meets the requirements for QM systems as specified in the material master
In carrying out the check, the system relies on the defined assignments for target QM systems and actual QM systems in the Customizing
If the check is unsuccessful, a warning message is issued when a request for quotation is initiated and an error message is issued for all
other procurement activities.

QM in Procurement is Active
If you set this indicator, you should activate "QM in procurement" for all plants pertaining to a client.
If you activate the indicator for QM in procurement in the material master record at the client level, you must also store a control key at the
plant level for quality management in procurement.
Depending on the control indicators in the control key, you may have to maintain additional data.
<External manufacturer> code name or number
Specifies the name or number used by the manufacturer (that is, not the one assigned by the R/3 System).
International location number (Part 2)
Here, you enter digits 8-12 of the 13-digit international location number.
The international location number (ILN) is assigned when establishing a company (by the "Zentrale für Coorganisation GmbH" in Germany).
It consists of 13 digits, the last of which is the check digit. There are two types of international location numbers:
 Subscribers who only need one ILN to identify themselves in communication with the business partner are given an ILN of type 1.
These cannot be used for identifying articles by means of EAN.
 Subscribers who need to assign location numbers for their own company areas are given an ILN of type 2. Positions 1 through 7 of
the ILN type 2 are known as the basis number. This basis number forms the basis for article numbers (EAN).
Forwarding agent freight group<car freight group>
The forwarding agent-freight group is used to group forwarding agents to determine a freight code set.
The freight code set determined with the forwarding agent-freight group is used to define freight codes and classes. These are used for
calculating freight costs and for communication with service agents.
Maintain the relevant groups for the forwarding agent.
Validity date of certification<qm sys to
Date up to which the certification of the QM-system is valid.
Check digit for the international location number

The check digit is derived from a special check digit procedure from digits of the previous international location numbers. In this way, you
can check whether the ILN entered is actually valid.
Service agent procedure group<servagntprocgrp>
The service agent procedure group is used for determining the pricing procedure for shipment cost calculation.

Pricing procedure for shipment costs

Calculation of shipment costs is based on a pricing procedure in which the condition types, rules and conditions are outlined.
The pricing procedure is determined automatically as the shipment costs calculation is carried out, which happens when a shipment cost
item is created or when the function New pricing is carried out for the item.
The result of this calculation can be seen on the tab index Price setting in the item detail screen in the shipment cost document.
Pricing procedure determination depends on the current process. An individual schema is determined for each shipment costs item,
according to
 Transportation planning point
 Service agent
 Shipment costs item
 Shipping type
You can also enter the procedure in the shipment manually (shipment header or stage of shipment).
During pricing procedure determination, you can group together service agents, shipment costs items and shipping types by defining a
corresponding group and assigning the above to it.

You can make the following settings in Customizing (via Logistics Execution -> Transportation -> Shipment costs -> Pricing -> Pricing
control -> Define and assign pricing procedures):
 Maintain pricing procedure execute function
 Define service agent procedure group execute function
 Define and assign item procedure group execute function
 Define and assign shipping type procedure group execute function
 Pricing procedure determination for shipment costs execute function
You can assign the service agent while maintaining the master data of a given group.

Bank Control Key<CK>

Use Brazil, France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy
This field contains a key for checking the combination of bank number and bank account number.

In the USA, this field determines whether you are dealing with a savings or checking account (if you do not enter a value, then 01 is taken
as the default):
o 01 Checking Account
o 02 Savings Account
o 03 Loan
o 04 General Ledger
Use Japan
In Japan, the content of the field specifies the type of account. This information is transferred to the payment medium by the payment
medium print program. For example, the following account types are used:
o 01 FUTSU (broadly equivalent to a savings account)
o 02 TOUZA (broadly equivalent to a checking account)
o 04 CHOCHIKU (broadly equivalent to an assets account)
o 09 Other bank accounts
Use South Africa
In South Africa, the content of the field specifies the type of account. The information you enter here is forwarded to the bank that is to carry
out the payment request. The following account types are allowed in ACB format:
o 01 Current (Cheque) Account
o 02 Savings Account
o 03 Transmission Account
o 04 Bond Account
o 06 Subscription Share Account
Use Argentina
In Argentina, the account type is specified:
o CC Current Account (Cuenta corriente)
o CA Savings Account (Caja de ahorro)
o CE Special Savings Account (Caja de ahorro especial)
o CS Salary Account (Cuenta sueldos)
Use Venezuela
In Venezuela, the account type is specified:
o CC Checking Account (Cuenta corriente)
o CA Savings Account (Cuenta de ahorro)
o CE Special Savings Account (Cuenta de ahorro especial)
o CS Salary Account (Cuenta sueldos)
Use Mexico
In Mexico, this field contains a two-character key that classifies the bank account, for example, as a savings or checking account; checking
accounts have bank-specific definitions.
In the countries that are not listed here, you can use the field for account-specific information.
Partner Bank Type<bnkt>
Key you enter in the line item to specify which business partner's bank the system should use.
In the business partner's master record:
If several bank accounts exist in a customer or vendor master record, you can assign different keys for these accounts.
In the item:
To use a particular bank of the business partner for the payment of an item, enter the appropriate key in the item. The payment program
then pays the item via the business partner's predefined bank.
Partner Bank Type<collectauth>
Key you enter in the line item to specify which business partner's bank the system should use.
In the business partner's master record:
If several bank accounts exist in a customer or vendor master record, you can assign different keys for these accounts.
In the item:
To use a particular bank of the business partner for the payment of an item, enter the appropriate key in the item. The payment program
then pays the item via the business partner's predefined bank.
Bank Keys
In this field, you specify the bank key under which bank data from the respective country is stored.
When you define the country key, you also specify the country-specific definition of the bank key.

Normally, you manage banks using their bank number. The bank number in the control data for the bank is then displayed twice, that is, as
the bank key too.
In certain countries, the bank account number takes on this function; then there are no bank numbers and the bank data is managed using
the account number.
For data medium exchange, you may find it useful to be able to enter foreign business partners without a bank number, even if there are
bank numbers in the country in question. In this case, the bank key can be assigned internally.
To manage bank data using another key, for example, the SWIFT code, external number assignment can also be used.
Account Number of the Alternative Payee
The account number of the vendor with whom automatic payment transactions are carried out.
The field is only needed if payments are not to be made directly to the vendor to whom the payable is owed. The same applies to bank
collections of receivables.
The specification in this field applies to all company codes. There is a further field in which every company code can enter an alternative
payee separately. If both fields are filled, the company code specification has priority.
Indicator for Data Medium Exchange<dme indicator>
For foreign payments using data medium exchange in Germany, this field controls whether the contents of the single data record are also
included in the report to the Bundesbank when being made by the paying financial institution.
If no entry is made, the value will be determined from the DME specs for the house bank. Check the settings in Customizing for house
banks by selecting the house bank there, and check the reporting data.
Instruction key for data medium exchange
For automatic payment transactions, this field (along with the house bank country and the payment method determined by the payment
program) controls which statements are given to the participating banks when carrying out the payment order. This field is used in countries
such as Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Finland, and Japan as well as for the internnational SWIFT format, MT100.
Selecting the instruction key
If data medium exchange is used (as well as in special cases when using document-based payment orders) the instruction key must be
maintained in the customer/vendor master record, or in the system configuration for data medium exchange data for the house bank. The
following holds regarding the instruction key:
1. If the instruction key is maintained in the master record, then this instruction key is used.
2. If no instruction key exists in the vendor master record, then the default instruction key defined for the house bank is used.
Consequently, it is not necessary to provide all business partners with an instruction key; only the exceptions need to be maintained.
Note 1
If it is necessary to specify an instruction key for a business partner's house bank that differs from the instruction key defined in the master
record, this can be done when editing the payment proposal.
Note 2
The instruction key must be entered in the document for one-time accounts.
Note 3
The four instruction key fields belonging to the instruction key can be overridden by entering instruction keys in the document (the
"Additional Data" screen in the customer or vendor line).
The key is used as part of an an argument when reading the information stored for an instruction key (instruction and cost allocation key and
payment method for DME, for example). Maintenance is done via Customizing.
ISR Subscriber Number
ISR stands for inpayment slip with reference number, a special payment procedure of the Swiss Postal Service. The field is therefore only
relevant in Switzerland.
Every vendor who participates in this procedure receives a subscriber number. Providing the ISR procedure is to be used in automatic
payment transactions, this subscriber number is to be entered in the master record.
When entering invoices for vendor accounts, the subscriber number is copied into the document. The payment program pays all invoices
with an ISR number individually.
For data medium exchange, the transactions 'TA826' for data medium exchange and 'TA08' for SAD are created. When printing out a form,
only a note is printed so that the appropriate blue inpayment slipts can be attached to the authorized payment order.
Indicator: Alternative payee in document allowed ?
If this indicator is set, you can enter an address or bank details for automatic payment transctions in the document which differ from those
in the master record. This applies only to postings to this customer/vendor.

Indicator: Alternative payee using account number
Indicator that vendor account numbers which can be specified as alternative payees during document entry are defined.
The field informs you as to whether alternative payees were specified.
When maintaining or displaying master data, you can branch to the maintenance or display of the permitted payees using the function key
next to the indicator.
The indicator is not ready for input but is set by the system depending on the existence of alternative payees.

Reconciliation Account in General Ledger

The reconciliation account in G/L accounting is the account which is updated parallel to the subledger account for normal postings (for
example, invoice or payment).
For special postings (for example, down payment or bill of exchange), this account is replaced by another account (for example, 'down
payments received' instead of 'receivables').
The replacement takes place due to the special G/L indicator which you must specify for these types of postings.
Head office account number
This field contains the account number of the master record for the head office account.
You specify this account number only for branch accounts. Items that you post using the branch account number are automatically posted to
the head office account. The system records the branch account number in the line items.
Neither transactions nor balances are kept in the branch account.
Authorization Group
The authorization group allows extended authorization protection for particular objects. The authorization groups are freely definable. The
authorization groups usually occur in authorization objects together with an activity.
You assign the authorization using authorization object F_LFA1_BEK.
Minority Indicators
No data
Key for sorting according to assignment numbers<sort key>
Indicates the layout rule for the Allocation field in the document line item.

The system uses a standard sort sequence for displaying line items. Among other things, it sorts the items according to the content of the
Allocation field. This field can be filled either manually or automatically (by the system) when a document line item is entered.
For this purpose, the system requires rules that determine which information is to be taken from the document header or from the
document line item and placed in the field. The rules can be stored in the master record of an account which enables you to determine the
standard sort sequence on an account-specific basis.
Field information from another document line item cannot be adopted into the field of a particular item.
<Subsidy indicator> for determining the reduction rates
For company codes with their headquarters in Berlin, you can use this indicator to determine which reduction rate is to be taken into
consideration according to the Berlin subsidy law (paragraph 1, sections 7 and 8).
Release Approval <release Group>
The release approval group can be freely assigned. You use it to classify vendors and customers, which means that the release approval
group can be defined for vendors and customers. By using the release approval group, you can determine release approval paths and those
people with release approval.
Certification date
US government requirement.
Date field in which to enter certification date for small companies run by women or minorities. This certificate must be renewed every two
Interest calculation indicator
Enter an interest calculation indicator here if the account is to be included in automatic interest calculation.
Interest calculation frequency in months
An entry in this field determines the intervals (in months) at which interest is to be calculated automatically for this account (account balance
interest calculation). The interest calculation frequency is added to the date of the last interest calculation.
Date of last interest calculation: 3/31.
+ 01 month interest calculation frequency
= 4/30 upper limit for the current interest run
The calculation period specified as a report parameter determines whether an account is included in an interest run.
The upper limit of the interest run is calculated as in the above example and compared with the upper limit of the calculation entered in the
interest run (report parameter). If the calculated upper limit is after the calculation period, the account is not included in interest calculation.
If you maintain the interest calculation frequency in the account master record, this entry is used to calculate the upper limit. If not, the
interest calculation frequency entered for the interest indicator is used.
<Last Key date>of the last interest calculation
The date in this field displays the last time the interest calculation program processed this account. This is generally the upper limit of the
last interest run.
Generally, this date is automatically maintained by the program (batch input). A manual entry in this field should only be made if an error has
occurred or when implementing the interest calculation.
Date of the <last interest run> calculation run
The date of the last interest calculation for this account is noted here (important for processing value dates in the past - also see the
documentation on interest scale programs).
The date is generally maintained automatically by the program (using batch input). A manual entry in this field should only be carried out in
the case of an error or when implementing the interest calculation.
This field is only used for calculating interest on account balances. It does not affect calculations for interest on arrears. Therefore the field is
only maintained automatically by batch input for account balance interest calculations.

Withholding Tax Code
The withholding tax code can be compared to a tax sub-category which must be taken into consideration when reporting tax to the tax
The tax codes are unique per country. For each tax code, the tax rate, the portion of the invoices to be taxed and further properties are
stored in a table.
When tax rates are changed due to a new law, new tax codes must be defined. The old codes with the old tax rates must be retained until
no more open items exist which use this tax code.
Withholding Tax Country Key
In some countries, an additional country is needed for calculating or reporting withholding tax.
The calculation can depend on the payee's country.
A particular country key can be required by law for reporting which may possibly be different to the key used in the address.
Examples: Japan, USA (1042), Argentina
Vendor <Recipient Type>
"Type of recipient" or "Clases de retenciones para acreedores"
Is used for 1042 reporting in the USA.
Is used for I.R.P.F. reporting in Spain.
Certificate Number of the Withholding Tax <Exemption number>
Number of the certificate which is issued for temporary exemption from withholding tax.
If the exemption is extended, enter the new date and the new certificate number in the master record.
<Valid until >ity Date for Withholding Tax Exemption Certificate
Date on which the exemption from withholding tax runs out. A certificate is created for the withholding tax exemption.
If the exemption is extended, enter the new date and the new certificate number in the master record.
Authority for Exemption from Withholding Tax
"Authority for exemption"
Is used for 1042 reporting in the USA.
Previous Master Record Number <previous account no>
If you renumber customers and/or vendors when implementing the FI System, you can store the previous master record number in this field.
Personnel Number
The personnel number is the only feature within a client which is unique to an employee. You have to enter a personnel number before you
can display and maintain an employee's master data and time data.

Terms of Payment Key<paymt terms>
Key for defining payment terms composed of cash discount percentages and payment periods.
It is used in sales orders, purchase orders, and invoices. Terms of payment provide information for:
 Cash management
 Dunning procedures
 Payment transactions
Data can be entered in the field for the terms of payment key in various ways as you enter a business transaction:
 In most business transactions, the system defaults the key specified in the master record of the customer/vendor in question.
 In some transactions (for example, credit memos), however, the system does not default the key from the master record. Despite
this, you can use the key from the customer/vendor master record by entering "*" in the field.
 Regardless of whether or not a key is defaulted from the master record, you can manually enter a key during document entry at:
o item level in sales orders
o header level in purchase orders and invoices
Master records have separate areas for Financial Accounting, Sales, and Purchasing. You can specify different terms of payment keys in
each of these areas. When you then enter a business transaction, the application in question will use the key specified in its area of the
master record.
Probable time until check is paid<chk cashing time>
Number of days which usually pass until the vendor has cashed your check.
During automatic payment transactions, the system calculates the value date for check payments using this information and stores the date
in the line item. The date is calculated as follows:

Value date = posting date + check cashing time

In Cash Management, the value date is used as information about the expected cash outflow.
<Tolerance group> for the business partner/G/L account
Freely definable group code for customers and vendors, or G/L accounts. Tolerance groups are unique within a company code.
Each tolerance group contains settings that affect cash discount and payment difference processing. These settings become effective
during payment entry.

Check Flag for Double Invoices or Credit Memos <chk double invoice>
Indicator which means that incoming invoices and credit memos are checked for double entries at the time of entry.
Checking Logistics documents
Firstly, the system checks whether the invoice documents have already been entered in the Logistics invoice verification; the system checks
invoices that are incorrect, or invoices that were entered for invoice verification in the background.
Checking FI documents
The system then checks whether there are FI or Accounting documents that were created with the original invoice verification or the
Logistics verification, and where the relevant criteria are the same.
Checking Logistics documents
In checking for duplicate invoices, the system compares the following characteristics by default:
 Vendor
 Currency
 Company code
 Gross amount of the invoice
 Reference document number
 Invoice document date
If all of these characteristics are the same, the system issues a message that you can customize.
When you enter credit memos or subsequent adjustments, the system does not check for duplicate invoices.
Exception: Country-specific solution for Argentina, where invoices and credit memos are checked for duplicate documents.
No message is issued if you enter a document that has previously been reversed.
The system only checks for duplicate invoices in Materials Management if you enter the reference document number upon entering the
In Customizing for the Logistics invoice verification, you can specify that the following characteristics should not be checked:
 Reference document number
 Invoice document date
 Company code
This means that you can increase the likelihood that the system will find a duplicate invoice, because you can reduce the number of
characteristics checked.
The following document has already been entered and posted:
Reference document number: 333
Invoice date: 04/28/00
Gross invoice amount: 100.00
Currency: EUR
Vendor: Spencer
Company code: Munich
You have made the following settings in Customizing:
The field "Reference document number" and "Company code" are deselected, which means that these characteristics will not be checked.
Now you enter the following document:
Reference document number: 334
Invoice date: 04/28/00
Gross invoice amount: 100.00
Currency: EUR
Vendor: Spencer
Company code: Berlin
Because you entered a reference document when you entered the invoice, the system checks for duplicate invoices.
The reference document number and the company code are different from the invoice entered earlier, but these characteristics are not
checked due to the settings you have made in Customizing.
All other characteristics are the same. As a result, the system issues a message that a duplicate entry has been made.
If the "Reference document number" had been selected in Customizing, the system would have checked the document and discovered that
it was different from the invoice entered earlier, so it would not have issued a message.
Checking FI documents
Depending on the entry in the field "Reference", one of the following checks is carried out:
1. If a reference number was specified in the sequential invoice/credit memo, the system checks whether an invoice/credit memo
has been posted where all the following attributes agree:
 Company code
 Vendor
 Currency
 Document date
 Reference number
2. If no reference number was specified in the sequential invoice/credit memo, the system checks whether an invoice/credit memo
has been posted where all the following attributes agree:
 Company code
 Vendor
 Currency
 Document date
 Amount in document currency

List of the <Payment Methods> to be Considered
List of payment methods which may be used in automatic payment transactions with this customer/vendor if you do not specify a
payment method in the item to be paid.
If you do specify a particular payment method in the item to be paid, this specification has priority over the specifications in the master
record. You may also specify payment methods in the item which are not listed in the master record.
Account number of the <alternative payee>
The account number of the vendor with whom automatic payment transactions are to be carried out.
The field is only needed if payments are not to be made directly to the vendor to whom the payable is owed. The same applies to bank
collections of receivables.
The specification in this field applies only to the company code. There is a further field in which you can enter an alternative payee for each
company code. If both fields are filled, the company code specified has priority.
Indicator: Pay all items separately ?<individual payment>
If this indicator is set, every customer/vendor open item is paid separately during automatic payment transactions. This means that open
items are not grouped together for payment.
Bill of exchange limit (in local currency)<b/exch limit>
Maximum amount which may be issued on a bill of exchange if it is to be used in payment transactions with the customer/vendor.
The amount limit is taken into consideration in automatic payment transactions for payments by bill of exchange and bill of exchange
payment requests. Several bill of exchange forms are created if the amount to be paid is larger than the maximum amount given here.
Each of these bills of exchange is issued for the maximum or for a smaller amount.
Amount limits for bills of exchange are used in Spain, for example.
Indicator: Send <Payment Advices by EDI>
This indicator specifies that the customer/vendor should be sent all payment advice information by EDI.
Block key for< payment block>
Block key used to block an open item or an account for payment transactions. The block key can be used as follows:
1. During automatic payment transactions, the block key affects open items if it is:
o Stored in the master record or
o Entered in the document.
If you enter the block in the master record, the exception list will include all the open items for this account. The block keys '*' and
'+' are of special importance and function as follows:
o If the * block key is entered in the master record, none of the items in this account are included in the automatic payment
o If the + block key is entered in the master record, only those items for which a payment method is explicitly defined are
included in the automatic payment process.
o The "A" block key also has a special function: It is generally set automatically when a down payment is entered. For this
reason, you should neither delete the "A", nor use it for other purposes.
A block key can be set or deleted during payment proposal processing if you select the option Change in payment
proposal permitted.
2. The block key in the document will affect manual payments only if you have selected the Blocked for manual payments option
for the block key. The block key you set in the master record has no effect on manual payments. However, it is possible to make
system settings so that a warning is shown, explaining that this is the case. You do so by customizing message 671 in work area
F5 in the message control.
3. You must select the Not changeable option for the block key that is relevant to payment release in financial accounting.
Maintain block keys

Short Key for a <House Bank>
The key for the house bank is used if the customer/vendor is always to be paid by the same house bank. The bank selection of the payment
program is cancelled with this entry.
Key for Payment <Grouping key>
The grouping key represents a rule according to which the open items of the account are to be grouped together for payment.
The grouping key is used in cases where you do not want all the open items of a customer or a vendor to be paid together but rather you
want only those items which belong together to be grouped into a single payment. A maximum of three fields from the open items are
defined for every grouping key; the contents of these fields must correspond in order that the open items can be paid together.
If you use loan management, you can define as a rule that only items with same loan number can be collected together by debit memo.
<Tolerance group;> Invoice Verification
Settings for vendor-specific parameters in Invoice Verification. Only one tolerance group can be assigned to a vendor in the one company
For each tolerance group you can define:
 by how much the actual value of an invoice can differ from the expected value and still be accepted by the system;
 whether invoices can be automtically reduced.
These settings are valid in Logistics Invoice Verification.

Purchase order currency
Key for the currency on which an order placed with a vendor is based.
Terms of Payment Key
Key for defining payment terms composed of cash discount percentages and payment periods.
It is used in sales orders, purchase orders, and invoices. Terms of payment provide information for:
 Cash management
 Dunning procedures
 Payment transactions
Data can be entered in the field for the terms of payment key in various ways as you enter a business transaction:
 In most business transactions, the system defaults the key specified in the master record of the customer/vendor in question.
 In some transactions (for example, credit memos), however, the system does not default the key from the master record. Despite
this, you can use the key from the customer/vendor master record by entering "*" in the field.
 Regardless of whether or not a key is defaulted from the master record, you can manually enter a key during document entry at:
o item level in sales orders
o header level in purchase orders and invoices
Master records have separate areas for Financial Accounting, Sales, and Purchasing. You can specify different terms of payment keys in
each of these areas. When you then enter a business transaction, the application in question will use the key specified in its area of the
master record.
Incoterms (Part 1)
Commonly-used trading terms that comply with the standards established by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
Incoterms specify certain internationally recognised procedures that the shipper and the receiving party must follow for the shipping
transaction to be successfully completed.
If goods are shipped through a port of departure, the appropriate Incoterm might be: FOB ("Free On Board"). You can provide further details
(for example, the name of the port) in the secondary Incoterm field: FOB Boston, for example.
Minimum order value
Minimum value specified for purchase orders issued to the relevant vendor.

Group for Calculation Schema (Vendor)
Determines which calculation schema (pricing procedure) is to be used in purchasing documents containing this vendor number.
You can use the schema group to specify the calculation schema per purchasing organization or vendor. The relevant calculation
schema is determined by reference to the schema group.
The effect of this is that the conditions to be maintained in a purchasing document can differ depending on the relevant purchasing
organization or vendor.
If a calculation schema is only to be valid for certain purchasing organizations or vendors, proceed as follows:
1. Define the schema group for the purchasing organization or the vendor using the relevant function in the menu "Calculation
schema -> Schema groups".
2. Assign the schema group to the calculation schema via "Calculation schema -> Determine schema".
3. Enter the schema group for the vendor in the vendor master records to which the calculation schema is to be assigned. Assign
the schema group of the purchasing organization to the relevant purchasing organization using "Calculation schema -> Schema
group -> Assign to purch. org.".
Price Determination (Pricing) Date Control
Determines which date is to be used for price determination (pricing) purposes.
Enter the key for the desired date.
If you choose the date of goods receipt, for example, a new price will be determined upon the arrival of the goods, causing the item to be
revaluated at this time.
If you have chosen the delivery date as the date for price determination and an item contains several delivery dates (i.e. has a delivery
schedule), the first delivery date (the delivery date specified in the first schedule line) is taken.
Restriction Profile for PO-Based Load Building
Key used to assign a quantity of restrictions for load building to a vendor.
In the restriction profile, you determine:
 if a vendor is included in optimized load building
 the target values to be taken into account in optimized load building
 In automatic optimized PO-based load building
 In manual optimized PO-based load building
 Additional materials planning
Responsible Salesperson at Vendor's Office
No data
Vendor's telephone number
This telephone number is maintained in the vendor master record and adopted in the purchasing document.
Indicator: GR-Based Invoice Verification
Indicator specifying that provision has been made for goods-receipt-based invoice verification for a purchase order item or invoice item.
This field controls the default value for goods receipt-based invoice verification when an info record is created and - if no info record exists -
when a purchase order is created.
If this field is selected:
 the field "GR-based invoice verification" is preselected in the info record when such a record is created for this vendor. (Note: if you
change the selection in the vendor master record, the info record does not change automatically);
 the field "GR-based invoice verification" is preselected in the order item field when a purchase order is created for this vendor if no
info record exists for the vendor and the ordered material.
<auto>Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS)
Specifies that evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) or the automatic generation of invoices according to an invoicing plan is to be possible
in relation to materials supplied or services performed (respectively) with regard to this vendor or this document item.
If you wish to settle up with regard to PO or scheduling agreement items involving this vendor using Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS),
this indicator must be set.
This indicator must also be set if you wish to work with purchase orders used in conjunction with invoicing plans when procuring external
Order Acknowledgment Requirement
Determines whether the purchasing document ( purchase order, outline purchase agreement, etc.) is to be acknowledged by the vendor
Automatic Generation of Purchase Order Allowed
Allows you to automatically generate purchase orders from purchase requisitions if the requisition has been assigned to a vendor (source of
If you want to use automatic conversion, note the following additional conditions:
 In the case of purchase requisitions for materials, you should also select the indicator Autom.purch.ord. in the Purchasing view in
the material master record.
 In the case of purchase requisitions for services, you should also select the indicator Automatic creation of POs for service PReqs
in Customizing for Services by choosing:
IMG -> MM -> External Services Management -> Source Determination and Default Values
- for Client or
- for Purchasing Organization
Indicator: vendor subject to subseq. settlement accounting
Indicates that conditions providing for subsequent settlement may apply to this vendor.
Set this indicator if subsequent (end-of-period) settlement can be agreed with this vendor.
Indicator: index compilation for subseq. settlement active
Indicator denoting that an index compilation for subsequent settlement is allowed for this vendor. This index facilitates the determination of
relevant purchasing documents in the system.
Set this indicator only if an index compilation for subsequent settlement is necessary for the vendor (that is to say, rebate arrangements
having retrospective effect are agreed).
Set this indicator only if you are sure that the above case applies. Note that the volume of data will otherwise be unnecessarily inflated.
Comparison/agreement of business volumes necessary<bvolu>
Indicator which specifies whether comparison and agreement of the business volume figures recorded by each of the two parties to a
volume rebate arrangement for subsequent settlement is necessary prior to final or partial settlement.
If the indicator is set, the process of comparison and agreement (reconciliation) of business volumes must be carried out before final or
partial settlement. This indicator serves as the default value for maintenance of volume rebate arrangement so long as the type of
comparison and agreement of business volumes is planned for the current arrangement type.
Indicator: <Doc. Index> compilation active for purchase orders
Indicates that a document index is allowed for purchase orders issued to this vendor. The index is used for determining the relevant
purchasing documents affected by changes to conditions offered by the vendor.
Only set the indicator if you wish the documents involved to be adjusted automatically by the system when conditions change (that is,
conditions that are relevant to pricing).
Only set this indicator if you are completely sure you wish to use the automatic document adjustment function. If you do not use it, you
increase the volume of data in your system unnecessarily.
Indicates whether vendor is <returns vendor>
Indicates that a vendor return is carried out using shipping processing.
ABC indicator
Means of classifying vendors according to their significance to your company.
The indicator serves to assign the vendor to one of the categories A, B or C, in accordance with ABC analysis.
'A' category vendors, for instance, are those accounting for the greatest share of your company's total annual spend (in value terms).
Mode of Transport for Foreign Trade
Identifies the mode of transport (for example: road, rail, or sea) by which the goods cross a border during export or import.
This information is required for the declaration of Foreign Trade data.

Customs Office: Office of Exit/Entry for Foreign Trade

Specifies the code of the customs office through which the goods enter or leave the country.
This information is used for compiling export/import data for foreign trade statistics.
The code that you enter depends upon your location, for example:
 Within the European Union (EU), you enter the code of the domestic harbor or airport at which the goods cross the border and are
loaded onto or unloaded from the means of transport.
 In the United States, you enter the code that is assigned to the relevant US export harbor in the Schedule D directory.
Vendor sort criterion for materials
Controls which criterion is to be used to sort the delivery items of a vendor in goods receipt.
You can use this to make the sorting of the shipping documents of the vendor identical to the sorting of the items in goods receipt
Indicator whether discount in kind granted
Indicator denoting that a vendor can grant a discount in kind (i.e. supply bonus articles free of charge instead of granting a monetary
discount as a buying incentive or reward for large purchases) within a purchasing organization.
If the indicator has not been set, no discount-in-kind determination process is carried out for the materials of the relevant vendor.
Indicator: "relev. to price determination (vend. hierarchy)
If the master record represents a node in a customer hierarchy, the pricing indicator determines whether the node is relevant for pricing.
You can indicate that a node is pricing-relevant and create condition records for it. If the node is part of the hierarchy path that the system
determines for a sales order, the system takes the corresponding condition records into account during pricing.
If you are maintaining the master record for a customer hierarchy node and you want to create pricing condition records for the node, set the
Purchasing Group
Key for a buyer or a group of buyers, who is/are responsible for certain purchasing activities.
 Internally, the purchasing group is responsible for the procurement of a material or a class of materials.
 Externally, it is the medium through which contacts with the vendor are maintained.
Planned Delivery Time in Days
Number of calendar days needed to obtain the material or service if it is procured externally.
If you have different vendors for a material, you must specify an average value. The same applies if you order the material from a fixed
vendor that has varying delivery times.
If you use the SAP Retail System, the planned delivery time can be suggested from the vendor sub-range in the vendor master record.
Confirmation Control Key
Determines which confirmation categories are expected for a PO item (e.g. order acknowledgment, shipping notification).
Unit of Measure Group
Key that you can use for grouping several units of measure.

You can use the unit of measure group, for example, to define allowed units of measure for a particular material for a vendor or a receiver.
This is of significance for when rounding with the dynamic rounding profile if 'check vendor' or 'check customer' is selected in the rounding
profiles. In this case, only those units of measure are included in rounding that are defined in the unit of measure group.
Rounding Profile
Key that the system uses to adjust the order proposal quantity to deliverable units.
In Customizing, enter a threshold value from which the system should round up to the next value per deliverable unit:
 If the requirements value exceeds the first threshold value, the system always rounds up to the next multiple of the level found
 If the requirements value falls below the first threshold value, the system copies the original requirements value.
Two other types of rounding exist:
 Dynamic rounding profile:
These profiles are used to round up quantities to logistical units of measure (for example, layers). The contents of a logistical unit
of measure does not have to be know when creating the rounding profile. It is determined by the master data from the material
 Rounding profile with quantity to be added/subtracted
With these profiles, the given quantity is changed either by adding a percentage or subtracting a percentage.
Only static rounding profiles are taken into account in requirements planning. Neither dynamic rounding profiles not quantity addition/
subtraction are taken into account.
A material's base unit of measure is 1 unit; the purchase order is to be delivered in layers (1 layer corresponds to 5 units) or in pallets (1
pallet corresponds to 8 layers which contains 40 units).
You maintain the profile as follows:
From a requirements of 2 units, the system is to round up to 5; from a requirement of 32 units, the system is to round up to 40.
This results in the following order proposal quantities:
Requirement from 1 -> 1 requirement from 31 -> 30
Requirement from 2 -> 5 requirement from 32 -> 40
Requirement from 6 -> 10 requirement from 74 -> 80
Requirement from 7 -> 10
If no rounding profile has been entered, the system uses the rounding value entered in the material master record for the planning run.
Price marking, vendor
Indicates that a price marking agreement has been entered into with the vendor.
Price marking is carried out by the vendor. The labels are provided by the customer.
The indicator will be used in later releases as a default value in purchase orders (currently not implemented).
As of Release 4.5, vendor price marking is implemented through additional management with a corresponding procedure for additionals
This indicator in not used in program flow.
Rack-jobbing: vendor
Indicator denoting that rack-jobbing has been agreed.
Here you can specify whether the vendor takes independent responsibility for stock planning/replenishment. This field can also be used for
information purposes if the vendor is responsible for filling the shelves.
The indicator will be used in later releases as a default value in purchase orders (currently not implemented).
Order entry by vendor
Indicates that the vendor enters the purchase order.
The system checks this indicator if a purchase order is created in the background as a result of an EDI order confirmation being received
from the vendor (e.g. as part of a VMI scenario).
The indicator can also be used as a criterion for selecting materials whose stock and sales information is sent to the vendor by IDoc
Vendor service level
Indicates a percentage of sales volume for a certain vendor that must be reached if the materials cannot be ordered in time from this
This field is used for automatic PO-based load building. If the service level drops below the desired value, the system attempts to order an
entire load of goods for this vendor.
The service level must be maintained.


Dunning Procedure
This field contains the key for the dunning procedure to be used.
Definition: dunning procedure
Financial Accounting (FI)
A pre-defined procedure specifying how customers or vendors are dunned.
For each procedure, the user defines
 Number of dunning levels
 Dunning frequency
 Amount limits
 Texts for the dunning notices
SAP Insurance (IS-IS)
Defined procedure that determines how business partners can be dunned. For every dunning procedure, you need to define the number of
dunning levels, dunning frequency, minimum amounts and dunning activities.
Return ->
Definition: dunning_procedure
Account number of the dunning recipient
Account number of the vendor who is to receive the dunning notice.
If an entry is not made in this field, the dunning notice is sent to the address of the vendor to be processed.
Last dunned on
Date on which the last dunning notice was made.
Dunning clerk
Identification code for the accounting clerk dealing with dunning letters.
Using this identification code, the accounting clerk whose name is printed on the dunning letters is determined.
If this field is not filled, then the entry from the Accounting clerk field is used.
Dunning block
Key which reflects the reason for a dunning block indicator.
Definition: dunning block indicator
Financial Accounting (FI)
An indicator that (through the allocation of a dunning block reason) enables you to prevent (block) accounts and items from being dunned.
Return ->
Definition: dunning_block_indicator
Date of the legal dunning proceedings
Date on which a legal dunning procedure was initiated.
The printing of dunning notices in the legal dunning procedure generates an internal notice about any further account movements. A
dunning notice is not created for the customer.
If the Legal dunning procedure field in the master record contains a date, this means that the account is involved in a legal dunning
procedure. The relationship between this date and the dunning date does not affect how the account is processed.
The printing of account movements in the legal dunning procedure differs from the normal printing of dunning notices as follows:
 You must specify a separate form for your dunning procedure in Customizing. For more information, see Customizing (IMG) under
Dunning Forms.
 The dunning program also displays text element 520 "Legal dunning procedure". This makes it possible to display the date of the
legal dunning procedure from the master record.
 The program also displays the documents blocked for dunning and those with a payment method (automatic debit, bank direct
 Although dunning notices are printed, the dunning level does not change in the master record or in the items. New dunning level =
old dunning level.
The program only updates the date of the last dunning run.
Enter the date manually.
Dunning level
Dunning level of the customer/vendor which was reached by the last dunning run.
If dunning areas are used, it is the dunning level that the business partner received from the last dunning run in the dunning area assigned.
The dunning program sets the dunning level automatically when the customer or vendor receives a dunning notice.
Key for dunning notice grouping key>
The grouping key represents a rule according to which the open items of the account are to be grouped together for dunning notices.
The grouping key is used in cases where you do not want the open items of a customer or a vendor to be dunned together but rather want
to create several dunning notices for an account. You must define one field from the open items for each grouping key. All items which have
the same contents in this field are then grouped together in a single dunning notice. With credit memos, ensure that the contents in this field
match those in the same field in the invoice; if this is not the case, the items will either be included in a different dunning notice or will not be
dunned at all.
If you install Financial Assets Management, you can define a rule which creates a separate dunning notice for every rent object.
Indicator: Local processing?
Indicates that payment transactions and dunning notices are created for the branch.
Normally automatic payment transactions and dunning notices are created for the head office.
Select this indicator only if this account is a head office account.
Accounting clerk
Identification code for the accounting clerk.
The name of the accounting clerk defined by this identification code can be used in the payment program for correspondence and reporting
(for example, open item lists).
You use the entry for dunning notices if the field User dunning is not filled and the name of the accounting clerk is to be printed on the
dunning letters.
Our account number with the vendor
This field contains the account number the company is listed under at the vendor.
Clerk at vendor
Name or identification code of the accounting clerk at the vendor.

Accounting clerk's telephone number at business partner
Accounting clerk's fax number at the customer/vendor
Internet address of partner company clerk
Internal memo of the accounting department.

The memo serves only as information on special features of the customer/vendor.


Partner Function
The abbreviated form of the name that identifies the partner function.
The ship-to party in your system could be abbreviated, for example, to "SH".
Default Partner
Specifies a partner as the default for a particular partner function.
When you enter more than one partner for a particular partner function (for example, you define three different ship-to parties), you can
select one partner as the default. During sales or purchasing processing, if you have defined multiple partners for a partner function, the
system prompts you to choose just one partner. The system presents the default partner as the first choice in the pop-up window.


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