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??? np. water melon. [Status: Hanna had haq - ihum part ? ?? [Status: check meaning]
mishsha. Diff. to "grapes" ?? - Abraham - nyaamme Pl: ?? n. ... ame (??). [Status: i.e.?]
could not confirm this meaning] - yitukko [Status: entry to be abolished? cf.
- erqarancha n (?). Christmas. [Status: check above: yi'imma] vi. to say.
meaning / not known by Abraham ...]

A - a
aa n. mama. Morph: singl. only. abbaayyooma n. brotherhood. Morph: singl.
a'a'e Interj (?). no. only.
aa'aancha Pl: aa'aanchuwwa. 1) n. accepting an abdaadancha n. wastage. Morph: singl. only.
idea to (of ?) each other. 2) abdaadaancho Pl: abdaadaano. adj / n (?).
— adv (?). apart, to -. wasteful.
aabba Pl: aabbuwwa. n. father. abdaade n. wastage.
aabba Pl: aabbuwwa. n. credit [for ?] selling or abdaadukko vt. 1) to waste. 2) to become
buying of cattle. decreasing. [Status: check meaning!!]
Abbaa Wossoore name. Abba Wossoore. abee interj. RESPONSE / astonishment.
Abba'a 1) name. Sunday. 2) abeetimma n (?). appeal.
— name. Abba'a. abga'a n. Morph: singl. only. 1) discipline.
abbaabiyya [Status: trans. / sing. ?] n. horsemen. 2) order. 3) regulation, ordinance.
abaabunukko vt. to look after. abga'a issukko vp. to discipline.
abbaddeechcho adj. harsh. abga'ooma n / adj (?). disciplinary.
abbaagada Pl: abbaagadduwwa. n. leader of abbis adj. new.
defense. abbis ammane [Status: check entry form] np.
abagaaro'o n. ?? 1) recently. 2) soon.
abagaaza Pl: abagaazzuwwa. n. commander. abbis tarxooma np. short sight.
abagud edansaano np. connectors. Abisiina name. Abyssinia.
abagudichcho n. Morph: transn. abagudda. abisisukko vt. to bring sth. close. Morph: CAUS
1) peer. 2) friend. 1 of abisukko.
abagudo adj. 1) of the same age. 2) of the same abbiso adj. near.
rank. 3) equivalent. abbisooma n. nearness. Morph: singl. only.
abagudooma n. equivalence. Morph: singl. only. abbisukko vi / vt. 1) to come near. 2) to approach.
abagudukko vi. 1) to be equivalent. 2) to peer Abiyaata name. Lake Abiyata.
(?). abiyoota Pl: abiyoottuwwa. n. revolution. From:
abaajja Pl: abaajjuwwa. n. eunuch. Amh.
abaajukko Variant: avaajukko. vt. to castrate abo'aamo adj. with grey hair, grey haired.
(a man). abokaado'o Pl: abokaado'uwwa. n. avocado.
abakasa Pl: abakassuwwa. n. abacus. abo'o n / adj (?). 1) grey hair. 2) lichen (i.e. ??).
abaala Pl: abaalluwwa. n. member. From: Amh. aboora Pl: aboolluwwa. n. earwax.
abballa Pl: abballuwwa. n. albino. aborfissaakamani Pl:
aballukko vi. 1) to become albinic. 2) to get aborfissaakamannuwwa. n. ear cleaner.
abscesses. aboossa n. process of attaching. Morph: singl.
abbaareti Pl: abbaarettuwwa. n. 1) stepmother. only.
2) foster mother. aboossaancho Pl: aboossaano. n. sb. who
abaro Variant: ebaro. adj. such a one. attaches. [Status: = attacher (?)]
abaroosa Pl: abaroossuwwa. n. 1) family. aboossukko vt. to attach.
2) large number. abboxuunxo'o Pl: abboxuunxo'uwwa. n.
abaroosukko vi. to populate. millepede.
abaati marza np. type of ensete. abo'ukko vi. 1) to get grey hair. 2) to become
abaxaama adj. busy. grey.
abaxaamukko vi. Morph: PASS/REFL of abooyya Pl: abooyyuwwa. n. 1) conservation.
abaxukko ?? 1) to become busy. 2) there is 2) care, treatment. 3) geographical settings.
much to do. [Status: this meaning could not be confirmed
abbaaxuunxo'o n. centipede. by Abraham]
Abbaaya name. 1) Lake Abaya. 2) Abaya (river). abooyyaancho Pl: abooyyaano. n. 1) one who
abbaayyi beeto np. nephew. takes care. 2) conserver. [Status: better: one
abbaayichchi n. Mister. [Status: check who conserves ?]
meaning!] abooyyukko vi / vt. 1) to take care of. 2) to
abbaayyo Pl: abbaayyuwwa. n. brother. conserve. 3) to become grey. [Status: check

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 1

abseessa aadite

meaning !!!] adafa n. menstruation. Morph: singl. only.

abseessa Pl: abseessuwwa. n. abscess. addalhani Variant: addalaancho. Pl:
absitraakta adj. abstract. addalaano. [Status: check] n. cupbearer.
absoluut xigo np. absolute number. addalo Pl: addalluwwa. n. 1) fate. 2) destiny.
absoluut vaaliyu np. absolute value. adalta adj. adult.
absoluuta adj. absolute. addalukko vi (?). to serve sb. (at the table).
abukaado'o Pl: abukaado'uwwa. [Status: check adaam saayya np. a milk producing cow.
entry - HED: abokaado'o] n. avocado. From: adaamma Pl: adaammuwwa. n. 1) cactus.
Engl. 2) type of tree. [Status: check meaning (was:
abuulla Pl: abuulluwwa. n. Morph: cf. uulla. adamma)]
1) field. 2) farm. 3) agriculture. adamimma n (?). communication.
abuu'lla Pl: abuu'lluwwa. n. 1) draught ox. adaam(ma) Pl: adaammuwwa. n. euphorbia
2) draft ox. tree.
abuullaancho Pl: abuullaano. n. 1) farmer. adaamo adj. full of cow milk.
2) cultivator. 3) peasant. [Status: ps stated as adandeessukko vt. to prepare butter. Morph: *
adj ...] ada andeess-. [Status: check!]
abuulli kaame'e np. tractor. adaa'nne [Status: check entry form] conj. as if.
abuulli uulla np. farm land. adaphphukko vi. 1) to be patient. 2) to become
abuullinukko vt. to plough. patient.
abuullukko vi/vt. 1) to plough. 2) to cultivate. adaraallano n. state of being an orphan. Morph:
3) to be a farmer. 4) to disturb. [Status: this singl. only. [Status: check meaning - part.
sn can prob. be removed (other verb forms pl ?]
are transl. with stem "plough")] adaraaro n. orphans. Morph: singl.
aburcho Pl: abura (?). n. cock. [Status: check adaraachcho.
meaning; should prob. be argucho] adaraarukko vi. 1) to be an orphan. 2) to fall
aburuura 1) n. mould. Morph: singl. only. 2) into misery.
— adj (??). aged. [Status: check meaning!] addaraashsha Pl: addaraashshuwwa. n. hall.
aburuurukko vi. 1) to become old, to become From: Amh.
aged. 2) to become mouldy. adba'a n. ??
abbussukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of ub(b) (??) / adba'ara Pl: adba'alluwwa. n. larva.
abburukko. 1) to make a profit. 2) to knock adbar Pl: adballuwwa. n. sacrificial tree. From:
down / over. Amh.
acaqqaara n (?). 1) shoot. 2) making aade adv / part (?). down.
quarrelling; nagging. [Status: check entry aadde Pl: aaddeewwa. n. mother (resp. form).
(was: acaqaara)] Morph: fem.
acceeqasamukko vi. to criticize each other. adi beeto np. cousin (masc).
Morph: REFL of acceeqasukko. adi landichcho np. cousin (fem).
acceeqasukko vt. to criticize. addichcho Pl: adda (??). n. 1) heifer. 2) older
acceeqqaxancha n. criticism. calf.
acce'ukko vt. 1) to make up for. 2) to repair. adil anjaancho np. high priest.
acongre'a Pl: acongre'uwwa. n. type of sodom adi'l bax mine np. office.
apple. adi'l baxxancho np. 1) clerk. 2) government
aachcha n. taking. worker.
achchikir n. ?? adila Pl: adilluwwa. n. 1) king. 2) clan leader.
achongaara Pl: achongaalluwwa. n. solanum 3) chief. From: Arab. adil "worthy".
campilacantum. [Status: what is this?] adillano Pl: adillanuwwa. n. kingdom.
aad adv. 1) downwards. 2) down. 3) below. adilo'oo adj. governmental ? [Status: check
4) under. meaning!!]
aad gosha np. gravity. adilo'oo'm mine np. palace.
ada Pl: aduwwa (??). [Status: WHS, 144: adilo'ooma Pl: adilo'oommuwwa. n. state.
adaayye] n. paternal aunt. [Status: check adimaas n. horizon. From: Amh.
meaning: HCD has MATERNAL aunt] adireenaala Pl: adireenaalluwwa. n. adrenal
adaba n. patience. Morph: singl. only. gland.
addabaabaayya Pl: addabaabaayyuwwa. n. adireenaaliina n. adrenaline. Morph: singl.
square (in town). From: Amh. only. From: Engl.
adabeela adj. 1) rude. 2) disorganized. Addis Ababa name. Addis Ababa.
3) unsystematic. adissa Pl: adissuwwa. n. small ceremony for
adabeelukko vi. to become rude. women after giving birth.
adabissukko vi. to be patient. Morph: CAUS 1 aadisukko vi. to have diarrhea.
of adabukko (?). aadite [Status: check entry - aad or aadite ?] adj.

2 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

aadite agicho

down, lower. [Status: check translation!] 5) to be fitting for

aadite Variant: aadisola. [Status: check spelling: sb.
Marqos had AADITEE; check spelling: adi afuurukko vi. 1) to sit down. 2) to sit. [Status:
soola?] n. Morph: singl. only. 1) diarrhoea. check meaning! (sit or sit down?)] 3) to stay.
2) dysentery. 4) to wait.
ado n. Morph: singl. only. 1) milk. 2) tree resin. afuussukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of afuurukko.
ado iyyiisimma vp. to receive/give milk. 1) to seat someone. 2) to let sb. sit down. 3) to
aadora n. diarrhoea. Morph: singl. only. put.
aadorukko vt. to produce stool. agga Pl: agguwwa. n. drink. [Status: alcoholic
addukko vt. to share with each other. [Status: drinks?]
check meaning!] aagga Pl: aagguwwa. n. 1) introduction.
adulaala name (?) / n. a creeping plant. 2) beginning. 3) entrance.
aduuncho Pl: aduuna (transn.). n. cat. agada Pl: agadduwwa. n. stem of maize or white
aduruusa Pl: aduruussuwwa. n. 1) incense. sorghum.
2) incense container. [Status: check meaning] agade'e Pl: agade'uwwa. n. type of ensete.
adduwwi maara np. veal. agaagaancho Pl: agaagaano. n. 1) helper.
afa guba'e np. speaker. From: Amh. ?? 2) assistant.
afa'l beelayya np. spinal column. agaago Morph: singl. only. n. 1) help. 2) bias.
afa'l kollo np. backward (side). [Status: check meaning] 3) helper.
afa'lachcha Variant: afa'laacha. [Status: check agaagukko vi. 1) to help. 2) to assist.
spelling] adj (?). backwards. agamcha Morph: singl. only. n. gambling.
Affaar name. Afar. agamukko vi. Morph: PASS/REFL of
afardakka Pl: afardakkuwwa. n. plateau. agukko ? 1) to gamble. 2) to steal. 3) to go
afare Pl: afalluwwa. n. 1) back (of human being). away, to disappear.
2) liver. 3) in back of, behind. aga'n miqo'o np. salary.
afare amadimma vp. back biting. [Status: agana Pl: agannuwwa. n. 1) moon. 2) month.
check translation (back beating ?)] aganna Morph: singl. only. n. compassion.
afaree'n orachcho np. back. aganna Pl: agannuwwa. n. 1) miracle. 2) history.
afarguuncho Pl: afarguuna. n. hunchback. agana mataagge [Status: check entry
afarinne waachchimma vp. back swimming. form - aga'nnane ??] np. monthly.
afeebe'e postp (?). 1) until. 2) up to. agannaam beyyuwwa [Status: already pl] np.
afeefana Pl: afeefannuwwa. n. money given to historical places.
the bride's family. agannaamo adj. 1) miraclous. 2) historical.
afeejjaara Pl: afeejjaalluwwa. n. morning. [Status: check meaning]
afisaancho Pl: afisaano. n. distributor. agancho Pl: agano. n. month.
afisansa Morph: singl. only. n. distribution. aganni kur xum sawwite np. narrative
afisansukko vt. to distribute. Morph: CAUS 1 composition.
afisamukko. agannukko vi. to have compassion.
afisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of afukko. 1) to agaroriya Pl: agaroriyyuwwa. n. type of ensete.
bring forward, to let arrive. 2) to distribute. agaasamcha Morph: singl. only. n.
3) soon to have a young. 4) to deliver a disappearance.
message. agaasamukko vi. Morph: PASS/MED of
afixxancha Morph: singl. only. n. 1) sending a agaasukko. 1) to go away. 2) to disappear.
message. 2) sharing. agaasukko vt. to take away.
afo Pl: affuwwa. n. neck. Morph: same root as agatta Pl: agattuwwa (?). n. sacrifice on the 3rd
afare, 'back'. day after a death.
afo'o Pl: afo'uwwa. n. hole. aggeebbaraancho Pl: aggeebbaraano. n.
afo'o fisaancho np. drill. trainer.
Afriika [Status: check spelling - other place: aggeebbaro Pl: aggeebballuwwa. n. training.
Afiriiqqa] name. Africa. [Status: check meaning, HED has: train]
aftir haybana np. breaking of fasting. From: aggeebbarukko vt. to train.
Amh. ? ageedalukko vt. to tilt.
afuuchcha Pl: afuuchchuwwa. n. 1) sitting ageera Pl: ageelluwwa. [Status: check spelling]
position. 2) seat. [Status: check HCD "stool n. shield.
of wood"] aggeera'ukko vt. to conceit. [Status: check
afuchchee mancho np. Morph: same root as spelling, HED has: coceit]
afuurimma. 1) sb. who sits. 2) sb. who stays. aggi mine np. bar.
2) sb. who waits. agicho Morph: singl. only. [Status: with only one
afukko vi. 1) to arrive. 2) to be ready. [Status: "CH"!? According to Abraham it should read:
check meaning] 3) to happen. 4) to grow. agiddano] n. slavery.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 3

agidda'n seera akke'ukko

agidda'n seera np. slavery. aje'e Pl: aje'uwwa. 1) n. ear infection. 2)

agiddano Morph: singl. only. n. slavery. — name (?). name of an ox. [Status: i.e ????]
agilgila Pl: agilgilluwwa. n. wooden (?) food ajuluuma adj. 1) foolish. 2) silly.
table. From: Amh. [Status: According to ajuluumukko vi. to be mentally retarded.
Abraham: small box, traditionally used to ajuussa adj. 1) foolish. 2) stupid.
hold food; WHS, 134: "aus Gras geflochtener ajuutta Pl: ajuuttuwwa. n (?). 1) dreaming.
Korb"] [Status: check meaning! If a haqawo doesn't
agira Pl: agilluwwa. n. shield. come true, it is ajuutta] 2) fantasy.
aagisube'ane adj. unmarried (man). ajuuttukko vi. to dream.
agisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of agukko. 1) to akaafa Pl: akaaffuwwa. n. 1) shovel. 2) spade.
water, to make / let drink. 2) to cause to steal. From: Amh. [Status: check meaning!]
aggiisukko vt. to lend. Morph: CAUS 1 of akaakilta [Status: check entry (baarzaafa)] n.
aggukko. eucalyptus.
aagisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of aagukko. 1) to akkamma adj. fattened.
make sb./sth. enter. 2) to insert. 3) to lead sb. akambaalo'o Pl: akambaalo'uwwa. n. 1) lid.
in. Morph: CAUS of aagimma. 4) to 2) cover (of pot).
introduce. 5) to marry. akkamimma n (?). treatment.
agishsha n. 1) drinking. 2) stearing. [Status: akkamukko vi. Morph: PASS of akkukko.
check meaning] 1) to be fattened. 2) to treat (an illness).
aggiishsha Pl: aggiishshuwwa. n. lending. [Status: check meaning (hakkamukko ?)]
aagishsha n. causing to enter. aakkee Pl: aakkeewwa. n. maternal grandmother.
aggiishshi mare'e np. quotation mark ["]. akkechcha Morph: singl. only. n. odoring.
aggiishshi sagara np. borrowed word. akkeechcho Pl: akkeechchuwwa. n. cow whose
agishsho Pl: agido (trans. ?). n. slave. young died.
aagixxancha Pl: ?? n. agreement. akeeka 1) adj. comparable. 2)
agixxi daddaraancho Morph: gen. st. of — n. balance.
aggisho. np. slave trader. akeekamma adj. equivalent.
Agnuwaak name. Annuak. akeekammi gudisansuwwa np. equivalent
ago Pl: agguwwa. n. mouth. [Status: including all equation.
inner parts?] akeekammi sibiriixa np. equivalent fraction.
aago'o Pl: aago'uwwa. n. 1) input. 2) income. akeekammi wixxite np. equivalent set.
aguugukko vt. to chase sb. / sth. away. akeekamukko vi. to be equivalent. Morph:
agukko vt. 1) to drink. 2) to steal. PASS/REFL of akeekukko ?
aagukko vi / vt. 1) to enter. 2) to set (of sun). 3) to akeekancha 1) adj. comparable. 2) equivalence.
understand. 4) to reach sth. 5) to be proper for akeekansamma Morph: singl. only. n.
sb. equivalence.
aheera n. 1) hereafter. 2) paradise. From: Arab. ? akeekansaancho Pl: akeekansaano. n. sb.
aheera'i hawwoo beyyo [Status: check who compares.
entry] np. hell. akeekansi solleesa np. simile.
aheerata n. rites to escort a soul into the hereafter. akeekansukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
ahiinsa adv (?). now that. akeekamukko. 1) to make equivalent. 2) to
ahukko [Status: Inf was AHIIMMA] vi. to begin. compare.
[Status: according to Abraham it should read: akeekixxa adj. proportional.
"asheerimma"] akeekixxooma Morph: singl. only. n.
aa'isukko vt. to let sb. receive, to let sb. take. proportionality.
Morph: CAUS 1 of aa'ukko. akeekixxukko vi. to be proportional.
ajaabanukko vi. to be angry. akeekixxuwwa Morph: plur. tant. ? n.
ajaa'l booyya [Status: enter under booyya?] np. proportionals.
yellow cow with white forehead. akeekooma [Status: check - was: ekeekooma] n.
ajala Pl: ajalluwwa. n. accident. equivalence.
ajalaamo adj. troublesome. [Status: check akeekukko vi/vt. 1) to compare, to be equivalent.
meaning; HED had: trouble maker] [Status: check meaning; other entries in HED
ajanjara adj. busy. have only the stem "to compare"] 2) to
ajanjarukko vi. to become too busy. approach, to reach, to get near. [Status: check
ajaara adj. 1) grey. 2) yellow. 3) orange. 4) light meaning! according to Abraham: to
brown. 5) pale. understand]
ajaare Pl: ajaalluwwa. n. light coloured cow. akkeera Pl: akkeelluwwa. n. cow whose young
[Status: could not be confirmed by Abraham; died.
considers it an Imperative ..] akke'ukko vt. 1) to odorize with smoke. 2) to
ajaarukko vi. to be grey. smoke.

4 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

Akira aluumsa

Akira name. Akkra. [Status: ???] allaa'llukko vt. to graze.

akkiisukko vt. to odor. Morph: CAUS 1 of a'llamukko vi (?). to discuss. Morph:
akkukko (?). PASS/REFL of a'llukko ?
akkiwwit angila np. acute angle. a'llancha Pl: ?? n. discussion.
akkiwwit angilaam sas midaado np. allaphphukko vi. to become talkative.
acute angle triangle. allaaraancho Pl: allaaraano. n. 1) shepherd.
akkiwwit sas midaado np. acute triangle. 2) herds' boy or man.
aakko Pl: aakkuwwa. n. maternal grandfather. allaarukko vt. to watch cattle.
akoordo'o Pl: akoordo'uwwa. [Status: check albachcha Pl: ?? n. 1) one who eats too much.
entry - BV: akkordiyoona] n. accordion. 2) harming. 3) sex.
akrobaata Pl: akrobaattuwwa. [Status: see aalbaasukko vt. to cut sth. forcefully.
spelling - HED: akro'baata] n. acrobat. albeena Pl: albeennuwwa. n. sickle (used for
aksisa Pl: aksissuwwa. n. axis. harvesting grain).
aksiyooma Pl: aksiyoommuwwa. n. axiom. alceena Pl: alceennuwwa. n. infertile woman.
aktinaayida Morph: singl. only. n. actinide. alceenna adj. 1) infertile. 2) barren.
akkukko vt. to fatten. alceennukko vi. to be sterile.
akkuyyaato Pl: akkuyyaattuwwa. [Status: -a'lee suff. -times.
check entry form - ekkuyyaato ??] n. alleko issaakukko vp. to put on jewellery.
1) saying yes (process of). 2) affirmation. From: alleko is a loanword from Wallaamo.
aqqa Pl: aqquwwa. n. flood. -a'lens suff. if.
aqeeca Pl: aqeeccuwwa. n. 1) chin. 2) jaw. alle'oo bee'ane vp (?). one who cannot chew.
aqo Pl: aquwwa. n. palate. alle'ukko vi. 1) to chew the cud, to ruminate (of
aqo'l sagachcha'a np. alveolar. [Status: check cow). 2) to laugh at, to ridicule. 3) to mock
meaning] sb.
aqoomada Pl: aqoomadduwwa. n. gum. Alfa name. Alpha.
aqqoomada Pl: aqqoomadduwwa. n. black alfaate'e n. mourning after burial. Morph: singl.
coating on clay containers. only (?).
aqoro n. in mouth. Morph: * aqo woro. alga Pl: alguwwa. n. bed.
aqqukko vi. 1) to flood. 2) to be abundant. 3) to algi Pl: alguwwa. n. bedroom. [Status: check
swell, to be swollen. [Status: check meaning] entry (alga ??) and meaning (bed ??)]
4) to walk. algooriizima Pl: algooriizimmuwwa. n.
aqurca Pl: aqurcuwwa. n. swelling (of cheek). algorithm.
al fate'e np. 1) blessing. 2) slogan. [Status: check alimuuniyeema n. aluminium. Morph: singl.
meaning] only.
allabaamo adj. talkative. aliivooyila n. air sucks. [Status: i.e. ??]
allabo Pl: allabbuwwa. n. tongue. alivuyoola n. alveoli.
allaabo Pl: allaabo'o. n. highwayman. aljeebi'l woca te'im caakkishsha np.
allaachcha Pl: allaachchuwwa. n. herd. algebraic expression.
allaachchi bicco np. herds men's stick. aljeebra n. aljebra.
allaachchi hixe np. pasture. alkancha n. 1) being split. 2) being cut.
allaachchi quunqoora np. snack, quick meal. alkoola n. alcohol.
allachchi uulla np. pasturage. [Status: i.e. ??] alkukko vt. 1) to split. 2) to cut.
alaado n. half. allo n. chewed cud.
allagga Pl: allagguwwa. n. 1) outsider. 2) alien. aalo'aamo adj. accustomed to bad things.
3) not relatives. aalo'o Pl: aalo'uwwa (?). n. 1) rule. 2) character.
allagga'n axeellato np. colonial rule. 3) conduct. 4) behaviour.
allaggichcho adj. unrelated. aalloosukko vt. to cut forcefully.
allaggisukko vt. to discriminate. Morph: CAUS alootrooppa n. allotrophy.
1 of allaggukko. alootroopisa n. allotropes.
alaala Pl: alaalluwwa. n. additional package on a alooya [Status: check entry form - HCD:
donkey's load. alooyya] n. a disease of the ensete plant.
alallaataancho Pl: alallaataano. n. preacher. alooyyaamo adj. affected by a disease (ensete).
alallaato Pl: alallaattuwwa. n. 1) announcement. alooye Pl: alooyyuwwa. n. a type of worm.
2) proclamation. 3) sermon, preaching. a'lukko vi. to be heavy.
alallaatukko [Status: was: ala'llimma (Tadesse, a'llukko [Status: check spelling / entry] vt.
June 14, HQK, 23)] vi / vt. 1) to declare. 2) to Morph: REFL.-MED. of ha'-. 1) to take
announce, to proclaim. 3) to decree. 4) to (over). 2) to take for oneself. 3) to seize for
preach. oneself. 4) to receive for oneself.
alaleessukko vt. to slaughter. aallukko vt. to lick.
alallukko vt. 1) to mock, to ridicule. 2) to sneer. aluumsa n. oil seeds.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 5

-am- amaxxansukko

-am- infix. PASS. amma'nnukko. 1) to trust each other. 2) to

-aam suff. associates of -. depend on.
am aro'o np. stepfather. amma'nnaa'n wixxit np. church (as
ama Variant: umma. Pl: ammo'o. [Status: check congregation and organisation).
va (WHS 141)] n. Morph: fem. 1) mother. amma'nnancha n. mutual trust.
2) placenta. 3) stem. amma'nnaancho Pl: amma'nnaano. n.
ammachcho Pl: ammara. n. Morph: pl = believer.
trans. 1) vultures. From: Amh. amoora ? amma'nnato Pl: amma'nnattuwwa. n.
2) bird of prey. 1) belief, trust, trust. 2) religion.
amadaa dasisukko vp. to reserve. 3) speculation.
amadancha n. process of being caught. amma'nnato qoxximma [Status: check entry
amaadaancho Pl: amaadaano. n. one who is form - .... qoxxishsha ?] np (??).
arrogant. confirmation.
amadiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of amadukko. amma'nnaxxi seera np. dogma.
1) to have sb. / sth. arrested, to have sb. / sth. ammanchome [Status: check entry form] n.
caught. 2) to let sb. catch, to let sb. grasp. 1) on time. 2) punctual.
3) to let sb. take. 4) to give sth. as security. ammane n. 1) time. 2) at the time of.
5) to attach. ammanee beyyoo np. setting.
amaado n. conceit. ammane higisukko [Status: under other
amadoo qaxa [Status: check entry form] np. entry ?] vp (vt). Morph: CAUS 1 of amane
volume. higukko. 1) to spend time. 2) to be late.
amadu xigo [Status: check entry form] np. ammanina wossanimma np. suspicion.
contents. [Status: lit. meaning ?]
amadukko vt. 1) to catch. 2) to hold. 3) to seize. amma'nnisoobee'ane adj / v (?). uncertain.
4) to start. 5) to begin. 6) to touch. 7) to amma'nnisoohane adj / v (?). certain.
conquer sth., to win sth. 8) to grow on sth. amma'nnisukko vt. 1) to make sb. believe.
amaadukko vi. to become conceited. 2) to convince, to persuade. 3) to convert.
amagaga n (?). 1) resistance. 2) refusal. amma'nnishsha n. 1) trust. 2) data, research.
amaja Pl: amajjuwwa. [Status: check entry [Status: check meaning]
form - amajja ?] n. 1) deposit. 2) security. amma'nnishshi xum sawwite np.
3) pledge. informative composition.
amajja Pl: amajjuwwa. n. 1) catching. amma'nno [Status: check
2) treatment. [Status: check meaning] entry - amma'nnato ??] n. 1) trust, confidence.
amajaanchi eddechcha np. sleeve. 2) faith.
amala n. 1) mood. 2) character. 3) behaviour. amma'nno'o Pl: amma'nno'uwwa. n. principle.
amala axisukko vp. to behave. [Status: check amma'nnukko vt. 1) to believe. 2) to trust. 3) to
lit. meaning (from Amhara ??)] confess. 4) to admit. 5) to own. [Status: check
amalaammo adj. annoying, nagging. meaning!!!]
amaaleeze n. amylase. Amaara name. Amhara.
Amaa'llisa n. Amharic (language). amaro'o Pl: amaro'uwwa. n. step-father.
amalukko vt. to annoy. amaarukko vt. to stir sth.
amama Pl: amammuwwa. n. maternal ammata n / interj (?). please. [Status: check
grandmother. meaning]
amman hundem [Status: check entry form] ammatisukko vt. to say please. Morph: CAUS
np. whenever. 1 of ammatukko. [Status: check meaning;
amma'n qoodo'o [Status: check entry form] was: "to please"]
np. 1) time period. 2) deadline. ammatishsha n. saying 'please'.
amma'n qooxo'o np. time unit. amaxxa Pl: amaxxuwwa. n. 1) wealth.
amma'n xigaancho np. one who tells the time. 2) fortune, property. [Status: check meaning]
amma'n xigo np. telling of time. 3) resource. 3) guarantee. 3) content.
amanna Pl: amannuwwa. n. maternal 4) volume.
grandfather. Morph: * ami anna. amaxxamma adj. attached.
amma'nnamma [Status: check entry amaxxammi duuna np. mountain chain.
form - amma'nnamo ?] adj. 1) honest. amaxxamukko vi/vt (?). Morph: PASS of
2) loyal. 3) responsible. 4) sure. amaxxukko. 1) to stick. 2) to oppose.
amma'nnamcha [Status: check entry amaxxancha n. 1) wrestle. 2) plot.
form - amma'nnancha ?] n. guarantor. amaxxansaancho Pl: amaxxansaano. n.
amma'nnamoohane [Status: check entry 1) glue. 2) gum. 3) conjunctive. 4) adhessive.
form] adj. reliable. amaxxansukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
amma'nnamukko vi. Morph: PASS/REFL of amaxxamukko. 1) to glue. 2) to join. 3) to

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amaxxukko annannissukko

connect. 4) to fasten. From: Amh. ?

amaxxukko vi. 1) to be wealthy. 2) to hold some amsagara Pl: amsagalluwwa. [Status: 1 or 2
parts of the body. [Status: check meaning !] words ??] n. main word.
amaawunta n. amount. Morph: singl. only. amukko vi. to become old.
From: Engl. ? amursare'e adj (?). heroic. [Status: check
amaayya Pl: amaayyuwwa. n. 1) maternal aunt. meaning; was "hero" (but ps: adj ...)]
2) paternal aunt. [Status: check meaning !!] amursare'ooma n. courage. Morph: singl. only.
amaayyi beeto np. cousin (masc). an [Status: HCD has: ani] pron. I.
amaayyi landichcho np. cousin (fem). anna Pl: anno'o. n. 1) father. 2) owner.
amba Pl: ambuwwa. n. 1) vicinity. 2) village. anababukko vt. to read. From: Amh.
3) settlement. [Status: check meaning; amba'a annabbaay beeto [Status: orig. annabbaybeeto]
'surrounding'] 4) neighbourhood. np. cousin, paternal.
amba'a Pl: amba'uwwa (?). [Status: check entry annabaayyi landichcho np. maternal cousin
form - amba ?] n. 1) village. 2) neighbour. (fem).
3) surrounding, area. annabbaayyo Pl: annabbaayyewwa. n.
ambaacama Variant: hamaacama. adj. murky, paternal uncle. Morph: * anni abbaayyo.
cloudy. anaafeeza n. anaphase.
ambaacamukko vi. Morph: PASS of annahanqa n. Morph: * anna hanqa. [Status: 1
ambaacukko. 1) to be murky. 2) to be or 2 words ?] 1) own right. 2) father's right.
cloudy. anaqala n. food made from barley and butter.
ambaancho Pl: ambaano. n. 1) one who covers Morph: singl. only (?).
sth. 2) thief. 3) cell membrane. anaqaxukko vt. to finish.
ambaxa Pl: ambaxxuwwa. n. 1) grasshopper. annaqqichcho adj. intelligent.
2) locust. annam annam np. 1) all. 2) every one.
amba'ukko vi. 1) to cover oneself. 2) to use a anamma Pl: anammuwwa. n. 1) gap. 2) crack.
blanket. annama Pl: annammuwwa. n. paternal
ambeeto Pl: amooso. n. brother. Morph: * ami grandmother. Morph: * anni ama. [Status: 1
beeto. or 2 words ?]
ambi Pl: ambuwwa. [Status: check entry form!] annaammuchcho Pl: annaamura. n. type of
n. neighbour. medicinal plant.
ambiimma n. roof. anamukko vt (?). Morph: PASS/REFL of
amboo ayyera np. atmosphere. anukko ??? 1) to split. 2) to crack.
ambukko vt. 1) to cover. 2) to wrap. 3) to thatch annamurukko vt. to insult.
(roof). annan ihukko vp. to separate (intr.).
ambula Pl: ambulluwwa (?). n. 1) ram. annanna adj. 1) different. 2) except.
2) castrated animal. annanna Pl: annannuwwa. n. Morph: * anni
ambulla Pl: ambulluwwa (?). [Status: check anna. 1) paternal grandfather. 2) ancestor.
entry form - ambula ?] n. lamb. [Status: annanna marukko vp. to depart.
check meaning; above - ram!] ananaasa Pl: ananaassuwwa. n. pine apple.
ambu'la Pl: ambu'lluwwa (?). n. frog. annannaato n. Morph: singl. only. 1) difference
amee Variant: alteemee. vi. is (he, it) -. (between things). 2) difference (in
ameeba n. amoeba. Morph: singl. only. arithmetics).
ameechcho adj. very old. annangichcho n. thumb. Morph: * anni
ameechcho Pl: ameechchuwwa (??). n. old angichcho. [Status: check nt]
cow. [Status: Marqos had: "wife"!] annanni aganna [Status: check entry form!!]
ameechchukko vi. to grow old (of animals). np. exclusively.
ammehe vi. come please! Morph: Imp pl. annanni bito [Status: check entry form] np.
ameella adj (?). 1) very old (cow). 2) old (cow). special offer.
Ameerikaana name. America. annanni ihaakkoo doo'lla [Status: check
amfiibiya n. amphibia. Morph: singl. only. entry form!!] np. especially.
From: Engl. annanni ihaakkoohane [Status: check entry
amiino'i asiida np. amino acid. form] np. exception.
amlambe'e n (?). center. annannichcho pron ? everybody.
amlandichcho Pl: amlanda. [Status: 1 or 2 annannihukko [Status: 1 or 2 words (HCD)] vi.
words ?] n. sister. Morph: fem, * ami 1) to be different. 2) to be separated.
landichcho. annannisa [Status: check entry form] adv. apart.
amo seera np. law ruling the women. annannissukko [Status: 1 or 2 words ? check
amoolechcho Pl: amoolechchuwwa. n. salt bar. entry form] vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
amo'o n. mothers. Morph: pl. of ama. annannihukko - "To depart"?? //
ampoola Pl: ampoolluwwa. n. 1) bulb. 2) light. relationship with annan ihimma ? 1) to

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 7

annannooma aanjancho

separate. 2) to make different. 3) to split. 4) to angawo'mma adj. fully grown.

devide. 5) to differentiate (esp. grain). angejja n. participation. Morph: singl. only.
[Status: check meaning] angi baxo np. handicraft. [Status: check
annannooma 1) n. difference. Morph: singl. meaning - should it be "chore" (cf. anga
only. 2) qoxx...)]
— adj. different. [Status: check meaning] angi borsa'a np. purse. From: from Engl.
annannukko vt. 1) to split. 2) to separate (tr.), to "purse".
depart, to go to another place. Morph: * anan angi edechcha [Status: check entry form] np.
ihimma ? glove.
annare Pl: annalleewwa (??). n. step-mother. angi haqqa np. hand cover (used when cutting
aanca Variant: qaanca. Pl: aancuwwa. [Status: ensete).
check va (HCD)] n. 1) ensete fibre. 2) corn angi kitaabo'o np. handwriting.
silk. 3) hedge of ensete plants. From: angi qoocca np. handicraft.
Kambaata: qaancata. angi qoora np. skilled.
aanci barchuma np. usual chair. angi lacha np. 1) craft. 2) technical. 3) profession.
anciro'o Pl: anciro'uwwa. n. type of ensete. angi lachchaancho [Status: check entry
ancura Pl: anculluwwa (?). n. type of African form - angi lachchi mancho ?] np.
violet. 1) craftsman. 2) technician.
anchina Pl: anchinnuwwa (?). n. type of ensete. angi lachchi losano [Status: check entry
-aancho suff. AGENT. form] np. technology.
andareechcho Pl: andare (?). [Status: check angi moda np. arm.
spelling - handareechcho ?] n. pigeon. angi oobba np. palm.
-ane suff. POSS + COPULA. angi sa'ata np. wrist watch.
a'nneechcho Pl: a'nneera. n. panther. angi shugguxa np. pistol.
anemoomeetira n. anemometre. angi xulbe'e np. handball.
anga Pl: anguwwa. n. 1) hand. 2) forearm. angi woda np. muscle.
3) cubit. 4) favour. angila Pl: angilluwwa. n. angle. From: Engl.
anga aagu diinate [Status: check entry form] angiiphphukko vt. to appreciate the heroes.
np. income. angissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of angukko.
anga aphphisukko vp (vt). to clap hands. 1) to win. 2) to take.
Morph: CAUS 1 of anga aphphukko. angoobba Pl: angoobbuwwa. n. palm.
anga edukko vp. to help. angoola'a n (?). sb. who misunderstands.
anga gassukko vp. to give. angoo'llukko vi. 1) to die (from natural causes).
anga gaassukko vp (vi). 1) to rank. 2) to be 2) to escape.
kind. ango'o n. aid (given to sb.). Morph: singl. only
anga haraara np. generous, handful. (?).
anga higisukko vp (vt). to pass (in a course of ango'o uwwukko vp. to give aid (to a needy
action). Morph: CAUS 1 of anga higukko. person).
anga hoffiixxa np. poor. ani pron. I. [Status: still in use?]
anga hoffiixxukko vp. to become poor. anni anna np. paternal grandfather.
anga iibbaalla np. wealthy. anni uulla np. fatherland.
anga iggaalla np. quick in beating. annichchi annichchim np. 1) everyone.
anga maxara Pl: anga maxalluwwa (?). 2) each other.
[Status: check pl: maxalla (?)] np. finger. annichcho Pl: anno'o. n (?). 1) owner. 2) subject.
anga wixukko vp. to wave. annichchooma n. property. Morph: singl. only.
angachcha n. simple form of wedding. Morph: annichchome [Status: check entry form] n.
singl. only. duty. Morph: singl. only (?).
anga-ejj vp ? to share with each other. [Status: aniimiya'a n. anaemia.
check meaning!] -annin suff. because.
angala n. swelling of breast (cattle). Morph: anninkaashsha Pl: anninkaashshuwwa.
singl. only. [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. mole (birth-mark).
anga'llaancho Pl: anga'llaano. n. ?? aniinsa Variant: iinsa. conj. since, since then.
angamadukko Morph: * anga amadukko. vp. Anniitto name (of male). Anniitto.
1) to aid, to help. 2) to bore, to lengthen. anja n. saliva. Morph: singl. only.
angaamo [Status: check entry form and anja liqicaakkoohane vp. well experienced in
meaning] n / adj (?). handle. life.
aangaansha Pl: aangaanshuwwa (?). n. type of anja liqicukko vp. 1) to swallow saliva. 2) to
feeding. tolerate.
angar n. first milk of a cow after giving birth. aanjancho Pl: aanjaama. [Status: check
Morph: singl. only. From: Amh. spelling - aanjaancho?] n. Morph: same root

8 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

aanjaancho araqi

as aang- / aag-? 1) noble person, np. 1) female breast. 2) udder (of cow).
high-ranking person. 2) priest of traditional anxaataa Pl: anxaattuwwa (?). n. caper bush
religion. (wild).
aanjaancho Pl: aanjamma. n. religious anxoolalukko Variant: anxoollalukko. vt. 1) to
specialist. [Status: check meaning (cf. chase. 2) to drive sth. / sb. away.
aanjancho - noble person)] anukko vt. 1) to split (wood). 2) to chop.
anjichcho n. type of disease (cow). Morph: singl. annukko vi / vt. 1) to become chronic. 2) to
only. develop.
anjilloota Pl: anjilloottuwwa. n. cow with a anuu'n ludo np. breast tip. [Status: i.e. nipple?]
type of disease. [Status: check precise anuuna n. breast. Morph: singl. only (?).
meaning] anuuna'iica [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. sucking
anjonsperma n. angosperm. [Status: check the breast.
meaning!!] anzanna Pl: anzannuwwa (?). n. type of ensete.
anjullukko vt. to share. a'orta [Status: check spelling] n. aorta. From:
ankakkarukko vi. 1) to crawl. 2) to creep. Engl.
anno'o n. fathers. Morph: pl. of anna. appila Pl: appiilluwwa. n. apple. From: Engl.
anno'o amo'o np. parents. apinsukko vt. to ring. Morph: CAUS 1 of
ansa issukko vp. to give an appointment. apinukko (?).
Ansabo name. Ansabo. aphphaancho Pl: aphphaano. n. fuel.
ansaadukko vt. 1) to arrange. 2) to prepare. aphphisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
[Status: check whether 2 DIFFERENT verbs aphphukko. 1) to hit. 2) to strike. 3) to whip.
(HCD has: aansaadukko: to arrange; 4) to burn. 5) to separate. 6) to loosen. 7) to
ansaadukko: to prepare)] let sth. ruffle up.
ansinaadukko vt. 1) to prepare. 2) to kill, to aphphishsha Pl: aphphishshuwwa (??). n.
complete. 1) beat. 2) hit.
ansoola Pl: ansoolluwwa (??). n. sheet (for bed). aphphishshi bicco np. beating stick.
ansha adj. 1) fat. 2) harmless. aphphixxamukko vi. to collide. Morph: PASS
aanshaa shiinshukko vp. to remove of aphphixxukko.
completely. aphphixxancha Pl: ?? n. collided. [Status: i.e.,
anshabusha adj. soft (person). collision?]
anshabushukko vi. to be soft (person). aphphixxukko vt. to collide with.
aanshancha n. removal. Morph: singl. only. aphphukko vi / vt. 1) to burn. 2) to shock. 3) to
aansha'ukko vi. to wash oneself. part. [Status: check meaning ...]
anshichcho n. type of cow disease. Morph: singl. -aar suff. VERB SUBORDINATOR.
only. [Status: check precise meaning] ara'a Pl: ara'uwwa. n. 1) bed. [Status: check,
aanshisaancho Pl: aanshisaano. n. shower. whether Alemayehu's description fits to
aanshisimma v /n (?). 1) cleaning. ara'a!] 2) bridge.
2) reconciliation. Araba name. Arab (countries).
aanshisukko vt. to make / let sb. wash. aarada Pl: aaradduwwa. n. stick.
Anshokara name (place). Anshokara. [Status: in aradaancho Pl: aradaano. n. leader of funeral
which woreda ?] chant.
anshukko vi. 1) to develop. 2) to become fat. arado'ane Pl: ?? [Status: check entry
3) to thrive. [Status: check meaning] form - arado'o?] n. type of drink. [Status:
aanshukko vt. Morph: cf. aash (WHS, 135). check precise meaning]
1) to wash. 2) to kill a lot. arado'o n. type of cooked food (to prepare
antaba ciicoola np. chick. alcohol). Morph: singl. only.
antabaa geexa [Status: check for sg] np. young aradukko vi. to tell the history of a dead man.
hen (before laying eggs). aaradukko vt. to fence.
antabaa qoxa [Status: check spelling - was aragaaja n. type of cabbage. Morph: singl. only
ANTABA QOTTA] np. chicken-coop. (?).
antabaa'i muuna np. crowing of the cock. arajja Pl: arajjuwwa (?). n. 1) funeral chant.
antabaakkichcho Pl: antabaa'a (transnum.). 2) traditional praises for very well known
n. 1) chicken. 2) hen. person.
Antaarkitiika name. Antartic. arajjaancho Pl: arajjaano. n. leader of funeral
anteena Pl: anteennuwwa. n. antenna. From: chant.
Engl. arajjeencho Pl: ?? [Status: check
antera Pl: antelluwwa. n. anther. From: Engl. entry - arajjaancho ?] n. ??
antimoone'e n. antimony. Morph: singl. only ? araqa adj. 1) many. 2) much. 3) several.
From: Engl. araqi Morph: singl. only. n. schnapps. From:
antoona antichcho [Status: check entry form] Amh. araqe.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 9

aramichcha asira

aramichcha Pl: ?? n. correction. longing.

aramukko vt. to correct. arke'ukko vi. to become very thirsty.
araamukko vi. to discuss sth. Morph: Arkimeeda name. Archimed.
PASS/REFL of arukko. Arkimeedis seera np. Archimedis Law.
aranamukko Morph: PASS/REFL of arki'oolooje'e n. archaeology. Morph: singl.
aranukko. vi. 1) to be swollen. 2) to discuss only. From: Engl.
sth. with sb. [Status: check precise meaning] armaamo'o n. chaff which is blown away by the
aranancha n. swelling. Morph: singl. only ? wind. Morph: singl. only ?
arancha Pl: ?? n. correction. aro leto meentichcho np. widow.
arancho Pl: ?? [Status: check entry arokka Pl: arokkuwwa. n. 1) shoot. 2) seedling.
form - arancha (correction)?] n. advice. [Status: check meaning]
aransukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of aramukko aro'o Pl: naro'o. [Status: check plural !!
(?). 1) to advise. 2) to admonish. 3) to aro'uwwa ?] n. husband.
encourage. aropilaana Pl: aropilaannuwwa. n. airplane.
aranukko [Status: check entry [Status: BE: aeroplane]
form - aramukko?] vt. to advise sb. aroplaani Pl: aroplaannuwwa. [Status: check
araphphi xaara [Status: check entry form] np. spelling - was: airoplaani] n. aeroplane.
steel. From: from American Engl. "airplane".
Araphphi xigo bikkaano np. Arabic numerals. arsenika [Status: check spelling - HED:
araara n. iron wood, red strinkwood. Morph: arTSenika ..] n. arsenic. From: Engl.
singl. only ? arteere'e Pl: arteere'uwwa. [Status: HED:
araaramukko vi. to make peace. Morph: artere'e] n. artery. From: Engl.
PASS/REFL of araarukko ?? artimeetik lambe'aancho np. arithmetic
araaro Pl: araalluwwa. n. piece. mean.
arasa n. wheat. Morph: singl. only. artimeetika n. arithmetic. Morph: singl. only.
araassaancho Pl: araassaano. n. mediator. From: Engl.
araassoohane n. peace negotiator. Arusse'e name. Arssi.
araassukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of araarukko. arwa'a n. appetite. Morph: singl. only.
1) to relieve (from danger). 2) to reconcile sb. arwa'aamo adj. gluttonous.
(with sb.). arza n. meat (offered at Maskal). Morph: singl.
araata Pl: araattuwwa ? n. sb. who is going to only.
the market. aas kireema np. ice cream. From: Engl.
araatichcho Pl: ?? n. traveller. aassa Pl: aassuwwa (?). n. fish. From: Amh.
Arba'a name. Friday. [Status: check meaning] asalmaam finaja np. demonstration.
Arbaamiinca [Status: check entry form - Aribaa asalmaama n. very peaceful condition. Morph:
Miinci] name. Arba Minch. singl. only ?
arda'a adj. valueless. asalmaamukko vi. to be peaceful. Morph: *
are Pl: arewwa. [Status: check pl.] n. wife. asalmaa (no PASS of asalmukko ?).
-aree [Status: check spelling (-aare ?)] suff. when, asse'amaancho Pl: asse'amaano. n.
if. 1) messenger. 2) apostle, angle.
arejanna Pl: arejannuwwa ? [Status: check asse'amcha n. Morph: singl. only ? 1) taking a
entry form - are jancho?] n. singer at funeral message. 2) giving help.
program. asse'amukko vi. Morph: PASS of asse'ukko.
-aare(m) suff. even if. 1) to be sent. 2) to help.
areesancha Pl: ?? n. improvement. asse'aancho Pl: asse'aano. [Status: check
areesukko vt. 1) to improve. 2) to renew. entry - asse'amaancho ?] n. 1) sender.
arette Pl: arettuwwa. n. wife. 2) messenger.
argakka adj ? ?? assechcha Pl: assechchuwwa. n. 1) sign.
argoona n. argon. Morph: singl. only. 2) mark. 3) omen. 4) message.
arguugamukko vi (?). to chase. Morph: asetiika n (HED) / adj (?). asetic. From: Engl.
PASS/REFL of arguugukko ? [Status: check meaning - acidic?]
argulla Morph: singl. arguchcho. n. 1) roosters, asse'ukko vt. 1) to send. 2) to give order.
cocks. 2) clitoris. assi kitaaba [Status: check spelling (HED:
ariimmato Pl: ariimmattuwwa ? n. 1) long askitaaba)] np. letter.
living. 2) pension. asiida n. acid. Morph: singl. only ? From: Engl.
ariimmato firukko vp (vi). to be retired. asiidaam buchcha np. acidic soil.
ariimoota n. old age. Morph: singl. only ? asiidaam oksaayida np. acidic oxide.
ariimukko vi. to live long. asiidaam sooqido np. acidic salt.
arkaakeechcho Pl: ?? n. ?? assiila Variant: assiille. part (?). only.
arke'aancho Pl: arke'aano. n. sb. who is asira Pl: asilluwwa. n. drought.

10 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

asirukko axaxxa

asirukko vi. to get dry (of weather). attamamukki kitaaba [Status: check entry
askitaaba Pl: askitaabbuwwa. n. Morph: * assi form] np. publication.
kitaaba. 1) letter. 2) written message. attamisaancho Pl: attamisaano. n. publisher.
asqachcha n. suffering. Morph: singl. only ? attamisiisukko vt. to publish.
asqa'ukko vi. to suffer a lot. atanaachcha n. Morph: singl. only ?
asso Pl: assuwwa. n. message. 1) disturbance. 2) violence.
aspiriina n. aspirin. Morph: singl. only ? From: atanaachchaancho Pl: atanaachchaano. n.
Engl. disturber.
asraata num. tenth. From: Amh. atanaachchukko vt. to disturb.
astara n. type of ensete. Morph: singl. only ? atara Pl: atalluwwa ? n. pea.
astatina n. astatine. Morph: singl. only ? ataara n. aggressiveness. Morph: singl. only ?
[Status: check meaning] ataarukko vi. to become aggressive.
astirolooje'e n. astrology. Morph: singl. only. atteera'ukko vt. to conceit.
From: Gr. via Engl. ati pron. you (sg.).
astironoome'e n. astronomy. Morph: singl. atileetiksa n. athletics. Morph: singl. only. From:
only. From: Gr. via Engl. Gr. via Engl.
astironoomera Pl: asitonoomelluwwa. n. aatobisa Pl: aatobissuwwa. n. bus. From: Engl.
astronomer. From: Engl. atoofiralla interj. wow!
astirooyida Pl: astirooyidduwwa. n. asteriod. atooma Pl: atoommuwwa. n. atom. From: Gr. via
From: Gr. via Engl. Engl.
asuusa Pl: asuussuwwa ? n. ?? atomaatika adj. automatic.
ash! interj. Go! (said to cows). atoorachcha Pl: atoorachchuwwa ? n.
asha Pl: ashshuwwa. n. 1) jest. 2) ridicule. 1) discussion, conversation. 2) talk.
ashakkala n. rough work. Morph: singl. only ? atooraraancho Pl: atooraraano. n. addressee.
ashakkallukko vt. to do roughly. atoorarukko vi. 1) to discuss. 2) to converse.
ashala [Status: check spelling - ashaalla ?] adj. 3) to talk. 4) to speak.
dry. atoorassaancho Pl: atoorassaano. n. 1) chatter.
aashaalla adj. 1) wet. 2) huge, fat. 3) innocent. 2) chair person.
ashaallukko [Status: check atoorassukko vi. 1) to talk to. 2) to judge, to
spelling - aashaallukko?] vi. 1) to be silly. estimate.
2) to be stupid. atoota Pl: atoottuwwa. n. 1) product. 2) bearing
ashan Pl: ashannuwwa ? n. honorific title. fruits. 3) development. [Status: Abraham
[Status: check precise meaning] could not verify this meaning]
ashanguliita Pl: ashanguliittuwwa. n. toy. atootisukko vt. to produce. Morph: CAUS 1 of
ashaashurukko vt. to collect. atootukko.
ashe'em interj (?). not this much. atootukko vt. 1) to yield. 2) to bear fruits.
asheera Pl: asheelluwwa ? n. beginning. atooxxi Pl: atooxxuwwa. n. sample.
asheeraancho Pl: asheeraano. n. beginner. atura n. jasmine bush (wild). Morph: singl. only.
asheero'o Pl: asheero'uwwa ? n. 1) beginning. From: Amh. agam; Orom. agemsa; Arab.
2) start. antur; Kamb. atula.
asheerukko vi. 1) to begin. 2) to start. atusonnukko [Status: check entry form] vt. to
asheessiissukko vt. to make sb. / sth. start. characterize.
Morph: CAUS 1 of asheerukko. atwonna Pl: atwonnuwwa ? n. 1) estimation.
ashimiinqa Pl: ashimiinquwwa ? n. ?? [Status: 2) judgement.
check spelling - 2 words ?] atwonnamsaancho Pl: atwonnamsaano. n.
aashisukko vt. to make wet. Morph: CAUS 1 of estimator.
aashukko. atwonnamukko vi/vt (?). Morph: PASS/REFL
ashkachcho Pl: ashkachchuwwa. n. servant. of atwonnukko ?? 1) to judge. 2) to estimate.
From: Amh. atwonnaancho Pl: atwonnaano. n. estimator.
aashukko vi. 1) to be wet. 2) to catch (have ?) atwonnukko vt. 1) to approach. 2) to imagine.
leprosy. axxada n. type of plant. Morph: singl. only ?
ashuuqa n ? ?? [Status: check precise meaning]
at [Status: HCD: ati] pron. you (sg). aaxxaga Pl: aaxxagguwwa. n. floor. From:
atakaana n. traditional food prepared from Amh. ?
ensete. Morph: singl. only. [Status: check axaqqa Pl: axaqquwwa. n. yoke.
meaning] axxarachcho Pl: axxarachchuwwa. n. milk pot.
atala n. Morph: singl. only ? 1) cofee grounds. axarassukko vt. 1) to check. 2) to notice. 3) to
2) dregs. 3) lees. identify.
ataalo'o n. leakage of water. Morph: singl. axaxxa n. to a certain extent. [Status: check ps? /
only ? pl ?; check meaning]

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11

axa'ukko aayya

axa'ukko vt. to punish. awda Pl: awduwwa. n. threshing floor.

axeellato n. rule. Morph: singl. only ? awwijiija n ? ??
axeera n (?). rule. [Status: check meaning] awwodo'o n. type of drink (made of barley).
axeeraancho Pl: axeeraano. n. ruler. Morph: singl. only ?
axereera n ? ?? awwola n. first boiling of coffee. Morph: singl.
axeerukko vt. 1) to rule. 2) to command. only.
axxi harachcho np. milk pan. awwonaa [Status: check entry form] adj. next
axximushsha Pl: axximushshuwwa. n. to.
mammary gland. From: Amh. ??? awonada [Status: check spelling!] n. type of
axisamma adj (?). correct. ensete. Morph: singl. only.
axisamukko vi. to be correct. [Status: check awwonammi qaasho'o [Status: check
meaning - be corrected ?] spelling - awwo'nnammi ...] np. ordered pair.
axisaancho Pl: axisaano. n. 1) mender. awwo'nnammi xigo [Status: check
2) repairer. spelling - awwonammi ...] np. consecutive.
axisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of * axukko (???). awwo'nnamto'o Pl: awwo'nnamto'uwwa. n.
[Status: seems there is no axukko ...] 1) to the next number.
make sth. good. 2) to make sth. new. 3) to awwo'nnamukko vi. to follow the other.
arrange. 4) to prepare sth. 5) to repair. 6) to Morph: PASS/REFL of awwo'nnukko ?
get sth. ready. 7) to clean. awwonancha Pl: ?? n. sequence.
axishsha Pl: axishshuwwa ? n. correction. awwonaancho Pl: awwonaano. n. 1) followers.
axittukko vi (?). to wear jewellery. Morph: 2) disciples. 3) successor.
REFL. awwonansukko vt. to continue. Morph: CAUS
axixxamukko vi. to beautify. Morph: 1 of awwonamukko.
PASS/MED of axixxukko. awwonsa Pl: awwonsuwwa. n. 1) guide line,
axneechcho Pl: ?? n. lynx. instruction, guidance. 2) department.
axo Pl: axxuwwa. n. nape. 3) leading. [Status: check
axukko vt. 1) to clean. 2) to prepare. [Status: meaning - leadership?]
check meanings] awwonsaancho Pl: awwonsaano. n. 1) leader.
axuruunsukko [Status: check entry form - cf. 2) chair person, principal. 3) predecessor.
axaruussukko] vt. to thresh by beating. 4) guide.
Morph: CAUS 1 of axuruunukko. awwonsoohane [Status: check spelling - orig.
axuruussaancho Pl: axuruussaano. n. sb. who awansoohhani] n. leader.
blows. awwonsukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
axuruussukko vt. 1) to winnow. 2) to blow. awwonukko. 1) to lead. 2) to make follow.
[Status: check meaning - AT: to let be blown 3) to guide.
(away)] awwonukko vi/vt. 1) to follow. 2) to
aa'ukko vt. 1) to receive. 2) to accept, to agree. accompany. 3) to march.
3) to buy. 4) to take. 5) to do. aworikila Pl: aworikilluwwa. n. auricle. From:
awwaachcho'o adj. many in a place. Engl.
awwaadaancho Pl: awwaadaano. n. 1) servant. awwoyyaamo adj. 1) forceful. 2) huge.
2) evangelist. awsaara adj. hanging loose (corn, droop of corn).
awwaado Pl: awwaadduwwa ? n. 1) service. awunada n. type of ensete. Morph: singl. only.
2) matter. 3) affair. 4) care. awwu'nnansukko vt. to arrange in a sequence.
awwaadukko vt. 1) to serve. 2) to use for. Morph: CAUS 1 of awwu'nnamukko.
awwaqqichcho Pl: ?? n. 1) wolf. 2) jackal. awuraajja Pl: awuraajjuwwa. n. district. From:
Awwaaqichcho name. 1) feast of sacrifice. Amh.
2) spirit of possession. awuraakichcho Pl: ?? n. wild boar.
awwaaxxaancho Pl: awwaaxxaano. n. awwuraaqa Pl: ?? n. wart hog.
1) beneficiary. 2) user. Awuroppa name. Europe.
awwaaxxukko [Status: check entry form] vt. awusa'a Pl: awusa'uwwa. n. blanket.
1) to consume. 2) to improve. [Status: check awusaara Pl: awusaalluwwa. n. flower of corn.
meaning] Awustiraalekkichcho name. Australian
awwaawwa n. Morph: singl. only. 1) confusion. (person).
2) uncertainty. Awustiraaliya'a name. Australia.
awwaawwamukko vi. Morph: PASS/MED of ay beyyonem np. somewhere.
awwaawwukko. 1) to disappear. 2) to aay landichotte Morph: * aayyi landichchotte.
confuse. np. niece.
awwaawwisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of ay la'ukko Morph: * ayyi la'ukko. Variant: ay
awwaawwukko. 1) to cause to be confused. la'a. [Status: check spelling] vp. perhaps.
2) to throw into confusion. aayya Pl: aayyuwwa. n. Morph: fem. 1) sister.

12 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

ayya'l amaxxa bacancachcha

2) mum. removed] np. any letter.

ayya'l amaxxa np. climate. ayyi la'ookko [Status: check entry form - ayyi
ayya'l gafechcha np. air pressure. la'ukko (prob. not!)] vp. perhaps.
ayya'l gonoona np. air sack. ayyi manchim np. whoever, each one,
ayya'l haalata np. weather condition. everybody.
ayyaa'm ayyera np. weather. ayyi xigom np. any number.
ayyaamo Pl: ayyaammuwwa. n. 1) day, date. aayyibeeto [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. nephew.
2) who. [Status: check entry (ayyam ?)] Morph: * aayyi beeto.
ayyaa'n balla np. holiday. ayyigabo'o n. abusing words. Morph: sg. only ?
ayyaana Pl: ayyaannuwwa ? n. 1) holyday. [Status: check precise meaning]
2) good luck. ayyim pron. 1) whoever, anyone, anybody.
ayyaana Pl: ayyaannuwwa. n. spirit. From: 2) somebody. 3) nobody, no one. [Status:
prob. from Oromo; same or similiar in check meaning of sn 3 (with
Sidama, Kambaata, etc. negation - enforced ?)!!]
ayyaanaamo adj. lucky. ayireena n. iron. Morph: sg. only. From: Engl.
ayyane pron. whose. [Status: should only the ayyisa hundinne np. 1) anyhow. 2) somehow.
citation form be entered (ayyi)? Make 3) barely.
consistent decision! (also for other pron.)] ayyisam [Status: check entry form] adv.
ayyaanissukko vi/vt (??). to pray. Morph: somehow.
CAUS 1 (??) of ayyaanukko (??). ayisootopa n. isotope. Morph: sg. only. From:
ayyaano Pl: ayyaannuwwa. n. prayer. [Status: Gr. via Engl.
check meaning] ayyivorsa n. ayvorse. Morph: sg. only? [Status:
ayanto Pl: ayantuwwa. [Status: check check meaning !!!!]
spelling - ayyanto'o?] n. blessing. ayla'ukko n (?). 1) probability. 2) hypothesis.
ayyanto'o n (?). 1) spirit. 2) honor. [Status: check meaning - perhaps! (lit. "who
ayyara n. air. Morph: sg. only. From: Engl. ? knows")]
aydaara n. type of beer. Morph: sg. only. From: ayminee np (?). female head of the household.
Kamb. [Status: check !!] aynakko'o n. sovereignty. Morph: sg. only.
aydentiite'i tuutichcho np. identity number. ayyoomato n. Morph: sg. only. 1) identity.
ayye [Status: check entry - ayyi ?? Was: oyye] 2) personality. 3) individuality.
pron. who? ayoona n. ion. Morph: sg. only. From: Gr. via
aayye interj. woe! Engl.
ayyem pron. 1) anyone. 2) everybody. ayro [Status: check spelling - EGH airo] n. type of
ayyena pron. to whom (Dat). ensete. Morph: sg. only.
ayeetta adj. rude, impolite. azalla n. Morph: sg. only. 1) idleness. 2) laziness.
ayeettoommano n. rudeness. Morph: sg. only. azallaancho Pl: azallaano. n. idle person, lazy
ayeettukko vi. to be rude. person.
Ayhudi [Status: check entry form - translators azallukko vi. 1) to be idle. 2) to be lazy.
now: Yihud] n. Jew. Morph: sg. only ? azgatta n (?). ??
From: Amh. azuluuma adj. insane.
ayyi pron. who? azura Pl: azulluwwa. n. 1) liquid parts of the
ayyi ammanem [Status: check entry form] np. enzyme mash (of ensete). 2) traditional name
1) whenever. 2) if. [Status: check meaning] for cats. [Status: check meaning - nickname ?
ayyi beyyonnem [Status: check entry form] / way to call cats ??]
np. everywhere. azuraara Pl: azuraalluwwa. n. button. From:
ayyi duuha'innem np. 1) however. 2) in any Amh. ?
ayyi fidalam [Status: that entry should probl. be

B - b
ba'ara Pl: ba'alluwwa. n. 1) bull. 2) ox. baabu'l hadiidduwwa np. track (of train).
babgano'o adj. roasted. baabu'l mine np. mill.
babganukko vt. to roast. baabu'l oodo'o np. train station.
babisukko vt. to roast. Morph: CAUS 1 of baabura Pl: baabulluwwa. n. train.
babukko. bacaa firukko vp. to break through.
baabukko n (HED) / v (?). anxiety. [Status: bacamukko vi. Morph: PASS of bacukko ? 1) to
check ps / ge] win in a court case. 2) to gush out.
baabu'l googo np. railway. bacancachcha n. noise. Morph: sg. only.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 13

bacancara baakkara

bacancara n. shouting. Morph: sg. only. baaddoochcho adj. 1) cruel. 2) harsh.

bacisaancho Pl: bacisaano. n. buyer. Baadoogo name. sub-group of Hadiyya.
bacisukko vt. to buy. Morph: CAUS 1 of baddukko vi / vt. 1) to be afraid. 2) to be
bacukko. frightened. 3) to fear. 4) to respect. 5) to keep
bacishsha n. buying. Morph: sg. only. sb. back. [Status: check meaning]
bacukko vt (?). 1) to convict sb. 2) to win a baadulla n. pasture. Morph: sg. only.
judgement. [Status: check precise baafa Pl: baaffuwwa. n. 1) bladder. 2) blister.
meaning - THS: to win] 3) to hatch. 3) bubble. [Status: check meaning!]
bachcha Pl: bachchuwwa ? n. cleared land. baafukko vi. to have blisters. [Status: check
baachcha n. Morph: sg. only. 1) fear. 2) fright. meaning]
bachchamma adj. cleared. baga Pl: bagguwwa ? 1) n. place. 2)
bachchamsukko vt. to clear completely. — adj. near.
Morph: CAUS 1 of bachchamukko. baga uullimma [Status: check entry form] np.
baachchaancho Pl: baachchaano. n. interruption.
1) coward. 2) sb. who is fearful. bagado Variant: bagashsho. Pl: bagadduwwa. n.
bachchukko vt. 1) to clear land for ploughing. 1) spear. 2) lance (certain kind of). 3) war.
2) to clear a forest. bagaag lam ga'nna np. infix.
bachchukko vt. to penetrate. [Status: was: bagaag somo'o np. infix.
bachchama, to hew] bagaagamukko vi. to take apart. Morph:
baad firukko vp. to take one's revenge, to avenge PASS/REFL of bagaagukko.
oneself. bagaago n (?). separation.
bada Pl: badduwwa ? [Status: check spelling bagaagukko vt. to separate.
(orig. with dot under d)] n. plain, level. bagaan adv. Morph: postposition. 1) but.
[Status: check meaning] 2) except, without.
badadeeda n. type of ensete. Morph: sg. only. baganne n (?). on the way.
baddakam uulla np. desert, steppe. baganne muramukko vp. to interrupt.
baadamukko vi. Morph: PASS of baadukko. bagaxxi gogota [Status: check entry form] np.
1) to resent. 2) to hold grudge. army.
badanaamo n / adj (?). 1) creditor. 2) debtor. bagaxxi mu'uta xa'isimma np. disarmament.
badaanchi anna Variant: badaa'n anna. np. bagibi'ukko [Status: check entry form - 2
creditor. words?] vt/ vi (?). 1) to dismiss. 2) to die.
badaancho Pl: badaano. n. debts. bagiwaaro n (?). coming before. [Status:
badaancho mancho np. debtor. check !!]
badano [Status: check entry form - badaancho?] bagiwaarukko [Status: 1 or 2 words ??] vi. to
n. 1) debit. 2) debt. come before. Morph: * bagi waarukko.
baddano'o n. type of kolas plant. Morph: sg. baha Pl: bahuwwa ? n. doll.
only. [Status: check precise meaning] baha'a Pl: baha'uwwa ? n. type of women's
baadaareechcho adj. harsh. play. [Status: specify ...]
badarukko vi. 1) to work hard with sb. / sth. baha'l tochcho np. 1) beach. 2) bank (of river).
2) to make an effort. 3) to be needy, to be in baahara n. Morph: sg. only. 1) abroad.
difficulties. 2) overseas. From: Amh. ??
baddassukko vt. Morph: CAUS of baddar-. bahila Pl: bahilluwwa. n. 1) tradition. 2) culture.
1) to make sb. fatigue. 2) to torment sb. 3) to From: Amh.
keep sb. back. [Status: check meaning] bahita Pl: bahittuwwa ? n. died without being
Baadawwachcho name. sub-group of Hadiyya. slaugthered. [Status: check meaning]
badde n. respect. Morph: sg. only. bahixxi haqqa np. type of plant.
badimma n (?). fear, terror. [Status: with one or baa'isukko vt. to extinguish. Morph: CAUS 1 of
two "D"?] ba'ukko.
baddinna 1) adj. fearful. 2) baaja n. Morph: sg. only. 1) hair style. 2)
— n. coward. — adj. with curved horns (cow / ox).
baddissisoo luwwa np. threat. bajaajjaato n. non-elastic. Morph: sg. only.
baddisiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS II of baajaamo Pl: baajaammuwwa. adj / n. 1) virgin
baddukko; CAUS of baddissukko. 1) to (of marriageable age). 2) young woman.
make sb. fear. 2) to threaten. 3) typical hairstyle (of a virgin).
baddiso sa'ata np. alarm clock. baajo Pl: baajjuwwa. n. 1) virgin. 2) adolescent
baddisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of baddukko. woman.
1) to frighten. 2) to threaten. bajjukko vt. to erect.
baddo Variant: baddiso. adj. fearfulness. bakkanna Pl: bakkannuwwa ? n. five Cent (of
baado n. Morph: sg. only? 1) grudge. 2) revenge. ETB).
3) blood vendetta. 4) debts. baakkara adj (?) / n. 1) fearful. 2) cow without

14 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

bakbakaato baanamukko

milk. ballach Pl: ?? [Status: check

bakbakaato n. waving wings. Morph: sg. only ? entry - ballachcha ...] n. wedding food.
bakbakukko vt. to wave wings to start flying. ballachcha Pl: ballachchuwwa. n. Morph: *
bakke'amaancho Pl: bakke'amaano. n (?). ball lachcha ? 1) circumcision. 2) wedding.
dependent. ballachchaancho Pl: ballachchaano. n. sb.
bakke'amcha n. dependance. Morph: sg. only. who is going to be circumcised. [Status:
bakke'amukko vi. to get shelter. Morph: check meaning; HED has (not so
PASS/REFL of bakke'ukko. convincingly) circumcised boy or girl]
bakke'aanchi somo'o np. bound morpheme. ballachchukko vt. to circumcise.
bakke'aancho Pl: bakke'aano. n. sb. who is baalageechcho Pl: ?? n. 1) rude (person).
supported. 2) coarse (person).
bakke'ukko vi. 1) to lean on sth. 2) to get baalagekichcho Pl: ?? n. lout.
support. balako'o Pl: balako'uwwa. [Status: check
bakkiisaancho Pl: bakkiisaano. n. 1) helper. spelling (ballako'o?)] n. 1) stepchild.
2) supporter. 2) fosterchild.
bakkiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of bakkukko. balaqa adj (?). looking openly.
1) to support. 2) to lean on. balale beeto np. type of friend. [Status: check
bakkiishsha n. support. Morph: sg. only. precise meaning]
bakko adv (?). Morph: postposition. 1) near. balalechcha n. joking. Morph: sg. only.
[Status: was: to encircle / go around sth. in balale'ukko vi. 1) to joke. 2) to have fun. 3) to
close distance to its centre] 2) next to. play a joke on sb.
3) direction. balatto'o adj. quick.
baakteere'e Pl: baakteere'uwwa. n. bacteria. balatto'ukko vi. to be quick.
From: ? via Engl. baalle Pl: baalleewwa ? n. 1) cliff. 2) valley.
baaqa adj. fattened. 3) precipice.
baqaancho Pl: baqaano. n. sb. who wastes baallee Pl: baalleewwa ? n. bucket. From:
[money]. Amh. ?
baaqbaallaancho Pl: baaqbaallaano. n. sb. bale awliya np. spirit possessed person (in
who says, "I have not always". [Status: check Islam). From: Amh.
meaning] bale zar np. zar medium. From: Amh.
baaqeela n. Morph: sg. only ? 1) lime pea. baalle'e Pl: baalle'uwwa. n. feather (of bird).
[Status: check meaning!!] 2) broad bean, balli hurbaat np. 1) lunch. 2) midday meal.
horse bean. 3) mungo bean. balli kollo np. 1) midday. 2) noon-time.
baqe'ukko vt. to depend on. [Status: check balli qoodo'o [Status: check entry form] np.
meaning; Textbook 2, June 2 - "education"] 1) time period. 2) deadline.
baqqe'ukko vt. 1) to stretch out. 2) to lean on. balli miqo'o np. 1) per diem. 2) allowance.
baqisukko vt. to wake up. Morph: CAUS 1 of balli tunso np. eclipse.
baqukko. ba'lli wees kasimma vp. third transplanting of
baqqissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of ensete.
baqqe'ukko. 1) to support sb. 2) to back sb. ba'lli weesa np. ensete plant after third
baqite n. Morph: sg. only ? 1) early [morning]. transplanting.
[Status: check meaning] 2) midnight. [Status: ballichcha Morph: sg. only. [Status: check entry
check meaning !! (time of waking up ??)] form] n. 1) becoming in-laws. 2) in-law
baqobaqo n. struggling for more share. Morph: relationship. [Status: check meaning]
sg. only. ballichcho Pl: ballo ? [Status: check pl] n.
baqobaqukko vi. to struggle for more share. 1) brother-in-law. 2) father-in-law.
[Status: check meaning, HED has under other ballina ballina np. daily.
heading: to take more share] ballisiissukko vi/vt (?). to do sth. late in the
baquchcho Morph: pl = transn. Pl: baqulla. n. morning. Morph: CAUS 1 of ballisukko.
mule. ballisukko vi. to be late in morning (of person).
baqukko vi. 1) to wake up, to waken. 2) to waste, Morph: CAUS 1 (??) of ballukko (??).
to use money unwisely. 3) to divide into ballo Pl: balluwwa ? n. 1) father-in-law. Morph:
parts, to share among different people. masc. 2) mother-in-law. Morph: fem.
balla Pl: balluwwa. n. 1) day. 2) date. 3) time ballukko vi. 1) to be late (of day). 2) to be late
(limit). morning. [Status: check meaning!]
ba'lla n. firewood. Morph: sg. only ? balluwwa [Status: check entry - pl!] n. in-laws.
balla xigaancho [Status: check entry balluwwishsha n. calling in-laws. Morph: sg.
form - kalendaara (?)] np. calendar. only. [Status: check precise meaning]
balabbat Pl: balabbattuwwa. n. local baamuunukko vt. to yearn.
representative. From: Amh. baanamukko vi. Morph: PASS of baanukko.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 15

ba'nnaa'nna baashe'aancho

1) to be separated. 2) to die. pepper. 3) red ground. [Status: check

ba'nnaa'nna adj. swollen. meaning - prob. better to take out]
baanaancho Pl: baanaano. n. sb. who baarbeeriya'i doolle np. barbarian.
separates. barcuma Pl: barcummuwwa. [Status: WHS,
banca n. Morph: sg. only. 1) obsidian. 2) obsidian 143: bercuma] n. chair. [Status: check
blade. meaning - Alemayehu, June 7 and WHS, 143:
banci haqqa np. wooden hilt for obsidian blade. barchuma = stool with three legs]
banda Pl: banduwwa. n. 1) toast. 2) broil. barche issukko vp. 1) to mistreat. 2) to abuse.
3) scorch. 4) bake. barche'e Pl: barche'uwwa. n. 1) trouble.
baandi'l haqqa np. flag pole. 2) hardship.
baandira Pl: baandilluwa. n. flag. From: Ital. barche'i afukko vp. 1) to happen unjustly.
bandiera. [Status: check meaning] 2) to be violent.
bangujjaato Pl: bangujjaattuwwa. n. 3) to be unfair.
revolution. barche'i amadukko vp. 1) to catch unjustly.
bangujjukko vi. 1) to refuse. 2) to revolt. 2) to catch with violence.
baanka Pl: baankuwwa. n. bank. From: Ital. barche'ii gatukko vp. 1) to be free from
banca via Engl. unfairness. 2) to save from injustice.
baanki cheeka np. check. From: Engl. baarcheliilla n. saying, "God knows". Morph:
banqa Pl: banquwwa. 1) n. lightning. sg. only. [Status: check precise meaning]
2) thunder. 3) thunderstorm. 4) bare Variant: bari. Pl: balluwwa ? n. 1) well.
— adj. huge. [Status: check meaning !!] 2) pit. 3) huge hole in the ground.
banqaxa adj. very big. bargukko vt. to mix.
banta Pl: bantuwwa. n. problem. bari'enma Pl: bari'enmuwwa ? [Status: check
baanukko vt. 1) to separate. 2) to distinguish. spelling] n. chair. [Status: according to
baphpibaphphukko vi. to show oneself. Abraham this term is better Hadiyya than the
[Status: check meaning] loanword wonbera]
baphphukko vi. to sit / walk by showing one's Barkafata name. Barkafata.
chest. [Status: check meaning] barkatukko vi. to be abundant. From: Amh.
bar hinukko vp. 1) to dig a hole. 2) to become barke'e n. saying, "Good luck". Morph: sg. only.
wicked. [Status: check meaning] [Status: check meaning]
baar shenqee'lla np. yellow algae. barkuma Pl: barkummuwwa. n. 1) head-rest.
baara Pl: baalluwwa. [Status: check spelling of 2) wooden pillow.
pl] n. 1) young bull. [Status: check meaning: baaromeetira Pl: baaromeetilluwwa. n.
Alemayehu, June 14: farming ox] 2) yellow. barometre. From: Gr./Lat. via Engl.
barada n. Morph: sg. only. 1) hail. 2) ice. barta Pl: bartuwwa. n. wooden mallet.
3) snow. From: Amh. ? barukko vi. to become hollow.
baaragaara Pl: baaragaalluwwa ? n. adversary barzaafa Pl: barzaaffuwwa ? [Status: check
(in court). spelling- AT prefers because of Amh.
baraha adj. with a high forehead. From: Amh. etymology * baahaar zaafa "tree from
baraha'a Variant: baraha; baraa. Pl: abroad"] n. eucalyptus tree. From: Amh.
baraha'uwwa. n. 1) desert. 2) steppe. bass uwwukko vp. to offer to Ganeel.
3) uninhabited area. From: Amh. bassa n. corn flour (slightly roasted). Morph: sg.
baraka n. blessing (coming from a person). only.
Morph: sg. only ? From: Arab. baaskeexxi xulbe'e np. basketball.
baraqukko vi. to shout. bassobila [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. kitchen
barara Pl: baralluwwa. n. flight. herb. Morph: sg. only ? [Status: check
baraara adj. hidden (from evil). meaning]
bararo'o Pl: bararo'uwwa. n. cockroach. basso'o n. hay. Morph: sg. only.
bararukko vi. 1) to fly. 2) to irritate. baasukko vi. to be worse.
baarawwa n. type of tree / plant. Morph: sg. basus basosimma vp. to scatter gras.
only ? [Status: check precise meaning] basuusa n ? ??
barbada n (?). sign from injury. [Status: check baaswa Pl: baaswuwwa ? n. salt brine.
meaning] bashaqaa'ukko vt. to spread (butter).
barbadisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of bashamada [Status: check spelling - unknown to
barbadukko. 1) to overgraze. [Status: check AT] n. type of ensete. Morph: sg. only.
meaning: "graze too much?"] 2) to clear the bashanko'o n. food prepared from ensete.
grass. Morph: sg. only.
barbadukko vt. to sign sb. by injury. [Status: bashsha'nnukko vi. to be swollen.
check meaning] baashe'aancho Pl: baashe'aano. n. sb. who
barbaro'o n. Morph: sg. only. 1) pepper. 2) chilli says, "I have not always". [Status: check

16 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

bashila beqeeqa

precise meaning] baxoohane n. worker, tradesman.

bashila adj. 1) many. 2) far. [Status: check baxonne hosukko vp. 1) to apply. 2) to put
meaning - unlikely!] into practice.
bashilsukko vi. Morph: CAUS I of bashilukko baxukko vt. 1) to work. 2) to do. 3) to make.
(?) / * bashila (adj). 1) to delay. 2) to take far baaxukko [Status: check entry - baxukko ??] vt
away, to send far away. 3) to be late. (??). ??
bashilukko vi. to spend the day. Morph: * bal baa'ukko vt. to fear.
shil-. bawunda Pl: bawunduwwa ? n. 10 Birr (note).
bashukko vt. to worship. From: Amh. ?
baata'a Pl: baata'uwwa. n. very large clay jug. bawunda amsa'a np. 15 cents.
batana Pl: batannuwwa. n. charge paid to bayyanukko vt. to sentence sb.
sorcerer. baa'yyaata n. information. Morph: sg. only ?
batbatukko vi. 1) to become fast. 2) to entertain. baa'yyaatukko vt. to inform.
3) to look anywhere. [Status: check meaning] bayitukko vi. to die (of cow/goat).
bax ayyaamo [Status: check entry form] np. baaynoomi'aal caakkishsha np. binomial
weekday. expression.
bax balla [Status: check entry form] np. bayooloje'e n. biology. Morph: sg. only. From:
weekday. Gr. via Engl.
bax beshichcho np. colleague. bayta Pl: baytuwwa. [Status: check entry
bax misha np. accomplishment. form - HCD: bayte] n. carcass.
bax suume np. official language. bayte n. carrion. Morph: sg. only ?
baxxamamoohane adj (?). divisible. beeba adj. 1) covered. 2) blocked, congested.
baxxamukko vi. Morph: PASS/MED of beeballa adv (?). yesterday. Morph: * bee ? balla
baxxukko. 1) to share. 2) to be parted. (?).
baxxancha Pl: ?? n. 1) part. 2) share. 3) room. bebeleqa n. sitting on land without controlling
4) class. oneself. Morph: sg. only.
baxxanchi baxo np. class work. beebiila adj. 1) astonished. 2) amazed.
baxxanchi beyyo [Status: check entry form] beebissukko vt. to block up sth. Morph: CAUS
np. step. 1 of beebukko.
baxxanchi tiwoore'e np. theory of divisibility. beebukko vi. to be covered.
baxaancho Pl: baxaano. n. 1) worker. beccaachcha n. neglect. Morph: sg. only.
2) servant. 3) slave. beccaa'ukko vt. to neglect.
baxxansaancho Pl: baxxansaano. n. sb. who becerequkko vt. to conceit.
divides. beddamma adj. stretched.
baxxansukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of beddamukko vi. to boast. Morph: PASS/MED
baxxamukko. 1) to divide. 2) to share. 3) to of beddukko.
distribute. 4) to part (the hair). beeddamukko [Status: check entry form /
baxara Variant: baxaro'o. n. smallpox. Morph: spelling] vi. Morph: PASS / MED of
sg. only. beeddukko. 1) to argue. 2) to get into an
baxii geegeesukko vp. to dismiss. argument. 3) to quarrel with sb.
baxi losamma [Status: check entry form] np. bedeeda n. maize mixed with corn and freesqace
experience. [Status: lit. work experience] (??). Morph: sg. only. [Status: check
baxi moo'isimma np. 1) action. 2) activity. meaning]
baaxiilaancho Pl: baaxiilaano. n. 1) sinner. beddeddamma n (?). walking ceonceited.
2) perjury. [Status: check meaning]
baaxiilo Pl: baaxiilluwwa. n. sin. beddeddamukko vi. Morph: PASS/MED of
baaxiilukko vi (?). 1) to sin. 2) to commit beddeddukko. 1) to conceite. 2) to boast.
perjury. bedeedukko vi. 1) to be scattered. 2) to empty.
baximma xanimma [Status: check entry beeddichcha n. extermination. Morph: sg. only.
form] np. capability. [Status: lit. able to beeddoo ammane np. term.
work ?] beddukko vt. to stretch.
baxin firukko vp. to go to work. beeddukko vi. 1) to complete (PASS ?). 2) to be
baxisaancho Pl: baxisaano. n. employer. finished, to end. 3) to be accomplished. 4) to
baxisukko vt. to make sb. work. Morph: CAUS 1 irradicate, to devastate.
of baxukko. -be'e suff. without.
baxo Pl: baxxuwwa. n. 1) work. 2) job. -be'e suff. until.
baxo amadukko vp (vi). to be busy. [Status: bee'e part. 1) not present. 2) no.
under entry "baxo"?] bee'e vi. not to be present.
baxo hosisimma np. 1) application. 2) function. begukko vt. to split.
baxo hosisukko vp. to apply (for work). beqeeqa 1) n (?). crack. 2)

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 17

beqeequkko biddiqukko

— adj. rough, uneven. 3) to appear suddenly.

beqeequkko vi. 1) to be cracked. 2) to be rough, bee'ukko vi. [Status: really verb? bee'e] 1) to be
to be uneven. absent. 2) not to be present. 3) not to be
beqera Pl: beqelluwwa. n. slope. existent. 4) to be missing.
beqerukko vi. to be slope, to be uphill. [Status: beewixxite [Status: 1 or 2 words?] n. empty set.
check the English meanings] Morph: sg. only ?
-beelah suff. 1) unless. 2) if not. beyyamma adj / n (HED). 1) formal. [Status:
-beelas suff. 1) unless. 2) if not. check meaning!] 2) regular.
beelayya Pl: beelayyuwwa. n. centre of the back. beyyammi sagara np. formal words.
[Status: check meaning !] beyyammi sibiriixa np. proper fraction.
beelayyukko vt. 1) to separate. 2) to divide. beyyammi woca np. formal speech.
beleca Pl: beleccuwwa. n. 1) ear pendent. [Status: beyyamu bee'i dut midaado np. irregular
check meaning ("Ohrh 㭧 er"?)] 2) earring. polygon.
[Status: check entry (was: belecha)] beyyamukko vi. to be assigned. Morph: PASS
belecce'ukko vi. 1) to sparkle. 2) to shine. of beyyukko.
belecukko vt (?). to lighten. beyanna Pl: ?? [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n.
belellaato n. reflection. Morph: sg. only ? property owner.
belelukko vi. 1) to reflect. 2) to shine. beyyancha Pl: ?? n. 1) classification.
belleetto'o Pl: belleetto'uwwa. n. 1) ticket. 2) assignment. [Status: check meanings; HED
2) bill. From: Ital. biglietto. had only: be classified (verb!)]
belo [Status: check entry form !] v / interj (?). beyyi bito np. place value.
shall I throw? beyyikura Pl: beyyikulluwwa ? [Status: 1 or 2
beeluwwa adj. empty. Morph: * bee'e luwwa. words ?] n. preposition. Morph: * beyyi kura
benna Pl: bennuwwa. n. wooden pole to tie cows. (?).
bencukko vi (?). to open the husk partially. beyissukko [Status: check entry /
benneja [Status: confirm spelling - EGH: spelling - unterlined by AT] vt. Morph:
beneja] n. type of ensete. Morph: sg. only. CAUS 1 of beyukko (?). 1) to put sth. / sb.
benjello'o v ?? ?? down. 2) to compensate.
beenqara Pl: beenqalluwwa. n. tick. beyyo Pl: beyyuwwa. n. 1) place. 2) space. 3) real
berbera n. spices from red pepper. Morph: sg. estate. 4) compensation. 5) with, to, in place
only. From: Amh. of, at. Morph: postposition.
berechcha Pl: ?? n. private [belongings ?]. beyyukko vt. 1) to classify. 2) to assign.
berquma Pl: berqummuwwa. n. headrest. beeza Pl: beezzuwwa. n. base. From: Engl.
bero n. silver. Morph: sg. only. beezaam buchcha np. basic soil.
beero'o Pl: beero'uwwa. n. 1) town. 2) city. beeziik oksaayida np. basic oxide.
beessukko vt. to cover. beezsooqido [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. basic
besh tuutichcha'a np. corresponding salt. Morph: sg. only. From: Engl.
members. bi'amukko vi. to quarrel. Morph: PASS/REFL
besha Morph: singl: beshichcho. [Status: check of bi'ukko ?
entry form; plural (transnum); singl. already biibeela n. atrocity. Morph: sg. only.
noted] n. 1) peers. 2) friends. Bibichcho name. Bibichcho.
beshansukko vt. to match. Morph: CAUS 1 of biibbisukko vt. to embitter. Morph: CAUS 1 of
beshamukko. biibbukko. [Status: English meaning ??]
beshichcho Pl: beshsha. n. 1) pal. 2) buddy. biibo'o n (?). ??
beshinnano 1) adj. friendly. 2) bica n. eating or drinking material. Morph: sgl.
— n. friendship. Morph: sg. only. [Status: only ?
check meaning] Bica'a name. Tuesday.
beshooma n. friendship. Morph: sg. only. bica'a adj. yellow. From: Amh.
beshshuwwa n. company. [Status: check entry biciriqukko vt. ??
form - lit. "friends"] bicco Pl: biccuwwa. n. 1) stick. 2) staff.
beet are [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] np. the son's bichcha [Status: entry form necessary?] part (?).
wife. [Status: check meaning (AT: the wife only. From: Amh.
son)] biichaancho adj. renegate, disloyal.
beet beeto [Status: 1 or 2 words (Abraham)?] np. bidaara adj (??). ??
grandchild. biddiqaa'ukko vt. 1) to strech out. 2) to flatten.
Beeta name. Beta. biddiqu saahina [Status: check entry form] np.
beeto Pl: ooso. n. 1) son. 2) boy. 3) child. plate. From: Amh.
beexxabbe'e Pl: beexxabbe'uwwa. n. servant. biddiqukko vi. 1) to be extended. 2) to lean back.
bexerequkko vt. to conceit. [Status: check meaning (prob. better under
bexxukko vi. 1) to become great. 2) to emerge. biddiqaa'ukko)]

18 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

biigaara bira

biigaara Pl: biigaalluwwa. n. outline. lit. meaning]

bi'isaancho Pl: bi'isaano. n. wasteful person. biqukko vt (?). to refuse.
bi'isukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of bi'ukko. 1) to biiqukko vi. 1) to itch. 2) to cause discomfort.
dismiss. 2) to cancel. 3) to waste. 4) to do sth. bii§l angila Pl: bii'l angilluwwa. np. exterior
bad. [Status: check meaning] 5) to offend. angle.
6) to destroy. 7) to extinguish. 8) to turn off bii'l biira np. foreign.
(light). 9) to ruin. bi'l gonoona np. purse. [Status: check lit.
bi'ishsha Pl: bi'ishshuwwa. n. 1) destruction. translat.]
2) mistake. 3) error. 4) offence. 5) guilt. bii'l kollo Variant: bii'luulla. np. out.
[Status: Abraham couldn't confirm ...] bii'l qachchissukko vp (vt). to father an
bi'ixxancha n. neutralization. Morph: sg. only. illegitimate child. Morph: CAUS 1 of bii'l
biija n (?). kindness. [Status: check meaning] qachchihukko.
bijaala adj. hot tempered. bii'l xanqo'o np. external fertilization.
biijaalla adj. 1) generous. 2) kind. bii'l uulla np. Morph: * biire uulla (??).
biijaallooma n. generosity. Morph: sg. only. 1) abroad. 2) overseas.
bijukko vi. to become hot tempered. bii§l uulla np. foreign country, abroad.
biijukko vi. 1) to show generosity, to be bilaambilo n. food prepared from ensete.
generous. 2) to be kind. Morph: sg. only.
bikkamaancho Pl: bikkamaano. n. billaancho Pl: billaano. np. sb. who is not restful.
representative (in parliament). billawwa n. 1) knife. 2) sabre. From: Amh.
bikkaancho Pl: bikkaano. n. 1) subsitute billawwi haqqa np. ?? [Status: check English
(person). 2) representative. meaning]
biikara Pl: biikalluwwa. n. beaker. From: Engl. bilbilaantichcho Pl: bilbilaanta. n.
bikke Pl: bikkeewwa (?). 1) n. part, share. 1) butterfly. 2) moth. [Status: check
2) instead. 3) meaning !]
— postpos. instead of. bilde'e n. blanket. From: from Amh birt - "cold".
bikkile Pl: bikkilluwwa. [Status: check entry bille n. 1) desert. 2) drought. 3) winter, dry season.
form] n. 1) club. 2) cudgel. bilinkiisa adv (?). as nothing.
bikkina [Status: bikkinam ?] part (?). [Status: biiliyoona numeral. billion (1,000,000,000).
according to Abraham sometimes used as bilqaaxa n. small to medium jar.
SUFFIX (with causal meaning)] 1) about. bilxo'o n. stick with pointed sharp metal end.
2) because, for. [Status: check meaning] billukko vi. 1) to stop (of rain). 2) to clear (of
bikkiraata Pl: bikkiraattuwwa. n. 1) boil. sky). 3) to brighten.
2) bump. biimbe'e Morph: singl. biimbekichcho. n. 1) fly.
bikko Pl: bikkuwwa. n. 1) portion. 2) share. 2) mosquito.
bikko'o Pl: bikko'uwwa. n. buffalo. biime'e n. 1) large. 2) giant.
bikraata Pl: bikraattuwwa. [Status: check binnaanna adj. 1) adjourned. 2) flabbergasted.
spelling] n. abscess. binnaa'ukko vt. Morph: CAUS of binnukko.
bikkukko vt. 1) to subsitute. 2) to represent. 1) to scatter. 2) to lose (sth.).
biq iggukko vp. to become an orator. biinca Variant: beenca. [Status: check spelling!
biq sawwite np. opinion. (va from WHS)] n. 1) sweat. 2) perspiration.
biqaamo adj. huge person. Bincaamo name. Bincaamo.
biiqaamo adj. 1) itching. 2) ugly. biince'isukko vt. to sweat. Morph: CAUS 1 of
biqaphphishsha Pl: ?? n. dirge. biince'ukko.
biqe Pl: biqquwwa. n. 1) chest. 2) slope. 3) uphill. biince'ukko vi. 1) to sweat. 2) to perspire.
4) ascent. bindigeesukko vt. 1) to disperse. 2) to disband.
biqee firukko vp. to ascend. binnite n. scattering.
biqedukko vi (?). 1) to struggle with. 2) to biinja n. generosity.
wrestle with. binxe n. scattering. [Status: check meaning / ps]
biqgana [Status: check spelling - qg] n. filtered binxukko vt. to scatter.
butter. Morph: sg. only. binnukko vi. 1) to be scattered. 2) to be
biqharaara adj. fearless. distributed.
biqqiiqqisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of biir firukko vp. to go out.
biqqiiqqukko. 1) to let sb. roll and beat bir gereechcho np. 1) spotted sheep.
his/her breast. 2) to let sth. lie down, roll and 2) illegitimate child. [Status: check: also
stand up. "mixed parentage"]
biqqiiqqukko vi. 1) to roll and beat one's biir ihaakkohane [Status: check entry form]
breast. 2) to lie down, roll and stand up. vp. obvious.
biqille'e Pl: biqille'uwwa. n. skin of sheep/goat. Bira n. Birr.
biqinne shurukko vp. to crawl. [Status: check bira adj. striped.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 19

biira bogukko

biira n. 1) outside, exterior. 2) farm. [Status: check biteesukko vt. Morph: CAUS of bita'ukko.
meaning] 3) plain land, plain. 4) wilderness. 1) to sell. 2) to deceive.
biira qaramaakkoohane np. illegitimate biteeshsha n. sales.
child. biteeshshi bito np. selling price.
birammaancho Pl: birammaano. [Status: bitikinnaa'ukko vt. 1) to make to flow. 2) to
check entry form] n / adj (?). conceited. spill.
birammato n. pride. bitima Pl: bitimmuwwa. n. fence door.
biramukko vi. to be proud. Morph: bitira Pl: bitilluwwa. n. small space between
PASS/REFL of birukko ? teeth.
birancha Pl: biraana (??). n. conceit. bito Pl: bittuwwa. n. 1) price. 2) value.
biraxxi mixaada np. backing tray. biixxanna n. ??
biirayukko [Status: one word ?] vt. to confess. bixxira Pl: bixxilluwwa. n. 1) plate. 2) small
birbinnisukko vt. to embitter. Morph: CAUS 1 black dish.
of birbinnukko. bixiriqa Variant: bexereqa. adj. conceited.
birbinnishsha n. embitterment. bixxo'o n (?). ??
birbinnukko vi. to be irritated. bi'ukko vi. 1) to be lost. [Status: check
birbira adj. spotted. meaning! - to be lost? (s. underneath!)] 2) to
bire§e n. smallpox. disappear. 3) to be out of order. 4) to be
biireen [Status: check spelling (biiree'n ?)] adj. destroyed. 5) to spoil, to go bad. [Status:
1) external. 2) outside. active ???] 6) to drop. [Status: check
biiree'n macce np. external ear. meaning]
biriiliyeema n. berillium. blaakboorda Pl: blaakboorduwwa. [Status:
birinxa n (?). ?? check spelling - bilaakkiboorda ?] n.
biritukko vi. to gallop. blackboard. From: Engl.
biirnakki kululleesa np. circumscribed circle. boba 1) n. bad odour, foul smell, stench. 2)
biro [Status: check entry form & meaning!!] n. — adj. stinking.
sheep. bobba'a Pl: bobba'uwwa. n. road.
biroonkasa Pl: bironnkassuwwa. n. bronchus. boba'lee n. mat (woven from reed).
biroonkaayila adj. bronchial. boobana n. ??
biroonkayitisa n. bronchitis. bobaanqa n. type of bush.
biiro'o Pl: biiro'uwwa. n. office. bobara adj (?). nervous.
biirooriyaa Pl: biirooriyuwwa. [Status: check bobaraaqichcho n. type of hyena.
spelling -aa] n. type of bird. bobaraancho Pl: bobaraano. adj. shy.
biirooriyyi gixo'o np. musical sounds of a bird bobarukko vi. 1) to bolt. [Status: check
poem. [Status: check meaning] meaning] 2) to shy (at sth.). [Status: check
birshukko vt. 1) to admire. 2) to praise. meaning !!] 3) to fight shy. 4) to flee.
birtukaana [Status: check spelling (HED: bobassukko vt. to make shy. Morph: CAUS 1 of
burtukaana)] n. orange. bobarukko.
birxayya Pl: birxayyuwwa. n. dandruff. bobba'ukko vi (?). to leave.
birukko vt. 1) to admire. 2) to praise. [Status: bobe'e Pl: bobe'uwwa. n. hoof (of animal).
check meaning] boobera Morph: singl. boobichcho. n. buffaloes.
bisa'a Pl: bisa'uwwa. n. sword. boobeeta Pl: boobeettuwwa. n. 1) red mantle of
bisima adj (??). abortive. women. 2) festive clothing. [Status: can this
bisimukko vt. to abort. meaning be deleted?]
bississukko [Status: check spelling - underlined boobichcho n. buffalo.
by AT] vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of bissukko. bobukko vi. 1) to stink, to smell bad. 2) to rot.
1) to destroy. 2) to waste. [Status: check booccite Pl: booccittuwwa. n. hint.
meaning] bocukko vt. 1) to carve. 2) to split (wood).
bismuuza n. bismuth. boochcha n. accumulation.
bisso Pl: bissuwwa. n. vagina. boda Pl: bodduwwa. n. lance.
biishsha adj. 1) brown. 2) gray. [Status: Bodichcho name. Tuesday.
according to Marqos: blue] bododukko vi. 1) to become numb. 2) to go to
bishkiliita Pl: bishkiliittuwwa. n. bicycle. From: sleep.
cf. Ital. bicicletta. booddukko vt. to scrape.
bitaa'aancho Pl: bitaa'aano. n. buyer. bogga Pl: bogguwwa (??). n. 1) plunder.
bitaachcha n. buying. 2) robbery, looting.
bitaachchi bito np. buying price. bogaancho Pl: bogaano. n. looter, sb. who
bitaa'oohane n. buyer. plunders.
bitaa'ukko vt. to buy. bogoohane n. robber.
biteesaancho Pl: biteesaano. n. salesperson. bogukko vt. 1) to rob. 2) to ransack, to plunder.

20 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

boohe'e bootaara

3) to loot. Boonka name. Boonka.

boohe'e Pl: boohe'uwwa. n. 1) cannal. 2) ditch. boonka n. the last drop.
boja Pl: bojjuwwa. n. seedling. boonke'e Morph: singl. boonkekkichcho. n.
bokkukko vi. Morph: cf. buka'. 1) to sour sth. 1) pig. 2) wild pig. 3) sb. who is voracious.
2) to rise. boonkukko vi. to drink to the last drop.
boqqa 1) adj. curved. 2) bent. 3) wicked. bonqa n. flat loaf of gojo'o or ensete starch.
4) crooked. 5) wrong. bonoda adj. ugly.
booqa n. 1) blank space. 2) black cow with white Bonnosha name. Bonnosha. [Status: check ee]
strip on forehead. boonxaalla adj. 1) gapped. 2) oppened.
booqe n. ox with white head. boonxira adj / n (?). ??
boqqi haxara np. curved mark. boonukko vi. to be proud.
boqqisukko vt. to bend sth. Morph: CAUS 1 of boora Variant: boolee. Pl: boolluwwa. n.
boqqukko. 1) salt-bar. 2) salt brine.
boqqooqqa adj. 1) crooked. 2) curved. 3) bent. Boora'a name. Boora'a.
boqqooqqamma Pl: boqqooqqammuwwa. n. booradisaancho Pl: booradisaano. n. trainer.
curve. booradisukko vt. to train. Morph: CAUS 1 of
boqqolla n. maize. From: Amh. b 㰯 lo; Soodo booradukko.
Gur./Orom. boqolo. booradishsha n. training.
boqqolli qorosho'o np. flat loaf prepared from booradukko vi. to be trained.
maize flour. booraancho Pl: booraano. n. lance (with long
boqqooma n. wickedness. Morph: singl. only. and broad blade).
boqqukko vi. 1) to be bent. 2) to refract. 3) to be borantichcha Variant: borochcho. [Status:
curved. 4) to be bent. 5) to be stubborn. 6) to check va / entry form] n. room used for
be wrong. ecstatic songs.
bolaale'e Pl: bolaale'uwwa. n. trousers. borara n. ??
boollaanka Morph: singl. boollaankichcho. n. boorjo'o n. chalk.
stars. borke'e n. 1) fresh rib of the ensete leave. 2) stark
bolfe'e Pl: bolfe'uwwa. n. type of tree. [Status: of the ensete plant. [Status: i.e. trunk ???
check meaning] According to Abraham: the "cover" (= bark ?)
bollochcho'o Pl: bollochcho'uwwa. n. of the ensete plant]
1) wedding. 2) marriage. [Status: check borqa adj. 1) turbid. 2) impure.
meaning !] borqoqa adj. not cooked properly.
bolokeeta Pl: bolokeettuwwa. n. brick. From: borqo'o adj. murky, cloudy, dull.
Engl. block ?? borqukko vi. 1) to be turbid. 2) to be murky, to
bolola adj. bright. be cloudy. 3) to be impure. 3) to be dull.
bololukko vi. 1) to shine. 2) to be bright. [Status: boroda n. ecstatic singing.
check spelling and meaning] 3) to twinkle, to borodaancho Pl: borodaano. n. medium that
glitter. uses ecstatic songs.
boloona Pl: boloonnuwwa. n. screw. borodisukko vt. to send sb. into ecstasies.
bolxa n. pride, arrogance. boronsha Pl: boronshuwwa. n. wound on the
bolxoohane adj. 1) proud. 2) arrogant. head (due to fungus).
bolxukko vi. 1) to be proud. 2) to be arrogant. boronshukko vi. to be wounded on the head by
bollukko vi. 1) to shine. 2) to twinkle. 3) to glitter. fungus.
boomba Pl: boombuwwa. n. 1) bomb. 2) pipe. borosa n. grown grass.
3) riffle, shotgun. borosukko vi. to become grassland.
bombossa adj. flattened. boroxa Pl: boroxxuwwa. n. arrow.
bon beyyi mare'e np. dash. boroxo'o n. split of wood.
bon beyyo np. gap, blank. boroxukko vt (?). to split wood.
bona Pl: bonnuwwa. n. ensete plant at the end of borsa Pl: borsuwwa. n. 1) handbag. 2) bag.
the dry season. From: from Engl. "purse". 3) purse.
boona Pl: boonnuwwa. n. limestone. boorukko vt. to accumulate.
bonca Pl: boncuwwa. n. pharynx, throat. bossissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of bossukko.
boncaamo adj. 1) eating much. 2) not full (of 1) to offend sb. 2) to hurt sb.'s feelings.
food). booso Pl: boossuwwa. n. clay pot.
boonda n. metal stipe. bosora Variant: bosoro. n. type of ensete.
boonde'e adj. uncontrolled (of body). bosoosa adj. butterless, without butter.
boondooqa adj. 1) gapped. 2) opened. bosoosukko vi. not to be buttered.
Bonga name. Bonga. [Status: check ee] bossukko vi. 1) to feel hurt. 2) to be offended.
boongukko v. ?? bootta'a Pl: bootta'uwwa. n. boot. From: Engl.
bonka n. mosquito, gnad. bootaara adj. alert.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 21

bootaarukko buna

bootaarukko vi. to become alert. bu'i firifira np. food prepared from ensete starch.
bootaassukko vt. 1) to make alert. 2) to bu'i qorosho'o np. flat loaf prepared from ensete
motivate. starch.
bottode'e n. big/wide pot. bujana Pl: bujannuwwa. n. ox sacrifice.
bottolla adj. dry. bujanna n. 1) food prepared from ensete nodule
boxooxa adj (?). contained (the growth). [Status: and bullo. 2) sacrifice in kind. From: Kamb.
check meaning] bujanukko vi. to make a sacrifice.
booyya Pl: booyyuwwa. n. island. bukkamukko vi. to melt. Morph: PASS of
booyyaansa n. irony. Morph: singl. only. bukkukko.
booye'e Pl: booye'uwwa. n. canal. bukkaancho Pl: bukkaano. n. smith. [Status:
booyyinna Pl: booyyinnuwwa. n / adj (?). check meaning !]
1) bald head. 2) hairless. bukeesukko vt. Morph: CAUS of buka'-. 1) to
booyinnamo adj. bald (-headed). ferment. 2) to let rise.
booyyinnukko vi. to be/become bald. buke'ukko [Status: check spelling / entry
bu'ana Pl: bu'annuwwa. n. 1) muscle. 2) sinew, form - was: buka'ukko] vt (vi ?). 1) to
string. 3) vein, artery. ferment. 2) to rise.
bubba adj (n??). blind. buko'o Pl: buko'uwwa. n. dough.
bubbaa'ukko vt. 1) to cause to burn with bukkukko vt. to melt. [Status: check HCD s.v.
flames. 2) to put on fire. [Status: check melt vi]
meaning] buqa 1) n. mould. 2)
buubbeesaancho Pl: buubbeesaano. n. — adj. mouldy.
1) widow. 2) widower, divorced man. buuqa Pl: buuqquwwa. n. fart (of dog).
[Status: check meaning !!] buqqamukko [Status: check
buubbeesaanchotte n. widow, divorced spelling - underlined by AT] vi. to melt.
woman. Morph: PASS of buqqukko ?
buubbeesukko vi. to become beautiful. buuqaashshi n. shortness. [Status: check
bubbukko vi. 1) to burn into flames. 2) to blaze meaning !!!; Abraham has for this (??) entry:
up, to flame. 3) to sparkle, to twinkle, to itching skin disease (dry neck); people think
gleam. 4) to be irritated. 5) to be unable to you get it if sb. spits at you]
see. buqbuqukko vi. 1) to steam. 2) to be frightend.
bucbucaa'ukko vt. to wash. buqukko vi. 1) to go mouldy. 2) to weather. 3) to
bucuqukko vi (?). 1) to spit. 2) to ejaculate. decay.
buchcha n. Morph: singl. only. 1) soil. 2) dust. buqukko vt. to generate.
3) ground. buqukko Variant: bubuqukko. vt. to pour out.
buchchi moollanno'o np. land owner. buquuqa n. disease that infects the ensete nodule.
buchchi mu'uta np. earth goods. [Status: cf. buquuqukko vt. 1) to roast. 2) to fry.
HCD s.v. "pottery"] buqu'l haqqa np. malt wood (in home).
buudaam diinate np. 1) cattle. 2) livestock. buqula n. malt.
buddeenna n. injera. From: Oromiffa? Seems to buqulukko vt (?). 1) to malt. 2) to germinate.
be a Cushitic term. buqurukko vi (?). to germinate.
buudo Pl: buudduwwa. n. 1) horn. 2) direction. bula adj. 1) grey (nearer to white). 2) black and
buduna Pl: budunnuwwa. n. 1) team. 2) club. white spotted horse.
From: Amh. bulla n. ensete starch. From: Amh.
buufaalla adj. moist. bule'e Pl: bule'uwwa. n. calabash.
buufaalli ayyera np. humidity. bullo Variant: bulla. [Status: check va (KIRB
buufaancho Pl: buufaano. n. sb. who blows 415)] n. Morph: singl. only. 1) flour.
leather. [Status: check meaning; tanner ?] 2) roasted ground grain. From: cf. Amh.
buufichcho n (?). softy. [Status: check meaning] basso. 3) barley with butter. 4) porridge.
buufisaancho Pl: buufisaano. n. sb. who 5) type of food prepared from ensete.
wets/sprinkles. buloona Pl: buloonnuwwa. n. nut. [Status:
buufukko vi. 1) to bellow. [Status: check check precise meaning]
meaning: to tan (leather) ?] 2) to be bulxuqaa'ukko v. ??
moistened. bullukko'o Pl: bullukko'uwwa. n. 1) blanket.
buuge'aamo adj. nosy. [Status: check precise 2) cloak. 3) traditional shirt (for women).
meaning] bulluqukko vi. to emerge.
bugodichcho n. aarvark. bumuchcho'o n. food prepared from ensete
buuha n. mould. starch.
buheeso'o n. fermented ensete mass of minor bu'n mine Pl: bu'n minnewwa. np. coffee house.
quality. buna n. coffee. Morph: singl. only. From: Amh.
buuhukko vi. to be moulded. bunna.

22 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

buuna buuzalukko

buuna n. as horn (?). [Status: check meaning] buruqaa'ukko vt. 1) to uproot. 2) to dig up. 3) to
bunnachchukko vi. to eat too much. pull out / - up.
buunaamo adj. as horn. [Status: check meaning buruusha Pl: buruushshuwwa. n. brush.
(ivory ??)] burza Pl: burzuwwa. n. wound (of pack-animal).
bunnaa'ukko vt. to break. burzha'a n. bourgeois. Morph: singl. only.
bunbunnaa'ukko vt. 1) to break up. 2) to burzukko vi. to be wounded (for pack-animal).
shatter. 3) to wreck. busara Pl: busalluwwa. n. widow.
bunche'e n. husk of maize. busaro Pl: busalluwwa. n. widower.
bunchukko vt. Morph: cf. bunn- / binn. 1) to buskuuta n. buiscuit. Morph: singl. only. From:
husk. 2) to remove husk of maize. 3) to Engl.
crumble. [Status: check meaning !] busula n / adj (?). 1) cooked food.
bunni bunnukko vp. to shatter. 2) knowlegeable.
buni mine np. bar. busulooma n. wisdom. Morph: singl. only.
bunkashee Pl: bunkashewwa. n. hip. busulukko vi. 1) to be cooked enough. 2) to
buu'nnukko vi. 1) to eat with bulging cheeks. know best.
2) to taste sth. 3) to try sth. buusha Pl: buushshuwwa. n. cork.
bu'o n. 1) liquid part of ensete food. [Status: check bushaalla adj. 1) cheap. 2) not sweet. 3) foolish.
meaning] 2) ensete starch. 3) spring (of 4) ugly. 5)
water). 4) source. — interj. no, it's not like that.
buuphpha adj. 1) chubby. 2) thrike. 3) well bushinaamo adj. 1) cheap. 2) for free.
developed. 4) grown fat. bushisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of bushukko.
buuphphaalla adj. fat. 1) to make cheap. 2) to belittle.
buuphphisukko vt. to magnify. Morph: CAUS bushukko vi. 1) to be cheap. 2) to be
1 of buuphphukko. unsweetened. 3) to be profane. 4) to be ugly.
buuphphukko vi. to be magnified. buutta n / adj. 1) pipe. 2) grey.
bura adj. despised, cheap. buttalla adj. ??
bura'a n. Morph: singl. only. 1) straw. 2) hey. buttaa'ukko vt. 1) to make fine. 2) to make thin.
buraa'isukko vt. to have sth. sprinkled. Morph: 3) to break.
CAUS 1 of buraa'ukko. butbuttaa'ukko vt. 1) to break up. 2) to be thin.
buraaqa n. merriment. 3) to be fine.
buuraam luwwa np. 1) a thing of considerable butteesukko vt. 1) to break up. 2) to smash.
weight. 2) 3) to shatter.
— adj. remarkable. buttukko vi. to be broken into pieces.
buraayyo Pl: buraayyuwwa. n. lip. buutumbuuta n. woodworm.
burco'o n. type of bird (similar to bat). [Status: Bux Godo name. Bux Godo. [Status: check ee]
check meaning] buxa Variant: buxima. 1) adj. poor. 2)
burcuqo'o Pl: burchuqo'uwwa. [Status: check — n. poverty.
spelling!!!] n. glass (for drinking). From: buxichcho Pl: buxa. 1) n. poor. 2)
Amh. — adj. poor.
burche Pl: burchewwa. n. 1) maize cob. 2) red. buxooma n. poverty. Morph: singl. only.
[Status: check meaning!] buxoomukko vi. to be poor.
burqaa'aancho Pl: burqaa'aano. n. buxukko vi. to become poor.
1) plough-man. 2) plough (the tool). buuy shaana np. cherratis. [Status: i.e. ??
burqukko vt (?). to plough (virgin land). Abraham has "leave of cabbage"]
buuro n. Morph: singl. only. 1) butter. buuy shunkurta np. green onion. [Status: check
2) ointment. From: from Ital. burro. meaning; Abraham has: "leave of onion"]
buuro cambimma vp. to wash butter. buyya Pl: buyyuwwa. n. leaf (of tree).
buuro fissukko vp (vt). to prepare butter. buyyi afo'o np. stomata.
Morph: CAUS 1 of buur firukko. buyyi agada [Status: check spelling (HED: one
buuro'o n. type of cabbage. word (without ' !!)] np. petiole.
bursiixxamukko vi. to argue. Morph: buyyishira n. venation. [Status: check spelling
PASS/MED of bursiixxukko. (two words ?)]
buursuume Pl: buursuummewwa. n. schemer. buuzala adj. well cooked.
burtukaana Morph: pl. tant. n. orange. buuzalo'o adj (??). well cooked.
burrukko vi. 1) to fly. 2) to run. From: Amh. ?? buuzalukko vi. to be cooked enough.
[Status: spelling with two r ....]

C - c

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 23

cababaato caraq lade

cababaato n. relaxation. Morph: singl. only. caakkukko vi. 1) to shine. 2) to give light, to get
cababukko vi. to relax. lighted. [Status: check meaning !!] 3) to be
cabbaramma adj. sraped. late morning. 4) to be clear.
cabbaraancho Pl: cabbaraano. n. sb. who caqasukko vt. 1) to wait for sb./sth. eagerly.
scrapes. 2) to check.
cabbarukko vt. to scrape. ca'lla n. splitted part (of wood).
cabxo'o n. gonorrhea. Morph: singl. only. calaggukko vi. to be neurotic.
caca adj (?). ?? calalukko vi. to jump.
Cacca name. Cacca. [Status: which woreda ?] caallancha n. transitivity. Morph: singl. only.
caca'a n. type of plant. [Status: check meaning] caallanchi haalata np. property of transitivity.
cacabsa adj (?). coloured white with red. calasa n. type of night bird (like bat).
[Status: check meaning] calcalaa'ukko vt. to hang.
caacaayukko vi. 1) to chirp. 2) to be noisy. calcaleeta n (?). being busy.
cacukko vp. to repair. calcalukko vi. to hang. [Status: see HCD s.v.
caacukko vi. to chatter. hang (to swing freely)]
cade Pl: caddewwa. [Status: check calle'e Pl: calle'uwwa. n. type of an ornament
spelling - cade'e ??] n. green skin of ensete (used to tie on one's neck or hands).
sheath. callisukko vp. to lift. Morph: CAUS 1 of
cade'e n. 1) covering part of ensete. 2) spring like. callukko ?
[Status: check meaning] calqa adj. handsome.
cafa Variant: cawa. Pl: caffuwwa. [Status: check calqayukko vi. 1) to become weak. 2) to become
va (WHS)] n. 1) marsh, swamp. 2) muddy handsome.
place. caallo'i poloneeshiina np. cross pollination.
caafa Pl: caaffuwwa. n. branch (of tree). caallukko vi / vt (?). 1) to jump (using only one
caafo Pl: caaffuwwa. [Status: check leg). [Status: Marqos meaning "to walk
entry - caafa ?] n. family branch. [Status: quickly" could not be confirmed by
check meaning; derived from pers. name] Abraham] 2) to cross.
cafukko vt / vi (?). 1) to crush (esp. ensete). 2) to caa'mma n. Morph: singl. only. 1) sunshine.
become marshy/swampy. 2) sun radiation.
caafulukko vt. to smudge. caamma'a n. shoes. Morph: singl. only. From:
cagagaa'ukko vt. to cause to die. Amh.
cagagukko vi. 1) to sleep. 2) to die smoothly. cambalaqa Pl: cambalaqquwwa. n. 1) ocean.
[Status: check meaning] 2) hollow.
caakka Pl: caakkuwwa. 1) n. light. 2) cambalaqukko vt (?). to overflood.
— adj. clear. 3) greeting at Eastern. cambo'o adj (?). 1) no use. 2) as nothing.
caakka fooqaa'aancho Pl: caakka cambukko vt (?). 1) to mix butter with spice.
fooqaa'aano. np. light-switch. 2) to smudge.
caakkaakko luwwa [Status: check entry ca'mqasaako [Status: check entry form] n.
form] np. explicit. morning.
caakkaakko woca [Status: check entry form / cammukko vi. 1) to keep quiet. [Status: check
meaning] np. explicit. meaning - Abraham cannot confirm this one]
caakki manna np. people of the light. [Status: 2) to eat noisily.
check meaning / ee] cana Pl: cannuwwa. n. 1) bag of goatskin.
caakkisaa moo'isimma [Status: check entry 2) leather pouch sack. 3) bellows.
form] np. demonstration. cancanukko vt. 1) to bite (of dog). 2) to attack.
caakkisaakka'a atoorarukko [Status: check 3) to beat.
entry form] vp. to discuss. caancufukko vt. 1) to wrinkle. 2) to crease. 3) to
caakkisaanchi xum sagara np. adjective. rumple.
caakkisaancho Pl: caakkisaano. 1) adj. cancukko vt. 1) to criticize, to comment on. 2) to
explanatory. 2) adjective. 3) interpreter. make a loud noise.
caakkisimma np (?). 1) expression. canqarukko vt. to beat. [Status: check
2) discussion. meaning]
caakkisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of caakukko. capharaato n. groin.
1) to light (up), to make light. 2) to shine capho n. hidden part. [Status: check meaning]
(sun). 3) to clarify, to explain. 4) to reveal. cara n. type of flesh which does not cut. [Status:
cakkishsha [Status: check check meaning]
spelling - caakkishsha ?] n. literature. caara Pl: caalluwwa. n. 1) hint. 2) ray of light.
caakkishsha Pl: caakkishshuwwa. n. caraachcho n. type of aerborial (??) animal.
1) explanation. 2) statement. [Status: check meaning]
caakko [Status: check entry form] adj. obvious. caraq lade np (?). beautiful. [Status: check

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 24

caraqa cii'mma

meaning] cenqe'llukko vi. 1) to lurk, to stalk. 2) to walk

caraqa adj. 1) slim. 2) thin. 3) beautiful. carefully.
caraqukko vi. 1) to be slim. 2) to become thin. ceensiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 2 of ceemukko.
caaralla n. opening. 1) to hurt sb.'s feelings. 2) to be tired of
caarallukko vi. to be opened narrowly. sb./sth.
carata adj. tender. ceensukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of cheemukko.
caargaalla adj. transparent. 1) to cause to hate. 2) to cause to despise.
cargosa adj. beautiful. [Status: check meaning] 3) to cause to find sb./sth. disgusting.
carqa Pl: carquwwa. n. 1) cloth. 2) rag. ceranna n. a type of cat. [Status: check precise
carota [Status: check spelling (caroota)] n. rue. meaning]
caaroota n. medicinal herb. cee'ukko vt. to accumulate.
caata n. chat, khat. Morph: singl. only. From: ciba'a adj. rainy.
Amh. cat; Arab. qat; Kamb. cata; Wol. catiya. cibe'e Pl: cibe'uwwa. n. 1) louse eggs, nits.
ca'ukko vi. 1) to run out. 2) to be finished. [Status: check numerus] 2) louse. [Status:
cawwa adj. silent. check meaning!]
cawwa wo'ukko vp (vt). 1) to remember. 2) to cicciissa n. 1) grazing. 2) pasture. [Status: check
hold sth. against sb. meaning]
cawwukko vi. 1) to be quiet, to be silent. 2) to ciicoolla Variant: ciicora. [Status: check va
be content. (WHS)] n. chicks. Morph: * ciil cora'a.
cawussukko vi. to listen. cida n. 1) chaff. 2) straw. [Status: check meaning]
cee'ammi enerje'e np. potential energy. ciifa Pl: ciiffuwwa. n. drop.
cebba adj. 1) flat. [Status: s HCD s.v. plain] cifaa'ukko vi. 1) to drop. 2) to drip.
2) down. cififukko vt. to fill.
cebbeyyo n. plain. Morph: * cebbi beyyo. ciffite n. fullness.
cebbukko vt. 1) to deepen. 2) to flatten. ciifukko vi. to drop.
ceecimukko vt. 1) to attack. 2) to beat. 3) to cigga Pl: cigguwwa. n. stunt.
assault. ciggaara adj (?). 1) being noisy. 2) making a loud
cefancha n. being soaked. noise. 3) making a racket.
cefaancho Pl: cefaano. n. sb. who soaks. cigo'o adj (?). 1) scrubby (tree). 2) stunt (plants).
cefo'o n. Morph: singl. only. 1) pepper with milk. ciggukko vi. to become stunted.
2) crude drinking. cii'i baalle'e np. feather.
ceefo'o n. 1) addicted people. 2) pull with nose cii'i do'na vp. bird's nest.
w/o (?) made from tobacco. [Status: check cii'i mine vp. bird's nest.
meaning] cii'i muuna np. 1) singing of the birds.
cefukko vi (?). to soak. 2) morning (from 5:30 - 6:30 a.m.).
ceefukko vt. to immerse. cii'ichcho Pl: cii'a. [Status: check spelling - is
cekka part. next to. [Status: check meaning !] "chick" to be put under this entry?] n.
cekko Pl: cekkuwwa. n. shoulder blade. 1) small bird. 2) chick. 3) one who gives
ceeqit mare'e np. hyphen. information. 3) chance.
ceeqite Pl: ceeqittuwwa. n. mark. cii'isa n. type of bird disease. [Status: check
cequkko vi / vt (?). 1) to stay. 2) to gather. meaning]
[Status: check meanings (HEAD had as Impf ciikka Pl: ciikkuwwa. n. 1) trail. 2) hint,
"stead gathered"] information.
ceemma n. hatred. Morph: singl. only. ciqimaata Pl: ciqimaattuwwa. n. top part of
ceemmaalla adj. Morph: * ceema ? 1) lazy. head / skull. [Status: check entry (-maato ?
2) idle. and meaning - brain?)]
ceemmalukko [Status: check entry ciqimaato n. 1) brain. [Status: HED had:
form - underlined by AT !] vi. to be lazy. jelly-like material in the skull] 2) skull.
ceemme [Status: check spelling: ci'lla Variant: ciru. n. rust.
HCD - ceemma] n. laziness. Morph: singl. ciila Morph: singulative: ciilichcho. Pl:
only. ciilluwwa. n. 1)
cemera adj. thin. — adj. very small. 2) minute. 3)
ce'mmera adj. fixed. — n. child (until age of ca. 4 years).
ceemukko vi/vt. 1) to hate. 2) to dislike. 3) to cilfa n. ladle.
despise. 4) to find sb./sth. disgusting. 5) to be ciilichcho [Status: check entry form - ciila ?] n.
bored. 6) to be lazy. [Status: check meaning ! baby.
(ceemalukko ?)] ciilloomano n. childhood.
cenfaa'ukko vt. to pierce slightly. ci'llukko vi. to rust.
cengeegga adj. 1) uninitiated. 2) not fully flown. ciima n (?). ??
cengeraalichcho Pl: cengeraala. n. kite. cii'mma adj. frugal. [Status: check meaning]

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 25

ciima wansukko cuungisukko

ciima wansukko vp (vt). Morph: CAUS 1 of combo'o n. coffee boiled the second time.
ciima wamukko (?). 1) to press. 2) to fill. comoqa n. dirt.
cimma'a adj. deep. cooncaa'ukko vt. 1) to make sb. to look. 2) to
cimma'ukko vi. to be deep. see.
cimba Pl: cimbuwwa. n. type of fly. [Status: conco'nnukko vi. 1) to be restless. 2) to lack
check meaning] discretion. [Status: check meaning]
cimbe'e Pl: cimbe'uwwa. n. gnat. cooncukko vi. 1) to look. 2) to see.
cimcii'mma adj. greedy. [Status: check meaning] cone'e n. the last milk.
ciimo'o issukko vp. to influence. copha n. drop.
ciimo'ukko vt. to affect. coophaaro'o n. food consisting of mixed butter,
ciimukko vt. 1) to stress. 2) to press sb. to do sth. cabbage and cheese.
cinnakka n. sorghum/barley fungus. cophissukko vi. Morph: CAUS 1 of cophukko.
cinnakkukko vi. to be attacked by fungus (esp. 1) to drop. 2) to rain.
sorghum). cophukko vi. 1) to leak. 2) to drop. 3) to become
ciincukko vt. to rub raw. [Status: check hot (esp. for sex).
meaning] cora n. tinny chain (like ornament).
cine'e n. type of calf disease. cora'a n. young of animal.
ciinfa adj (?). moistened with tears / water. core n. 1) pond. 2) pool.
ciinfukko vi (?). to bring mucus out from the core'e n. riverside.
eye. corqaafa Pl: corqaaffuwwa. n. whip.
cingiraalla n. hawks. corochcha n. shouting.
cinqamukko [Status: check entry - AT doesn't coroochcho n. a narrow land.
know] vi. to be embarrassed. Morph: PASS corooqa n. inedible mushroom. [Status: check
of cinqukko. meaning]
ciinsamukko vi. Morph: MED/PASS of coro'o n. 1) babblins. 2) chatter.
ciinsukko. 1) to burst. 2) to be bursting. coro'ukko vi. 1) to chatter. 2) to babble. 3) to
ciinso'o n. juice. shout.
ciinsukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of ciinukko / co'ukko vt. to bark (a tree).
* ??? 1) to squeeze. 2) to wring out. coo'ukko vt. 1) to peel. 2) to skin. 3) to flay
cira'a n. 1) information. 2) little developed ensete (animal). 4) to unsheath. 5) to strip off.
seedlings. [Status: check meaning / spelling] cube'e n. daggar.
ciraamo adj. very cowardly. cubboo n. 1) dishonesty. 2) injustice. 3) sin.
cireessichcho Pl: cireessa. n. 1) traditional cubboobee'e adj. honest.
doctor. 2) cultural surgeon. cubbo'o n. ill will.
cireessukko vt. to operate culturally. cubo'oomma n. work done with ill will.
cirgokka n. type of human disease. [Status: check cubbo'ukko vi. to work with ill will.
meaning] cufcufaa'ukko vt. to wash. [Status: check
ciro n. 1) faeces. 2) excrement. 3) shit. [Status: meaning]
check style ...] cuukka n. type of food. [Status: check meaning]
ciiroonta n. type of tree. [Status: check meaning] cukkamukko vi. Morph: PASS/REFL of
cirukko vt. to defecate. cukkukko ? 1) to make friction. 2) to do
ciisannichcho n. 1) tenant. 2) farmer. reluctantly.
cissiisukko vt. to enforce. Morph: CAUS 1 of cukkukko vt. 1) to rub. 2) to massage. 3) to twist.
cissukko. [Status: could not be confirmed by Abraham;
cishana n. black mustard. prob. cukimma, "to rub"]
coo'amma adj. peeled. cuquluusa n. type of green bird. [Status: check
cooca n (?). ?? meaning]
cooce'e n. stove. cuqqunna n. 1) dirt. 2) rubbish. 3) filth.
cocukko vi (?). to use a lot of ornaments on one's culqo'o adj. concentrated.
neck/hand. cuma n. 1) chyme. 2) cow stomach (and its
cofola adj. mixed. [Status: check meaning] content).
cogamaancho n. sb. who is oppressed. cuuma Morph: singl cuuncho. n. big black ants.
cogamukko vi. to be oppressed. Morph: PASS of cumbuluqukko vi. to become slippery.
cogukko. cuumcho Pl: cuuma. n. black ant.
cogancha n. oppression. cumeexxukko vi. 1) to be satisfied. 2) to be rich.
cogukko vt. 1) to suck. 2) to pluck out cuu'nna n. type of creeping ivy / vine. [Status:
(hair/meat). check meaning]
coggukko vi. 1) to drop. 2) to leak. cuunga n. the last drop.
coqorsa n. grown grass. cuungisukko vt. to pour to the last drop. Morph:
collonga adj (?). ?? CAUS 1 of cuungukko.

26 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

cuungishsha dabaransakkam mu'uta

cuungishsha n. pouring to the last drop. grinding).

cuungukko vi. 1) to drink to the last drop. 2) to curqa n. 1) tatters. 2) rag. 3) scrap. From: Amh.
gulp. 3) to drive animals. curqaanukko vt. to patch.
cunqullaa'ukko vi. 1) to drink. 2) to sleep. 3) to curukko vi. to leak.
slumb. curuqukko vi. 1) to run out. 2) to be finished.
cunquraa'ukko vi. 1) to drink at once. 2) to cururaa'ukko vt. 1) to make to flow. 2) to spill.
gulp down. 3) to take far away. 3) to drain. 4) to leak.
cupha Pl: cuphphuwwa. n. 1) stick of mortar. cururukko vi. to flow.
[Status: check meaning] 2) club (used for

Ch - ch
chabara n. a type of veneral disease. [Status: meaning]
check meaning - syphilis ?] chifchifo'o name. one Cent (of ETB).
chabbukko vi. to float. chikchikkukko vi. 1) to refuse. 2) to move.
chare'e Morph: singl. charekkichcho. n. type of [Status: check meaning]
small bird that sucks cow blood. chillayyukko vt. to overlook.
chaarja n. charge. chilchiyyeesa n. type of sistrum. [Status: check
chaarta n. chart. meaning !]
chaarta baxukko vp. to prepare a chart. chilchiyukko vi. to be ticked. [Status: check
chaarta moo'isukko vp (mr). to demonstrate a meaning !]
chart. Morph: CAUS 1 of chaarta chinee n. a type of calf disease.
moo'ukko. chingaraalla n. hawk.
chaayissukko vt. to entertain. Morph: CAUS 1 chira'a n. type of duster used to fend away flies.
of chaayukko. [Status: check precise meaning]
chaayite n. playing. chirchirukko vi. to wander about.
chaayukko vi. 1) to play. 2) to relax. 3) to chirite n. walk (for pleasure).
entertain. chirukko vi. to walk for pleasure.
che interj. command for horses, mules, etc. to go. choobaro'o n. food served at the grechotta feast.
chefacho [Status: check spelling - Alemayehu, chooka n. chalk. From: cf. Engl. "chalk".
June 7: chefancho] n. big pot. [Status: check chokaata n. the act of ejecting.
meaning against jalo'o - synonyms?] chokaatukko vi. to be ejected.
cheffukko vi. to become light. chone'e n. cow whose milk is petering out.
chelle saayya np. fetish cow. From: Amh. chowaama n. bark (of tree).
chera n. eyelid. chubbite n. jumping.
cherekichcho n. dishonest (person). chubbukko vi. 1) to jump. 2) to dance.
cheeza n. chess. chufa n. dregs, roughage. [Status: check
-chi suff. common for female names. meaning !!]
chibussa n. Islamic dances. chufukko vt. 1) to squeeze. 2) to dry. 3) to
chichifo'o [Status: check spelling - chifchifo'o ?] become dregs/roughage.
n. one cent (coin). chuko n. slightly roasted grain flour.
chiicho'o n. a type of Hadiyya cultural play.
chif interj. command for cats to go. [Status: check

D - d
daabba n (?). ?? daba'llamcha n. variation.
dabachcha n. Morph: * dabarcha. 1) answer. daba'llamoobee'ane adj (?). constant.
2) response. 3) return. daba'llamukko vi. Morph: PASS of
daabbachcha n. gambol. daba'llukko. 1) to become varied. 2) to
dabaqa n. type of tree. [Status: check meaning] become changed. 3) to pass to and fro.
dabaqula n. pumpkin (edible). From: Orom. / daba'llanchaalo'o n. commutative property.
Soodo Gur. dabaqula; Amh. bahir-qil, daba'llukko vi. Morph: REFL of dabar-. 1) to
yeqwara-ar㰼. return. 2) to come back. 3) to change. 4) to
daba'llaa moo'ukko vp. to revise. reply. 5) to turn around.
daba'llakka'a moochcha vp (?). revision. dabaraa woroolla vp. back.
daballaqukko vt. 1) to confuse. 2) to get sth. in dabaransa n. transport, transportation.
a mess. From: Amh. dabaransakkam mu'uta [Status: check entry
daba'llamaancho adj (?). variable. form] np. spare parts.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 27

dabaransukko dambagna

dabaransukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of -da'el suff. may be.

dabaramukko. 1) to transport. 2) to da'el hayata np. singing early in the morning.
exchange. From: Amh. ?
dabarukko vt. 1) to return. 2) to answer. 3) to -daa'emi suff. when. Morph: postposition. From:
reply. 4) to change. 5) to block. 6) to draw. cf. Amh. end㧯on㻦.
7) to turn. daafa n. perpertration.
daabbarukko vi. to gambol. daafa xooxa np. 1) pretense. 2) cause. 3) reason.
dabassa n. 1) exchange. 2) change. 3) reform. [Status: check meaning]
dabassamoobee'ane [Status: check entry daafaancho Pl: daafaano. n. perpetration.
form] adj. even. [Status: check meaning - perpetrator?]
dabassamukko vt. to swap. dafaxa Pl: dafaxxuwwa. n. 1) accident.
dabassancha n. reaction. 2) happening (harmful).
dabassukko vt. Morph: CAUS of dabar-. 1) to daafukko vt. 1) to perpetrate. 2) to commit a
change. 2) to exchange. crime.
daabbassukko vt. to make sb. gambol. dagaaga adj. large.
daabaayya adj (?). 1) stretched out. 2) lied daageechcho n. baboon.
down (to sleep). SCW (sn 1f)) dago'o n. food given to field workers.
dabayyichcho Pl: dabayya. n. 1) mouse. 2) rat. dagude'e n. 1) winnowing basket. 2) big plaited
[Status: check meaning (prob. only mouse)] plate.
daabaayyisukko vt. to make sb./sth. lie down. daggukko vi. to curdle.
Morph: CAUS 1 of daabaayyukko. dahaancho Pl: dahaano. n. anvil.
daabaayyukko vi. to lie down. dahukko vi (?). to make the bed.
daabo n. haunch. [Status: hip ?] daa'imaancho Pl: daa'imaano. n. traveller.
daabbo'o n. bread (sour). daa'imansa n (?). transportation. [Status: could
dabtara Pl: dabtalluwwa. n. exercise book. not be confirmed by Abraham]
From: Amh. daa'imukko vi. 1) to travel. 2) to go on journey.
dabukko vt. to cut in small pieces. [Status: daajje Variant: daajja. n. river. Morph: *
meaning could not be confirmed by Abraham daadd-ya.
(suggests: murimma)] dakka n. carpet, mat.
dabukko vt. 1) to sequestrate. 2) to insert. daktaayila n (?). ductile.
dachche'aamo n. land owner. dakkukko vt. to hide.
dachche'e n. owned land. daakkute adj (?). 1) civilian. 2) peaceful.
dadda'l dirijjita np. firm. [Status: check precise daqayye n. 1) field. 2) pasture. 3) flat land.
meaning] daqiiqa Pl: dagiiqim. n. minute. From: Amh.
dadda'l mare'e np. brand. daqqukko vt. 1) to spread (a mat, etc.). 2) to
dadda'l xaaxxite [Status: check entry form] prepare the bed.
np. firm. daaqunaata Pl: daaqunaattuwwa. n. deacon.
daadaancho adj. liquid. From: Amh. ??
daddaraancho Pl: daddaraano. n. 1) trader. daquura n. Morph: singl. daquuchcho. 1) worm.
2) merchant. 2) caterpillar.
daadaraancho [Status: check entry daa'l uulla np. foreign country.
form - daadaancho ("liquid")?] n. electric dalakaa'ukko vi / vt (?). 1) to hide. 2) to
current. [Status: check meaning!!! lit. trader? provide.
"current" could not be confirmed by dalakukko vi. to be hidden.
Abraham] dallichcho n. hump (of zebu).
daddari edamaakkohane np. economic. dalkasa Pl: dalkassuwwa. n. part of body found
daddaro n. 1) trade, trading. 2) business. near the shoulder. [Status: check meaning]
daddarukko vt. 1) to trade. 2) to do business. Daltan Tiwore'e np. Dalton Theory.
daadeesaancho Pl: daadeesaano. n. observer. dam higukko vp. to offend.
daadeesukko vt. 1) to observe. 2) to explore. daamma Variant: daa'h-. n. millstone.
daadeeshsha n. observation. daamma n. honey from bee-like insect.
dadisukko vt. to make twisted. Morph: CAUS 1 daama'a adj. dark red.
of dadukko. damakase n. ??
dadoohane n. weaver. From: Amh. damaallichcho Pl: damaalla. n. 1) doe (female
daaduuba n. cloud. deer). 2) antelope.
dadukko vt. 1) to plait (rope). 2) to weave. 3) to damaama n. honey (separated from wax).
string (a bedstead). 4) to sow a mat. 5) to damaamiita Pl: damaamiittuwwa. n. device.
twist. damba n. gall-blader.
daadukko vi. 1) to spill. 2) to flow. 3) to melt dambagna Pl: dambagnuwwa. n. 1) customer.
away. [Status: check meaning] 2) client.

28 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

dambaka dareerukko

dambaka n. turmoil, unrest. daanga n. 1) border. 2) frontier. 3) limit.

dambaksukko vi. Morph: CAUS I of dangetukko vt. to do sth. very fast.
dambakukko. 1) to be rebellious. 2) to be dangisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of dangukko.
insurgent. 1) to happen accidentally. 2) to harm
dambaqa n. terror. suddenly. 3) to persuade. 4) to outwit sb.
dambaqisiisukko vt. to stir up sb. Morph: [Status: check meanings !!]
CAUS 2 of dambaqukko. dangisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of dangukko.
dambaqisukko vt. to terrorize. Morph: CAUS 1) to persuade. 2) to outwit sb.
1 of dambaqukko. dango n. speed. [Status: check meaning]
dambaqukko vi. to be terrorized. dangonne n [DAT] (?). 1) accidentally. 2) very
dambala n. 1) lake. 2) ocean. quickly.
dambalaq gooca np. port. dangukko vi. to be mistaken.
dambalaq suta np. gulf. daanninnato n. court. From: Amh.
dambalaqa n. sea. danqale n. type of cabbage.
Dambale name. Dambale. danqale'e adj. 1) fattened. 2) widened.
dambalii daadohane [Status: check entry dano n. 1) beauty. 2) goodness.
form] np. 1) creek. 2) brook. danoo liiranchaa np. leisure activities.
dambalukko vi. 1) to flood. 2) to prosper. dannooma n. authority.
dambi tokke'e np. anemia. dansukko Variant: dansisukko. vt. Morph:
dambo n. bile. CAUS 1 of danukko; cf. Shinasha. 1) to
daambuusa n. 1) calamity. 2) disaster. 3) wrath. make sb./sth. beautiful. 2) to adorn. 3) to
[Status: check meaning] decorate. 4) to clean sth. 5) to brighten up sth.
daamdiishsha Morph: singl 6) to repair.
daamdiishshichcho. n. bee-like insect. danta n. peers, friends.
dame'e n. type of spinach. [Status: check daanxo'o Pl: daanxo'uwwa. n. new unleavened
meaning; HED had - small edible plant] maize bread.
Daame'e name. Daame'e. danukko vi. 1) to be beautiful. 2) to be nice. 3) to
daammefichcho n. handy millstone. be clean. 4) to be just.
damfukko vi. 1) to conceit. 2) to bray. dappora n. type of ensete.
daammi diishsha np. type of honey beer. daphpha adj. 1) hidden. 2) secret. 3) implicit.
damigaancho Pl: damigaano. n. criminal. daaphphoohane n. scout.
damigisiisukko vt. to arouse sb. to commit a daphphukko vi. to hide.
crime. Morph: CAUS 1 of damigisukko. daaphphukko vi. 1) to see across. 2) to scout
damigo n. crime. out sth.
damigukko vi. to commit a crime. dara Pl: dalluwwa. n. morning.
damooza n. salary. From: Amh. darabishsha n. process of making thrown.
damukko vi/vt. 1) to have sexual intercourse (of darabo Morph: singl: darachcho. n. 1) peers,
animals). 2) to mate (of bull). 3) to be friends. 2) comrade.
damaged. [Status: check meaning !] darabukko vt. 1) to throw. 2) to hurl.
damuuma Variant: damuumo soola. [Status: daraabukko [Status: check spelling
check meaning of damuumo] n. 1) headache. (darabukko ?)] vt. to sweep away, to carry
2) pain. away, to sweep.
damuumukko vi. to catch headache. darajja n. stairs. From: Amh.
damunsukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of darba uulla np. pastureland.
damumukko. 1) to hurt. 2) to ache. darba'a Pl: darba'uwwa. [Status: check entry
daanna n. 1) judge. 2) chief. form - darba'aancho?] n. 1) nomad.
dannaba adj. communal. 2) nomad's herd. 3) pasture. [Status: check
dannabukko vi. to live as one wished. meaning]
danaamisa adv. 1) well. 2) properly. darba'aancho Pl: darba'aano ?? / darba'a ??
danaamo adj. Morph: cf. dano. 1) good. n. nomad.
2) attractive. 3) beautiful, pretty. 4) just. darbachcha n. migration.
danaanaancho Pl: danaanaano. n. 1) steward. darba'ukko vi. to migrate. 2) to transhumance.
2) host. dareeramma [Status: check spelling (from
danaancho n. beauty, cleanness. dereerukko)] adj. torn.
danaanukko vi. to entertain. dareeramukko [Status: check entry - was:
dannaphphi sono'o np. communal system. dereeramukko] vi. to be torn. Morph: PASS
daanda adj. gray. of dareerukko.
daannechchi inqe np. ivory. dareerukko [Status: check entry - had var:
daaneechcho Pl: daane'e. n. elephant. dereerukko] vt. 1) to tear. 2) to detach. 3) to
Daanga n. Daanga. estrange.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 29

darukko digi'nnukko

darukko vi. to become morning. person.

darza'n xigo np. dozen. deensiite'e n. density.
dasa adj. slow. dereeramma adj (?). 1) torn (up). 2) cut opened.
dassa n. crushed ensete nodule. dereeramukko [Status: check entry form] vi.
daasa n. roof of fermentation pit. to tear up.
Dase'e name. Dase'e. [Status: check ee] dereerukko [Status: check entry
dasisukko vt. to delay. Morph: CAUS 1 of form - dareerukko ??] vt. to tear.
dasukko. dereessiisukko vt. to make sth./sb. be torn.
dasukko vi. 1) to be late (of person). 2) to delay. Morph: CAUS 1 of dereessukko (?).
3) to spend the time. dees mancho [Status: check entry form] n.
dassukko vi (?). to crush. 1) critical condition. 2) mortal danger.
dashsha n. swell. deesa n. sleeping place of a very sick person.
dashshisukko vt. to make swollen. Morph: deesimaa§l beyyo np. decimal place.
CAUS 1 of dashshukko. deesimaa'l sibiriixa np. decimal fraction.
dashshukko Variant: deshshukko. vi. to swell. deesimaa'l sono'o np. decimal system.
daata n. amniotic fluid. deesimaa'l tako'o np. decimal point.
daato'o n. umbrella. deesimaala adj. decimal.
daaxa n. type of grass. [Status: check meaning] deesimeetira n. decimetre.
daaxo'o Pl: daaxo'uwwa. n. umbrella. deetta'aamo adj / n (?). dignitary.
dawwa n. 1) communal labour. 1a) house built for deete'isukko [Status: check
many workers. [Status: check meaning !!] spelling - underlined by AT] vt. to dignify.
2) once only working-group of men. 3) feast. Morph: CAUS 1 of deete'ukko.
[Status: check meaning!] 4) feast-meal. deette'ukko vi. to be dignified.
daawwa'a n. cave. deetto'o n. dignity.
Daawwiit name. David. dibbe'e n. small drum.
daay n. 1) die. [Status: check meaning!!] 2) di-. dibino n. tapeworm.
dayya n. ?? dichchira n. system of embankment and moat.
daayisa n. dice. From: Engl. diddaaba adj. abusing.
daaymenda n. diamond. didaakshina n. deduction.
daayyo n. fellowship (esp. eating). didaaktiva adj. deductive.
dee'aachcha n. belch. diidaara n. orderliness.
dee'achchukko vi. to belch. diidaaramukko vi. to be arranged. Morph:
deebbo'o n. coriander. PASS of diidaarukko.
deeda n. spot on fore head (of cattle). diidaassaancho Pl: diidaassaano. n. 1) one
deddeenna n. ?? who sets in rows. 2) shelf.
deddeenaancho Pl: denneenaano. n. ?? diidaasiisaancho Pl: diidaasiisaano. n. one
deedichche n. name of animals. [Status: check who makes things set in rows.
meaning - certain type of animal?] diidaassiisukko vt. to have things set in rows.
deegara adj. 1) striped. 2) animal with colourful Morph: CAUS 1 of diidaassukko.
skin. diidaasukko vt. 1) to set in rows. 2) to arrange
deegarukko vt. to stripe. [Status: check meaning: in order.
to BE striped ?] didibba Pl: didibbuwwa. n. shin bone (of cow).
degeleshooma n. disablement. diddifa n. food (material ?) used to make alcohol.
dege'leshukko vi. to be disabled. [Status: check meaning]
deego'o Variant: degare. n. type of ensete. didukko vi. to shout loudly.
dekka n. face (?), page (?). [Status: check diffaakkohane adj. dark.
meaning; none given in HED (only cf to diffaa'ukko vt. 1) to exterminate. 2) to eradicate.
"ido")] 3) to abolish. 4) to wipe out.
deella n. a cow with short tail. diffukko vi. 1) to be eradicated. 2) to be
delasukko vi. to become slow. abolished. 3) to be deformed.
delba n. pool. digaachcho n. tie.
delbukko vt (?). to create a pool. digaadukko vt (?). 1) to tie the hind legs of a
delela n. 1) cantor. 2) leading voice. cow. 2) to place an obstacle.
deemma n. eyebrow. dige'e Pl: dige'uwwa. n. ploughing material.
demba n. custom. [Status: check meaning]
demokiraase'e n. democracy. digiba n. 1) cedar tree. 1b) East African yellow
deemmukko vt. 1) to refuse. 2) not to accept. wood. 2) grey coloured goat.
3) to wrath. digi'nnukko 1) vi. to shout loudly. 2)
deenammancho Pl: deenammanna ? [Status: — vt. to make excrate. [Status: check
check entry form - danaam mancho?] n. just meaning]

30 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

digiiramma dirimma

digiiramma adj. entangled. dimukko vi. to limp.

digiiramukko vi. to entangle. Morph: PASS of diimukko vi. to snore.
digiirukko. [Status: check whether PASS diina uulla np. desert, wilderness.
meaning ...] dina'a n. raffia grass.
digiiraancho n. 1) sb. who wrapps. 2) twister. diina'a n. 1) enemy (from outside). 2) murderer.
digiiransukko vi. to be entangled. Morph: diinate n. 1) cattle, domestic animals. 2) money,
CAUS 1 of digiiramukko. property. 3) wealth.
digire'e n. degree. diinate shallagukko vp. to calculate money, to
digiirukko vt. 1) to entangle. [Status: count money.
meaning ?] 2) to barb. diinaxxi qaxooma np. quantity of money.
diiha adj. empty. diinaxxi ministeera np. finance minister.
dihisukko vt. to empty sth. Morph: CAUS 1 of dinbisukko vi. 1) to become intoxicated. 2) to
dihukko. become drunk.
diihukko vi. to be empty. diinchukko vt. to beat.
di'ira adj & n. fat. diinda n. ripe fruit.
di'iraakkoohane adj. fat. diindaa'llicho Pl: diindaa'lla. n. 1) black
di'irubee'ane [Status: check entry beetle. 2) dung beetle. 3) wood-boring beetle.
form - NEG ??] adj. lean. 4) cricket. [Status: check meaning] 5) insect.
di'irukko vi. to be fat. [Status: check meaning !!]
Diikaarta name. Descartes (Rene). diindukko vi. to be ripe (of fruit).
dikkukko vt (?). to cover a hut roof. dingatanna adv. suddenly.
diqqa n (?). ?? dinnichcho n. potato. From: from Amh.
diqaa goboo hakiincho np. surgeon. [Status: dinniiqa n. choke (to make sick).
check lit. meaning] dininaa'aan sagachcha'a np (?). voiced.
diqakka'a gobimma [Status: check entry [Status: check meaning]
form - opereeshin ?] np. operation. dininaa'ukko vi (?). to (be?) shocked. [Status:
diqamma adj (?) / n (HED). torn, split. check ACT / PASS meaning]
diqammi shuku'lla np. opened hoof. dinkekichcho Pl: dinke'e. n. dwarf.
diqaasa n. 1) mead. 2) honey liquor. 3) wine. dinqa n. type of drink (made from honey).
[Status: check meaning] dinosa'ura n. dinosaur.
diqukko vt. 1) to split. 2) to tear. dippara n. other people's home. [Status: check
dilla adv (?). 1) downhill. 2) down. meaning]
dilbukko vi. to be fat (of animal). dippiloomaase'e n. diplomacy.
dillikka n. red pepper. dippiloomaat n. diplomat.
dilliisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of dillukko. dira n. 1) dust. 2) snuff.
1) to unload. 2) to let sth. drop. 3) to diraama'a n. drama.
miscarry. 4) to reduce. [Status: check the diraamichcha n. chant.
meaning!] 5) to remove sth. 6) to abort. 7) to diraamo adj. dusty.
relieve sb. diraamukko vt. Morph: * ??? (no PASS of
dillukko vi. 1) to descend. 2) to go down. 3) to dirukko ...). 1) to chant. 2) to boast. 3) to
decrease. 4) to become able to walk. [Status: threaten. [Status: check sn 2f !]
check meaning of sn 3 - above: to descend; diraancha n. type of traditional songs.
Abraham suggests "take'imma"] diraansukko vt. to make chant. Morph: *
dima adj & n. 1) limp. 2) lame (person). diraancha (n).
dimara n. clod. diraa'ukko vi. to sing. [Status: was: to boast]
dimba n. drunkenness. dirayyaamo adj. 1) dirty. 2) dusty. 3) grown
dimbaaba n. 1) wild date palm. 2) date palm tree. emaciated.
3) sun shade (made from palm leaves). dirbassa n ? ??
dimbaancho Pl: dimbaano. n. 1) drunk person. dirbo'o n. type of ensete.
2) drunkard. diire'ukko vi. 1) to hit sb./sth. very strongly. 2) to
dimbisukko vt. to intoxicate. Morph: CAUS 1 of boast. [Status: check meaning of this entry
dimbukko. and of diraa'imma]
dimbukko vi. 1) to be intoxicated. 2) to be/get dirgimmaa'ukko vt. 1) to beat. 2) to hit. 3) to
drunk. strike. 4) to darken.
dimdima Pl: dimdimmuwwa. n. rounded part of diriichcha Variant: diriichcho; diriiro. n. sleep.
the house. [Status: check meaning] diriichchii ki'ukko vp. to wake up (from sleep).
dimokraase'e [Status: check entry form] n. dirifa Pl: diriffuwwa. n. 1) den. 2) cavern.
democracy. From: Engl. 3) cave.
dimsukko vt. to make limp. Morph: CAUS 1 of dirigumma adj. 1) quiet. 2) taciturn.
dimukko (?). dirimma n. 1) metal piece. 2) exchange value.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 31

diriiraamo doora

[Status: check meaning] recognize.

diriiraamo adj. sleepy. doktochchi n. doctor. From: Engl (via Amh ??).
diriiro Variant: diriichcho. n. sleep. dooqa vt. bead.
diriirukko vi. 1) to sleep. 2) to nap. 3) to be doqdoqe'e n. motorbicycle.
sleepy. doo'l n. will(ing).
dirisa n. 1) flood. 2) torrent. 2) flowing rain water. doo'l bii'l angila np. alternate exterior angle.
dirisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of dirukko. 1) to doo'l wo'l angila np. alternate interior angle.
flood. 2) to erode. 3) to flow away. doola n. bell.
diriissukko vi. to be sleepy. Morph: CAUS 1 of doo'lla adj. selective.
dirukko (??). doollab keenaancho np. modern measurement.
dirkukko vi/vt. to climb (by rope). doollaba adj. modern.
dirqosha n. hay. doolaamo n. type of object hung at the neck.
dirukko vi. to become dusty. [Status: check meaning]
disjankishina n. disjunction. doo'llamoohane adj. preferably.
dissom issukko vp. to store sth. doolle n. 1) era, epoch. 2) period. 3) time.
distiileeshiina [Status: check spelling] n. doolle laba [Status: check entry form] np.
distillation. From: Engl. modern.
disxa n. saucepan. From: Amh. doo'llisukko vt. to make a selection. Morph:
disxe'e [Status: check entry form - HED: CAUS 1 of doo'llukko.
disxa ??] n. pan. doo'llo'o n. 1) selection. 2) election.
dissukko vt. 1) to put. 2) to put sth. down. 3) to doolloshsha kurukko vp. to recount history.
do. 4) to put sht. up. 5) to replace sth. doo'llukko vt. 1) to choose. 2) to select. 3) to
dishsha adj. sick. [Status: check meaning!!] elect.
diishshichcho Pl: diishsha. n. 1) bee. From: doo'm moochcho np. wild animal.
from Amh. ? 2) slanderer. doo'm woro np. 1) thicket. 2) brushwood.
diishshisechcho [Status: two words ?] np (?). [Status: check meaning - inside the forest ?]
beehive. dooma n. 1) forest (area). 2) dense. 3) many.
disho'o n. type of ensete. [Status: check meaning & spelling!]
dishshukko vi. to feel bad. 4) mattock. [Status: could not be confirmed
dishshukko vi. 1) to become sick. 2) to be sick. by Abraham] 5) hoe.
ditiryuma n. deutrium. dooma abooyyimma np / vp (?). forest
divaayzera n. divisor. conservation.
diyaabeetsa n. diabetes. dooma'a Pl: dooma'uwwa. n. mattock.
diyaafiraama n. diaphragm. domba Pl: dombuwwa. n. tool (?) to drive in ...
diyaagiraama n. diagram. (animals ??). [Status: check meaning]
diyaagonaala n. diagonal. Dombola name. ??
diyaameetira n. diametre. doomeena n. domain.
diizaana n. design. From: Engl. doomenukko vi. 1) to start. 2) to begin.
do'a adj. round. do'nna n. 1) nest. 2) bird nest.
do'aakkoohane [Status: check entry form] adj. doona n. dictionary, lexicon.
surrounded. doona'a adj. impatient.
do'aancho Pl: do'aano. n. visitor. doonamukko vi. to be registered. Morph: PASS
doobba n. 1) nettle. 2) weed. [Status: check of doonukko.
meaning] doonaancho n. registrar.
Doobanna name. Doobanna. doona'ukko vi. to become impatient.
Dooda name. Dooda. donda n. type of primitive umbrella.
doodichcho n. ?? dondiyya n. wooden bar with two iron tips.
doodineema n. duodenum. Donga name. Donga.
dodo'i'n adv (?). according to it's particular donishe'aamo adj. ??
nature. donqoroolla Variant: onkoroolla. adj.
dodo'o Pl: dodo'uwwa. n. dodo (kind of bird ??). 1) rounded. 2) spherical.
Dogosa name. Dogosa. doono'o n. hive of cereal container. [Status:
do'innee adv (?). in order, according to its nature. check meaning]
do'isukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of do'ukko. 1) to doonshe'aamo adj. ??
take around. 2) to lead sth. in a circle. 3) to doonshe'e n. ??
thresh by driving an ox. 4) to round sth. off. doonukko vt. to register.
Do'ishsha name. Do'ishsha. do'o n. 1) cycle. 2) round circular. 3) perimetre.
do'ishsha n. 1) circle. 2) circumference. 4) circumference.
do'ixxa adj. wise, thoughtful (mind). dophpha n (?). ??
do'ixxukko vi / vt (?). 1) to think. 2) to doora Pl: doolluwwa. n. 1) stomach. 2) belly.

32 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

dooraamo du'mmoro

dooraamo adj / n (?). 1) glutton. 2) big eater. dumb.

3) corpulent. duudi [Status: check entry form - duuda ?] adj.
dooro'o n. red soil. mute.
doose'e n. file. From: * dossier. duudukko vi. 1) to be dumb. 2) to be mute.
do'ukko [Status: check whether 2 DIFFERENT duduqukko vi. to be puzzled.
entries: do'ukko (to rotate etc. / doyyukko (to dufa n. wire grass.
migrate)] vi. 1) to move around, to roam. duufa Pl: duuffuwwa. n. calf of leg.
2) to wander. 3) to go through. [Status: check dufaachcha 1) adj. horizontal. 2)
meaning!] 4) to rotate. 5) to roll. [Status: — n. slope. 3) bias.
could not be confirmed by Abraham] 6) to be dufaachchi haxara np. horizontal mark.
round. 7) to visit. 8) to check. 9) to spy. duufafsure'e [Status: transnum. ?] n. breeches.
dooyya n. migration. dufaa'ukko vi. to lay down horizontally.
dooyyaancho Variant: dooyee'aancho. Pl: dufi n. horizon.
dooyyaano. n. 1) migrant. 2) immigrant. dufite adv. 1) across. 2) horizontal. 3) transverse.
3) refugee. 4) nomad. dufukko vi. 1) to rest one's head on one's hands.
dooyyaano Morph: pl. n. deceased (persons). 2) to recline (to eat). [Status: check the
dooyyukko vi. 1) to migrate. 2) to move around. second meaning!]
3) to move with a caravan. 4) to be a nomad. duga n. 1) lieing in wait. 2) following the foot
5) to die. steps. 3) ambush.
-du suff. 1) continue to ... ! 2) ?? duugga n. 1) scrape. 2) tan.
(TOPICALISER ?). duuggo'o adj. scraped (esp. ensete).
duuba n. 1) cloud. 2) fog. [Status: check duugowaancho Variant: duugoohhani;
meaning] 3) area around the house. [Status: duugowaanchichcho. n. tanner.
check meaning (prob. duubbo)] duggudda n. type of animal that digs the land.
Dubbaamo name. Dubbaamo. [Status: check meaning]
duubaamo adj. foggy. dugukko vi. 1) to sneak. 2) to walk slowly on tip /
dubamukko vi. to be sunk. Morph: PASS of toe. [Status: improve meaning] 2) to follow
dubukko. up negatively. [Status: check meaning (other
dubana adj. 1) fattened. 2) lusty. 3) plump. meaning given: keep on for mischieve)]
duubaana Morph: transnum. n. guinea duugukko vt. 1) to scrape (esp. ensete). 2) to
syzygium. From: Amh. doqima; Sid./W. prepare. 3) to tan.
Orom. duando. duuha n. meaning, sense.
dubancha n. process of sinking. duuha'a n. 1) direction. 2) condition.
dubaancho Pl: dubaano. n. 1) sb. who buries. duuha'a dabarimma [Status: check entry
2) baker. [Status: check meaning] form] np. 1) detour. 2) diversion.
duubaane n. completely black coloured cow. duuha'i bi'ukko vp. to confuse.
dubeeda n. thigh. duuha'isukko vt. to followed up. Morph:
duubbi enja np. garden spices. CAUS 1 of duuha'ukko.
duubbi kaashsha [Status: check entry dukkaana Pl: dukkaannuwwa. n. tent.
form - HED: duubkaashsha - garden] np. dukeessukko [Status: check spelling
vegetables. (duqeessukko ?)] vt. to let sb. taste sth.
duubkaashsha [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. Morph: CAUS of duuk-.
garden. duuqe n. bite. [Status: cf. HCD s.v. bite]
dubme n (?). ?? duuqisukko vt. to give a bite. Morph: CAUS 1 of
dubbo adv (?). behind. Morph: postposition; * duuqukko.
dub kollo. duuqukko vt. 1) to swallow. 2) to eat (morsel by
duubbo n. surrounding. morsel). 3) to taste sth.
dubbo'o n. 1) ensete buds. 2) shrub. 3) hidden duqusha adj. peaceful. [Status: check meaning]
(thing). duulla n. 1) hillok. 2) mound. 3) knoll.
dubbo'o murimma vp. to grow ensete duma Pl: dummuwwa. n. 1) separated room,
seedlings. [Status: check meaning] curtain in wedding house. 2) boxroom. 3) mat
dubukko vt. 1) to bury, to entomb. 2) to conceal. (used as a room divider).
duubukko vi. 1) to be cloudy. 2) to be inflated. duu'mmamukko vi. to insult each other.
3) to die. 4) to swell. [Status: check Morph: PASS/REFL of duu'mmukko.
meaning !] duumaancho Pl: duumaano. n. one who curses.
duuchcha n. kind of worm which penetrates the dummichcha n. assembly.
human skin. dummichchi sagara [Status: check entry
duuchcho'o adj. stupid. form] np. proceedings.
duuda adj & n. 1) dumb. 2) mute. du'mmoro n. Morph: * du'm woro. 1) vestry.
duda'a [Status: check entry form (duuda ?)] adj. 2) store room.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 33

dumuga edamaakkoohane

dumuga n. ?? (truth). [Status: check meaning; other HED

dummukko vi. 1) to gather (of people). 2) to entry: to be positioned]
assemble. dura n. slaughtering.
duumukko vt. 1) to curse. 2) to insult. 3) to call Duuraame'e name. Durame.
sb. names. duroohane n. butcher.
duu'n quruuchcho np. mountain top. durukko vt. 1) to slaughter (cattle). 2) to kill.
Duuna name. Duuna. duruma Pl: durummuwwa. n. ankle. [Status:
duuna Pl: duunnuwwa. 1) n. mountain. 2) hill. check meaning - also: knuckle?]
3) dusso'o adj. calm.
— adv (?). uphill, upward. dusso'ooma n. calmness. [Status: check meaning;
dunamichcha n. process of pouring. other HED entry: unable to one self]
duunaamo adj. mountainous. dut adj (num ?). many.
dunamoohane [Status: check entry form] adj. dut ammane np. 1) often. 2) several times.
liquid. dut hagara np. miscellaneous.
dunamukko vi. Morph: PASS of dunukko. dut midaad misila np. polygon.
1) to be poured. 2) to leak out. 3) to die. dut suume np. lingua franca.
duuncha n. 1) curse, cursing. 2) insult. 3) abuse. duta 1) n. fulness, abundance. 2)
duunchaancho Pl: duunchaano. n. sb. who — n. plural. 2)
has been cursed. — adj. many.
duunda n. midrib. dutalli xigo np. composite number.
dungullukko vi. to be sick. dutissukko vt. to make abundant. Morph: CAUS
dunguruulla n. frame. 1 of dutukko.
dunkaana n. tent. dutoolla v (?). many.
dunsiisukko vt. to let sb. pour out. Morph: dutooma n. 1) quantity. 2) excess.
CAUS 1 of dunsukko (CAUS 2 of dutukko vi. 1) to be many, to be abundant. 2) to
dunukko ?). be too much / many, to be (in) excess.
dunukko vi/vt. 1) to leak. 2) to pour. 3) to sprinkle duxa n. 1) hair of tail. 2) fringe.
(water). duxukko vt. 1) to hit. 2) to beat. 3) to smite. 4) to
duphpha n. hidder (??) the word. [Status: check play (drum).
meaning] du'uyya n (?). ??
duphphukko vt (?). 1) to dispose. [Status: check
meaning; HED entry: dispositional] 2) to hide

E - e
ee pron. 1) this. 2) that. ebeera adj (?) / n. (very) old. [Status: check ps
ee ammanchom [Status: check entry form] np. (HED 124; entry: an old)]
as soon as. ebeeraancho Pl: ebeeraano. n. very old man.
ee ammane np (?). 1) at that time. 2) at that ebeeratte n. very old woman.
moment. 3) then. 4) immediately. [Status: ebeerukko vi. to become old.
check meaning !] ebeessukko vt. make old.
ee ammane ... hinkido'i ammane conj. eebikkina [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] part.
from (then) ... until (now). 1) because. 2) therefore.
ee ammanii ki'isaa [Status: check entry form] eebisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of eebukko. 1) to
np. since then. make sb. bring sth./sb. 2) to confuse.
ee beyyonne adv. there. eebubee'ane [Status: check entry
ee haa'nnayyome [Status: check entry form] form - NEG ??] adj. 1) single. 2) unmarried.
np. seldom. eebukko vt. 1) to bring. 2) to marry. 3) to
ee kollo np. somewhere. persuade, to entice.
ee lasage adv. after that. ech interj. interjection to protest / refuse.
ee lasonne part. then. eechemeencho Variant: ichemeencho. n.
ebaqqamcha [Status: check entry form - HED: temple.
eebancha] n. marriage. edaa edaa tiisiisukko vp. to stress. [Status:
eebancha n. marriage. check lit. meaning]
ebaro pron. Morph: fem: ebare. 1) such a one. edaahim [Status: check entry form] conj.
2) sb. who is doing so and so. although.
eebe'e part (?). until that. [Status: check meaning] edamaa [Status: check entry form ...] vt.
ebeellano n. oldness. [Status: check meaning] additional.
eebeelase conj (?). otherwise. edamaakkoohane adj. additional.

34 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

edamcha uullisukko ekkallichcho

edamcha uullisukko [Status: check entry ege'llukko vt. 1) to look. 2) to care. [Status: check
form - edancha? etc.] vp. to interrupt. meaning; HED: "look care"]
edamukko vi. Morph: PASS/REFL of edukko. egeraancho Pl: egeraano. n. guard.
1) to meet. 2) to be connected. 3) to be added. egerimmaa awwonsimmaa [Status: check
edancha n. 1) meeting. 2) communication. entry form] np (?). control.
edanchi beyyo np. place of meeting. egerukko [Status: check whether there is also
edanchi tako'o np. intersecting point. EGARUKKO (HCD 276 - to wait)] vi. 1) to
edanchibee'i wixxite np. disjoint set. wait. 2) to be careful. [Status: Same root or
edansa n. communication. diff. from "ege'imma" ?] 3) to watch. 4) to
edansaancho Pl: edansaano. n. 1) conjunction. protect. 5) to keep (carefully). 6) to be
2) communicator. 3) pipe coupling. patient.
edansukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of edamukko. egexxamukko vi. to refrain. Morph:
1) to join. 2) to cause some persons to meet PASS/MED of egexxukko ?
each other. egexxancha n. refraining.
eddechcha Pl: eddechchuwwa. n. 1) clothes. egexximma n. resistance.
2) clothing. eeggo Variant: iggo. 1) adj. cheeky. 2)
eddechcha saqalakamane [Status: check — n. cheekiness, impudence.
entry form] np. hanger. egodabo n (?). 1) that part. 2) one part.
eddechchi gobaancho np. tailor. eeggukko [Status: check entry - underlined by
eddechchi qulfa [Status: check entry form] np. AT] vi. to be cheeky.
button. eeggulla n. cheekiness, impudence.
ede'e n. type of weed. eehaa [Status: check spelling - eeha ?] interj /
eddeesukko vt. to clothe sb. Morph: CAUS 1 of conj (??). 1) okay. 2) what ever happens.
eeddukko. 3) in any case. [Status: WHS, 137 - "eben,
eedette adv. 1) thus. 2) like this. also"]
edde'ukko vt. 1) to wear. 2) to put on (clothes). eehan Variant: eehanon; eehanoni. conj. then.
3) to dress. eehaa'nnam part (?). not this much.
eedila n. part of animal's body. [Status: check eehannii hanenne [Status: check entry form]
meaning] np. against.
edimmi haalata np. additive property. eehannii lasage [Status: check entry form /
eeddiraasa n. chest (of animal). spelling] np. afterwards.
Eedisa n. AIDS. eehanniinse conj. 1) from then on. 2) since then.
ediiteera n. editor. ehaanniinsem [Status: check entry form - ee
edoo desimaala np. repeating decimal. haanniinsem?] conj. 1) other than. 2) accros
edoo faankishiina [Status: check entry - AT: from.
faanctisona] np. increasing function. eehaar [Status: check spelling - was: ahaar, cf.
edoobee'i fankishiina np. decreasing function. eehaar] adv. so. [Status: check precise
edooyyo [Status: check entry form] vt. except. meaning]
edukko vt. 1) to add. 2) to connect. 3) to bring. eehaara'e conj (?). if, so.
4) to repeat. eehaare interj. okay. Morph: fully fledged
edukkuuyya n (?). increase. version of "eehaa"?
edukkuuyyi marimma vp. 1) repetition. eheen adv. here. [Status: check meaning !]
2) increase. eehid [Status: under entry -hid ??] pron ? like
edukkuuyyi marukko [Status: check entry this.
form] vp. to increase. ee'ido [Status: check entry form / spelling - was:
efeca adj. ugly. e'ido] conj (?). further.
egadukko vt. 1) to watch (cattle). 2) to look after ee'isa conj. so that.
(e.g. house). ee'isam [Status: was: eisam] part (?). 1) so as
eeggalla [Status: check entry - underlined by that. 2) and, the same as.
AT] adj. cheeky. ee'isinne conj. in this manner.
eeggallooma n. cheekiness, impudence. ejja n. 1) joint. 2) increment.
egechcha n. 1) waiting. 2) protection, ejjebbera n. boaster.
prevention. ejjebberukko vi. to be boastful. [Status: check
egedukko n. 1) to take care. 2) to stop. meaning: to boast ?]
egejja n (?). 1) diving. 2) barraging. ejjo'o n. 1) joint. 2) increment.
3) bulwarking. eekka pron / det. 1) that (one). 2) before last.
ege'llishsha n. warning. [Status: check meaning]
ege'lloobee'ane [Status: check entry ekkaa kaka pron. that and this.
form - NEG ?] adj. careless. eekka'i conj (?). but that.
ege'lloohane adj. patient. ekkallichcho n (?). something. Morph: singl. of

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 35

ekkalluwwa er luchcho

ekkalluwwa. elektriiqqi mu'uta [Status: check entry

ekkalluwwa n. something. Morph: * eqq form - was: elektriq mu'uta] np. appliance.
luwwa ?? elektriiqqi sookeeta np. electric plug. From:
ekkam edukko [Status: check entry form] vp. Engl.
to include. elektriiqqi shibo'o np. wire. From: Amh ?
ekkanno n. so-and-so. elela n. goal.
ekke'e adv (?). 1) there. [Status: check elementa n. element.
distance ..] elleesukko vt. to take away.
ekke'e hanenne np. over there. elle'ukko vi. 1) to go. 2) to go away.
eekkeen adv (?). from there. eellichchukko vi. to shine.
ekkee'n balla np. the day before yesterday. eelliinchaamo n. sunny.
ekkeen keen pron / v (?). passing through. eelliinchi aagga [Status: 1 (HED) or 2 words
[Status: check meaning] (Abraham, HCD)?] np. West.
ekkee'n maarage np. the year before last year. eelliinchi do§i np. revolution (of object).
ekkee'n soodo np. the day before yesterday. eelliinchi enarje'e np. solar energy.
[Status: check meaning - the same as ekkee'n eelliinchi fira np (?). East.
balla ??] eelliinchi laaga np. sunshine.
ekki [Status: check entry] pron. that one. eelliinchi sono'o np. solar system.
ekispaareeshiina n. expiration. eelliincho n. sun.
ekispooneenta n. exponent. e'lloohane adj. best. Morph: superl of
eekollo adv. overthere. "danaamo".
eksaanoona n. xenon. elta'a n (?). ??
ekkuh [Status: check spelling] adv (?). yes. e'llukko vi. 1) to become good. 2) to improve.
ekkuyaato n. agreeing. [Status: check meaning] [Status: check meaning!; get this sentence out
ekkuyukko [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] vi. 1) to say later - too long] 3) to be good. 4) to be better.
yes. 2) to affirm. 5) to develop. 6) to be generous.
eeq maraage [Status: check; elluwa n. 1) beauty. 2) good thing.
zusammenschreiben? cf. days kaballa, etc. -em suff. those ... [Status: check meaning!]
(HLG eeqqi maraage)] np (?). two years ago. emeencho [Status: check entry - was:
eqallu'issukko vt. to curse sb. Morph: CAUS 1 emeechcho] n. type of small animal like
of eqallu'ukko (?). rabbit.
eeqax ... sa'atina (etc.) np. since (of time). -een(a) suff. 1) in order that. 2) so that.
eeqaxa [Status: check entry form - ee qaxa ? eennah adv. 1) so. 2) so that. 3) of course.
eeqido ?] adv. 1) approximately. 2) about. [Status: check meaning]
3) around. ee'nnancha n. 1) desire. 2) wish. [Status: check
eeqballa n. two days before yesterday. [Status: meaning (v. elsewhere - to doubt)]
Abraham, Corr had "in three days"] ee'nnaancho Pl: ee'nnaano. n. sb. who
eeqido n. 1) yonder. 2) on the other side. [Status: suspects.
check the meaning] ee'nnato n. suspection.
eeqido firukko vp. 1) to cross. 2) to go over / enda n. previous one.
across. endebeero n. mat.
eeqixxi ido [Status: check entry form] np. endefette adj. 1) cheap. 2) inexpensive.
further. enerje'e n. energy.
eeqsoodo n. the day after tomorrow. [Status: ee'nnissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of ee'nnukko.
check menaing: HLG - in THREE days] 1) to suspect. 2) to accuse.
ellawwa n. white and black spotted (cow). enja n. 1) certain spices (added to the butter before
eleba adv ? ?? pouring it to the coffee). 2) pleasant smell.
ellechcha n. going to (process of). enjee'l mixaada np. ?? [Status: something with
elle'e 1) name. Elle'e. [Status: check meaning / mexxada - the vessel with which you prepare
ps: interj. - to tell an ox to go away ?] 2) injeera]
— imp. go away. enje'oohane adj. spicy.
eele'e adj. small flat. enjeesukko vt. to smell sth.
elekichcho n. tortoise. From: Amh. enje'ukko vi. to smell pleasantly.
elektiriiksiite'e n. electricity. enkid? pron. how?
eelektiroolayita [Status: check spelling: ee'nnukko vt. 1) to doubt. 2) to mistrust, to
elektiro ... ?] n. electrolyte. suspect. 3) not to believe. 4) to desire.
elektiroona n. electron. [Status: check meaning !!]
elektriika n. current. eppiidiidyemis n. epididymis. [Status: i.e. ??]
elektriiqqi ammaxxa [Status: check entry er luchcho np. 1) good thing. 2) nice thing.
form] np. voltage. 3) fine thing.

36 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

eera fandaancho

eera Variant: eera boole. n. 1) mineral water. eeshi interj. yes!

2) salt lake, salt brine. 3) holy water. [Status: eeshi yukko [Status: check for INF] vp. I say
check meaning] "yes", I agree.
eraa'llisam part (?). as usual. eeshimma Variant: eeshi; eeshimana. Pl:
eraa'llisayyo part (??) / adj (?). unusual. eeshimmuwwa. n. maternal uncle.
erancho n. woman shortly after giving birth. eeshimmi beeto np. male maternal cousin.
[Status: check precise English meaning] eeshimmi landichcho np. female maternal
erane adj (connected . ?). [Status: cf. cousin.
erane - difference? / entry er-] 1) good. et det. those (f.ACC).
2) kind. 3) nice. 4) fine. eet pron / det. that (fem.).
eraanni jora np. good and bad. [Status: check etta pron. that one (fem.). [Status: check
meaning !] meaning]
eraapsiina n. erepsin. eteen pron. those (f.ACC).
eraare n. former/past time. ettenne n. so-and-so.
eree'l wochita np. calabash decorated with exxamcha n. 1) struggling. 2) being together.
corals. exxamukko vi. Morph: PASS/MED of
ereera Pl: ereelluwwa. n. coral. exxukko ? 1) to struggle. 2) to come in
eereera Pl: eereelluwwa. n. small bell. [Status: together.
check meaning] exaana n. incense.
eergax haareedda [Status: enter under eexnukko vi (?). to spy.
eergaxa ?] np. goatee (beard). exxo'i solleessa n. hyperbal.
eergaxa n. chin. exxo'o n. 1) extension. 2) sum. 3) boast.
ergissukko vt. to borrow sth. Morph: CAUS 1 exxukkane n. profit.
of ergukko. exxukko vt. 1) to add for oneself. 2) to meet, to
Erqoocce name. Erqoocce. come together. 3) to contact. 4) to increase, to
eroomma [Status: check spelling: Abraham had: grow. 5) to repeat. [Status: check meaning !]
erooma] n. 1) goodness, well-being. eeyya part. yes.
2) kindness. eeyya yukko vp. 1) to say ok. 2) to agree.
eero'o n. 1) ensete plant after second eeyyamukko vi. to be agreed. Morph: PASS of
transplantation. 2) young plant. [Status: eeyyukko.
check meaning] eeyyancha n. agreement.
ero'oo burco'oo pron (?). anyone. eeyyitaam xuunsammi woca np. affirmative
eero'o kaasimma vp. second transplantation of sentence.
ensete plant. eeyyite n. 1) permission. 2) affirmation.
ersa n. 1) virtue. 2) excellence. 3) goodness. eeyyite uwwukko vp. 1) to allow. 2) to give
Ertiira'a name. Eritrea. permission.
Essa name. Esau. eeyyukko vi. 1) to say yes. 2) to agree.
eese [Status: check entry] pron. me (1s.ACC).

F - f
faabiriika [Status: check entry form - Textbook: of fakkaakkukko. [Status: check ACT /
faafiriika] n. factory. From: Ital. fabbrica. PASS; ejjebberimma]
facaa'ukko vt. 1) to despise. 2) to boil. fakkaakkukko vt. to stretch the legs.
facita n. cow illness (certain kind of). faakkisukko vt. to make walk. Morph: CAUS 1
facite n. burst of swelling. [Status: check of faakkukko.
meaning; HED: burst of swillng] faqqadukko vi. 1) to allow. 2) to give
facco'o n. commotion. permission. From: Amh.
fado n. 1) forecourt in the house of God. 2) prayer. fa'l mancho Pl: fa'l manna. np. circumciser.
fado'o n. house of God, place of worship. fa'llukko vi. Morph: MEDIAL of far-. 1) to be
fafa n (?). plenty. entwined. 2) to curlue. [Status: check
faafiriika n. factory. From: via Amh ? meaning] 3) to be twisted. 4) to become a
fafisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of fafukko. 1) to swindler.
make abundant. 2) to give abundantly. fandaannano adj. following the traditional
fafukko vi. 1) to be plenty. 2) to become religion of Hadiyya. [Status: check ps and
abundant. 3) to be various. [Status: check meaning]
meaning] fandaancho Pl: fandaano. n. 1) faith,
fakkaakka 1) adj (??)) boastful. 2) n. stretch. spirituality. 2) follower of the strict sect of
fakkaakkamukko vi. to boast. Morph: PASS Hadiyya. 3) leader of the traditional religion.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 37

faanfa fayye'ukko

[Status: check meaning] farissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of farukko.

faanfa adj. light-hearted. 1) to cheat. 2) to deceive. 3) to cast a spell on
fanga n. robber. sb.
fangaraarukko vi. 1) to be free. 2) not to be farqaxarqa adj. spoiled.
bored. [Status: check meaning !] faarneeksa n. pharynx.
fangasa n. fungus. faro n. 1) wickedness. 2) guilt. 3) trick, magic.
fangay n. slave hunter. farshimukko vt. to sheaf.
faangaayya n (?). mock. fartilaayzeeshiina n. fertilization.
faangaayyukko vt. 1) to mock sb. 2) to ridicule farukko vt. to perform magic.
sb., to speak fun. faasa n. pickaxe? [Status: check
fanja Pl: fanjuwwa. n. 1) bomb. 2) device. meaning - Alemayehu had "axe - earth" ;
fanje'e Pl: fanje'uwwa. n. explosive. Marqos only: "axe"]
fankishiina Pl: fankishiinnuwwa. n. function. fasse'e n. 1) jubilance. 2) excultation. 3) revelry.
From: Engl. 4) merry making.
faannokichcho n. slave trader. Faasika'a name. Easter. From: Amh.
faanno'o Pl: faanno'uwwa. n. highwayman. fassukko vi. 1) to revel. 2) to jubilate.
faanoosa n. lamp. From: Amh. faashsha'a n. bandage.
fanxiisa n. hammer. fasharakukko vt. 1) to splint. 2) to split. 3) to
fanukko vt. to open. crack. 4) to cleave.
farada Pl: faradaana. n. pearl. faashiina n. fashion. From: Engl.
faradaancho n. judge. fashshukko vt. 1) to accept. 2) to give the back.
Faaradaaya n. Faraday. [Status: check meaning !]
faradkasa [Status: check entry - underlined by faatta Pl: faattuwwa. n. certain part of ensete
AT] n / np (?). type of tree. leaf. [Status: check meaning]
faradukko vt. to judge. From: Amh. [Status: fata'issukko vt. to let sb. escape, to dismiss.
check meaning] Morph: CAUS 1 of fata'ukko.
faaranaayta n. Fahrenheit. fatakamma adj. disconnected.
faraancho adj. cunning, crafty. fatakaa'ukko vt. 1) to release. 2) to let sth. go.
faranji dabaqula [Status: check entry form] fatakissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of fatakukko.
np. cucumber. 1) to dismiss sb. 2) to let sb. escape.
faranji laro np. European type of cows. fatakkukko Variant: fata'ukko. [Status: check
faranjichcho Pl: faranja. n. European. From: * va] vt. 1) to drive / ride away. 2) to drop. 3) to
Frank. [Status: check meaning (Westerner)] let go, to release. 4) to leave sth. 5) to
farara n. gap between wooden bars (used to tie divorce.
cows). fatana n. examination. From: Amh.
farasulla n. farsula. fataysissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 2 of
farashshaancho Pl: farashshaano. n. rider. fatayukko (?). 1) to cause sb. to do without
farashsho Pl: farado. n. horse. sth., to cause sb. to abstain from sth. 2) to
farashsho egeraancho np. groom. [Status: cause sb. to give up sth.
check entry form and meaning !!] fataysukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1of fatakiss-.
faraxxi guga n. polo-type game. 1) to do without sth., to abstain from sth. 2) to
faraxxi jigo [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. 1) horse give up sth.
riding. 2) galloping. faate'e n. 1) good will. 2) bad wish.
faraxxi qasa np. longest. fatira n. thread.
faraziya n. type of ensete. fatto 1) n. advantage, benefit. 2)
farda n. reserve. — adj. useful.
faare'aalla adj. 1) active, willing. fattukko vi. to be useful.
2) hard-working, industrious. 3) diligent. faxukko vi. to lie in wait, to spy.
faarechcha n / adj (?). 1) interesting. faaxuula adj. 1) smart. 2) ready.
2) initiating. faaxuulukko vi. 1) to be smart. 2) to be ready, to
faare'isaancho Pl: faare'isaano. n. motivator. be prepared.
fare'isukko vt. to motivate. Morph: CAUS 1 of fayya'a 1) adj. healthy. 2) well. 3) save. 4)
fare'ukko. — n. health, savety.
faare'nna n. 1) initiation. 2) desire. 3) interest. fayya'ooma n. 1) health. 2) being well.
faare'ukko vi. 1) to be interested, to be fayya'ooma egechcha np. health care.
motivated. 2) to be industrious, to work hard. fayyechcha n. relieved. [Status: check precise ps
fargah n. process of making wide. [Status: check / meaning]
meaning and entry form] fayye'ukko Variant: fayyukko. vi. 1) to be
fargayukko [Status: check - was: fargahukko] vi. healthy, to be fine. 2) to recover, to become
to be wide. well, to convalesce. [Status: check

38 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

fayyiisukko fiinqeesaancho

meanings ..] fida'l gabata np. alphabet.

fayyiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of fayye'ukko. fidala n. letter.
1) to heal, to cure. 2) to free. 3) to save fidalluwwa kitaabimma [Status: check entry
(money, grain, etc.). form - fidalluwwa xigimma ?] n. spelling.
faaynaansa n. finance. From: Engl. fidalluwwa xigimma [Status: check entry
fayyukko [Status: check entry - underlined by form - fidalluwwa kitaabimma ?] np. spelling.
AT] vi. 1) to get well. 2) to recover. fidalluwwa xigukko vp. to spell.
fecerequkko vi. 1) to be conceited. [Status: fidalluwwinne sagara qooccimma [Status:
check meaning] 2) to show an illegal act. check entry form] np. orthography.
fecukko vi. to bubble. fididukko vi. to be chic.
feegukko vi. to get better facially. [Status: check fidiixxukko vi. 1) to stretch out. 2) to extend.
meaning] fiigisukko vt. to chase. Morph: CAUS 1 of
feqequkko vi. to be proud. fiigukko.
feqqenna n. 1) refusal. 2) conceit. fiigishsha n. chasing (process of -).
feqqennaancho n. 1) sb. who makes fun of. fijigillaa'ukko v. ??
2) sb. who derides. fikaa'n shaana np. cauliflower. [Status: check
fellakichcho Morph: trans. fella'a. n. goats. meaning !! could not be confirmed by
feleegeda n. a type of animal. Morph: singl. Abraham]
feleegichcho ?? [Status: check meaning !!!] fikkaana Pl: fikkaannuwwa. n. 1) product.
fee'llukko vt. Morph: MEDIAL of feer-. 1) to 2) offspring. 3) reproduction.
collect for oneself. 2) to seek for oneself. fikkaannisaa'n finto'o np. factorization.
[Status: check meaning] fikkaannisaano Morph: pl. n. factors.
feena n. cooked wood and pieces of meat. fikkaannisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
fennaa'ukko vt. 1) to throw away. 2) to throw fikkaannukko. 1) to multifly. 2) to produce.
out. [Status: check meaning! Is the form a
fenegeda n. type of wild animal. [Status: check CAUS?]
meaning] fikkaannukko vi / vt. [Status: check relationship
fenga n. the top of interence. [Status: meaning?] with fikaanisimma - to produce !] 1) to
fengellukko vi. to fall down. reproduce. 2) to produce. 3) to increase.
fenqellaa'ukko vt. 1) to throw away. 2) to fiikkukko vi. to run away.
throw out. fillaagoot n. appetite. From: Amh.
fenqo'o n. cotyledon. filaamenta n. filament.
fenqukko vt. 1) to separate (grain). 2) to shell filli xophphaa'ukko [Status: check entry
(peas, beans). 3) to dehusk. 4) to segregate. form] vp. to cut up.
fenxesukko vt. 1) to kick. 2) to recoil. filma n. film.
feer muro np. 1) embezzler. 2) sb. who is always filma moo'akkam mine [Status: check entry
eating. form (paraphrase ...)] np. cinema.
ferefferukko vt. to investigate. fiiloolee Variant: fiiloole'e. n. flute.
ferqukko vi. to be spoiled. fiiloolee lallukko vp. to play the flute.
feero n. buttock. filooriina n. flora.
feero'o n. backyard. [Status: check meaning] fillukko vi. 1) to be cut. 2) to die.
feerukko vi/vt. 1) to peck (of chicken). 2) to pick fiimaada n. cooking spot.
up. 3) to collect. 4) to look for. 5) to separate. finna n. direction.
fetta [Status: check] n. spring. finajja n. exposition.
feeta n. weak side. fi'nnaara n. grudge.
feettaallukko vi. to decline. fiinca n. lower coast of the river.
feetamoo'isukko [Status: 1 or 2 words ???] vt. fincukko vi / vt (?). 1) to scatter. 2) to waste. 3) to
to expose oneself. Morph: CAUS 1 of feeta disperse. 4) to part.
moo'ukko. fiinda n. excrement of horses, donkeys or mules.
feetaa'ukko vt. to explore the weakness. fiinde'ukko vi. to defecate.
feteeshshamukko vi. to look extremely proud. findila n. sheath.
Morph: PASS/MED of feteeshshukko. finiino'o n. excrement of sheep/goat.
fii'aancho Variant: fee'aancho. Pl: fii'aano. n. finiino'ukko vi. to defecate.
1) sweeper. 2) broom. finja n. 1) trank. 2) direction.
ficica adj. waterly. finjaana n. 1) small black dish. 2) cup. From:
ficicukko vi. 1) to become more wealthy. 2) to Amh ?
leak out. [Status: check meaning] finka Variant: finka'a. n. style.
ficiriiqukko vi. to crush. fiinqeesakkamane n. pipe. Morph: *
fiicukko vt. 1) to drink a little. 2) to taste. fiinqeesakkam-hane.
fiida n. type of creepine plant. fiinqeesaancho Pl: fiinqeesaano. n. sb. who

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 39

fiinqeesukko foocukko

whistles. bring out. 2) to take out. 3) to expose. 4) to

fiinqeesukko vi. to whistle. cast out. 5) to exile sb. 6) to accompany. 7) to
finqillaa'ukko vt. to turn upside down. take off (e.g clothes). 8) to put sth. down.
finqilleesukko vt. to turn upside down again and fishsha n / adj. 1) bad smell. 2) rotten.
again. fishirikukko vt. 1) to separate. 2) to split. 3) to
finqillo'o n. food prepared from ensete starch. splint.
finqillukko vi. to return. fishka'a n. 1) whistle. 2) a person who cannot
fintamma adj (?) / n (?). 1) factorized. keep a secret.
2) analzyed. fiishsho'i shaana np. cauliflower.
fintamukko vt. Morph: PASS of fintukko ? 1) to fiishsho'o Pl: fiishsho'uwwa. n. 1) type of
factorize. 2) to analyze. cabbage (with edible leaves). 2) seedling.
fintancha n. factorization. fishshukko vi. 1) to smell bad. 2) to stink.
fintansukko vt. to factorize repeatedly. Morph: fiit qama np. pollen grain.
CAUS 1 of fintamukko. fiita Pl: fiittuwwa. n. flower.
finto'i haxara np. schedule. [Status: check lit. fitamaancho n. discutant.
meaning] fitamukko vi. Morph: PASS/MED of fitukko.
finto'o n. 1) details. 2) list. 1) to argue. 2) to debate.
finto'o sawwite np. detail. fitancha n. 1) argument. 2) debate. 3) dispute.
finto'onne [Status: check entry from - CASE] n. 4) polemic.
thorough. fitansaanchi xum sawwite np. argumentative
fintukko vt. to list in detail. composition.
finxirukko vi/vt (?). 1) to butter. 2) to elast. fitansukko vt. to make argue. Morph: CAUS 1
[Status: check meaning] of fitamukko.
firaafire'e n. fruit. From: Amh. fiitte n. autumn, fall.
firaaktoosa n. fructose. fitifitukko vi. 1) to be in death throes / agony.
Firaansa name. France. 2) to work hard. 3) to try hard.
firaansiyeema n. francium. fitihaawii n. justice. From: Amh.
firaasha n. mattress. From: Amh. ? fitiisamukko vi. to be extended. Morph: PASS
firda n. judgement. From: Amh. of fitiisukko.
firdi mine np. court. From: Amh. fitiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of fitukko. 1) to
fireshire n. type of ensete. spread. 2) to extend. 3) to stretch.
firfir n. food prepared from injera. From: Amh. fito n. 1) argue. 2) debate.
firi aaggee np (?). up and down (of prices). fiitoo mutaano np. flowering plants.
firiiku'ense'e n. frequency. From: Engl. fiitukko vi. 1) to blossom. 2) to bud. 3) to bloom.
firimma'a Pl: firimma'uwwa. n. signature. [Status: check meaning!]
From: Ital. firma. fixa n. 1) windbag. 2) gossip.
firiixisukko vt. to ride away. Morph: CAUS 1 of fixamma adj. 1) scattered. 2) split.
firiixukko. fixamoohane n. lawyer.
firiixukko vi. to gallop. fixamukko vi. Morph: PASS/MED of fixukko.
firkita n. small door. 1) to bet. 2) to quarrel, to bring a lawsuit
firo Variant: firima. n. 1) exit. 2) way out. against sb.
firo'o n. output. fixiko n. the first hairstyle of girls. Morph: singl.
firu diinate np. expense. only.
firukko vi. 1) to go out, to exit. 2) to come out, to fiixxo maaraame np. ??
get out. 2) to climb, to ascend. 3) to pass. fiixo'amma adj. split.
firwixxite n. subset. fiixo'ukko vt. to split.
fissa adv (?). uphill, upward. fixukko vt. 1) to scatter. 2) to split. 3) to comb.
fissaqqukko vi. to escape. fii'ukko vt. 1) to sweep sth. 2) to clean. 3) to pick
fissa'ukko vi. to escape. Morph: CAUS II of fir-. (worms).
fissi iimukko vp. to lead uphill, to drive sb. / sth. fiwudaala Pl: fiwudaalluwwa. n. feudal lord.
uphill. From: Engl.
fissiisa Pl: fissiissuwa. n. way out. fiwudaaliizima n. feudalism. From: Engl.
fissiixxa n. table of contents. fiyuuza Pl: fiyuuzzuwwa. n. fuse. From: Engl.
fissiixxamaancho Pl: fissiixxamaano. n. fiiziksa n. physics. From: Engl.
competant. foocca [Status: check spelling - WHS 151:
fissiixxamukko vi. Morph: PASS/MED of fooce] n. handful.
fissiixxukko. 1) to compete. 2) to bet. foocamma adj. 1) concrete. 2) objective.
fiisiixxancha n. competition. fooco'o n. grain gift for children (during harvest).
fissoo bito np. cost, price. foocukko vt. 1) to grasp (with hand). 2) take a
fissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of firimma. 1) to handful.

40 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

foochcha'a fujo'o

foochcha'a [Status: check entry form] n. insect. formulla'a Pl: formulluwwa. n. formula.
foochchillichchi gortanna np. cell wall. foroga Variant: folooga. [Status: check va !] v
foochchillichchi membereena np. cell (??). lost ones milk tooth. [Status: check ps
membrane. (HED: verb!); check meaning]
foochchillichcho Pl: foochchillicha'a. n. cell. forogukko vi. to be broken (esp. teeth). [Status:
Foofa name. Foofa. [Status: check ee] check meaning]
foffoodukko vt. to dig a hole. foororukko vt. to put butter in food.
fogodukko 1) vt. to honour, to venerate. 2) foorossa n. moment of rest.
— vi. to prostrate, to bow down. foorossi bee baxo [Status: check spelling !] np.
fokasa n. focus. From: Engl. restless work.
fokko'o adj. terrible, irritating, exciting. fosse'e adj. fattened.
fokkottisukko vt. to make bow. Morph: CAUS fosfarasa n. phosphorous.
1 of fokkottukko. fossukko vi. 1) to sleep. 2) to fall down.
fokkottukko vi. to bow. fooshsha n. 1) breath. 2) odour. 3) smell.
fooqaa'ancho n. key. fooshe'akkam beyyo [Status: check entry
fooqaa'isiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS II of form - paraphrase..] np. park.
fooqaa'ukko; CAUS of fooqaa'isukko. 1) to fooshshechcha n. breathing.
open. 2) to reveal. fooshsheexxukko [Status: check entry
fooqaakkoo do'o np. open circuit. form - nothing to do with park (place to
fooqaakkoo loojiqqi woca np. open rest) ...] vt. to park.
proposition. fooshshe'ukko vi. 1) to breathe. 2) to relieve.
fooqaakkoohane adj. open. fooshshuwwukko vi. to give relief / rest.
fooqamukko vi. to be open. Morph: PASS of foto Pl: fottuwwa. n. picture.
fooqukko. fotogiraafa Variant: foto'o. n. photography.
fooqaa'ukko vt. 1) to open. 2) to reveal, to fottora adj. fattened.
unveil. fotosentesisa n. photosynthesis.
fooqqilame adj (?). ?? fox wixxite np. subset.
fooqissukko vt. Morph: CAUS I of foxa n. 1) what is left over (after a choice is made).
fooqa'ukko. 1) to open. 2) to reveal. 2) second best (choice).
fooqukko vi. to be open. fooxa Pl: fooxxuwwa. n. 1) towel. 2) napkin,
foo'l beyyo np. 1) genitals. 2) penis. diaper. [Status: check meaning!]
foo'llukko vi. to be in labour. foxamma adj. reduced.
foondira adj. fearful. foxamukko vi. to be reduced. Morph: PASS of
fonga n (?). ?? foxukko.
fongoga Pl: fongogguwwa. n. gap. foxancha n. process of being reduced.
foongukko vt. 1) to drink atone draft. [Status: foxonoqa n (?). ??
check meaning] 2) to drink to the last drop. foxukko vt. to reduce.
foonnisa n. short XXX (?) with two sides opened. fuucancha n (?). being in hurry. [Status: check
[Status: check meaning !!] meaning ! HED: to be in hasty]
fonqa n. 1) depression. 2) thorax. fuucaancho n. 1) sb. who pants. 2) to breath out.
Fonqo'o name. Fonqo'o. [Status: check ee] fuucukko vi. to hurry.
fonqora n. small broken part. fuda adj. old.
foono'o n. deduction. fuduuda n. 1) recoil. 2) retreat. 3) withdraw.
fonoxaalla n (?). 1) opening. 2) hole. 3) slit. fudukko vi. to become very old.
4) leak. fuga'a n. caste of tradespersons.
fonxoqukko vi. to jump. fugakkichcho [Status: check entry - fuga'a ?] n.
foonukko vt. 1) to take part of sth. 2) to potter.
diminish. fugamukko vi. to blow (on fire). Morph:
foo'nnukko vt. to take some part. PASS/REFL of fugukko ?
fo'o n. waterfall. fugancha n. 1) inflating. 2) blowing up. [Status:
foor fissa np. 1) life saving. 2) life sparing. check meaning - playing (a flute, etc.)]
foor hee'llam keeno np. living beings. fugaancho Pl: fugaano. n. sb. who blows.
foor shaakkoohane np. murderer. fugisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of fugukko. 1) to
foor tiriqukko vp. to die. make blown. 2) to pump.
fooraam luwwa np. living things. fuuguuga Pl: fuuguugguwwa. n. bladder.
fooraam woshsha np. 1) main idea. 2) theme. fugukko vt. 1) to blow (air) into. 2) to play (the
fooraamo Pl: fooraamuwwa. n. animals. flute, etc.).
foore n. 1) soul. 2) life. fujo'o Pl: fujo'uwwa. n. 1) guardian spirit.
forgo'aa'ukko vt. to move aside. 2) nature spirit. [Status: check precise
forgo'ukko vt. to move. meaning]

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 41

fuuqa gabo

fuuqa n. dried thick grass. CAUS 1 of furfurukko.

fuqaa'ukko vt. 1) to remove. 2) to shake sth. out. furma'a n. immunes. [Status: i.e.?]
3) to leave empty. furma'ukko vi. to be immunized.
fuququkko vi. 1) to be proud. 2) to show off. furshukko vt. to rub (off).
fuu'llaalla adj. thick, fat. furuqaachcha n (?). make sprain. [Status:
fulana n. fever. Morph: singl. only. check meaning !]
fulcho'o fissukko vp. to betray. furuqaa'isukko vt. to make sth. disjoined.
fule'e Pl: fule'uwwa. n. window. Morph: CAUS 1 of furuqaa'ukko.
fuu'llisaancho Pl: fuu'llisaano. n. modifier. furuqqaato n. 1) sprain. 2) wrench.
fuliita n. type of play in Meskel. furuqukko vt. to disjoin.
fuulo'o n. 1) trace. 2) muzzle. 3) condition. fusukko vi. to work hard.
[Status: meaning could not be confirmed by fussukko vi. 1) to fall down. 2) to drop out. 3) to
Abraham] fail (an exam).
fuu'llukko vi. to become fat. fuutto'o n. cotton. Morph: singl. only. From:
fuumfa n (?). ?? Amh. xixi; Orom. jibri; Wol. futwa, Kamb.
funnamukko vi. to isolate. Morph: PASS of futa.
funnukko ? [Status: check meaning ACT / fuutto'o aphphisukko Variant: fuutto'o
PASS] suqqukko. vp (vt). to loosen cotton (by
funaanaancho Pl: funaanaano. n. scrounger. beating it with a bow). Morph: CAUS 1 of
funaano n. act of scrounging. fuuxxo'o aphphukko.
funaanukko vt. to scrounge. futtuga n (?). 1) removing the hulls. [Status:
fuunfa n (?). ?? check meaning] 2) rubbing raw. [Status:
funfuunukko vi. to smell. check meaning] 3) scrub (pans).
fungu'nnaara n. famine (in particular futtugo'o n (?). removal of hulls. [Status: check
occasion). meaning]
funnisukko vt. to make isolated. Morph: CAUS futtugukko vt. to pound in mortar.
1 of funnukko. fuxa n. 1) filtering matter (part of ensete). 2) rag.
funquqa adj. proud. fuuxe jabbo np. type of disease. [Status: check
funqurukko vi. to fall down. meaning]
fuunta adj (???) / n (?). 1) decomposed. 2) old. fuuxe'e Pl: fuuxe'uwwa. n. Morph: cf. fiix-;
3) too old. singl. fuuxekkichcho. 1) plant, vegetables.
fuuntukko vi. to decompose. 2) mole (animal). 3) type of gauze. [Status:
funuga adj. 1) round. 2) spherical. 3) fattened. check meaning]
funnukko vt. to isolate. fuxxo'o adv. only.
fu'nnukko vt. 1) to rebuke. 2) to energe. [Status: fuxukko vi. 1) to be tired out. 2) to be too old.
i.e. ??] 3) to be ragged.
fura Pl: fulluwwa. n. middle part of the ensete fuxxummaa'ukko vi. 1) to turn down. 2) to
stem before blooming. fall down.
furcuusa adj (?). ??
furfursukko vt. to break into pieces. Morph:

G - g
gaaba n. Morph: singl. only. 1) straw. 2) hay. gabaxxi landichcho np. goddaughter. [Status:
gaabba Pl: gaabbuwwa. [Status: check check meaning]
spelling - KIRB: gaba] n. 1) funeral meal. gabayukko vt. to meet suddenly.
2) meal for the ancestors. gabe'e n. income.
gabala Pl: gaballuwwa. n. 1) border. gaabe'e n. thick dress. From: Amh.
2) boundary (territorial). 3) limit. gabe'e mazaggaancho np. cash register.
gabaalla n. type of root. [Status: check meaning] gabbeen ceqixxi mare'e np. dash.
gaballo n. tanned skin. gabbeen giphphit mare'e np. comma.
gaba'lloro Pl: gaba'llolluwwa. n. interval. gabija n. kind of vegetable.
gabalukko vt. to make a visible trace. gaabisukko vt. to bless. Morph: CAUS 1 of
gaabaancho Pl: gaabaano. n. sb. who blesses. gaabukko.
gaabbaancho Pl: gaabbaano. n. repentant. gaabbisukko vt. to make sb. repent. Morph:
gabata Pl: gabattuwwa. n. large wooden bowl. CAUS 1 of gaabbukko.
gabaxxi beeto np. 1) godson. [Status: check gaabbissukko vt. to prepare the funeral meal.
meaning] 2) type of friend (not changing). Morph: CAUS 1 of gaabbukko.
[Status: check precise meaning] gabo n. edge.

42 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

gaabo gagamoo'ixxa

gaabo n. blessing. gadisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of gadukko. 1) to

gaabbo n. 1) remorse. 2) repentance. [Status: criticize. 2) to degrade.
check meaning] gadixxancha n. criticism.
gabbo'o n. unsowed seedling. [Status: check gaado Pl: gaadduwwa. n. 1) war, battle.
meaning - HED entry "selling"] 2) campaign. 3) fighting.
gabuubukko vi. 1) to be sick. [Status: check gado'o n. criticism.
meaning] 2) to risk. gadukko vt. 1) to despise. 2) to dislike. 3) to hate.
gabuuchcho adj (??) / n (??). improportional 4) to ignore. 5) to neglect.
maturity to age. [Status: check ps] gaadukko vi. 1) to wage war. 2) to campaign.
gabuchuuchcha adj. aged. gafannukko vi. to create conflict.
gabbukko [Status: check spelling / entry gaafaassukko vt. 1) to encourage. 2) to initiate.
form - three minimal pairs: gabbukko, [Status: check meaning; Abraham said sth.
gaabukko, gaabbukko?] vi. to improve. like "to let something come out"]
gaabukko vt. 1) to give benediction. 2) to bless in gaffaa'ukko vt. to put down.
the name of the ancestors. gafe'ansukko vt. to initiate (??). Morph: CAUS
gaabbukko vt. 1) to regret. 2) to repent. 1 of gafe'amukko. [Status: check meaning
gaca'a adj. somewhat old. (HED: to inciate)]
gaacimama n. grazing. gafechcha [Status: check spelling; HED:
gachcha n. long lived [person/animal (??)]. gafechch] n. pushing.
gachchukko vi. 1) to stay long. 2) to be aware. gafechchi malayye np. voltage.
3) to be firm. 4) gafe'ukko vt. 1) to push. 2) to trespass. 3) to
— vt. to strengthen. [Status: check meaning] press. 4) to place sth. on sb. 5) to mistreat.
gaad marukko vp. to go to war. gaffite n / v (?). 1) sitting. 2) ascend (the throne).
gada'a n. Morph: singl. only. 1) luck. 2) fortune. gaffukko vi. 1) to sit down. 2) to sit for a little
gada'aamo adj. lucky. time.
gadab adj. 1) far distant. 2) honorific title. [Status: gag moo'ixxa np. seeing oneself. [Status: check
check precise meaning] meaning]
gadaba Pl: gadabbuwwa. n. eclipse. gag xan somo'o [Status: 2 or 3 words?] np.
gadabichcho [Status: check entry form - gadab inflected morpheme.
only?] n. title among Hadiyya. Morph: singl. gag xan xuunsaammi woca np. independent
of gadab. [Status: check precise meaning] sentence.
gaddabbukko vt. 1) to catch. 2) to seize. 3) to gag xanukko vi. to help oneself.
take hold of. gaga [Status: check entry form (gag ? / add:
gada'i makkimma np. success. gagim ?)] n. self.
gadajora [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] adj. unlucky. gaga caakkisukko [Status: check entry form]
gadalla adj. grey, with a white forehead. vp. to assert.
gadaalla Pl: gadaalluwwa. n. a cow with pink gaga xan xum sagara np. independent/main
colour. [Status: check meaning (grey rather clause.
than pink?)] gaga xana np. independent.
gadalli boora np. a light grey coloured animal gaga xanato np. independence. [Status: check
with brown spots. entry form - lit. "self capability"]
gadaallukko vi. 1) to be greyish. 2) to be ugly. gaga xanukko vp. to stand by oneself. [Status:
gaadanna Variant: gaaxxanna. n. war front check meaning]
leader (title). gaaga'a adj. still.
gaadaancho Pl: gaadaano. n. campaigner. gaaggaaba adj. 1) fast. 2) quick.
gadani marukko vp. to go around, to surround. gaaggaabakkam luwwa adj. urgent.
[Status: check meaning; Abraham - to go gaaggaabaalla adj. fast.
near] gaaggaabaallisa adv. quickly.
gadano adj (?). near. gaggabisukko vt. 1) to hit. 2) to beat.
gadar [Status: check entry - should it be gadara ?] gaaggaabisukko vt. to make sb. hurry. Morph:
adj. colourful. CAUS 1 of gaaggaabukko.
gadara Pl: gadalluwwa. n. 1) white and black gaaggaabukko vi. 1) to hurry. 2) to move with
animal. 2) colourful cow. [Status: check speed.
meaning!] 3) light blue. [Status: check gaaga'isukko vt. to make still. Morph: CAUS 1
meaning !!] of gaaga'ukko.
gada'ukko vi. to be lucky. gaaggaambe imp (?). 1) in a hurry. 2) quickly.
gaadira Pl: gaadilluwwa. n. 1) cattle-pen (in [Status: check meanings; HED entry "hurry
house). 2) shed for animals. quick"]
gadisa adj. negligible. gagamoo'ixxa Morph: * gaga moo'ixxa.
gadisichcho adj / n (?). neglectful. [Status: 1 or 2 words] n. mirror.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 43

gagana game'llukko

gagana n. type of food. gaama adj. 1) not thoroughly cooked. 2) rough,

gaaga'ukko vt. to still. bad-mannered.
gageechcho adj. old. gamaca n. 1) type of board game. 2) pieces of
-gaagi suff. oneself. stones (used to play).
gagiittukko vi. to be selfish. Morph: * gag gamada Pl: gamadduwwa. n. dress. [Status:
iittukko. check meaning - could not be confirmed by
gaglaba adj. identical. Morph: * gag laba. Abraham]
gagxan lamga'nna [Status: check entry. HED: gamma'l sagachcho np. lateral.
gagxan1amga'nna] np. free morpheme. gammala n. 1) border, edge. 2) hem.
gagxana adj (n ??). independent. gaamaalekkichcho Pl: gaamaala. [Status:
gajajo Variant: gajajaancho. [Status: check check spelling - WHS, 151: gameela] n.
entry - underlined by AT] n. sb. who gives camel.
empty promises. gammalimma [Status: check entry form] v
gajajukko vt. to give empty promises. (inf). conclusion.
gajara Pl: gajalluwwa. n. machete. [Status: gammalukko vt. to conclude.
check meaning] gammaa'm gola [Status: check entry
gakkulle'e n (?). ?? form - gola enough?] np. stable.
gaaqa n. austrich. gamaama Pl: gamaammuwwa. n. yeast made of
gaqqi amaxxa np. possession. ensete.
gaqqi foore bi'isimma np. suicide. gamaamo [Status: check entry
gaqqi foore shimma np. suicide. form - gamaama ?] n. hard inner part of the
gaqqi haalata np. individual. trunk of the ensete plant.
gaqqi quuxo np. personal. gammaamo n (* adj). beast of burden, horses
gaqqi poolineeshiina np. self pollination. family.
gaqqi uulli ministeechcho [Status: check ga'mmancha n. 1) biting. 2) fighting (of dogs).
entry form] np. minister of interior. gamaancho Pl: gamaano. n. 1) thief. 2) robber.
gaqichcho n. bird of prey (certain kind of). gamata n. Gabattee game. [Status: check precise
[Status: eagle ?] meaning]
gala'a Pl: gala'uwwa. n. 1) griddle. 2) ember gammatukko vi. to estimate.
carrier of clay. 3) broken piece of griddle. gamba gamba np. 1) being in conflict.
[Status: check meaning - griddle:= 2) discordant.
"Gu‫ޥ‬isenpfanne"; EGH: "Tonpfanne"] gambaabiyya Pl: gambaabiyyuwwa. n. flute.
galaaksa n. galaxy. gambabbukko vi. 1) to get dark. 2) to lose hope.
galaaktoosa n. galactose. gambah [Status: entry? Text: gambah yitto.
galaantaamo adj. weak. What's the infinitive?] n. 1) encounter.
galata n. 1) thanks. 2) praise. 2) unexpected meeting, happened to ..
galaxxamona [Status: check form ...] adj. gambaalle'e n. leggings.
thankful, grateful. gambaxa Pl: gambaxxuwwa. n. wound at the
galaxxamukko vi. Morph: PASS of back of a beast of burden.
galaxxukko. 1) to be thanked. 2) to be gambaxisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
praised. gambaxukko. 1) to graze. 2) to wound a
galaxxancha n. praising. [Status: check beast of burden (at its back).
meaning; HED: praised (yet ps: n)] gamba'ukko vt. to build sth. From: Amh.
galaxxisukko vi. to be positive. Morph: CAUS gambawita Pl: gambawittuwwa. n. trumpet.
of galaxxukko (?). [Status: check meaning] [Status: check precise meaning]
galaxxukko vt. 1) to thank. 2) to praise. gambayyaato n. 1) accident. 2) coming accros.
gaalcha Pl: gaalchuwwa. n. 1) peers. 2) group, [Status: check meaning]
team. 3) club. 4) party. [Status: check gambayukko vi. 1) to come across. 2) to bring
meaning] together suddenly.
gaalchukko vt. to group. gambe'e n. 1) mason. 2) brick layer.
gaalgaalukko vi. to go very quickly. gambo'o n. larger jar.
galiba n. saying illegal words. [Status: check gamechcha n. 1) stealing. 2) taking without
meaning] permission.
gaallichcho Pl: gaalla. n. 1) antelope (certain gamme'e n (?). ??
kind of). 2) male kudu. [Status: check gaamme'e n. 1) some hair on the head. 2)
meaning] — adj. ugly. 3) untidy. [Status: check
Galiiliyo name. Galileo. meaning]
gaalokichcho n. aloe. game'llukko vt. 1) to insult. 2) to curse. 3) to
gamma Variant: gammo. Pl: gammuwwa. n. grumble. 4) to make derisive remarks. 5) to
mane of horse. steal. [Status: this meaning is probl.

44 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

game'ukko gaas

wrong !!!] gannichchi wotara [Status: check entry

game'ukko vt. 1) to steal. 2) to cheat. form - wotara enough?] np. foal.
gamiisukko vt. to make sb. to steal. Morph: gannichcho Pl: gannuwwa. n. mare.
CAUS 1 of game'ukko. gaanjaqqa Pl: gaanjaqquwwa. n. yoke.
gamo Pl: gammuwwa. n. 1) theft. 2) stealing. gaanjaamo adj. long.
gammo Variant: gamma. Pl: gammuwwa. n. gaanje Pl: gaanjuwwa. n. neck.
mane of horse. gaanje xaaxakkam sharba [Status: check
ga'mooma n. pain. entry form - paraphrasis ..] np. scarf.
ga'mmukko vt. 1) to bite. 2) to eat. gaanji wereegga np. necklace.
gaamukko vi. 1) be not well cooked. 2) to be gaanji zalabata np. collar. From: Amh.
bad-mannered. ganqaa'ukko vt. 1) to reinforce. 2) to give up.
gaamulla adj. ugly. 3) to leave.
gaammulla [Status: check entry ganqiganqukko vi. 1) to refuse. 2) to say no.
from - gaammukko ?] adj. 1) untidy. ganqukko vi. 1) to sit down. 2) to settle.
2) mixed. gansha Pl: ganshuwwa. n. 1) cold (illness).
gaamullaancho Pl: gaamullaano. n. ugly 2) mucus.
person. gansho'llukko vi. to blow the nose.
gaamullukko vi. to be ugly. gantichcho Pl: ganta (?). [Status: which entry?
Gammunna name. Gammunna. [Status: check does a sg make sense?] n. gauntlet. From:
ee] Amh. ?
ga'nna Pl: ga'nnuwwa. n. address. ganxa n (?). ??
gaana n. 1) juice of kocho (part of ensete). ganukko vt. 1) to hit. 2) to fight. 3) to thresh by
2) water contained in ensete. driving an ox. 4) to ask for the price.
gana'a conj. yet. ga'nnukko 1) vi. to rain. 2)
ga'na'a n. inherited possession. — vt. to side sb.
ganamukko [Status: check spelling] vi. to fight. garad n. title of Hadiyya leader (in ancient times).
Morph: PASS/REFL of ganukko ? garaadda n. war leader (title).
ga'nnamukko vi. to plopp around. Morph: garadekkichcho n. female worker.
PASS of ga'nnukko ? [Status: meaning ?] garafukko vt. to whip.
ga'nnamukko vi. to go through death throes. garaaja Pl: garaajjuwwa. n. garage. From:
Morph: PASS/REFL of ga'nnukko ? Engl.
ganancha n. 1) fight. 2) punch-up. garaqqisukko vt. to make sb. ask to turn sth.
ga'nnancha n. death throes. back. Morph: CAUS 1 of garaqqukko.
ganarukko vt. to start skinning. garasa n. hide.
Gannatta name. Garden Eden. From: Amh. garashshamma [Status: check spelling - was:
gancara v (adj ?). vexatious. [Status: check garashama] n. bat.
meaning] gaarawwa n. type of tree.
gancarukko vi. to be vexed. garayyukko vi. to be aged.
gancasukko vt. to irritate. garbaxa adj / n (?). 1) old. 2) staying for long
gandaddichcho Pl: gandadda. n. porcupine. time. [Status: check meaning and ps]
Gande name. Gurage. [Status: check meaning; gardaamma [Status: check entry: gerdama?] n.
was: Kambaata] 1) oat. 2) rye.
gandisa Pl: gandissuwwa. n. 1) village. 2) city, gare n. type of ensete.
town. garebba [Status: check entry form] n. resting
gaane'e Pl: gaane'uwwa. n. big pot. place of souls.
gangayyaato n. 1) ambivalence. 2) undecided gariya [Status: check spelling - EGH garia] n.
situation. type of ensete.
gaangeera Pl: gaangeelluwwa. n. 1) mollar teeth. gariyya n. a kind of ensete.
[Status: check meaning - was: gangeera] garje'e n. big knife for cutting ensete leaves.
2) back teeth. 3) jaw. garo Pl: galluwwa. n. 1) buttocks. 2) vagina.
gaangeera gudda np. tetanus. 3) clitoris. [Status: check meaning]
gaango Pl: gaanguwwa. n. 1) slope. 2) mountain garxanxa n / adj (?). rough [land ??]. [Status:
face. check meaning / ps]
gangukko [Status: check garxanxukko vi. to become rough.
spelling - gangaa'ukko ?] vi. 1) to pause. 2) to gaarxo'o adj (?). 1) careless. 2) carefree.
be surprised. [Status: to do somethings by garu uulla np. fallow. [Status: check meaning]
surprise ? / unexpectedly] 3) to forget sth. for garukko vi. to pass/spend the night.
a little time. gaarukko vi. to spend the rainy season.
gaanguyyukko vi. to be stammened. [Status: gaas Variant: gaassi doollee. adv (?). 1) prior,
check meaning !] earlier. 2)

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 45

gassa geemmaro'o

— n. former/past times. [Status: check gaxaxa adj (?). 1) curled up. 2) twisted.
meaning & ps] 3) wrapped around.
gassa [Status: check entry form - gasso ??] n. gaxaxukko vi. 1) to be entwined. 2) to be curled
administration. up.
gaasa n. gas. From: Engl. gawwa adj & n. deaf (person).
gaassaa [Status: check entry form (middle gaawwa n. 1) water pipe. 2) hookah. [Status:
verb ...)] vi. 1) first of all. 2) early. check meaning]
gaassaa marukko vp. to go prior to. gaawwissukko Variant: gaawwa agukko. vt. to
gaassaa waarukko vp. to come prior to. smoke a pipe. Morph: * gaawwa.
gassaancho Pl: gassaano. n. administrator. gawwite n (?). being hid[den?].
gaassaancho Pl: gaassaano. n. precedor. gawje'e Variant: gamje'e. Pl: gawje'uwwa.
gase'e n. 1) ploughing tool. 2) digging tool. [Status: check va] n. stove.
[Status: check meaning] gawuje'e n. 1) tripod on which the cooking pot
gaassi [Status: same entry as - gasso rests above the fire. 2) big container.
("administration")?] 1) adj. ancient. 2) gawwukko vi. 1) to be deaf. 2) to hide oneself.
— n. government. gayya Variant: goyye'e. Pl: gayyuwwa. n. large
gaassi doolle np. 1) previously. 2) formerly. house. [Status: check meaning]
3) in old times. gaaza n. petroleum. From: via Amh.
gassi qooxo'o np. administrative region. gaaza wonshukko vp. 1) to fill the tank. 2) to
gaassim adj. before, already. tank up.
gasso n. administration. gazza'ukko vt. to rule. From: Amh.
gaasooliina n. gasoline. gaazeexa n. 1) newspaper. 2) press. From: Ital.
gassukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of garukko. 1) to gazzetta.
administrate. 2) to govern, to manage. 3) to gaazeexa baxaancho np. journalist.
receive guests. 4) to accomodate sb. 5) to gebar n. tax payer. From: Amh.
confiscate a wife. [Status: check meaning and gebere n. 1) serf (of the state). 2) farmer. From:
whether to be entered under gassukko (to Amh.
administrate)] gebero [Status: check entry - gabiro ?] n.
gaassukko Variant: gaas yukko. [Status: check 1) drudge. 2) tax. 3) charge. From: Amh.
vp !! (HCD)] vk/vt. 1) to precede. 2) to be geceeca adj (?). 1) not accepted. 2) not
first of all, to get in ahead of sb. submissive.
gasha n. 1) moustache (of goat/man). 2) 40 hectar. geceecukko vi. to be proud.
From: Amh. (sn 2). gechchera adj (?). ??
gaashsha n. Gaashsha (40 hektar of land). gedeba n. trees planted on graves. From: Amh. ?
gat orachcho np. fossil. [Status: check precise meaning]
gata Pl: gattuwwa. n. 1) remaining [food ?]. Geedi'o name. Gedeo.
2) remnants. gefexukko vi. 1) to sit down. 2)
gatte n. 1) surrounding. 2) village, area. 3) social — vt. to enlarge.
life. 4) living. geegeesaancho Pl: geegeesaano. n. sb. who
gatti beyyo np. 1) domicile. 2) shelter. accompanies.
gatti mine np. living-room. geegeesukko vt. 1) to accompany. 2) to escort.
gatti seera np. living law. [Status: check geegeeyya n. wedding present (consisting of
meaning; sep. entry: gatti ?] cows).
gattisa n (?). 1) living condition. 2) dialect. geja Pl: gejjuwwa. n. 1) communal labour. 2) pig.
gatisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of gatukko. 1) to [Status: check meaning]
save. 2) to rescue. 3) to protect. 4) to leave geejja adj. 1) big, huge. 2) fat, thick. 3) decent.
over. 5) to store. geejjisukko vt. to enlarge. Morph: CAUS 1 of
gatto n. overnight. [Status: check meaning] geejjukko.
gatoo luwwa np. 1) rest. 2) remainder. geejjooma n. thickness.
3) leftover. [Status: check meaning] geejjukko vi. 1) to be fat. 2) to be huge, to be big.
gatoohane adj. remaining. 3) to be decent.
gatukko vi. 1) to remain, to be left. 2) to be geequkko vi. to look fiercely.
saved. 3) to get well, to recover. 4) to be ge'lla adj (?). 1) untidy. 2) soiled. 3) stained.
protected. 5) to be delivered, to be neglected. gelefeda n (?). ??
[Status: check second meaning!] 6) to be ge'llessa n. child with bulged stomach.
absent. ge'llessukko vi. to have a bulged stomach.
gaatura Pl: gaatulluwwa. n. a cow with white geellichcha n. running.
spot on red. gee'llukko vi. to go away.
gaxa Pl: gaxxuwwa. n. 1) floor. 2) saloon. geemmaraancho Pl: geemmaraano. n. singer.
gaxxamukko vt. to fix on. geemmaro'o Pl: geemmaro'uwwa. [Status:

46 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

geemmarukko gimbo'o

check spelling] n. 1) song. 2) tune. 4) young of animals.

geemmarukko vi. to sing. geexaageexa [Status: check entry
geemmo'o Pl: geemmo'uwwa. n. song. form - geexaageexa dano ?] n. jewelry.
gen ihukko [Status: check spelling - underlined gexeema n. type of short tree.
by AT] vp (vi). to be left. geexukko vi. to grow up.
gennamukko vi. 1) to incantate. 2) to charm. geyyo'i industire'e np. cottage industry.
gennaancho Pl: gennaano. n. bewitcher. geyyo'o n. hut.
[Status: meaning ?] geezimukko vi. to pound in pair. [Status:
gende'la Variant: gembe'la. n. type of wild herb. meaning ?]
gendeella n. milk-like fluid of grass. gi'ancha n. sexual intercourse (of persons).
gennequkko vi. to be ignored. gibbaa'ukko vt. to close.
genee'nnaancho Pl: genee'nnaano. n. milk gibbe adj. much (of liquids).
storing pot. Gibe'e name. Gibe.
geneeno'o n. aloe's bitter [leaves ?]. [Status: gibbichcho n. 1) antelope. 2) buck (certain kind
check meaning (omit bitter leaves ??)] of).
gennet n. paradise. From: Amh. gibira Pl: gibilluwwa. n. tax.
geenqancha n. 1) lawsuit. 2) litigation. gibisukko vt. to take into safety. Morph: CAUS
3) controversy. 1 of gibukko.
geno'aancho Pl: geno'aano. n. oppressor. Gibxa name. Egypt.
geno'o n. harmfulness. gibukko vi. 1) to flee. 2) to run.
gensa adj. 1) large. 2) black. 3) ugly. gibbukko vi. to be closed.
genu adj (?). delayed. [Status: check entry: giburukko vi. to pay taxes. From: Amh.
genimma - should it be deleted? / Abraham giichcho Pl: giichchuwwa. n. 1) nationality.
doesn't know "genu"] 2) people group.
genukko vt. 1) to harm. 2) to hurt. gidda n. 1) force. 2) violence. From: Amh.
gennukko vi/vt. 1) to bewitch. 2) to be left. giddi adv. 1) by force. 2) compulsorily. From:
geeramukko vi. 1) to rise suddenly. 2) to Amh.
flounder. 3) giddinetti adv. by force.
— vt. to make frantic. giddisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of giddukko.
geeraancho Pl: geeraano. n. runner. 1) to force. 2) to persuade. 3) to enforce.
geeraarukko vi. 1) to bray. 2) to mutter. 3) to giddo Pl: gidduwwa. n. obligation.
grumble. 4) to grunt. Gidoolle name. Gidoolle. [Status: check ee]
gereechcho Pl: gereeba. 1) n. sheep. 2) ewe. 3) giddukko vi. to be forced.
— adj. colourful, spotted. [Status: check Giggiga name. Giggiga. [Status: check ee]
meaning!!] giggira n. 1) crumbs. 2) sth. that falls off.
gereechchukko vi. to be crazy. giggirukko vi. 1) to drop. 2) to fall, to fall off.
geeree'n qasha np. ?? giggissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of giggukko /
gere'nneda adj. 1) large. 2) black. 3) ugly. giggirukko (?). 1) to spread. 2) to put sth.
gereero'aancho Pl: gereero'aano. n. oppositor. down. 3) to shake off.
[Status: opponent (?)] gi'ina n. 1) curd. 2) yogurt.
gereero'o n. opposite. gi'inukko vi. 1) to coagulate. 2) to thicken.
gereero'ukko vi. to be opposed. [Status: check From: Amh. 3) to leaven. 4) to come into
ACT / PASS (opposite of?)] rest. [Status: check meaning]
gergeeda n. type of disease. [Status: check gikko n. support.
meaning] gii'l buchcha np. ashes, ash. Morph: * giir +
geriba Pl: geribbuwwa. n. 1) huge person, old buchcha.
person. 2) respected person. 3) Annajina gii'l coca np. 1) loft. 2) perch (over fire place).
pilgrim. [Status: check sn 3 & nt] gii'l haqqa np. firewood.
geerukko vi. 1) to run. 2) to run away. gilaasa n. cloth of mane animals.
geessiisukko vt. to make run. Morph: CAUS 1 gilaaseena n. type of communal labour of women.
of geerukko. gilco'o n. scale.
geshira n. type of ensete. giliseeroola n. glycerol.
geesho n. buckthorn. giilsa n. gils.
geetakkichcho n. 1) master. 2) lord. From: gimma n. 1) churned milk. 2) buttermilk. 3) milk
Amh. less butter. [Status: check meaning ...]
geetochchi n. power, rule. From: Amh. gimmaara adj. 1) big. 2) thick. 3) dreadful.
geex antaba'a np. chick. [Status: check gimba Pl: gimbuwwa. [Status: check
meaning - according to Abraham: young (yet entry - was: gamba] n. wall. From: Amh.
full-grown) hen] Gimbichcho name. Gimbichcho.
geexa n. 1) lamb. 2) young goat. 3) young hen. gimbo'o n. type of ensete.

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gimmenja goddukko

gimmenja Morph: * gimmi enja. [Status: 1 or 2 [Status: certain kind of ?] 2) beans. [Status:
words?] n. a type of (sweet) basil. this meaning should most likely be taken off]
gimmiishukko vt. to churn. gixa n. rhyme.
gii'mmoora adj. 1) large. 2) huge. 3) gross. gixillo'o n. charcoal.
4) bulky. 5) voluminous (of body). gixisiisukko vt. to have things set in rows.
gii'mmukko vi. to sleep (of cattle). Morph: CAUS 1 of gixisukko.
ginbo'o n. type of ensete. gixo'i qooxo'o np. stanza.
Ginboota [Status: prob. better than the spelling gixo'o Pl: gixo'uwwa. n. poem.
Gilboota (assimilation made visible)] name. gixukko vt. 1) to arrange in order. 2) to write a
May 9 - June 7. poem.
gindamaancho n. sth. liable to fall apart. gi'ukko vi. 1) to copulate. 2) to fuck. [Status:
gindamukko vi. to fall in ruins. Morph: PASS of style?] 3) to have sexual intercourse.
gindukko. go'aanta n. glove.
gindaancho n. negation. Gobba'a name. Gobba. [Status: check ee]
gindansukko vt. 1) to wreck. 2) to turn to rubble. gobaancho Pl: gobaano. n. tailor.
gindo'o n. 1) ruin. 2) remains. gobbe'e n. type of food. [Status: check meaning
gindo'o edansaano np. negative conjunction. (HED: ____)]
gindukko vt. 1) to demolish. 2) to destroy. 3) to gobukko vt. to sew.
negate. gooca Pl: gooccuwwa. n. 1) door, front door.
ginjira n. breakfast. 2) entrance. 3) doorway. 4) threshold.
gippa n. 1) furrow. 2) gap. [Status: check meanings of sn 2f]
giphaa'ukko vt. to make delay. gocekkichcho n. tortoise.
giphite n. pause. goochcho'o Variant: gootto'o. [Status: check va]
giphixxi mare'e np. comma. adj. 1) small. 2) few.
giphukko vi. to pause. godda n. 1) wealth, property. 2) satisfaction,
giir fincichcho np. 1) squabbler. 2) trouble saturation, repletion. 3) high spirits,
maker. 3) unruly person. boisterousness. 4) arrogance.
giir issukko vp. to put sth. on to cook. goda'a n. wall, clay wall.
giira Pl: giilluwwa. n. 1) fire. 2) nation. [Status: godab ga'mmukko vp (vi). to have
check meaning] stomach-ache.
giira xo'issukko vp (vt). Morph: CAUS 1 of godab usheexxaakko vp (vi). 1) to be content.
giira xo'ukko. 1) to exstinguish a fire. 2) to 2) to be satisfied.
put out a fire. godabaamo adj. 1) gluttonous. 2) greedy. 2) big
girachchoota n. type of festival. bellied.
giraama n. gram. godabaamotte adj. pregnant.
giiramukko vi. Morph: PASS of giirukko. 1) to godabo Pl: godabbuwwa. n. 1) belly.
burn. 2) to be in a fury. 2) abdomen. 3) half of a pair. 4) part of an
giraara n. type of tree. animal's back [load ?]. 5) character.
giraara n. 1) mimosa. 2) acacia tree. godabo fayya'a np. peaceful person.
giraare n. type of ensete. godabo haraara [Status: check entry form] np.
girba Pl: girbuwwa. [Status: check tender.
entry - underlined by AT] n. cave. goodamu maara np. roast meat.
girgiraancho Pl: girgiraano. n. smoke goddaancho Pl: goddaano. adj & n. 1) rich
container. [Status: check meaning] (person). 2) satisfied (person).
girgiraa'uukko vt. to disgust. 3) high-spirited (person). 4) master. [Status:
girgirukko vi. to be irritated. check meaning of sn 4f !!!] 5) lord.
girmixa n. dust. godaphphi jabbo np. abdominal disease.
girshimmukko vi. to dance gracefully. godaphphi mancho np. 1) friend. 2) lover.
girta n. place of bee hives (in backyard). godaphphi xiso np. stomach pain.
girtaja n. skirt. [Status: check precise meaning] godaphphisa ikko'o np. aborted.
giirukko vt. 1) to burn. 2) to set fire. Godare name. Godare.
giiste Pl: giistuwwa. n. chief wife (title). goddeera n. plain.
gisukko vi. 1) to sleep. 2) to scrumbe. godirada Pl: godiradduwwa. n. 1) stove. 2) oven.
gishira n. type of ensete. 3) furnace.
gita Pl: gittuwwa. n. 1) brook. 2) river. goddisoo adj. worth.
gitanna n. 1) warlord. 2) hero. godo'o adj. small. [Status: check entry
gitaara n. guitar. form - goto'o / meaning]
gittawwa n. process of lending/borrowing goodo'o adj (?). roasted (of barley).
money. goddukko vi. 1) to be rich, to be wealthy. 2) to
gite'e n. 1) garden pea, field pea, Abyssinian pea. eat enough. 3) to be satisfied. 4) to be

48 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

goodukko goonooma

high-spirited. 5) to be proud. meaning - couldn't be confirmed by Abraham

goodukko vt. to roast. (dialectal ?)]
goofaare'e n. hair standing up. golfa n. evil spirit of the Shamanna.
goog mancho [Status: check Golje'i kompileksa np. Golji complex.
spelling - underlined by TA] np. traveller. goollokichcho Pl: goollo'o. n. civit, genet cat.
gogaalla adj. 1) dry, withered. 2) stubborn. golonsichcho n. 1) marten. 2) polecat. 3) badger.
3) tricky (people). 4) not fertilized (of soil). [Status: check meaning - not yet clear ...]
gogaanchi diindaa'llichcho n. beetle (certain goollo'o n. 1) ending. 2) conclusion.
kind of). gollukko vi. 1) to be greedy. 2) to be a glutton.
gogaancho Pl: gogaano. n. slanderer. goollukko vi. 1) to conclude. 2) to sew. [Status:
googaancho Pl: googaano. n. passenger. check meaning (conclude sewing ?)]
googo Pl: googguwwa. n. 1) way, road. 2) trip, goolluunsa n. vulture. [Status: check precise
journey. meaning]
googo murukko vp (vt). to take a short cut. gomma'i [Status: check entry form - gomma'a ?]
goggo'o vi. Morph: 3fs Perf. 1) to be stubborn n. tire. From: Amh.
(for female). 2) to be sterile. gomarukko vi. to be ripe (of maize).
googgoosukko vt. to decorate. gomba adj. 1) useless. 2) worthless. 3) empty.
gogota Pl: gogottuwwa. n. army. goomballa n. skin on the neck of cattle.
gogotukko vt. 1) to cause calamity. 2) to cause goomballaamo n. part of the cow's / oxen's
disaster. [Status: check meaning] body in front of the neck. [Status: check
gogukko vi. 1) to [be] dry, to dry out, to wither. meaning]
[Status: check diff with gogisukko] 2) to be Gombora [Status: check entry form - Gomboro
stubborn. (Brauk)] name. Gombora.
goja 1) n. evil eye. 2) Gomboro name. Gomboro.
— adj (??). destroying. [Status: check ps] gome'e n. 1) grudge. 2) compensation. [Status:
gojaancho Pl: gojaano. n. 1) person with an evil check meaning; spelling was: gomee]
eye. 2) destroyer. gome'ukko vi (?). to have a grudge.
gojjaa'ukko vi. to stop. gomora adj. 1) robust. 2) firm. 3) solid.
goojje'e adj. with an evil eye. 4) vigorous. 5) long-standing.
gojjite n. process of keeping standing. goonna [Status: check entry !] n. clotted milk.
Gojobe'e name. Gojobe'e (river). Morph: cf. giin-.
gojobo n. bick red pepper. goona muggisa np. type of bird. [Status: check
gojo'o n. 1) type of ensete (the best one). meaning]
2) mentally matured [person]. goonchi aduuncho [Status: put under entry
gojo'ukko vi. 1) to be stayed (of ensete). [Status: aduuncho?] np. tomcat.
check meaning (ACT/PASS)] 1) to be goonchi antaba'a np. rooster.
matured (of person). goonchi beeto np. son.
gojukko vi. 1) to be an evil-eyed person. 2) to goonchi farashsho np. stallion.
annihilate. goonchi lehaakko meentichchotte [Status:
gojjukko vi. 1) to keep standing. 2) to be straight. check entry form] np. widow.
goojjukko v. ?? gooncho Pl: goona. 1) n. man. 2)
gokka n. upper part of the chest bone. — adj. male. 3)
gokkisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of gokkukko. — adj. brave.
1) to dry. 2) to [make] stubborn. [Status: gooncho hooggaakkoohane [Status: check
check meaning] entry form] np. widower.
gola Pl: golluwwa. n. 1) stall. 2) room in the goonchukko vi. to be strong.
house for mules, horses, donkeys. goondaa'llichcho n. type of animal. [Status:
goola n. goal. From: Engl. check meaning]
goolla n. evaporation, vapour. goondo'o n. a pest [illness ?] that damages crop
goollaamo adj. vaporized. plants.
gollaancho Pl: gollaano. 1) n. glutton. 2) gonga Pl: gonguwwa. n. thick and flat wood on
— adj. insatiable, greedy. which to cut ensete.
goollaancho Pl: goollaano. n. 1) verb. 2) sb. gonge n (?). stubbornness.
who concludes. gonjina adj (?). informal form. [Status: check
goollaancho caakkisaancho np. adjective. meaning!!]
goollaanchogaassa [Status: 1 or 2 words?] n. Gonooda name. May 9 - June 7.
adverb. gonofa Pl: gonoffuwwa. n. spout. [Status: check
goollato Pl: goollattuwwa. n. overview. meaning]
gole'e n. shorts. goonooma 1) n. penis. 2)
goleta Pl: golettuwwa. n. wall. [Status: check — adj. masculine.

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gonoona gudishsha

gonoona adj (??) / n (HED). statched. [Status: gottukko vt. to snatch sth. away.
check meaning] goxxancha n. 1) conflict. 2) contradiction.
gonnorukko vt. to split the parts of ensete. 3) contrast.
gonsu'la n. vulture. goxxukko vi. to escape.
goonnukko vi. to beg. gowwisa n. influenza.
gora n. type of caper. From: Amh. gumura; Bor. goyya [Status: check entry form - goyye'e ??] n.
Orom. gora; Som. gomor;. [Status: check hall.
meaning; HED had - raspberry] gooyyamukko vi. to be commented.
goora n. paying punishment. [Status: check gooyyancha n. 1) comment. 2) criticism.
precise meaning] goyye'e Variant: gayya. Pl: goyye'uwwa. n. large
goraba'a n. calves. [Status: check precise house. [Status: check meaning]
meaning] gooyyukko vi. to comment.
gorada n. type of ensete. gozooda n. type of ensete.
goradde Pl: goradduwwa. n. type of knife. graama Pl: graammuwwa. n. gram. From: Gr.
gorade'e n. sword. (via Engl.).
goratanna n. 1) split wood. 2) wall. grechotta n. shepherd's feast on Nehasse 13.
gooraxukko vi. 1) to graze. 2) to overgraze. gu'aazi Pl: gu'aazzuwwa. [Status: check
gorba'a Pl: gorba'uwwa. n. 1) cow (from one to spelling !!] n. caravan. Morph: cf. igguuzu.
two or three years). 2) herd of calves. gubbamoo bee'ane [Status: check entry form]
goore'e n. good wish. np. passive.
goorja n. gorge. From: Engl. gubbamukko vi. Morph: PASS of gubbukko.
goro'amma n. type of grass / weed. [Status: 1) to wrestle. 2) to fight. 3) to have a scrap.
check meaning] gubana n. entrance of the house over the head.
goromota adj. with evil eye. [Status: check meaning]
goromotichcho n. werewolf (kind of). gubaanata n. herds.
gortanna n. wall. gubbancha n. 1) wrestling. 2) scrap, fight,
gorte'e Pl: gorte'uwwa. n. wall. scuffle.
gosancha [Status: check entry form - gosano ?] gubano adj. pregnant (only of animal).
n. rape. guba'nnukko vi. to be pregnant (of animal).
gosano n. kidnapping. guba'ukko vt. 1) to roast. 2) to burn (of pepper,
gosaasamo kaame'e [Status: check entry hot coffee). 3) to consume.
form] np. trailer. gubeedo n. 1) thigh. 2) leg, thigh. [Status: from
gosaasamukko vi. Morph: PASS of hip to toe ??]
gosaasukko. 1) to lag behind. 2) to be pulled, gubeeto n. ??
to be dragged. gubbukko vt. 1) to take a mouthful. 2) to drink a
gosaasukko vt. Morph: CAUS 2 of gosukko. mouthful. [Status: which is the correlating
1) to pull out. 2) to drag. 3) to take sth. away noun ?]
from sb. gucu'lla adj. serious.
gosiisukko Variant: gosa'ukko. vt. Morph: guchchekkichcho n. ostrich.
CAUS 1 of gosukko. 1) to pull out, to drag guchchuma n. butter pot.
out. 2) to take sth. away from sb. guda n. 1) half. 2) middle.
gosso'o n. stirring rod. gudda n. 1) knot. 2) oath.
gosoota n. type of ensete. gudakkichcho n. 1) oryx. 2) antilope (certain
gosukko vt. 1) to remove. 2) to pull out. 3) to kind of).
uproot. 4) to pick (e.g. beans). 5) to drag. gudaanchi balla np. noon.
6) to rape. gudaancho adj. 1) equal. 2) similar. 3) even.
gossukko vi. 1) to fall out. 2) to fall off. gudaanchooma n. equality.
goshaancha Variant: goshitaancha. n. milking gudaano n. age-mate.
container. Gudara name. Gudara. [Status: check ee]
goshaancho Pl: goshaano. n. milker. guddee n. knot.
goshukko vt. to milk. gude'e n. edible weed.
got buyya [Status: check spelling (gotluyya); 1 gudeera n. 1) felled tree. [Status: check engl.;]
or 2 words?] np. crinum-lily. 2) tree-trunk. 3) bridge. 4) block (in jail).
got nii'o np. type of mushroom. gudeera n. 1) stem. 2) trunk. 3) log. 4) stump.
gotteesisukko vt. to let sb. snatch sth. away. gudisaancho Pl: gudisaano. n. rake.
Morph: CAUS 2 of gottukko; CAUS 1 of gudisansa n. balance.
gotteesukko (?). gudisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of gudukko. 1) to
gotichcho Pl: gota. n. hyena. make even, to make similar, to equalize. 2) to
gooto'o n. a kind of tree with edible fruits. prepare.
gootto'o adj. 1) (very) small. 2) (very) little. gudishsha n. 1) preparation. 2) correction.

50 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

gudo gunguunsukko

gudo n. 1) age-mate. 2) right. [Status: check guullisukko vt. to make sb. to accomplish.
meaning!!] Morph: CAUS 1 of guullukko.
guudo'o n (?). roasted barley. [Status: check guullishsha [Status: check entry form] n.
meaning] performance.
gudoyyo [Status: check entry form ... (NOT adj)] gulti n. land given to commendable persons. From:
vi. incorrect. Amh.
gudubee'ane adj. 1) crooked. 2) lopsided. guullukko vt. 1) to finish. 2) to complete. 3) to
gududa adj. marked with axes of tree. [Status: destroy.
check meaning] gulukoosa n. glucose.
gudukko vi. 1) to be ready. 2) to be of the same gulumma n. belongings. [Status: check
kind, to be of even proportions, to be equal. meaning]
3) to prepare. [Status: check meaning] gu'ma adj. all.
guddukko vt. 1) to tie a knot. 2) to tie sth. to sth. guma'a n. 1) bracelet (worn on the upper arm).
guudukko vi. to burn. 2) ring (worn on the leg). 3) wire.
gudumo [Status: check spelling] n. 1) shoulder. guma'a ganukko vp (vi). to be engaged.
2) burden, readiness. [Status: check guma'a issukko vp. to ring (bells).
meaning - was not confirmed by Abraham] gumagana n. engagement. [Status: check
gudummo n. 1) shoulder. 2) supporter (of meaning]
person). gumba adj. 1) stooped. 2) inclined (of head).
guffa n. nutgrass. [Status: sour; Amh. sindedoo;] 3) bent.
guffi adaayye np. type of plant. [Status: check gumbe'e n. sorghum.
meaning] gumbukko vt. 1) to stoop. 2) to incline (head).
guufo'o Pl: guufo'uwwa. n. cap. 3) to bend.
guffukko vi. 1) to dance (in front of?). [Status: gumburaa'ukko vt. 1) to render. 2) to recoup.
check meaning - KIRB: vortanzen; others: 3) to brime back.
dance] 2) to cover an area with grass. 3) to be gumucaa'ukko vt. to sip.
happy. 4) to intimidate. gumu'llaalla n / adj (?). concentrated solution.
gufut boorda np. shash board. [Status: check [Status: check meaning and ps]
meaning] gumushaa'ukko vt. to sip.
gufuta n. mop of hair. guna [Status: check spelling of the entry (was:
gufutukko vi. to descend from sb. guna,m) !!] n. 1) bilacing. 2) a kind of tree.
guga adv. 1) many. 2) a lot of. guuna n. tobacco pipe.
guga'ukko vt. to solidify. guna bagaan [Status: 1 or 2 words?] np.
gugo 1) n. lightning. 2) 1) magnificent. 2) admirable. [Status: check
— name. Guugo. meaning]
guggubamukko vi. to walk clumsily. Morph: guna isena vp (?). [Status: check entry form /
PASS of guggubukko ?? ps] 1) surprising. 2) magnified. [Status: check
gugguuchcha n. the act of carrying away. meaning]
gugukko vi. 1) to thunder. 2) to shout. guna ixxena np (?). 1) wonder. 2) astonished.
guuggukko vi/vt (?). 1) to make sb./sth. run 3) brilliant. [Status: check meaning - different
away. 2) to be bent (of person). [Status: from guna isena]
check meaning !!!] gu'nnaa'ukko vt. to put.
guugulla adj. 1) many (of chicken). 2) a lot. gunda 1) adj. short. 2)
gugum ihukko vp. to become an obstacle. — n. dwarf.
guguma Pl: gugummuwwa. n. 1) stump, gundaa yimma vp. to say in short. [Status:
tree-trunk. 2) obstacle. check whether entry necessary - other
gugguurukko vt. 1) to carry away. 2) to bring. meanings like: summarize, etc. ?]
gujekkichcho n. clay jug. gundi caakkishsa [Status: check entry form]
gujjukko vi. to go away. np. overview.
gulla n. grey fluid found on cheex (??) in the gundi kitaabo'o np. stenography, short hand
morning. [Status: check meaning] (writing).
gula'a n. central part of a shema. gundisukko vt. to shorten. Morph: CAUS 1 of
gullaamo adj. with a fluid like dirty material. gundukko.
[Status: check meaning] gundixxukko Variant: gundissukko. [Status:
gullichcho n. 1) sb. who finishes. 2) destroyer. check entry! (WHS: gundiss-)] vt. to shorten.
3) killer. gundo n. drudge.
gullilaata Pl: gullilaattuwwa. n. bit on top of gundukko vi. 1) to be short. 2) to dismiss.
the roof. [Status: check meaning] gunguu'llukko vi. 1) to cover oneself. 2) to roll
guullisimma [Status: check entry form] n (?). up (cloth).
performance. gunguunsukko vt. Morph: CAUS I of

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 51

gunjuphpha habuuttanna

gunguu'llukko. 1) to cover. 2) to roll up. gursa n. 1) shortness. 2) lowness (in height).

3) to bundle up. [Status: check meaning]
gunjuphpha adj ? ?? gurubbi ifichcho np. knee cap.
gunsa n. 1) trunk of tree. 2) log. 3) stump block gurubbi iffichcho np. 1) elbow. 2) knee.
(of wood). gurubo Variant: gurbo. n. heifer (sexually
gunshirukko vi. to be mild, to be warm. Morph: mature).
* guwishur ? gurubbo Pl: gurubba. n. 1) knee. 2) node.
gunshuura n. warm water. 3) space between two nodes. [Status: check
gunshuurukko vi. to be warm. meaning] 4) twig.
gunshuussukko vt. to warm sth. up. Morph: gurubukko vt. 1) to tease. 2) to joke.
CAUS 1 of gunshuurukko; cf. gurufukko vi. to sit down.
guwishurukko. guurukko vt. to weight.
gunxaato [Status: check spelling - was: gurumba n. grain in the field.
gunuxxaato] n. sitting down uncomfortably. gurumbukko vi. to flower (of grain in the field).
[Status: check meaning] [Status: check meaning]
gunxukko [Status: check entry - was: gurunna Pl: gurunnuwwa. n. milk pot.
gunuxukko] vi. to sit down uncomfortably. guruphphukko vi. 1) to kneel. 2) to kneel
[Status: check meaning; other entry: sit down down.
as sad person] gururukko vi. to think over.
gupa n. fringe. guttalla adj (?). ??
gura [Status: check entry - AT suggest: qara (but gutansa [Status: check entry, WHS:
nothing to do with "lamp")] n (?). guttansichcho, "dug"] n. owl.
1) direction. 2) lamp of (??). [Status: check guttansichcho [Status: check entry and
meaning] spelling - HCD: gutansa: owl] n. dug.
Guraage name. Gurage. guto'o Pl: guto'uwwa. n. morning.
guuraalla adj. 1) heavy. 2) massive. guuto'o n. little hair on head.
guurato n. mass. guwaanta [Status: Marqos had the functional
gurcuma adj. short (of boy). description: angi xumma egeraancho (?)] n.
gurda n. skirt. 1) glove. 2) gauntlet.
guurisaancho n. balance. guwshurukko vi. to warm up.
guurisukko vt. to measure. Morph: CAUS 1 of guzumo'amukko vi. to pay compensation.
guurukko. Morph: PASS/REFL of guzumo'ukko ??
gurmo'o n. a lot. guzumo'o Pl: guzumo'uwwa. n. compensation.
gurmo'ukko vi. to become a lot. [Status: check
meaning (multiply ?)]

H - h
ha'a interj. interjection to express disgust. [Status: habayyi xumma waattitto vp. welcome.
check meaning] habdeesha Pl: habdeeshshuwwa. n. tumor.
haa'a interj. haa'a. [Status: check meaning] haabbi hagara np. type of hair style.
ha~a~'a ha~a~'a interj. ooh. [Status: check Habichcho name. Habichcho. [Status: check ee]
meaning; Abraham, Correction says: "No, habichcho n. female greater kudu.
no" ...] habiilla [Status: check spelling] n. 1) nakedness.
habba adj (?). external (of talk). [Status: check 2) wearing little cloth.
meaning] habiillo n. clothes.
haabba n. grown hair style. habiillukko vi. to be naked.
habbame adv. 1) seldom. 2) rarely. haabbixxukko vt. to comb.
haabaamo adj. 1) wonderful. 2) astonished. haabo Pl: haabbuwwa. n. wonder.
3) admirable. haabo'o Pl: haabo'uwwa. n. flower of weed.
habbaara n. figurative speech. haabukko vt. to straighten.
habarasa n. odds and ends. habullukko vi. to become crazy/insane.
habaraato n. hurry, haste. habusa Pl: habussuwwa. n. 1) devil. 2) evil
habaraatukko vi. to hurry, to haste. spirit. [Status: check precise meaning; KIRB:
habbaaro n. 1) sarcasm. 2) veiled insult. personified unclean spirit] 3) demon.
habbaarukko vi. to speak figuratively. habusichcho Pl: habusa. [Status: check entry
habbay n. photo. From: Amh. form - habusa only?] n. a forest demon.
habayyi n. 1) Praise be (to God). 2) Easter. habuuttanna n. a kind of butterfly. [Status:
[Status: check meaning!; lit. translation?] check precise meaning]

52 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

habutuutisukko hakkansukko

habutuutisukko vt. to make run quickly. hafaaffe'ukko vi / vt (?). 1) to yawn. 2) to long

Morph: CAUS 1 of habutuutukko (?). to, to have a great wish to get sth.
habutuutukko vi. to run quickly. hafaaffe'ukko [Status: check spelling &
hacca n. rubbish, dirt. meaning] vi. to rust.
haccaga n (?). 1) taking all. 2) sweeping out. haafite n. 1) mercy. 2) forgiveness.
3) opening a road. 3) compassion. 4) pity.
haccaamo adj. full of rubbish. Haafixxi Doolle np. Anno Domini.
haaciiqa n (?). mud. Morph: singl. only. hafxanukko vi. to hurry.
haacoola adj. waterish (of milk). hafukko vi. to become shadowy.
haccukko vi. to be tired. haafukko vi (?). to forgive.
hachchamo adj ? ?? hafuluqa Pl: hafuluqquwwa. n. ensete enzym of
hachchoora n. waterish milk. lower quality.
hada Pl: hadduwwa. n. 1) flock, herd. 2) crowd. hafura n. heat.
Haddachcho name. Haddachcho. [Status: check haga suume np. jargon.
ee] haga'a n. 1) group. 2) team. 3) flock.
hadadda n. 1) frost, cold. 2) dew drop. [Status: hagabichcho n. prostitute.
check meaning (prob. sn 2 to be deleted)] hagabukko vi. to be a prostitute.
hadaddukko vi. 1) to be very cold. 2) to be hagagaraadda n. famous person.
frozen. hagaagechcha n. ??
hadaamo adj. modest. hagaage'e n ? ??
hadara n. 1) entrusted to. [Status: check hagageesukko vt. 1) to gnaw (a bone). 2) to
meaning] 2) formed webs. [Status: check nibble (crop).
meaning] hagala n. a kind of tree.
hadara aagukko vp. to approach sb. to save his haggalla adj ? ??
life or to get sth. [Status: check meaning] hagara Pl: hagalluwwa. n. 1) colour.
hadara itichcho np. dishonest. 2) appearance. 3) inheritance. [Status:
hadara itukko vp. to become dishonest. separate entry or connected through "the
haddaro Pl: haddalluwwa. n. 1) colt rum, first colourful one" - i.e. cow???] 3) kind, type.
milk of a cow after giving birth. [Status: 4) sacrifice (of chicken, goat).
check meaning] 2) dairy cow (during the first hagara baxukko vp. 1) to form. [Status: check
two weeks after calving). meaning] 2) to type.
hadaashsha n. before arrival. [Status: check hagara'llukko [Status: check spelling; HED:
meaning] hagaraO'llukko] vi. to be ugly.
hadaashshukko vi. 1) to approach. 2) to finish hagarinne [Status: check entry form - CASE] n.
partially. [Status: check meaning] typical.
haadima n. knife. hagarissukko vi/vt (?). to make sacrifice.
haadimo n. one who cuts. Morph: CAUS 1 of hagarukko.
haadisukko vt. ?? hagaroo'lla adj (v ??). ugly.
Hadiyya name. Hadiyya. haga'ukko vi. departed (used for bees?).
Hadiyyisa n. Hadiyya (language). Morph: * [Status: check meaning]
Hadiyya + -isa. hagayye Pl: hagayyuwwa. n. summer.
ha'e interj. please. hagayyukko vi. to be rainy.
haf ana [Status: check entry form - was: haafana] haahukko vi. to say "stand" (to animals).
np. shadow father. [Status: check precise ha'iyyukko vt. to love. [Status: check meaning]
meaning!!] hajja adj. almost none.
hafa n. 1) shadow. 2) shade. haja'a n. 1) matter, business. 2) problem, bad
haafa n. mercy. happening. 3) guardian spirit.
hafa ki'isukko vp (vt). to take a picture. Morph: haja'aamo adj. mischievous (of person).
CAUS 1 of hafa ki'ukko (???). hajeen issukko vp. to use for a urgent need.
hafachcha n. 1) air, wind. 2) atmosphere. 3) hajeena n. essential (of survival).
— adj. light. [Status: check meaning / ps!!] hajji n. sb. who made a pilgrimage to Mekka.
4) black leg (animal illness). From: Arab. (via Amh.).
hafachchaamo adj. windy. hajiga n. 1) credit. 2) loan (of money).
hafachchi amaxxa [Status: check entry form] hajjisukko vt. to bring to completion. Morph:
np. climate. CAUS 1 of hajjukko.
hafachchi asso [Status: check entry form] np. hajjukko vi. nearly to be finished.
airmail. haakkaakkukko vi. to enter here and there.
hafachchukko vi. 1) to blow (of wind). 2) to be hakkamma n. 1) bridle. 2) bit for horse.
windy. hakkamukko vt. to treat sb. medically.
hafaaffechcha n. 1) yawing. 2) longing. hakkansukko vt. to treat sb. medically.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 53

hakkawwukko hamashshichcho

hakkawwukko v. ?? halqooba n. 1) evil. 2) wickedness.

hakii'm mine [Status: in Textbook 2 spelled as halquma Pl: halqummuwwa. n. 1) fool.
"akii'mmine"] np. 1) health centre. 2) clinic. 2) moron.
3) hospital. hallo n. part of human body above the buttock.
haakima n. medical doctor. [Status: check meaning]
hakiincho Variant: akiincho. Pl: hallukko vt. to treat politely in order to get sth.
hakiimmuwwa. [Status: check entry form ...] haa'llukko [Status: check spelling] vt. to
n. 1) physician. 2) nurse. scratch. Morph: MEDIAL of har-.
haakkukko vt. 1) to put into the pocket. 2) to hallutta n. type of grass with thorns.
steal. ha'm weesa n. type of ensete whose tubercules
haq laara np. fruits. are used as medicine.
haq mishsha np. grape. hamma Variant: hammaama. n. branch, twig,
haqqa Morph: singl. haqqichcho. Pl: forked wood.
haqquwwa. n. 1) tree. 2) wood. 3) forest. hammaa juukkaa pron (?). this and that.
4) handle (of a tool). 5) bush. 6) plant. haama'a n. deep hole.
[Status: check meaning] HCD 281 (sn 1f)) hamacara adj. 1) variated. 2) ugly in colour.
haqaawwechcha [Status: check entry hamaalle n. betray.
form - cf. haqaawwo] n. dream. hamaa'llukko vt. Morph: REFL of
haqaawwe'ukko vt. to dream. hamaarukko. 1) to mix (for oneself ?). 2) to
haqaawwo Pl: haqaawwuwwa (?). n. 1) dream. stir (for oneself ?). [Status: check meaning]
2) sign, foretelling. [Status: check spelling hamaama n. 1) unripe ear of cereal. 2) ripened
and meaning!! not really "vision" or "dreams" grain. [Status: check which meaning is
(= kalta)] 3) revelation. 4) fancy. correct !]
haqqoro np. Morph: * haqqi woro. 1) forest. hammaamma n. 1) stump. 2) log.
2) jungle. hamaamoota n. best men.
haquudaancho Pl: haquudaano. adj (?). hamannamma adj. respected.
1) very thin. 2) pale. hamannancho Pl: hamannano (??). [Status:
hala n. money or food given to a person on the check spelling - hamannaancho?] n. a person
occasion of funerals. with dignity. [Status: cf. entry hamannaato!
Halaaba name. Alaba. Which is the corresponding
halaafekkichcho n. responsible person. From: VERB - hamannimma, "to be worthy" ???]
Amh. hamannaato n. 1) respect. 2) dignity. [Status:
halaafinnax kululleeta [Status: check entry check meaning! - according to Abraham, the
form] np. province. meaning of hamannaato is very similar to
hallaqqa n. stretcher. haydaa - "sensitivity; regard"] 3) sensitivity
halaaleessukko vt. to slaughter (in accordance to opinions of others. [Status: check
with certain rites). meaning] 4) regard for others' feelings.
halaaloo'llukko vi. to die without being hamaancho n. 1) slander. 2) calumny.
slaughtered (of animal). hamannukko vt. to respect.
hallaamma Pl: hallaammuwwa. n. 1) a hamaaramma 1) adj. mixed. 2) crooked.
fiber-like soft (tissue?) inside the ensete 3) lopsided. 4)
steam [?]. [Status: check precise meaning] — n. union.
2) inner structure of the ensete leave. [Status: hamaaraama'na n. confusion.
check meaning] hamaarammi losixxa np. miscellanea
hallaamma xigukko vp. to disciminate people. [lessons?]. [Status: check meaning]
hallancha n. 1) being in trouble. hamaarammi sibiriixa np. complex fraction.
2) embarrassment. 3) difficulty. hamaarammi xuunsammi woca np.
halanga Pl: halanguwwa. n. small whip. complex sentence.
haalata Pl: haalattuwwa. n. character. hamaarammi wixxite np. union of sets.
haalato [Status: check entry form - haalata ?] n. hamaaramukko vi. to be mixed. Morph: PASS
behaviour. of hamaarukko.
halee'lla adj ? fullfilled. hamaaraancho n. troublemaker.
hallee'llaa amadukko vp. to occupy. hamaaro'o n. mixture.
halli diishsha Pl: halli diishshuwwa. n. hamaarukko vt. 1) to mix, to stir. 2) to confuse.
1) horsefly, ichneumon fly. 2) dung beetle. 3) to quarrel with eath other.
[Status: check meanings - they are not yet hamaassiisukko vi/vt (?). Morph: CAUS 2 of
confirmed !] hamaarukko. 1) to betray. 2) to gossip.
halli utta n. ?? ha'mmasha adj. 1) huge. 2) untidy.
haliiba n. amarant. hamashshama n. toad. [Status: check meaning]
hallichcho Pl: halla. n. donkey. hamashshichcho Pl: hamashsha. n. snake.

54 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

hambaaca hanqa

hambaaca adj / n ? 1) trouble maker. 2) unruly. hancuura n. type of fast growing plant.
3) mischievous. hanchurukkaa'ukko vt. 1) to bite (a person
hambacamma adj. cloudy. Morph: cf. etc.; not: food). 2) to clench the teeth (in
ambacamma. [Status: check which one pain).
should be the proper entry ..] handa n. praise.
hambaacukko vi. 1) to cause trouble. [Status: handarekkichcho Pl: handare'e. n. 1) dove.
check meaning (HED: cause terrible)] 2) to 2) pigeon.
be mixed. [Status: check ACT / PASS] handayukko vt. 1) to praise. 2) to thank.
hambalaachcha n. 1) disturbance. 2) screaming. handinneeta Variant: handinnaato. Pl:
3) shouting. 4) yelling. handinneettuwwa. n. 1) a present given to a
hambaraalla n. Morph: singl. only. 1) saliva. woman after giving birth. 2) congratulation.
2) dribble. 3) slaver. 3) happiness. 4) pleasure.
hambaramukko vi. Morph: PASS of Haandooshsha name. Haandooshsha.
hambarukko. 1) to be reduced. 2) to be hane postpos (?). 1) on, upon. 2) over, onto.
partially finished. -hane suff. AGENTISER.
hambarancha n. state of being reduced. hanee n. body.
hambarukko vt. to reduce slightly. hane dissukko vp. 1) to gain weight. 2) to put on
hambisa n. 1) bite. 2) morsel. weight.
hambu'llama n. storm, strong wind. hane kululaa'ukko vp. to turn around.
hamfucaa'ukko vi. 1) to scoop up. 2) to cup the hane lamina baxxansamooyyo [Status:
hands. check entry form - paraphrasis] np. odd.
ha'mmichchi tumeeso'o np. food prepared hanenne [Status: check spelling] adj / adv (??).
from the ensete nodule. over.
ha'mmichcho Pl: ha'mma. n. 1) edible root of hanfucaa'ukko vt. to devour.
the ensete plant. 2) remainder (of cereal hangadda n. legume. [Status: check meaning - a
crop). [Status: check meaning] certain type of legume ?]
Hamile'e name. July 8 - August 6. hangagukko vt. 1) to gnaw. 2) to separate flesh
hamissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of hamukko. from bone by teeth.
1) to suspect sb. 2) to denounce sb. hangikoffa Pl: hangikoffuwwa. [Status: check
hamo Pl: hammuwwa. n. 1) slander. 2) libel. spelling - angi koffa ?] n. spoon (made from
hamooleechcho n. 1) salt bar. 2) exchange horn).
value. hannii pron (Interrog). from where. Morph:
hamukko vt. 1) to slander sb., to libel sb. 2) to Gen.
have one's doubt about sb. haannichcho n. horn bill (bird).
Hamusa name. Thursday. From: Amh. haanja n. 1) type of medical plant. [Status: check
hanaan adj. Morph: postposition. 1) top (of), meaning] 2) soap plant. [Status: check
over. 2) upside, upper. 3) above. 4) North. entry - was: haraanga; haraanja]
Hanaa'n Amaarikaana name. North America. hanjalukko vt (?). to ride a pillion. [Status:
hanaa'n hareedda np. moustache. check meaning]
hanaa'n shooto'o np. upper base. hankakamukko vi. 1) to depart. 2) to leave.
hanaa'n tochcho np (?). top. 3) to go away.
hanaanaad postpos (?). from top to down. hankakukko vt. 1) to take away. 2) to haul
Morph: * hanaan aad. away. 3) to remove.
hana'nnane adv. upper. hankaratta n. itch. [Status: check meaning]
hanaara n. prophecy. haankuro'o n / adj / v (??). turned upside down
hancaacukko [Status: check entry; HCD has (of edibale ensete material). [Status: check ps
both haancaacukko and hancacukko (with / entry form; check meaning - haankurukko
almost the same meaning)] vi. 1) to treat. differs]
2) to kick. 3) to trample. [Status: check haankurukko vt. 1) to fry, to cook. 2) to
meaning - to step on sth. ?] disturb.
hance'e n. step, footprints. haankush interj. interjection to order sb. to touch
hance'oo beyyo np. 1) track. 2) trail. sth. [Status: check meaning]
hanceeta n. 1) grace. 2) wealth. haankushaa'ukko vt. 1) to touch. 2) to tinker.
hanceetaamo adj. 1) graceful. 2) wealthy. 3) to imping on.
hance'ukko Variant: nanche'ukko. [Status: haankutukko vt. 1) to disturb. 2) to create
check va (WHS)] vt. 1) to step on sth. 2) to commotion. 3) to disrupt.
tread. 3) to press sth. with one's feet. hanqa adj. 1) true. 2) just. 3) sincere. 4) real.
hanciro'o n. type of sorghum. hanqa [Status: check whether one or two
hancufa n. part of a cow's/oxen's flesh. [Status: entries - hanqa (adj): true and hanqa (n): truth
check meaning] / right] n. 1) truth. 2) reality. 3) right.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 55

hanqa bi'issukko haare'ukko

4) justice. hanxaabaamo adj (?). ??

hanqa bi'issukko vp (vt). Morph: CAUS 1 of hanxarqasa adj. 1) untidy. 2) uncleanded.
hanqa bi'ukko. 1) to disturb. 2) to interfere. 3) guilty. [Status: check meaning]
hanqaaqula n. chaff. hanxuuxa n. sucking material. [Status: check
hanqaaqulukko vt (?). to remove the husks of meaning]
grain. hanxuuxukko vt. to suck.
hanqaaquussukko vt. to winnow. Morph: har kadee'ukko Variant: har kassukko. vp. to
CAUS 1 of hanqaaquurukko (??). throw clay (at a house).
hanqame adj. true, truth. hara n. 1) mud. 2) clay.
hanqaamo adj. sincere, true, real. haara n. silk. From: Amh. ?
hanqata 1) adj. less. 2) harachchissukko vt. to put on the fire. Morph:
— adj. little. [Status: check meaning !] 3) CAUS 1 of harachchukko.
— n. shortage. [Status: check ps] harachcho Pl: harachchuwwa. n. 1) pot.
hanqatisukko vt. to subtract. Morph: CAUS 1 2) large jar.
of hanqatukko. harafa n. weed.
hanqatishsha n. 1) lack. 2) defect. 3) failure. haraqe'e Variant: araqe'e. [Status: check entry
4) flaw. form] n. schnapps. From: Amh. araqi.
hanqatukko vi. 1) to be reduced. 2) to be little. haram adj. 1) impure. 2) unclean. From: Arab.
hanqayyo [Status: check entry form - NEG] adj. hara'mma n. 1) help. 2) aid. 3) assistance.
incorrect. 4) grant. 5) donation.
hanqi angila np. right angle. hara'mmancha n. help. [Status: check entry
hanqi iggukko vp. to demage. and meaning]
hanqina n [DAT] (?). 1) truely. 2) seriously. hara'mmaancho n. 1) helper. 2) donor.
hanqo'i qeeraa'llooma np. actual/original hara'mmasha adj. additonal.
length. hara'mmashukko vt. 1) to tighten. 2) to add.
hanqo'i xigo np. real number. 3) to repeat.
hanqo'i xigguwwi wixxite np. set of real hara'mmoohane adj. helpful.
numbers. hara'mmukko vt. 1) to help. 2) to assist. 3) to
hanqo'i wixxite np. true set. donate.
hanno [Status: hannone ? (Tad., May 9)] pron. haranda n. ??
where? harara n. forceful sex (of animals).
hannona hanno np. 1) different. 2) separate. haraara adj. wide.
3) extraordinary. haraarooma n. area.
hannonne pron. where is. hararukko vt. to have forceful sex (of animals).
hannonnem pron. wherever, everywhere. haraarukko vi. to walk quickly, to be in a
hansaabeelo n. (strongly) roasted flour. distant place. Morph: Is this verb a CAUS of
hansawwa n. highland. "harimma" ? [Status: check meaning; check
hansawwi qaala'a np. temperate. [Status: meaning]
check meaning] haraarukko vi. to be wide.
hansharo n. cream on top of milk. [Status: haraassukko vt. 1) to widen. 2) to extend.
check meaning] haraassukko 1) vt. to widen. [Status: check
hanshiba'lla adj. nervous. meaning; was: walk quickly] 2)
hanshiba'llisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of — vi. to do sth. intensely, to do sth.
hanshiba'llukko. 1) to surprise. 2) to startle. extensively.
hanshiba'llukko vi. 1) to wake up suddenly. harashe'e n. land from which 50% tax has to
2) to be surprised. been paid.
hantaaraancho Pl: hantaaraano. n. 1) evil Harba name. Friday. From: Amh.
person. 2) harmful person. 3) murderer. harde'e adj. young.
hantaarissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of haareechchissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
hantaarukko. 1) to do all kind of evil things. haareechchukko. 1) to make new. 2) to
2) to give a pretext. renew.
hantaaro n. 1) evil act. 2) harm. 3) pretext, haareechcho adj. new.
excuse. haareedda n. 1) beard. 2) moustache.
hantaarukko vi. 1) to do evil things, to be haareeddaam mancho np. sb. with beard.
wicked. 2) to be dishonest, to be unreliable. haareesukko vt. 1) to scratch smoothly. 2) to
3) to be quarrelsome. treat well.
hantulule'e n. vehicle. [Status: check precise hareeshsha n. putting the hand roughly on sth.
meaning] [Status: check meaning]
hanturuufa adj / n (?). 1) mute. 2) dumb. haare'ukko vt. to scratch (for oneself ?). Morph:
hanxa n. 1) udder. 2) teat. Refl.

56 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

harga'a hawwo

harga'a n. strength. haasullukko vt. to pick up.

hariira n. ?? hashasha wachukko vp. to whisper.
harisha adj. fertile (of land). hashshu interj. bravo.
harisha n. fertilized soil. haata n. roasted grain.
harishisaancho n. fertilizer. haataamo adj. attractive.
harishshisukko vt. to fertilize. Morph: CAUS 1 hatatta n. sign of a cold.
of harishshukko. hattawwaancho Pl: hattawwaano. n / a (?).
harishukko vi. to be fertile (of land). restless.
harqoota n. 1) ox (for ploughing). 2) farm. hattawwukko vi. to move restlessly.
harqootaancho n. farmer. haato n. 1) behaviour. 2) attractiveness.
harqootukko vt. to plough. haato baato np (?). finishing immediately.
harqooxxi baara [Status: check entry haatukko vt. 1) to roast grain on the stove. 2) to
form - THS harqooto only] np. ox. fry. 3) to beat.
harqukko vt. 1) to make cheap. 2) to lower (the haturuuf n ? ??
rent). 3) to decrease. haxara Pl: haxalluwwa. n. 1) tattoo. 2) line.
haarmooniika Pl: haarmooniikkuwwa. n. haxaara n. table (made from bamboo).
harmonica. From: Engl. haxara baxukko [Status: check entry form]
Harphe'e name. Wednesday. vp. to form.
harshamma n. large and bushy hair of women. haxara issukko vp. to tally.
harxaxama [Status: check entry - underlined by haxaraamo n. bottle-gourd with a design burnt
AT] adj. 1) coarse. 2) rough. into it.
harxaxukko vt. 1) to chop up. 2) to crush. 3) to haxaare n. market place.
grind (coarse flour). haxaarsa n. slaughter (esp. for sell).
haaruge n (?). ?? haxaarsichcho n. butcher.
haarukko vt. to scratch. haxarukko vt. to burn a design into a
haruureeshsho n. type of tree. [Status: check bottle-gourd.
meaning] haxxesha n. sneezing.
hassa'a Pl: hassa'uwwa. n. place to harvest haxxeshukko [Status: check entry
ensete. form - haxishuyukko ?] vi. to sneeze.
hasamoo luwwa np. 1) main thing. 2) most haxiidukko vt. 1) to kill. 2) to destroy.
important thing. haxishshuyukko vi. to sneeze.
hasamoobee'ane [Status: check entry form] haxo postpos (?). only a small distance away.
adj. unnecessary. haxuulla adj. rural.
hasamohane [Status: check entry form and hawwaancho Pl: hawwaano. adj. 1) poor.
spelling] n (?). demand. 2) needy.
hasamoohane adj. 1) valid. 2) in effect. hawwaankaanna n. shadow.
3) concerning. [Status: check meaning] hawweena n. examination.
hasamukko vi. to be concerned by. Morph: hawweenamaancho Pl: hawweenamaano. n.
PASS of hasukko. 1) examinee. 2) candidate.
hasano n. 1) need. 2) desire. 3) provocation. hawweenamukko vi. to take an exam. Morph:
haasaawwo n. chatting. PASS of hawweenukko.
hasawwukko vi. to be idle. hawweenaancho Pl: hawweenaano. n.
haasaawwukko vi. to chat. examiner.
hassimma [Status: check entry form and hawweenii siidamu misha [Status: check
spelling] n. search. entry form] np. grade.
hasisa adj. essential. hawweenukko vt. to give an exam.
hasisoobee'ane v (?). unnecessary. hawwi bee'e np / interj. (??). 1) no problem.
hasisoohane adj (?) / v (?). necessary. 2) never mind.
haassiisoolla n. itching. [Status: check meaning hawwim (eroommim) afimma [Status:
(against: orachcho itoolla)] check entry form!!] np. effect.
hasisukko vi/vt (?). Morph: CAUS 1 of hasukko. hawwisaancho Pl: hawwisaano. n.
1) to be needed. 2) to be necessary. 3) to troublemaker.
make sb. search. hawwisoohane adj. difficult.
haassiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 2 of haarukko / hawwisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
CAUS 1 of haassukko. 1) to itch. 2) to hawwukko. 1) to make trouble. 2) to land sb.
scratch. in trouble. 3) to bother. 4) to disturb. 5) to
hasokkichcho n. a kind of poisonous snake. worry sb. 6) to burden sb.
[Status: check precise meaning] hawwo Pl: hawwuwwa. n. 1) problem. 2) trouble.
hasukko vt. 1) to want. 2) to look forward to. 3) difficulty. 4) suffering. 5) misshap.
3) to search, to seek. 4) to provoke. 6) misfortune.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 57

hawwo sholliishsha heechchi beyyo

hawwo sholliishsha np. relief. hayyi qasa np. great (in size).
hawwodamma n. victim. hayyidukko vt. to celebrate.
hawwodamukko vi. Morph: PASS of hayiqa Pl: haqiqquwwa. n. lake. From: Amh.
hawwodukko. 1) to be hurt. 2) to be hayimaanoot n. religion. From: Amh.
damaged. 3) not to be able to get justice. hayimaanotaamo adj. religious. From: Amh.
hawwodancha n. hurt. hayimaanooxane adj. pious. From: Amh.
hawwodoohane adj. 1) hurting. 2) harmful. haayyite n. population.
hawwodoo'i hundisinnem [Status: check hayyiwoona n. type of ensete.
entry form - which is the natural way to hayyiwonada n. type of ensete.
express the meaning "in spite of"?] np. 1) in hayyo n. 1) scholar. 2) doctor (medical -).
spite of. 2) anyway. hayyo'o n. 1) litigant. 2) party (to a law suit).
hawwodoo'i sanne [Status: check entry form] hayyo'ooma n. 1) skill. 2) knowledge.
np. 1) in spite of. 2) anyway. 3) treatment for physical brokenness.
hawwodukko vt. 1) to hurt. 2) to harm. 3) to 4) physiotherapy. [Status: check meaning sn
mistreat. 4) to strike. 5) to injure. 3f]
hawwojja n. 1) attack. 2) assault. 3) aggression. hayyo§ukko vi. to be skilled.
hawwonne aagukko vp. to be in trouble. haypootenesa n. hypotenuse.
hawwora n. mineral water. hayro [Status: check spelling - was hairo] n. type
hawwoxxa n / adj ? 1) beneficiary. 2) foolish. of ensete.
hawshana adj ? decentred on. [Status: check hayyukko vi. 1) to be a doctor. 2) to treat
meaning] patients.
hawshanna adj / n ? ?? ha'yyukko vi. 1) to say ok. 2) to accept. 3) to
hawwukko vi. 1) to be distressed. 2) to suffer. agree.
3) to be worried. 4) to be in difficulties. ha'yyukkoyyo [Status: check entry
[Status: check meaning!] form - NEG!] vi. to refuse. Morph: NEG of
hawuqa adj. not cooked properly. ha'yyukko.
hawuqukko vi. to be cooked properly. haywanna n. a kind of ensete.
hawulta Pl: hawultuwwa. n. monument. From: haywomma [Status: check 1 or 2 words] n. well
Amh. grown foreleg.
Hawzulla name. Hawzulla. hee'aa garukko np. to spend the day and the
hay interj. oh! night.
hay uwwe vp (interj). please! heebba n. 1) bitter leaf. 2) type of tree.
hayya interj. bravo. hebella adj. inclined to one side (of eye).
hayata Pl: hayattuwwa. n. traditional singing. hebeellisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
[Status: check precise meaning] hebeellukko. 1) to curve. 2) to change shape.
hayyayyukko vi. 1) to trill (voice). 2) to arbiter. 3) to incline.
3) to establish peace. hebellishsha n. curving.
haybana n. 1) type of flower. 2) ablution. hebellukko vi. 1) to slant. 2) to be inclined to
3) beginning of fasting. one side.
haybaano n. association (similar to a club). heebbisukko vt. to give the highest dignity.
hayda n. 1) honour. 2) respect. 3) sensitivity (to Morph: CAUS 1 of heebbukko.
the opinion of others). 4) regard (for the heebo inter. cheer. [Status: check precise
feelings of others). meaning - Germ. "Hoch"?]
haydaa hamannaatoo np. human rights. heebboyyaato n. action of giving a person the
[Status: check meaning - could NOT be highest dignity.
confirmed be Abraham] heebbukko vt. 1) to select a leader. 2) to appoint
haydamma adj. 1) honoured. 2) respected. as a leader.
haydaammo adj. 1) honourable. 2) respected. heccebbaato n. 1) try. 2) attempt.
haydamukko vi. Morph: PASS of haydukko. heeco'o n. lichen, moss.
1) to be honoured. 2) to be respected. heeco'ukko vt. to produce a lichen/moss.
haydiroojjina n. hydrogen. heechcha n. 1) life. 2) property. 3) ownership.
haydirokilooriik asiida np. hydrochloric acid. 4) existence.
haydisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of haydukko. heechchariimoota n. 1) living long. 2) wealth.
1) to make honoured [i.e., to honour ?]. 2) to heechchi ariimoota np. pension.
make respected [i.e., respect ?]. heechchi batana np. offering for (speedy)
haydukko vt. to respect. recovery.
hayye Pl: hayyuwwa. n. foreleg (of animals). heechchi beyyo np. habitat.
hayyi kara np. equal (in wrestling). heechchi beyyo np. shelter. [Status: check
hayyi kuula np. colour (of oxen or cows). meaning - Abraham cannot confirm this
[Status: check precise meaning] meaning (only the literal one)]

58 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

heechchi duuha§a heer uullii mat uulla

heechchi duuha§a np. way of living. heelalamma adj. accumulated.

heechchi qaanqa np. 1) culture. 2) science. heelalamukko vi. to be accumulated. Morph:
heechchi qaanqi kajja np. folk song. PASS of heelalukko.
heechchi mine np. 1) living room. 2) apartment. heelalo n (?). 1) heap. 2) store. 3) accumulation.
heechchi uulla [Status: check whether entry is heelalukko vt. 1) to accumulate. 2) to save
necessary] np. living place / country. (milk, honey, grain).
heechcho n. rope. hee'llam keenonnee np. heaven. [Status: check
hechchoyyaato Pl: hechchoyyaattuwwa. n. meaning - Abraham: "who are living
prayer. [Status: check precise meaning] forever"]
heeda n. 1) digging stick. 2) hoe. 3) hatchet. heellamma adj. full of conceit.
4) pickaxe. 5) axe. heellamukko vi. Morph: PASS of heellukko.
hedaancho v (?). further. [Status: check 1) to be conceited. 2) to be proud.
meaning - was: "very"] heelaansha n. type of microbe. [Status: check
hedaancho hoore np. 1) in trouble. 2) in evil. precise meaning]
[Status: check meaning] heelaatisukko vt. 1) to attract. 2) to temptate.
hedisukko vt. to work to get xxxx. Morph: CAUS heelaato n. wishing.
1 of hedukko. [Status: check meaning (HED: heelechcha n. 1) wish. 2) desire.
work to get in kind)] heele'isukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of heele'ukko.
hedishsha n. exchange of energy for food. 1) to rise appetite. 2) to desire.
[Status: check precise meaning] heele'ishsha n. 1) appetite. 2) desire.
heedmukko Variant: hee'mukko. vi/vt (?). to heleqexa n. deceive.
hoe. heleqexaancho Pl: heleqexaano. n. deceiver.
heedoora n. type of partridge. Morph: singl. heleqexukko vt. to deceive.
heedoochcho. hellenkaato n. sprain.
heeddukko vi. 1) to meet. 2) to convene. 3) to hellenkukko vt. to sprain.
congregate. heele'ukko vt. 1) to want. 2) to desire. 3) to
heefechcha n. 1) breathing. 2) puff of air. strive. 4) to hope. [Status: check meaning]
heefe'ukko vi. to breathe. heellishsha n. conceit.
heefichcho Variant: heefedoota; heefayoya. n. hello [Status: check spelling - heello (AT)?] n.
1) sacrifice for the spirits. 2) adoration of conceit.
women. [Status: check meaning!] 3) heemachcha Morph: * heemat. adj / n (?).
— name. Heefichcho. black.
heeganukko vt. to revive. heemachchi anja np. black cumin.
heegaatisukko vt. to be a temptation. [Status: heemachchi boorda np. blackboard.
check meaning - temptate ?] heemachchisukko vt. to make black. Morph:
hegeego Pl: hegeeggewwa (?). n. 1) surrounding CAUS 1 of heemachchukko.
area. 2) vicinity. 3) neighbour. heemachchukko vi. to be black.
4) environment. 5) living place. 6) village. heemaxxi booyya np. with black forehead.
7) compound. [Status: check meaning !!] heemaxxi ellawwa adj. black with colourful
hegisimma n. mercy. segments.
he'i [Status: check spelling - hay ??] interj. henaan [Status: check spelling (hanaan ?)] adj
please. (?). above.
hee'immi beyyo np. living place. heenqaarukko vt. 1) to provoke. 2) to annoy.
hee'immi koontifaayera np. existential 3) to recur.
quantifier. heensheeshsha n. 1) roundworm. 2) ascarid.
heekke'aancho n. jealous (person). henxereellukko vi. 1) to be ripe. 2) to become
heekkechcha n. jealousy. cloudy.
heekkesukko [Status: check entry - underlined heptaagoona n. heptagon.
by TA] vt. to shake. heer herina [Status: herherina (?)] np.
heekke'ukko vi. 1) to move. 2) to shake. 3) to be everlasting. [Status: check meaning]
jealous. heer qaaphpha np. 1) international. 2) global.
hekkite n. nap. 3) universal.
heeksaagoona n. hexagon. heer uulla np. 1) world. 2) region.
heektaara n. hectar. heer uulli qaaphpha [Status: check entry
hektoomeetira n. hectometre. form - SCW: heer qaaphpha] np.
hekkukko vi. 1) to go away. 2) to take a nap. international.
heeqeessukko vt. Morph: CAUS of heer uulli qasancha [Status: check entry
heeqee'ukko. 1) to let sway. 2) to cause to form - qasamcha / qasancha ?] np. world war.
shake. heer uullii mat uulla [Status: check entry
heeqee'ukko vi. 1) to sway. 2) to shake. form] np. continent.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 59

heer uulli ora hilleeffa

heer uulli ora np. world war. pay respect ?]. Morph: CAUS 1 of
heera n. year. hibbukko. [Status: check meaning]
heera adj. numerous (of people in a certain area). hibbukko vt. to respect.
heraago n. history. hichchuyukko vt. 1) to chase. 2) to drive away.
heeranna n. famous persons. [Status: 1 or 2 hiddamukko vi. to be spun. Morph: PASS of
words ?] hiddukko.
heerancha n. a marriage without wedding Hidaara Variant: Idaara. name. November 10 -
ceremony but in mutual agreement. December 9.
heerannukko 1) vi. to leave (of bees). 2) hidata Pl: hidattuwwa. n. process.
— vt. to inspire. hidecha n. 1) vowing. 2) pledging.
heereechchi are np. wife of brother-in-law. hide'ukko [Status: check entry - WHS:
[Status: check meaning] hidedukko] vt. 1) to swear (an oath). 2) to
heereechcho n. 1) brother-in-law. Morph: masc. deny.
2) sister-in-law. Morph: fem; cop: hidibaachcha n. 1) pulling out. 2) uprooting.
heereechchotte. 3) brother and heir to wife. hiddibbaachcha n. snatching.
heregaalla adj. compassionate. hiddibbaa'ukko vt. 1) to snatch. 2) to take sth.
heregisina n [DAT] (?). for example. forcefully. 3) to rob.
heregukko vt. 1) to share. 2) to lend. 3) to take hiddibbeesukko vt. 1) to pull out. 2) to uproot.
care of each other. 4) to show compassion. hididukko [Status: check entry - was: hidedukko]
heereewwa n. 'brothers' of the husband. vi. to swear.
heerguulle n / v (?). type of bird. [Status: check hidiro Pl: hidilluwwa. n. 1) promise.
meaning - Imp. of heerguullukko ?] 2) commitment. 3) covenant. 4) oath. 5) vow.
herqaa'ukko vt. to make cheap. hiditano n. oath.
herqukko vi. to be cheap. hido Variant: hidetana. Pl: hidduwwa. n. oath.
heerooglaafiiksa n. hieroglyphics. hiddukko vt. to spin.
heerukko vt. 1) to persuade, to convince. 2) to hii'e v (IMP). take.
talk sb. round. 3) to marry without wedding hig qoorooma np. civilization.
ceremony. 4) to court (a lady). [Status: check higa adj. 1) most important. 2) the best.
meaning !!] higga Pl: higguwwa. n. constitution.
heeruulla [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. world. higaa higaa np. occasional.
heeruulli baxxancha [Status: 2 or 3 words ?] higa'uukko vt. to swallow.
np. continent. higimmi eeyyite [Status: check entry form] np.
heeruulli suume [Status: 2 or 3 words ?] np. passport.
world language. higimmi mare'i [Status: check entry form] np.
heesse'ukko vt. 1) to tell a story. 2) to speak passport.
figuratively. higisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of higukko. 1) to
heessiheesso qare [Status: 2 or 3 words ?] np. make pass. 2) to allow to pass. 3) to transfer.
puzzle. 4) to make overtake. 5) to give. 6) to
heesso n. 1) tale. 2) story. 3) riddle. 4) proverb. spend ........... [Status: check meaning!]
[Status: check meaning (kobi'llishsha ?)] higoo [Status: check entry form] v (?). past.
heessoo kobi'llishshaa np. proverbs. higoomma Pl: higoommuwwa. n. appeal in
heesso tirukko vp. to solve a riddle. court.
heeshsheena n. lowland. higo'o n. past time.
heeshshi yukko vp. 1) to bend over. 2) to stoop. higu agana np. last month.
heeshukko vi / vt (?). 1) to bend. 2) to bow higu ammane [Status: check entry form] np.
down. 3) to worship. early.
hee'ukko vi. 1) to live. 2) to exist. higukkane [Status: check entry form] v (?).
Heewaane [Status: check entry form - Heewaa ?] past.
name. Eve. higukko vt. 1) to pass. 2) to advance. 3) to
hii interj. ?? overtake. 4) to pay for sth. [Status: check
hibba n. 1) respect. 2) honour. meaning !]
hibbaam danaamo np. elegant. hiqqa'ukko [Status: check entry - underlined by
hibbamma n. gender. AT] vi. to have hiccups.
hibbaamo adj. respectful. [Status: check hiqqitano Pl: hiqqitannuwwa (??). [Status:
meaning (respected ?)] already plural ??] n. hiccups.
hibbamukko vi. to be respected. Morph: PASS hillaa'llukko [Status: check spelling - HED:
of hibbukko. hilla'llukko] vi. 1) to stretch up. 2) to be
hibirata Pl: hibirattuwwa. n. union. From: stretched. 3) to be passive. [Status: check
Amh. meaning]
hibbisukko vt. to make sb. to be respected [i.e. to hilleeffa Pl: hilleeffuwwa. n. 1) pancreas.

60 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

hilleenna hirfana

2) spleen. hingii'llukko vi. 1) to scratch. 2) to be naughty.

hilleenna Pl: hilleennuwwa. n. intestine. 3) to shake out. [Status: check
hilleenniciinso'o n. intestinal juice. meaning - entry was_: hengi'llukko] 4) to
hiiliyeema n. helium. blame sb.
hii'm ambaancho np. ?? hi'nni jora np. foolish at the origin. [Status:
hii'm hurbaata np. dinner, supper. check meaning]
himba Pl: himbuwwa. n. 1) bubble. 2) foam. hiniqqaato n. satisfaction (from food or drink).
himbaam wo'o np. soft water. hiniqukko vt. 1) to eat one's fill. 2) to drink one's
himbiriiqa n. inversion. fill.
himbiriiqamma adj. inversed. hinjaro n. ramble.
himbiriiqukko vt. to inverse. hinka [Status: check entry form] interrog. how.
hiimi hurbata np. supper. hinkamma [Status: check entry form - hinki
hiimo Pl: hiimmuwwa. n. 1) night. 2) evening. ammane?] pron. when?
himogiloobiina n. hemoglobin. hinkammane [Status: 1 or 2 words?] pron.
hiimukko vi. 1) to become night. 2) to become when?
evening. 3) to become dark. hinkammanem [Status: check entry
hi'nna n. 1) origin. 2) background. 3) departure. form - hinki ammanem?] pron. whenever.
hinakkam forka np. digging fork. From: Engl hinkammanii [Status: check entry form - hinki
via Amh? ammanii?] pron (GEN). since when?
hinamukko vi. to be dug. Morph: PASS of hinkaa'nna pron. how much?
hinukko. hinkane pron. which one?
hinaxxane adj. acient. hinkaneme pron. whoever, whatever.
hinnaa'ukko vt. to show openly. hinke'e [Status: two "E" in the end (like Tad.,
hinca adj. near. [Status: check meaning, Abraham May 9)] pron. where?
could not confirm] hinke'ette pron / interr. where? Morph: +
hincaa'akka'a gammatimma [Status: check Copula.
entry form !!] vp. approximate. hinkeen [Status: check entry form] pron (?).
hincaachcha n. 1) laying a table for 1) from there. 2) because of that. [Status:
lunch/dinner. 2) giving sth. check meaning!]
hincarabe'e n. illegitimate children. hinki ammane np. when?
hincaa'ukko vt. Morph: CAUS of hincimma. hinki balla pron / np. when.
1) to bring. 2) to provide. 3) to present. 4) to hinki kollo np (pron). 1) in which direction?
make friends. 2) where?
hincihincaacha n. bringing nearer. hinkid pron. how?
hincihincaa'ukko vt. 1) to bring nearer and hinkid …-da'e np. how?
nearer. 2) to almost complete. hinkidim [Status: check entry form] conj.
hincite 1) adj. near. 2) somehow.
— n. approach. 3) hinkido'ane [Status: check entry form] interrog.
— n. gathering. what kind of?
hincixxi bito np. approximative value. hiinsukko vi. to spend the evening / night.
hincixxi mare'e np. sign of approximation. Morph: CAUS 1 of hiimukko.
hincukko vi. 1) to approach, to become close. hintsa Pl: hintsuwwa. n. apartment. From: Amh.
2) to be near. hinukko vt. to dig.
hiinchina hiinchina np. annual. hinnukko vi. to be shown openly.
hinchiixa Pl: hinchiixxuwwa. n. stone used for hinuwwa n. type of ensete.
the smith's bellows. hiinza adj. 1) hardened. 2) old. [Status: check
hiincho Pl: hiinchuwwa. n. year. meaning]
hiincho hiinchuwwa np. for years. hiinzaakkoo weesa np. well matured ensete.
hinderila n. spindle. [Status: check meaning] hiinzukko vi. 1) to become aged. 2) to stay long.
hindibaayyo adv. 1) suddenly. 2) by chance. Hirabaja name. Hirabaja.
hindibaayyonne afoo hawwo [Status: check hirabaja adj. grey (of animals). [Status: check
entry form] np. 1) catastrophe. 2) disaster. meaning (HED: grey traninals)]
hindiqqaato n. dance. hiraagaancho Pl: hiraagaano. n. 1) prophet.
hindiqukko vi. to dance. 2) seer. 3) fortune teller.
hindiriggukko vi. to bolt. hiraago n. prophecy.
hindiyyaato n. recognition. hiraagukko vi. to prophesy.
hindiyyaaxxi [Status: check spelling] n. sense. hiramaxa n. 1) dust. 2) glow. 3) hot ashes.
hindiyukko vt. to recognize. 4) embers.
hindriggaato adv. 1) unexpected. 2) sudden. hirfana Pl: hirfannuwwa. n. 1) a tanned skin.
3) perhaps. 2) sleeping mat (made from leather).

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 61

hirga hoogisukko

hirga adj. 1) actual. 2) real. ivy.

hirgifukko vi. to lie. hobbichcho Variant: wobbichcho. Pl: hobba.
hiriggukko vi. to be calm. [Status: check va (WHS)] n. Morph: WHS:
hirillisukko vt. to embitter. Morph: CAUS 1 of cf. wobbo. 1) lion. 2) hero, strong (person).
hirillukko. 3) huge/big (person).
hirillishsha n. embittering. hococcaato n. noise.
hirillukko vi. to become embittered. hococukko vi. to make noise.
hirimo adj. forbitten to eat. [Status: check hochcha n. hunting.
meaning: taboo?] hochchaancho Pl: hochchaano. n. hunter.
hiriraachcha n. 1) embittering. 2) act of hochchukko vt. to hunt.
disgusting, disgusting (act of -). hoodda n. bank of river.
hiriraa'ukko vt. 1) to make embittered [i.e. Hoffa'a n. Saturday.
embitter?]. 2) to disgust. hoffane adj. 1) small. 2) a few. 3) a little.
hirirukko vi. 1) to be embittered. 2) to be hoffaanniinsem [Status: check entry
irritated. form - CASE] n. basically.
hirixxaato Pl: hirixxaattuwwa. n. shock. hoffechcha n. 1) being small. 2) being less.
hirixukko vt. to shock. 3) being not enough.
hirkaaba Pl: hirkaabbuwwa. n. stirrup. hoffechchi mare'e np. sign of 'less than'.
hiiro Pl: hiilluwwa. n. 1) place to sleep in a hut. hoofe'e Pl: hoofe'uwwa. n. 1) dried leaf of ensete.
2) mat. [Status: check meaning (WHS 158: 2) dry outer cover of ensete tree bark. 3) mat
HIRO)] made from ensete.
hiirukko vi. to be pregnant (of animals). hoffe'ooma n. 1) smallness. 2) shortage.
hisimmaato n. 1) quiet. 2) silence. hoffe'ukkaa adv (?). at least.
hisimmukko vi. to keep quiet. hoffe'ukko vi. 1) to be small. 2) to be reduced.
hishshammachcho n. eagle. 3) to decrease. 4) to be less.
hishshiyyeeta n. cliff. hoffi adj. small.
hishshukko vi. 1) to collect in one place. 2) to be hoffi abbaayyo np. youngest brother.
dense. hoffi allabo np. uvula.
hix jabbo np. type of disease. [Status: check hoffi ama np. mother. Morph: fem.
precise meaning - grass disease ?] hoffi arka np. minor arc.
hixaana n. 1) lemongrass. 2) incense. [Status: hoffi gittawwa np. simple interest.
check meaning (was: incese)] hoffi qaxam [Status: make entry "qaxam"?] np.
hixe Pl: hixxuwwa. n. 1) meadow fescue grass. 1) a little bit. 2) short time. [Status: check
2) guinea grass. meaning - "soon"?]
hixe itukko vp. to graze. hoffi maqi'l fikkaanna np. least common
hiixxe'e adj. 1) far. 2) distant. 3) remote. multiple.
hiixxe'isukko vt. to take sth. away. Morph: hoffi maxxaara np. small finger.
CAUS 1 of hiixee'ukko. [Status: check hoffii shallago'i woca np. simplest term.
meaning (HED: take sth. FAR away; yet hoffiisaancho Pl: hoffiisaano. n. flush bushing.
check heexxe'ukko: a bit away ...)] [Status: check meaning - lit. "somebody who
hiixxe'ukko vi. to go away. [Status: check makes little"]
meaning (HED: go a bit away; also: hoffiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of hoffukko.
further ?)] 1) to decrease. 2) to reduce. 3) make small.
hixissukko vt. to graze (animals). Morph: hoffishallago'i terma [Status: 2 or 3 words ?]
CAUS 1 of hixukko. np. lowest mathematical term.
hixitukko vi. 1) to graze. 2) to overgraze. hoffiixxukko vi. to become poor.
hixixaachcha n. pulling. hofo Pl: hoffuwwa. n. 1) shoulder. 2) armpit.
hixixxaato n. 1) stretching. 2) tighting. [Status: [Status: check meanings]
check precise meaning] hoffoka [Status: check entry form - oka ...] adv.
hixixaa'ukko vt. to pull. some.
hixixaa'ukko vt. 1) to stretch. 2) to drag. hoffokam [Status: check entry form] adj / adv
hixixxeesa n. gravity. (?). 1) a little. 2) somewhat. 3) at least.
hixixukko vi. 1) to be stretched. 2) to become hooga adj. weak.
boastful. hoogaancho Pl: hoogaano. n / v (?). 1) sb. who
hixukko vi. to grow (of grass). is weak. 2) weary. 3) sb. who can get nothing.
hobbamada n. a kind of shrub. hooge interj. Morph: * hoogukko. 1) Woe.
hobara n. 1) bark. 2) rind. 3) scab. 4) strip/piece [Status: check meaning !] 2) poor [you].
of -. [Status: check meaning!]
hobbi angaafichcho np. 1) type of animal. hoogisukko vt. to weaken. Morph: CAUS 1 of
[Status: check meaning] 2) type of creeping hoogukko.

62 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

hogoofa hosaa garukko

hogoofa n (?). bleeding. [Status: check Hoommachcho place name. Hoommachcho.

meaning - couldn't be confirmed by hoomba n. type of shoot of a creeping plant.
Abraham] hombe n. broken pieces (from dishes).
hogoofamukko vi. to boast. Morph: PASS of hommukko vi. 1) to refuse to talk, to keep silent.
hogoofukko. 2) to fail to get sth. to eat (of animal).
hogoofancha n. boasting. hoongatte adj. pregnant (of woman).
hogoofukko vt. to make a small hole on the hoonge n. 1) weakness, exhaustion. 2) failure.
ground. 3) poverty.
hogoogancha n. saying rudely. hoongi usheexxukko vp. to retire.
hogogukko vi. 1) to be late. 2) to be slow (in hongooramma n. large pointed horn.
work). honqofa n. 1) spoon, spool-like tool. 2) curved
hogoogukko vt. to repeat one's words rudely. line (in mathematics).
hooggo'o vi (3f). to be pregnant (of woman). honqoora Pl: honqoolluwwa. n. large pointed
hoogo'otte n. weak cow. [Status: check for horn.
meaning !] honsaa'lle num. nine times.
hogoora n. cow/ox without horn. honsayye num. ninety.
hogoossa Pl: hogoossuwwa. n. 1) blade. 2) razor. honsik [Status: check entry form] num. ninth.
hogoossaancho Pl: hogoossaano. n. 1) razor. honso num. nine.
2) shaver. [Status: check meaning (barber or honso mate np. honorary title for a wife who has
tool?)] given birth to at least nine children.
hogoossukko vt. to shave. Morph: related with honxukko vi. to be decreased (of rain).
hogoora (cow without horn?). ho'oolla adj. loose.
hoogukkane adj. sleepy. hora n. domestic animals.
hogukko vt. 1) to scoop up. 2) to clean. 3) to hooraxaa'ukko vi. to be anxious to do sth.
remove. hordoofa n. 1) going after. 2) keeping track of.
hoogukko vi. 1) to be tired, to be weak, to be 3) keeping up with.
exhausted. 2) to wear out (with work). 3) to hordoofukko vi. 1) to follow. 2) to go after.
fail to find sth. 4) to lose. [Status: check hore'em Variant: hundinsem. part (?). 1) very.
meaning!!] 5) to lack sth. 2) SUPERLATIVE.
ho'issukko vt. to loosen. Morph: CAUS 1 of hore'em maalalimma np. amazing. [Status:
ho'ukko (?). check lit. transl.]
hoojo'o n. food without butter. hore'em matandara [Status: check entry
hokkokukko vi. to bend down. form!] np. every single one.
hokkokkukko vi. to look. hore'im [Status: check spelling - hore'em ? /
hookko'o n. hook. meanings] adj. 1) never. 2) ever.
hokkukko vi. 1) to stand without movement. 2) to horiyyem danaamo np. excellent.
raise one's head. hoormoona n. hormone.
hollamukko vi. Morph: PASS of hollukko. horoo'l qooma np. skull.
1) to follow up. 2) to be dismissed. horoo'l odda np. main hair.
ho'llamukko vi. Morph: PASS/REFL of horoo'l saraata np. main hair.
ho'llukko. 1) to breed. 2) to multiply. horoor beero'i suume np. official language.
hoo'lamukko vt. to defend. horoor sawwite np. 1) objective. 2) editorial.
hollancha n. 1) follow up. 2) dismissal. horoor xiqqi fidalluwwa np. significant
holata adj. very hot. digits.
hoolaayukko vi. to be astonished. [Status: check horoor woshsha np. topic.
act / pass] horoor woshshina mikmikukko vp. to
hole mancho [Status: check spelling] np. move goal-orientedly.
respected person who presents laments. horooraamo adj. 1) with a huge head.
[Status: check precise meaning] 2) knowledgeable. 2) broad-minded. [Status:
hooleeyukko vi. to be astonished. [Status: check check meaning (Germ.: tolerant?)]
act / pass] horoore n. 1) head. 2) brain. 3) owner. 4) main
hololukko vi. to grow very tall. (thing), most important (thing). 5) self.
hollukko vt. 1) to chase. 2) to pursue, to drive horoore xanukko [Status: entry under
along. 3) to keep cows. 4) to dismiss. 5) to "xanimma"?] vp. self-supporting.
divorce. horukko vt. 1) to cut honey from a hive. 2) to
ho'llukko vt. 1) to breed. 2) to multiply. breed bees. [Status: check meaning] 3) to
hoo'llukko vt. Morph: Refl. of hoorukko. 1) to open. [Status: check meaning]
prevent. 2) to refuse to give. 3) to snatch. hoorukko vt. 1) to refuse to give. 2) to take sth.
[Status: check meaning / entry's spelling] away. 3) to forbid. 4) to prevent. 5) to snatch.
hooma n. 1) coniferous tree. 2) pine tree. hosaa garukko vp. 1) to delay. 2) to prolongue.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 63

Hosaana huushukko

Hosaana name. Hossana. hunda qaaphphi wixxite np. universal set.

hoossiisukko vt. to cause to be prevented. hunda xaad wixxite np. universal set.
Morph: CAUS 1 of hoossukko; CAUS 2 of hundamaxxi hurbaata np. balanced diet.
hoorukko. hundaarem conj. but.
hosixxukko vi. to take all for oneself. hundem [Status: hundam?] adj. all.
hospitaala Pl: hospitaalluwwa. n. hospital. hundem balla [Status: enter under balla?] np.
From: Engl. daily.
hosukko [Status: check entry form! There is hundi amma'nnane [Status: check entry
another hosukko ...] vi. Morph: HED: orig. form] np. 1) continual. 2) constant. 3) regular.
hoshshukko. 1) to spend the day. 2) to pass [Status: check meaning]
the day. hundi ammane np. always.
hosukko [Status: check spelling - diff. "spend the hundi ammanem [Status: check entry form]
day"?] vi. 1) to be absent. 2) to stay away. np. 1) always. 2) every time. 3) each time.
hoshsha'a n. 1) position. 2) manner of being. hundi beyyo np. everywhere.
3) essence. 4) condition. hundi qaaphphi gixo'o np. general poem.
hoshshaaro Pl: hoshshaalluwwa. n. round trip. hundim adj. 1) all. 2) all in all.
hooshe'ukko vi. to eat sth. (with drinks). Morph: hundoomam n (?). all.
cf. hoosho'o. hungubbichcho n. 1) chameleon. 2) two faced
hoshsho'o [Status: check spelling - was: person. 3) fickler.
hooshsho'o] n. 1) lunch. 2) midday meal. hunki pron. which.
hotee'l darasagna np. bill. From: Amh. hunkim pron. whoever.
hootela Pl: hootelluwwa. n. hotel. huunqeesukko vt. to provoke.
ho'ukko vi. 1) to losen up. 2) to work itself loose. huunqeeshsha n. provocation.
hooyya Pl: hooyyuwwa. n. 1) furrow. 2) small huno interj. please!
water channel. 3) rhyme. huno'o [Status: check spelling - was: hoono'i]
hoyyoma n. ?? interj. 1) so then. 2) please. [Status: check
hubba Pl: hubbuwwa. n. big clay pot. meaning]
hubura n. odds and ends. huunsooraancho Pl: huunsooraano. n. 1) fool.
hucca Pl: huccuwwa. n. blade of grass. 2) silly person.
huchuchchu n. sign of warmth. hunxuqaa'ukko vt. 1) to spread (butter). 2) to
huduudaancho Pl: huduudaano. n. material smear.
used to clean. hunukko vt. 1) to bury. 2) to hide.
huduudukko vi. to clean a dirt (which is hurbaat ganukko vp. to thresh by beating.
attached to sth.). hurbaat iyya Variant: hurbaat umma. np.
huufaancho Pl: huufaano. n. 1) hatchet. 2) ax. stepmother.
hufaa'ukko vt. to boil. hurbaat muro np. crop cutting.
hufukko vi. 1) to boil. 2) to swell (of burn). hurbaata Variant: urba. n. 1) food, meal.
huufukko vt. 1) to sharpen. 2) to make the 2) crop, grain, cereals.
surface smooth. 3) to hew (wood, stones). hurbaaxxi abbayo np. stepbrother.
4) to carve. hurbaaxxi anna np. stepfather.
huuffukko vi. 1) to become crazy. 2) to become hurbaaxxi ayya np. stepsister.
unconscious. hurbaaxxi beeto np. stepchild.
hugumukko vi. to murmur. hurbaaxxi mine np. restaurant.
huqqa n. Morph: sg. only. 1) type of strong grass hurgufa n. Morph: singl. only. 1) getting tired.
(used to cover the roof of traditional huts). 2) fatigue. 3) failing.
2) straw (from grain). hurgufukko vt. to shake.
huqqi mine np. 1) grass house. 2) house with huruufukko vt. to milk too much.
straw roof. huruqaa'ukko vi. to suddenly give pain.
huqubba Pl: huqubbuwwa. n. saving hurura Pl: hurulluwwa. n. dirt.
association. huruuraancho Pl: huruuraano. n. drill.
hulfukko 1) vi. to keep at a cheap price. 2) huruurukko vt. to drill.
— vt. to pierce. 3) to prick. huushammato Pl: huushammattuwwa. n.
huma n. ?? fault.
hummaanta n. vulture. Morph: singl. huushamukko vi. Morph: PASS of huushukko.
hummantichcho. 1) to make a mistake. 2) to sin. 3) to
humbu'lla n. fog. fornicate.
humbullo Pl: humbulluwwa. [Status: 1 or 2 huushancha n. mistake.
words (Alemayehu)] n. jar for milking. huushisukko vt. 1) to cheat. 2) to miss.
humumukko vi. to mumble. huushukko vt. 1) to miss, to lack. 2) to lose.
hunda adj. 1) all. 2) entirely. [Status: check meaning] 3) not to find. 4) to

64 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

huxechcha iggaalla

throw, to hurl. 1 of huxukko.

huxechcha n. 1) shaking. 2) quake. huxiishsha n. malaria.
huxe'ukko vi. 1) to shiver. 2) to tremble. 3) to huxitano n. 1) shivering. 2) tremble. 3) quake.
huxiisukko vt. to cause to shake. Morph: CAUS

I - i
i pron. my. idaayyichcho 1) n. bridegroom. Morph: masc.
i gaga pron. i myself. 2) bride. Morph: fem; cop: idaayyichchotte.
iba Pl: ibbuwwa. n. nipple. 3)
iibba n. heat. Morph: singl. only. — adj. shy, timid, bashful. [Status: check ps]
iibba egedaancho np. insulator. ide n. maternal grandmother. Morph: fem.
iibba higisaancho np. conductor. ide'e name / n. mum. Morph: fem. [Status: check
iibba keenaancho np. thermometer. meaning]
iibbado n. fresh milk. Morph: * iibbi ado. idiida n. economy. [Status: check meaning]
iibbaalla adj. 1) hot. 2) warm. idiidamukko vi. Morph: PASS of idiidukko.
iibbaalli qooxo'o np. hot zone. 1) to be preserved. 2) to be conserved.
iibbi amaxxa np. temperature. ididaancho Pl: ididaano. n. selfish person.
iibbi energie'e [Status: check spelling idiidaancho Pl: idiidaano. adj (??). mean saver.
(energie'e !!)] np. heat energy. [Status: check meaning !!]
iibbi illichcho np. source of heat. idido pron (?). yonder. [Status: i.e. ?]
ibiiba n. louse. idiidukko vt. 1) to preserve. 2) to economise.
ibiiba shukko vp. to delouse oneself. 3) to save. [Status: check meaning!] 4) to be
ibiibukko vt. to louse. selfish. 5) to be greedy.
ibirko'o n. traditional eye treatment. iddila n. luck. From: Amh.
iibbisoolla n. fever. [Status: check meaning; also: iddilaamo adj. lucky. From: Amh.
one or two words? (cf. damuumo soola); and: idir Pl: idilluwwa. n. self-helf group. From:
in the beginning one (Marqos) or two "I"?] Amh.
iibbisukko vt. Morph: CAUS of iibbukko. 1) to ido n. 1) face. 2) page. 3) beyond, illocation.
heat. 2) to warm (up). 3) to roast. [Status: check ps of sn 3 !!; check meaning]
iibbishsha n. fever. idoot saayya np. cow of the idoot spirit.
iibbixxe n. 1) warmth (of fire). 2) fever. idootichcho Pl: idoota. n. 1) spider. 2) hook of
iibbixxukko vi. to get warm. spindle. 3) spirit of protection for women.
ibje'e adj. ordinary. [Status: check meaning [Status: check precise meaning - KIRB:
(orderly ?)] female goddess] 4) feast in honour of the
ibukko vi. to work with ill intention. [Status: idoota spirit. 5) marriage fortune for girls.
check meaning (also: work badly ?)] [Status: check precise meaning - KIRB:
iibbukko vi. 1) to be hot. 2) to become hot, to heat wedding] 6) good (family) line. [Status:
[up?]. 3) to become warm. check meaning; derived from pers. name ...]
icca n. 1) rheumatism. 2) gout. idootichcho mine np. spider's web.
iicamukko vi. to be chewed. Morph: PASS of ifa Pl: iffuwwa. n. 1) stopper. 2) cover, lid.
iicukko. 3) upper grinding stone.
iice n. 1) chew. 2) nipple. ifichcho Pl: ifichchuwwa. n. 1) pact. 2) treaty.
iicimmeencho n. 1) chin. 2) jaw. [Status: check ifiisanchi aalo'o np. 1) closure. 2) property.
the meaning] [Status: check meaning (HED: closure
iicisaano n. mammals. property)]
iicisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of iicukko. 1) to iifisse Pl: iifissuwwa. n. 1) lid. 2) plug. 3) bung.
suckle. 2) to breast-feed. ifiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of ifukko. 1) to
icixxamukko vi. Morph: PASS/MED of cover. 2) to close by putting sth. on sth.
icixxukko. 1) to wrestle. 2) to struggle. iifissukko Variant: iifishukko. vt. Morph:
iicukko vt. 1) to chew. 2) to chop. 3) to gnaw. CAUS 1 of iifukko. 1) to stuff, to fill. 2) to
4) to suck. 5) to nip. 6) to cause rheumatism. mend sth. 3) to cover.
[Status: check meaning !] ifiishshaancho Pl: ifiishshaano. n. 1) cover.
ichcha n. 1) food. 2) meal. 2) stopper (e.g. cork). 3) mill topstone.
ichchi sooqido np. table salt. iffittee Variant: ifte. Pl: iftuwwa. n. bag (made
Idamo name. Idamo. from qunce'e or qarra).
Idaara name. November. igaqqi pron. my own.
idaayye'isukko vi (?). to be bridegroom. iggaalla adj. 1) daring. 2) brave. 3) courageous.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 65

iggisukko ille heemachchukko

4) bold. ijaajancha n. obedience.

iggisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of iggukko. 1) to ijaajaancho Pl: ijaajaano. n. 1) leader.
encourage. 2) to motivate. 2) commander.
iggo n. courage. Morph: singl. only. ijaajisukko vt. to tell sb. to give order. Morph:
iggo bee'ani np. fearful. CAUS 1 of ijaajukko.
iggukko vi. 1) to dare, to be daring. 2) to be ijaajo n. 1) order. 2) command.
courageous. 3) to be brave. ijaajo fissukko vp. to decree.
igguzu Pl: igguzzuwwa. n. caravan. ijaajoohane adj. obligatory.
iihane pron. mine, my. [Status: check meaning - it ijaajukko vt. 1) to order. 2) to command.
is mine] ijiisha n. bringing wheat, cheese etc. to the family
iheen Variant: ihiinsi. conj (?). now, now then. of a deceased person. [Status: check
iheena laboohane vp. probable. meaning; could not be confirmed by
iheena xanoobee'ane vp (?). improbable. Abraham]
iheena xanoohane vp (?). probable. ijora [Status: 2 words - i + jora ...] 1) n. sin.
ihimmi hasisoohane vp (?). 1) one should. Morph: cf. jora. 2)
2) one ought. — adj. bad.
ihimmi saamo np. probability. ijukko vi. to occur.
iho adj. enough. [Status: Abraham: "that"] -ik suff. Ordinal number (from Cardinal).
ihoo beessiisukko vp (vt). Morph: CAUS 1 of iikki adj. my.
ihoo beessukko. 1) to thwart sth. 2) to ikoonoome'e n. economy.
prevent sth. ikoonoome'inne n / adj (?). economically.
ihoo qaxa [Status: check entry form] np. at most. ikoonoomista n. economist.
ihoobeelas [Status: check entry form] conj. iiqamma 1) adj. broken. 2)
otherwise. — n. breach. 3) fraction.
ihoohane adj. sufficient. iiqamukko vi. to be broken. Morph: PASS of
ihoo'isa n. 1) situation. 2) condition. iiqukko.
ihooqaxa vp (? 1) near to. 2) almost enough. iiqancha n. breaking.
ihona part. amen. iiqansukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of iiqamukko.
ihona bagaan [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] conj. 1) to break into pieces. 2) to shatter. 3) to
1) even though. 2) nevertheless. 3) but. smash. 4) to wreck (a machine).
ihona yukko vp (vi). to agree. iqub Pl: iqubbuwwa. n. rural saving association.
iho'o n. happened action. From: Amh.
ihooyyo vi. Morph: NEG of ihookko. 1) not to iiqukko vt. to break.
be enough. 2) to be impossible. illaafunta Pl: illaafuntuwwa. n. pimple.
ihu bikkina conj (np) ? therefore. illag lasage np (?) / postpos (?). in sequence.
ihubee'aarem v (conj) ?? unless. illag lasagooma np. 1) sequence. 2) order.
ihukkaa [Status: check entry] vp. 1) anyway. illage Variant: illago. 1) adv (?). front. 2) before.
2) whatever happens. 3) forward. 4) fyrrow. [Status: check
ihukkaarem conj. but. meaning] 5)
ihukkaaremdu [Status: check, whether only — n. forehead. [Status: really?]
the suffix -du should be entered ...] part (?). illage caakkukko [Status: check spelling] vp. to
however. smile.
ihukkisam postpos. 1) by any means. 2) as. 3) in illage waarukko vp. to come in front of.
the same way. illageen [Status: check entry form - illage /
ihukko vi. [Status: check which forms (P-Set 2 ?); mr ??] adv / part (?). 1) before. 2) already.
add mr field with forms !! - add separate illagenne postpos / n (LOK ?). in front of.
entry ikko'o ??] 1) to be (PAST). 2) to illaancho n. 1) sieve (for grains). 2) filter.
become. 3) to be enough. 4) to be satisfied. illaansukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of illaanukko
ihukko part (?). GENERALISER. [Status: or (??). 1) to sieve, to filter. 2) to winnow.
SUFFIX ?] illaara Morph: * ille + ?? Pl: illaalluwwa. n.
ihukko ihaa vp. anyway. [Status: check pupil (of the eye).
meaning] illawa [Status: check spelling; orig. illaua] adj.
ihuluchcho pron. something. colourful, spotted.
ihummoo yaa vp. intentionally. ilbeetichcho [Status: check spelling - illi
ihuta'nem part. however. [Status: Abraham: beetichcho ?] n. pupil.
nevertheless] ille Pl: illewwa. n. 1) eye. 2) centre. 3) bud.
ijaajaam xuunsammi woca np. commanding ille amadukko vp. 1) to become dusk. 2) to be
sentence. weak sighted.
ijaajamukko vt. to obey. Morph: PASS of ille heemachchukko [Status: 1 or 2 words ?]
ijaajukko. vp (?). to blusid refuse. [Status: check

66 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

ille qasukko infiloweenza

meaning !!!] an elevated position. [Status: check meaning]

ille qasukko vp. to prick (eye). [Status: iim xophphukko [Status: put under entry
meaning ????? (HED: eye pricked)] "xophphimma"?] vp. 1) to leap (high). 2) to
ille murukko vp. to become thin. jump over.
ille xiigwaarukko [Status: 2 or 3 words ?] vp. to iim yukko vp (vi). to rise.
become furlous. [Status: meaning ?] imaam n. imam.
ille waarona interj (* vp, 3 Juss). may you have iima'n hagara adj (np ?). blue.
success. iima'n xaara np. roof.
ille waarukko vp. to yearn. immaanna n. eye witness.
ilfinna Pl: ilfinnuwwa. n. 1) interior room. iimane n. 1) sky. 2) heaven. 3) top. [Status: check
2) small house. [Status: check meaning !] meaning !!!]
ilganukko vi. to allow indirectly. iimane xare'e np. roof. [Status: check lit.
illi amma np. eye mother. [Status: check precise meaning]
meaning!] immaannisukko vi. to witness.
illi anna np. eye father. [Status: check precise immaannishsha n. witnessing.
meaning] iima'ukko Variant: iimissukko. vt. Morph:
illi bari np. eyelid. CAUS of iim-. 1) to raise sth. 2) to pull up
illi cilimmaa'ukko vp. to wink. sth.
illi diinate np. principal commercial. imbaase'e Pl: imbaase'uwwa. n. embassy.
illi jabbo np. eye disease. From: Engl.
illi kollo np. face. imbila n. fresh important part. [Status: check
illi shura np. 1) eye lash. 2) eyebrow. [Status: meaning ! (comma missing ?)]
check meanings !] immee interj. RESPONSE / astonishment.
illi woshsha np. main idea. immeeja n. image. From: Engl.
illibadda adj. shy. iimfukko vi. to blow the nose.
illibaddukko [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] vi. to be immissukko vt. to confirm. Morph: CAUS 1 of
shy. immukko.
illibiiro adj. 1) clear. 2) open. iimite adj (?) / n (?). 1) up. 2) upper side.
illiggaalla adj. bold. iimoo sagachcho np. stressed. [Status: check
illiganukko [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] vi. to wink. meaning]
illiggukko vi. to be impudent. [Status: check iimukko vi. to stand up.
meaning (HED: impudented)] iina pron (DAT). for me.
illikollo n / np (?). face. [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] iina yookko vp. I have.
illiiqa n. 1) loss. 2) crisis. innaqoora n. highland.
illiqasukko [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] vi. to be innaanna adj. 1) foolsh. 2) silly. 3) stupid.
evil-eyed. [Status: or: to have an evil eye?] 4) imbecille.
illiiqukko vt. to lose. innaannaancho Pl: innaannaano. adj (?). sb.
illillaachche n. falling forward. who waists time.
illimoochcha [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. innaannukko vi. to waste time.
1) marriage ceremony. 2) lavish type of incaqqa n. chewing gum.
wedding. inciicamma adj (?). 1) entwined. 2) crooked.
illimuchcho [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. last born 3) curved. 4) betwisted.
children. inciicansukko vt. to twist repeatedly. Morph:
illissi tiirissa np. keen. CAUS 1 of inciicanukko.
illita Pl: illittuwwa. n. inner part of ensete (drying inciico'o adj? (n ??). 1) twisted. 2) wrapped
out after transplantation). [Status: check around. 3) band (for hat).
meaning] inciicukko vt. to twist.
illixiige'ukko [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] vi. to be inda n. bed, place to sleep.
jealous. indakitiv mashka'a np. inductive reasoning.
illiyuuma n. ileum. indaakshiina n. induction.
illoo'llukko vi. 1) to be hidden. 2) to be indiidda n. tears (of eyes).
concealed. indiidde'ukko vi. to shed tears.
iillukko vi. 1) to come. 2) to reach (in time). indino n. old woman.
illuwwukko vt. to treat friendly. Indiya'a name. India.
-im suff. DEFINITENESS, masc. [Status: check indokiriina n. endocrine.
meaning] indoosperma n. endosperm.
iim adv / part (?). 1) up. 2) upwards. [Status: industire'e n. industry. From: via Amh. ?
Abraham: above] industire'e n. industry.
iim sheqi np. high above. -inne suff. by.
iim shequkko vp (vi). 1) to be tall. 2) to stand in infiloweenza n. influenza.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 67

iinfukko issaxxa

iinfukko vi. to blow one's nose. insaara n. 1) scratched stem of ensete. 2) root and
Inglanda name. England. trunk of the ensete plant (being cut and
ingliizisa n. English (language). combined).
iini agitti [Status: enter under "agitti"?] np. -iinse Variant: -ii. suff. 1) from. 2) more ... than
1) next to me. 1) with me. (compared to ...).
iinnii bagaan [Status: enter under bagaan?] np. iinse mine np. 1) sleeping room. 2) bedroom.
1) without me. 2) except me. -iinse tochcho np. outside.
iinii bakko [Status: enter under "bakko"?] np. insekta Pl: insektuwwa. n. insect.
1) next to me. 2) with me. iinse'ukko vi. 1) to sleep. 2) to lay down.
iniba n. type of ensete. iinsi ammane np. time to sleep.
ininnaasa adj. evil eyed. iinso n. 1) going to bed. 2) staying in bed. 3) sleep.
iniinse pron. sender (on envelope). insosar n. type of balsam.
iinninso n. ?? insuleetera Pl: insuleetelluwwa. n. insulator.
iinisiishsha n. 1) making sb. to lie down. insuuliina n. insulin.
2) putting to bed. 3) making sb. sleep. inshuuraansa Pl: inshuuraansuwwa. n.
inispaareeshiina n. inpiration. insurance.
injeera Pl: injeelluwwa. n. injera. interfeeza n. interphase.
inkaabinka adj. 1) idle. 2) dull. 3) silly. intijeelluwwi fir wixxite np. subset of
inkashsha [Status: check entry - underlined by integers.
AT] n. mouthful. intijeelluwwi wixxite n. set of integers.
inkiinnamma adj. familiar. intijeera n (?). integer. [Status: check meaning !]
inkiinnamukko vi. Morph: PASS of inxo n. Morph: singl. only. 1) cereal. 2) grain.
inkiinnukko. 1) to be popular. 2) to be inzaayiima [Status: check - was: enzaayima] n.
known. enzyme.
inkiinnancha n (?). 1) familiar [thing ?]. inzirta Pl: inzirtuwwa. n. spindle.
2) popular [thing ?]. [Status: check ps / ippigilootisa Pl: ippigilootissuwwa. n.
meaning] epiglottis.
inkiinnimmi xanamooyyo [Status: check iraadoona Pl: iraadoonnuwwa. n. radio. From:
entry form] vp. unambiguous. cf. Amh ?
inkiinno'i kaarda np. identity card. iraancho Pl: iraano. n. woman in childbed.
inkiinnukko vt. to identify. iraanchote n. young woman who has given
inkiiraancho Pl: inkiiraano. n. funne. [Status: birth.
meaning ? funnel (Trichter)?] iraanchoto n. youth. Morph: same root as er /
inkiirukko vt. 1) to draw water. 2) to fetch. 3) to erane ?
haule. iranukko vi. to be irritated.
inkukko [Status: check entry form - Abraham iraashinaal xigo np. irrational number.
prefers IINKIMMA - "to understand"] vt. to irbo arash np. land from 25% tax have to be paid.
have sth. almost done. [Status: check From: Amh.
meaning!!] ireemannukko vi. to be irritated.
inqaaqoota n. childhood. irifo n. 1) award. 2) reward.
inqalo n. roasted grain. Morph: singl. only. irifukko vt. to reward.
From: Amh. qollo. iriista n. landed property, real estate. From: Amh.
inqaamo adj. with buck teeth. [Status: check irjija Pl: irjijjuwwa. n. ooze.
meaning (back teeth?)] irjijukko vi. to ooze.
inqe Pl: inquwwa. 1) n. tooth. 2) irmi n. 1) shame. 2) taboo. From: Amh. ?
— adj (?). full. [Status: check ps / meaning] irsaasa n. pencil.
inqi hakiincho np. dentist. irsho n. sourdough, levening.
inqi saamuna np. tootpaste. irtabiliite'e n. irritability.
inqi xisso np. toothache. irtisukko vt. to enforce. Morph: CAUS 1 of
inqimaa'l sagachcho np. alveolar. irtukko.
inqimaara Morph: * inqe maara. Pl: irto n. enforcement.
inqimaalluwwa. [Status: 2 words (Habt)?] n. irza Pl: irzuwwa. n. 1) charm. 2) talisman.
gum. 3) amulet. From: Amh. ? [Status: check
inqirukko vt. 1) to scoop sth. 2) to pour sb. sth. precise meaning]
inqisagachcho n. dentals. issadoora Pl: issadoolluwa. n. type of mat.
inqo postpos (?). at the edge. issaqqukko vi/vt. 1) to do his best. 2) to revenge.
inlumbukko vt. to sacrifice. -isam suff. 1) as soon as. 2) that.
inno'o n. 1) state of affair. 2) behaviour. issaancho Pl: issaano. n. sb. who does sth.
3) attitude. isane pron (?). hers.
iinsa conj (?). after, since. issaxxa n. ??

68 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

ise iyyummi landichcho

ise pron. she. iittommi adj. dear (in letter).

isse Variant: isso'i. pron. He / She (honorific). itukko vt. to eat.
isfeera Pl: isfeelluwwa. n. sphere. iittukko vt. 1) to love. 2) to like.
isfeerqoocca adj. spherical. iixa n. 1) friend. 2) friendship.
issi PossPron. His/Her. ixa'a n. lot. From: Amh.
Isilaama n. Islam. ixan n. incense.
Isilaancho n. Muslim. ixxane pron. it is his.
-isina suff. 1) in order that. 2) so that. 3) COULD. ixxek pron. his.
[Status: check meaning] ixxena pron. 1) to him. 2) for him. Morph: Dat.
Isiya name. Asia. ixxeensim adv. rather.
iskeela n. scale. ixxi pron. he.
iskibirto n. pen. ixxi gag ege'llukko vp. to be careful.
iskuwee'l xigo np. square of a number. ixxi gaga huunshe [Status: check entry form]
iskuweer do'o np. perimetre of a square. np. unconsciousness.
iskuweer haraarooma np. area of a square. ixxiquuxo vi. 1) let it be. 2) forget about it.
iskuweer sire'e np. square root. [Status: check meaning (form is NOT
iskuweera n. square. Jussive!)]
islaash mare'e np. slash. ixxo pron. he. Morph: Akk.
islayida n. slide. ixxom ixxom edimma [Status: check entry
isso kura vp (?) / np (?). action verb. form] np. repetition.
isso'o pron. them. [Status: case ?] ixukko [Status: check for INF] vi. 1) it is
ispoorta n. sports. Morph: singl. only. chapped. 2) it is cracked.
Isra'eel name. Israel. ixxuwwa pron. they. Morph: Acc.
istaanza n. stanza. ixxuwwi Variant: issuwwi. pron. they. Morph:
istaarcha n. starch. HLG.
istaatistik baa'yyaata np. statistical data. iyyabbaayyo [Status: put this entry under
istaatistika n. statistics. abbaayo?] n. my brother.
istayela Pl: istayelluwwa. n. style. iyyaqqa [Status: check spelling] n. 1) patience.
istemina n. stamen. 2) endurance. 3) perseverance.
isteeshinare'e n. stationary. iyyaqqukko vi. 1) to be patient. 2) to endure.
istigma Pl: istigmuwwa. n. stigma. 3) to persevere.
issukko vt. 1) to do. 2) to put sth. down. 3) to iyyamukko vt (vi) ?? to load. Morph: Refl of
close. iyya'ukko ??
issuwwi pron. they (3p). iyyaancha [Status: check spelling - iyyancha ?]
ishee'ukko vt. to chase sth. away. n. pack mule.
ishshi interj. okay. From: Amh. iyyanchi gaare'e np. wheelbarrow, cart. From:
ishshi yukko vp (vi). to promise. From: Amh. Amh. ? [Status: with - ?]
ishina Pl: ishinnuwwa. n. 1) athletes. 2) type of iyyaancho n. sb. who carries, carrier.
spice. iiyyaancho n. old pack mule.
ishtiggukko vi. 1) to be silent. 2) to be quiet. iyyanni np. my father.
ishshukko vi. to agree. Morph: cf. eshi. iyya'ukko [Status: check spelling] vt. to carry.
itakkam luwwa np. food. iyyaayya [Status: this entry form necessary?] n.
iittakamane adj. popular. my sister. Morph: i + aayya.
itamukko vi. to lose. iiyyee n. load.
iittamukko vi. Morph: PASS/MED of iittukko. iyyiisukko vt. to load (up). Morph: CAUS 1 of
1) to agree. 2) to consent. iyyukko.
iittancha n. 1) agreeing. 2) consenting. iyyo n. 1) carriage. 2) mother. Morph: fem.
3) mediation. 4) reconciliation. iyyoo kaame'e [Status: check entry form - more
iittansukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of iitamukko. common: Aysuusu] np. truck.
1) to mediate. 2) to reconcile. 3) to bring to iyyukko vt. 1) to carry (on the back). 2) to load.
mutual agreement. 3) to carry along.
iite'e Pl: iite'uwwa. n. honourable woman. iyyumma n. mother. Morph: fem. [Status: check
itichcho n. sb. who is always eating. meaning ("my mother" !!)]
itimmi heelechcha np. appetite. iyyummi ama np. maternal grandmother.
itisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of itukko. 1) to iyyummi beeto np. my brother. [Status:
feed. 2) to give sb. to eat. 3) to invite sb. to connotation?]
eat. 4) to make/let sb. eat. iyyummi landichcho np. my sister. [Status:
iitto n. Morph: singl. only. 1) love. 2) affection. connotation?]
itodoolle np (??). 1) Before Christ. 2) long ago
[time ?]. [Status: check meaning]

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 69

jaaba jaanqura

J - j
jaaba n. bridle. jalagisa adv (?). ??
jaba'a n. bundeling cows. [Status: check jalagukko vi. to wander.
meaning] jallaakkooahne adj. sleepy.
jabana Pl: jabannuwwa. n. 1) coffee pot. jalba'a Pl: jalba'uwwa. n. boat.
2) kettle. [Status: check meaning] 3) pot for jalgisukko vt. 1) to loose sight of. 2) to make (?)
cooking. [Status: check meaning!! forgetful. [Status: check meaning]
cf. - coffee!] jaliila adj. 1) foolish. 2) silly.
jabbaanchiisukko [Status: check spelling !] jaliilukko vi. 1) to be foolish. 2) to be silly.
vt. to make sb. sick. Morph: CAUS of jabb-. jalimo'o n. leave of working. [Status: check
jabbaancho Pl: jabbaano. n. 1) sb. who is meaning - retirment ?]
seriously ill. 2) very sick (person). 3) patient. jalimmo'o adj. idle.
jabayukko vi. 1) to drink coffee. 2) to pray. jalimo'ukko [Status: check spelling - was:
jabbisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 [other jalimmo'ukko] vi. to be idle.
relationship??] of jabbukko. 1) to treat the jallitaancho n. wanderer.
sick. 2) to make sb. sick. 2) to tell. [Status: jallite n. wandering.
2nd meaning could not be confirmed by jaljallukko vi. to look up and down.
Abraham] jaalo'o n. 1) big pot. [Status: check meaning
jabbo n. 1) serious disease. 2) serious sickness. against: chefancho - the same?] 2) instrument
jaabo n. 1) a rope-like material to pull. used to show the direction in road
2) short-cut. constructions.
jabbukko vi. to be very sick. jallukko vi. 1) to wander. 2) to harden, to freeze.
jaburuuchcha n. exhaustion. [Status: check meaning of sn 2 !!] 3) to be
jaburuurukko vi. 1) to be exhausted. 2) to be dizzy. [Status: check meaning of sn 3 !!!]
tired. ja'mma'a Pl: ja'mma'uwwa. n. communal
jaburuussukko vt. to make exhausted. Morph: drinking coffee.
CAUS 1 of jaburuurukko (??). jammarukko Variant: jammallukko (?).
jachchi n. 1) magic. 2) magical spell. 3) sorcery. [Status: check va (WHS)] vt. 1) to start. 2) to
4) charms. begin.
jachchissukko vt. to allocate a Adbar offering. jamba Pl: jambuwwa. n. tool to carry dung.
Morph: CAUS 1 of jachchukko. [Status: check meaning]
jachcho n. 1) sacrifice (for jaara - the spirit of jambora Pl: jambolluwwa. n. huge pottery
protection). 2) Adbar offering. 3) spirit or god object. [Status: check meaning - huge pot?
of fertility. [Status: check precise meaning] For which use?]
jachchukko vi. to be very tired. jaamukko vi. to be unable to act.
jagara n. 1) small grass house. 2) hut. jamuna n. wander.
jagina'a Pl: jagina'uwwa. n. hero. jana n. hedge.
jagiira Pl: jagiilluwwa. n. wooden pole to janna n. provoking.
support the roof. Jaanna place name. Jaanna.
jagirad n. type of ensete. jaanna n. a kind of tree.
jajjaba n. the middle part of a horse back. jannaancho Pl: jannaano. adj (n ??).
jajjara Pl: jajjalluwwa. n. 1) sickle. From: 1) provocative. 2) trouble maker.
Amh ?? 2) scythe. jaango'o n. instrument for scratching ensete.
jajara'ika n. type of ensete. jaanni fiita np. coloured flower.
jaakkeeta n. jacket. From: Engl. jannisukko vt. to provoke. Morph: CAUS 1 of
jakkisukko vi/vt (??). Morph: CAUS 1 of jannukko.
jakkukko. 1) to check. 2) to haste, to hurry, jaanja n. 1) bearing. 2) carriage. 3) being stiff.
to rush. [Status: check meaning]
jakkishsha n. 1) checking. 2) hastening. jaanjibeela Variant: jinjibila. [Status: check va
jakkura n. wander. [Status: check meaning!] (HCD)] n. ginger.
jaa'l mancho np. 1) witch doctor. 2) sb. jaanjurukko Variant: jaanjirukko. [Status:
possessed by a jaara spirit. [Status: check check va (WHS)] vi/vt. 1) to talk nonsense.
precise meaning] 2) to fantasize. 3) to be delirious. [Status:
jaa'l moora np. bull of the jaara spirit. check meaning] 4) to imagine.
jaa'l saayya np. cow of the jaara spirit. jaanjuurukko [Status: check spelling - was:
jalla adj. rigid, stiff. jaajuurukko] vi. to talk foolishly.
jalaga adj. 1) forgetful. 2) absent minded. jaanqura n. 1) saying nothing. 2) saying useless

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 70

jaano'o juutta jumburuutta

things. jiirukko vi. 1) to lose weight. 2) to be stanted.

jaano'o Pl: jaano'uwwa. n. 1) a type of outer jiissukko vt. to make lose weight. Morph: CAUS
garment. 2) royal mantle. 1 of ????
jaara Pl: jaalluwwa. n. 1) spirit of witch doctor. jog interj. command for an oxen to go.
2) spirit of protection (of men). 3) spirit jooga n. jug.
which possesses. joko n. finger millet.
jaretta n. seed. jolle n. Morph: cf. jora. 1) badness. [Status: cf
jaarissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of jaarukko HCD sv.v. sin] 2) wickedness. 3) malice.
(??) / * jaara issukko (??). 1) to sacrifice (to 4) trick.
jaara - the spirit of protection). 2) to offer up. jolle'e [Status: check entry (jolle ?)] adv (?). in
jarma n. germ. vain, futile. Morph: cf. jora. [Status: that
jaarya n. amulet to appease jaara spirits. would be an adj]
jaataane'e adv (?). fast, quickly. joomeetire'e n. geometry.
jaataaneessukko vt. Morph: CAUS of jomoga n / adj (?). passive.
jaataan-. 1) to accelerate. 2) to speed up. jomogukko 1) vt. to make sb. to be passive. 2)
3) to urge sb. — vi. not to be serious.
jaataanukko Variant: jaataanee'ukko. vi. to joone'e Pl: joone'uwwa. n. sack. [Status: check
hurry. ee]
jawweesukko vt. 1) to shake. 2) to sway. 3) to jooniyya [Status: check spelling - was doniyya]
rock. n. 1) sack/bag of hemp. 2) 100kg. 3) sack for
jawtura n. ?? 100kg cereal.
jeba Variant: jebata. n. 1) wake (from Islamic jor ayyaana np. demon.
tradition). [Status: check precise jor heechchi qaanqa np. harmful tradition.
meaning - KIRB: totenmahl / Ahnenmahl] jora adj. 1) bad, evil. 2) cruel.
2) meal for the ancestors. joraa danaamoo annannisimma xanimma
jegrada n. a kind of ensete. [Status: check entry form - paraphrasis ...]
jeela n. 1) masqal flower. 2) a type of niger seed. np. conscience.
jeennata n. 1) garden. 2) paradise. From: Arab. joramaancho Pl: joramaano. [Status: 1 or 2
ganna ? words?] n. enemy. Morph: cf. jiram-.
jenetiiksa n. genetics. [Status: lit. "bad person"?]
jenje'nna n. eczema. joraamo 1) adj. bad, evil. 2)
jera n. sickle. — n. misshap.
Jermana [Status: check entry form - BV: joramukko vi. Morph: PASS of jorukko. 1) to
Jarmana ?] n. Germany. quarrel. 2) to be sb.'s enemy. 3) to be hostile
jibba Pl: jibbuwwa. n. mat of ensete fibre. to sb.
Jibuute'e name. Djibouti. jorancha n. quarrel.
jigisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of jigukko. 1) to jorissiisukko vt. to entice sb. Morph: CAUS 2 of
ride. 2) to let gallop. 2) to speak this and that. jorukko.
jigishsha n. 1) riding. 2) galloping. jorissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of jorukko.
jigukko vi. to gallop. 1) to become bad towards sb. 2) to entice sb.
jijjiira Pl: jijjiilluwwa. n. 1) bed for a woman jorsado n. notoriously speaking negatively about
who has given birth. [Status: check precise sb.
meaning] 2) delivery bed. [Status: check jorukko vi. 1) to be [very] bad. 2) to be worse.
precise meaning] 3) circumcision bed. 3) to be cruel. 4) to quarrel. 5) to have a
[Status: check precise meaning] mishap.
Jima'ata name. Friday. juudo'o n. judo.
jimino'isperma [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. juuja adj. 1) blunt. 2) inactive.
jymnosperm. juujukko vi. 1) to be blunt. 2) to be dull (of
jimlaastika n. gymnastics. knife). [Status: check meaning !]
jina n. evil spirit. From: Arab. jin. jukkuraancho Pl: jukkuraano. n. sb. who is
jinna n. 1) appointment. 2) engagement. [Status: nagging.
check meaning !] jukkurukko vi. to nag.
jii'oograafe'e n. geography. jule'e n. a poisonous insect (found in the soil).
jii'olooje'e n. geology. jumburuuta n. ??
jiira adj. stant. [Status: check meaning!] jumjumukko vi. to lack a place where to go.
jiraafa n. whip. From: Amh ? ju'mmukko vi. to bump.
jira'iilla n. evil spirit. Juppiteera name. Jupiter.
jiramukko vi. Morph: PASS/REFL of juutta n. 1) crop. 2) cereal. 3) food.
jirukko ?? / cf. jora. 1) to quarrel about sth. juutta jumburuutta np. tasting flat. [Status:
2) to fall out (over sth.). check meaning]

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 71

juuyeencho kaakkeesukko

juuyeencho n. loiterer. [Status: check meaning] [Status: check meaning]

juuyukko vi. to wander (to loiter aimlessly).

K - k
-k suff. 1) POSSESSIVE. [Status: check ge / kaabata n. wealth with peace.
xe!] 2) RELATIVE. kabaxxaare [Status: check entry form] adv. just
ka det. this. a moment ago. Morph: * kabade & -aare?
kaa pron (?). you [masc] (2s.voc). kabeechcho Pl: kabeera. n. leopard.
ka ... higaa np. through. kaachcha n. victory.
ka ... lasage np. 1) for. 2) since (of time). kachchis biimbe'e np. [anopheles] mosquito.
ka ammane np. 1) now. 2) present (time). [Status: more precise!]
ka beyyo adv (?). (towards) here. kachchisa n. malaria.
ka bikkina [Status: 1 or 2 words? check entry kaaddamukko vt. to provide for elders. Morph:
(bikkina only?)] conj. because of this. PASS of kaaddukko ?
ka edo np. on this side. kadaancho Pl: kadaano. n. 1) minstrel.
ka kabashshichcho np (?). immediately, at 2) musician. 3) singer.
once. kadda'ukko vt. 1) to leave sb. 2) to become
ka kollo np. 1) from there. 2) hence. [Status: unfaithful. 3) to secede. 4) to desert.
check meaning !] kade'amukko vt (??). 1) to damage. 2) to harm.
ka qax afeebe'e Variant: ka qunxi afeebe'e. 3) to hurt. 4) to injure. 5) to abuse.
np. 1) until now. 2) until here. kade'ancha n. 1) ruining. 2) impairing.
kaa'amukko vi. Morph: PASS of kaa'ukko. 3) recoiling. 4) kicking.
1) to be defeated. 2) to be lose. kadechcha n. kick.
kaa'ancha n. defeat, being defeated. kade'isukko vt. to make sb./sth. to be kicked.
kaa'aancho Pl: kaa'aano. n. sb. who defeats. Morph: CAUS 1 of kade'ukko.
kaba adj. 1) many. 2) plenty. kade'ukko vt. to kick.
kaba adv. now. Morph: * ka va ? kadiisaancho Pl: kadiisaano. n. facility for
kaba n. 1) plain. 2) level. [Status: check spelling dancing.
& meaning] kadiisukko vt. to make sb. dance. Morph: CAUS
kaabba n. mantle. 1 of kadukko.
kabadane [Status: check entry form: CASE] kadoohane n. actor.
adv. current. kadoolla n. dancing.
kabade adv (?). 1) now. 2) once again. [Status: kado§o 1) n. beam of the plough. 2)
check meaning !] — adv (?). at the present day, once in a while.
kabadem [Status: chek entry form - SUFFIX] kadukko vi. 1) to dance. 2) to sing and clap. 2) to
adv. just. sing.
kabadem kabadem np (?). now and then. kaadukko vt. 1) to deny. 2) to disown sb.
kabademi part. and again. kaffe'e n. rough mat.
kabadina adv ? for now. kaafiiraancho Pl: kaafiiraano. n. 1) spirit
kabadoom [Status: check entry - not really worker. 2) evil worker. [Status: check precise
known to Abraham] adv / part (?). for the meaning]
time being, for the moment. [Status: check kafkafaato n. acting mischieviously.
translation; is it a question?] kafkafukko vi. to act in a mischievous way.
kabala Pl: kaballuwwa. n. wooden instrument to kageeta n. type of ensete.
produce sounds. [Status: check precise ka'isa part ? 1) like this. Morph: * ka -isa. 2) so.
meaning] ka'isanne part (LOC?). 1) therefore. 2) because
kaballa n (?). today. Morph: * ka balla. of that.
kaballanne [Status: check entry form - CASE] ka'isinne [Status: check entry form: CASE] adv.
adv. nowadays. according to.
kaballi hiimo np. tonight. kajja Pl: kajjuwwa. n. 1) dance (type of -).
Kabaame name. Kabaame (woman's name). 2) song. Morph: cf. kadukko.
Kabaamo name. Kabaamo (man's name). kajjaancho Pl: kajjaano. n. 1) singer.
kabashichcho [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] adj (??). 2) minstrel. 3) musician.
1) winkly. [Status: check meaning] kajji mu'uta np. musical instrument.
2) splitsecond. [Status: check meaning] kak pron. this.
3) moment. kakeeno [Status: 1 or 2 words?] pron. these ones.
kabashichchom [Status: check entry Morph: * ka keeno.
form - SUFFIX] adv. immediately. kaakkeesukko vi. to cackle (hen).

72 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

kaki kassiisukko

kaki pron. this one (Acc ?). meaning]

kaako'o Pl: kaako'uwwa. n. dry honeycomb. Kansa n. Thursday.
kalaffaato n. act of doing sth. unnecessary. kansara Pl: kansalluwwa. n. cancer. From:
kalaffeetta n. entering to another person's job. Engl.
[Status: check meaning] Kaanse'l iibbi gabala np. tropic of Cancer.
Kalaalaamo name. Kalaalaamo. kappilaare'e n. capillary.
kalche'e Pl: kalche'uwwa. n. certain part of the kappitaaliizima n. capitalism. Morph: singl.
plough. [Status: check meaning (WHS: only.
Streichbrett)] Kaprikoorina n. Capricorn.
kalechcha n. phallic head-dress. From: Orom. ? kaphphada n. ??
kalle'e adj. 1) barren. 2) poor. [Status: check kara Pl: kalluwwa. n. 1) abortion. 2) still-birth.
meaning - was: toop poor] karakkamane [Status: check entry form] n. nut.
kallemara adj. completely naked. karameella n. candy. From: Engl.
kallemarukko vi. to be nacked. karata Pl: karattuwwa. n. female breast.
Kallo'o n. Christmas. [Status: check meaning!!]
kallo'o n. 1) a kind of game similar to hockey. karato n. imprisonment.
2) traditional birthday feast. [Status: check karax manni karantam beyyo np.
precise meaning] concentration camp.
kaalse'e n. socks. From: cf. ital. ? karaxxi mine np. prison.
kaalsiyeem haydirooksaayida np. calcium karaxiita n. bag (made from cotton).
hydroxide. karbata Pl: karbattuwwa. n. tie. From: cf. frz.
kaalsiyeema n. calcium. cravatte.
kaalta Pl: kaaltuwwa. n. 1) vision. 2) dream. kaarbohaydireeta n. carbohydrate.
3) revelation. kaarboon n. carbon.
kaaltaamo adj. visionary. kaarboondaayoksaayida n. corbondioxide.
ka'llukko vi. 1) to be confined. 2) to be kaarda Pl: kaarduwwa. n. card.
imgrosomed. [Status: check meaning !!] kaardi lello np. card games.
kamaarage adv / np (?). this year. Morph: * ka kaardinaal xigo np. cardinal number.
marage. karkare n. type of ensete.
Kambaatichcho adj. from Kambaata. karqarukko vi. 1) to miscarry. 2) to abort.
kaame'e Pl: kaame'uwwa. n. 1) car. 2) bus. karniveresa n. cornivores. From: Lat.
3) lorry, truck. karo haqichcho np. fingerring. [Status: check
kaame'e ushe'aa'n faqaada [Status: check precise meaning]
entry form] np. driver's license. From: Amh. karoo jabbo np. type of disease. [Status: check
kaame'i aphphixximma np. crash. precise meaning]
kaame'i mine np. garage. karo'o n. curling (of evil).
kaame'i shafe'e np. wheel. kaaroota n. carrot.
kaame'inne taakko [Status: check entry karsho'o n. elephantiasis.
form] np. transportation. kaarta'a Pl: kaarta'uwwa. [Status: check entry
kaameera'a Pl: kaameelluwwa. n. camera. form] n. chart.
kaame'uwwa axisaancho np. mechanic. kaartoona n. carton. From: Engl.
kamkamaachcha n. biting. karukko vt. 1) to tie up. 2) to fasten. 3) to bind.
kamkamaa'ukko vt. 1) to bite. 2) to be vicious 4) to imprison. 5) to throw away.
(dog). kaarukko vi. to spend the rainy season.
kaa'nna pron (?). all these. kasa Pl: kassuwwa. n. 1) fringe. 2) edge.
kanateera Pl: kanateelluwwa. n. vest. From: kaasakkamo n. planting. [Status: check
from Amh. meaning]
kani part (?). here. kasala n. coal.
kannii aad woroon np. below of. kasara n. cane.
kannii hanaan np (??). before this. kassarukko vi. to lose. From: Arab./Amh.
kannii illage np. before that. kassassamukhane n. sb. who is accused in
kannii lasage np. after that. Morph: * kanniinsi court.
lasage. kassasukko vt. to accuse (sb. in court). Morph:
kannii mulehim np. besides. CAUS 1 of kassarukko. From: Amh.
kannii woroon np (??). 1) after this. 2) as kasaataancho Pl: kasaataano. n. 1) sb. who is
follows (underneath). shrewd. 2) sb. who is astute.
kannik pron. this one. kasaate n. 1) shrewdness. 2) astuteness.
kanninne maqire np. 1) besides. 2) in addition. kasaa'ukko vi. 1) to be shrewd. 2) to be astute -.
kankanukko vi. to gnaw a bone. kaseeta n. type of ensete.
kankaashsha n. small dry leaves. [Status: check kassiisukko vt. to have sb. be imprisoned.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 73

kassiishsha kibbukko

Morph: CAUS 1 of kassukko. kemeeta n. type of hairstyle. Morph: singl. only.

kassiishsha n. tying. keemikaala n. chemical. From: Engl.
kasmira n. guava. From: from Amh. kee'mmisaa lonsukko vp. to emphasize.
kasukko vi. 1) to wail. 2) to cry. 3) to lament. Kee'mmiso name. Kee'mmiso.
kaasukko vt. 1) to plant. 2) to put up. [Status: keemistre'e n. chemistry. From: Engl.
check meaning] kee'mmissukko vt. to honour sb.
kaasha n. vegetables, plants. kee'mmishsha n. honour. Morph: singl. only.
kaashsha Pl: kaashshuwwa. n. 1) plant. kee'mmixxukko vi. to be overloaded.
2) honey-comb. 3) beeswax. 4) wax. kee'mmukko vi. 1) to be heavy. 2) to be
kasha'l boyya np. with a red and white forehead burdened. [Status: check meaning!!]
(of cow). keen adv. there. [Status: check meaning !]
kashar buchcha np. clay. keenakkamhane n. measure.
kashar lugumo np. beetroot. keenamukko vt. to try out.
kashar onjooro'o np. raspberry. keenancha n. 1) temptation. 2) test.
kashar sarata np. red millet. keenaancho Pl: keenaano. n. 1) a tool to
kashar shenqee'lla np. red algae. measure. 2) examination. 3) settler. [Status:
kashar tuma np. bulb onion, sweet onion. check meaning]
kashara adj. red. keenato n. measurement.
kasharukko vi. to become red. keeni [Status: check entry form - keeno] pron (?).
kashekkichcho n. dragon-fly. 1) MARKING a particular group. 2) the ones.
kaashshi n. seed. 3) those. [Status: check meaning !!!]
kashikashaato n. murmur. [Status: check Keeniya name. Kenya.
meaning] keensiisukko vt. to make to be measured.
kashikasho'o n (?). murmuring. Morph: singl. Morph: CAUS I of keenukko. [Status: check
only. [Status: check meaning] precise meaning - to measure?]
kashte'e n. roasted cabbage. keenukko vt. 1) to measure. 2) to weigh. 3) to
kataba n. 1) vaccination. 2) disease of cattle. test.
katabamukko vi. to be vaccinated. Morph: keera n. peace. Morph: singl. only.
PASS of katabukko. kera'a Pl: kera'uwwa. n. rent. From: Amh. ?
katabukko vt. to vaccinate. kera'a amadukkane np. tenant.
katama Pl: katammuwwa. n. 1) town. 2) city. kera'a amadukko vp. to rent.
3) market place. From: Amh. kera'a uwwukko vp. to hire.
kataro Pl: katalluwwa. n. 1) appointment. keesamma adj. holy.
2) arrangement. From: ?? (THS: keesammi kitaaba np. Bible.
"Fremdwort"). [Status: check precise keesammi maxaafa np. Bible. From: from
meaning] Amh.: maxaafa.
Kaatteeshiyaan fikkaanna np. Cartesian keesammi saayya np. holy cow. [Status: check
product. precise meaning]
kateeta Pl: kateettuwwa. n. fireplace. keesamukko vi/vt ? to sanctify. Morph: PASS
katikalla n. schnapps. of keesukko ?
kaa'ukko vi/vt (?). 1) to win (over). 2) to defeat. keesancha n. 1) sanctification. 2) righteousness.
3) to beat. 4) to be difficult. 5) to be in [Status: check the meaning]
danger. [Status: check precise meaning and keese pron. you (2s.ACC).
ENTRY form - entry was: ka'ukko] keskesa Pl: keskessuwwa. n. bag (made from
kawuyya n. iron. From: Amh. ? qunce'e or qara).
kaayya Pl: kaayyuwwa. n. prophecy. keesukko vt. to forbid.
kaayyo'aamo adj. 1) working with spirits. keteera adj. ugly.
2) working evil things. keteerukko vi. to be ugly.
kaayyo'aancho Pl: kaayyo'aano. n. evil-eyed keteeta Pl: keteettuwwa. n. fire place.
person. kettichcho n. bee-like insect.
kaayyo'o n. evil influence. keyye adv (?). here. Morph: * ka beyyo ?
keedukko vi. to be of the same rank. ki pron. your (2s.POSS).
keefana n. shroud. kibbamcha n. having a lot of children.
keefanukko vt. to shroud. Kibbamo name. Kibbamo (man's name).
keeka Pl: keekkuwwa. n. cake. From: Engl. kibbamukko vi. to have many children. Morph:
kee'mmaal bit yoohane np. valuable. PASS of kibbukko.
kee'mmaalla adj. 1) heavy. 2) difficult. 3) hard. Kibbo name. Kobbo (woman's name).
4) kibrit Pl: kibrittuwwa. n. candle. From: Amh.
— n. weight (for scales). [Status: check meaning - matches!]
kee'mmaallooma n. 1) weight. 2) heaviness. kibbukko vt. 1) to surround. 2) to encircle.

74 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

kico'o kitaabichcha

kico'o Pl: kico'uwwa. n. gland. kikkiro cuum ga'mmukko vp. to bring some
kichcha n. 1) standing. 2) start, begin. food.
kichchane [Status: check entry form & spelling] kilato'o n. ??
adj. initial. kilayye n ? ??
kichche'aancho Pl: kichche'aano. adj (?). kilfa'a adj (?). ??
sorrowful. killila Pl: killilluwwa. n. region. From: Amh.
kichchechcha n. 1) sadness. 2) sorrow. kiliniika n. clinic. From: Engl.
3) worry, anxiety, distress, regret. kilki'l odda [Status: check spelling - was: kikki'l
kichche'iso duuha'a np. misery. odda] np. hair of the arm-pit.
kichche'iso duuha'inne [Status: check entry killo n. bad smell.
form] np. unfortunately. kiilogiraama n. kilogram.
kichche'isukko vt. to make sb. sad. Morph: kiilomeetira n. kilometre.
CAUS of kichche'ukko. kiilo'o n. kilo.
kichche'ukko vi. 1) to be sad. 2) to mourn (a kilooriina n. chlorine.
death). 3) to worry. [Status: check meaning!] kiloorofila n. chlorophyl.
kichchi hooyyi kollo np. beginning phrase of a kilooroplasta n. chloroplast.
poem. kimbillaa'ukko vt. 1) to cause sb. to turn back.
kichchi laaga np. initial ray. 2) to block.
kichchi somo'o np. prefix. kimbillukko vi. 1) to turn back. 2) to change
kichchi tako'o np. initial point. direction.
kichchi xigo np. natural number. ki'n pron. yours.
kid adv (?). 1) to. [Status: check kin baca np. gush out. [Status: check meaning]
meaning!! - better: towards ?] 2) towards. kina Pl: kinnuwwa. n. stone.
kidette adv. 1) thus. 2) like this. kinaamo adj. stony.
kidii ekkidii np (??) / adv (??). back and forth. ki'nne pron. you (polite).
kido'nne'i n (?). this kind of. kinniba n. type of ensete.
kido'o n. 1) kind. 2) type. kiniina Pl: kiniinnuwwa. n. 1) pill. 2) tablet.
kifa Variant: kifiifa. n. little rain. ki'nnuwwi pron. you (pl.).
kiiffa Pl: kiiffuwwa. n. 1) big wedding. kiraa'llato Pl: kiraa'llattuwwa. n. large
2) fair-like wedding. [Status: check precise intestine.
meaning] kiiraancho Pl: kiiraano. n. 1) magician. 2) type
kiffe'e n. ember. of shaman in Hadiyya Islam. 3) wizard.
kifiifa n. waterfall. 4) sorcerer. [Status: check meaning !!]
kifiifukko vi. to rain a bit. 5) fortune-teller.
kifukko vt. 1) to sprinkle. 2) to rain (a bit). 3) to kiraptona n. krypton.
anoint. kiraara Pl: kiraalluwwa. n. lyre.
kiifukko vi. 1) to celebrate a big wedding. kireeta Pl: kireettuwwa. n. 1) gully. 2) terrace.
[Status: check meaning] 2) to spray. kirimukko vt. 1) to cut down. 2) to chop. 3) to
kiihane pron. yours. mutilate.
ki'ina pron. addressee (on envelope). Kiristaan [Status: check spelling] adj / n.
ki'isa [Status: should ki'isa be entered under Christian.
"ki'imma"?] adj. 1) beginning. 2) (starting) Kiristoos name. Christ.
from. Kiristoos maaraa xiigaa np. Holy
ki'isamsukko vt. to motivate. Morph: CAUS 1 communion.
of ki'isamukko. kiroomoplaasta n. chromoplast.
ki'isissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 2 of ki'ukko. kiromoozooma n. chromosome.
1) to wake sb. up. 2) to cause sb. to start out. kiroomyeena n. chromium.
ki'isukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of ki'ukko. 1) to kirtaakirta adj. rugged.
make sb. stand up. 2) to wake up, to waken. kiirukko vi. 1) to do magic. 2) to act as a wizard.
4) to raise sb. from the dead. 4) to pick up. 3) to tell fortunes. [Status: check meaning]
5) to take. [Status: check meaning] 6) to 4) to communicate with spirits and to tell
settle a matter. their orders.
kijibo'aam xuunsammi woca np. ?? kiisa Pl: kiissuwwa. n. 1) bag. 2) pocket. From:
[Status: check meaning (HED: -)] Arab. via Amh.
kijibo'o n. investigation. kishittukko vi. to be mean.
kijibukko vi. to discuss in detail. kitaaba Pl: kitaabbuwwa. n. 1) book. 2) neck let.
kik adj. ground. kitaabaancho Pl: kitaabaano. n. 1) writer.
kikilo Variant: kilkilo. Pl: kikilluwwa. [Status: 2) secretary.
check va (HCD)] n. armpit. kitaabichcha [Status: check spelling; check
kikkiro Pl: kikkilluwwa. n. armpit. meaning - kitaabichcha'a: "small letters" ??]

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 75

kitaabicha'a kollo

n. book. kocha'nnichcho Pl: kochcha'nna. n.

kitaabicha'a n (?). small letters. [Status: check 1) grasshopper. [Status: check precise
meaning and spelling (kitaabichcha); meaning] 2) cricket. [Status: check precise
Abraham: - letters (i.e. graphs)] meaning]
kitaabichcho n. magazine. kochche n. 1) in (alphabetical/chronological ?)
kitaabinya [Status: check entry order. 2) turn.
form - kitaabaancho ?] n. sb. who produces kochche'e n. cooked strips of meat. [Status:
Islamic amulets. From: Amh. check meaning]
kitaabisaancho Pl: kitaabisaano. n. publisher. kochekichcho [Status: check
kitaabo'o n. (anything) written. spelling - kochchekichcho ?] n. unleavened
kitaabukko vt. to write. bread (made from maize).
kitaaphphi hayyo'ooma np. literature. kochchiisukko vt. to help on one's turn. Morph:
kitaaphphi maashiina np. typewriter. CAUS 1 of kochchukko.
kitaaphphi mine np. bookstore. koochcho Pl: koochchuwwa. n. cupping glass.
kitaaphphi mu'uta np. stationary. Morph: * koobcho.
kitfo'o n. kitfo. From: Amh. kitfo. kochorukko vt. 1) to snub sb. 2) to sulk.
kitima Pl: kitimmuwwa. n. sacrifice. From: kodda barcuma [Status: check spelling - was:
Amh? kodda barchumo] np. chair.
kitimamukko vi. to be sacrified. Morph: PASS kodda'a Pl: kodda'uwwa. n. can, tin.
of kitimukko. Kodaada name. Kodaada. [Status: check ee]
kitimukko vt. to sacrifice. kodaada adj. 1) broad. 2) wide.
kitira n ? ?? koofa Pl: kooffuwwa. n. part of the body found
Kitoosa name. Kitoosa. between anus and legs.
Kitoosa uccakancha np. restingplace of koofala n. 1) drought. 2) dryness. 3) aridity.
Kitoosa. From: Kamb. ? kooforo postp (?). under.
kitukko vt. to brew beer. ko'ifishenta n. coefficient.
ki'ukko vi. 1) to stand up, to get up. 2) to arise. koka adj. empty.
3) to wake up. 4) to start, to begin. 5) to kookka adj. scary.
leave. kokkara n. dried soil.
kiyyo'o n. trap (for birds). kokke'e n. palate.
kiyuuba Pl: kiyuubbuwwa. n. cube. kokke'i sagachcha'a np. glottals.
ko'asa n. diarrhoea. kookkisukko vi (?). Morph: CAUS I of
ko'asukko vi. to be sick with diarrhoea. kookkukko. 1) to be ferocious. 2) to be
kobe'e n. shoes. fierce.
kobichcho Pl: koba. n. 1) friend. 2) peer. kookkishsha n. threat. [Status: check meaning]
3) companion. kooko'o Pl: kooko'uwwa. n. husk.
kobi'l misila np. toy. kokukko vi. to be empty.
kobi'l sagachcho np. simulation. koqa adj. uncooked. [Status: check precise
kobi'l solleessa np. symbol. meaning]
kobi'l woca np. proverb. kooqa adj. 1) fearful. 2) timid. 3) coward.
kobi'lla Pl: kobi'lluwwa. n. model. kollaa'ukko vt. to take. [Status: check meaning]
kobi'llammi poola np. like a pole. kolaazh n. drawing.
kobi'llato n. example. kolbamma adj. polluted. [Status: check ps
kobi'llishsha n. example. (HED: n)]
kobi'llukko vi. to be similar. kolbamukko vi. to be polluted. Morph: PASS of
kobinnano n. relationship. kolbukko.
koobisiisaancho Pl: koobisiisaano. n. publisher. kolbukko vt. 1) to poison. 2) to pollute. 3) to
koobisiisukko vt. to publish. waste.
koobishsha n. 1) printing. 2) sealing. kolleejja Pl: kolleejjuwwa. n. college. From:
kobbojja n. 1) shoot which is transplanted. Engl.
2) seedling. [Status: check precise meaning] koleera n. cholera. From: Engl.
koborta Pl: kobortuwwa. n. mantle. From: kolleetta Pl: kolleettuwwa. n. collar.
Amh. kolli kollo np. 1) half part of. 2) some of. [Status:
koboota n. dry cow dung. check precise meaning]
kobbukko vt. 1) to float. 2) to cup. kolli qananaa'isaancho np. semi-vowel.
koobukko Variant: koolukko. vt. 1) to print. kollissukko vt. to cut sth. in half. From: Amh.
2) to stamp. 3) to coin. 4) to suck. 5) to repair. akul ?
[Status: check meaning!] 6) to re-connect sth. kollo Pl: kolluwwa. n. 1) half. 2) side. 3) near to.
kocco n. ensete bread. From: Amh. 4) towards. 5) through. 6) against. [Status:
koco'o Pl: koco'uwwa. n. roofing stick. check meaning (sn 1.5f)]

76 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

kolloollukko koostiik pootaasha

kolloollukko vi. to be eager. konte'e Pl: konte'uwwa. n. 1) hoof. 2) foot.

kolo'o Pl: kolo'uwwa. n. hollow. 3) foot print. 4) track of animal.
kolosho'o adj. blind. kontiraatukko vt. to lease. From: Engl.
kolosho'ukko vi. to be blind. kontukko vi. to take a lion's share.
kolukko vt. to hollow out. kontuu'l ogora np. contour line.
koo'llukko vi. to be desperate. kontuura Pl: kontuulluwwa. n. contour.
kom wixxite np. 1) empty set. 2) null set. konnukko vt. to erect.
koma adj. 1) empty. 2) null. konveksa adj. convex.
kombamukko vi. to be eager. Morph: PASS of konvekshina n. convection.
kombukko (??) / * kombamo. konversa adj. converse.
kombancha n. selfishness. ko'ordineeta Pl: ko'ordineettuwwa. n.
kombobba n. type of women's hair style. coordinate.
Morph: singl. only. koppera n. copper.
komboyyaato n. ?? kora Pl: kolluwwa. n. flea.
koominizima n. communism. Morph: singl. koora Pl: koolluwwa. n. saddle.
only. From: Lat. via Engl. koora giggissukko vp (vt). to unsaddle.
ko'mmoda adj. 1) grown old. 2) become old. kora'a adj. 1) free. 2) without.
kompaasa Pl: kompaassuwwa. n. compass. kora'am adv. 1) freely. 2) without anything. 3) in
kompawunda Pl: kompawunduwwa. n. vain. [Status: check meaning]
compound. koraana n. clay pot for boiling butter.
kompilimenta Pl: kompilimentuwwa. n. kooraana n. butter melting pot.
complement. korataa'ukko vt. 1) to keep out of sight. 2) to
kompiyuutera Pl: kompiyuutelluwwa. n. hide.
computer. koratukko vi. to be hidden.
kompiyutera amadukki marajja'a [Status: kora'ukko vi. to be proud.
check entry form and spelling] np. data. korchukko vt. to dig.
komplimentaare'e adj. complementary. koorda Pl: koorduwwa. n. chord.
komplimentaare'i angilluwwa np. kore Pl: kolluwwa. n. turn.
complementary angles. koreexxamcha n. helping turn by turn.
komukko vi. to become empty. koreexxamukko vi. to do turn by turn. Morph:
ko'nna Pl: ko'nnuwwa. n. solid mucus. [Status: PASS/MED of koreexxukko.
check meaning (HED: solid muxus)] korhaqqa n. type of tree. Morph: * kora haqqa.
koona Pl: koonnuwwa. n. cone. [Status: check meaning]
koonda n. hand craft. korina n. type of ensete.
kondaaktera n. conductor. From: Engl. korine n. type of ensete.
kone'ukko vi. to show motherly love. korisha adj. blue.
kongireenta adj. congruent. korqikorqukko vt. 1) to deprecate. 2) to
kongireenti angilluwwa np. congruent disparage.
angles. koorniisa Pl: koorniissuwwa. n. ceiling. From:
kongireenti midaadduwwa np. congruent cf. Ital. cornice: Gesims.
sides. korochcha n. snoring.
kongireenti misilluwwa np. congruent Korochcho name. Korochcho. [Status: check ee]
figures. korojjo'o Pl: korojjo'uwwa. n. purse. From:
kongireenti ogolluwwa np. concurrent lines. Amh.
From: Engl. korolaare'e adj. corollary.
kongireentooma n. congruency. koronte'e n. 1) electric current. From: Engl.
konistaaleeshina n. constellation. current. 2) electricity.
konjankishiina n. conjunction. koronte'i enerje'e [Status: entry might be
konka Pl: konkuwwa. n. boat. deleted ?? koronte'i only ??] np. electrical
konkeev leensa np. concave lens. energy.
konkeeva adj. concave. korora n. snoring.
konkoona adj. bony. [Status: check meaning! kororukko vi. to snore.
(bone sticking out); clarify meaning!] kooroosiiva adj. corrosive. [Status: check ps
konkoone n. 1) direction. 2) nostril (upper part of (HED: adj)]
the nose). korooxukko vi. to breath (of horse).
koonsha n. scale (of fish). [Status: check precise koorukko vt. to saddle.
meaning] koorukko vi. 1) to be skilled. 2) to be perfect in
koonsho'o adj / n (?). 1) scraped. 2) erased. one's work.
koonshukko vt. 1) to pull off the skin of the kosarata n. a type of spice.
ensete plant (with one's teeth). 2) to clean up. koostiik pootaasha np. caustic potash.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 77

koostiika soda kurkusso'o

koostiika soda np. caustic soda. kuk pron. this (masc, subst).
kosh woro Variant: koshoro. np. store room. kuukka 1) n. type of inedible plantfruit. [Status:
kosha Pl: koshshuwwa. n. kitchen place. check meaning] 2)
koshakoora n. kwashiorkor. [Status: check — adj. fat and roundish.
meaning !!] kuka'e conj (?). but this.
kooshshaama n. type of fruit. [Status: check kukim pron. this.
precise meaning] kukko ma'nna np. ??
Koshe name. Koshe. kukoom pron. this one.
koshokkoshukko vi. to be fine (tobacco). kuko'o interj (?). here he/it is.
koshsho'o n. tobacco. kukkulu yukko vp (vi). to crow (cock).
kooshsho'o n ? ?? kukkussichcho n. 1) bush duiker. 2) gazelle.
koshoro Pl: kosholluwwa. n. alcove. [Status: check meaning]
koota Pl: koottuwwa. n. 1) coat. 2) jacket. From: kuul shenqee'lla np. brown algae.
from Engl. "coat". kuula adj. brown.
kooteechcho adj. 1) soiled. 2) polluted. kulkulla n. 1) dusk. 2) nightfall.
3) stained. kulkullaancho Pl: kulkullaano. n. confused
kottisukko vt. to contract. (person).
koto n. fragment. kulkullaato n. 1) evening. 2) after dusk.
kotootukko vi. to itch. kulkullukko vi. 1) to become evening, to
kotukko vi. to break off sth. [Status: check become dark. 2) to fall (of night). 3) to be
meaning] confused.
kottukko vi. to be numb. kullukko vi. to boast.
koxxara n. a part of a cow's body. kululla n. feeling of dizziness.
kooxukko vi. 1) to roar. 2) to bark. kululaa'e adj. round.
kowwaada n. type of tree. kulullaato n. round.
kowata n. type of ensete. kululaa'ukko vt. to cause to move around (in
koyya [Status: check entry form - * koyyincho?] circles). Morph: CAUS 1 of kululukko.
n. company. [Status: better: to lead around in .... ?]
koyya gassoohane np. host. kulullees do'o np. circumference.
koyyi mine np. guesthouse. kulullees giraafa n. circlegraph.
koyyinano n. 1) being guest. 2) hospitality. kulullees haraarooma np. area of a circle.
koyyinansukko vt. to invite. Morph: CAUS 1 kulullees koona np. circular cone.
of koyyinamukko. kulullees lambe§e np. centre of a circle.
koyyiincho Pl: koyya. n. 1) guest. 2) stranger. kulullees silinder np. circular cylinder.
3) visitor. kululleesa n. cirile.
koyna [Status: check spelling - was koina] n. type kululleeta adj. 1) around. 2) about.
of ensete. kululleetanne n. surrounding.
ku pron. this (masc, adj). kululukko vi. 1) to move around. 2) to turn
ku'aasa n. diarrhea. (around). 3) to rotate. 4) to feel dizzy.
ku'aasaamo adj. with diarrhea. kuma num. thousand.
ku'aasisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of kumaakaakuma num. large number (greater
ku'aasukko (?). 1) to make diarrhea. 2) to than thousands).
make frighten. kumbubba n. oval shaped [thing].
ku'aasukko vi. to defecate (with diarrhoea). kumbulaa'ukko vt. Morph: CAUS ?? 1) to
kubbaaniyya n. company. From: cf. Ital. throw down. 2) to drop. 3) to cast off. [Status:
compagnia. check meaning]
kubbaayya Pl: kubbaayyuwwa. n. 1) plastic kumiinse num. thousandth (0.001).
cup. 2) tin. 3) unit of measurement. kuu'mmukko vt. to have food in one's mouth.
kubusukko vt. 1) to budge. 2) to move slightly. kuna'a interj (?). here he/it is.
kucceesukko vt (?). 1) to aid. 2) to realize. kunchufa n. ??
[Status: check meaning] kuntaala n. sack holding 100kg.
kuccikuccaa'ukko vt. to help (by giving kunu'a n. type of ensete.
needed materials). kunukko [Status: check citation form! was:
kuckucaa'ukko vt. to suckle (of calf). kuno'o] vi. here it is.
kuchuucha n. ?? kuraa lehukko vp (vt). to will. [Status: check
kuchuchukko vi. 1) to shiver. 2) to shudder. meaning !]
[Status: check precise meaning] kuraancho n. teller.
kufa n. serse. [Status: check meaning] kuraaza Pl: kuraazzuwwa. n. small kerosene
kuffe'e n. disease cause by protein deficiency. lamp.
ku'in n. type of ensete. kurkusso'o n. type of sheep disease. [Status:

78 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

kuroo loojiika qaqqishsha

check meaning] meaning (HED: immatured surgam)]

kuroo loojiika np. predicate logic. kuttumeesukko vt. to roast. [Status: check
kurukko vt. 1) to tell. 2) to inform. meaning (HED: -)]
kuruura adj. immature. kutura Pl: kutulluwwa. n. forbidden area.
kuruurukko vi. to be immature. kuturukko vt. 1) to prevent from grazing. 2) to
kusa n. a kind of grass (to cover huts). forbid.
kusarata n. type of spice (for butter). [Status: kututaa'ukko vt. 1) to collect. 2) to gather one
check meaning] by one. 3) to pick up.
kushikushaato n. 1) murmuring. 2) secret talk. kuxxichcho n. cough.
kushkushukko vi. 1) to murmur. 2) to talk in kuxxisukko vi. to cough. Morph: CAUS 1 of
secret. kuxxukko.
kushullikushullukko vi. to shrink (of bump, kuxxukko vi. to cough.
swelling, etc.). kuwaadiraanta Pl: kuwaadiraantuwwa. n.
kushullukko vi. to shrink (of bump, etc.). quadrant. From: Engl. (Lat.).
kutubo n. eating without butter and cheese. kuwaadiratic gudisansa np. quadratic
kutubukko vi. to eat without butter and cheese. equation.
[Status: check precise meaning] kuwaantifayera n. quantifier.
kuttubbukko vt. to hobble. kuyutukko v. ??
kutugukko v. ??
kuttu'lla n. immatured sorghum. [Status: check

Q - q
qaba Pl: qabbuwwa. n. 1) tweezers. 2) princers. qadafa n. ??
qabaaddo Pl: qabaadduwwa. n. buying of grain. qadafa'l jabbo np. tuberculosis.
qabaadukko vt. to buy grain. qadafara Pl: qadafalluwwa. n. lung.
qabaajja Pl: qabaajjuwwa. n. exchange. qadaalla adj. 1) white. 2) light-coloured.
qabaajjina marukko vp. to go to buy grain. qadaalli tuma np. garlic.
qabale'e Pl: qabale'uwwa. [Status: check qadaallisukko vt. to make white. Morph: CAUS
spelling] n. Kebele. 1 of qadaallukko.
qaballo Pl: qaballuwwa. n. tanned skin (used as qadaallukko vi. 1) to be(come) white. 2) to be
blanket). light-coloured.
qabara adj. 1) wide. 2) flat. qadaancho Pl: qadaano. n. ??
qabaro Pl: qaballuwwa. [Status: check entry qaddaa'ukko vt. 1) to quote. 2) to cite.
form - transnum. ?] n. jackal. From: Amh. qadiidukko vt. 1) to improve. 2) to kill a lot.
qabarukko vi. 1) to be(come) wide. 2) to be flat. qadiijja n. improvement.
qabatto'o Pl: qabatto'uwwa. n. belt. From: qaf wonnana np. hoe with two teeth.
Amh. qafa n. 1) twins. 2) branch.
qabdo Pl: qabduwwa. n. deposit. qafaa'ukko vt. 1) to inform. 2) to tell. 3) to cut.
qaabula adj. 1) ugly. 2) forgetful. [Status: check precise meaning]
qabuxukko vi. to be restless. qaffaa'ukko vt. to cut off.
Qaca name. Tuesday. qaffittaancho adj (n ??). hasty [person ?].
qaaca'a adj. ?? qaffitte n. toil.
qacabba Pl: qacabbuwwa. n. 1) bur marigold. qaffittukko vi. 1) to toil. 2) to be in hurry.
2) black jack. qaafunta n. 1) patch. 2) piece of cloth.
qacaalla adj. 1) weak. 2) soft. 3) lazy. 4) thin. qaafuntukko vt. to cover a torn cloth with a
5) smooth. piece of cloth.
qacale'e adj. 1) fresh. 2) nearly ripe. qakke'e n. a dry cough. [Status: check meaning]
qacaalli maaro'i balla np. late afternoon. qaqa n. 1) stick. 2) barley.
qaccaa'ukko vt. 1) to eat. 2) to feed. qaqqasukko vi. to wink.
qaciqacukko vt. to vex. qaqqiso adv. 1) fast. 2) soon. 3) suddenly.
qacina Pl: qacinnuwwa. n. thread. qaqqisonne [Status: check entry form] 1) adv
qacisukko vt. to soften (e.g. a hide). Morph: (?). urgent. 2)
CAUS 1 of qacukko. — n. suddenness. [Status: Abraham: adv;
qacukko vi. 1) to be weak. 2) to be weary. 3) to Abraham: quickly]
be thin. 4) to become tired (esp. from qaqqissukko vi. Morph: * adj. qaqqisso. 1) to
hunger). 5) to be soft/smooth (of food). be quick. 2) to do sth. quickly. [Status: check
qachcho Pl: qachchuwwa. n. one's son or the meaning] 3) to hurry.
daughter. qaqqishsha adv. fast.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 79

qaqukko qanxaa'ukko

qaqukko vt. to grill. qambisa Pl: qambissuwwa. n. shirt (for men).

qaquulla [Status: check spelling] adj. 1) raw qambukko vi (?). to have sexual intercourse (of
(food). 2) raw (materials). cock and hen).
qaquulli mancho np. immature person. qamisa Pl: qamissuwwa. n. traditional dress.
qaquullukko vi. 1) to become raw. 2) to become qamisukko vt. to dress.
worst. qanaachcha Variant: qinaachcha. [Status:
Qaaqume'e name. Qaaqume'e (13th month of check va (WHS)] n. type of cow disease that
Ethiopian calendar). only old animals contract. Morph: singl.
qa'l bassa [Status: check entry form - KIRB: qa'l only.
basso] np. 1) food made from barley at the qanafa Pl: qanaffuwwa. n. a piece of wood
time of birth. 2) mash served on birthday of a attached to a woman's head or neck after
baby. [Status: check precise meaning] giving birth.
qa'l ma'nna np. 1) womb. 2) uterus. qananaa'aancho Pl: qananaa'aano. n. reader.
qa'l ma'nni gaanje [Status: check spelling qananaa'isaano Pl: qananaa'isaannuwwa. n.
(HED: man'n gaanje)] np. cervix. vowel.
qaala n. prophecy. From: Amh. qananamaano Pl: qananamaannuwwa. n.
qaala'a n. lowland. consonant.
qallaba n. 1) food. 2) provisions for a journey. qananamoobee'ane [Status: check entry
From: Amh. form - NEG] adj. illegible.
qallaba xufukko vp (vt). to issue food to sb. qananamukko vi. to be read. Morph: PASS of
From: Amh. qananukko.
qalabaxxi googo [Status: check entry form] qananaato Pl: qananaattuwwa. n. reading.
np. bypass. qananaa'ukko [Status: check
qallacha n. crone. From: Wolayta. spelling - qanannaa ... (HLG)] vt. to read.
qalama Pl: qalammuwwa. n. 1) colour. 2) paint. qanaate adj. 1) jealous. 2) envious. From: Amh.
From: Amh. ? qanaate'ukko vi. 1) to be(come) jealous. 2) to
qalaanja Pl: qalaanjuwwa. n. flag. be(come) envious. From: Amh.
qalbeexxukko vt. to recognize. qannaxancha Pl: qannaxano. n. belitteling.
qaalleencho Pl: qaalleenchuwwa. n. shaft. [Status: check meaning]
qalicca [Status: check entry form] n. shamanic qannaxukko vt. to look up on.
priest. From: Orom.? qaanca Variant: aanca. Pl: qaancuwwa. n.
qalima Pl: qalimmuwwa. n. ensete tree seed pod. 1) ensete fibre. 2) corn silk. 3) hedge of
qalukko vt. 1) to make flour (from ensete). 2) to ensete plants. From: Kambaata: qaancata.
brew. qancara adj ? ??
qama Pl: qammuwwa. n. 1) flour. 2) powder. qanciwa n. type of ensete.
qamachcho Variant: qamarcho. Pl: qamara. qaanne'e n. 1) drought. 2) famine.
[Status: check va (HCD)] n. 1) baboon. qane'ukko vi. to succeed. From: Amh.
2) ape. 3) monkey. 4) guenon. From: qaanne'ukko vi. to starve. [Status: check
Tadesse, sheet. meaning (HED: starrted)]
qaamaafeeta Pl: qaamaafeettuwwa. n. 1) sense qanga Pl: qanguwwa. n. curse.
organ. 2) part. qangukko vt. 1) to curse. 2) to insult.
qamalle'e n. type of ensete. qanjora Pl: qanjolluwwa. n. lout.
qammano Pl: qammannuwwa. n. 1) yeast (of qanqa Pl: qanquwwa. n. ??
the milk). 2) smegma. qaanqa Pl: qaanquwwa. n. 1) means of doing sth.
qamaraara adj. useless. 2) system.
qamaraarooma Morph: singl. only. n. qanqansa n. type of disease. [Status: check
uselessness. precise meaning]
qamaraarukko vi. to become useless. qaanqo lab gixo'o np. concealed poetry.
qammasukko vt. to taste. From: Amh. qaanqo'o Pl: qaanqo'uwwa. n. poetry.
qaamaashiira adj. 1) valueless. 2) worthless. qanqukko vt. to curse.
qaamaashiirooma n. valuelessness. Morph: qansa Pl: qansuwwa. n. sperm.
singl. only. qansi firimma vp. ejaculation.
qaamaashiirukko vi. 1) to be useless. 2) to be qansimaancho Pl: qansimaano. n. 1) woman in
worthless. childbed. 2) suckler.
qammaaxa adj. very thin. qanso'o Pl: qanso'uwwa. n. 1) auxiliary bud.
qammaaxo'o adj. rather small. 2) cutting.
qambara Pl: qamballuwwa. n. yoke. From: qantalaama n. rue (medicinal plant).
Amh. qantaalaama Pl: qantaalaammuwwa. n.
qambarin qashukko np. to harness an animal tenoddam. [Status: check meaning !]
to the yoke. From: Amh. qanxaa'ukko vt (?). to taste.

80 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

qanxite qarimo'o

qanxite n. 1) beginning. 2) starting. qaranchi balla np. birthday.

qape'e Pl: qape'uwwa. n. wooden block used for qaranchi qaxooma np. birthrate.
culprits who did not confess. qaranchi uulla np. home country.
qapha Pl: qaphphuwwa. n. pincers. qarara adj. purified.
qaaphpha Pl: qaaphphuwwa. n. bundle. qaraaraal biira'a [Status: check entry form]
qaphphaa qaphpha vp / np (?). little by little, np. bitter. [Status: check precise meaning]
slowly. qaraaraalla adj. bitter.
qaphphaachcha n. reducing the speed. Morph: qaraaraancho adj. 1) bitter. 2) poisonous.
singl. only. qaraare Pl: qaraalluwwa. n. 1) medicine.
qaaphphamukko vi. to be embraced. Morph: 2) poison. 3)
PASS of qaaphphukko. — adj. bitter. [Status: check entry ! (qaraaro /
qaaphphancha Pl: qaaphphanchuwwa. n. qaraaraalla ?)]
1) embrace. 2) making an agreement with qaraareeshukko vt. to poison sb. Morph: *
each other. qaraarukko.
qaphphanukko vt. to arm. qaraarissoohane n. medical doctor.
qaphphaa'ukko vi. 1) to slow down. 2) to use qaraarissukko vt. to treat sb. (as a doctor).
economically. Morph: CAUS 1 of qaraarukko.
qaphphe qaphphenne np. gradually. qaraarla'aancho Pl: qaraarla'aano. n.
qaaphphisukko vt. to embrace. Morph: CAUS preparer of poison.
1 of qaaphphukko. qaraaro [Status: check entry - qaraare ?] adj.
qaphphite n. 1) patience. 2) resignation. 3) bitter.
— adj. slow. qararukko vi. 1) to settle (out). 2) to decant.
qaphphitinne maaxaqqa taakke'ukko qaraarukko vi. to be bitter.
[Status: check entry form] vp. to sneak. qarassukko vt. to distill.
qaaphpho mare'e np. bracket. qaraax sunkurutta [Status: check entry form]
qaaphpho'o Pl: qaaphpho'uwwa. n. bracket. np. spring onion.
qaphukko vt. to carry a child on the back. qaraxaancho Pl: qaraxaano. n. tax collector.
qaphphukko vi/vt. 1) to be(come) slow. 2) to do From: Amh.
sth. slowly. [Status: check the meaning!] qaraxo n. tax. From: Amh.
3) to hatch. [Status: check meaning!] qaraaxo Pl: qaraaxxuwwa. n. Morph: cf.
qaaphphukko vt. 1) to embrace. 2) to brood. qaraato'o. 1) spring. 2) season of small rains.
[Status: check meaning] 3) to support, to 3) fertility.
help. qaraxukko vt. to collect tax. From: Amh.
qar ihukko vp. to be friends. qarce'e n. constraining the growth. [Status: check
qara n. 1) cutting edge. 2) direction. 3) sharpness. precise meaning]
4) severity. [Status: check sn 3f (WHS: qare'aalla adj/n. 1) fast, hurried. 2) sharp (of
qaara)] 5) type of grass. [Status: check knife). 3) edge, blade. [Status: check meaning
meaning!] of sn 3!]
qaara Pl: qaalluwwa. n. 1) spear. 2) small lance. qarecha n. speed.
qara jibba np. mat (made from qara grass). qareechcha [Status: check entry - underlined by
qara'a Pl: qara'uwwa. [Status: check entry & AT] n. 1) sharpness. 2) severity.
forms] n. 1) mat of palm leaves. 2) mat made qaare'e Pl: qaare'uwwa. n. 1) green pepper.
of reed. 2) chilli.
qara'a n. bulrush. qare'isukko vt. to hasten. Morph: CAUS 1 of
qaraabe n. a small drum. qare'ukko.
qarabo Variant: qabaro. [Status: check va qareqera n. tree cactus.
(WHS)] n. jackal. From: Amh. qare'nna n. speed.
qarafima [Status: check spelling - underlined by qare'nna uullishsha np. speed limit.
AT] n. last day in Naase'e. [Status: what's the qareesukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of qare'ukko.
significance?] 1) to sharpen (knife). 2) to whet. 3) to file.
qara'i jibba np. 1) carpet. 2) mat. qareeshsha n. 1) sharpening (of knife).
qara'issukko vt. to spread (the rug). Morph: * 2) grinding.
qara issukko. qareeshaancho n. 1) whetstone. 2) rasp. 3) file.
qaraa'l mine np. pharmacy. qare'ukko vi. 1) to speed up. 2) to be sharpened.
qarammaaca n. festival of peer group. 3) to be sharp.
qaramukko vi. to be born. Morph: PASS of qaaribo'o [Status: check entry - underlined by
qarukko. AT] n. drink made from roasted grain.
qaramukko vi. to become friends. Morph: * qarichcho Pl: qaribbuwwa. [Status: check pl.]
qaro. [Status: check meaning] n. lord. From: Kambaata.
qarancha n. being born. qarimo'o n. generation.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 81

qarmancho qebellisukko

qarmancho Pl: qarmanna. n. Morph: ?? + qattamatane adj. fertile (of woman).

manna. [Status: check morphology] qattambee'i adj (?). barren.
1) relatives. 2) friends. qatukko vt. to hurl one time. [Status: check
qarme'e n. straw. meaning against qasimma]
qarmura n. 1) separation (of evil work). qax ihukko vp (vi). to be like.
2) division (of relatives). [Status: check qaxa Pl: qaxxuwwa. [Status: entry: mat qaxa ?] n.
precise meaning] 1) extend. [Status: check meaning] 2) degree.
qaro n. 1) relative. 2) delivery. 3) friend. [Status: 3) unite.
check meaning !] qaxxa [Status: one or two "X" ?] adj. like, similar.
qaro issukko vp (vt). to make friends. Morph: qaxxala adj. 1) next. 2) subsequent. From: Amh.
CAUS 1 of qaro ihukko. qaxxamaancho n. fighter.
qaro mutto'o np. set at variance. qaxame pron. only this.
qaroobee'i [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] adj (?). qaxxamukko vi. to fight. Morph: PASS/MED of
infertile. qaxxukko ?
qarooma n. 1) relationship. 2) friendship. qaxxa'mmukko vt. to pay a fine. [Status: check
qaro'o n. profit. precise meaning - was: birinne
qarta n. mat made from bamboo. qaxxa'mmukko]
qarxa n. 1) class. 2) section. qaxxancha n. 1) fighting. 2) battle. 3) war.
qaru keeno [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. parents. qaxara n. type of plant. [Status: check precise
qaru luchcho [Status: check entry form] np. meaning]
profit. qaxxaraancho Pl: qaxxaraano. n. employer.
qarukko vi. 1) to give birth. 2) to beget. 3) to be qaxxarukko vt. 1) to hire. 2) to employ.
profitable. qaaxarukko vt. to conceive.
qaasa'a adj. 1) wet. 2) damp. 3) moisten. qaxaaxa n. duty.
qaasa'isukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of qaxa'ukko vt. to punish. From: Amh. [Status:
qaasa'ukko. 1) to soak. 2) to wet. check meaning; was: "to give birth";]
qassamaakko beyyo np. hole. qaxqaxaato n. twitch.
qasamcha n. 1) battle. 2) war. qaxqaxukko vi. 1) to twitch. 2) to shiver.
qasamukko vt. to fight. qaaxo n. division. [Status: check precise meaning]
qasammukko [Status: check entry qaxooma n. 1) amount. 2) quantity.
form - qasamukko?] vt. to frighten sb. 3) magnitude.
qasanchi mu'uta [Status: check entry qaxukko vt. to taste.
form - syn. o'l mu'uta ?] np. weapon. qaxxukko vi. 1) to be wounded. 2) to be pierced.
qasansaancho Pl: qasansaano. n. 1) sb. who qaaxukko vt. to reduce.
causes a fight. 2) sb. who causes a dispute. qawwa adj. 1) foolish (person). 2) crazy. 3) mad.
[Status: check meaning] 4) silly.
qassiisaancho Pl: qassiisaano. n. midwife. qaawwa n. Arabian coffee.
qassiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 (2?) of qawwaawwa n. locust.
qarukko. 1) to order prick to stab. [Status: qawwe'e Pl: qawwe'uwwa. n. gun.
check meaning !!] 3) to make to give birth. qawwesukko vt. 1) to cheat. 2) to comfort
qaso'isukko vi. to be fatigued. Morph: * qaso ... children.
(?). [Status: check meaning] qaawwi mine np. coffee house.
qaso'o n. 1) fatigue. 2) fight. qawwiisaa xorukko vp. to cheat.
qaso'ukko vi / vt. 1) to become fatigued. 2) to qawwisaancho Pl: qawwisaano. n. cheater.
fight. [Status: check meaning / entry form] qawwiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
qastanna n. 1) leader. 2) general. qawwukko. 1) to fool. 2) to cheat. 3) to
qasukko vt. 1) to pierce. 2) to stab. 3) to sting. deceive.
4) to hurl. 5) to look at somebody with a qawwooma n. 1) foolishness. 2) stupidity.
wink. qawwukko vi. 1) to be foolish. 2) to be crazy.
qasha n. fence. qawuwa Pl: qawuwwuwwa. n. saline soil.
qashsha Pl: qashshuwwa. n. spoon. qaayyamukko vi. to die. Morph: PASS/MED of
qaasha Pl: qaashshuwwa. n. 1) trap, snare. qaayyukko.
2) net. 3) connector. qaayyancha n. being destroyed.
qaashamukko vi. Morph: PASS of qaashukko. Qaydaree name. Qaydaree (one of the names of
1) to be paired. 2) to be coupled. God). [Status: check meaning]
qaashancha n. being paired. qaayyo n. 1) destroyer. 2) damage.
qaasho'o Pl: qaasho'uwwa. n. pair. qaayyukko vt. 1) to damage. 2) to destroy.
qashukko vt. to make a fence. qaayyurukko v. ??
qaashukko vt. 1) to trap. 2) to snare. 3) to join qebella adj. cross-eyed.
together. 4) to farm. qebellisukko vt. to make cross-eyed. Morph:

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qebellukko qirqire'e

CAUS 1 of qebellukko. qexxexxaamo adj. with a cracked foot.

qebellukko vi. to be cross-eyed. qexxexxukko vi. to get a crack on the foot.
qedda 1) adj. left (side). 2) qewwo'o Pl: qewwo'uwwa. n. 1) wooden
— n. misfortune. material used to crush the root of the ensete.
qeddansukko [Status: check entry 1b) ensete masher (made from wood).
form - haccaam qeddansukko ?] vp. to be in a 2) chopping tool of bone. [Status: check
mess. Morph: CAUS 1 of qeddamukko ? meaning (spelled: qeewwo'o)] 3) a sharpened
qeddi anga np. left-handed person. [Status: hammer to crush the ensete pulp.
check meaning (left direction ?)] qiibata n. dew.
qeddisukko vt. to confuse. Morph: CAUS 1 of qibiboohane adj. pleasant (smell).
qeddukko? qibibukko vi. to smell well.
qeddukko vi. to be misfortuned. qich ? 1) hairline in the neck. 2) ?? [Status: check
qeefadamaakkohane n. prisoner. meaning!]
qeefadamukko vi. to be captured. Morph: qiida adj. cold (of weather).
PASS of qeefadukko. qiidaalla adj. cold.
qeefadaancho Pl: qeefadaano. n. capturer. Qidaame name. Saturday. From: Amh.
qeefadukko vt. to capture. qiidukko vi. 1) to be cool. 2) to be(come) cold (of
qeeqalaancho Pl: qeeqalaano. n. iron. weather).
qeeqalukko vt. 1) to iron. 2) to roast. qiqqel n. boiled sheep meet. From: Amh.
qee'l tarxooma np. far-sighted. qillimme'aancho n. shy person.
qelema Variant: qelo'o. Pl: qelemmuwwa. qillimme'ukko vi. to be shy.
[Status: check va (BV)] n. snail. [Status: qilinxeesukko vt. to deceive.
Abraham cannot confirm this meaning] qilinxeeshsha n. deceiving.
qee'llo adj. far away. qilxokkichcho Morph: singl. n. type of oak.
qee'llooma n. being far away. qiima n. chaff. [Status: check meaning - was:
qee'llukko vi. to go far away. remain part during the threshing time (wheat,
qeemhane n. 1) smell. 2) odour. maize, etc.)]
qendeeda adj. 1) tired. 2) stiff. qimama Pl: qimammuwwa. n. spice(s) added to
qenefa Variant: qanafa. Pl: qeneffuwwa. n. butter before poured into coffee. From: Amh.
1) ornament of a woman who had delivered qimicaa'ukko vt. 1) to make folded (i.e. fold?).
recently. 2) birthday party. [Status: check 2) to bend.
meaning - was: qeneffa] 3) barley mash. qimiixaancho n. sb. who uses little by little.
[Status: check meaning - was: qeneffa] qimiixukko vt. to use a small amount.
qenxeera Pl: qenxeelluwwa. n. colostrums. qinnawaara n. type of ensete.
qe'nnukko [Status: check entry - was: qince'e n. 1) darnel grass. 2) chaff.
qitnimma] vi. to groan. qinniwaara n. a kind of ensete.
qeeraa'l kobe'e [Status: check entry form] np. qinqinaamo adj. greedy (person).
boots. qinqinaancho n. 1) sb. who is mean. 2) sb. who
qeeraa'lla adj. 1) long. 2) tall. is not willing to give.
qeeraa'llisukko vt. to lengthen. Morph: CAUS qinqinukko vi. to be mean.
1 of qeeraa'llukko. qiinsaancho n. sb. who winnows.
qeeraa'llooma n. lenght. qiinsukko vt. to winnow. Morph: CAUS 1 of
qeeraa'llukko vi. 1) to be long. 2) to be tall. qiinukko.
qere'e Pl: qere'uwwa. n. 1) pot. 2) container. qintaa'ukko [Status: check entry & meaning !]
qereero'o taqaawwomimma [Status: check vt. to protect.
entry form - 1 or 2 words ?] vp (?). qinxaa'ukko vt. 1) to wrap. 2) to bend over.
opposition. 3) to be double. [Status: check meaning]
qero'o Variant: qelo'o; qero buuda. Pl: qinxiqinximma n. being folded.
qero'uwwa. n. snail. qinxim adv. also.
qeessi Morph: singl. qeessichcho. Pl: qeessuwwa. qinxissukko vt. to double sth. Morph: CAUS 1
n. 1) pastor. 2) reverend. From: Amh. of qinxa'ukko.
qeessiisukko vt. to remove sb. Morph: CAUS 2 qinxite n. wrap.
of qee'llukko. qinxiti adv. 1) double. 2) twice.
qeessukko Morph: CAUS 1 of qee'llukko. vt. to qinxixxi simeetire'e np. folding symmetry.
make sth. to be far away. qinxukko vt. to fold.
qessuwwa n. a kind of ensete. qiira n. heart burn.
qexxa Pl: qexxuwwa. n. 1) leather skirt. 2) leather qirifa n. suppuration.
dress (of woman). qirifukko vi. to suppurate.
qexxaamo adj. sb. who wears a short dress. qirqire'e n. 1) bolting object (of gate). [Status:
qexxexxa n. cracking on foot. check precise meaning] 2) baring object.

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qiro'a qo'llo

qiro'a [Status: check spelling - qiro'o ?] n. a kind qoccansukko vt. to cause conflict. Morph:
of beetle. CAUS 1 of qoccanukko.
qirtsa Pl: qirtsuwwa. n. form (to be filled out). qocekichcho Pl: qocekuwwa. [Status: check pl]
From: Amh. n. tortoise.
qirxaamo'o n. chaff. qoocci dabassa np. process.
qiirukko vi. to burn (of heart). qoocqoocaachcha n. itch (of throat).
qiisanna n. spider. qoccoo luchcho np. 1) stumpling block.
qiisha n. damnes. 2) obstacle. 3) pitfall.
qishixxa adj. kind. qocooca adj. 1) very short. 2) low.
qishixxato n. kindness. qooccohane n. creator.
qishixukko vi/vt. 1) to save. 2) to be kind. 3) to qoocco'i ihubee'i kitaabo'o np. non-fiction.
grant forgiveness. From: Amh ? [Status: qoocco'i kitaabo'o np. fiction.
check meaning; was - "to have mercy"] 4) to qocukko [Status: check spelling - qocukko,
please. qoccukko, qooccukko three entry forms?] vt.
qishukko vt. 1) to mix. 2) to break down. to eat little by little.
qiishukko vi / vt. 1) to make a fence around sth. qoccukko vi/vt. 1) to knock. 2) to rattle. 3) to
2) to enclose. 3) to get wet. hammer. 4) to castrate.
qitaancho Pl: qitaano. n. 1) mean (person). qooccukko vt. 1) to create. 2) to invent. 3) to
2) greedy (person). 3) sb. who is stingy. devise.
qitfu n. qitfu. qochcha Pl: qochchuwwa. n. settlement.
qitinukko vi. 1) to moan. 2) to groan. qochchaancho Pl: qochchaano. n. settler.
qitukko vi. 1) to be stingy. 2) to be mean. 3) to qochcho [Status: check spelling] n. ensete bread.
be greedy. 4) not to give food. From: Amh.
qiixa n. goods. qochchukko vi (?). to settle.
qixa§a n. order. qooda Pl: qoodduwwa. n. quotient.
qixxinna n. syphilis. qoodamma adj (?). limited.
qixxiixxa adj. kinky. [Status: check xv - HED qoodamukko vi. to design. Morph: PASS/REFL
only 1 word ...] of qoodukko.
qixxixxi adj. very curly hair. qoodaancho Pl: qoodaano. n. sb. who limits.
qiixo adj. 1) mean. 2) greedy. qoodisa ihukko vp (vi). to be willing.
qiyya Pl: qiyyuwwa. n. 1) round wooden ball. qoodo'o Pl: qoodo'uwwa. n. 1) design.
2) instrument to pull water. [Status: check 2) device. 3) plan. [Status: check meaning]
precise meaning] qoodukko vt. to limit.
qiyyaarukko vt. to change (clothes). From: qofa'ata n. 1) obstacle. 2) stumblick block.
Amh. 3) drawback.
qiiza adj. 1) stayed. 2) moulded (of ensete food). qoffa'l heeda n. type of tool. From: Amh.
qo'ana n. dilution. [Status: check meaning]
qo'anammi asiidas np. diluted acide. qoffite Pl: qoffittewwa. n. 1) elevation.
qo'anukko vt. to dilute. 2) altitude.
qoobe'e Pl: qoobe'uwwa. n. hat. qoffi'ukko [Status: check entry (HED has IMP:
qobbo'o Pl: qobbo'uwwa. n. 1) castor-oil plant. qoffihe)] vt. to mount (on a horse).
2) fruit of the castor-oil plant. 3) oil for qoffukko vi. to become high. [Status: check
leather. relationship with "qoffi'ukko"]
qooca adj. 1) long. 2) tall. qogar adj. grown old. [Status: check meaning]
qoocca Pl: qooccuwwa. n. 1) creature. 2) nature. qo'ina n. shoot.
3) shape. 4) build. 5) colour. 6) character. qoqa adj. emaciated. [Status: check meaning]
qooccamaakkohane n. creature. qooqa adj. blind.
qoccamukko vi. Morph: PASS of qoccukko. qoqara adj (?). 1) hard. 2) firm. [Status: check ps
1) to have conflict. 2) to knock. and meanings]
qoccancha Pl: qoccanchuwwa. n. conflict. qooqisukko vt. to make blind. Morph: CAUS 1
qooccancha [Status: check entry form] n. nature. of qooqukko.
qooccanchi beyyo np. place of articulation. qooqishsha n. blinding. [Status: check meaning
qooccanchi duuha'a np. manner of (being blind / blindness ?)]
articulation. qoqqoba Pl: qoqqobbuwwa. n. dam.
qoccaancho Pl: qoccaano. n. sb. who knocks qoqqoobimma n. dam. [Status: check ps]
(knocker ??). qoqqobukko vt. to dam.
qooccaancho Pl: qooccaano. n. creator. qooqukko vi. to be blind.
qooccanchuwwa saarayyaancho [Status: qolato n. obstacle. [Status: check meaning - was
check entry form] np. scientist. to hinder (but not verb form)]
qooccane [Status: check entry form] n. scent. qo'llo Variant: qo'lla. Pl: qo'lluwwa. [Status:

84 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

qoloo luchcho qotisukko

check va (HCD)] n. 1) nape. 2) back of neck. containing 50kg.

qoloo luchcho np. 1) obstacle. 2) pitfall. qonxola adj. 1) with a lost part of its tail (of
qollofukko vt. to lock. animal). 2) very short.
qoloole weerare np. ?? qonxolukko vi. to be short.
qoloolukko vt. 1) to spank. 2) to smite. 3) to qonxooraancho Pl: qonxooraano. n. thief.
thrash. qonxoorukko vt. to take a pinch of sth.
qolo'o Pl: qolo'uwwa. n. shorts. qo'o Pl: qo'uwwa. n. 1) bone marrow. 2) marrow.
qolukko vi/vt (?). 1) to catch. 2) to butter. 3) to qophphanaancho Pl: qophphanaano. n. liar.
become an obstacle. 4) to stumble. 5) to trip. qophphano adj. false.
qo'llukko vi. 1) to stumble over. 2) to hit as nag. qophphanukko vi. to lie.
[Status: check precise meaning] 3) to break qophukko vt (?). to cut the bud.
down (car, etc.). qoora adj. 1) wise. 2) clever. 3) grown up.
qooma Variant: kooma. Pl: qoommuwwa. qooraantichcho Pl: qoraanta. n. crow.
[Status: check va!!] n. 1) gourd. 2) calabash. qoreshukko [Status: check spelling!
qombancha Pl: qombana. n. sudden death. qoroshshukko ?] vt. to break bread.
qombila adj. 1) clever. 2) ingenious. 3) bright. qorqoraancho Pl: qorqoraano. n. cook (male).
4) wise. 5) sage. [Status: check meaning !!]
qomboro'o Pl: qomboro'uwwa. n. upper qorqoraancho Pl: qorqoraano. adj.
growing part of a cabbage. 1) economic. 2) mean. 3) greedy.
qomboottira Pl: qomboottilluwwa. n. lamb. qorqoro'o Pl: qorqoro'uwwa. n. 1) tin. [Status:
[Status: BL: for girls; qomboottira is kind of check meaning] 2) corrugated iron.
ensete] qorqorukko vi. 1) to be mean. 2) to be greedy.
qombootra n. type of ensete. 3) to be economical.
qombukko vt. 1) to beat. 2) to break. qorofaancho Pl: qorofaano. n. cultivator.
qome'e adj. 1) big. 2) expert. [Status: check From: Amh.
meaning] 3) clever. qorofukko vt. to cultivate. From: Amh.
qome'e sawwite np. outline. qoroom baxo np. arts.
qommora adj. wise. qoorooma n. Morph: singl. only. 1) wisdom.
qonnaada n. drink (prepared from barley). 2) knowledge.
qoonca Pl: qooncuwwa. n. scar. qooroominne adv (?). wisely.
qoncaancho Pl: qoncaano. n. thief. qorosha Pl: qoroshshuwwa. n. piece.
qoncisukko vt. to make sb. take a pinch. Morph: qorosho'o Variant: qoresho'o. Pl:
CAUS 1 of qoncukko. qorosho'uwwa. [Status: check va!! (HCD)]
qonco'i sagara np. abbreviation. n. 1) traditional bread. 2) unleavened bread.
qonco'o n. some part. qoroshukko vt. to break into pieces.
qoncoora Pl: qoncoolluwwa. n. machete. qorxo'o n. grass.
qoncukko vt. 1) to pinch (e.g. salt). 2) to take a qoorukko vi. 1) to be wise. 2) to grow up.
pinch. qoossaakkaa amadukko vp. to grasp
qoonde'e Pl: qoonde'uwwa. n. East African (mentally). [Status: qoosakka'a comes from
laburnum. qoosimma; therefore delete this entry?]
qondoodisukko vt. to exhauste. Morph: CAUS qoossamma [Status: check entry form] adj.
1 of qondoodukko. positive.
qondoodishsha n. exhausting. qoossamoohane adj. comprehensible.
qondoodukko vi. to be exhausted. qoossiisimma n (?). evidence.
qondoojja n. exhaustion. qoossoohane [Status: check entry form] adj.
qoonga n / adj ?? 1) weary. 2) losing weight. sensible.
[Status: check meaning] 3) being emaciated. qossukko vt. to squat. [Status: check ACT /
qoonqa'a Pl: qoonqa'uwwa. n. trachea. From: PASS]
Amh. qoossukko vt. 1) to recognize. 2) to remember.
qoonqa'anne murukko vp. to cut the base of 3) to recall. 4) to perceive. 5) to know (by
the ensete leaf. From: Amh. [Status: check having seen). 6) to understand.
meaning] qosha Pl: qoshshuwwa. n. itch.
qonqona Pl: qonqonnuwwa. [Status: check qoshaamo adj. itchy.
spelling] n. separated room. qoshi n. itching.
qoonsila Pl: qoonsilluwwa. n. council. From: qoshoda n. ??
Engl. qoshukko vi. to itch. [Status: check meaning
qonte'e n. ?? (HED: be itchy)]
qoonxa Variant: qooxa. Pl: qoonxuwwa. [Status: qota adj. broken.
check va (HCD)] n. dried meat. qoota n. bride-price.
qonxa'a Pl: qonxa'uwwa. n. 1) shorts. 2) a sack qotisukko vt. to break. Morph: CAUS 1 of

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 85

qotora quluxichcho

qotukko. qooxukko vt. to mark.

qotora Pl: qotolluwwa. n. sacrifice for spirits. qoyya n. staying. From: Amh. [Status: check
[Status: check precise meaning] precise meaning - entry to be deleted ?]
qotukko vi. to be broken. quba Variant: qupha; qubbuwwa. n. venom.
qootukko vt. to give money and property to a quba'a Pl: quba'uwwa. n. 1) ring. 2) finger-ring.
bride. 3) finger. [Status: check meaning]
qoxa Pl: qoxxuwwa. n. 1) place above the animal quubaalla Pl: quubaalluwwa. n / adj (?). a
rooms in the house. 2) saloon. wilted thing. [Status: check ps; check
qoxxa adj. infertile. meaning]
qooxa n. 1) border. 2) limit. qubbaa'ukko vt. to turn sth. upside down.
qoxxaa karamaakkoohane [Status: check qubbitaancho Pl: qubbitaano. n. 1) cover (of
entry form] np. tight. [Status: check lit. cook). [Status: check meaning] 2) casing.
meaning] 3) wrapping.
qoxxaa karamubee'ane [Status: check entry qubbukko vi. to bend down (to pick sth. up).
form] np. loose. quubukko vi. to wilt.
qooxxaqqisukko vt. to make sb. beg. Morph: qubbura n. ??
CAUS 1 of qooxxaqqukko. qubuxukko vi. 1) to seat oneself. 2) to sojourn.
qooxxaqqo n. 1) baging. 2) coaxing. 3) to be put away.
3) entreating. qufa adj. 1) wet. 2) damp.
qooxxaqqukko vi. to curry favour. qufa'ata n. obstacle.
qoxxaalla adj. 1) solid. 2) hard (not soft). qufa'atukko vt. to face an obstacle. [Status:
qoxxallano n. courage. Morph: singl. only. check meaning (HED: obstacled)]
qoxxaalli laskiita [Status: check entry form] qufaaxxi xophe'e np. hurdle race.
np. rubber. [Status: check lit. meaning] qufisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of qufukko. 1) to
qoxxaallisa adv. strongly, strictly. [Status: check wet. 2) to add water to sth. 3) to knead. 4) to
the meaning!] let sth. rot.
qoxara adj. 1) strong. 2) brave. qufukko vi. to be(come) wet.
qoxara anja liciqaakkoohane [Status: qu'ina n. ??
check entry form] np. serious (problem, etc.). qujunxa n. ??
[Status: check entry form] quqa n. a kind of shrub.
qoxarukko vi. to be strong. quuqaancho Pl: quuqaano. n. angry (person).
qoxaxxa Pl: qoxaxxuwwa. n. twig. quuqisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of quuqukko.
qoxii dillukko vp. to finish the kiremt farm. 1) to make angry. 2) to anger.
[Status: check meaning] quuqoohane adj. 1) angry (violently).
qoxxinaa [Status: Abraham suggests: 2) furious.
QOXXISIMINE] adv (?). strongly. [Status: ququba n. fasting in fandaano religion. [Status:
actually a converb?] check precise meaning]
qoxxisaa wocukko vp. to stress. quqqubba n. rinsing the teeth.
qoxxisaancho Pl: qoxxisaano. [Status: check quqqubaato n. a type of swimming.
entry form] n. alarm. quqqubukko vt / vi. 1) to rinse out. 2) to swell.
qoxxisansukko vt. to encourage. Morph: quuqukko [Status: check - quunqe "anger"] vi. to
CAUS 1 of qoxxisamukko. be angry.
qoxxisoo sa'ata [Status: check entry form] np. qulla Pl: qulluwwa. n. hornless (animal).
alarm clock. qulaa'ukko vt. 1) to make anxious. 2) to cause
qoxxisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of qoxxukko. fear.
1) to strengthen. 2) to encourage. 3) to qulfa Pl: qulfuwwa. n. key.
console. 4) to warn. 5) to reinforce. 6) to qulfi ganee'e np. lock.
concentrate. qulite n. 1) apprehension. 2) fright.
qoxxishsha n. caution. qulqulaa'ukko vt. 1) to like. 2) to have the
qooxo'i sawwite np. paragraph. inclination to do sth.
qooxo'o Pl: qooxo'uwwa. n. 1) ordinance. qulxubbaa'ukko vt. to drink.
2) stair. 3) phase. qulukko vi. to be anxious. [Status: check
qoxooxa Pl: qoxooxxuwwa. n. 1) a kind of meaning (afraid ?)]
leather dress. 2) bosom. qulunxa n. 1) longing. 2) anxiety.
qoxooxaamo adj. wishing to be successful. qulunxe n. 1) longing. 2) yearning.
[Status: check meaning] qulunxukko vt. to intent.
qoxxukko vi. 1) to be strong. 2) to become quluxaancho Pl: quluxaano. n. 1) covet. 2) sb.
courageous. 3) to bind (together). 4) to who feels he/she has sth. [Status: check
coalgulate. 5) to be(come) stiff. 6) to be precise meaning]
careful. quluxichcho n. 1) covet. 2) sb. who feels he/she

86 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

quluxiisukko qushshuushshamma

has sth. [Status: check precise meaning] qunquunukko vi. to murmur.

quluxiisukko vi. Morph: CAUS 1 of quno'o n. a kind of beetle that harms grain.
quluxukko. 1) to long for sb./sth. 2) to yearn. [Status: check precise meaning]
quluxoohane [Status: check entry form] adj. quunsukko vt. to roast.
curious. quntaancho Pl: quntaano. adj. 1) of the same
quluxukko vi. 1) to sponge. [Status: check kind. 2) similar.
meaning] 2) to wish, to long. 3) to be eager. qunta'ukko vi. 1) to be of the same kind. 2) to be
quu'm saaxina np. 1) cabinet. 2) wardrobe. similar.
From: Amh. qunxaara n. young flea.
quma Pl: qummuwwa. n. a small woven plate. qunxaa'ukko vt. 1) to prepare. 2) to put in order.
qumanga n. hand fingers eaten by fly. [Status: qunxe Variant: qunxo. n. 1) place. 2) rank.
check meaning !!!] [Status: check meaning (HED without
quumaanta n. ?? coma - place rank)] 3)
qumbura Pl: qumbulluwwa. n. 1) coverage of — adv. if, when. [Status: check entry form &
bee-hive. 2) part of saddle. 3) saddle for load. meaning]
[Status: check meaning] qunxeeso n. 1) sb. who prepares. 2) sb. who puts
qumbuxxukko vi. to get ready. things in order.
qumcukko vt. to bend. qunxeesukko vt. to bring near.
quummo'o Pl: quummo'uwwa. n. stem of the qunxi malo np. estimation.
cabbage. qunxi malo kurukko vp. to estimate.
qumxa'a n. 1) 50kg. 2) sack for 50kg grain. qunximalo [Status: check spelling] n. 1) a
qumuccaato Pl: qumuccaattuwwa. n. sudden incident. 2) an unexpected event.
contraction. qunxoohane [Status: check entry form] n. 1) on
qumucaa'ukko vi. 1) to wrinkle. 2) to harden. time. 2) punctual.
3) to freeze. qunxukko vi. 1) to be ready. 2) to be ordered.
qumucukko vi. 1) to contract. 2) to be lame. 3) to come very quickly on the line. [Status:
3) to be thin. check meaning; Marqos had: suddenly]
qu'mmukko vt. 1) to suffocate. 2) to invade (of qunxullo n. penis of children.
smell of cooking). qunxuxukko vt. to pinch (a person).
qummulo'o adj. incircled. qunuuncho n. utensil (made of hard grass).
qumuzo'o Pl: qumuzo'uwwa. n. knead. qununukko vi. to grumble.
qumuzukko vt. to knead. qununnukko vi. to mumble.
qunna n. measurement of grain (made of hard qurcanaancho Pl: qurcanaano. n. sb. who
grass). maintains. [Status: check meaning]
quna'i jibba np. ?? qure'e Pl: qure'uwwa. n. 1) small pot. 2) small
qunaana n. 1) curly hair. 2) a hairstyle typical for to medium jar.
Hadiyya. 3) abundance in fruits (on plants). qursa n. breakfast. From: Amh.
qunaanukko vi. to bear fruits abundantly. qurxummekichcho Pl: qurxumme'e. n. fish.
qu'nnaa'ukko vt. to put. qurucaanukko vt. to maintain clothes.
quncaa'ukko vt. to pinch sb. quruuchcho n. backbone.
qunce'e Pl: qunce'uwwa. n. 1) bast. 2) dried rib qurukko vi. to walk / run here and there.
of the ensete leaf. 3) rop-like part (made of qurumukko vi. to cause stomach pain.
ensete). qurunceesa n. cartelege. [Status: check meaning
qunculle'e Pl: qunculle'uwwa. n. 1) chunk of (cutlet; loin; chop ??)]
knife. 2) big metal knife (without hilt). qururaa'ukko vt. 1) to whip. 2) to lash. 3) to
quncho n. tuft of hair on head. [Status: check cut.
precise meaning] quruuro'o n. ??
quunqa n. egg. Morph: transn.; singl. quruurukko v. ??
quunqichcho. quruuxa n. broken tooth.
quunqamma adj. round. quruxaachcha n. breaking.
quunqamukko vi. to be round. Morph: PASS quruxaa'ukko vi. to break forcefully. [Status:
of quunqukko ?? / * quunqa. check meaning (into pieces ?)]
quunqe [Status: check entry form] n. anger. quruxxeesukko vt. to break into pieces.
quunqe'ookeeno [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. quruuxisukko vt. to break into pieces. Morph:
oviparous. CAUS 1 of quruuxukko.
quunqihoora Variant: quunqoora. [Status: quruuxo n. ??
check which entry form is better] n. 1) second quruuxukko vt. to break.
lunch. 2) snack. quusha adj. 1) thin. 2) skinny. 3) weak.
qunquunaancho Pl: qunquunaano. n. qushshuushshamma adj. depressed. [Status:
murmurer. check ps (HED: n)]

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 87

qushshuushshamukko laddo

qushshuushshamukko vi. Morph: case.

PASS/MED of qushshuushshukko. 1) to quxa adj / n. 1) bent. 2) hooked. 3) bump.
feel depressed. 2) to feel melancholic. 3) to quuxa n. bud.
feel uneasy. [Status: check meaning] quuxo n. 1) issue. 2) case.
quuta n. 1) hunch. 2) bent down. [Status: check quxufaachcha n. cutting.
meaning] quxufaa'ukko vt. to cut off.
quutisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of quutukko. quxukko vi. 1) to be bent. 2) to be curved.
1) to bend. 2) to make hunched. [Status: quxumo'o n. stirring rod.
check meaning] quxxumoo'o n. mixing stir, cooking stir.
quutukko vi/vt. 1) to bend down. 2) to be bent quyya Variant: qiyya. n. ball (made from wood or
(with age). 3) to hunch. skin).
quux bee'e [Status: check entry form] np. in no

L - l
la'a v / adj (?). clever. labbo'o n ? spreading (of butter). [Status: check
la'amma adj. famous. [Status: check meaning: precise meaning]
HED: familiar] labbootto n. amusement.
la'amcha n. 1) being famous. 2) fame. labsansukko vt. to pretend. Morph: CAUS ?
la'amchi kaarda [Status: check entry form] labukko vi/vt. 1) to paint. 2) to anoint. 3) to
np. ID card. smear. 4) to seem (to be sth.), to look like, to
la'ammi somo'o np. definite article. be similar, to resemble. 5) to be likely.
la'amukko vi. Morph: PASS of la'ukko. 1) to laca n ? ??
become known. 2) to be famous. 3) to be lachcha n. 1) knowledge. 2) skill.
exposed. laachcha n. Morph: * larcha. 1) cry. 2) noise.
laba n. resemblance. [Status: check meaning (WHS: lachcha)]
labamimma [Status: check entry 3) shouting. 4) voice of animals.
form - labamukko ?] v (?). related. 5) application.
labamoohane adj (?). likely. lachcha heelechcha np. curiosity.
labamukko vi. to be related. Morph: PASS of lachcha higimma [Status: check entry form]
labukko. np. authority.
labana 1) n. flame, light. 2) lachchaamo adj. 1) knowledgeable.
— adj. clever. 2) educated. 3) wise.
labancho n. the short under ribs. laachchaancho n. sb. who cries.
labaancho Pl: labaano. n. 1) painter. 2) brush. lachchi bille np. of little knowledge.
labantambee'i mare'uwwa np. signs of lachchi mancho np. 1) a wise person. 2) scholar.
unlikeness. 3) adult. [Status: check meaning !]
labantambee'i termuwwa np. unlike terms. lachchi shoga np. branches of knowledge.
labanukko vi. 1) to blaze up. 2) to flame. laachchinne maccesisukko [Status: check
labasa n. tanned skin. entry form] vp. to complain (about).
labeena Pl: labeennuwwa. n. 1) young bull, laachcho adj. 1) male. 2) masculine (in grammar).
young ox. [Status: check meaning - HLG: lachchoonge n. ignorance.
before castration] 2) calf that does not suck ladechcha n. 1) girding oneself. 2) putting on a
any longer. [Status: check precise meaning] belt (for fighting).
labimma n / v (?). 1) sort. 2) nature. lade'ukko vi. 1) to gird the loins. 2) to be ready.
labisa n. 1) supposition. 2) sham. laaddichcho n. adolescent.
labisamsukko vi. to assimilate. Morph: CAUS ladi'm ibiishsho np. serious enemy.
1 of labisamukko. ladimo n. 1) belt for women. [Status: or: hip ??
labiso'o 1) n. model. 2) (Alemayehu, June 12 - script of proverbs)]
— adj. not real. 2) wearing.
labisukko vi/vt (?). Morph: CAUS 1 of labukko. ladiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of ladukko. 1) to
1) to pretend. 2) not to tell the reality. 3) to give (a girl) in marriage. 2) to marry. [Status:
make similar. check meaning]
labo Pl: labbuwwa. [Status: check spelling] n. ladiishsha Pl: ladiishshuwwa. n. 1) ordinary
type of root. [Status: check meaning] wedding. 2) marriage. [Status: check precise
laboo adj. similar, same. meaning]
laabo n. udder. lado Variant: lada. Pl: ladduwwa. [Status: check
laboobee'i woshsha np. a different thing. variant ! (HCD)] n. 1) wing. 2) feather.
laboohane adj. similar. laddo n. 1) cloth. 2) men's wrap.

88 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

lafa lamado

lafa [Status: check spelling - underlined by TA laqlaqaachcha adj. nauseous.

(but laafa hasn't laafa another meaning?)] adj. laqqo'o n. horizontal wooden bar.
smooth. laaqo'o adj / v (?). completely. [Status: check
laafa adj. 1) weary. 2) infirm. 3) frail. 4) feeble. meaning - should prob. be: "she knows"]
laflafa n. nausea. laaquuxamma n. 1) being hungry. [Status:
laflafaato adj (?). nauseous. check precise meaning] 2) starving.
lafo'isukko [Status: check spelling - underlined laaquuxamukko vi. 1) to be hungry. 2) to
by AT] vt. to make smooth. Morph: CAUS 1 starve.
of lafo'ukko. la'l aagga np. entering of cows. Morph: * laro
laaga n. ray. aagga.
laga'llukko vt. to inherit. Morph: * lago la'l basso np. sacrifice for cattle.
a'llukko. laa'l gonoona [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n.
lagaana n ? ?? scrotum.
lagaancho Pl: lagaano. n. 1) heir. [Status: check la'l maara np. beef.
meaning (lagaa'aancho?)] 2) sb. who denies la'l mine n. cattle area (in house).
the truth. la'l oota np. cattlepen outside the house.
lagaa'ukko vt. to inherit (esp. for [or OF?] lalla'a n. throat.
women). [Status: check meaning, cf. ee under lallabaancho n. Morph: * lellukko (va
LAGO] lallukko). 1) orator. 2) windbag. 3) gossip.
lagdachcha n. cultural obligation to sell sth. lallabo n. 1) edge. 2) border (of lake). 3) bank (of
lagi ees afookko vp. I inherit. river).
laglaaga n ? ?? lallabo§o n. oration.
lago Pl: lagguwwa. n. 1) inheritance (of objects lallabukko vi. Morph: * lellukko (va. lallukko).
and woman). 2) levirate marriage. [Status: 1) to talk in grand manner. [Status: i.e., to
check precise meaning] talk a lot ?] 2) to chat.
lago'o n. 1) menstruation. 2) reserved clothes. lalammo'i ogolluwwa np. parallel lines.
[Status: check meaning] laa'llaancho Pl: laa'llaano. n. sb. who quests.
lagukko vt. 1) to deny. 2) to betray. lallansha n. 1) serpent. 2) snake. [Status: check
laggukko vi. to float. meaning]
laagukko vi. to shine. lalli xiggoohane np. 1) singer. 2) bard.
laguwwukko [Status: 1 or 2 words - lago laa'llisaancho n. searcher.
uwwukko?] vt. to make heir. [Status: check laa'llisukko vt. to tell to search. Morph: CAUS 1
meaning (to bequeath ?)] of laa'llukko.
-lah suff. if. laa'llishsha n. search, quest.
laahida n. winnowing fork. laa'llo [Status: check entry form - laa'llo'o ?] n.
lahiza Pl: lahizzuwwa. n. nut. From: Amh. 1) quest. 2) search. 3) trace. 4) track.
la'isansimma n. 1) advertising. 2) advertisement. laalo'o n. type of tree with wide leaves. [Status:
la'isansukko vt. 1) to announce. 2) to promote. check meaning]
3) to introduce. laa'llo'o Pl: laa'llo'uwwa. n. 1) search. 2) quest.
la'isoo kaarda [Status: check entry laa'llukko vt. 1) to search. 2) to seek. 3) to want.
form - la'amchi karda ?] np. ID card. laaluunca n. smooth hair.
la'isukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of la'ukko. 1) to la'm anga np. half of (1/2).
give notice, to announce. 2) to reveal. 3) to let la'm baxxancha np. 1) second grade. 2) second
sb. know. 4) to teach. [Status: check meaning partition.
of sn 4] la'm beyyo np. second place.
la'ishsha n. notice. la'm digire'i formula np. quadratic formula.
laakka Pl: laakkuwwa. n. 1) honourable la'm digire'i gudisansa np. quadratic
bracelet. [Status: check meaning (HED: equation.
ownerablee, bracelet)] 2) gold. [Status: this la'm ejja np. intersection.
term is preferable to "worqa"; check meaning lam godabo np. donkey load consisting of two
again - WHS: laaqa)] side packages.
lakkaa'ukko vt. to lead easily. [Status: check la'm ko'oordineeta np. second coordinate.
meaning] la'm kore np. twice.
laakteeza n. lactase. la'm maarage np. 1) the coming year. 2) next
laaktiika adj. lactic. [Status: check ps (HED: n)] year.
laaktoosa n. lactose. lam santiba bakkanna np. 25 cent (coin).
laqacichcho n. ?? la'm suume np. second language.
laaqi adilla np. goldworker. From: Amh. warqa lam xibe num. two hundred.
negus. lamado Pl: lamadduwwa. n. 1) waist. 2) wrist.
laaqi baxoohane np. goldworker. 3) sacrum.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 89

lamaage laaphpha

lamaage num. twice. la'meka adv. once again. Morph: * lamo.

lamaqqa n. double. lame'ukko vi. to become uncertain.
lamaqqi hamaarammi xuunsammi woca lamfeqo'o n. dicot.
np. compound complex sentence. lamfoore adj / n. pregnant (of woman). [Status:
lamaqqi sagara np. compound words. lit. "two souls"]
lamaqqi xuunsammi woca np. compound lamgabal xabbeen ogora np. line segment.
sentence. lamga'n hayyo'ooma np. morphology.
lama'llane num. seventh. lamga'n sagara np. free morpheme.
la'male num. two times. lamga'n sire'e np. allomorph.
lamandara num. double. lamga'nna n. morpheme.
lamane adj. bilateral. lamgudisaancho n. bisector.
la'mane num. second (ordinal). lamim part. both.
la'mmane num. twice. lamina baxxansamooyyo annanni
lamanga num (?). double. koyyiincho [Status: check entry form ...]
lamanga ihukko vp. to double. np. odd.
lamaankukko n. to hesitate. lamiinse mato num (np). one half (1/2).
lamantala n. vacillater. lamiyye num. twenty.
lamantalukko vi. to vacillate. Morph: * lam lamiyyee mato num (np). twenty one.
antalukko. lamiyyi beyyo num. twentieth.
lamar anga [Status: 2 or 1 word ?] num (np). lamkolli awwono'o np. bi-implication.
sevenfold. lamqarsagara Morph: * lam qar sagara. Pl:
lamara num. seven. lamqarsagalluwwa. n. metaphor.
la'maarage [Status: check spelling la'm lamo num. two.
maarage ?] adv / np (?). next year. laamo n. 1) betrayal. 2) denial. 3) desertion.
lamarayye num. seventy. 4) apostasy. 5) atheism.
lamarayyi beyyo num (np). seventieth. lamo sasiinse num (np). two third (2/3).
lamarayyiinse lamo num (np). two seventieth lammo'i xigo np. even (number).
(2/70). lamome [Status: check entry form (CASE ?)]
lamaarem adv. 1) perhaps. 2) probably. num. both.
3) possibly. 4) maybe. laammo'o 1) n. small, thin ensete. 2)
lamaayyaancho Pl: lamaayyaano. n. — adj. even. [Status: check
hermaphrodite. Morph: * lam aayyaancho. meaning - lammo'o ??]
lambe xigo np. middle number. landi akiima [Status: check entry form] np.
lambe'aanchi qooda np. arithmetic mean. nurse.
lambe'aancho Pl: lambe'aano. 1) adj. central. landi labasa np. type of cloak traditionally worn
2) by women. [Status: check precise meaning]
— n. centre. 3) average. landi ooso np. unmannerly child.
lambe'ane n. the middle one. landichchi aro'o np. son-in-law. [Status: check
lambe'aannoo'm duuha'a keennaancho meaning - BV: brother-in-law]
np. measure of central tendency. landichchi beeto Pl: landi ooso. np. grand
lambe'aannooma n. centralism. daughter. [Status: check meaning - son!]
lambe'e n. 1) middle. 2) centre. 3) midst. landichcho Pl: landa. n. Morph: fem. 1) girl.
[Status: check translation] 4) between. 2) daughter. 3) virgin. [Status: check
lambe'enne [Status: check entry form - CASE] meaning]
adv (?). 1) in between (of time). 2) in the landisikko n. stick of a respected married lady.
middle. landiso'o vt. to take the grains (sisters from
lambe'enne luqqimma [Status: check entry brothers).
form] np / vp (?). interruption. landoomano n. virginity.
lambe'i angila [Status: check spelling / 2 or 1 laangaddukko vt. to tie a cow on both sides.
words ?] np. central angle. laangeesaancho Pl: laangeesaano. n. sb. who is
lambe'i qooda np. median. chewing.
lambe'i tako'o np. mid-point. laangeesukko vt. to chew.
lambe'isaanchi qooda np. average. lankat n. dough.
Laambo name. Laambo. lanqaf bagaddo Morph: * lamqaf. [Status:
laambo n / adj (?). 1) goodness. 2) nice. [Status: enter under bagaddo?] np. two pointed lance.
check meaning] laansho'o adj. soft (sound).
lamed gudisansa np. simultaneus equation. la'oohane adj / n. thinking. [Status: check
lamejja n. place where two more things join. meaning - knowing?]
la'mek num. second (ordinal). laaphpha adj. good. [Status: check precise
la'mmek num. second. meaning]

90 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

laaphphalla leelat qadira

laaphphalla adj. 1) convenient. 2) good. 3) right. laseesukko vt. to follow up.

laphaa'ukko vt. to put sb. to bed (to sleep). laseeshsha n. following.
Morph: * laphukko. lasgata adj (?). backwarded. [Status: check
laaphphisa Pl: laaphphissuwwa. n. eraser. meaning (* to stay there ?)]
laphite n (?). lied down (to sleep). [Status: check lasgatukko vi. to stay there. [Status: check
meaning] meaning (HED: back warded)]
laphlaphukko [Status: check entry; lasinne [Status: check entry form - CASE] adj.
Abraham - laphlaph ihimma] vi. to lie down. behind.
laphukko vi. to sleep. laassiisukko vt. to cut meat. Morph: CAUS ?
laphphukko vt. 1) to butter the body. 2) to [Status: check precise meaning]
anoint oneself. 3) to smear sth. 4) to lie down. lasiishsha n. making sb. shout loudly.
[Status: check meaning !] Laaska name. Laaska. [Status: check ee]
laaphphukko vi. 1) to be convenient. 2) to be laaskiita n. plastic.
good. 3) to succeed in doing sth. laslaassa n. soft drink. From: Amh.
laar gosukko [Status: HED: 1 word] vt. to laso postpos ? 1) back. 2) future time.
castrate. laso waarukko vp. to come behind.
laar qooccukko vp. to castrate an animal. lasonne adj. after.
[Status: check meaning !! (to "create"!)] lastiiqqi tubbo'o np. hose.
laara n. 1) kernel. 2) fruit. 3) berry. 4) testicle. lastiira n. flash back.
[Status: check meaning (HCD: LAARO)] lash lasha np. 1) illness. 2) sickness. 3) ache.
laraamo n. bull. lashsho'o n. 1) illness. 2) sickness. 3) ache.
laarashsha n. 1) red. 2) dark-coloured. lata Pl: lattuwwa. n. 1) reforestation. 2) bud.
laro Pl: lalleewwa. [Status: check whether really 3) bloom.
pl of laro; source: Marqos, May 12] n. Laatiin Ameerikaana name (np). Latin
Morph: Pl of saayya. 1) cattle. 2) cows. America.
laaro n. testicles. latisukko vt. to reforest. Morph: CAUS 1 of
laarukko vi. 1) to shout. 2) to scream. 3) to yell. latukko.
4) to cry (of almost all animals). 5) to apply latukko vi. to sprout (from stem).
both in written and oral forms. laxlaxa adj. 1) cold. 2) chilly.
-las suff. if. la'ukko vt. Morph: P-SET II laq-. 1) to know.
lasag gatukko vp. to stay behind. 2) to undress. [Status: check meaning / entry
lasage adv. 1) later. 2) behind. 3) then. form (laa'ukko?)]
4) afterwards. laa'ukko vi. 1) to turn away. 2) to step aside. 3) to
lasaagukko vt. to follow. look back.
lasaqqane adj. future. laaybirare'e n. library.
laasame n. 1) small measurement of grain. 2) a laayida n. winnowing fan.
kind of insect that causes irritation on the laayiso sooma [Status: 2 or 1 words ?] np.
skin. lysosom.
lasaanchane n [LOC] (?). the last one. leeffa n. file.
lasaanchi v / n. last one. leeffaancho n. sb. who sharpens.
lasaanchi bee'ane np. infinitive. leefe'e n. grindstone.
lasaanchi sako'o [Status: check entry - TA leeffukko vt. to sharpen.
suggests: lasaanchi somo'o] np. suffix. leega n. long stick.
lasaanchi tako'o np. full stop. leega'a interj (?). nickname for mothers. [Status:
lasaanchi xum sagara np. rhyme. check precise meaning]
lasaanchi yoohane adj. finite. leh oogato'o np. execution.
lasaanchisukko vt. to finish. Morph: CAUS 1 lehqaxooma n. death rate.
of lasaanchukko. leho n. death.
lasaancho n. last, end, completion. lehukko vi. to die.
lasaanchonne [Status: check entry form leejjisaancho Pl: leejjisaano. n. trainer.
(CASE)] adv. eventually. Leejjiso name. Leejjiso (man's name).
lasaanchukko vi. 1) to be ended. 2) to be leejjisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of leejjukko.
completed. 1) to train. 2) to exercise.
laasaanta n. cut part of meat. [Status: check leella'a Pl: leella'uwwa. n. 1) oesophagus.
precise meaning] 2) throat.
lasbi'isukko vt. to make the trace be lost. leella'aamo adj. always eating.
Morph: CAUS 1 of lasbi'ukko. [Status: leella-luwwa [Status: check spelling: Hyphen
check meaning] necessary?] np. tonsils.
lasse POSTPOS. after. lellaancho [Status: lallaancho (?)] n. player.
laseesaancho Pl: laseesaano. n. follower. leelat qadira np. morning star.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 91

leelat qadira labbamotane lii'llisaancho

leelat qadira labbamotane np. pretty, leexa'a adj. barren. [Status: check meaning
beautiful. (bare ?)]
lelle'e n. pumpkin. leexa'ukko vi. 1) to be bare. [Status: check
lelemmo'o n. terminal bud. meaning !; kallemarukko, umba'adukko,
lellisukko Variant: lallisukko. [Status: check va maxaramukko] 2) to be poor.
(WHS) and spelling - underlined by AT] vt. leevera n. lever.
Morph: CAUS 1 of lellukko. 1) to let sb. leeyya n. bee wax.
play. 2) to let sb. sing. 3) to let sb. dance. libaaba n. halter. [Status: check meaning]
lellishaancho Pl: lellishaano. n. referee. Libido name. sub-group of Hadiyya.
lellishukko vt. to smooth. Liibiya name. Libya.
lello Variant: lallo. Pl: lelluwwa. [Status: check liboqasa adj (?). the highest.
va (WHS)] n. 1) game. 2) dance. 3) singing. libo'o adj (?). too high.
4) entertainment. 5) talk. [Status: check liciqaa'ukko vt. to swallow.
meaning !!] liciqukko vt. to swallow.
lelloohane adj. funny. lichcha n. development.
leello'issukko vt. Morph: * leello issukko. 1) to lichcho [Status: check entry form (luchcho ?)] n.
play tricks on sb. 2) to sing. [Status: check thing.
meaning] li'e interj (v.IMP). Cheers! [Status: or: Bless
lellukko Variant: lallukko. [Status: check va you? (WHS: Zum Wohlsein)]
(WHS)] vi. 1) to play. 2) to chat. 3) to sing. li'in afu beyyo [Status: check entry form] np.
4) to dance. 5) to talk. [Status: check meaning phase.
(to keep oneself amused ?)] li'ina n. edible mushroom.
leema n. mountain bamboo. li'incho n. 1) bridge. 2) mushroom.
leemaata Pl: leemaattuwwa. n. 1) food table li'ino n. 1) development. 2) enlargement.
made from grass. 1b) basket made of huqa li'issamotane n. wet nurse.
grass;. [Status: check !!] 2) winnowing li'isaancho n. educator.
basket. [Status: check meaning !!] li'isukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of li'ukko. 1) to
Leemo name. subgroup of Hadiyya. make sb./sth. grow. 2) to enlarge. 3) to bring
leencukko vt (?). 1) to stare at. 2) to glare at. up, to raise. 4) to cook. 5) to let flourish.
leenda adj. 1) nice. 2) good. lijja Pl: lijjuwwa. 1) adj (?). sterile. [Status:
leenja n. 1) couch grass. 2) Ethiopian New Year. check precise meaning - animals only?] 2)
lenqexaancho Pl: lenqexaano. n. sb. who — n. infertile animal. 3) cow which does no
grinds finely. longer get pregnant.
lenqexukko vt. 1) to grind finely. [Status: check lijjukko vt. to sterilize.
meaning! (HED: became powdered (PASS !), likka n. right. From: Amh.
finally grounded] 2) to powder. liikkukko vt. 1) to guess. 2) to suppose.
lenqite n. sleep. [Status: check meaning (falling liqaaqa n. 1) bobbin. 2) reel.
asleep ?)] liqaaqukko vt. 1) to reel off. 2) to wind sth. onto
lenqukko vi. 1) to sway. 2) to fall asleep. 3) to sth.
lay down horizontally. liqaayyisaancho Pl: liqaayyisaano. n. lender.
leensa n. lens. liqaayyisukko vt. to lend. Morph: CAUS 1 of
lenxaa'ukko vt. to tan. liqaayyukko.
lenxite n / adj (?). smooth. liqaayyixxukko vt. to borrow.
lenxukko vi. to be smooth. liqaayyo Pl: liqaayyuwwa. n. 1) loan, debt.
leephpheesa adj (?) / n (?). marshy. 2) lending.
leepho n. waist. liqaayyo aa'ukko Variant: liqaayya'ukko.
leepho'o n. marshy area. [Status: check va (WHS)] vp. to borrow
leera n. 1) pond. 2) pool. 3) stretch of water. (money).
leerukko vi. to pond. liqaayyukko vt. to borrow sth.
leseera Variant: mengist seera. [Status: check liqicukko [Status: check rel. with liciq ...] vt.
entry - Abraham: LEH SEERA, "funeral 1) to swallow. 2) to engulf.
ceremony"] n. government rules. liqo n. interest. [Status: check meaning]
leesiisa n. strap. liqo aa'ukko vp. to borrow.
leesha n. corpse. liqo uwwukko vp. to lend.
letam keenonne np. hell. [Status: check liqooliqaayyo n. debt.
meaning - Abraham: "on them who are going lii'lla adj. soft.
to die"] lii'llaalla adj. 1) smooth. 2) soft.
lete'e n / adj (?). plain. lilligukko vi. to be blunt.
leetiro'o n. litre. lii'llisaancho Pl: lii'llisaano. n. 1) sth. that
leto'i n / adj (?). dead. smoothes. 2) sth. that makes tender.

92 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

lii'llisukko lokki xulbe'e lello

lii'llisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of lii'llukko. lob anna n. grandfather.

1) to make tender. 2) to smooth. lob anni anna np. great-grandparent.
lii'lukko [Status: check spelling - underlined by [Status: - father ?]
AT] vi. 1) to shine (from inside). 2) to take lob anno'o np. grandparents.
upon oneself. [Status: check lob arka np. major arc.
meaning - Abraham didn't confirm this one] lob aayya np. eldest sister. Morph: fem.
lii'llukko vi. 1) to be smooth. 2) to be soft. lob beeto np. grandson.
limfa Variant: linfa. n. 1) mute. 2) idiot. lob giicho [Status: entry necessary ?] np. largest
limixukko vi. 1) to suffice. 2) to be competent. tribe.
3) to stop. lob landichcho np. granddaughter. Morph: fem.
liineer gudinsa np. linear equation. lob maqi'l baxxansaancho np. highest
lineera adj. linear. common factor.
lingibba n. not bright colour. lob maxxaara Variant: lob maxxaachcho.
lingustiika n. linguistics. From: Engl. [Status: check va (WHS)] np. thumb.
linta adj (?). green (of plant). lob sagara [Status: check entry form] np. loud.
lintaalla adj. clear. lob wongira np. ship.
lintisukko vt. 1) to clarify. 2) to clear up. lobakata adj. 1) many. 2) much.
lintukko vi. to be clear. lobane adj. 1) big (one). 2) elder (one).
lippeeza n. lipase. loobichcho Pl: looba. n. hippopotamus.
liiramma [Status: check entry form] adj. glad. loboobaato Pl: loboobaattuwwa. n. villainy.
liirammaancho Pl: liirammaano. adj / n. [Status: check meaing]
cheerful. loco'o n. inedible part of pumpkin. [Status: check
liirammato n. 1) happiness. 2) pleasure. meaning]
liirammatto caakkishsha [Status: check locukko vt. to eat too much.
entry form] n. congratulation. looddisa n. young bullock. [Status: check precise
liirame [Status: check entry form ...] adj. happy. meaning]
liira'mmisukko vt. to excite. Morph: CAUS 1 looddo'o n. stalk (of sugar cane or maize).
of liira'mmukko (?). [Status: check mr] loodukko vt. 1) to whip. 2) to lash. 3) to
liiramubee'ane [Status: check entry flagellate.
form - NEG] adj. unhappy. log Pl: logguwwa. n. 1) staff. 2) rod. [Status:
liiramukko vi. Morph: PASS/REFL of check meaning]
liirukko ? 1) to be happy. 2) to take pleasure logoodukko vi. to moo.
in, to be fond of doing. logukko vt. to eat much.
liira'mmukko [Status: check lohane num. sixth.
spelling - liiramukko ?] vi. to get excited. lohayye num. sixty.
liirancha 1) n. happiness, joy. 2) Christmas. 3) loho num. six.
— adj. happy, glad, joyful. loja n. dew.
liiranchi mugga np. full of joy. [Status: check loojiika n. logic. From: Engl.
meaning (HED: enjoyful)] loojikaam sawwite np. logical idea.
liransiisa n. surprise. loojiiqqi abagudooma np. logical
liiransukko vt. to make happy. Morph: CAUS 1 equivalence.
of liiramukko. loojiiqqi amaxxansaancho np. logical
liisiisa adj ? ?? connective.
lita n. greyish colour. lookka n. 1) type of rope. 2) type of belt.
liitimmi ifa Morph: singl. liitimmi ifichcho. np. lokkaga postpos (?). bottom.
grindstone. lokkaancho Pl: lokkaano. adv ? 1) along with.
liitisukko vt. to make grind. Morph: CAUS 1 of [Status: check precise meaning]
liitukko. 2) pedestrian.
litmasa n. litmus paper. lokkexxukko [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] vi. to go
litukko vi. 1) to drop. 2) to become greyish (esp. together.
of hyenas). lokki horoor daba'llimma [Status: check
liitukko vt. 1) to grind (finely). 2) to mill. entry form] np. vice versa.
li'ukko vi. 1) to grow (up). 2) to become ripe. lokki maxxaar np. toe.
[Status: ripen ??] 3) to cook. 4) to flourish. lokki oobba np. sole.
lii'ukoplasta n. leucoplast. lokki shiihukko vp. to be lame.
lob adj. 1) big. 2) many. 3) important. lokki xaara np. shackles.
lob abba'a n. paternal grandfather. lokki xulbe'e np. football.
lob abbaayyo np. oldest brother. lokki xulbe'e lello [Status: put under other
lob ama [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. paternal entry?; spelling - xorbe'e? (Abraham)] np.
grandmother. Morph: fem. football team.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 93

lokko lubammi boorjo'o

lokko n. 1) foot. 2) leg. [Status: check meaning!] meaning (HED: enlarge (= CAUS)] 2) to
lokkonne ubukko vp. to beg. exceed. 3) to be great. 4) to develop. 5) to
loqa adj. ripe [of fruit]. grow. 6) to be greater than.
loqlooqa n. ripe fruit. [Status: check precise looro'o Pl: looraawwa. [Status: check
meaning] plural - another entry (SCW) ??] n. 1) ??
loqoca adj. immature. [Status: check meaning] 2) sodom apple.
loqooqa [Status: check spelling - was: loqaaqa] losaakko diinate [Status: check entry form]
n. 1) hollow. 2) depression. np. tame (animal).
loqooqo'o n. 1) oval shaped [thing]. 2) u-shaped losamma 1) adj. traditional. 2) usual. 3)
[thing]. — n. tradition.
loqooqukko vi. to be hollowed out. losamoohi [Status: check spelling] n. custom.
loqomoda adj. 1) long. 2) tall. [Status: check meaning; sth. like "supporting"
loqukko vi. 1) to be wet. 2) to be ripe [of fruit]. (Abraham)?]
loollisukko v. ?? losamukko vi. to accustom. Morph: PASS of
loolloodukko v. ?? losukko.
lo'mma adj. not hard (of pumpkin, etc.). [Status: losa'n amma'nnishsha np. evidence.
check meaning] losa'n bakkiisano np. teaching aids.
lommancho Pl: lommanna. n. Morph: * lob losa'n hagara np. 1) subject. 2) theme.
mancho. 1) old person. 2) elder. losa'n kitaaba np. text book.
lomma'nnukko vi. 1) to grow old (of people). losa'n qoodo'o np. lesson plan.
2) to be an old person. losa'n mine np. school.
lomatta [Status: check spelling - * lob matta] n. losa'n suume np. educational language.
thumb. losaancho Pl: losaano. n. student.
lomba Variant: lombe. n. 1) honour. 2) glory. losano Pl: losannuwwa. n. 1) study. 2) subject.
lombaamo adj (?). gentleman. [Status: check 3) education. [Status: check meaning]
precise meaning - honourable ?] 4) lesson. 5) experience. 6) custom. 7) habit.
loome'e n. 1) lemon. 2) lind. lossanoyyo [Status: entry under "losimma"?] n.
loomme'e n. 1) goiter. 2) Adam's apple. [Status: 1) those who are not learning. 2) custom.
check meaning (WHS: Gurgelknopf)] losisaanchi mancho np. scribe.
Lommeera name. Saturday. Morph: * lob losisaancho Pl: losisaano. n. teacher.
meera. losisukko Variant: leessissukko. [Status: check
lommoollo n. largest clan. Morph: * lob moollo. va (WHS)] vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of losukko.
looncaa'ukko vi. 1) to be tempting. 2) to hold 1) to teach. 2) to train. 3) to introduce (a
out a promise. [Status: check precise person). 4) to let sb. accustomed oneself to.
meaning] losishshi muuta np. teaching aids.
loonga adj ? ?? losixxa Pl: losixxuwwa. n. exercise.
longoogga adj. not heated properly. loso n. tradition.
lonsaqqancha n. giving honour to sb. losoohane [Status: check entry form] n / adj (?).
lonsamukko vi. Morph: PASS of lonsukko. trainee.
1) to be honoured. 2) to be enlarged. losukko Variant: leessukko. [Status: check va
lonsukko vt. Morph: * lomba issukko ? 1) to (WHS)] vt. 1) to learn. 2) to be accustomed
honour sb. 2) to respect sb. 3) to enlarge. 4) to to, to get used to. 3) to adapt.
multiply. loossukko vi. 1) to be beneficial. 2) to render
lontakukko vi. to pray. service.
lophphaakka [Status: check entry form] adv (?). losha n. 1) bat. 2) sharp stick. 3) digging stick.
most (of all). 4) hoe. 5) point. [Status: check meanings
lophphaatim [Status: check entry form] adv. the 3-5 !]
more ... the more. loshsha n. 1) habit. 2) custom. 3) tradition.
lophphisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of loote'e n. 1) ?? [Status: check meaning] 2)
lophphukko. 1) to enlarge. 2) to multiply. — adj. crowded (of birds). [Status: check ps
lophphoo n. majority. and meaning!]
lophphoo kolli [Status: check entry form & looto'olooraawwa [Status: check singl.
meaning] np. almost. form !] n. ??
lophphoohane [Status: check entry form] adj. loottukko vi / vt ? 1) to curse. 2) not to be
mostly. beneficial.
lophphubeeta'nnim [Status: check entry form Loxxe'e name. Lot.
& spelling] adv. primarily. looyya n. type of fruit. [Status: check precise
lophphukkaa v (adv ?). not more than. [Status: meaning]
check meaning] lubba n. feast.
lophphukko vi/vt. 1) to be large. [Status: check lubammi boorjo'o np. slackade lime. [Status:

94 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

lubamukko macarafa

check meaning] take all for oneself.

lubamukko vi. to be disolved (of sugar, etc.). lule'oo'm ministeechcho np. prime minister.
lubaancho Pl: lubaano. n. 1) basin. 2) vessel for lulu'aa'ukko vi. 1) to announce. 2) to tell to all.
soaking. 3) sb. who soaks. 3) to declare.
lubbat aagukko vp (vt). to guarantee. luma'a adj (?). 1) bare. 2) toothless. [Status:
lubbataancho n. guarantor. check meaning (HED: luma)]
lubbato n. 1) guarantee. 2) guarantorship. luma'isukko vt. to make bare. Morph: CAUS 1
3) guaranty. 4) insurance. of luma'ukko.
lubbatukko vi. 1) to be guarantor. 2) to act as lumbuxa adj (?) / n (?). uncircumcised.
guarantor. lumbuxo n. foreskin.
lubucaakkoohane adj. soft. lumukko vi. 1) to be bare. 2) to be toothless.
lubukko vi/vt (?). 1) to soak. 2) to dissolve (of lunci n. flat hair. [Status: better: smooth hair?]
e.g. salt, honey). 3) to feast. 4) to brew beer. lunga adj (?). fearful.
5) to prepare mead. [Status: check sn 4f] luunqa n. chaff.
luchcho n. thing. lunsimena adj (?). polite form. [Status: check
lud maarage np. last year. [Status: check meaning]
spelling (lux ?); 2 or 1 words ?] luunsukko vt. to lift.
ludda [Status: check entry form / meaning] n. lut adj (?). last. [Status: check literal meaning;
slaughtering after giving birth. Abraham says: luda - "top"]
ludo n. 1) top. 2) summit. 3) peak. 4) tip. 5) point. Luteraa'n amma'nnaancho np. Lutheran.
6) taste for. [Status: check meaning] 7) bud. luxxane num / adj. 1) first. 2) original.
8) tail. 9) trace. [Status: check meaning of sn luxxek num. first.
7-9 (WHS: luda)] luxxeka n. beginning. [Status: check meaning !]
lufee n. hole. luxxi num. first.
lufukko vt. to make sth. full of holes. luxxi bagga np. first of rank (in class).
lugga name. Lugga. [Status: check precise luxxi baxxancha np. first grade.
meaning - AT: the place of some area] luxxi beeto np. first-born (son).
lugichcho Pl: luga. n. 1) frog. 2) toad. luxxi beyyo np. the first.
lugguma adj. 1) bashful. 2) shy. 3) coy. luxxi beyyonne [Status: check entry form] np.
lugumo Pl: lugummuwwa. n. 1) base, bottom. initial.
2) root. 3) origin. luxxi gabala np. 1) first stage. 2) first order.
lugumo ki'isoo dabasancha [Status: check luxxi inqe np. milk tooth. From: WHS, 139 (s.v.
entry form] np. revolution. inqee).
luuka n. paper. luxxi maarage np. last year.
luklukukko vt (??). 1) to go through. 2) to call luuxo'o 1. adj) smooth. 2) backed ensete. [Status:
hens. check meaning]
lukkukko [Status: check entry!!! Abraham says: luxuunxa adj. slippery.
lukimma - "to call chicken" [luk luk luk ...]] luxuunxamukko vi. to slip. Morph: PASS of
vi. to die. luxuunxukko.
luquca n. 1) dysentery. 2) typhus. luxuunxe'isukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
luqucukko vi. to be tired. luxuunxukko. 1) to let slip. 2) to throw
luqurummaa'ukko vt. 1) to eat. 2) to swallow. down.
3) to gulp down. luxuunxisukko vt. to make sb. slip. Morph:
luqurummukko vi. 1) to be swollowed. 2) to be CAUS 1 of luxuunxukko.
overcome with. [Status: check precise luxuunxukko vi. 1) to slip. 2) to be smooth.
meaning] 3) to be tired.
lule'e adv. 1) all. 2) every. 3) everybody. luwwa [Status: plurale tantum?] n. 1) thing.
lule'em adv (?). entirely. 2) something. 3) substance.
lule'isukko vt. to give all. Morph: CAUS 1 of luwukko vt. 1) to mix a dough. 2) to prepare a
lule'ukko. meal.
lule'ishsha n. giving all.
lule'ixxukko vt. 1) to own. 2) to possess. 3) to

M - m
-m suff. 1) DEFINITENESS (or: FOCUS or mabita n. 1) right. 2) human right. From: Amh.
THEMA?). 2) too, also. macamshaana n. head cabbage. [Status: check
mabikkina [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] conj (?). meaning] 2) cauliflower.
1) because of what. macarafa n. eush.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 95

macce makkaraarukko

macce Pl: maccuwwa. n. 1) ear. 2) leaf of maga Pl: magguwwa. n. translator of

cabbage. 3) renown. [Status: check (spiritualistic) medium.
meaning ..] 4) eyelet. 5) handle. Maggaabiita Variant: Maggaawiita. name.
macce gawwukko vp (vi). to be deaf. March 10 - April 8.
macce uwwukko vp. to hear. magadukko vt. 1) to insert. 2) to let it. 3) to make
macceesamoohane adj. comprehensible. enter.
macceesamukko vi. to be heard. Morph: PASS magannaato n. pleasing.
of macceesukko. magano yukko vp. to please.
macceesancha n. being heard. magara postpos (?). 1) bottom. 2) lower part.
macceesaancho Pl: macceesaano. n. listener. maagaara n. place to collect urine.
macceesukko vt. 1) to hear. 2) to listen to. 3) to maggaarajja n. curtain. From: Amh.
obey. magaaza n. cutting saw. From: Amh.
macchchaara n. type of plant. [Status: check magaazeena n. store. From: cf. Ital. magazzino
precise meaning and cultural significance] "Lagerhaus".
macci bace np. ?? maagineeta n. magnet.
macci kankaashsha np. not brought (of maaginiziyeem n. magnesium.
message). [Status: check also literal meaning] maaginiiziyeem haydiro oksaayida
macci qonta np. around the ears. [Status: check np. magnesium hydroxide.
meaning] maaginiiziyeema n. magnesium.
macci qorqonja np. ear drum. Maagisanna name. Tuesday. From: Amh.
macci worqa np. ear-ring. mah issinnim [Status: check spelling] vp.
machchaa'l meera np. market of Sept. 1-15. whatever happens.
[Status: check precise meaning of maha Variant: ma. [Status: check va (WHS)]
machchaa...] pron. what?
machchaalla adj. Morph: * machchar-te ? maha isso? np. What shall I do?
1) mad. 2) foolish. Mahaa yamamookko? np. What is it called?
machchallo'o n. 1) mat. 2) sleeping mat. mahaber n. community. From: Amh.
machaamo n. spear with spikes. maham [Status: check entry form] adj. almost.
machchaamo adj. female. maham ... ihukkaare [Status: check entry
machchaaraancho Pl: machchaaraano. adj. form] conj. in spite of.
[Status: check ps (n ?)] 1) mad (man). mahaa-mahaa pron. what?
2) fool. mahaaraba [Status: check spelling - maaraba ?]
machchaarukko vi. 1) to be mad. 2) to be n. handkerchief.
crazy. mahaaraancho Pl: mahaaraano. n. 1) sb. with
machchaasukko [Status: check a honorary title. 2) man with high status
spelling - machchaassukko] vt. Morph: (earned by himself). 3) honorary chairman.
CAUS 1 of machchaarukko. 1) to make 4) elder. [Status: check precise meaning]
crazy. 2) to make a fool of sb. mahaaro Pl: mahaalluwwa. n. elders' feast to
machchisa n. malaria. bestow honorific titles.
machcho n. a broad leather belt worn by men. mahaarukko vi. to get a honorary title.
maachchokkichcho n. 1) hardship. mahayyo [Status: check entry - Abraham:
2) difficulty. MAHIMI] part. nothing.
mada Pl: madduwwa. n. 1) wound. 2) sore. mahim pron. nothing.
maadda n. 1) gift. 2) grace. 3) good thing. mahim ihona bagaan [Status: check entry
mada ifiisakkam carqa [Status: check entry form - ihona bagaan enough?] np. however.
form] np. bandage. mahina pron. why?
mada ifiisukko vp. to bandage. mahinne pron. by what?
madaaba n. copper. mahka'a [Status: check entry form] n. factor.
mada'issukko vt. to wound sb. Morph: * mada. ma'iraga n. rank. From: Amh.
madaancho Pl: madaano. n. sb. who is maaja n. wealth, property. [Status: check
wounded. meaning!]
madar dare'e [Status: 2 or 1 word?] np. majakowata n. type of ensete.
bookshelf. From: Amh. Maaje'e name. Maaje'e.
madaa'ukko [Status: check spelling] vt. to maaje'e adj. rich.
wound sb. maaji n. wealth.
made'e n. a huge pot. makka adj. [Status: check ps (HED: n)] 1) right
madooshsha n. hammer. From: Amh. (side). 2) comfortable, good (condition).
madukko vi/vt. 1) to be wounded. 2) to be makkaana n. 1) grave. 2) cemetery. From:
swollen. 3) to pierce. 4) to stab. 5) to wound. Amh ?
mafuluusa adj. toothless. makkaraarukko vi. 1) to be troubled. 2) to be

96 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

makkarukko maaltoosis

temptated. maalala n. 1) miracle. 2) astonishment.

makkarukko vt. to advise. From: Amh. 3) amazement.
makkatukko vt. to defend. maalala kura np. exclamation.
Makki name. Makki. maalallataamo adj. wonderful.
makki ventirikila np. right ventricle. maalallato 1) n. wonder. 2) miracle. 3)
makiina n. car. From: Amh.; Had. kaame'e. — adj. amazed. [Status: check meaning / ps
makkisukko vt. to make suitable. Morph: (should be maalallataamo)]
CAUS 1 of makkukko. [Status: check maalalaxxi mare'e np. exclamation mark.
meaning (HED: became suit)] maalalkur xuunsammi woca [Status: 3 or 4
makkixxukko vi. 1) to have enough. 2) to be words ?] np. exclamation sentence.
affluent. [Status: check meaning - Abraham: maalalsiisa n. astonishment.
"to be comfortable"] maalalsiisukko vt. to make astonished [i.e. to
makkukko vi. 1) to be suitable. 2) to suit. 3) to astonish sb. ?]. Morph: CAUS 2 of
be comfortable. maalalukko.
maqa n. 1) stalk (e.g. of maize). 2) stem. 3) straw. maalalukko vi. 1) to be astonished. 2) to marvel.
maqqa Pl: maqquwwa. n. 1) clot. 2) swell (of 3) to astonish. [Status: check ACT / PASS ...]
tree). 3) joint (of bamboo, etc.). 4) to surprise. [Status: check, whether it
maqadala adj. difficult. should be "passive" meaning - "to be
maqadalukko vi. 1) to be difficult. 2) to be surprised", etc.] 5) to give a strong
inopportune. impression.
maaqaqqa n. 1) crooked place. 2) disordered mallamma adj. decorated.
place. [Status: check meaning] malamichcha n. doubt.
maqaaqukko [Status: check spelling - was: malamsoobee'ane adj. positive. [Status: check
maaqaqukko] vt. to crook. precise meaning - not surprising?]
Maqale name. Mekele. malamukko vi. Morph: PASS/REFL of
Maqale'e name. Maqale'e. [Status: check ee] malukko ? / * malama. 1) to suspect. 2) to
maqanxa n. 1) cajole. 2) applicant. hesitate.
maqanxukko vi. 1) to cojole (of [?] applicant). malancha n. 1) distrust. 2) suspicion. 3) doubt.
[Status: check meaning] 2) to wait for a 4) misgivings.
certain post. malaayyaamissukko vt. to strengthen.
maqasa n. scissors. From: Amh ? Morph: * malaayyaamo.
maqelweesa [Status: 1 or 2 words?] n. type of malaayyaamo adj. 1) energetic. 2) powerful.
ensete. Morph: * maqel weesa. 3) strong.
maqqera Pl: maqqelluwwa. n. 1) placenta. malaayye n. 1) power. 2) strength.
2) afterbirth. malaayye keenukko vi. to be forcefully
maqi'l baxxansaancho np. common diviser. challenged.
maqi'l beshichcho [Status: check entry form malaayyi baxo np. labour work.
(maqire ... ?)] np. ally. malaayyi hoogaate [Status: entry under
maqi'l fikkaanna np. common multiple. hoogaate ?] np. pregnant woman.
maqi'l fikkaannisaancho Pl: maqi'l malaayyi hoorukko vp (vt). to rob.
fikkaannisaano. np. common factor. malaayyissukko vt. to strengthen. Morph:
maqi'l wixxite np. union set. CAUS 1 of malaayyukko.
maqillane [Status: check entry form & spelling] malaayyukko vi. 1) to be strong. 2) to be
adj. mutual. powerful. 3) to build up one's strength.
maqi'llane [Status: check entry form] adj. [Status: check meaning !!]
bilateral. maalda'a n. 1) ancesters. 2) grandparents.
maqir ihukko vp. to accompany. malganukko vi. to estimate.
maqirancha n. cooperation. maali'aabila [Status: check entry - was
maqire postpos (?). together. meelaabela] adj. malleable. [Status: check
maqire hee'ukko vp. to live together. meaning]
maqire marukko vp. to go with. maaliiqo'o n. quality.
maqirem part. 1) and. 2) with. maline n. estimation.
maqirem uwwona vp. you are welcome! malo n. 1) suspicion. 2) estimation.
maqirooma n. unity. malte'aancho Pl: malte'aano. n. liar.
maqqukko vi. to clot. malte'e n. 1) peer. 2) sb. of the same rank. 3) sb.
maqulanta n. knife. [Status: Alemayehu, June 7 with the same status.
had MAGULANTA - "knife; all sorts of; maltekkichcho n. liar.
used for vegetables (?)"] maalteeza n. maltase.
malaaca n. 1) blade. 2) razor. From: Amh ? maaltoosa n. maltose.
maalachcha n. ?? maaltoosis n. maltosis.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 97

malukko marco

malukko vt. 1) to suspect. 2) to mistrust. 3) to oneself dirty.

doubt. 4) to guess. 5) to suppose. [Status: manka'i bee'ane np (?). 1) normless. 2) lout.
check sn 4f for meaning] mankibee'naaga adj. 1) dirty. 2) ugly. 3) gone
mallukko vt. to decorate. wrong.
ma'luwwim [Status: check spelling] n. nothing. mannooma n. 1) human being. 2) humanity.
maamme'e name. nickname for child. [Status: 3) personality.
check precise meaning] mannooma'n seera np. juridical humanity.
man baxo np. 1) artificial. 2) man made. mannoomano n. humanity.
ma'nna n. cave. manore n. type of ensete.
manna haydukko vp. to respect. maansha n. fork-like instrument.
manaba'lla adj. 1) available. 2) plenty. mantalaala adj. very weak.
maanaqo'o adj / n (?). ?? manxoganichcho Variant: maanokannichcho.
manaanamukko vi. Morph: PASS of Pl: manxoganna. [Status: check va (WHS);
mannanukko. 1) to be fattened. 2) to be check spelling - BV: manxogannichcho] n.
paunched. lizard.
manaanukko vt / vi ? 1) to load. 2) to eat much. maar agana np. full-moon.
manara n. type of ensete. maar dabbasaancho np. rosemary.
mannattichcho n. 1) giant. 2) monster. maar dirohane vp. butcher.
manatsira n. glasses, spectacles. From: from mara Pl: malluwwa. n. 1) pus. 2) sore. 3) wound.
Amh. 4) pain.
manaxxira n. eye-glass. maara n. 1) meat. 1b) cooked/fried meat. [Status:
maancooqa n. white dirt from the eye. check meaning !!] 2) body. [Status: check
manchi beeto np. Son of Man. meaning !]
mancho Pl: manna. n. 1) man. 2) person. maara goodukko vp. to fry (meet).
3) husband. 4) people. Morph: mann (pl.). maara shokkisukko vp. to fry (meet).
maandara n. 1) chisel. [Status: check meaning] mara xabbasukko vp. to roast (meet).
2) goodness. 3) quality. mara xoqukko vi. 1) to discharge pus. 2) to
maandaraamo n. 1) sb. who has a chisel. suppurate.
2) good person. maaraba Pl: maarabbuwwa. n. handkerchief.
mandariina n. mandarin. marabo n. honey.
mande n. type of ensete. maarage n. year.
mande'e n ? ?? maragukko vt. 1) to plaster. 2) to spread (mud).
maandiisichcho n. engineer. marajja'a n. 1) data. 2) document. From: Amh.
maanduluuqa n. type of ensete. maraqa n. soup. From: Amh.
mangaancho Pl: mangaano. n. curious. [Status: Maraqo name. subgroup of Hadiyya.
check meaning (HED: one who to use much)] Maaraam name. Mary.
mangaanza n. manganese. marammarukko vt. 1) to question sb. 2) to
mangatte adj (?). social. [Status: check investigate. From: Amh.
meaning] maramukko vi. to wander. Morph: MED of
mangatti losano np. social studies. marukko.
mangisti baxxaancho Pl: mangisti baxxaano. maraphphi kaashsha [Status: entry form only
np. 1) clerk. 2) government worker. From: kaashsha ??] np. honey sew.
Amh. maararaba [Status: check spelling - maaraba ?]
mangisti paarlaama'a [Status: check entry n. handkerchief.
form] np. parliament. mararimmi woraqata np. filter paper.
mango xigo np. prim number. maraaro'o n. ??
mango'o n. mango. mararukko vt. to filter.
manni daara np. abroad. marassaancho Pl: marassaano. n. filter.
manni ille np. 1) evil eye. 2) sb. attention to one's maarashsha Pl: maarashshuwwa. n. plough.
life standard. [Status: check meaning] From: Amh.
manni miin yukko vp (vi). to be acceptable to. maarashshi wonnanna np. ??
manni suume np. 1) trouble. 2) curse. marato n. travel, journey.
manni uulla np. 1) landed property. 2) foreign maratukko [Status: check entry
country. form - muraatukko?] vt. to castrate.
mannisamcha n. baptism. maraaxo [Status: check for singl. form !!] n.
mannisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of thief.
mannukko. 1) to expell (freedom). [Status: maraaxukko vt. 1) to steal. 2) to take sth.
check meaning] 2) to baptize. without permission.
manka'a Pl: manka'uwwa. n. norm. marbaata n. 1) torch. 2) light.
mankabee'ukko vi. 1) to go wrong. 2) to get marco Variant: marca. Pl: marcuwwa. n.

98 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

mare'e mashka'im amma'nnisoohane

1) curved iron bar. 2) exchange value. maasse'ukko vt. 1) to bless. 2) to dedicate. 3) to

mare'e n. 1) mark. 2) sign. add sth.
mare'issukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of masgiida Pl: masgiidduwwa. n. mosque.
mare'ukko. 1) to mark. 2) to put a sign. massi n. 1) mass, a lot. 2) disturbance.
maareekka n. watching cows up to 600. [Status: masina n. ??
check precise meaning] maasinqo'o n. masanko.
maareekkaancho Pl: maareekkaano. n. boy maassiisukko vt. to make sb. to be blessed [i.e.
who in the morning puts the cattle out to to bless?]. Morph: CAUS 1 of maassukko.
graze near the farm. maskoota Pl: maskoottuwwa. n. 1) window.
mareessissukko vt. to spy. 2) pane (of glass).
mareesukko vt. to study. Masqala name. M㤳ke㪠feast.
maareessukko vi. to spend the evening. masqala Pl: masqalluwwa. n. cross.
mare'ukko vi. to shout. Masmasa name. Masmas.
marfe'e n. needle. masmasa n. a kind of ensete.
marichcho Pl: maruwwa (??). n. 1) what? 2) ?? masmasichcho [Status: check entry form - HED:
(thing ?). [Status: check meaning!] masmasa] n. 1) from Masmas. 2) type of
marifa [Status: check spelling - marfe'e (?)] n. ensete.
needle. From: Arab. maasso n. 1) praising. 2) blessing.
markaba Pl: markabbuwwa. n. 1) ship. masooba Pl: masoobbuwwa. n. small table made
2) boat. From: Amh. from grass. From: Amh.
markaba awwonsaancho [Status: check masokkichcho Pl: maso'o. n. enemy.
entry form & meaning] np. pilot. mastaaboota Pl: mastaaboottuwwa. n.
markaphphi baxaano [Status: check entry 1) mirror. 2) pane (of glass). From: Amh.
form & meaning] np. crew. massukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of marukko.
marmaalaata n. jam. From: Ital. marmellata. 1) to take. 2) to let go. [Status: check
maro [Status: check entry form - probl. not meaning !]
necessary!] n (?). going. mash kolla np. ??
maaro'i balla np. 1) dusk. [Status: check ee Maasha name. Maasha. [Status: check ee]
and lit. transl. - maaro'ukko, not marukko!!] maasha adj / n ? 1) polite. 2) courteous.
2) afternoon. 3) modest. 4) affable.
maaro'o n. 1) dusk. 2) evening. [Status: check mashsha'a Pl: mashsha'uwwa. n. knife for
meaning!] cutting ensete.
maaro'ukko vi. to become evening. maashaalla n (?). kindness. [Status: check
Maarsa n. Mars. meaning] 2)
maruchcho pron (Inter-). what. — adj. polite. 3) pleasant.
marukko vi. to go. mashara n. female.
maarukko vt. to forgive. From: Amh. masharamukko vi. Morph: PASS of
maruwwa np. What is it? Morph: mah luwwa. masharukko. 1) to be split. 2) to be fat.
marza Pl: marzuwwa (??). n. 1) poison. 2) type masharukko vt. 1) to break off. 2) to split. 3) to
of ensete. tear into two parts. 4) to tear down.
maas xigo np. mass number. From: Engl. mashika'ukko vt. to cause. [Status: check
maasa Pl: maassuwwa. n. 1) field. 2) arable meaning; really infinitive?]
land. From: Amh. mashikko'o n. a kind of clothe for girls.
masaabe'e Pl: masaabe'uwwa. n. drawer. maashiina n. machine. From: Engl.
masakkarukko vi. to testify. From: Amh. maashisukko vi/vt (?). Morph: CAUS 1 of
masakkukko vt. to guide. maashukko. 1) to be needy. 2) to make
masakkukko [Status: check spelling - was: docile.
massakkukko] vt. to pull. [Status: check mashka'a n. reason.
meaning !! Same entry as "to guide"] mashka'a kuroo edansaano np. causative
massala name. Masqal feast. [Status: check conjunction.
precise meaning and bw] mashka'aa mishaa np. cause and effect.
masalaala Pl: masalaalluwwa. n. ladder. mashka'i [Status: short form of
masana n. type of tree. [Status: check precise mashka'oomim??; Abraham suggests the
meaning] entry MASHKA'A, Noun, ("reason"?)] part
massa'ukko vt. [Status: BEN ??? of massukko ?] (?). because of.
1) to take away. 2) to haul away. 3) to carry mashka'ihukko [Status: check entry form] vt.
away. to cause.
Mase'e n. Apr 9 - May 8. mashka'im amma'nnisoohane [Status:
maasseta Pl: maassettuwwa. [Status: check check entry form and meaning] np.
entry form - was: maseeta] n. bridesmaid. justification.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 99

mashka'inne maxaramukko

mashka'inne [Status: check entry form - CASE] — adv / adj (?). many (in number). [Status:
n. 1) in case. 2) if. check meaning / ps]
mashka'oomim part (?). 1) therefore. matem pron. 1) somebody. 2) something.
2) because of. matem ihukko vp. whatever it might be.
mashka'ukko vi. 1) to give a reason. 2) to matemaaggem part (?). at one time.
cause. [Status: check meaning] mateencho n. scar (e.g. of burn). From: KIRB
maashoom bee'ane np. impolite. 419.
maashukko vi. 1) to wish. 2) to be docile. 3) to maatera n. matter. From: Engl.
be eager, to be earnest. [Status: check maateeriyaala n. material. From: Engl.
meaning! Abraham - "to be kind"] mateeyya n. 1) organization. 2) union.
mat ammanenne [Status: check entry form] mateeyyooma n. 1) unity. 2) communion.
np. 1) at the same time. 2) simultaneous. 3) fellowship. 4) togetherness.
mat anga np. half part. mateeyyukko vt. to organize.
mat hagar habiillo [Status: check entry form] matfenqo'o n. moncot.
np. uniform. matfira n. uniform.
mat hagara np. identical. matgatte n. 1) village. 2) overnight.
mat issukko vp. to gather. matichcho adj. singular.
mat kaakuma [Status: check entry - kaakuma matihimma adj. combined.
only ?] num. one million. matinka part (?). (all) together.
mat kollo np. half portion. [Status: check matissukko vt. Morph: * mato. 1) to combine.
meaning !!] 2) to unite.
mat kuma num. one thousand. Maatiwoosa name. Matthew.
mat qasa np. type of disease. [Status: check matkolli awwano'o np. implication.
meaning] matqaxa adj. some.
mat mat np (adv ?). 1) some. 2) one by one. matmine n. unit place.
mat mat ammane [Status: check entry form / mato num. 1) one. 2) similar.
meaning] np. seldom. mato lamiinse num. one half (1/2).
mat mato np. 1) one by one. 2) some. 3) several. matooma n. oneness.
mat oobbo np. one handful. matome [Status: check entry form & ps] adj. the
mat xuf karva np. simple closed curve. same.
maataba Pl: maatabbuwwa. n. 1) seal. 2) stamp. mattooti beyyo hundam [Status: check
mataagge num. once. [Status: check meaning!] spelling - mattootti ...? Abraham feels better
mataqqa adj. single. about: HUNDEM BEYYONE] np. wherever.
mataqukko vi. to turn out well. matseeta Pl: matseettuwwa. n. magazine. From:
mataalo'o n. 1) property of one. 2) identity Amh.
property. [Status: check meaning !!] Mattu name. Mattu. [Status: check ee and entry]
matamaxxi hamaaro'o np. homogenous maaxa n. 1) marsh. 2) swamp.
mixture. maxaafa Pl: maxaaffuwwa. n. book. From:
matandar aggishshi mare'e np. single Amh.
quotation mark. maaxaqqa Pl: maaxaqquwwa. n. 1) riddle.
matandar sagara np. single word. 2) puzzle. 3) confidence. [Status: check
matandara n. 1) singular. 2) single. [Status: meaning] 4)
check meaning] — adv (?). in private.
matarasha Pl: matarashshuwwa. n. tool to maxaqamaano n. reactant.
carry dung. maxaqenna n. fireplace.
mattay n. tax. maxaqisukko vt. to tame. Morph: CAUS 1 of
mattay wixa'aancho np. tax collector. maxaqukko.
matayya adj. busy. maxaqukko vi. to be accustomed.
mataayyi fikkaannisaano np. prime maaxamma adj. 1) hidden. 2) in secret.
factorization. maaxamaa egerukko vp. to lie in wait.
matayyi xigo np. odd number. maaxamukko vi. Morph: PASS/MED of
matayyisukko vt. to make lonely. Morph: maaxukko. 1) to be hidden. 2) to hide
CAUS 1 of matayyukko. (oneself).
matayyukko vi. 1) to be scattered. 2) to be maxana n. pack animal.
lonely. 3) to be busy. maaxancha n. being hidden.
matcaalli xophe'e np (?). frog-like leap. maxxaara Pl: maxxaalluwwa. n. 1) finger.
[Status: check meaning] 2) toe.
mateb Pl: matebbuwwa. n. collar conferred at maxaraqa n. matter.
Orthodox baptisms. From: Amh. maxaramukko vi. to be bared. Morph: PASS
maate'e 1) n. soldier. 2) of maxarukko. [Status: check meaning]

100 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

maaxaareechcho mettetta

maaxaareechcho n. 1) thief. 2) a cow which apple, thorn weed, jimson weed (USA).
eats cloth. mekke'aancho Pl: mekke'aano. adj. 1) envious.
maaxaare'e n. type of animal. [Status: check 2) jealous.
meaning !!] meellaam hada np. 1) numerous. 2) crowded.
maaxaare'ukko vi. to be a thief. [Status: check meaning]
maxarsukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of meellaamo adj. ??
maxarukko (?). 1) to cut branches. 2) to melqeeqqa n. semen.
prune. melmellukko vi. to be talkative.
maxarukko [Status: check whether this should meneraala [Status: check spelling (Textbook:
be 1 or 2 entries (maxxarukko / maxarukko)] meneralla)] n. mineral.
vt. 1) to take off (e.g. clothes). 2) to dismantle me'nme'nnukko vi. to be without sufficient
completely. 3) to disgrace. 4) to degradate. force (child). [Status: check precise meaning]
5) to uncover. 6) to reveal. [Status: check sn Meentaammo name. Meentaammo.
5f (HCD maxarukko; sn 1 maxxarukko)] meenti adila Variant: meentichchi adilatte.
maxassukko vt. to peel (e.g. orange). [Status: check va] np. queen.
maaxaten adv. by chance. meenti moochchichcho [Status: check
maxxe'e adj. 1) sharp. 2) pointed. entry - moochchichcho only?] n. 1) polecat.
maaxo'o n. secret. 2) marten.
maxukko vt. to pick. meenti shamiisa [Status: check
maxxukko vt. 1) to collect. 2) to hide. [Status: spelling - shamiiza ?] np. blouse.
check the meaning!] meentichchi aduuncho [Status: put under
maaxukko vt. to hide. entry aduuncho?] np. female cat.
mayyakka adj. sensitive to the opinions of others. meentichcho Pl: meento. n. Morph: fem.
[Status: check precise meaning] 1) woman. 2) wife. 3) female.
maayila n. mile. From: Engl. meentichcho annanni ihaakko vp. to get
mayyimda'e [Status: should this entry be divorced.
grouped under MAYYIMMA?] part ? What meentichcho annanni ihukko vp. to
does it mean?, What is it? check meaning!!) divorce.
maayito kondora np. mitochondria. meentichcho hollaakko vp. to get divorced.
maayitoosisa n. mitosis. meentichcho hollukko vp. to divorce.
maykirooskoppa n. microscope. meentichcho maasee'ukko vp. to divorce
mayyukko vt (?). to mean. one's wife.
maazana n. beam. From: Amh. meentoommano Pl: meentoommannuwwa.
mazzanukko vt. to measure. From: Amh. [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. vagina.
mazaaro'o n. collection. meenxo'o n. hook (for lamp).
mazaarukko vt. to pack neatly. mee'o [Status: check entry form - Nom: mee'i
Maaze'e [Status: check entry form - Mase'e ??] (BV)?] pron. 1) how many. 2) how much.
name. Apr 9 - May 8. meer garukko vp. 1) to be impure. 2) to be
mazmuura Pl: mazmuulluwwa. n. song. From: defiled. 3) to be cheap (of price).
Amh. [Status: hymn ?] meer xora np. ??
mazmuuraancho Pl: mazmuuraano. n. singer. meera Pl: meelluwwa. n. 1) market. 2) value.
-me suff. EMPHASIS. 3) price. [Status: check sn 2f (HCD) !]
meco'o Pl: meco'uwwa. n. 1) stem of the ensete mereero'o n. ensete food. [Status: check
plant. 2) ensete leaf stem. meaning]
meeda'a Pl: meeda'uwwa. n. field. From: Amh. meerkure'e n. mercury.
meddeeramukko vi. to conceite. Morph: meesaana Pl: meesaannuwwa. n. 1) mattock.
PASS/REFL of meddeerukko. 2) axe.
meddeerancha n. 1) conceit. 2) carrying a Meskerem name. Sept 9 - Oct 10. From: Amh.
heavy thing. [Status: check meaning] Meeshigida [Status: check entry ! (cf. masgiida:
megaafoona Pl: megaafoonnuwwa. [Status: mosque)] name. Sunday. From: Arab.
check spelling - BV (alt): meegaafoon)] n. masjiid. [Status: check meaning]
1) loud-speaker. 2) amplifier. From: Gr. meeshukko vt. to smooth a clay wall.
[Status: check meaning] meeta Pl: meettuwwa. n. 1) flat timber for
meegaara n. a kind of tree. scratching the ensete stem. 2) scraping board
meeggara Pl: meeggalluwwa. n. 1) roof. used in harvesting ensete.
2) ceiling. meetaaboolizima n. metabolism.
megegaancho Pl: megegaano. n. convalescent. meetaafeeza n. metaphase.
megeggaato n. convalescence. meetaalooyida n. metalloid.
megegukko vi. to convalesce. meetaamorfoosis n. metamorphosis.
me'ichalhaqa [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. thorn mettetta adj. 1) huge. 2) large. 3) bulky. 4) gross.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 101

meeti'l qaanqa min issubee'ane

5) voluminous (body). mikechcha n (?). moving.

meeti'l qaanqa np. metric system. mikkeesukko vt. Morph: CAUS of mikkukko
meetir kuuba np. metre cubic. (?). 1) to make/let sb. move. 2) to shake.
meetira n. metre. mikke'ukko vi. to move.
meetiriiqqi qooxo'o np. metric unit. mikkira n. 1) place where a cultural dance is
meetirsekonda [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] np. performed. 2) stage of tribune.
metre per second. mikmikaato n. 1) movement. 2) motion.
metoku'lla n. application. mikmikaaxxi enerje'e np. kinetic energy.
meto'o n. 1) purpose. 2) problem. 3) matter. mikmikoo amaxxa np. motive wealth. [Status:
4) suffering. check sense]
meto'o ku'llaancho Pl: meto'o ku'llaano. np. mikmikoo foochcha'a np. insects. Morph:
applicant. foochcha'a comes from foore "soul".
meto'o ku'llukko vp. to apply. mikmikoo foraamo Pl: mikmikoo
mexxada n. knife. foramuwwa. np. animals.
mexeqenna Pl: mexeqennuwwa. n. 1) cooker mikmikoo luwwa np. property.
stones. 2) (small) Ethiopian stool. [Status: mikmikoo soko'i haayyite np. animal
check meaning against mexeqena "instrument kingdom.
for preparing injeera" !!!] 3) container (??), mikmikukko vi. 1) to move back and forth. 2) to
used for coffee etc. [Status: check meaning!! shake.
See picture in Alemayehu, June 7; miq yoo soko'o np. vertebrate.
Alemayehu, June 7 (sn 2f) - mexxeqena] miqakko'i darasagna [Status: check entry
mexereeda n. ?? form] np. check.
meexxi beyyo np. best quality of the flesh of the miqaamo adj. 1) good (of a person). 2) bony.
ensete leaves. [Status: check meaning] miqbee'i soko'o np. invertrebrate.
meexxi lugumo np. bread from meexxi beyyo. miqe Pl: miqqeewwa. n. 1) bone. 2) pay.
[Status: check meaning] miqe heekkeesukko vp. to mention a dead
mexxo'o adj. 1) only one. 2) lonely. person.
mewwa n. type of plant. miqeessukko vt. to touch.
meeyoosisa n. meiosis. miqiica n. bone cancer.
mezere'e n. type of basket. miqilto'o n. ??
micciirukko vt. to insert forcefully. miqisiisukko vt. to have sb. make paid. Morph:
miccukko vi. 1) to be concerned for sb. 2) to CAUS II of miqukko.
show concern for sb. [Status: check meaning; miqisukko vt. to make sb. pay. Morph: CAUS 1
Abraham doesn't know this one] of miqukko.
michcha n. draft. miiqisukko vt. to disappoint. Morph: CAUS 1 of
michchigukko vt. 1) to make skinny. 2) to make miiqukko.
thin. miqo'aamo [Status: check entry] adj. leprous.
midachcha n. 1) fireplace. 2) stove. 3) furnace. miqoda adj (?). 1) emeciated. [Status: check
midaadmidaado [Status: 2 or 1 words ?] n. meaning] 2) deprecate.
1) adjacent. 2) side by side. miqo'o n. payment.
midaado Pl: midaadduwwa. n. 1) rib(s). [Status: miqo'ukko vi. to be ill with leprosy.
check meaning - EGH: GOAT ribs; WHS: miqukko vt. 1) to pay. 2) to pay back.
upper long rips] 2) side. [Status: only of the miiqukko vi. to be disappointed.
body?] 3) breadth, width. milaaco n. razor.
midaado caraqa np. thin. miiliigiraama [Status: check spelling - was:
midaado haraara adj. wide. miliigrama] n. miligram.
midaado xuqqa np. narrow. miliimeetra n. milimetre.
middamukko v. ?? miliyoona n. million.
midaaxxi angilluwwa np. adjacent angles. miimma n. 1) front. 2) frontage. 3) frontier.
midaaxxi ido np. lateral surface. mi'n abaroosa np. 1) household. 2) extended
midaaxxukko vi. 1) to emaciate. 2) to be family.
skinny. 3) to be poor. mi'n ama np. wife.
mididdaato n. pride. mi'n ama bee'ane [Status: check
mididaa'ukko vt. to make sb. to be relaxed. spelling - Marqos had: minama bee'etane] np.
mididukko vi. 1) to stretch (body). 2) to conceite widower.
boastfully. [Status: check meaning] mi'n anna n. husband.
midija Pl: midijjuwwa. n. cooking place. From: mi'n anni bee'etane np. widow.
Amh. mi'n beeto np. my boy. [Status: check meaning]
migira Morph: singl. only. n. 1) thick plaiting mi'n beetooma np. concubine.
reed. 2) grass for basket-work. min issubee'ane np. unmarried.

102 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

mi'n manna Miyazya

mi'n manna np. 1) family. 2) domestic family. spelling - mirta ?] n. sample. From: Amh.
3) servants. misa n. 1) trophy. 2) booty.
mi'n muuta np. 1) furniture. 2) utensil. misikki'l woraqata np. certificate.
mi'n seera np. house rules. misikkira Pl: misikkilluwwa. n. witness. From:
minaadaba n. 1) people. 2) community, society. Amh.
3) nation. misikkirukko vt. to testify. From: Amh.
minaadaba awwaadaancho [Status: check misi'l qooroma np. arts.
entry form] np. civil servant. misila n. 1) picture. 2) diagram.
minaadaba bikkoohane [Status: check entry misilukko vt. 1) to draw. 2) to sketch. 3) to
form] np. popular. construct.
minaadaphphi atoorachcha [Status: check mismaara n. nail. From: Amh. ?
entry form] np. address. mish ciinso'o np. juice.
minaadaphphi xigo [Status: check entry miish inqe [Status: check spelling - AT: miinsi
form] np. population. inqe] np. incisor tooth.
minaadaphphi wolabbano np. human Misha name. Misha.
rights. misha Pl: mishshuwwa (??). n. Morph: singl.
minaamo adj. 1) married. 2) set up (house mishichcho. 1) fruit. 2) product. 3) result.
keeping). 4) seed. [Status: check meaning] 5) bloom,
minaane adj. ?? blossom. [Status: check meaning !!]
minanni [Status: check entry form and meaning] misha misha np. 1) fruit. 2) result. 3) product.
adv. perhaps. mishiq yukko vp (vi). to smile.
mine Pl: minneewwa. n. 1) house. 2) room. mishiqukko vi. to smile.
3) sub-lineage. mishinsha n. fetish relic. [Status: check precise
miine Pl: miinnuwwa. n. 1) forehead. 2) face. meaning]
[Status: check meaning] mishira n. lentils.
miine danaamo np. a successful person. mishiraachcha n. 1) good news. 2) gospel.
[Status: check meaning!] 3) congratulations. [Status: check meaning]
mine issukko vp (vt). to marry. [Status: is it used 4) hurray!
for both men and women ??] mishissaamo adj. attractive.
mine mine np. 1) in all families. 2) in all houses. mishisimma [Status: check entry - Infinitive ...]
mine mu'uti wonshukko vp. to furnish. n. beauty.
mingatto'o vi. to marry (of woman). mishiso adj. attractive.
mi'ni [Status: check spelling - AT: mine] n. roof mishisoobee'ane [Status: check entry form
of the house. (NEG)] adj. unpleasant.
ministeechcho n. minister. mishisoohane [Status: entry? - Positive?] adj.
minizaare'e n. change (money to be returned). very nice.
From: Amh. mishisooyyo [Status: check entry form and ps] v
miinjaancho Pl: minjaano. adj (?). frugal. (??). nonsense.
miinjukko vt. 1) to economize. 2) to save. mishisukko vi/vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of mishukko.
miinqeesukko vt. 1) to brush (teeth). 1) to like. 2) to be attractive. 3) to charm.
miinqeeshshaancho Pl: miinqeeshshaano. mishukko vi/vt (?). 1) to be ripe (of fruit). 2) to
[Status: check spelling - BV: bear fruit. 3) to be kind. 4) to pity.
minqeeshshancho] n. tooth brush. mitte'e n. 1) swallow (for food). 2) unfined
minqinqina n. type of animal. (maize, etc.).
Miinsamo name. Miinsamo (man's name). mixaado Variant: mixaada. [Status: check va
miinsamukko vi. to be strongly against sb. (HCD) - EGH: mitaada] n. 1) plate on which
Morph: PASS/MED of miinsukko ? injera is prepared. From: Amh ? 2) griddle.
miinsi angilluwwa np. vertically opposite mixaancho Pl: mixaano. n. 1) sb. who desires.
angles. 2) sb. who aspires.
miinsi inqe np. incisor. mixano n. 1) desire. 2) wish.
miraana n. ploughing object. [Status: check mixxeechcho adj. skilled.
precise meaning] mixxeellano n. 1) skill. 2) wide experience.
mirca'i xaaba'a np. campaign. From: Amh. mixisukko vt. to make sb. eager. Morph: CAUS 1
mirgo§o Pl: mirgo'uwwa. n. 1) ox. 2) bull. of mixukko.
[Status: check meaning!] 3) older male calf. mixmixo'o [Status: check entry - EPN, EGH:
mirmukko vt. 1) to wish. 2) to wick (unfulfilled mixmixa] n. 1) bird's eye chili. 2) small
desire). [Status: check meaning] pepper.
mirta Pl: mirtuwwa. n. product. From: Amh. mixukko vt. 1) to desire. 2) to long. 3) to wish.
mirtanfisukko v. ?? 4) to like.
mirti Pl: mirtuwwa. [Status: check Miyazya name. Apr 9 - May 5. From: Amh.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 103

Miizaan mosholla

[Status: should prob. be May 8] ensete starch. [Status: check meaning]

Miizaan name. Miizaan. [Status: check ee] mooqqaqqichcho n. anxiety owl. [Status: check
miizaana n. measure. From: Amh. [Status: meaning]
check meaning] moqooqa adj. 1) crooked. 2) bent.
mo'aqqaancho Pl: mo'aqqaano. [Status: moqonta Pl: moqontuwwa. [Status: check entry
check spelling - moo'aqqaancho ?] n. glass. form - HCD 293: maqonta] n. ankle.
moo'amoohane adj. visible. mooqukko vi. 1) to be sensitive. 2) to shout.
moo'amoo'isa n. view. 3) to be aggressive. From: Amh.
moo'amukko vi. Morph: PASS of moo'ukko. moollama n. Morph: fem; * moolli ama.
1) to appear. 2) to be located. 1) mistress. 2) mother/female head of the
moo'aancho Pl: moo'aano. n. 1) evil eye. (extended) family.
2) tester (tool). 3) watcher. 4) observer. moollanna Morph: * moolli anna. n. 1) Lord.
moce'e adj. immature. 2) father/head of the (extended) family.
moocinaancho Pl: moocinaano. n. tool to Moollaanni hurbaata n. Holy communion.
remove unused part of ensete food. [Status: mo'le n. type.
check meaning] moolli seera np. community law.
mocoloqa adj. ugly (white). moollo Pl: moolluwwa. n. 1) clan. [Status: check
moochcha n. 1) fat in the intestine. 2) seeing. meaning (was: tribe)] 2) lineage. 3) close
3) observing. 4) beast of prey. [Status: check relative.
meaning !] mollocukko vi. to be delirious.
moochchichcho Pl: moochcho. [Status: check molokiila n. molecule.
pl. What's the equivalent of the adj "wild"?] moloxukko vi. to look suddenly.
n. 1) wilderness. 2) forest animal. 3) cruel mollug Pl: mollugguwwa. n. bull. [Status:
(person), merciless (person), brutal (person). synonym with moora?]
moodda n. style. From: Ital. moda. [Status: moonnichcho n. sb. who did not kill a person.
check meaning] mono'i atooma np. mono atomic.
moofara Pl: moofalluwwa. n. type of plow. monomiyaal term np. monomial term.
From: Amh. mono'o adj. mono.
mogaalla adj. 1) cruel. 2) hurting. [Status: check monoppoola n. monopoly.
meaning - mogaalla: "selfish"] 3) miser. monoppoolista n. monopolist.
4) greedy one. moo'obee'ane [Status: check entry form] adj.
mogge'e n. 1) molar. 2) a bone melly grown blind.
tooth. [Status: check meaning] mo'oqaancho Pl: mo'oqaancho. [Status: check
mogola n. a disease that causes weakness. entry form - mo'aqaancho ?] n. mirror, glass.
mogolamma adj. 1) tired. 2) weak. [Status: Abraham couldn't confirm this
3) incompetent. meaning]
mogolamaancho Pl: mogolamaano. n. sb. mora Pl: molluwwa. n. type of ensete shoot.
who is very weak. moora Pl: moolluwwa. n. 1) bull (for breeding).
mogolamukko vi. Morph: PASS of mogolukko. 2) older calf. [Status: check meaning !]
1) to be weak. 2) to be very tired. 3) elected king. 4) strong (person). 5) type of
mogolancha n. being too tiresome. [Status: folk song.
check meaning] moorada Pl: mooradduwwa. [Status: check
mogole'e n. thigh biceps. spelling - EGH: morada] n. file.
moggo'o Pl: moggo'uwwa. n. 1) mame sake. mooradukko vt. to file. From: Amh.
[Status: check meaning] 2) molar. moraara n. hook of the plough.
mogukko vi. 1) to be very cruel. 2) to hurt. moore'e n. 1) commander. 2) monitor.
-mohii suff. CONDITIONAL. moorfiima n. morpheme.
moho'o n. 1) crack (in dishes). 2) broken dishes. Moorishees name. Mauritius.
moo'isukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of moo'ukko. Morooko'o name. Morocco.
1) to show. 2) to point. morota Variant: moritcha. Pl: morottuwwa.
moo'ishsha n. application. [Status: check va] n. helper of traditional
moje'e n. type of ensete. Hadiyya priest.
mojooyya n. Mojooyya (festival). [Status: check Moorsuuxo name. Moorsuuxo.
meaning etc.] moosir hidi'l kitaba np. Old Testament.
mookkara Pl: mookkalluwwa. n. test. moosira adj. old (of things).
mokoqosha n. clay dish for feeding small moosirukko vi. 1) to be(come) old. 2) to grow
children. old.
mokkukko vi. to be strong. Mosoro'o Variant: Masqala (?). name.
mooqqa Pl: mooqquwwa. [Status: check September 11 - October 10.
spelling] n. 1) porridge. 2) mash made from mosholla adj. curved.

104 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

moote'e muransukko

moote'e adj. big. muquchcho adj. neutral.

motor sayikila [Status: check entry form] np. muquchchukko vi. 1) to be neutral. 2) to be
motorcycle. From: Engl. alone.
motora Pl: motolluwwa. [Status: check entry muquqaancho Pl: muquqaano. n. wheel.
form] n. motor. From: Engl. muquqaa'ukko vi. to move in round.
moxxoogga adj. 1) shapeless. 2) void. muqureeda n. stick used for roasting coffee or
moxxoqos n. very small dish. kollo.
moo'ukko vt. 1) to see. 2) to look at. 3) to visit. mu'la n. wound (from cutting). Morph: from
4) to belong to. murimma, 'cutting'. [Status: check
mooyye'e n. mortar. meaning - Abraham cannot confirm this one,
mooyye'e cupha n. pestle. rather points to MARA]
moozaayka n. a kind of drawing. [Status: check mu'llaaguta adj (n?). hesitant.
meaning (mosaic ?)] mullam adv. only.
muucama adj. short. [Status: check meaning!! mullatte n / adj (?). individual.
Abraham: if sth. has lost its exact / appropiate mullattem adv. 1) alone. 2) only.
size] muleh odim [Status: check entry form] np.
mucucca n. cal. [Status: check meaning !] besides.
mucukko vi. to wash one's mouth. [Status: check mulleka n / pron (?). other. Morph: ACC.
meaning] mulleessa'a n. eunuch. Morph: * murukko.
muccura adj. 1) clean. 2) pure. 3) neat. 4) holy. mulli adj. another.
5) righteous. [Status: check meaning; seems mulli keeno np (?). etc.
to be less common than keesamma] mulukaa'ukko vi. to change the place (from
muccurooma n. cleaniness. view). [Status: check meaning]
muccurukko vi. to be clean. mulukkiyya n. a kind of cabbage.
muccussukko vt. to make clean. Morph: CAUS mu'llukko vi. 1) to decide. 2) to cut oneself. 3) to
1 of muccurukko. quench (thirst).
muddamukko vi. to be embarrassed. Morph: mulukukko vi. 1) to hide. 2) to change the place.
PASS of muddukko. [Status: check meaning!]
muudamukko vi. to be peeled off. Morph: muuma n. jungle.
PASS of muudukko. muuncana Pl: muuncannuwwa. n. 1) thin
mude'ukko vt. 1) to suck. 2) to steal. rope. 2) cable.
muudukko vt. to peel off. muncukko [Status: check spelling !] vt. to spin
muga n. 1) club. 2) stick. (cotton).
mugga n. 1) shock. 2) fright. 3) fear. muuncukko vt. 1) to plait (a rope). 2) to twist
muggaraja [Status: spelling - maggaraja?] n. between palms. [Status: check meaning]
curtain. From: Amh. munduura n. oval shape.
muggisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of muggukko. munduurukko vi. to take an oval shape.
1) to surprise. 2) to startle. 3) to frighten. 4) to muunja n. design.
terrify. 5) to absorb. [Status: check meaning muunsiisukko vt. 1) to make sb. shout. 2) to
(HED: make absorbed)] make sb./sth. roar. [Status: check meaning]
mugugaa'ukko vt. to throw. munxuruusa adj. 1) beautiful. 2) handsome.
muggukko vi. 1) to be shocked. [Status: check 3) good-looking.
ACT/PASS] 2) to be surprised. 3) to get a muunukko vi. 1) to crow (of cock). 2) to roar.
fright. 3) to howl. 4) to growl. 5) to moo. 6) to shout.
muguunga n. short club. munuu'na Pl: munuu'nnuwwa. n. rolled up
mujja n. tall weed grass. middle leaf of ensete.
muke'e n. type of traditional medicine against munuu'nna n. ?? [Status: check meaning]
stomachache. mununnaato n. monologue.
mukke'e n. nickname for young ox. [Status: munuu'nno'o n. ensete tree trunk.
check precise meaning] mununukko vi. 1) to grumble. 2) to murmur.
mukmukukko vi. to fidge. [Status: check 3) to mumble.
meaning (HED: fidgeted)] mu'o n. ??
mukuro'o n. 1) reasoning. 2) trouble. muraa higoo googo [Status: check entry
muqqa adj. neutral. form] np. crossroad.
muuqqa Pl: muuqquwwa. n. mash made from muramma n. decision.
ensete starch. muramo n. section.
muqima n (?). alarm. [Status: Abraham doesn't muramukko vi. to be cut. Morph: PASS of
know this meaning] murukko.
muquchchi kompaawunda np. neutral muraancho Pl: muraano. n. scissors.
compound. muransukko vt. to mutilate.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 105

muraasichcho naachukko

muraasichcho adj. 1) harmful. 2) inimical. murukko (?).

murato Pl: murattuwwa. n. 1) group. 2) decision. musmaara Pl: musmaalluwwa. n. nail. From:
3) sickle. [Status: check meaning !] Amh.
muraatukko vt. to castrate. musmusukko vi. to be shy.
muraxxi sawwite np. conception. musukko vi. to be defect.
mure n. harvest. musuusa n. string.
mure Variant: muri. [Status: check va (WHS)] n. musuusukko vt ? to take a pinch.
kidney. musha n. wart.
mure'e n. weakness. mushsha n. gland.
muri qunxukko vp. to arrive mushshukko vi. 1) to scorch. [Status: check
suddenly/unexpectedly. meaning (HED: was scorched)] 2) to clot.
murqa Variant: muqa. n. beard of grain. mushuushaancho n. pliers.
murqaamo adj. full of beard. mushushukko vt. to scratch (of cat).
murqukko [Status: check spelling - was: mushuushukko vt. to pinch (a person). [Status:
murxukko] vi. 1) to be cooked enough. 2) to check meaning]
be ripe. muta n. 1) seedling. 2) bodkin. 3) awl for basket
murquuna adj ? ?? work.
murquyyaato n. 1) fight. 2) enmity. mutaa'n haayyite np. plant kingdom.
muro n. kidney. mutaano n. plants.
muro'o n. 1) penalty. 2) starchy, scrathed stem mutaanta n. panties.
mear (?) the scratcher. [Status: check mutukko vi. 1) to sprout. 2) to germinate. 3) to
meaning] come out (of earth). 4) to appear. [Status:
muro'ukko vt. to punish. check meaning] 5) to grow. [Status: check
murte'akka'a issimma [Status: check entry meaning]
form] vp. intentional. mutura adj. 1) sharp (of knife). 2) pointed.
murte'aalla adj. brave. muturukko vi. to be sharp.
murte'e 1) adj. brave. [Status: check ps (HED mutussukko vt. to sharpen (wood, stake).
ge: BE brave)] 2) Morph: CAUS 1 of muturukko.
— n. a social organisation. [Status: check muuxxi mine np. store room.
meaning] muxmuxukko vt. 1) to twitch impatiently. 2) to
murte'ukko vt. to decide. desire. 3) to long for.
muruga adj. 1) bare. 2) barren. muxukko vt. to suck.
murugisukko vt. to make sb. sheare. Morph: muxulluqa n. thief.
CAUS 1 of murugukko. muxura adj. 1) bare. 2) without leaves.
murugukko 1) vt. to sheare. 2) muxurukko vi. to be shaded. [Status: check
— vi. to become bare. meaning ! (ACT / PASS)]
murukko vt. 1) to cut. 2) to decide. 3) to reap. mu'uta Variant: muuta. n. 1) things. 2) goods,
4) to cross (a river). property. 3) furniture. 4) dowry. 5) tool.
musa adj (n ?). defect. [Status: check ps !] mu'uxxi mine np. store.
musaam orachcho np. defect body. muuyyala n. product of flea. [Status: meaning ?]
musaamo adj. 1) flawed. 2) spotted (stain). muuza Variant: muuze'e. Pl: muuzzuwwa. n.
3) defectful. banana. From: from Amh.
Muse'e name. Moses. muuziiqa n. music.
mussiisukko vt. to make cut. Morph: CAUS 1of

N - n
-n suff. 1) in. 2) with. 3) on. naacoohane adj. humorous.
-na suff. DATIVE / BENEFACTIVE. nacukko vi. 1) to lose weight. 2) to emaciate.
na'a n. eagerness. 3) to be thin.
naca adj. 1) slim. 2) thin. 3) lean (meat). 4) weak. naacukko vi. 1) to offend by saying to sb. that
naacancha n. 1) chat. 2) offending. he/she cannot do sth. 2) to joke.
naacaancho Pl: naacaano. n. chatter. nache'isukko vt. to infect. Morph: CAUS 1 of
nacci shunkurti [Status: check entry form] np. nache'ukko.
garlic. From: Amh. nache'ukko vi (vt ?). to be infected. [Status:
nacisukko vt. to make sb. to infect. Morph: check precise meaning - SCW: to infect]
CAUS 1 of nacukko. naachchichcho Pl: nachcha. n. 1) crocodile.
naaco n. 1) insult (by saying to sb. that he/she 2) cruel (thing/person).
cannot do sth.). 2) joke. naachukko vt. 1) to ridicule. 2) to mock.

106 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

nadda niinne'e

nadda n. 1) coral. 2) small pearl. naatraara n. wormwood. [Status: used as

nadadukko vi. 1) to be angry. 2) to become medicine ??]
furious. 3) to be vexed. From: Amh. [Status: naxa adj. detailed.
check meaning] naxala n. traditional cloth for ladies.
nadajja n. shock. na'ukko vi. to become eager.
-na'e suff. 1) VERBAL NOUN. 2) because, since. naavigeeshiina n. navigation.
nafa n. entrance. naaytiriik asiida np. nitric acid.
nafara n / adj (?). 1) doorway. 2) area in front of -ne maqire [Status: check entry - maqire (+
the house. 3) vicinity. 4) field. [Status: check DAT) ?] part. together with.
sn 3f] 5) gate. 6) pass. [Status: check sn 5f] nech interj. interjection to call mane animals.
naafxa'i motora [Status: check entry form] np. neftenna Pl: neftennuwwa. n. holder of a rifle.
diesel motor. From: Amh. / Engl. From: Amh. n㥴㭹nya.
naggaadee Pl: naggaadee'uwwa. n. trader. neegaraancho n. winner (in argument).
From: Amh. neegarukko Variant: heegarukko. [Status:
nagaade'e n. big coloured glass bead. check va (WHS)] vi/vt (?). 1) to win in
nagaariita n. kettle drum. argument. 2) to convict sb. (in court).
naggukko vi. to beat (of pulse). neegaativ [Status: check spelling - AT:
Nahaase'e name. Aug 7 - Sept 5. From: Amh. neegaativa] adj. negative.
-na'i suff. RECIPROKE. neegaativ intijelluwwa np. negative integers.
naajiba adj. ?? neegaativ lasaanchi bee xigo np. negative
naajubba adj / n ? ?? infinitive.
nakkamukko vi. Morph: PASS/REFL of nektaara n. nectar.
nakkukko ? 1) to contact. 2) to be nervous. -nemi suff. also.
nakkancha n. being touched. Neeppittiyuuna name. Neptun.
nakkanchi iibba np. conduction. nerva n. nerve.
nakkansukko vt. to feel. neese pron. we (ACC) (NOM ?).
nakkukko vt. 1) to touch. 2) to reach. 3) to affect. neetta [Status: entry necessary ??] n. net. From:
4) to press. Engl.
naaqqaro'o n. component of green pepper and neetti xulbe'e np. volleyball.
spices mixed with butter. netsanato n. freedom. From: Amh ?
naqqasaancho Pl: naqqasaano. n. 1) witness. netshira n. net-venation. [Status: check meaning]
2) preacher. Newutoon meetira np. Newton metre.
naqqasiisukko vt. to have sb. testify. Morph: Newutoona n. Newton.
CAUS 1 of naqqasukko. neeyyato n. hope.
naqqasishsha n. 1) convincing reason. 2) fact. neeyyato hoogisukko vp. to disappoint.
naqqasukko vi. 1) to testify. 2) to witness. neeyyato issukko vp. to hope. [Status: check
naqaasha n. witness. translation]
naqaashamukko vi. to be certified by witness. neeyyato murukko vp. to discourage.
Morph: PASS of naqaashukko. neeyyato yukko vp. to have (certainly) hope.
naqaashukko vi. to testify. neeyyatooga adj. hopeless.
naqukko vt. 1) to beat. 2) to fuck. neeyyatukko vi. to hope.
namu'llukko vt. to reach (a desired thing). ni pron. our.
[Status: check precise meaning] -nni suff. in.
namura n. over (excessive). nii'aamo n (* adj). 1) farter. 2) coward.
nannimma n. mud (for wall). [Status: check ps] nibirata Pl: nibirattuwwa. n. property.
nannisukko vt. to stack. Morph: CAUS 1 of nifixa n. swell.
nannukko. [Status: check meaning] nifixukko vi. to swell.
Naanno'o name. Naanno'o. nigga n. 1) root. 2) tendon. 3) vein. 4) vessel.
naara n. 1) pile. 2) stack (grain). HCD 295 (sn 2)) 5) origin.
naarukko vt. 1) to heap. 2) to pile up. 3) to stack nigaga [Status: 2 or 1 words?] pron. ourselves.
(grain). niggaamo adj. full of roots.
naasa n. enemies. Morph: transnum. niggamukko vi. to try sth. without enough force.
naasaala n. nasal cavity. Morph: PASS/REFL of niggukko ?
Naase'e name. Aug 7 - Sept 5. nihaannane pron. sth. of ours.
naasichcho [Status: check spelling - was: -nnihe suff. YES/NO QUESTION MARKER.
nasichcho] adj. 1) harmful. 2) serious. 3) bad. nikootiina n. nicotine.
naasha Pl: naashshuwwa. n. 1) bracelet. 2) brass. nikuleesa n. nucleus.
3) bangle (worn on forearm). niqaame n. hawk.
natter Pl: nattelluwwa. n. 1) copper bar. niina pron. (to) us (DAT).
2) exchange value. niinne'e n. 1) baby. 2) infant. 3) child.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 107

niinniinsi ogorammi qaasho'o

niinniinsi pron (GEN). from us. nunnuraancho Pl: nunnuraano. n. sb. who is
nii'o n. fart. nagging (i.e. nagger ??).
niiroona n. neuron. nunnurukko vi. to nag.
nituroona n. neutron. nuura n. 1) attractiveness. 2) favour, goodness.
nii'ukko vi. 1) to fart. 2) to break wind. [Status: check meaning]
nogoroga n. 1) nagging. 2) pestering. 3) arguing. nuraalla adj. splendid.
Noorza n. North. Nuuraamo name. Nuuraamo (man's name).
noota'a n. musical notation. nuuraamo adj. attractive.
nottora n. 1) pole to tie cows. 2) group. nuurukko vi. 1) to be attractive. 2) to succeed.
noovilli gaasa np. noble gas. [Status: check 3) to turn out well.
meaning] nuussancha n. being beautified.
-nsi Variant: -nse. suff. from. nuussaancho Pl: nuussaano. n. beautifier.
nuuga n. peanut. nuussukko vt. to make attractive.
nugula adj. useless. nu'uuda [Status: check spelling - was: nu'uda]
nugulukko vi. to be useless. adj. 1) rare. 2) scant. 3) precious.
nunnura n. nagging.
nunnurancha n. nagging.

O - o
-o suff. common for male names. sufficient.
oo pron. that. offoollukko vi. to decline in size.
oo keen pron. those. ogara [Status: check spelling - underlined by AT]
oob aphphisukko vp (vt). to slap. Morph: n. scab.
CAUS 1 of oob aphphukko. oogata n. judgement.
oobba n. 1) sole (of a foot). 2) track. 3) palm (of oogatamukko vi. to be judged. Morph: PASS
one's hand). of oogatukko. [Status: check meaning (i.e.
oobaana n. grass. sentenced ?)]
oobaanukko vi. to be grassy. oogataancho Pl: oogataano. n. judge.
obodayukko vi. 1) to coax. 2) to entreat. oogatisukko vt. to have sb. judge (in one's
obogana Pl: obogannuwwa. n. skin eczema. favor). Morph: CAUS 1 of oogatukko.
obbola n. 1) boast. 2) feeling too much at home. [Status: check meaning (HED: was decided
obbolaancho n. 1) boaster. 2) sb. who feels too his favour)]
much at home. oogato'o n. judgment.
obbolukko vi. 1) to boast. 2) to be boastful. oogato'o higisukko vp. to sentence.
oobo'o n. cupped handsful. oogatukko vt. to judge.
oobboro n. palm of hand. oogaxxamaancho Pl: oogaxxamaano. n. sb.
obtiyuus angila np. obtuse angle. who brings his case to the court.
ochcho Pl: ochchuwwa. n. 1) jar (used for oogaxxamsukko vt. to arbitrate. Morph:
milking cows). 2) milk pan. CAUS 1 of oogaxxamukko.
od kannii illage np. earlier, before. oogaxxi mine np. court.
oda Pl: odduwwa. [Status: check spelling] n. ogaxxukko vi. to debate.
hump. [Status: check precise meaning] oggeera n. 1) bat. 2) sharp stick.
odda n. 1) hair of animals. 2) wool. ogeeshsha n. traditional doctor. [Status: check
oda'a Pl: oda'uwwa. n. 1) fig tree (wild). precise meaning]
2) sycamore. ogo'l giraafa [Status: check spelling - was: ogo'l
oda'i misha np. fig (fruit). graafa] np. line graph.
oddaamo adj. hairy, covered with hair. ogo'l gudisansa np. linear equation.
odeechcho n. type of fruit tree. [Status: check ogo'l tako'uwwa np. collinear points.
meaning] ogora n. 1) line. 2) row. 3) order, structure.
oddiiqichcho n. black caterpillar. 4) system. 5) place. [Status: check this
odim part. 1) again. 2) too. 3) also. meaning; Abraham doesn't know it]
ododim part / adv (?). again and again. ogora amadukko vp. to arrange.
oodo'i n. place. ogora axisansimma [Status: check entry
oddomachcho n. the entire body. form] np. arrangement.
oodo'o n. treshing floor. ogora baxukko vp. to draw a line. [Status: 1 or
offoolla adj (v ??). too little. [Status: check ps] 2 words ?]
offoollaancho Pl: offoollaano. n / adj (?). ogora fissaancho np. ruler.
[Status: check ps / meaning] 1) little. 2) not ogorammi qaasho'o np. ordered hair.

108 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

ogoraamisa oreebaancho

ogoraamisa adj / adv. orderly. form !!] suff. 1) before. 2) without.

ogoraamo adj. 1) decent. 2) logical. ona adj. empty.
ogoranne uullukko vp. to stand in a queue. oona'a vp (?). there he/it is.
ogorsaancho Pl: ogorsaano. n. ruler. onama n. tree (certain kind of).
ogorsukko vt. to make a line. Morph: CAUS 1 oniya n. type of ensete.
of ogorukko. onjooro'o np. blackberry.
-ohan suff. COMPARATIVE. onkokkamcha n. carrying awkwardly.
oohim pron. 1) these. [Status: check meaning] onkokkamukko vi. to carry akwardly. Morph:
2) that one. PASS/REFL of onkokkukko ?
oo'ina [Status: check spelling] n. type of ensete. onkolo'o n. container.
ojgod n. cheese pot. onkorkocukko vi. 1) to roll (of ball). 2) to
ook DemPron. that one. wallow.
okkayichcho n. badger (certain kind of). onkoroolla Variant: donqoroolla. adj.
okeen [Status: check spelling ookkeen ??] pron. 1) rounded. 2) spherical.
those ones. onkoroollaancho Pl: onkoroollaano. n. sb.
ookkeen pron. those. who rolls.
ookki pron. that (one ?). From: HCD 297. [Status: onkoroollisaancho Pl: onkoroollisaano. n. sb.
check precise meaning] who makes roll (i.e., roller ?).
ookkii kukii pron. that and this. onkoroollisukko vt. to roll. Morph: CAUS 1 of
okkoda'e v (?). there he is. onkoroollukko.
okota n ? ?? onkoroollukko vi. to roll.
oksaayida n. oxide. onno'i [Status: check spelling; Abraham couldn't
oksijiina n. oxygen. confirm it] n. disorder.
oksijiinaam xiiga np. oxygenated blood. onsoodo Morph: * om soodo. Variant: omsoodo.
oktaagoona n. octagon. n. the day after tomorrow.
o'l mu'uta np. weapon. ontaa'lle num. five times.
oo'l tuuna [Status: 2 or 1 words] np. termites' ontayye num. fifty.
house. ontika Variant: onte'e. num. fifth.
ollakkichcho Pl: olla'a. n. 1) neighbour. 2) (pl.) onto num. five.
surrounding. 3) (pl.) village, settlement. ora Pl: olluwwa. n. 1) war. 2) battle. 3) fight.
O'lami ooso np. O'lam clan. 4) quarrel. 5) argument. [Status: check
olla'ooma n. neighbourhood. meaning of sn 4f]
olla'ukko vi. 1) to be neighbours. 2) to be close. oora Morph: pl. tantum. n. termites.
Ollawwa name. Ollawwa. ora tuuna np. manure heap.
olbo'o n. 1) bracelet (for ankle). 2) armband. ora'a n. dung.
o'lli'o'lla n. cockroach. ora'a hogukko vp. to dig dung.
oloola n. 1) a type of fig tree. 2) a type of fig tree. orachchi iibba np. 1) body temperature.
oo'mma n. stability. 2) fever.
omachcho Pl: omadda. n. 1) skin. 2) hide. orachchi itoolla np. itching. [Status: enter
omalukko vi. to dry (of wound). itimma as sep. entry? meaning?]
omara 1) n. wound. 2) orachchi ku'llukko vp. to become a leper.
— adj. sore. orachchi xoxxoollishsha np. physical
omarukko vi/vt. 1) to pierce. 2) to stab. 3) to training.
wound. [Status: check ACT/PASS (HED: orachcho n. body (of animal and human beings).
Pass)] oorada n. type of ensete.
omba n. ancient clothing leather. oraamo adj. troublesome.
oomba n. animal skin. oramoohane n. 1) fighter. 2) warrior.
oomballa [Status: check spelling] n. the day oramukko vi. Morph: MED of orukko ? 1) to
before yesterday. Morph: * oom balla ?? fight. 2) to go to war.
[Status: check mr] oratuuna adj. 1) overlaped. 2) concurrent.
-ome suff. DEFINITENESS, fem. [Status: check ora'ukko vi. to defecate.
meaning; corr. -om (masc)] orba'a n. 1) distress. 2) embarassment.
oo'mmixxi seera np. fixed rule. 3) difficulty. 4) hardship.
oo'mmixxukko vi. to be settled. orbachcha n. 1) stress. 2) worry. 3) disturbance.
omnivoresa n. omnivores. oorbiita n. orbit.
omoro n. a type of basil. orcho'o n. 1) clay. 2) coffee grounds.
omoro'o Pl: omoro'uwwa. n. medicinal herb. ordineeta n. ordinate.
omoyyo [Status: check spelling: - oommoyyo] oreebaancho Pl: oreebaano. [Status: check
part (?). no. [Status: check ps: suffix ?] entry form - or eebaancho?] n. sb. who likes
-oo'n Variant: -on. [Status: check spelling / entry war.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 109

Oreebo pilee'n gaxa

Oreebo name. Oreebo (man's name). osossola [Status: check entry form] adj. healthy.
oreebo n. 1) war creator. 2) problem maker. ostiroojiina n. estrogen.
oreebukko vi /vt ? to declare war. Morph: * ora ooshshichcho n. child. Morph: singl. of ooso.
eebukko ?? oot DemPron. that one.
oreeta n. dung (of cows). Morph: singl. only. otta adj. dry.
oreeta issimma vp. to fertilize. oota Pl: oottuwwa. n. fence.
oreetukko vi. to produce dung (of cows). ootamma adj. round.
orgaan sono'o np. organ system. ootte pron. that (fem.).
orgaana n. 1) organ (of body). 2) organ (music otti [Status: check entry form - ootte ??] pron.
instrument). that one.
orgaaneelsa n. organelles. ootisukko vt. to have sb. fence. Morph: CAUS 1
orgaanizima n. organism. of ootukko.
Orooba Variant: Rooba. [Status: check va ootissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of ootukko.
(WHS)] name. Wednesday. From: Amh. [Status: check spelling !!] 1) to fence sth. in.
orodo n. 1) stable pen. 2) room in the house for 2) to round sth. down.
sheep and goats. ootoro [Status: check spelling - orig. ooxoro] n.
orokkichcho Pl: oro'o. [Status: check entry courtyard. Morph: * ooxxi woron ?
form - singl. or trans. (NOT both ...)] n. wild otosaaxxi ammane [Status: check entry form]
dog (certain kind of). np. liturgy. [Status: check meaning, lit. "time
Orooma name. Romans. of worship"]
oroombasa n. rhombus. otossukko vi. 1) to worship. 2) to adore. From:
Oro'o name. Wednesday. From: Amh. Amh.
oro'o n. jackal. [Status: check meaning] otoota n. 1) a sort of fence. 2) protection.
orophphe'e [Status: check spelling; Abraham otottola adj. lumsy.
prefers: OROPHILLA as better Hadiyya; cf. otootukko vt. to fence (in order to protect).
also airoplanin ..] n. aeroplane. From: via ootukko [Status: orig. oox- (cf. oota, 'fence')] vi.
Amh ?? to be round.
osachcha n. laughter. ootukko vt. to fence.
oosaame Pl: oosaammuwwa. n. eagle. ooxxoro n. enclosure.
osarukko Variant: ushaar-. [Status: two "S"?; oovaaleeshina n. ovaluation.
WHS 141 - check!] vi. 1) to laugh. 2) to laugh oovaare'e n. ovary.
at. oovidakta n. oviduct.
osassiisoohane adj. funny. ooviyuula n. ovule.
ooso n. children. Morph: pl. of beeto "son". ooyya n. yes.
oosoommano n. childhood.
oosoomma'nnukko vi. to behave like a child.

P - p
Pagumen name. Sept 6 - 10/11. From: Amh. peeriskooppa n. periscope. From: Engl.
palminarii arteere'e np. pulmonary artery. peerooksaayida n. peroxide. From: Engl.
pante'e n. pants. perpendikulaar ihaa np. perpendiculary.
paappaayya n. papaya. perpendikulaara n. perpendicular. From: Engl.
paaraboola n. parabola. perpendikularooma [Status: check
paaralal adj. parallel. spelling - AT: perpendikulaarooma] n.
paaralal qinxite np. parallel folding. perpendicularity.
paaralal laagguwwa np. parallel rays. persenta n. percent. From: Engl. (Lat.).
paaralal vektelluwwa np. parallel vectors. persitaalisisa n. peristalsis. From: Gr.
paaralala [Status: check spelling here (an in peetaala n. petal.
compounds) - AT: paaralaala] n. parallel. peetirooliyeema n. petroleum. From: Gr./Lat.
paaralalo giraam [Status: 2 or 1 word ?] np. pilaaneeta n. planet. From: Engl.
parallelogram. pilaastiida n. plastid.
paarasayita n. parasite. pilaastiika Pl: pilaastiikkuwwa. [Status: check
pasta'a n. pasta. From: from Ital. spelling - was: pilastika] n. plastic tarpauline.
pensiliina n. penicillin. From: Engl.
pentaagoona n. pentagon. pilaatiniyeema n. platinum.
pepsiina n. pepsin. pilaazma n. plasma.
peereeda n. period (in chemistry and school). pilee'n gaxa [Status: check spelling - was:
From: Engl. pileegaxa] np. plane region.

110 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

pilee'n ido ruuz

pilee'n ido np. plane surface. piyaano'o n. piano.

pilee'n misila np. plane figure. poola n. pole. From: Engl.
pileena n. plane. pooligoona n. polygon.
pileetleeta n. platelet. polineeshiina n. pollination. From: Engl.
piluumela n. phulumul. pooliisa [Status: check entry form] n. police.
piraamiida n. pyramid. From: Engl.
piriinsippila Pl: piriinsippilluwwa. [Status: pooliise'e n. policy.
entry necessary ??] n. principle. From: Engl. pooliisichcho [Status: check entry form] n.
pirobileema Pl: pirobileemmuwwa. [Status: policeman. From: Engl.
entry necessary ??] n. problem. From: Engl. polotika n. politics. From: Engl. (Gr.).
piroofeez n. prophase. posferesa n. phosphorous.
pirogiraama [Status: check spelling - was posta mine np. post office.
pro ....] n. programme. From: Engl. poosta saaxina [Status: check entry form] np.
pirojesteeroona [Status: check spelling - was Post office box. From: Engl./Amh.
pro ...] n. progesterone. poosta'aa [Status: check spelling !!] n. post,
piroporshinaal adj. proportional. From: Engl. envelope.
pirotesta'i haayyite np. protesta kingdom. pooshuleet [Status: check spelling !] n.
[Status: check meaning !] postulate. From: Engl. (Lat.).
pirotiraakteera n. protractor. potaasiyeem haaydroxida np. potassium
pirootoona n. proton. hydroxide.
pirotopilaazma n. protoplasm. potaasiyeema n. potassium.
pirotozo'o [Status: check spelling, was poozaatiiva adj. positive.
pirotozo'a] n. protozoon. pulumeela n. plumul.
pirtiyuma n. pritium. Puluuto'o name. Pluto.
pistila n. pistil. puuppa'a n. pupa.
piitaaliina n. pytalin.
pitutaare'i mushsha np. pituitary gland.

Ph - ph
Pheexxena [Status: check spelling - Pheenxena] Philaaxoos name. Pilate.
name. Pontius.
Pheexiroos name. Peter.

R - r
raadeeshiina n. radiation. From: Engl. reptayila Pl: reptayilluwwa. n. reptile. From:
raadikila n. radicle. From: Engl. Engl.
raadiyeesa n. radius. From: Engl. resipirookaala adj. reciprocal.
raadoona n. radon. reesho'o Pl: reesho'uwwa. n. ration.
raktaangil adj. rectangle. retta n. drink made from sorghum.
ramata n. embers. From: Amh ? ribosoma Pl: ribosommuwwa. n. ribosome.
raashim n. basic needs, survival. From: via ?? rifilekshiina Pl: rifilekshiinnuwwa. n.
raashinaa'l xigo np. rational number. reflection. From: Engl. (Lat.).
rebidiyeema n. rubidium. rifo [Status: va of irifo'o ?] n. gift.
redo'o Pl: redo'uwwa. [Status: check entry rijid [Status: entry necessary ??] adj. rigid. From:
form - erado'o ? reedo'o ?] n. radio. From: Engl.
Engl. rikeetsa n. rickets.
reedo'o n. radio. riippoorta Pl: riippoortuwwa. n. report. From:
reedo'onne higisukko vp. broadcast (on radio). Engl. (Lat.).
REDUPLIKATION [Nouns] syntax. each. ritima adj. ritardando.
refileks angila np. reflex angle. riiversa adj. reverse. From: Engl.
rektama Pl: rektammuwwa. n. rectum. rorukko vi. 1) to be better. 2) to be preferable.
rengeeja Pl: rengeejjuwwa. n. rain guage. ruuz n. rice. Morph: singl. only. From: Amh.
reeniina n. rennin.
reenja Pl: reenjuwwa. n. range.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 111

-s salaxa

S - s
-s suff. like. sagachcho edaancho np. sound speaker.
Sa'a name. last day in Xiriire. [Status: check meaning (megaphone ?)]
saa'aancho Pl: saa'aano. n. adulterer, sagad dillukko vp. to descend.
adulteress. sagada n. 1) downhill. 2) descent.
sa'aata Pl: sa'aattuwwa. n. 1) hour. 2) watch. sagadukko vi. 1) to bow. 2) to be steep. 3) to
From: Amh. slope. 4) to pray (bowing down).
sa'aaxxi duuha'a np. clock-wise direction. saga'l baxxancha np. parts of word/speech.
sa'aa'ukko [Status: check entry saga'l doona np. dictionary.
form - sa'ukko ?] vi. to be still. saga'l fikkaanna np. inflection.
saba adj. refusing. [Status: check ps / meaning saga'l kitaabo'o np. dictation.
(HED: refuser)] saga'l sire'e np. derivation.
sababo n. 1) pretext. 2) pretense. 3) reason. saga'l usha np. oral literature.
sabamcha n. 1) hatred. 2) unfriendliness. saga'llane [Status: check entry form] adj (n!).
sabbaamo adj. fat. oral.
sabassa n. exageration. sagalluwwa n. vocabulary.
sabassukko vi. to exagerate. sagannatta Pl: sagannattuwwa. n. balcony.
sabbata n. belt of cloth. sagar xee'isimma [Status: check entry form]
sabimmanne sallafukko vp. to march. np. melody. [Status: check precise
sabisukko vt. to disgust. Morph: CAUS 1 of meaning - sound sweetening??]
sabukko. sagara Variant: saga. Pl: sagalluwwa. [Status:
saboobee'ane adj. 1) liberal. 2) passive. check va (WHS)] n. 1) word. 2) voice.
sabo'o n. 1) refusal. 2) resistance. 3) language. [Status: check meaning!]
sabrago n. ?? sagara aagimma np. 1) guarantee. 2) warranty.
sabraato n. giving some money or food to sagara aagukko [Status: check entry form] vp.
mourners. [Status: check precise to engage.
meaning - substitute ?] sagara fissukko vp. to sound.
sabukko vi/vt. 1) to refuse. 2) to dislike. 3) to sagara geejjisaancho np. amplifier.
hate. 4) to reject. 5) to be unable. [Status: sagara geejjisukko [Status: check entry form]
check meaning] vp. to bang.
sabbukko vi. to be fat. sagara higisaancho [Status: check entry
sabuutta n. termite. form] np. microphone.
sad ki'isukko vp. 1) to mention. 2) to call. sagara la'isukko [Status: check entry form]
sadda n. 1) reed. 2) couch grass. 3) a kind of grass. vp. to signify.
sadaada adj. with a high forehead. sagara uwwukko [Status: check entry form]
sadaamo adj. famous. vp. to vote.
sade num. thirty. sagukko vt. 1) to sound (the horn). 2) to blow
sadde n. famous person. (the horn).
sadeentayye num. eighty. Sahaara'a name. Sahara.
sadeenti balla np. week. sahina n. 1) dish. 2) serving plate.
sadeento num. eight. sakaanukko v. ??
sado n. 1) fame. 2) good biography. Sakkatiite Variant: Yakkatiite. name. February
saddukko vi. to have clean / light grass. [Status: 8 - March 9. From: Amh. Y㪫atit.
check meaning; Abraham says: "to rebuke"!] saqalukko vt. 1) to hang (against sth.). 2) to
saadukko vt. to appreciate. crucify. From: Amh.
saffara Pl: saffalluwwa. n. 1) town. 2) camp. sa'l mine np. kitchen.
From: Amh ? sallachcha n. computing.
safarukko vi. to camp. From: Amh. salalo n. white cheese. Morph: singl. only.
safeeda n. around footed basket of woven straw salalsukko vt (?). to prepare cheese. Morph:
serving as a table on which food is placed. CAUS 1 of salalukko (?) / * salalo.
[Status: check precise meaning] sallallukko [Status: check entry form - was
saafura n. breakfast in coffee ceremony. sallallimma] n / v (?). to spy.
sagachcha'i bu'ana np. vocal cord. salamat n. greeting. From: Arab.
sagachcha'i sire'e np. allophone. salaat balla [Status: check entry form and
sagachchi shumo'o np. allophone. meaning!!] np. noon.
sagachchi xiyyaachcho np. pitch. salaxa Pl: salaxxuwwa. [Status: check entry
sagachcho n. 1) sound. 2) phoneme. form - salaaxa ?] n. salad. From: Engl.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 112

salaaxa sarukko

salaaxa n. lettuce. From: Engl salad (Ital ?). (an animal). [Status: check meaning (WHS
salaxxanimma n / v (?). course. "verschneiden")]
salla'ukko vt. to compute. sanguduudukko vi. 1) to be ill. 2) to be sick.
saleeda Pl: saleedduwwa. n. board. sanguugga [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n.
saleena n. a mat made from palm leaves. nosebleed.
salfa Pl: salfuwwa. n. 1) line. 2) queue. sanguugge'ukko [Status: 2 or 1 words ?] vi. to
salfeerik assida np. sulphuric acid. bleed (of nose).
saa'llichcha n. sitting on back of equins. [Status: sanguuggukko [Status: check entry - HED:
check meaning - riding ?] sanguugge'ukko] vi. to bleed from nose.
saa'llisukko vt. to help sb. to mount a horse. saankaala n. 1) restriction (of equins). 2) dire.
Morph: CAUS 1 of saa'llukko. [Status: check meaning]
saaloona Pl: saaloonnuwwa. n. living-room. saankaalukko vt. to hobble.
From: cf. Ital. salone. saanqa n. 1) board. 2) door. From: Amh.
sa'llukko [Status: check entry form (* sarukko)] sanqasukko vi. 1) to mock. 2) to allow.
vt. to bake (bread). sanqeemanna n. ??
saa'llukko vt. Morph: rel to saarukko? 1) to sanqura n. disease that wounds the nose.
mount an animal. 2) to ride. Sanno'o name. Monday. From: Amh.
-sam suff. 1) like. 2) as. sansaleta n. 1) chain. 2) shackles. From: Amh.
sam gud balla np. noon. saanta Pl: saantuwwa. n. week.
sam gudo [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. noon. santiba n. ten Cent (of ETB).
sammaagga n. type of disease. santima n. ten Cent (of ETB).
saamaltenyees gudinsasa np. simultaneous saantima n. Cent.
equation. saantimeetira Pl: saantimeetilluwwa. [Status:
saamba jabbo np. lung disease. From: Amh. check entry form - BV: sentimeetira] n.
(1st word). centimetre.
sambaca n. serious headache. saantina saantina np. weekly.
sambaliixa n. a long thick grass (used for sanxe'e Pl: sanxe'uwwa. n. knife.
roofing). sanxuuxukko vt. to suckle the blood of goats or
Sambatta Variant: Sanbatta. name. Sunday. sheep (of animal).
From: Amh. (cf. Engl. Sabbath). sappara n. type of ensete.
Sameeni n. North. From: Amh. sapilimenteere'e angilluwwa np.
saamenti n. week. From: Amh. supplementary angles.
samfo n. large basket (used to winnow or measure sappirofaayita n. sapirphyte.
grains). sarakkam mine np. kitchen.
sammi guda np. straight ahead. saramma [Status: check entry form!] adj.
sammo n. top of one's head. [Status: check 1) cooked. 2) boiled.
precise meaning] saraancho Pl: saraano. n. cook.
saamo n. 1) chance. 2) luck. 3) fate. [Status: sarata n. 1) sorghum. 2) millet.
check meaning (WHS: saama)] saraata Pl: saraattuwwa. n. hair. [Status: check
saamuna Pl: saamunnuwwa. n. soap. From: meaning (HED had: haire)]
Amh. ? saarayya n. research.
sa'n afo'o np. nostril. saarayyaancho Pl: saarayyaano. n. 1) tester
san baca np. type of disease. (tool). 2) researcher. 3) inspector.
sa'n sagachcho np. nasal. saarayyi Pl: saarayyuwwa. [Status: check entry
Sanna Variant: Sanno. [Status: check va form - saarayya ?] n. thesis.
(HCD)] name. Monday. saarayyukko vt. 1) to research. 2) to test.
sanna n. 1) period. 2) season. sareba'asa adj. 1) careless. 2) thoughtless.
sanada Pl: sanadduwwa. n. document. 3) indolent.
sanamadukko vt. to force. sarekichcho Pl: saro. n. dog. [Status: check
sananna Pl: sanannuwwa. n. bamboo basket. meaning !!]
sandaaba n. grey hair (of cow). sareewwaana n. 1) trousers. [Status: check
sane n. 1) nose. 2) edge. 3) snout. meaning (HED: hero's trousers)] 2) loincloth
sane amadukko vp. 1) to touch the nose. 2) to (of men).
take sth. by force. sareewaanaamo Variant: sure'aamo. adj (n?).
Sane'e name. June 8 - July 7. From: Amh. sb. who wears trousers (i.e. man).
sanfugukko vt. to annoy. saro n. cooking.
sanga'a n. ox for slaughter. saarokkichcho n. gazelle.
sangaqoro Pl: snagaqolluwwa. [Status: 1 or 2 Saro'o name. Saro'o.
words] n. subordinate of a landlord. sarukko vt. 1) to cook (by boiling). 2) to bake.
sangissukko vt. 1) to cut all wrong. 2) to geld 3) to fry. 4) to roast. 5) to make sth.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 113

sas annanni sasmidaado seenkamaancho

comfortable. 6) to do sth. [Status: check sawwit amadukko vp. to have an idea.

meaning] sawwite Pl: sawwittuwwa. n. 1) thought.
sas annanni sasmidaado np. scalene triangle. 2) idea. 3) opinion. 4) thinking.
sas baado num (np). triple. sawwite hincaa'ukko vp. 1) to propose. 2) to
sas suume num (np). 1) triple. 2) three parts. suggest.
saassaa'l miqe np. vertrebra (of back). sawwite kurimma vp. commentary.
sassaaro [Status: check spelling - saassaaro ?] n. sawwite murukko vp. to determine.
1) rib(s). 2) upper part of the spine. sawwite uwwimma [Status: check entry
saassaaro n. 1) spine. 2) backbone. 3) vertebra. form] np. reaction.
sasgud sasmidaado np. equilateral triangle. sawwititte [Status: check entry form !!
sasimi mati np. triune. sawwite ?] n. 1) opinion. 2) point of view.
sassiisaancho Pl: sassiisaano. n. one who 3) idea. 4) mind.
makes sb. cook. sawwixxeka afukko [Status: check entry
sassiixxukko vt. to make sth. cooked (i.e. form] vp. to achieve.
cook ?). sawwixxi kitaaba np. notebook.
sasqafa num. triplet. saawwo Pl: saawwuwwa. n. 1) peer. 2) partner.
sasmidaad piiriizima np. triangular prism. 3) companion. 4) best-man (at wedding).
sasmidaado n. triangle. [Status: check meaning]
saso num. three. Sawwooro name. Sawwooro.
saatalaayita n. satellite. sawwukko vt. 1) to think. 2) to remember. 3) to
sattamotane n. female cook. have an opinion.
saataancho n. 1) maligerer. [Status: check Sawuz Giir Giichchi name. Southern Nations
meaning] 2) sb. who causes injury. and People.
sattaaswo adj. thick. Sawuza [Status: entry necessary ??] n. South.
saate'e n. a type of tree used at Meskel. From: Engl.
Saaterna n. Saturn. saayya Pl: laro. [Status: check spelling:] n. adult
satto n/adj (?). 1) stomach. 2) thick. cow. Morph: fem.
saato n. 1) injury. 2) accident. saayinsa n. science.
sattukko vi. to be big-bellied (of pot, etc.). saayinsane [Status: check entry form] adj / n ?
saxxaancho Pl: saxxaano. n. sb. who regrets. scientific.
saxxane num. third (ordinal). sechcho Pl: sechchuwwa. n. 1) hive. 2) granary,
saxxanga num. third (fraction). Morph: * saxxi grain store. From: EGH 340.
anga. sedeemukko vi. 1) to snore. 2) to wrinkle. 3) to
saaxara Pl: saaxalluwwa. n. ..... dish (made frown (the forehead).
from bamboo). [Status: check meaning] segmenta n. segment.
saxbaqite n. night. Morph: * saxxi baqite. sego n. rose (kind of -). [Status: check meaning]
[Status: lit. "third ...."] seego'o n. type of edible shoot.
saxxi maarage np. in two years. [Status: check sekaanta n. secant.
meaning - lit. "third year"] sekonda n. second.
saxxi suume num (np). third part. sektera n. sector.
saaxina Pl: saaxinnuwwa. n. box. seqqenna wereegga np. ??
saxxisukko vt. to repent. Morph: CAUS 1 of sellechchi mare'e np. calculation sign. [Status:
saxxukko. [Status: check meaning (HED: check meaning]
was ...)] selle'ukko vt. 1) to calculate. 2) to select.
saxxo n. regret. selulessa n. cellulose.
saxxukko vi/vt. 1) to regret. 2) to be sad. seemma n. 1) tubic with red colour on its edge.
saaxxukko vt. to injure. 2) blanket. [Status: check meaning !!]
sa'ukko vi. 1) to be quiet. 2) to be reserved. senna n. a type of tree.
saa'ukko vi/vt ?? 1) to commit adultery. 2) to ride. senbete [Status: check entry form] n. Sunday
[Status: check meaning - confused with meeting at tabot. From: Amh.
saa'llukko?] seendanaancho Pl: seendanaano. n. sb. who
sawwaa issukko vp. to deliberate. lives luxuriously.
sawwaa'isukko vt. 1) to make/let sb. think. seendancha n. luxury.
2) to remind. seendanukko vi. to live luxuriously.
sawwakko bee'ane [Status: check entry senneettano n. hair dressing.
form - sawwakkobee'i maalallato ?] np. senneetichcho n. 1) hair-dresser. 2) barber.
surprise. senneetukko vt. 1) to dress (of hair). 2) to
sawwamoohane adj. understandable. barber.
sawwissukko vt. to remind. Morph: CAUS 1 of seenkamma adj. beautiful.
sawwukko. seenkamaancho Pl: seenkamaano. n. sb. who

114 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

seenkamukko siqqo

makes oneself beautiful. siichchama n. milk cow. Morph: sgl.

seenkamukko vi. to make oneself beautiful. siichchukko vi. 1) to be wet. 2) to be moist.
Morph: REFL of seenkukko. siidakko'i bira [Status: check entry form] np.
seenkancha n. beautifying. [Status: HED had: cash.
making beautiful] Siidaama name. Sidama.
seenkaancho Pl: seenkaano. n. sb. who siidamcha n. 1) discovery. 2) present. [Status:
beautifies. check entry form and meaning! (adj?)]
seenkukko vt. to beautify. [Status: check siidamimma n / v (?). presence.
meaning (HED: make beautiful)] siidamubee'ane hosimma [Status: check
se'nno'o n. food drill. [Status: check meaning] entry form!] np (?). absence.
sentaaksa n. syntax. From: Engl. (Gr.). siidamukko vi. Morph: PASS of siidukko. 1) to
seenxe'e [Status: check spelling - was: senxe'e] be founded. [Status: check meaning
n. pocket knife. [misunderstanding - found?]] 2) to originate.
see'ola [Status: check spelling - Abraham prefers 3) to occur.
SI'OLA] n. hell. From: Amh. (Hebr.). siidisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of siidukko. 1) to
seeppaala n. speal. [Status: check meaning] show. 2) to help to see.
seer iiqukko [Status: check entry form] vp. to siidukko vt/vi. 1) to find. 2) to get, to obtain. 3) to
violate (the law). see. [Status: check meaning] 4) to be
seera n. 1) law. 2) rule. 3) culture. 4) co-op aid wealthy.
group, help organization. siifa adj. sharp.
seera fissukko vp. to rule. sifila Pl: sifilluwwa. n. best man.
seera lachchi mancho np. 1) attorney. siifisaancho n. sb. (sth.) who sharpens.
2) lawyer. siifisukko vt. to sharpen (knife). Morph: CAUS 1
seeraam fir wixxite np. proper subset. of siifukko.
seeram sibriixa np. proper fraction. sifo'i kina np. vulcanic rock.
seeraam xigo np. ordinal number. sifukko vi. to suite. [Status: check meaning]
seeramma adj. 1) forbidden. 2) restricted. siifukko vi. to be sharp.
seeraamo adj. 1) lawful. 2) disciplined. sigga n. cold.
seraata n. 1) custom. 2) tradition. From: Amh. siggaakkoohane adj. cold.
seerbee'i sibriixa np. improper fraction. siggaalla adj. cold (of food ?).
serebillema n. cerebellum. siggaalli ayya'l qooxo'o np. cold climatic
serebrama n. cerebrum. zone.
seretenna Pl: seretennuwwa. n. 1) worker. siigeeda n. type of tree. [Status: check meaning]
2) tradesman. From: Amh serat㭹nya. sigillukko vt. to mourn a dead person.
seerukko vt. 1) to regulate. 2) to forbid. 3) to sigireechcho Pl: sigire'e. n. guinea fowl.
restrict. siggisaancho Pl: siggisaano. n. refrigerator.
seet iskuweera np. set-square. siggisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of siggukko.
seeta n. sister-in-law. [Status: check meaning; 1) to cool. 2) to leave off.
Abraham says: "sorcerer"!] siggixxukko vt. 1) to cool down. 2) to shelter.
seete'aalla adj. decorative. [Status: check siggukko vi. 1) to be(come) cool. 2) to be(come)
meaning (decorated ?)] cold. 3) to be calm. 4) to be normal.
seete'ukko vt. to decorate. sijaara n. cigarette.
seexaamoosa n. nice food (after getting rid of a sik interj. interjection to drive dogs away.
tape worm). sikka Pl: sikkuwwa. n. staff.
siibbamo'o n. milk cows. sikkechcha n. supporting.
sibaaraancho Pl: sibaaraano. n. hungry sikke'ukko vt. to support.
(person). sikitammi lamga'nna np. bound morpheme.
sibaaro n / adj (?). [Status: check ps] 1) hunger. sikitammi somo'o np. bound morpheme.
2) starvation. 3) famine. sikitammi xum sagara np. 1) subordinate
sibaarukko vi. 1) to be hungry. clause. 2) dependent clause.
— adv (?). 2) quickly. sikitamukko vi. Morph: PASS of sikitukko.
sibriiq losixxuwwa np. miscellaneous 1) to be adopted. 2) to take shelter. 3) to
exercises. depend.
sibriiq mare'e np. sign of union. sikitancha n. associating.
sibriiqa adj. mixed. sikitukko vt. 1) to mingle. 2) to make dependent.
sibriiqukko vt. to mix. sikko n. 1) a stick to support. 2) dust. [Status:
sibriixa n. fraction. check meaning]
sibriixukko vi. to split up. siqqo [Status: check entry form - (cf. sikko; AT:
sica'ina [Status: check entry form] n. cow in suqqo (bad that is prob. confused with Engl.
advanced stage of pregnancy. "sick")] n. stick.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 115

si'l amala siitto'o

si'l amala [Status: check entry form] np. meaning - does it mean "tray"?]
conservative. siniqa n. type of disease. [Status: check precise
silabala n. syllable. meaning]
siilabila n. syllable. sininaa'ukko vi. 1) to leak. 2) to make to flow.
sillaaja n. leather puch. [Status: check meaning] [Status: check meaning]
si'llan ihaakkoo seera [Status: check entry sinqa n. provisions.
form] np. formula. sinqixa Pl: sinqixxuwwa. n. bamboo mat.
si'llanne [Status: check entry form (CASE)] adj. sinoodooso Pl: sinoodoossuwwa. n. Synod,
primary. Synod office. From: Engl. (Gr.).
silekkichcho n. 1) falcon. 2) hawk. sinsinne'e n. love for time being. [Status: check
3) sparrowhawk. [Status: check meaning of meaning]
sn 2f] sinxichcho n. heel.
silekkichcho [Status: check entry form - was: sinxira Pl: sinxilluwwa. n. 1) splinter. 2) sliver of
sulokkichcho] n. 1) wolf. 2) marten. wood.
3) wildcat. [Status: check sinzira n. span of hand.
meaning - falcon ??] siphiphphira n. a wooden splinter.
silliqamubee'ane [Status: check entry form] siphiphphirukko vt. to splint (wood).
adj. coarse. sir bi'aakkoohane [Status: check entry form]
silliqamukko vi. to be fine (e.g. powder). Morph: np. complicated. [Status: check lit. meaning]
PASS of silliqukko. sira adv (?). 1) early. 2) at the very beginning.
silliqqaato n. 1) sprain. 2) wrench. siira adj/n (?). 1) pregnant (of woman).
silliqo'o n. sth. finely ground. 2) pregnancy.
silliqukko vt. 1) to grind finely. 2) to sprain. 3) to sira'a n. 1) offering (to God). 2) tax.
give pain (i.e. hurt ?). 4) to sway. [Status: sira'iilla n. 1) murderer. 2) assassin.
check meaning (HED also: dance priestly; sirbamma adj. beautiful.
i.e., to swirl ??] sirbamukko vi. to make oneself beautiful.
silindera [Status: check spelling - silindeera ?] n. Morph: PASS of sirbukko ??
cylinder. sirbancha n. being beautiful. [Status: check
silindeera n. cylinder. From: Engl. meaning (HED: to be ...)]
silixxanne n. civilization. sire'e n. 1) seed. 2) genesis.
silivara n. silver. From: Engl. sire'i binnite np. seed dispersal.
silka Pl: silkuwwa. n. telephone. From: Amh. sire'ukko vi. 1) to be multiplied. [Status: check
silka dawwolukko vp. to call (on telephone). ACT / PASS] 2) to exceed. 3) to become
From: Amh. many.
sim fincimma vp. first transplanting of ensete. siriinsem [Status: check entry form - CASE] n.
sima Pl: simmuwwa. n. 1) ensete tree 1st stage. basically.
2) seedling (of ensete plant). 3) buds of the siirukko vi. 1) to be pregnant. 2) to conceive.
ensete plant. [Status: diff. to budo'o ?] siissa Pl: siissuwwa. n. bamboo tool for scraping
siimmaro'o n. a kind of cabbage. ensete, made of bamboo.
simeetire'e n. symetry. siise'e n. type of disease that wounds horse legs.
simeetire'i aksisa np. axis of symmetry. [Status: check meaning]
simeetire'i misilluwwa np. symetrical figures. sisqeela n. type of ensete.
simiminnato Pl: simiminnattuwwa. n. siso arash np. land from which one third tax has
agreement. to be paid. From: Amh.
simminto'o n. cement. siita n. type of crude drink. [Status: check for
sii'n mardardare'e [Status: check entry form] meaning]
np. cabinet. sitaachcha n. being insatiabel (of maize).
sii'n mine np. bamboo basket to store coffee [Status: check meaning]
cups. sitteqophpha n. chicken pox.
sina n. silk. Morph: singl. only. From: Arab. sitettaancho Pl: sitettaano. n. 1) noose.
-sina suff. 1) in order that. 2) so that. 2) slipknot.
siina Pl: siinnuwwa. n. cup. sititaancho n. sb. who delays.
siina dissakkam mine np. bamboo basket to sitittaato n. 1) stretching. [Status: check
store coffee cups. meaning] 2) relaxation.
sinabala n. translation. sititaa'ukko vi. 1) to stretch. 2) to relax.
sinabalukko vt. to translate. sititukko vi. 1) to be extended. 2) to be stretched.
sinnaara n. tares. [Status: check meaning] 3) to delay.
sine'e n. small cup. siitto'o vi (3s.f). to be pregnant (of woman).
sine'e disaancho Pl: sine'e disaano. np. saucer Morph: Inf siirimma / siitto'ukko. [Status:
for coffee ceremony. [Status: check check which is the Infinitive]

116 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

sitriika sotira

sitriika adj. cetric. poem)]

sixxonna n. rat. sooliixxi misila [Status: check entry form - AT:
siixo'o n. income. sooliixxil] np. solid figure. From: Engl. (1st
siixo'ol [Status: check entry form (siixo'o ?)] n. word).
cash. soommanaancho Pl: soommanaano. n. sb.
sixoota n. 1) gift. 2) present. From: Amh. who is fasting.
siixxukko [Status: check spelling / meaning] vt. soommano n. fasting. [Status: check precise
1) to find. 2) to acquire. 3) to earn. meaning]
siiviksa n. civics. From: Engl. soommanukko vi. to fast.
siyya'a n. procedure. soombe'e n. pulmonic plague (of cows). From:
siiyukko n. to cry like a child. Amh. ?
sku'er meetira [Status: check entry somo'o Pl: somo'uwwa. n. affix.
form - which measurement is common in somsoma Pl: somsommuwwa. n. canter.
Hadiyya?] np. square meter. From: Engl. soomu Variant: soommano. [Status: check ps of
soodda adj. stative. [Status: check ps (HED: n)] va - part pl] n. fasting.
soodanna n. Morph: * soodo anna ? 1) dawn. somukko vt. 1) to join. 2) to connect.
2) daybreak. sono'aam qaasho'o np. ordered pair.
soodaraaro n. time early in the morning. sono'o n. 1) order. 2) logic.
soodiyeem haydirooksaayida np. sodium so'o n. barley. Morph: singl. only.
hydro-oxide. soor buudo [Status: entry necessary ?] n. animal
soodo n. Morph: Gen: sooxxi. 1) tomorrow. with four horns.
2) morning. soor midaado np. quadrilateral.
Sooddo'o name. Sooddo'o. [Status: check ee] soranga num. fourty times, forty parts.
soodukko vi. 1) to dawn. 2) to break (of sore num. forty. From: WHS 172.
morning). [Status: check meaning! (WHS: sorgasa n. snot illness of animals. [Status: check
sodukko)] 3) to be good time. meaning !]
soofa n. a neck adornment made from wire, worn soorgud soorimidaado [Status: 2 or 3
by women whose husband has killed (an words ?] np. rhombus.
enemy). soorisa [Status: check spelling; Alemayehu
soofa'a Pl: soofa'uwwa. n. sofa. From: Engl. (VSD) had SORESA, "mat"] n. fine mat
soft n. toilet paper. From: via Amh. from Engl. (made from ensete plant).
sogamma adj. advised. sorqophpha n. a disease that infects the palatal.
sogamukko vi. to be advised. Morph: PASS of [Status: check precise meaning]
sogukko. Sooro name. sub-group of Hadiyya.
sogaancho Pl: sogaano. n. adviser. sooro 1) num. four. 2) chance. 3) lot. [Status:
sogansukko vt. to advise. Morph: CAUS 1 of check meaning of sn 2f]
saganukko. [Status: check precise meaning] sooro gassa np. type of cow disease. [Status:
sooge n. type of ensete. check meaning]
sogita'n mine [Status: check entry form] np. sorooba n. investigation.
parliament. soroobaancho Pl: soroobaano. n.
sogitano n. advice. 1) investigator. 2) searcher.
sogitano aa'oohane [Status: check entry soroobisukko vt. to survey. Morph: CAUS 1 of
form] np. client. soroobukko.
sogukko vt. 1) to advise. 2) to counsel. 3) to soroobukko vt. 1) to make the bees go away from
encourage. the honey. 2) to pay attention to sth. 3) to
sookeeta Pl: sookeettuwwa. n. electric socket. memorise. 4) to investigate. 5) to search.
From: Engl. [Status: check meaning - only from bees
sokolago n. heredity. (THS)?]
soko'o Pl: soko'uwwa. n. animal. soro'o n. small bowl made from grass (used for
soqqancha n. 1) consultation. 2) conference. kollo and to measure grains).
sooqidaam wo'o n. 1) salty water. 2) briny. soroophphi woraqata [Status: check entry
sooqido n. salt. form] np. thesis.
so'l anga num (np). one fortieth (1/40). sooroora adj. 1) unlucky. 2) unfortunate. [Status:
soo'l suume [Status: check entry form] np. check meaning]
quarter. sorukko vt. to perform in a funeral ceremony.
so'llane num. fortieth (40th). sooshaaliizima n. socialism. From: Engl.
soo'llane num. fourth (4th). sotte'e n. ??
soolleessa n. figurative speech. soote'e n. unproberly covered house.
solleessammi gixo'o np. figure-like poem. sotira n. a kind of plant that kills goats. [Status:
[Status: check meaning (HED: figure live check precise meaning]

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 117

soottukko sunkurutta

soottukko vi. 1) to think for tomorrow, to plan. meaning]

[Status: check this meaning!!!] 2) to be noisy. sulla Pl: sulluwwa. n. Morph: * suldo ? 1) clan.
[Status: check meaning!!] 2) tribe.
Sooyyaama name. Sooyyaama. [Status: check su'la n. type of bread used for brewing beer.
ee] sulcho n. genet. [Status: check meaning]
spoonja Pl: spoonjuwwa. [Status: check entry sulli daanna Pl: sulli daannuwwa. [Status:
form] n. sponge. From: Engl. check spelling] np. clan chief. [Status: check
subura n. pieces. meaning (clan ?)]
suburissukko vt. to break into small pieces. sullo Pl: sulluwwa. n. 1) ethnic group. 2) clan.
Morph: CAUS 1 of suburukko. [Status: sulso'o n. qitfu (raw). Morph: singl. only.
contracted to subussukko ?] sultuuttaancho Pl: sultuuttaano. n. sb. who is
suburukko vi. to be broken into pieces. growing emeciated. [Status: check meaning]
subussukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of suu'm mancho np. 1) close friend. 2) lover.
suburukko ?? 1) to break into pieces. 2) to [Status: check meaning ...]
crash. suu'm saayya np. the only cow given for sb.
suudo n / name (?). 1) demon of possession. suu'm sono'o np. grammar.
2) sacrificial feast of that demon of suu'm xa'mmichcha np. 1) oral question.
possession. 2) interview.
suufa n. 1) sunflower. 2) wool. suum woccukko vp. to speak a language.
suffura n. 1) backbite. 2) theft. [Status: check summa Pl: summuwwa. n. 1) name. 2) noun.
meaning] 3) accumulation. From: Amh.
suffuraancho Pl: suffuraano. n. 1) sb. who is summa bikke np. pronoun.
backbiting. 2) sb. who is gossiping. 3) thief. summa caakkisaancho np. adjective.
suffurukko vt. 1) to backbite. 2) to steal. 3) to summa fissukko vp (vt). to name. Morph:
accumulate. CAUS 1 of summa firukko.
suga n. satiety. summaqqamamukko vi. to honour each other.
sugga adj. skinny. Morph: PASS/REFL of summaqqamukko ?
suuga n. hunting. Sumaale'e name. Somalia.
suugaancho Pl: suugaano. n. 1) hunter. suumam diisukko vp (vt). 1) to astonish. 2) to
2) wanderer. [Status: check meaning (HED: interview. 3) to make silent.
wonderer)] summamma Pl: summammuwwa. n. superior
sugudeechcho adj. too big. offical.
sugukko vi. to be thankful. summamaancho Pl: summamaano. n.
suugukko vi. to hunt. candidate for rank.
sujaara Pl: sujaalluwwa. n. cigarette. summamukko vi. Morph: PASS of summukko.
sujaara agoohane np. smoker. 1) to be appointed. 2) to become famous.
sujaara xanqisaancho np. cigarette lighter. summaancho Pl: summaano. n. sb. who is
sukkaar dinnichcho np. sweet potato. appointed to promote.
sukkaara n. sugar. suu'mmane [Status: check entry form - suuma?]
sukkumukko vt. to pound. n. oral.
sukkunukko [Status: check suumbaca Pl: suumbaccuwwa. [Status: 1 or 2
spelling - underlined by AT] vt. to weed. words ?] n. mother tongue.
sukureesa n. sucrase. suumbacukko vi. to start to speak.
sukuroosa n. sucrose. [Status: check meaning] suume Pl: suummuwwa. n. 1) mouth. 2) lips.
suqqa n. 1) butress. 2) arm. [Status: check 2) language.
meaning] suume uwwukko vp. to curse.
suuqa Pl: suuqquwwa. n. shop. From: Amh. summiqaxanne [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] adv.
suqadiyya adj. 1) thin. 2) slender. 3) tenuous. immediately.
4) weak. summisukko vt. to name. Morph: CAUS 1 of
suqqo'aamo adj. sick of pneumonia. [Status: summukko.
check meaning] sumlanda Pl: sunlanduwwa. n. adhort. [Status:
suqqo'o n. 1) tuberculosis. 2) coughing. [Status: check meaning] 2) cloak. [Status: check
check meaning; Abraham doesn't know this] meaning]
3) tubic (tunic ?) weaved by weaver as sumudukko vi. 1) to give a prize to sb. 2) to give
blanket. 4) thread. a present to sb.
suqqukko vt. 1) to spin. 2) to loosen sth. by summukko vt. 1) to promote. 2) to give rank.
beating (e.g. cotton). sumune'e n. 25 cent (coin).
suquxa n. decoration. suncho Pl: sunchuwwa. n. leather string.
suquxukko vt. 1) to arrange in rows. 2) to sunkurutta Pl: sunkuruttuwwa. [Status: check
arrange in order. [Status: check precise entry form - shunkurutta?] n. onion.

118 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

suunqukko shalagukko

suunqukko vt. to kiss. suusa Pl: suussuwwa. n. 1) cloth. 2) old garment.

sunqura Pl: sunqulluwwa. n. little house. 3) rag.
suphe dara np. early morning. sussuugukko vt. to search for.
suura n. a type of grass. susuqukko vi. to fall down.
surata n. snuff. susumukko vi. to knock oneself (on sth.).
sure'e Pl: sure'uwwa. n. 1) modern pants. susunsukko vt. to bump sb. Morph: CAUS 1 of
2) modern trousers. susumukko.
surguca n. 1) exhaustion. 2) fatigue. suttalla n. red maize.
3) feebleness. suttaa'ukko vt. to plant.
surgucukko vi. 1) to be weak. 2) to be failing. sute'e adj. 1) ill. 2) sick.
3) to concern oneself with. [Status: check sutte'ukko vt. to put feathers into the hair.
meaning] suuto n. 1) loin. 2) lower part of the spine.
Surixxi cebba name. Rift Valley. suto'o n. epithet.
surquna n. 1) lawsuit. 2) litigation. suuxaancho Pl: suuxaano. n. 1) sb. who is
3) controversy. wealing. 2) sb. who is weak.
surqunaancho Pl: surqunaano. n. 1) litigant. suuxe adj. bitter. [Status: check meaning;
2) campaigner. [Status: check meaning] Abraham cannot confirm this one]
suro Pl: sulluwwa. n. 1) navel. 2) middle. suuxiinchaamo adj. with tapeworm (of a
surugucukko vt. to exhaust. person).
surukko vt. to pass through. suuxiincho n. tapeworm.
suurukko vi. 1) to become strong. 2) to become suuxo n. bitter leaves. [Status: check
useful. meaning - adj (cf. suuxe - bitter)?]
suruulla adj. 1) secret. 2) insidious. suxxubulla n. ??
suruullaancho Pl: suruullaano. n. 1) schemer. suxxukko vt / vi (??). 1) to save. 2) to keep aside.
2) sycophant. 3) to become ill.
suruullukko vi. 1) to creep. 2) to slip through.
suus xulbe'e np. a ball made of cloth.

Sh - sh
sha'a n. 1) ?? [Status: check meaning - FLRC: shafukko vi. 1) to be rough (of lake). 2) to be
light] 2) reproductive organ (male & female). turbulent (of air). 3) to be upset (of stomach).
shabbadiina n. ?? shaafukko vi. to become fertile.
shabba'llukko vi. to become confused. Morph: shaagga Pl: shaagguwwa. n. unclear voice.
MED of shabbaramukko. [Status: check shaaggukko vi. to speak with unclear voice.
meaning] shahida Pl: shahidduwwa. n. sexual organ
shabara n. 1) rash (of milk). 2) cream (formed on (male or female).
milk). sha'issukko vt. to light sth.
shabbaramukko vi. to be rebellious. Shakka name. Shakka. [Status: check ee]
shabbarissukko vt. to stir up sb. Morph: CAUS shakakukko vi. 1) to walk too slowly. 2) to
I of shabbarukko. delay.
shabarukko vi. 1) to leaven. 2) to pickle. 3) to shakka'lla adj. foolish.
coagulate (milk). shaqax suuqa [Status: check entry form] np.
shabbassiisukko vt. to stir up sb. Morph: groceries. From: Amh.
CAUS 2 of shabbarukko. shaqe'e adj. long (of horn of oxen).
shabula n. 1) wild oat. 2) newly flowering grain. shaqqukko vt. Morph: ??? of shukko ?? 1) to
shachche'e n. maize which reaches maturity for kill. 2) to murder. 3) to abuse. 4) to injure.
the first time. [Status: check [Status: check meaning]
meaning - reaches maturity only once ...] shaaqukko vt. 1) to admonish. 2) to scold. 3) to
shaafa n. 1) delta. 2) decayed. [Status: check rebuke. 4) to reprimand.
meanings] 3) grass. sha'l gixo'o np. chant poem.
shaffadukko v. ?? Shaala name. Lake Shala.
shaaffatukko vi. to be outraged. From: Amh. shalaga adj. not serious.
shafaxa n. rubber. shallago'i hayyo'o np. mathematician.
shafe'e Pl: shafe'uwwa. n. 1) ring to support the shallago'i sagara np. mathematical term.
(coffee) pot. 2) ring around the ensete shallago'i yanna np. mathematical statement.
fermentation pit. shalagooma n. being not serious.
shafino'o n. upper part of ensete. shallago'o n. mathematics.
shafshafaa'ukko vt. to shake. shalagukko vi. 1) to be not serious. 2) to be silly.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 119

shallagukko shawrada

shallagukko vi. to calculate. Shaphpha name. Shaphpha. [Status: check ee]

Shalaqo'o name. Shalaqo'o. shaphshaphukko vt. to shake.
shalaqo'o n. food made from pea powder. shaara n. Morph: singl. only. 1) dirty water.
shalalukko vi. to walk slowly. 2) water with residues. [Status: check
shallamukko vt. to reward. Morph: meaning]
PASS/REFL of shallukko ? shara'a Pl: shara'uwwa. n. sack.
shalo'o Pl: shalo'uwwa. n. thread (esp. weaving). sharada [Status: corresponding
shallukko vt. 1) to touch smoothly. 2) to beseech. verb - sharimma ?] n. 1) sharing. [Status:
3) to entreat. 4) to implore. [Status: check check meaning - Abraham says: "stage"]
meaning of sn 2-4] 2) quotient.
sham gasso np. declined. sharakaa'ukko vt. 1) to cut loose. 2) to clip.
shama 1) adj. spoiled. [Status: check ps] 3) to amputate. 4) to slice.
2) rotten. 3) musty. 4) fertile. 5) declined. 6) sharalle'e adj. ??
— n. decay. [Status: check entry and shararaa'ukko vt. 1) to whip. 2) to lash.
meaning - was: shamoo - And what's the shararoo luwwa [Status: entry necessary ?] np.
corresponding VERB ??] material that flows smoothly.
shama itaano [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] np. shararukko vi. to flow smoothly.
saprophyts. shararyoo luchcho np. ??
sha'mma'a n. 1) soak. 2) rot. 3) spoil. [Status: sharganukko vt. 1) to remove (esp. weeds). 2) to
check meaning] clear (esp. weeds).
shaama⦡ Pl: shaama'uwwa. n. candle. From: sharimma n / inf (?). teasing song.
Amh. sharkayukko vi. 1) to go away. 2) to depart. 3) to
shambalala adj / n (?). 1) abundance. leave.
2) quantity. 3) totality. [Status: check sharo n. boast(ing).
meaning] 4) more than sufficient. sharoommo n. game of insults. [Status: check ps
sha'mmeessa [Status: check spelling - was: / entry form - was sharommo]
sha'meessa] n. Morph: singl. only. 1) sour sharukko vi/vt. 1) to boast. 2) to threaten. 3) to
butter. 2) sourness. chant.
sha'mmeessukko [Status: check spelling - was: shaarukko vi. 1) to be dirty (of water). 2) to
sha'meessukko] vi. 1) to keep (butter) for a sedimented (of water). 3) to chase.
long time. 2) to be sour (in taste). shaarukko vt. 1) to remove sb. from office. 2) to
shaa'mmeeta n. type of drink (prepared with relieve sb. of his duties. From: Amh. [Status:
barley). check meaning - comp. to other entry
shamiiza Pl: shamiizzuwwa. n. shirt. From: Frz. shaarukko]
"chemise". shaash n. scarf.
shaamo n. 1) lot. 2) luck. 3) fatality (of money). shasha n. type of grass. [Status: check meaning]
[Status: check meaning] shaashsha n. 1) gauze. 2) muslin. 3) kerchief
shamu quunqa np. rotted eggs. (worn on the head).
shamukko vi. Morph: verbal. of shama. 1) to rot. shashshara n. 1) sand. 2) gravel.
2) to decay. 3) to be spoiled. 4) to be fertile Shaashshiga Variant: Shaashshige. n. 1) Apr 9
(of soil). 5) to decline. - May 8. 2) Easter. [Status: check meaning]
shaa'mmukko vi. 1) to have chances. [Status: Shaashoogo name. sub-group of Hadiyya.
check meaning (HED: be chanceful)] 2) to shatadanna n. type of ensete.
turn out well. shataatanna Pl: shataatannuwwa. n. type of
shanna n. killing. container made from soil.
shaana n. cabbage. Morph: singl. only. shatte'e [Status: check spelling - EGH: shaxe] n.
shanbalalukko vi. 1) to be more than a kind of ensete.
sufficient. 2) to be superfluous. shaate'e Pl: shaate'uwwa. n. 1) big clay dish.
shaanqillichcho Pl: shaanqilla. n. negro. 2) container (esp. pot).
shaano'i shengee'lla [Status: check entry shattuura [Status: check spelling - was:
form - 2nd word underlined by AT] np. green shattura] adj. with straight horn (of animal).
algae. shaxe [Status: check spelling - shatte'e ??] n. type
shaano'i uulla [Status: check entry form] np. of ensete.
meadow. Shawwa name. Addis Ababa.
shaano'o adj. 1) green. 2) brown. shawwa adj. slender.
shaanxa fooqukko vp. to hold open. shawara n. type of ensete.
shaanxa'a Pl: shaanxa'uwwa. n. suitcase. shawra [Status: check spelling - EGH shaura] n.
Shapa name. Shapa. type of ensete.
shapha Pl: shaphphuwwa. n. 1) wedge. shawrada [Status: check spelling / entry - EGH:
2) marshy area (impassable). shaurada] n. type of ensete.

120 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

shaaye shiiliisaancho

shaaye Variant: shaahe. [Status: check va] n. Sheexaancho n. devil.

tea. Morph: singl. only. From: Amh. Sheexaano [Status: check entry form - pl ?] n.
shaayoo luchcho np. cataract. an evil river demon. [Status: check meaning
shebeleela adj. tiny. (Satan ?) - EGH devil]
sheefanukko [Status: check entry - AT: shibbira n. 1) tumult. 2) revolt. [Status: check
shaffanukko] vt. to cover. meaning,]
sheefe'e Pl: sheefe'uwwa. n. 1) race. 2) root. shibo'o n. wire. From: Amh.
sheeffukko vi. 1) to get angry. 2) to be indignant. shibte n. ??
shekeleela adj. 1) lean. 2) skinny. shibukko vt. to delay.
shekellukko vi. to be thin. shichchibinnaa'ukko [Status: 1 or 2 words ?]
shekkeere'e n. Morph: singl. only. 1) malaria. vt. 1) to finish. 2) to kill one by one. 3) to
2) yellow fever. exhaust. [Status: check meaning]
sheeqqara adj / n. fulfilled. [Status: check shifa n. 1) shrub. 2) churn. 3) cream. [Status: check
meaning / ps] meaning] 4) woods. 5) forest.
sheeqqarukko vt. 1) to organize. 2) to structure. shifita n. 1) measles. 2) chicken-pox.
shela Pl: shelluwwa. [Status: check shifta Pl: shiftuwwa. n. robber. From: Amh.
spelling - was: sheela] n. shell. From: Engl. shifukko vt. 1) to shrub. 2) to churn. 3) to skim
sheelatisukko vt. to make sb. to take off. sth.
Morph: CAUS 1 of sheelatukko. shigidamukko vi. to be in contact. Morph:
sheelato n. 1) thief. 2) swindler. 3) cheater. PASS of shigidukko.
sheelatukko vt. to take off (esp. one's clothes). shigidukko vt. to rub.
sheelaxxukko vi. 1) to escape. 2) to break out. shigig yukko vp (vt). 1) to dislike. 2) to hate.
3) to slip from the hand. shigigaa'oolla [Status: check spelling] adj.
sheleke'e Variant: sherekke; sherekka. [Status: boring.
check entry form - HED shereqa] n. type of shigiggaato n. 1) hatred. 2) disliking.
ensete. shigigaa'ukko vi/vt. 1) to be rough. 2) to
shelilat n. songs praising a person. disgust. 3) to disturb.
sheello Pl: sheelluwwa. n. penis. shigigukko vi. 1) to dislike. 2) to be boring.
shee'lukko [Status: check [Status: check meaning !]
spelling - shee'llukko ?] vt. 1) to deliver. 2) to shigguxa n. 1) gun. 2) pistol.
hand over. [Status: check meaning] shiiha 1) adj. lame. 2) paralysed. 3)
sheemmanekkichcho Pl: sheemmaane'e. — n. cripple.
[Status: check entry form - THS: shiihisukko vt. to make sb. lame. Morph: CAUS
shammaanekichcho] n. weaver. From: Amh. 1 of shiihukko.
sheemmaata n. Morph: pl. 1) weavers. shiihooma n. paralysis.
2) association. shiihukko Variant: siihukko. [Status: check va
sheemmaatichcho n. member of an (HCD)] vi. 1) to be/become paralysed. 2) to
association. be lame.
sheemmaatukko vt (?). to weave. shikka n. 1) snare. 2) trap. 3) stick. 4) staff.
sheme'e n. miniature. 5) grass for basketwork.
shene'e n. 1) appetite. 2) feeling. shikke'ukko vi. to lean (on sth.).
shene'ukko vt. 1) to abhor. 2) to refuse. shikkiikkukko vi. 1) to walk clumsily. 2) to be
shenka adj. weak. dragged.
shenqeella n. algae. shikshikaato n. friction.
shereqa n. a kind of ensete. shikshikukko vi. to be in friction.
sheerimaamo adj. 1) having a tail. 2) fast. shikkukko vi. 1) to be angry. 2) to cry.
3) promiscuous (person). 4) prostitute. shiqa adv. near.
sheerimo n. 1) tail (esp. of sheep). 2) penis. shiqa'issukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
From: Kambaata. shiiqaa'ukko. 1) to bring into line. 2) to
sheeshaabbisukko [Status: check raise.
spelling - was: sheeshaabisukko] vt. to make shiqaa'ukko vi. 1) to get close. 2) to approach.
sb. haber. Morph: CAUS 1 of shiqqeen giphixxi mare'e np. semicolon.
sheeshaabbukko. [Status: check meaning] shiqqeena adj. senior.
sheeshaabbukko [Status: check spelling - was: shiqukko vt/vi. 1) to upgrade. 2) to move away.
sheeshaabukko] vi (??). to haber. [Status: 3) to go past sth. 4) to step aside.
check meaning - GG Kurzwarengesch㥴 ...] shiila 1) n. solution. 2)
shesho n. cat's tail (plant). — adj. lean, skinny. [Status: check
shetta adj. weak. meaning !]
sheetatimma n / v (?). disarmament. shilinka Pl: shilinkuwwa. n. 50 cent (coin).
shettukko vi. 1) to be weak. 2) to be powerless. shiiliisaancho Pl: shiiliisaano. n. solvent.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 121

shillo shokkukko

shillo n. part of body. [Status: check meaning] shiro n. part of flesh. [Status: check meaning]
shiilukko vi. to dissolve. shirshirukko vt. to hike.
shimagliyes [Status: check entry form & shirxapho n. fibrous root. [Status: check
spelling] n. elders. From: Amh. meaning (comma missing?)]
shimbura n. chick-peas. shiisha adj. sour.
shiimo ihukko vp. to exterminate. shiishaalla adj. sour.
shiimo'o n. 1) boiled beans. 2) boiled peas. shishira n. 1) leprosy. 2) water squeezed out
3) boiled chick peas. [Status: check meaning from insaara. [Status: check meaning]
(things can be grouped together ...)] shishiraancho Pl: shishiraano. n. leper.
4) cooked wheat [or other grain]. shishirukko vi. to be a leper.
shimshimmaato n. culture dance. shisho'o n. a type of dock-weed. [Status: check
shimshimmukko vi. to dance. meaning ! (mill. ferruginea seems to be
shi'nna n. 1) carrion. 2) carcass. bilewuhaqa (Amh. brora or birbira)]
shiina [Status: check entry form - was: shiininne] shiisho'o n. 1) discontent. 2) resentment.
n. side. [Status: check meaning - was: 3) displeasure.
throughside, dont be happen] shiishukko vi. 1) to be(come) sour. [Status:
shiinnaatamcha n. reconciliation. check meaning (to be sour in taste ?)] 2) to
shiinnatamoohane adj. suitable. dissatisfy.
shiinnaatamukko vi. Morph: PASS/MED of shitto'o n. 1) perfume. 2) odour.
shiinnaatukko. 1) to agree. 2) to reconcile. shiyukko n. to limp.
shiinnaatanse n. matching. sho'a adj. loose.
shiinnaatimma hoogukko vp. to protest. sho'aalla adj. loose.
shiinnaato n. reconciliation. shobamma adj. sharp.
shiinnaatoohane adj. appropriate. shobaancho n. 1) sharpener. 2) sb. who sharpens.
shiinnaatukko [Status: check 3) carpenter.
spelling - SHINATIMMA ? (Abraham at shobisukko vt. to make sb. sharpen. Morph:
other occasion)] vi. 1) to match. 2) to agree. CAUS 1 of shobukko. [Status: check
shiincaara Pl: shiincaalluwwa. n. 1) arrow. meaning (to sharpen?)]
2) splinter. shobukko vt. 1) to sharpen (wood, stake). 2) to
shiine Pl: shiinnuwwa. n. 1) cheek. 2) edge. peel a tree. 3) to process wood.
3) corner. 4) vicinity. 5) neighbourhood. shoobbukko vt. 1) to coax. 2) to entreat.
[Status: check meaning of sn 4f (WHS: [Status: check meaning]
shine'e)] shocha'a [Status: check entry - was: shoca,
shine'aga adj. disgusting. "weak" (Alemayehu, Prov)] n. food taken to
shine'ukko vt. to find sth./sb. disgusting. funeral house.
shiingechcha n. touching (with one's back). shoodira Pl: shoodilluwwa. n. stick with pointed
shiinge'ukko vt. to touch with one's back. metal end.
shiingo'i ogora np. tangent line. shoga n. 1) branch. 2) fringe. 3) tassel. 4) broom
shiingo'o n. touching (with one's back). made from millet.
shiinja n. direction. shoohane adj. murderer.
shinkifa n / adj ? foreskin. shooho'o Pl: shooho'uwwa. n. 1) floor.
shiinqa n. tuberculosis. 2) threshing floor.
shiinsha n. 1) charcoal. 2) soot. 3) coal. sho'isukko vt. to loosen. Morph: CAUS 1 of
4) roasted grain flour (going to be mixed with sho'ukko.
water and butter). From: Amh ?? [Status: sho'ixxa adj. 1) slacken. 2) soft.
check meaning] shokka n / adj (?). [Status: check ps] 1) burning.
shiinshaancho Pl: shiinshaano. n. 1) cleaning 2) strong (thing ?). [Status: check meaning
(person). 2) cleaning (material). 3) duster. (HED fast strong)]
shiinsho'ukko vt. to turn to charcoal. shooka n. fallow land.
shiinshukko vt. 1) to clean. 2) to brush. 3) to shokkiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
sweep. 4) to wipe. 5) to cancel. [Status: check shookkukko. 1) to burn. 2) to burn the mouth
meaning] (food).
shi'nnukko vi. 1) to smell (of meat, butter). 2) to shokookisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
become wealthy. shokookukko. 1) to shear. 2) to cut the
shipte n ? ?? bottom.
shir nigga np. branched root. shokole'e n. foreskin.
shira adj. many. [Status: check meaning] shokota n. forskin (for temporary in rainy time).
shiraffire Variant: shirafara. n. type of ensete. [Status: check meaning !!]
shirga'a n. object. shokukko vt. to wind sth.
shirgifa Pl: shirgiffuwwa. n. coarse. shokkukko 1) vt. to burn. 2)

122 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

shola shu'm mine

— vi. to be irritated. 3) to be angry. 3) stripping of.

shola 1) adj. squinting. [Status: check meaning] shoshshoodukko vi. to hurry.
2) shoshshogukko vt. 1) to grind. 2) to remove
— n. forest. [Status: check meaning] peel.
sholaate n. squinting. shoote'e Pl: shoote'uwwa. n. cultural pot for
sholle'aalla adj. 1) easy. 2) light (of weight). urine.
3) with little dignity. 4) simple. shooto'aamo adj. 1) basic. 2) fundamental.
sholle'aalla karva np. simple path. shooto'amukko vi. to be based on. Morph:
sholle'aalli ifiisammi (xufammi) np. PASS f shooto'ukko?
simple closed path. shooto'i haxara np. basic mark.
shollechcha n. 1) lack of honour. 2) lack of shooto'o Pl: shooto'uwwa. n. 1) base.
dignity. [Status: check meaning] 2) foundation.
shole'ukko vi. to squint. shooto'ukko vt. to make the basement.
sholle'ukko vi. 1) to be easy. 2) to be light. 3) to shoottukko vi. to get up quickly.
be degraded. 4) to be solved. [Status: check sho'ukko vi. 1) to be loose. 2) to be unstressed.
meaning] shuba n. summit/peak/top of centre pole of house.
sholliisukko Variant: sholleesukko. [Status: shuca adj. hair-like.
check va (WHS)] vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of shucukko vi. to become like hair. [Status: check
sholle'ukko. 1) to make light. 2) to simplify. meaning]
3) to solve. 4) to relieve. [Status: check shudaqqa Pl: shudaqquwwa. n. 1) comb.
meaning] 2) hairpin.
sholliishsha Pl: sholliishshuwwa. n. solution. shudaama Variant: shudaamo. n. top/outer part
Morph: * shollisukko ? / * Engl. of a cultural house's pole.
sholliishshi wixxite np. solution set. shufa n. cinnamon.
shololooq uulichcha np. 1) stant. 2) lateral shufaamo n. cereal.
height. shufur quuxo [Status: check entry form] np.
shololooqa adj. 1) inclined. 2) diagonal. under no circumstances.
3) oblique. shufura n. 1) dirt, waste. 2) kindling.
shololooqooma adj. being oblique. 3) firewood. 4) cells. From: Amh. [Status:
shololooqukko vi. 1) to be inclined. 2) to be check meaning - bacteria? parasites? or even
oblique. others?]
shooma n. hunger. Morph: singl. only. shufuraancho Pl: shufuraano. n. 1) sick
shooma qaxxukko vp. to eat a snack. person. 2) useless person.
shoommanna n. irrigation canal. shufurukko vi. 1) to be sick. 2) to be useless.
shomba n. pubic hair. Morph: singl. only. shugguxa n. pistle.
shomboqo'o [Status: check entry: shukka'a Pl: shukka'uwwa. n. fork.
WHS - shomboko, EPN - shombaqo] n. shukko vt. Morph: 2.s shititto. 1) to kill. 2) to
Morph: singl. only. 1) giant reed. 2) type of slay. 3) to murder.
bamboo. [Status: check meaning] shuku'lla n. hoof.
shoomoora Pl: shoomoolluwwa. n. 1) snack. shukkurukko vi. 1) to cajole a ball. 2) to delay.
2) quick meal. shuuqa adj. 1) thin. 2) emeciated. [Status: check
shoomukko vi. to become hungry. meaning]
Shone name. Shone. shuqoota n. 1) fenugreek (plant). [Status: check
shonkoora Pl: shonkoolluwwa. n. sugar cane. entry form - was: shiqota] 2) a kind of spice.
shonqobaato n. 1) leaving. 2) departing. shuqu'n qaraare np. weed killer.
3) going. shuquna n. weeds.
Shonqolla name. Shonkola. shuqunaancho n. sb. who weeds.
sho'oo adj. unstressed. shuqunukko vt. 1) to weed. 2) to correct.
shoppa Pl: shoppuwwa. n. armpit. shuqunnukko vi. 1) to be envious. 2) to be
shopite n. 1) elevation. 2) height. 3) hill. jealous. [Status: check meanings]
shopoohane adj. sweet. shulla adj. slow.
shopukko vi. to be sweet. shullita n. way through.
shophe'e Pl: shophe'uwwa. n. swamp. shullucaa'ukko vt. 1) to drive out. 2) to
shophukko vi/vt (?). to climb. divorce. 3) to disjoin. 4) to desert. [Status:
shora Pl: sholluwwa. n. penis (of young men). check meanings]
shorbo'o n. soup. shullucukko vi. to be driven out.
shoro'ixxa n. 1) remembering. 2) recalling. shulluudo n. 1) thigh. 2) lap.
3) being aware. shulluk sagachcho np. fricative.
shoro'ixxukko vi. to tremble with fear. shu'm afo'o np. 1) urethra. 2) out of goal.
shoroora n. 1) skimming off. 2) shedding. shu'm mine np. toilet house.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 123

shu'm tefo takite

shu'm tefo np. anus. compound.

shuma n. urine. shurite n. 1) slide. 2) skide.
shuuma n. arm. shuro n. 1) eyebrow. 2) eyelash. [Status: check
shumagichcho Pl: shumage. n. 1) rabbit. meaning]
2) hare. shuuro n. 1) shouting. [Status: check meaning]
shu'mmaata n. time out. 2) loudness.
shumbura n. chick-pea. shuurola Pl: shuurolluwwa. n. chick.
shume'ukko vi. to urinate. shuro'o Pl: shuro'uwwa. n. pea. From: Amh ?
shumiica n. gonorrhea. shurubba n. hair style.
shumo'o Pl: shumo'uwwa. [Status: check shurubba dadukko vp (vi). to plait hair.
spelling - underlined by AT] n. 1) offspring. shurucaa'ukko vt. 1) to divorce. 2) to desert.
2) lineage. 3) generation. 3) to leave. [Status: check meaning]
shumura n. showing respect for idoota cow. shurukko vi. 1) to slide. 2) to glide. 3) to slip.
shuunfa n. 1) garden cress. [Status: entry was shuurukko vi. 1) to shout. 2) to scream.
orig. - shunfi] 2) type of medicinal plant. shurukukko vi. 1) to escape. 2) to break out.
[Status: check meaning] 3) to slip from the hand. [Status: check
shunkeqichcho n. hornbill (bird). meanings]
shunkurukko vi. 1) to limp. 2) to be lame. shuusiisukko vi. to crack (of whip).
shunkurutta Variant: shinkurutta. [Status: shuusha n. 1) appetite. 2) sense.
check va (HCD)] n. onion. shuushjora n. Morph: * .... jora ? 1) despise.
shura n. 1) eyelid. 2) eyelash. [Status: check 2) loathe. 3) abhor.
precise meaning (which one ?)] shuusho'o n. suppurate. [Status: check meaning
shuura Pl: shuulluwwa. n. scream. (HED: suppvrato)]
shuraaba [Status: check entry - Marqos: shuxxukko vt. 1) to put in. 2) to stick in. [Status:
shuraabo] n. 1) sweater. 2) mantle, coat. check meaning]
[Status: check meaning - Abraham doesn't shuya adv. just.
know this one!] shuuyya Pl: shuuyyuwwa. n. wooden post.
shuraaba baxukko vp. to knit. shuuyyisukko vt. 1) to finish. 2) to terminate.
shurayyeencho Pl: shurayyeeno. n. slide. 3) to end.
[Status: check meaning] shuuyyukko vi. 1) to become non-fiberous after
shure'e n. slide. cutting (esp. of ensete). 2) to disappear.
shuure'e Pl: shuure'uwwa. n. entrance door of a

T - t
ta det. this (fem.ACC). avaricious.
taa pron. YOU, fem (VOC). taftafukko [Status: check spelling - was:
tabaabbarimma n / v (?). cooperation. From: tafitafukko] vi. to be avaricious. [Status:
Amh. check meaning]
tabaabbarukko vi. to cooperate. From: Amh. tafukko vt. 1) to touch (slightly). 2) to give sb. a
taabo n. few days. tap.
taceequkko vt. to disappoint. Taahisaasa Variant: Xisaasa. name. Dec 10 -
tachammaa'ukko vt. 1) to hit. 2) to beat. Jan 8. From: Amh.
tacharammaa'ukko vt. to hit suddenly. takaa'ukko [Status: check spelling !] vt. 1) to
tachekaasukko vt. 1) to hold sth. against sb. drop. 2) to discard. 3) to add a little. [Status:
2) to hold a grudge against sb. 3) to not check meaning and relationship with
forget. takkaa'ukko]
taachcho'o n. hand span. takkaa'ukko vt. 1) to drop. 2) to add a little.
tachchukko vi. to comment. 3) to leave. 4) to die. 5) to throw away.
tadukko vt. to repair. [Status: check meaning; [Status: check meaning]
script: Tadesse - * repair; Abraham cannot taakke'aancho Pl: taakke'aano. n. traveller.
confirm this meaning] taakkechcha n. walking.
tafaafuraancho n. lisper. taakke'ukko vi. 1) to walk. 2) to journey. 3) to
tafaafurukko vi. 1) to stutter. 2) to lisp. move. 3) to die.
tafaana n. ?? taakkiisaancho Pl: taakkiisaano. n. sb. who
tafotafaato n. having a narrow escape. [Status: makes sb./sth. walk.
check meaning] taakkissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
taftafaancho Pl: taftafaano. [Status: check taakke'ukko. 1) to let sb. go. 2) to move sth.
spelling - was: tafitafaancho] n. sb. who is takite n. 1) drip. 2) drop.

124 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

takixxi sono'o tefi

takixxi sono'o np. punctuation. adv. 1) if. 2) if only. [Status: check meaning]
taklil n. wedding in Orthodox church. From: taa'nnichcho adj. very little.
Amh. taanjeenta Pl: taanjeentuwwa. [Status: check
taakko n. 1) walk. 2) journey. spelling - was: taanjenta] n. tangent. From:
tako'i koordineettuwwa np. coordinates of a Engl. (Lat.).
point. tanko'o n. 1) violence. 2) disturbance.
tako'o n. 1) dot. 2) point. taaphana adj. comfortable.
taakko'o n. span of hand. taaphansukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
takkosukko vt. to shoot a gun. taaphanukko. 1) to make suitable. 2) to set
taakse'e Pl: taakse'uwwa. n. taxi. From: Engl. in order.
taktaka n. drop. taaphanukko vi. 1) to be suitable. 2) to be
taktakaachcha n. dripping. comfortable. 3) it is possible that.
taktakaaxxi mare'e np. dot. taara n. amulet.
taktakaa'ukko vt. to drop continuously. taare'aalla adj. 1) fast. 2) quick.
taktakukko vt. to drop continuously. [Status: tarechcha n. passing from one to another
check meaning and difference with (disease). [Status: check
taktakaa'ukko !] meaning - infecting ?]
takukko [Status: check spelling (HED: taarechcha n. hitting the target.
takkukko)] vi. 1) to drip. 2) to drop. [Status: taare'ukko vi. 1) to be fast. 2) to be quick. 3) to
check meaning (only n enlisted)] be aimed at. [Status: check ACT / PASS &
taqaawwomukko vt. 1) to contradict. 2) to meaning (HED additionally: got target)]
refuse. From: Amh. tarja§ooma n. night-blindness.
taqeebalukko vt. to admire. tarja'ukko vi. to be blind.
taqibaabba'imma n / v (?). cooperation. tartaraa'ukko vi. 1) to stagge. 2) to reel.
taqibaabba'ukko vi. to cooperate. [Status: check meanings]
taqoxaaxxarukko vt. to regulate. tartarukko vi. 1) to stagger. 2) to stumble.
talalukko vi. 1) to become clean. 2) to become tarxa adj. unaware.
clear. tarxukko vi. to be unaware.
talba n. flax. tarumoro'ane [Status: check spelling - EGH
talfa Pl: talfuwwa. n. 1) metall piece. 2) exchange tarumoroane] n. chisel.
value. Tasaasa n. Dec 10 - Jan 8.
talila Pl: talilluwwa. n. ceremony after giving tasbada n. hope.
birth of cow. tasbada yukko vp (vi). to hope.
taliila adj. foolish. tasfo'o n. alms.
taliilukko vi. to be foolish. tashaa'oohane adj. cosy.
taama'a [Status: check entry form] adj. tame. tashaa'ukko vt (vi?). 1) to charm. 2) to amuse.
taamachcha n. adaption. 3) to attract. 4) to please. 5) to be glad.
tamache'e Variant: tabachcha. Pl: [Status: check meaning (sn 4f)]
tamache'uwwa. [Status: check va (EGH)] n. tashissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of tashukko.
knife (with wooden handle). 1) to please. 2) to make sb. happy.
tamaarukko vt. to learn. From: Amh. tashite n. pleasure. [Status: check meaning
tamaassukko vt. to teach. From: Amh. (HED: be pleasant)]
taama'ukko vi. 1) to accustom. 2) to adapt. tashokkichcho n. scorpion.
tambaa'a n. tobacco. tashukko vi. to be pleased.
tambakasa n. commotion. tat pron. that (fem.ACC).
tambaaxuuxukko vi. to curse. Morph: * tataba n. 1) shelter. 2) cover.
tamba'i xuuxukko. tawukko [Status: check entry form (WHS: tau-)]
tameena n. wish. vi. to be able.
tameenukko vt. to wish. taayaaliina n. ptyalin.
tamo'i mu'uta np. teaching aids. taayiroksiina n. thyroxin.
tamo'o n. 1) wish. 2) support. taayirooyida n. thyroid.
tamukko vt. 1) to support. 2) to help. taaypa n. typewriter. From: Engl.
ta'mmukko vt. to assist. [Status: check meaning; tazkar n. commemorative ceremony. From:
Abraham cannot confirm this one] Amh. [Status: check precise meaning]
tamuna n. 1) coin. 2) Cent. -te suff. FEMININE.
-ta'n suff. if. -tte suff. COPULA.
taa'nna adv. 1) little. 2) few. te ... te conj (?). either ... or.
tanneense [Status: check spelling] pron (Gen). teeda'a n. 1) disgrace. 2) dishonor. 3) humiliation.
from this one. tefedukko vi. to collaborate.
tani Variant: ta'ni. [Status: check spelling / va] tefi n. type of tree.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 125

tefo tirukko

tefo n. 1) hip(s). 2) buttocks. 3) anus. timtimaa'ukko vi. 1) to stagger. 2) to reel. 3) to

tehukko vt. 1) to get engaged. 2) to trust. look everywhere.
te'im part. or. timtimukko vi. 1) to tremble. 2) to lose balance.
tekkeetta Pl: tekkeettuwwa. n. ticket. From: 3) to stager.
Engl. tinkiraayya n. malice.
teeknolooje'e n. technology. tinkiraayyamma adj. twisted.
telefoona Pl: telefoonnuwwa. n. telephone. tinkiraayyamukko vi. to be entangled. Morph:
From: Engl. PASS of tinkiraayyukko.
telegraama Pl: telegraammuwwa. n. telegram. tinkiraayyaancho Pl: tinkiraayyaano. n.
From: cf. Ital. ? 1) twister. 2) malicious (person).
teleskoopa Pl: teleskooppuwwa. n. telescope. tinkiraayyukko vt. 1) to entangle. 2) to twist.
televiizhina Pl: televiizhinnuwwa. [Status: tiir jora np. a poor thought.
check entry form - BV: televejiina] n. tiraafiika n. traffic.
television. From: via Amh. tiraafiiqqi caakka [Status: check entry form]
teloofeeza n. telophase. np. traffic light.
tembela Pl: tembelluwwa. n. stamp. From: tirafiqqi mare'e [Status: check entry form] np.
Amh. traffic sign.
tembira Pl: tembilluwwa. [Status: check tiraafiiqqi sha'a [Status: check entry form] np.
spelling] n. envelope. From: Amh. ? traffic light.
te'mmesa adj. 1) huge. 2) large. 3) bulky. tiraakiya n. trachea.
temper mare'e np. scale. From: Amh. tiiraamo adj. wise.
tempileeta Pl: tempileettuwwa. n. template. tiramukko vi. to be translated. Morph: PASS of
From: Engl. tirukko ?
tennichcho n. fly. tiraancho Pl: tiraano. [Status: spelling?
tensa adj. 1) great (of monkey). [Status: check Abraham suggests: TIRAANCHO - "sb. who
meaning] 2) big. is thinking"] n. wrench.
tensukko vi. to be huge. Morph: * ??? (CAUS 1 tiraancho karaancho Pl: tiraanoo karaanoo.
of tenukko ???). np (?). screw driver.
teeppa Pl: teeppuwwa. n. tape-recorder. tiraansiileeshina [Status: entry necessary ??]
teephukko vi. 1) to pretend. 2) to pretend to hit. n. translation. From: Engl.
3) to excell. tiraansiversaala n. transversal. From: Engl.
terfa Pl: terfuwwa. n. profit. From: Amh. (Lat.).
terfissukko vt. to win. Morph: * terfa. From: tirapiiziyeema n. trapezium.
Amh. tirat bee'ane np. undefined.
termoomeetira n. thermometer. From: Engl. tiraatira baximma np / vp (?). performance.
termosfilaaska [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. tirato n. 1) meaning. 2) translation. 3) edition.
thermosflask. From: Engl. 4) releasing.
teesta [Status: entry necessary ??] n. testa. From: tirax kitaaba [Status: check entry form and
Engl. [Status: check meaning] spelling] np. dictionary.
testestiroona n. testesterone. tiraaypeensiina n. trypsin.
testesukko vi. to canter. tire adj. loose.
tii interj. ?? tire saahina [Status: check spelling; was:
tibbekkichcho Pl: tibbe'e (transn.). n. bear. tresahe] np. big dish.
tichchita Pl: tichchittuwwa. n. comment. tire saana np. tray (kind of). [Status: check
tiga adj. huge and fat. [Status: 2 ges?] meaning and spelling (was tiret sahina)!!]
tigukko vi. to slide (esp. of land). tirfa Pl: tirfuwwa. n. profit. From: Amh.
tigula n. reconciliation of blood guilt. [Status: tirfisoohane adj. economic.
check precise meaning] tirfukko vi. 1) to remain. 2) to be left over;. 3) to
tikaayyichcho Pl: tikaayya (trans.). [Status: be profitable. From: Amh.
check entry form] n. flies. tiriqqaato n. 1) heart beat. 2) pulse.
tikki'nnichcho n. orbit. tiriqukko vi. to beat (of heart). [Status: check
tiko'o n. 1) a kind of fly. 2) a kind of play. meaning (HED: to pulse)]
ti'llukko vt. to comb. Morph: REFL. tiriiliyyoona num. trillion (1,000,000,000,000).
tima n. 1) a piece of [food ?]. 2) one quarter of sth. tiirinne [Status: check entry form] n. by heart.
timaakollo [Status: 2 or 1 words] num. three tiiro n. 1) idea. 2) brain. [Status: check meaning,
fourth (3/4). Abraham cannot confirm this one - thinking?
timaatima Pl: timaatimmuwwa. n. tomato. mind? thought?]
timtim n. headgear of Orthodox priests. From: tiironne amadukko vp. to retain.
Amh. tirsho n. mash.
timtimaato n. confusion. tirukko vt. 1) to release, to untie. 2) to unload.

126 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

tiirukko tuffatamukko

3) to comb. 4) to warm up. 5) to translate. form - which is the measurement Hadiyya

tiirukko vt. 1) to remember. 2) to recall. use?] np. decade.
tisbe Pl: tisbuwwa. n. Islamic rosary. From: tommi malaayye num. power of ten.
Amh. ? [Status: check precise meaning] tommiinsi mine num. tenth (1/10).
tisiisa n. ransom. tommo num. ten.
tissiisaancho Pl: tissiisaano. [Status: check tommoo lamo num. twelve.
entry form and spelling - tiissiisaancho?] n. tommoo mato num. eleven.
interpreter. tommooma [Status: check spelling - was:
tiissiiso'o Pl: tiissiiso'uwwa. n. notebook. tomooma] n. decade.
tisisukko vt. to make sb. to release sb. / sth. tommonoonto n / adv (?). two weeks. Morph: *
Morph: CAUS 1 of tisukko. tommo onto.
tiissiisukko vt. to remind. Morph: CAUS 1 of tomtoomma Morph: * tommo (ten [fingers])?
tiissukko (or CAUS 2 or tiirukko ?). Pl: tomtoommuwwa. n. fist.
tissiishsha n. 1) driving out. 2) separation. toona Pl: toonnuwwa. n. ton.
3) disjoining. [Status: check meanings] toonna n. irritating smell.
tiissiishsha n. 1) notice. 2) rememberance. tonqay Pl: tonqayyuwwa. n. 1) sorcerer.
tiissiishshi dabtara np. notebook. 2) shamanic priest. From: Amh.
tishita Pl: tishittuwwa. n. hole (of milk pot). toonsa n. type of medical plant. [Status: check
tisho'o n. tissue. meaning]
tittira n. ?? tontomma Pl: tontommuwwa. n. fist.
tiyoore'e n. theory. tontommissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
to'achcha n. jealousy. tontommukko. 1) to cause sb. to clench his
to'achchoohane adj. jealous. fist. 2) to cause sb. to bang sth. with his fist.
to'achchukko vi. 1) to be jealous. 2) to be tontommukko vi/vt. 1) to clench one's fist. 2) to
envious. bang sth. with one's fist.
to'aqoxaxxarukko vt. to control. toonnukko vi. to burn (due to lack of water).
to'atukko vt. 1) to throw away. 2) to hurl. Tophphe'e name. Ethiopia.
tochchi laaga np. terminal ray. tophphi interj. interjection to make a horse
tochchi tako'o np. terminal point. gallop.
tochisukko vi. to go away (of relative). toore'e Pl: toore'uwwa. n. 1) small village.
tochchisukko vt. to isolate. Morph: CAUS 1 of 2) social class.
tochchukko. tosa n. expiry.
tochcho Pl: tochchuwwa. n. 1) edge. 2) border. toosa n. type of medical plant. [Status: check
3) meaning]
— (adv ??)). out. [Status: check meaning tosukko vi. 1) to expire. 2) to be aged [of eatable
(Marqos only)] 4) corner. [Status: check things?].
meaning] traansporta n. transportation. From: Engl. (Lat.).
tochcho yokko [Status: check entry tsiggeerada n. rose. From: Amh.
form !! - necessary ??] vp (adj). to be/stand at tu DemAdj. this.
the edge of sth. tu keen [Status: check entry form - was: tu teen]
tokko'i mato np. the only one. np. these (fem).
tokko'o adv (?). only. tu'achcha adj. 1) jealous. 2) envious. 3) zealous.
tokkosaancho Pl: tokkosaano. n. 1) iron. tu'achchimma [Status: check entry form ?] n / v
2) gunman. [Status: check meaning !!!] (?). jealousy.
tokukko vi. 1) to drip. 2) to close one's eyes. tuuba Pl: tuubbuwwa. [Status: check
tokkukko vt. to drink at once. spelling - underlined by TA] n. 1) pile.
toqqancha n. agreement. 2) stack.
tooqaancho Pl: tooqaano. n. supporter. tuubamukko vi. Morph: PASS of tuubukko.
toqqukko vi. to come to an agreement. 1) to be boastful. 2) to be heaped.
tola adj. talkative. tubo'o n. 1) hose. [Status: check meaning - was:
tollamukko vi. Morph: PASS of tollukko. 1) to tubbo'i afo'o] 2) tube. From: Engl.
conceite. [Status: check meaning (HED: tuubukko vt. 1) to pile up. 2) to heap. 3) to stack
coneite)] 2) to be stretched. (grain).
tollaancho Pl: tollaano. n. stretcher. tuchchuchcha n. ??
tollollukko vt. to refuse. tuude'ukko vi. to be unconscious.
tollukko vt. 1) to stretch. 2) to frighten. [Status: tufa Pl: tuffuwwa. n. 1) dregs (of drinks).
check meaning (HED: frighted)] 2) grounds (of coffee).
tombora Pl: tombolluwwa. n. bundle of tuffatamukko vt. Morph: PASS/MED of
brushwood. tuffatukko. 1) to dispise. 2) to look down
tommi hiincho [Status: check entry upon.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 127

tuffataancha tuttuchchukko

tuffataancha n. dispise. decision, to reach the last chance. [Status:

tufite n. 1) saliva. 2) sputum. check meaning of sn 3]
tufukko [Status: check spelling - tuffukko ?] vt. tungukko vi. to be terminated.
to spit. tunku'lla Pl: tunku'lluwwa. n. elbow.
tuffukko vt. to spit. tuunsiisukko vt. to darken. Morph: CAUS 1 of
tuhukko Variant: tuyukko. [Status: check tuunsukko.
spelling / entry - tufukko] vi. to spit. tuunso n. Morph: singl. only. 1) darkness.
tukaana n. 1) bug. 2) bedbug. 2) infinity.
tukaa'ukko vt. to flock. tunsukko [Status: check entry (was tuunsukko)]
tukite n. flocking. vt. to skim (milk).
tukuchcho n. cork. [Status: check meaning tuunsukko vi. to be(come) dark. Morph: *
(WHS: Stophen - i.e. Stopfen ?)] tuunso (n).
tuuqa Pl: tuuqquwwa. n. buttress. tunnukko vi. to go from house to house to get
tuuqukko vt. 1) to push up. 2) to support. food.
tuullaalla adj. shy. tuphano'o Pl: tuphano'uwwa. n. 1) stopper.
tuulle n. 1) shame. 2) disgrace. 3) humiliation. 2) cover.
tululaa'ukko vt. to roll. tuphukko vt. to plug.
tululukko vi. to be rolled. tura n. Morph: singl. only. 1) last milk. 2) cow
tuma n. garlic. whose milk is nearly stopping. [Status: check
tu'mma adj. 1) narrow. 2) tight. precise meaning]
tumaaleessa n. 1) castrated sheep. 2) castrated tuura Pl: tuulluwwa. n. shameful man. Morph:
goat. related to tuurimma, "to shame sb.".
tu'mmamukko vi. to be crowded. Morph: tuuraancho Pl: tuuraano. n. shy person.
PASS of tu'mmukko. tuurista Pl: tuuristuwwa. n. tourist. From:
tu'mmancha n. being crowded. Engl.
tumaancho Pl: tumaano. n. blacksmith. tuuriizma [Status: check spelling - was:
tu'mmisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of tuurizma] n. tourism. Morph: singl. only.
tu'mmukko. 1) to molest. 2) to nag. From: Engl.
tu'mtu'mmaato n. 1) missing the way. turshukko vi. 1) to be demolished. 2) to be
2) missing the target. [Status: check broken up. [Status: check ACT / PASS]
meaning] turukko vi. to nearly stop giving milk.
tu'mtu'mmaa'ukko vt. to cause to reapproach. tuurukko vi/vt (?). Morph: * tuullee. 1) to be
[Status: check meaning] ashamed. [Status: cf HCD s.v. shy, be --]
tu'mtu'mmukko vi. to say words of throat. 2) to shame sb., to humiliate. [Status: check
[Status: check meaning !!!] ACT / PASS !!]
tumukko vt. 1) to pound. 2) to hammer. 3) to turusse'ukko vt. to ashame.
forge. 4) to crash. 5) to beat. 6) to castrate. tussaa'ukko vi. 1) to fart. 2) to break wind.
7) to complete. 8) to achieve. From: tuussiisa adj (?). embarrassed.
Kambaata. tuussisoo gadishsha np. reproach.
tumunga n. ?? tuussiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 (2?) of
tuuna Pl: tuunnuwwa. [Status: check entry form tuurukko. 1) to put sb. to shame. 2) to
/ spelling - there is another tuuna "illiterate embarass.
person" (HED)] n. 1) heap. 2) pile. tussukko vi. 1) to fart. 2) to break wind.
tuuna Pl: tuunnuwwa. [Status: check tusumukko vi. to knock oneself.
spelling - was: tuna] n. 1) lazy person. tusunsukko vt. to knock sb. (with sth.). Morph:
2) illiterate person. CAUS 1 of tusumukko.
tunga Pl: tunguwwa. n. 1) end. 2) stop. tushshe'e Pl: tushshe'uwwa. n. biting fly.
tungaamo adj. 1) terminating. 2) ending. [Status: check precise meaning]
3) finite. tushekkichcho n. big red ant. [Status: check
tungeesaancho Pl: tungeesaano. n. sponger. meaning (cf. tushshe'e)]
tungeesukko vt. 1) to sponge. 2) to crounge. tut pron. this (fem.).
tungeeshsha n. sponging. tuuta n. Morph: singl. only. 1) group
tungi bee deesimaala np. non terminating membership. 2) dense forest.
decimal. tute [Status: check entry form] det. this (for girls).
tungi bee wixxite n. infinite set. tuutichcho n. 1) member. 2) element.
tungibee'ane n. infinity. tuttuchchukko vt. to infect.
tungisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of tungukko.
1) to terminate. 2) to finish. 3) to come to

128 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

xa'a xaliila

X - x
xa'a adj. 1) depleted. 2) not full. From: Amh.
xaa'a n. type of plant. xaafe'e bura np. straw from Teef.
xabala n. mineral water. xafenja Pl: xafenjuwwa. n. rifle. From: Amh.
xabano n. 1) cheek. 2) river side, bank. xaafukko vt. to write. From: Amh.
xabansimma n. [Status: check ps (infin.?)] xaggaggaachcha n. 1) making line. 2) showing
1) slap. [Status: slaping] 2) box on the ears. direction.
xabansukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of xaggaggaa'ukko vt. 1) to make sth. clear. 2) to
xabanukko. 1) to slap. 2) to box sb.'s ear. make sth. straight forward.
xabbasukko vt. to fry. xaggaggi sagara np. dennotation.
xabbaa§ukko vt. 1) to adjust. 2) to straighten xaggaggukko vi. to be straightened.
up. xaga'llukko vt. 1) to strangle. 2) to suffocate.
xabbe'i angila np. right angle. 3) to choke.
xabbe'i sas midaado n. right angle [triangle]. xagarukko vt. 1) to strangle. 2) to hang up (sb.).
[Status: check meaning (sc. triangle ?)] 3) to choke.
xabbeen angila np. straight angle. xa'imeja n. emmer (wheat). Morph: singl. only.
xabbeen wonshaancho np. supplementary. xa'isamaancho Pl: xa'isamaano. n. minued.
xabbeena 1) n. direction. 2) [Status: check meaning]
— adj. straight. 3) upright. [Status: check xa'isaancho Pl: xa'isaano. n. subtraction.
meaning] xa'isukko vt. to subtract. Morph: CAUS 1 of
xabbeena wonshaan angilluwwa np. xa'ukko.
supplementary angles. xa'ishsha Pl: xa'ishshuwwa. n. subtraction.
xabbeenukko vt. to straighten up. xajja n. tejji.
xabbimma [Status: check entry form - gada'i xajjokkichcho Pl: xajjo'aano. n. sb. who has
xabbimma ?] n. success. the evil eye.
xabbite adj. 1) direct. 2) straight. xaqafa n. sweat. Morph: singl. only.
xabo n. 1) quarrel. 2) fight. 3) conflict. 4) strife. xaqafisukko vt. to sweat.
xabbo'i koona np. right cone. xaqafukko vi. to sweat.
xabbo'i piraamiida np. right pyramid. xaqasha Pl: xaqashshuwwa. n. 1) stool (of
xabbo'i woca np. right statement. wood). 2) stool (faeces) test. [Status: check
xabboom bee'i ogora np. curved line. meaning]
xabbo'o adj. 1) right. 2) straight. xaqilaay ministeechcho np. Prime Minister.
xaboota n. lamb. xaa'l midachcha [Status: check entry form]
xabshaana adj. 1) without relief. 2) unrelieved. np. grill. [Status: check lit. meaning]
[Status: check meanings] xalla n. Morph: singl. only. 1) T'ella. 2) beer (made
xabbukko vi. 1) to be straight. 2) to be upright. from grain). From: Amh.
3) to be adjusted. 4) to carve. [Status: check xallaqqa n. evidence.
meaning] xalala adj. only.
xabullaa'ukko vt. to smack. xaalalaancho Pl: xaalalaano. n. sb. who daubs.
xabbuxa Pl: xabbuxxuwwa; xabbuttuwwa. xalalisoolla adj. boring.
[Status: check va (EGH)] n. back (made from xallaalsukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
ensete fibre). [Status: check meaning - WHS: xallaallukko. 1) to let slip. 2) to throw
sack made from skin] (down).
xaacca Pl: xaaccuwwa. n. bundle. xallaalukko vt. to slip.
xaachchaanchi xaachchaanchi np. first xaalalukko vt. 1) to daub. [Status: check
comers come first. meaning] 2) to paint.
xaachchaancho Pl: xaachchaano. n. greedy xale dis Pl: xale disuwwa. [Status: check
(person). spelling - Alemayehu, June 7: xale dista] n.
xada'a name. Saturday. saucepan. [Status: check meaning - Abraham
xadamukko vt. to forget. Morph: PASS of doesn't know this term]
xadukko. xale'e part. only.
xadukko vt. to forget. xale'i ... ihoo'ne part. not only ... but also.
xaadukko vt. 1) to contain. 2) to dismiss. xaliga adj. strong.
xaa'eela Pl: xaa'eelluwwa. n. pitch. xaliigukko vi. to be strong.
xafa n. type of ensete food. xaliil lamga'nna np. morph.
xafanna n. 1) demon. 2) evil. 3) type of disease. xaliil sagachcho np. phoneme.
xaafe'e n. Morph: singl. only. 1) millet. 2) t'eef. xaliila adj. 1) clean. 2) refined.

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xaliilukko xaasbeel ogora

xaliilukko vi. 1) to be cleaned. 2) to be refined. entry form]

Xaaliyaana name. Italy. xanato n. 1) ability. 2) patience.
xaaloota Pl: xaaloottuwwa. n. prayer. From: xanqa Pl: xanquwwa. n. 1) reason. 2) cause.
Amh; Amh. [Status: check spelling!!] xanqeessissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
xaalooxxi mine np. church (building). From: xanqinsukko. 1) to make wet. 2) to give
Amh. (1st word). compensation.
xama n. part of honey. [Status: check meaning] xanqinsukko vi. 1) to become wet. 2) to receive
xaama adj. 1) powdered. 2) finely broken. help. 3) to receive compensation.
[Status: check meanings ...] xanqisukko vt. 1) to light. 2) to ignite. 3) to scald
xammaqamukko [Status: check entry (by water or steam).
form - PASS necessary ?] vi. to be baptized. xanqo'o Pl: xanqo'uwwa. n. 1) fertilized egg.
Morph: PASS of xammaqukko. From: 2) blazing fire. 3) parasite.
Amh. xanqukko vi. 1) to start to burn. 2) to catch fire.
xammaqancha n. baptism. 3) to flame. 4) to give light. 5) to start. 6) to
xammaqukko vt. to baptize. From: Amh. be conceived. [Status: check meaning of sn
xammammaa'ukko vt. 1) to hold. 2) to seize. 5f]
3) to reserve. xanoohane adj. able.
xa'mmamcha n. responsibility. xaansaancho Pl: xaansaano. n. 1) sb. who
xa'mmamukko vi. to haggle. Morph: breaks. 2) sb. who fractures. 3) sb. who
MED/PASS of xa'mmukko. makes chunks. [Status: check meaning]
xa'mmansukko vt. to collect information. xansiisukko vt. 1) to enable. 2) to make possible.
Morph: CAUS 1 of xa'mmamukko (?). xaansukko vi. to crash. Morph: CAUS 1 of
xambayukko vi. to be broken. xaamukko.
xambi kitaabcho [Status: check spelling (bch) xanxa'n suume np. vulva.
and entry form - Textbook: xambi kitaaba] xanxa'n yabura np. labia.
np. 1) newspaper. 2) information. xanxano Pl: xanxannuwwa. n. vagina.
xambi kitaabonne [Status: check entry form] xanxanukko vt. to make flat.
np. editorial. xanukko vi. 1) to be able to. 2) can.
xambisukko vt. to call. Morph: CAUS 1 of xa'nnukko vt. 1) to tolerate. 2) to endure.
xambukko. xapho Pl: xaphphuwwa. [Status: check
xambo Pl: xambuwwa. n. 1) news, information. entry - xapha (EGH)] n. root. [Status: check
2) sound. meaning - only of ensete (EGH)?]
xambo kitaabaancho np. journalist. xaar bashe'e np. iron pan.
xambokitabcho n. news. Morph: * xambo xaar oksaayda np. metalic oxide.
kitabcho. [Status: check meaning - written xaara n. 1) iron (metal). 2) metal. 3) tool.
news, in TV, radio ??] xaraaba Pl: xaraabbuwwa. n. 1) hew. 2) carve.
xa'mmichcha Pl: xa'mmichchuwwa. n. 3) board. 4) plank. [Status: check meaning]
question. xarakkichcho Pl: xara'a. n. 1) python. [Status:
xa'mmichchaa dabachchaa np. interview. check if also other "large snake" (HED)]
xa'mmichchaam xuunsammi woca 2) large snake. 3) dragon.
np. interogative sentence. xaraancho Pl: xaraano. n. sb. who clears.
xa'mmichchi mare'e np. question mark. xaraphpheez carqa [Status: check entry
xa'mmichchinnee dabachchinnee form] np. tablecloth.
hayimaanoota losisimma [Status: xaraphpheez habiillo [Status: check entry
check entry form - paraphrasis ...] np. form] np. tablecloth.
catechism. xaraphpheez saaxina [Status: check entry
xammukko vt. 1) to hold. 2) to embrace. 3) to form] np. drawer.
hang. xaraphpheez xulbe'e np. table-tennis.
xa'mmukko vt. Morph: * xadmukko ? 1) to xaraphpheeza Pl: xaraphpheezzuwwa. n.
ask. 2) to visit. 1) table. 2) desk.
xaamukko vi. to break into powder. [Status: xararaa'ukko vt. to break. [Status: check
check meaning] meaning - was: to make to be broken]
xa'nna 1) adj. patient. 2) philosophy. [Status: xarbe'e Pl: xarbe'uwwa. n. big drum. From:
check meaning] Kambaata; Leemo.
xanamimma [Status: Abraham prefers the entry xarmuusa Pl: xarmuussuwwa. n. bottle. From:
XANAMMOOHANE] adj (?). possible. Amh ?
xanamoobee'ane adj (?). impossible. xaaroombee oksaayda np. non-metalic oxide.
xanamukko vi. to be able. Morph: PASS of xarukko vt. to clear.
xanukko. xassa [Status: xassuwwa] n. prohibition.
xanamuta'n conj / v (?). rather. [Status: check xaasbeel ogora np. diagonal line.

130 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

xaasbeela xiiga keennaancho

xaasbeela Pl: xaasbeelluwwa. n. short-cut. xellukko vi. 1) to catch fire. 2) to burn.

xaasbeelukko vt. 1) to do sth. without order. xemmengukko vi. to cling.
2) to say sth. without order. xee'n edeechcha [Status: check entry form] np.
xasbo'aancho Pl: xasbo'aano. n. ?? raincoat.
xasbo'o n ? ?? xee'n koota [Status: check entry form] np.
xassukko vt. to check. raincoat.
xashayukko vt / vi ? 1) to burst. 2) to blow up. xeena n. rain. Morph: singl. only.
3) to ignite. 4) to pop open. [Status: check xee'na Pl: xee'nuwwa. n. 1) flavor. 2) taste.
meaning] xeenaamo adj. rainy.
xasho'o n. unstability due to poverty. xeeneebe n. ibis. [Status: check meaning - WHS
xaaxxa adj. ready. had: dragonfly (German: Libelle)]
xaxamukko vt. 1) to twine. 2) to hang. xenqo'o n. mistletoe.
xaaxamukko vi. 1) to be entwined. 2) to cling to xee'nno'o n. rain water.
(of child). xeephukko vi. 1) to be inclined to do sth. 2) to
xaaxansukko vt. 1) to wrap. 2) to twine. try. 3) to raise a hand (in order to thank or
xaaxximma n. [Status: check ps - infin.?] against sb.).
1) tying sth. with a rope so that it cannot be xettukko vt. 1) to exceed. 2) to surpass. 3) to
released easily. 2) organisation. squat.
xaaxxite Pl: xaaxxittuwwa. n. organization. xee'ukko vi. 1) to be expensive. 2) to be sweet.
xaaxukko vt. 1) to bundle. 2) to roll. 3) to wrap. 3) to taste good.
4) to cover. xiba fissukko vp (vt). to explain the atrocity.
xaaxxukko vi. 1) to be ready. 2) to get ready. Morph: CAUS 1 of xiba firukko.
xa'ukko vi/vt (?). 1) to diminish. [Status: check xibamma [Status: check spelling !] adj. hidden.
ACT /PASS] 2) to be depleted. 3) to lose xibbaamo adj. owning (at least) one hundred
weight. 4) to be not enough. 5) to be cracked. cows and oxen.
[Status: check meaning (ACT / PASS)] 6) to xibancha n. being hidden. [Status: check ACT /
go. [Status: check meaning !] PASS]
xawziiza n. ?? xiibancha n. 1) pushing ahead. 2) pressing.
xee'aalla adj. 1) expensive. 2) sweet. 3) delicious. 3) shoving one another. [Status: check
4) dear. [Status: check meaning] meaning]
xeebaancho Pl: xeebaano. n. sb. who is xibaancho Pl: xibaano. n. sb. who hides.
over-talkative. [Status: check meaning] xiibaancho Pl: xiibaano. n. sb. who pushes.
xeebeesukko vt. to make chattered. [Status: xibaassa n. 1) asking to recognize. 2) asking to
check meaning !!] know. [Status: check meaning]
xeebe'ukkane adj. thirsty. xibbe num. hundred.
xeebe'ukko vi. 1) to be thirsty. 2) to be xibbi mine np. hundreds' place.
unsatisfied. 3) to chatter. xibbi sibriiqa num (np). 1) a number greater
xeebisa n. thirst. than one hundred. 2) a large number.
xeebo n. 1) thirst. 2) chatter. [Status: check xibbiinse n. percent.
meaning] xibo n. act of hiding.
xeebomu'llukko vi. to be content. xibsa n. lamp chops. From: Amh.
xeechcha n. 1) expensiveness. 2) sweetness. xibukko vi. to hide.
xe'e Pl: xe'uwwa. n. stinging nettle. xibbukko vi. to own (at least) one hundred cows
xeffo'o Pl: xeffo'uwwa. n. bread roll made from and oxen.
ensete. xiibukko vt. to push.
xeehancha n. to get engaged to a gentleman. xidda Pl: xidduwwa. n. mourning.
xeehaancho Pl: xeehaano. n. fiance. xiddaancho Pl: xiddaano. n. 1) bereaved. 2) the
xeehisaancho Pl: xeehisaano. n. sb. who one to suffer.
makes so. to get engaged. xiddukko Variant: xeddukko. [Status: check va
xeehisukko vt. to cause sb. to get engaged. (WHS)] vi. 1) to mourn (a death). 2) to moan.
Morph: CAUS 1 of xeehukko. [Status: check meaning]
xeeho Pl: xeehuwwa. n. discurs. xiffe'e n. slap.
xeehukko vt. 1) to get engaged. 2) to affiance. xifisaancho Pl: xifisaano. n. sb. who closes.
2) to be eloquent. xiffukko vi. to be swollen.
xee'isaancho Pl: xee'isaano. n. 1) sweetener. xiig fissukko vp. to practise blood vendetta.
2) sb. who makes it expensive. xiiga n. blood. Morph: singl. only.
xee'isukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of xee'ukko. xiiga ganichcho np. 1) unruly. [Status: check
1) to make expensive. 2) to sweeten. meaning] 2) mischievous. 3) trouble maker.
xee'ishsha n. 1) making expensive. 2) making xiiga keennaancho [Status: check entry form]
sweet. np. blood test.

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xiiga keenato xissiixxaancho

xiiga keenato [Status: check entry form] np. xillaalla 1) adj. deep. 2)
blood test. — n. depth. [Status: check ps; meaning]
xigamukko vi. Morph: PASS of xigukko. 1) to xillaalli baalle np. underworld.
be counted. 2) to be considered. xillaalli bare [Status: are bare and BAALLE
xigancha Variant: xigamcha. n. 1) being counted. variant forms with the same meaning? Inother
[Status: check meaning - counting ?] 2) being words - should there be only one entry
considered. xillaalli bare OR xillaalli baalle?] np. 1) deep
xigaancho Pl: xigaano. n. denominator. hole. 2) hell, reign of the death.
xiigaansha n. the rain at Meskel. xillaalli sawwite np. philosophy.
xiigeesukko vt. to make bleed. xillaallooma n. depth.
xiigeeshsha n. bleeding. Morph: singl. only. xillukko vt. to deepen. [Status: check meaning
[Status: check meaning (making bleeding ?)] (be deep ?)]
xiige'ukko vi. to bleed. ximbiiphphukko vt. to close the eyes. Morph:
xigo Pl: xigguwwa. n. 1) number. 3) numeral. * ximbiifukko.
xigo marajja'a baxo [Status: check entry ximira n. hard wood. [Status: check meaning]
form] np. statistics. ximiriira adj. very stayed. [Status: check
xigukko vt. to count. meaning]
xiggukko [Status: xigukko ?] vt. 1) to gather. Ximqata name. Epiphany.
2) to pick up. 3) to summarize. xinaqasa n. type of disease.
xii'isukko vt. to singe. Morph: CAUS 1 of xinda Pl: xinduwwa. n. a pair.
xii'ukko. [Status: check meaning] xiniina Pl: xiniinnuwwa. n. 1) evil thing. 2) evil
xiikkamukko vt. to fatten. Morph: situation.
PASS/REFL of xiikkukko ? xiniinsakka'a moo'ukko [Status: check entry
xiikko'o adj. fattened. form] vp. to concentrate.
xiiqqamaancho Pl: xiiqqamaano. n. xiniinsukko vt. to gaze. Morph: CAUS 1 of
competitor. xiniinukko.
xiiqqamukko [Status: check xinqa'a Pl: xinqa'uwwa. n. 1) small lanze.
spelling - underlined by AT] vi. to compete 2) small spear.
with each other. Morph: PASS/REFL of xinno'o Pl: xinno'uwwa. n. 1) ball. 2) ball game.
xiiqqukko. xinsisa adj. black (as charcoal).
xiiqqancha n. competition. xinta Pl: xintuwwa. n. beginning.
xiiqqane adj. neutral. xintaancho Pl: xintaano. n. beginner.
xiqe'e Pl: xiqe'uwa. n. hoe. xinti sawwite np. concept.
xiiqqi aadora np. 1) bloodstained diarrhea. xintukko vt. to begin.
2) amoeba. xinxa Pl: xinxuwwa. n. roof peak.
xiqqi bikkancho np. numerals. xiinxalaancho Pl: xiinxalaano. n. greedy
xiiqqi do'o np. blood circulation. person.
xiiqqi dunancha np. haemorrhag. [Status: xinxa'llukko Variant: xinxaallukko. [Status:
check meaning (haemorrhoe ?)] check va (WHS)] vt. to watch sb. secretly.
xiqqi fidala np. digit. [Status: check meaning]
xiqqi laaga np. a ray with numbers. xiinxichcho n. type of disease caused by demons.
xiqqi malaayye np. 1) exponent. 2) index. [Status: check meaning]
xiqqi mine np. number place. xir hundam np (conj). 1) as often. 2) every time.
xiqqi ogora np. number place. xiraaxire'e n. 1) grain. 2) meals. From: Amh.
Xiqinte Variant: Xiqimte. name. October 11 - xire Pl: xilluwwa. n. 1) moment. 2) moment.
November 9. [Status: check meaning (HCD: xir)]
xiiqqo Pl: xiiqquwwa. n. 1) bragging. xire'i adj. tender.
2) boasting. [Status: check meaning (stem xiribba Pl: xiribbuwwa. 1) n. stake. 2) peg.
enlisted as: to compete with each other)] 3) wedge. 4)
xiiqoota n. fermented ensete starch of low — adj. strong.
quality. Morph: singl. only. Xirire Variant: Xira. name. January 9 - February
xilla [Status: check entry (xillaalla ?)] adj. deep. 7. From: Amh Xerr.
xiilla n. posture of check. [Status: check xirqa Pl: xirquwwa. n. stake.
meaning] xissaancho Pl: xissaano. n. 1) sick person.
xilla baa'isoohane np. critical. 2) diseased person. 3) patient.
xilafa'a n. type of disease caused by demons. Xisaasa Variant: Tasaasa. name. December 10 -
[Status: check meaning] January 8.
xilafa'ukko vi. 1) to be infected. 2) to be sour. xissiisukko vt. to feel pain. Morph: CAUS 1 of
xillaal kichchechcha [Status: check entry xissukko.
form] np. grief. xissiixxaancho Pl: xissiixxaano. n. sympathizer.

132 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

xissiixxukko xoxxoollukko

xissiixxukko vi. to sympathize. xooqukko vi. 1) to burst. 2) to explode. 3) to

xisso Pl: xissuwwa. n. 1) sickness. 2) illness (not blow up. 4) to break up.
very serious). 3) disease. 4) pain. [Status: Xoo'm tira name. Easter.
check meaning] xomaaxe name. one of the names of God.
xissukko vi. Morph: * xisso (n). 1) to be sick. xombayyaato n. break.
2) to have pain. 3) to sicken. [Status: check xomboloosa adj. problematic.
meaning ...] xombora Pl: xombolluwwa. n. torch.
xishshaa moo'ukko [Status: check entry xonfukko vt. to light (a candle).
form] vp. to fix on. xoonsa Pl: xoonsuwwa. n. creeper.
xishshaa'ukko vt. 1) to tighten. 2) to reinforce. xoonta Pl: xoontuwwa. n. a type of beetle.
3) to fortify. 4) to grind finely. [Status: check precise meaning]
xishimmukko vi. to be extinguished. [Status: xoontalukko vi. to doubt.
check ACT / PASS] xophe'e n. jumping. Morph: singl. only.
xishshite n. firmness. xophite Pl: xophittuwwa. n. jump.
xishixa Pl: xishixxuwwa. n. spout. xophxophukko vi. to jump again and again.
xishshoohane n. 1) finely ground flour. 2) dust. [Status: check meaning; Marqos had "running
xishshukko vi/vt. 1) to be tight. 2) to watch. 3) to slowly"]
look after (e.g. house). xophukko vi. to jump.
xita n. fume. xorbe'e Variant: xulbe'e. n. ball.
xix [Status: check entry form] n. cotton. From: xoreexxancha n. competition.
Amh. xoreexo'o n. 1) contest. 2) competition.
xixxiba Pl: xixxibbuwwa. n. level. 3) campaign.
xixxibaancho Pl: xixxibaano. n. sb./sth. that xorqe'e Pl: xorqe'uwwa. n. a ploughman's whip.
levels. xoroqa adj. drilled.
xixxibukko vt. to level. xoroqukko vi. 1) to be drilled. 2) to be
xiixiixukko vi. to go here and there. punctured.
xiixo'o Pl: xiixo'uwwa. n. bud. xoroora n. type of ensete.
xiixxo'o n. ?? xorosha Pl: xoroshshuwwa. n. unleavened
xiixukko vi. to vegetate. [Status: check meaning] maize bread.
xii'ukko vi. to dry (of wood). xorto'o n. attention.
xiyya Pl: xiyyuwwa. n. arrow. xorto'ukko vt. 1) to memorize. 2) to remember.
xiyya'a adj. pitch. xorukko vt. 1) to escape. 2) to overcome. 3) to
xiyya'ooma n. being gifted with a thin pitch. overtake.
xiyyaaro Pl: xiyyaalluwwa. n. tune. xoosa n. thyme.
xiyya'ukko vt. to pitch. xossiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of xoossukko.
xiyyiita Pl: xiyyiittuwwa. n. cartridge. 1) to cause/help to escape. 2) to remove.
xooda Pl: xoodduwwa. n. torch. xossiishsha Pl: xossiishsuwwa. n. help to
xoggila adj. impudent. escape.
xoggilukko vi. to be impudent. xoosxomboloosa Pl: xoosxomboloossuwwa.
xoo'isaancho Pl: xoo'isaano. n. 1) switch. 2) sb. [Status: check spelling (sx)] n. sth. ignored.
who puts off. 2) sth. left.
xoo'isukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of xoo'ukko. xoosukko [Status: check entry - Abraham prefers
1) to extinguish. 2) to put off (esp. fire/light). XO'ISIMMA] vt. 1) to exchange. 2) to
3) to spoil sth. 4) to refuse to give milk (of substitute. [Status: check the meaning]
cow). xoxa n. 1) gain. 2) extra.
xokka n. type of disease. xooxa Pl: xooxxuwwa. n. cause.
xoqa n. a type of cow disease. xoxanqa Pl: xoxanquwwa. n. blazing.
xooqa Pl: xooqquwwa. n. outbreak. xoxisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of xoxukko (or *
xoqqe'e Pl: xoqqe'uwwa. n. bamboo basket. x-NOUN ?). 1) to tattoo. 2) to make the voice
xooqisaancho Pl: xooqisaano. n. sb. who of a gun.
causes sth. to explode. xoxishsha n. 1) profit. 2) excess. [Status: check
xooqisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of xooqukko. meaning] 3) business.
1) to make burst. 2) to make explode. 3) to xoxxoolla adj. 1) mature. 2) physically
break open. developed.
xooqoo sagachcho np. explosive (sound). xoxxoollishsha Pl: xoxxoollishshuwwa. n.
xoqolamukko vi. Morph: PASS of xoqolukko. exercise.
1) to be up-rooted. 2) to be abandoned. xoxxoollishshi mancho [Status: check entry
xoqolancha n. up-rooting. form] np. sportsman.
xoqolukko vt. 1) to up-root. 2) to pry. 3) to xoxxoollukko vi. 1) to become strong. 2) to
lever. become firm. [Status: check other meanings

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 133

xoxukko xurullisukko

(become fast / clever)] — interj. hello.

xoxukko vi. 1) to crack. 2) to make a cracking xummaancho Pl: xummano (?). n. 1) peaceful
sound. (person). 2) saint, Christian. 3) good person.
xoo'ukko vi. 1) to vanish. 2) to be extinguished. xummat assee'ukko vp. to send greetings.
3) to run out of sth. 4) to dry up (esp. of cows xummaataa'ukko vi. 1) to say goodbye. 2) to
and spring). leave.
xuuba'llukko vt. to repeat. xummaatisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
xubuluqaa'ukko vt. to mobilize sth. into water. xummaatukko. 1) to greet. 2) to say
[Status: check meaning !!] goodbye. [Status: check meaning!]
xubuluqukko vi. 1) to swim. 2) to remain under xummaatixxancha [Status: check
water. [Status: check meaning - to dive ?] entry - Abraham prefers: xummaatixxancho,
xuuchcha n. labour pains. "a greeting person"] n. greeting.
xuda Pl: xudduwwa. n. 1) creeper. 2) tendril. xummaato [Status: check spelling - was:
3) vine. [Status: check meaning !] 4) a type xummato] n. greeting.
of liana. xummaato asse'ukko vp. to send greetings.
xufa Pl: xuffuwwa. n. door. xummaato hincaa'ukko vp. to greet.
xufamma adj. closed. xummaato uwwukko vp. to greet.
xufamchi aalo'o np. closure property. [Status: 2 xummaaxxi asso np. letter of greeting.
ge ?] xummi gare vp. Good evening.
xufammi karva np. closed curve. xummi gattaa vp. Good morning.
xufammi woca np. closed proposition. xummi hose vp. Good-bye.
xufamukko vi. to be closed. Morph: PASS of xumuga n. ??
xufukko. xummukko vi. 1) to be peaceful. 2) to be fine.
xufancha n. closure. [Status: closing ?] 3) to spend the day.
xufisukko vt. to make close. Morph: CAUS 1 of xummussissukko vt. to let sb. spend the day.
xufukko. [Status: HED: make to be closed ..] Morph: CAUS 2 of xummukko.
xufukko vt. 1) to close (with lid). 2) to shut (e.g. xuunsamma adj. gathered.
door, window). 3) to measure. 4) to issue sb. xuunsammi woca np. sentence.
sth. xuunsamukko vi. to be gathered. Morph: PASS
xuu'isaancho n. trouble maker. of xuunsukko.
xuu'isukko vi. to be restless. Morph: CAUS 1 of xuunsukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of xuunukko
xuu'ukko (?). [Status: check meaning (??). 1) to gather. 2) to assemble. 3) to
(Should xuu'ukko (2) and xuu'isukko change accumulate. 4) to summarize.
the ges ? check POS / CAUS / cf. xuunxo'o Pl: xuunxo'uwwa. n. 1) jar for
xuu'isaancho] milking. 2) clay jar for butter.
xuqqa adj. narrow. xunxuumme Pl: xunxuummuwwa. n. 1) calf
xuqqamsukko vt. to make crowded. Morph: (of leg). 2) shin (bone). 3) leg. [Status: check
CAUS 1 of xuqqamukko (?). precise meaning (s. above)]
xuqqi googo np. lane. xuu'o'o [Status: check entry form! n: xuuhcha] vi.
xuqqisaancho n. nipple. Morph: 3f. 1) to be in labour. 2) to cause
xuqqukko vi. to be narrow. restlessness.
xuqurummukko vi. 1) to dive. 2) to get in. xura n. 1) dirt (of body, clothing). 2) menstruation.
xuqqussukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of xura'a n. 1) toes. [Status: prob. toe NAILS ?
xuqqukko. 1) to make narrow. 2) to constrict. Above, XURANQI was transl. as "toe"]
xullaa'ukko vt. 1) to throw down. 2) to discard. 2) claw.
3) to kill. 4) to murder. xuraamo adj. dirty.
xulbe'e Variant: xorbe'e. n. ball. xuranqa Variant: xura'a. [Status: check va
xulbukko vt. to beat. (HCD)] n. 1) fingernail. From: Amh ?
xuu'llo'o vi (3f). to be in labour (of woman giving 2) claw. 3) nail. [Status: check meaning !]
birth). Morph: Inf. xuu'llimma. 4) toe. [Status: check meaning !]
xullukko vt. 1) to fell. 2) to kill. 3) to murder. xuranqaamo adj. 1) with a long finger nail.
xulumukko vi. 1) to be brankrupt. 2) to be broke. 2) thief.
xum adj. gathered. [Status: check ps and meaning] xuurata n. pension.
xum saga'l kichcha np. starting word of a xuurata firukko vp. to retire.
sentence. xurbee'ane adj. exacting. [Status: check nt]
xum sagara np. phrase. xurqayye'e n. large whip.
xum sawwite np. 1) composition. 2) essay. xurqayukko vt. to whip.
xumma 1) n. peace. 2) fertility (of land). [Status: xuro n. dirt.
check meaning] 3) well-being. 4) xurukko vi. 1) to be dirty. 2) to be impure.
— adj. healthy. 5) xurullisukko vt. Morph: CAUS I of

134 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

xurullukko uulli uumo'o

xurullukko. 1) to finish. 2) to end. 3) to xuuxukko.

complete. 4) to consume. xuuxaancho Pl: xuuxaano. n. 1) plunger.
xurullukko vi. 1) to end. 2) to be over. [Status: check meaning] 2) sb. who uses a
xurumba n. long trumpet. straw to drink, sb. who drinks sth. up to the
xurumbulla n. trumpet. From: Amh. end.
xuruuro'o Pl: xuruuro'uwwa. n. 1) bread roll xuxe'e adj. very small.
made from ensete. 2) unleavened ensete xuuxe'e n. puppy.
bread. xuuxukko vt. 1) to swallow. 2) to gulp. 3) to
xussiisukko vt. to make dirty. Morph: CAUS of absorb. 4) to suck.
xurukko. xuuxullichcho n. puppy.
xussukko vt. 1) to harden. [Status: check xuxxuxxukko vi. 1) to be refused. 2) to curt.
meaning] 2) to become partially dry. 3) to be flat. [Status: check meanings]
xuxxaa moo'ukko [Status: check entry form] xuwwaada n. 1) clay. [Status: check meaning]
vp. to stare at. 2) pottery. 3) earthen ware.
xuuxamukko vi. to sink. Morph: PASS/MED of

U - u
ubba n. 1) profit. 2) abundance. uulla n. 1) earth. 2) country, land. 3) plot of land.
ubbekkachcha n. struggle. 4) area. 5) planet.
ubukko vi. 1) to fall (down). 2) to be uulla daadeesoohane [Status: check entry
superfluous. 3) to mug sb. 4) to attack sb. form] np. tourist. [Status: check lit. meaning]
[Status: check meaning of sn 2-4 (WHS: ulaaga n. type of plant. [Status: check meaning]
UBBUKKO)] uullamado [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. equator.
ubbuusisukko vt. to cause to drop. Morph: uullamaxxa [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. natural
CAUS 1 of ubbuusukko. resources.
ubbuusukko vt. 1) to drop. 2) to throw. 3) to uullamukko vi/vt (?). to oppose. Morph: PASS
uproot. 4) to yield a profit. [Status: check of uullukko ?
meaning] uullanne [Status: check entry form & mr - was:
ubbuuxxancha n. wrestle. uullani] adv (?). Morph: * uulhani. 1) down
uddeello'o n. ?? to the earth. 2) reaching to the ground.
udma'a n. 1) field. 2) desert. 3) native.
udma'ukko vi. to be inhabited. uulbeeto [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. citizen.
ududda n. mucus. ule'e n. grainstack.
ududdaamo adj. full of mucus. ule'ukko vt. to heap up.
ududdukko vi. to leak (esp. of mucus). uulguuncho n. dwarf.
uduna Pl: udunnuwwa. n. party. uulli itukko vp. 1) to use the land properly. 2) not
udurgufa adj. 1) fat. 2) thick. 3) stout. to grow (of grain).
ufa'ukko vi. to blow (on fire). uulli kaarta'a [Status: check entry form] np.
uffeqacca n. hand to mouth. [Status: check map.
meaning] uulli kobi'l kollo [Status: 2 or 3 words ?] np.
ufeesancha n. 1) being winnowed. hemisphere.
2) devastation. uulli kobi'lla [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. globe.
ufeesukko vt. 1) to winnow. 2) to blow out uulli kulula np. rotation.
(grain). 3) to purify (e.g. water). uulli qaaphphi suume [Status: 2 or 3
ufukko vt. 1) to blow air (with mouth). 2) to blow words ?] np. national language.
(on fire). uulli la'ookko vp. ?? [Status: check meaning]
uggaata n. 1) ghee. [Status: check meaning] uulli lommancho np. 1) elder. 2) leader.
2) whey. 3) milkless butter and cheese. uulli misila [Status: 1 or 2 words ? (uulli
uguda Variant: ugudo. Pl: ugudduwwa. n. misila ?)] n. map.
1) holiday. 2) feast. uulli mura n. crack.
uguxxi balla np. holiday. uulli sulcho [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. genet.
Uhud name. Sunday. From: Amh. uulli sheephite np.
ujubba Pl: ujubbuwwa. n. sacrificial tree. — n. earthquake.
[Status: check precise meaning] uulli tochcho [Status: check entry form] np.
-ukkaarem suff. 1) although. 2) but. 1) harbour. 2) port. [Status: check lit.
uquxo n. bottle shaped container used for meaning]
milking. uulli uumo'o np. nature of the earth. Morph:
uul suuxo np. wild herb. singl. only.

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 135

uullichcha usa

uullichcha n. height. suffer" ?]

uullichchi giraafa np. bar graph. uunjama n. type of ensete.
uullichchi haxara np. vertical mark. uunjisukko vt. to drop. Morph: CAUS 1 of
uullichchi kitaaba np. calligraphy. uunjukko.
uullichchi saaxina np. 1) cabinet. 2) wardrobe. uunjukko vt. 1) to leave. 2) to drop. 3) to lose.
ulicho n. insect (certain kind of). 4) to miss. 5) to lack. 6) to escape.
uullina mat ballanne np. once upon a time. unkulal Pl: unkulalluwwa. [Status: check
[Status: check lit. translation] entry !!] n. egg. From: Amh. [Status: check
uullisukko [Status: check entry form] vt. meaning]
Morph: CAUS 1 of urukko (???) ('to unkurubba n. type of edible plant. [Status:
leave'). 1) to stop (tr.). 2) to make cease. 3) to check meaning]
make stop. [Status: check meaning] uunqa Pl: uunquwwa. n. vomit (of children).
uullisukko vt. to stand (up). Morph: CAUS 1 of uunqe'ukko vt. 1) to bring up. [Status: check
uullukko. meaning (i.e., to vomit ?)] 2) to vomit a small
uullishsha n. stop. amount (of children).
uullishshi mare'e np. full stop. unqulla adj. fallen.
uullixxa n. stand. uunxataancho Pl: uunxataano. n. 1) beggar.
uullixxamukko [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] vi. to 2) petitioner.
defend. Morph: PASS/MED of uunxato Pl: uunxattuwwa. n. 1) prayer.
uullixxukko ? 2) request. 3) begging.
uullixxukko vt. 1) to erect. 2) to raise. 3) to put uunxisaancho Pl: uunxisaano. n. beggar.
an end. [Status: check meaning] uunxisukko vt. to make sb. beg. Morph: CAUS 1
uulqaaphpha [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n / adj of uunxukko.
(?). nation-wide. uunxukko vi. 1) to beg. 2) to ask for sth. 3) to
uulqoocca [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. earth shape. pray.
uulmeeggaro'o [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. uraa marukko vp. to leave sb.
latitude. uraa xa'ukko vp. to leave sb.
uulmura [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. ?? [Status: uraaga Pl: uraagguwwa. n. 1) heroic (person).
check meaning] 2) killer. 3) honour. [Status: check
uultikki'nno'o [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. axis. meaning !] 4) trophy taken from a killed
uulxinta [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. pole. person.
uullukko vi. 1) to stand (up). 2) to cease. 3) to urancha [Status: relation to urato ?] n. Morph:
stop. 4) to take place. singl. only. 1) forgiveness. 2) mercy.
u'llumma Pl: u'llummuwwa. n. 1) door. Uraanniisa name. Uranus.
[Status: check precise meaning (Marqos: uransukko vt. to arbitrate. Morph: CAUS 1 of
FRONT door; HLG: BIG door)] 2) doorway. uramukko.
3) outdoors. 4) outside, in front of the house. urato n. Morph: singl. only. 1) compassion.
[Status: check sn 4 (se of sn 3?)] 5) entrance. [Status: check meaning; Abraham cannot
umba'ada adj. 1) nacked. 2) nude. 3) bare. confirm this one] 2) pardon, forgiveness.
umba'adukko vt. to undress. 3) mercy.
umbu'lla n. Morph: singl. only. 1) fog. 2) cloud. urimma n. mercy. [Status: check ps (Inf ?)]
umbullaam adj. foggy. urimmi hige! interj. Excuse me!
umbu'llukko vi. to be foggy. urjuja n. small rain. [Status: check meaning]
uumo'i dano np. natural beauty. urko'o Pl: urko'uwwa. n. hair-style.
uumo'o Pl: uumo'uwwa. n. 1) shape. 2) natural. uro n. part of our body. [Status: check meaning]
[Status: check meaning] uruba adj. choked narrow. [Status: check
uumukko vi. to act well. meaning !!]
umura Pl: umulluwwa. n. 1) age. 2) life. urubammi sagachcho np. stop.
3) usefulness. urubukko Variant: urussukko. vi. to be choked.
umuraamo adj. useful. [Status: check meaning (HED: choked
Umuro name. Umuro. narrow)] 2) to mouth badly. [Status: check
u'nna Pl: u'nnuwwa. n. suffering. meaning !!!!]
u'nnamaancho adj. anxious. urukko vt. 1) to leave. 2) to stay away. 3) to not
u'nnamukko vi. to suffer. Morph: PASS/REFL carry out. 4) to give up sth. 5) to forgive.
of u'nnukko ? 6) quickly. Morph: When second part of a
u'nnancha n. 1) stress. 2) worry. 3) concern. serial verb construction. [Status: check for
4) disturbance. accurate translation]
u'nni bee'an ihukko vp. to abandon. urullichcho Pl: urulla. n. leech.
u'nnisukko vt. to suffer. Morph: CAUS 1 of urungichcho n. worm.
u'nnukko. [Status: check meaning - "to make usa Pl: ussuwwa. n. 1) rope. 2) light. [Status:

136 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

ussiisukko wageeshsha

check meaning !] usheexxisobee'ane adj (?). unrest.

ussiisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of ussukko. 1) to usheexxisukko vt. to help. Morph: CAUS 1 of
make sb. leave sth. 2) to make sb. to stay usheexxukko.
away. 3) to make sb. to give up sth. usheexxo Pl: usheexxuwwa ? [Status: check
uskrus n. type of ensete. spelling and meanings - cf. other entries with
usula Pl: usulluwwa. n. manner. the stem ush- // Abraham cannot confirm this
ussullaancho [Status: check spelling - was: meaning; suggests usheexxaxi beyyo] n.
ussulaancho] n. 1) naughty (person). resting place.
2) restless (person). [Status: check meaning usheexxukko vi. 1) to rest. 2) to land. 3) to die.
(reckless ?)] ushe'ukko vt. Morph: cf. ishee'ukko. 1) to drive
ussullukko vi. to be naughty. (car, animals). 2) to flock.
usha n. heritage. Utta name (place). Utta.
ushsha interj. interjection to halt horses from utta n. thorn. Morph: singul. uttichcho. [Status:
gallopping. check meaning - EGH thorn bush]
ushaame n. 1) araqe. 2) ethanol. utuba Pl: utubbuwwa. n. central wooden pole (of
ushaassissoohhani adj. ridiculous. a house).
ushaassissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of uuxa n. ensete. Morph: sg. only ?
ushaassukko. 1) to make a fool of sb. 2) to uxukko vt. to beautify.
ridicule. uwwa Pl: uwwuwwa. n. vomit.
ushe'amukko vi. 1) to drive by. 2) to pass. uwwamaakkoo luwwa np. Morph: pl.
ushe'aancho n. driver. tantum ?? 1) present. 2) gift.
ushe'isukko vt. to give dowry. Morph: CAUS 1 uwwancha n. gift.
of ushe'ukko. uwwe'ukko vi. to vomit.
ushe'ishsha n. animals given as dowry. uwwichcha [Status: check entry form!] n. gift.
usheexxato Pl: usheexxattuwwa. n. 1) rest. Morph: sg. only ?
2) break. 3) chapter. uwwiisukko vi. Morph: CAUS 1 of uwwukko.
usheexxato hoogimma [Status: check entry 1) to vomit. 2) to be sick.
form] np. restlessness. uwwukko vt. 1) to give. 2) to bear. 3) to vomit.
usheexxaxxi ammane np. vacation. [Status: check meaning]
usheexxaxxi beyyo [Status: check entry form] -uyyi suff. 1) while. 2) when. 3) whenever.
np. accommodation.
usheexxisaancho Pl: usheexxisaano. n. helper.

V - v
vaakihuula Pl: vaakihuulluwwa. n. vacuole. veendiyeema n. vanadium. Morph: singl. only.
vaalaansa n. valence. Morph: sg. only. From: [Status: check meaning - was: vandium]
Lat. vengaara n. vengar.
vaasdefereensa n. vasdeferens. Morph: sg. ventirika Pl: ventirikkuwwa. n. ventricle.
only. [Status: check meaning ...] Veenuusa n. Venus.
vaayiresa Pl: vaayiressuwwa. n. virus. From: verteksa Pl: verteksuwwa. n. vertex. From: Lat.
Engl. veeyina Pl: veeyinnuwwa. n. vein. From: Engl.
vektera Pl: vektelluwwa. n. vector. viille'e n. villi.
velama Pl: velammuwwa. n. velum. From: Lat. viitaamiina Pl: viitaamiinnuwwa. n. vitamin.
[Status: check meaning - was: velm]

W - w
Waa'a Pl: waa'uwwa. n. 1) God. 2) sky. wadammukko v. ??
Waa'a uunxaxxi mine np. church. waadamuuncho [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n.
Waa'a uwwona vp (interj). thanks. rainbow.
Waa'a weeshukko vp. to curse. wadaro'o Pl: wadaro'uwwa. [Status: check
wacogirara n. a type of acacia tree. spelling - underlined by AT] n. heavy rope.
waachcha n. 1) swimming. 2) many. 3) plenty. waadaata n. type of pottery object. [Status:
[Status: check meaning 2f] check meaning]
Waachchamo name. Hossana. Wadeloo name. one of the names of God.
waachchaancho Pl: waachchaano. n. swimmer. wadesa n. a type of sandpaper tree.
waachchukko vi. to swim. waagga n. cereal disease.
Waadda name. Waadda. wageeshsha Pl: wageeshshuwwa. n. traditional

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 137

waaggukko waaxukko

doctor. waangaancho Pl: waangaano. n. greedy

waaggukko vi. to rust (of plant). (person).
waa'i banqa np. lightning. wangara n. rye.
waa'i damuuncho np. rainbow. waangukko vi. to be greedy.
Waa'i galaxxamona vp (interj.). thanks be to waanjiba n. ??
God. waanjibatte adj. sb. who is pregnant for the first
Waa'i gereechcho np. type of plant. [Status: time.
check meaning] waankechcha n. 1) humbling (of ox).
waa'i guugo np. lightning. 2) muttering. 3) complaint (of ox). [Status:
waa'i lugumo np. horizon. check meaning]
waa'i mancho np. 1) magician. 2) wizard. waanke'ukko vi. to cry loudly.
3) priest. 4) believer. waanki baara np. young ox.
Waa'i mine np. house of God. waankiisukko vt. to make sb. cry loudly.
waa'i moora np. sacrificial bull. Morph: CAUS 1 of waankukko.
waaja n. wax. waanko n. 1) humbling. 2) shouting.
waajiba n. ?? 3) muttering. [Status: check meanings!]
waajjo'o n. 1) white sorghum. 2) white millet. wara n. red-hotpoker tree, coral tree.
waajjo'o sarata Variant: woogaamo sarata. Waaraa name. Waaraa.
[Status: check va (WHS)] np. white millet. waraa waraa vp. to come down. [Status: lit. "he
Waaka name. Waaka. [Status: check ee] came again and again"]
waaka n. greed. waaraancho Pl: waaraano. n. sb. who is not
wakasha n. false/Ethiopian cardamom. native.
waakataancho Pl: waakataano. n. greedy wardimama n. coriander.
(person). wardiyya n. guard. Morph: singl.
waakkatisa n. degradation. wardiyyichcho. From: from Amh.
waakkatisukko vt. to degrade. Morph: CAUS 1 waardiyyuwwi [Status: check entry
of waakkatukko. form - wardiyya?] n. blouse. [Status: check
waakatukko vi. to be greedy. [Status: check meaning]
meaning !] waare'e n. watching the cows from 1 to 8
waakkatukko vi. to be degraded. [Status: check o'clock. [Status: check meaning]
ACT / PASS] waaroo ammane np. future.
waaqaabuuta Pl: waaqaabuuttuwwa. [Status: waaroo hiincho np. next year.
check form !!] n. Morph: * waa'a .... ? waaroo maarage np. next year.
[Status: rel. with "blacksmith" ?] 1) space. waarukko vi. to come.
2) universe. waas atakaana np. food prepared from ensete.
waaqaabuuxxi orachcho np. heavenly bodies. waas ciinsimma vp. to squeeze ensete starch.
waqqaccichcho Pl: waaqqaacca. [Status: waas illaancho np. colander for ensete.
check spelling - HED: woqqaaccichcho] n. waas kitimma vp. to remove fibre from ensete
blacksmith. (starch). [Status: check meaning]
waqarukko vt. to pound in mortar. waas murimma vp. to cut ensete.
wa'lla Pl: wa'lluwwa. n. young calf. [Status: pl. waasa Variant: li'aalli waasa. Pl: ??? n. 1) baked
of ??] ensete food. 2) food.
waamma n. 1) grave. 2) graveyard. 3) funeral. waassarukko vi. to cook ensete bread. Morph: *
waameeta [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. wives of waasa sarukko.
one husband. Morph: * ??? waasi qumuzo'o np. food prepared from ensete.
waameeta sabukko vp. to contradict. waaso shuma np. stool (excrement).
waammi bare np. grave. waashara n. ??
waammi beyyo np. cemetery. waashima adj. 1) with white and red colour (of a
waammi ogora [Status: check entry form] np. cow). 2) white colour with black spots.
funeral. waataanna n. calf.
waammisukko vt. to have sb. bury so. Morph: waataancho Pl: wo'lla. [Status: check pl !!] n.
CAUS 1 of waammukko. young calf (up to one month).
waammishsha [Status: check entry form] n. waataanmaara [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. veal.
funeral service. wato n. rough cinnamon bark.
waammukko vt. 1) to bury. 2) to entomb. waato'o n. type of grass / weed. [Status: check
waanca'a Pl: waanca'uwwa. n. cup (made of meaning]
horn). waaxa n. team of plough oxen.
waancha n. tanner. waaxamukko vt. 1) to hide. 2) to conceal.
waanchichcho n. leather smoother. waaxiige n. sparrow. Morph: * ??
waandiida n. indication of pregnancy. waaxukko vt. 1) to hide. 2) to conceal. 3) to hold

138 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

way wiliqixansukko

back. 4) to swallow. 5) to engulf. 6) to take 2) numerator.

medicine. 7) to absorp. [Status: check weeshano n. 1) call. 2) charge of accusation.
meanings !! (1-3; 4-7)] wesheenshukko vi. to be reddish.
way part (?). or. From: Amh. weeshisaancho Pl: weeshisaano. n. sb. who
way ... way conj (?). either ... or. From: Amh. lets so. call.
waaybeeqqa adj. 1) careless. 2) courageous. weeshisukko vt. 1) to accuse. 2) to suit. 3) to
[Status: check meaning] complain.
waaybeeqqooma n. carelessness. weeshishsha n. accusation.
waym part / conj (??). or. From: Amh. weeshukko vt. 1) to call. 2) to shout (for sb.).
wee'a Pl: wee'uwwa. [Status: check entry - singl. 3) to accuse. 4) to invite. [Status: check
wee'ichcho] n. 1) young cow (before having meaning]
given birth). 2) calf. wexeexichcho n. marmot.
weddeeshsha n. 1) wanza tree. 2) a type of tree. weexukko vt. 1) to press. 2) to push around. 3) to
weeddo'o n. 1) joke. 2) fun. 3) wit. 4) humour. throw down. 4) to throw away.
we'e n. type of ensete. weyyakka Pl: weyyakkuwwa. n. 1) blanket.
wee'ichcho Pl: wee'a. n. 1) young calf. 2) clothes.
2) sucking calf. weyyakka dadukko vp. to weave.
wejweeja n. ?? wica adj. 1) thin. 2) small.
weejweeja n. ?? wicaangiira adj. 1) minor. 2) diminutive. 3) tiny.
welleella adj. beautiful. wicisukko vt. to split. Morph: CAUS 1 of
welleellaancho Pl: welleellaano. n. sth. that is wicukko.
curved. wicooma [Status: check entry form] n. tiny.
welleellukko vi. to be curved. wicukko vi. to be thin.
wengereellichcho Pl: wengereella. n. 1) fox. wiidda Pl: wiidduwwa. n. spirit of deceased
2) jackal. person.
weenqa adj. 1) thin. 2) tiny. 3) emaciated. widdansukko [Status: check entry form] vt. to
weera n. type of tree. [Status: check meaning] let sb. camp. Morph: CAUS 1 of
weerada n. turf. widdamukko.
weerara n. invasion. widiinda adj. 1) black. 2) dark. 3) negro.
weeraraa qassimma [Status: check entry wiigamcha n. 1) being chased away. 2) being
form] np. attack. sent away.
weerarukko vi/vt. 1) to run fast. 2) to invade. wiigamukko vi. Morph: PASS of wiigukko.
3) to transmit. 1) to be chased away. 2) to be sent away.
wereegga n. beauty. wiigukko vt/vi (?). 1) to chase away. 2) to run
wereeggaalla adj. beautiful. away. [Status: check meaning: make sb./sth.
wereeggisukko vt. to make up. run away ?]
wereeggukko vr. 1) to beautify oneself. 2) to wijjaachcha n. taking far away.
belittle. [Status: check ACT / PASS] wijjaa'ukko vt. to take far away.
weergaanje n. giraffe. wijjo'o n. 1) gathering of milk or butter according
wees buuya np. ensete leaf. to a group agreement. 2) milk exchanging
wees dugimma [Status: check relationship. [Status: check meaning]
spelling - underlined by AT] vp. to harvest wijjukko vi. to go far away.
ensete. wikkarukko vi. to chat.
wees kaasimma vp. to transplant ensete. wiiqqukko vi. 1) to make haste. 2) to go faster.
wees uulla np. highland. [Status: check meaning] 3) to be brisk.
wees waasa Variant: waasa. [Status: check entry wi'l seera np. 1) funeral rules. 2) funeral
form] np. flesh from the ensete sheath association.
(normal quality). wilaqixaancho n. zigzagging.
wees wor abuullimma vp. to turn the soil of wilaqixukko vt. to make zigzag.
the ensete garden. wi'llaancho Pl: wi'llaano. n. mourner.
wees wor shunqunimma vp. to weed the wilawilo [Status: 1 or 2 words?] n. day before
ensete garden. Masqal.
wees woro np. ensete garden. wilaawiloota n. type of insect found on water.
weesa Pl: weesma. [Status: check pl !] n. ensete [Status: check meaning]
plant. Morph: singul. weesichcho. wilicaa'ukko vt. 1) to stare at. 2) to pop out (of
wesaase n. ensete bread. eyes).
weeso waasa'a np. ensete bread. wiligo n ? ??
weeshamaancho Pl: weeshamaano. n. wiliqixa n. twisting.
defendant. wiliqixansukko vt. to make sth. twisted.
weeshaancho Pl: weeshaano. n. 1) accuser. Morph: CAUS 1 of wiliqamukko.

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wiliqixukko wocansukko

wiliqixukko vt. to twist. wiisho'o Pl: wiisho'uwwa. n. windstorm.

wi'llishsha n. performing during mourning. [Status: just: storm ?]
wi'llishaancho Pl: wi'lishaano. n. sb. who wittara adv (?). 1) beside the house. 2) outside the
performs during mourning. [Status: check house.
meaning !!] witiriichcho n. most distant place. [Status:
wi'llishimma n. type of folk song. check meaning (HED: farthest distance)]
wi'llishukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of wi'llukko. wiitwiit n ? ??
1) to cause to cry. 2) to cause to weep. wiixa n. Morph: singl. only. 1) thick hard grass
wi'llo n. 1) mourning. 2) bewailing (of the dead). (used for plaiting). 2) type of grass.
wi'llukko vi. 1) to cry (e.g. baby). 2) to weep. wixxaa'isukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
3) to mourn. wixxaa'ukko. 1) to make assemble. 2) to
wilwilukko vi. 1) to hesitate. 2) to be undecided. have sb. collect.
wincililukko Variant: wincellukko. [Status: wixxaa'ukko [Status: check
check va (WHS)] vi. to swing back and forth. spelling - wixxa'imma ?] vt. Morph: *
winco'o Variant: wincililo'o. n. pendulum. wixxukko. 1) to gather. 2) to collect. 3) to
windiveena n. wind-fan. From: Engl. store.
winxo'o adj. 1) a small amount. 2) a little bit. wixe'e adj. 1) precise. 2) cautious. 3) careful.
winziro'o n. pipe. 4) swift. [Status: check meaning]
wira Variant: wila. n. pair. wixxeesukko vt. Morph: CAUS I of wixxukko.
wirginnaancho n. sb. who entangles. 1) to gather. 2) to assemble. 3) to harvest (of
wirginneessaancho n. one who entangles. cereals).
wirginneesukko vi. 1) to entangle fastly. 2) to wiixinqa n. sb. who eats like a hyena. [Status:
intrigue. [Status: check meaning] check meaning]
wirginno'aancho n. 1) schemer. 2) sb. who wixinte n. cereals.
intrigues. wixisukko vt. to make sow. Morph: CAUS 1 of
wirginno'o n. plait. wixukko.
wirginoo'ukko vt. 1) to plait. 2) to braid. wixxite Pl: wixxittuwwa. n. 1) assembly.
wirginnukko vt. 1) to entangle. 2) to twist. 2) meeting. 3) crowd. 4) congregation.
wiriibo'o n ? ?? wixo Pl: wixxuwwa. n. 1) seed. 2) grain. 3) cereal.
wiriichcho n. 1) hamlet. 2) neighborhood. wixukko vt. 1) to sow. 2) to seed. [Status:
3) villager. [Status: check meanings] meaning ?] 3) to disperse.
wirijjo'ancha n. being tender. [Status: check wixxukko vi/vt (?). 1) to gather (people). 2) to
meaning !] assemble. 3) to collect.
wirijjo'o n / adj (?). tender, action. [Status: check woba'a n. malaria.
ps / meanings !!!] woba'i muuna [Status: check entry form!] np.
wirijjo'ukko vi. to be tender. [Status: check bee humming.
meaning !] wobare Pl: woballuwwa. [Status: 1 or 2
wiriira Variant: wuriira. [Status: check va words ??] n. 1) well. 2) ditch.
(HCD)] n. 1) smoke. 2) fume. wobaxa n. 1) washing a woman in child bed.
wiriraa'ukko vt. to throw away. [Status: check meaning - was: washing the
wiriissaancho n. smoker. born bed women] 2) herbal water.
wiriissukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of wirukko (?). wobila adj. blue.
1) to smoke. 2) to fire. [Status: check wobiila [Status: check entry form - wobila: blue?]
meaning (to burn ?)] n ? ??
wissiira adj / n ? ?? wobbite n. 1) inclination. 2) tendency.
wiisooranna adj (?). too cold. wobbo shoohane np. a very rare predator.
wish inqe np. the first back tooth. Morph: * wobbukko vi. to incline.
wishichcho. woca Variant: waca. Pl: woccuwwa. [Status:
wishama [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. mother of check va (HCD)] n. speech.
many children. Morph: fem. wocamaancho Pl: wocamaano. n. quarrelsome
wishshi interj. interjection to trouble others. (person).
[Status: check meaning - lit. "dog"! (swear wocamukko Variant: wacamukko. [Status:
word - Schimpfwort)] check va (HCD)] vi. Morph: MED/PASS of
wishichcho Variant: washichcho; wusha. Pl: wocukko. 1) to quarrel. 2) to be angry. 3) to
wisha. [Status: check va (HCD); check va hate. [Status: check meaning !!]
(WHS)] n. dog. wocancha n. Morph: * worukko. 1) argument.
wishinqe Pl: wishinquwwa. [Status: 1 or 2 2) quarrel.
words ?] n. canine tooth. wocaancho Pl: wocaano. n. speaker.
wishmigira n. a kind of grass. wocansukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of
wisho'o n. 1) swing. 2) trapeze. wocanukko. 1) to cause to quarrel. 2) to

140 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

wocarata wollicho

annoy sb. wohe'e Pl: wohe'uwwa. n. bean.

wocarata n. type of ensete. wohina Pl: wohinnuwwa. n. prison.
woce'e Pl: woce'uwwa. n. expense. wo'i bare np. well.
wocisukko [Status: check spelling - HLG: wo'i boomba'a np. 1) tap. 2) faucet.
wocissukko] vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of wo'i dilloo booye'e [Status: check entry form]
wocukko. 1) to let other people talk (to each np. ditch.
other). 2) to talk to. wo'i diishsha np. wasp. [Status: check entry /
wocita Pl: wocittuwa. n. clay container adorned meaning - Abraham cannot confirm this one]
with shells. From: Orom. ???? wo'i harachcho np. big clay container for
woco'o Pl: woco'uwwa. n. small roost to lay water.
eggs. wo'i ifiishshaancho np. 1) tap. 2) faucet.
wocukko Variant: wacukko. [Status: check va wo'i qalama [Status: check entry form] np. ink.
(HCD)] vi. 1) to talk. 2) to say. 3) to speak (a wo'i moora np. 1) wave. 2) storm.
language). wo'i shuma np. urine.
wocwoca n. type of sheep disease. [Status: check wo'i waachcha [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n.
meaning] swimming (in water).
wochera n. type of ensete. wo'i wo'mmimma [Status: check entry form]
woda Pl: wodduwwa. n. upper arm. np. 1) high water. 2) flood.
woda'a Variant: wodda. [Status: check spelling / wo'i wushisho [Status: check entry form - THS
entry form] dem. this. Morph: fem. [Status: has wu'isho (without preceding wo'i)] np.
check meaning!] waterfall.
wodda'i [Status: Check spelling - was woda'i] wojagira 1) adj. brave. 2) valiant. 3) courageous.
pron. that. 4)
wodala Pl: wodalluwwa. n. 1) a big and strong — n. hero.
donkey. 2) jackass. wokakkaancho Pl: wokakkaano. adj.
woddalla n. 1) last day. 2) that day. [Status: conservative.
check meaning] wokalo'o n ? ??
wodaamo adj. 1) powerful. 2) very strong. wokkalukko vi. to represent. From: Amh.
woda'n fonqa n. type of sheep disease. [Status: wokkaashsha Pl: wokkaashshuwwa. n. spices.
check meaning !!] wokashekkichcho n. dragonfly.
wodan qee'llo np. suspenseful. woqqaaccichcho Variant: woqqaacekichcho.
woda'n mancho [Status: check spelling - HED Pl: woqqaacca. [Status: check va (WHS)] n.
1 word] np. bossom friend. blacksmith.
wodanaamo adj. with gastric problems (of a woqasimma n / v (?). criticism.
person). [Status: check meaning (gastric ??)] woqomba n. ??
woda'nnane [Status: check entry form - Not wolla Pl: wolluwwa. n. wooden hundle for
Abs...] n. genuine. clearing weed. [Status: check spelling &
wodano Variant: wadano. Pl: wodannuwwa. meaning]
[Status: check va (HCD)] n. 1) heart. wo'lla n. calf (of young cow). [Status: check
2) thinking. precise meaning]
wodano wo'mmima np. confidence. wolab n. honorific title. [Status: check precise
wodo'o n. herd (of cows). meaning - "free person" only?]
wodukko vi. 1) to be powerful. 2) to be very wolaba adj. 1) free (of men and women).
strong. 2) waterish.
wodunukko vt (vi ??). 1) to circumcise. [Status: wolabbano n. freedom.
only of boys ?] 2) to flow. wolabichcho n. 1) free person. 2) gentleman.
wo'eera n. olive. wolaganna n. 1) disobedience. 2) refusal.
wofco mine np. mill. wolagannaancho Pl: wolagannaano. n. 1) sb.
woffukko vi. to be cool. who is disobedient. 2) sb. who refracts.
woga Pl: wogguwwa. n. 1) tradition. 2) custom. [Status: check meaning]
3) culture. wolagannukko vi. 1) to disobey. 2) to refuse.
wogafechcha [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. water wolaphphi garaadda np. free man.
pressure. Wolayitta name. Wolaytta.
wogana Pl: wogannuwwa. n. festival of woldimaama Variant: wordimaama. [Status:
counting one's one hundred and more cattle. check va] n. spices. Morph: singl. only.
woganukko vi. to show that one has one hundred Wolleebaamo name. a very strong spirit of
and more cattle. possession.
wogla n / adj ? ?? Woole'e name. 1) a spirit of possession.
wohaa likka [Status: check entry form!!] np. 2) sacrificial feast of that spirit.
level. From: Amh. wollicho n. large snake. [Status: check precise

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 141

wollisaancho worinne nakka

meaning] woncukko vi. 1) to incline. 2) to slant.

wollisaancho Pl: wollisaano. n. checker. wondaro'o n. ??
wollisukko vt. Morph: CAUS 1 of wollukko. wondimaama Variant: wodimaama. n.
1) to check. 2) to count. coriander.
wollishsha n. checking. wongaara Pl: wongaalluwwa. n. bract of ensete
woliyye n. Islamic medium. bloom.
wolqo'aamo adj. infirm. wonge'e n. type of cabbage.
wolqo'o adj ? 1) infirm. 2) feeble. wongeela Pl: wongeelluwwa. [Status: check
woloqooqo'o n. bay. entry form - wengeela?] n. gospel. From:
wollukko vt. to swallow. Amh.
wo'llukko vi. 1) to return. 2) to be strong. 3) to be wongira Variant: wongera. Pl: wongilluwwa.
tough. [Status: check meanings!] [Status: check va (WHS)] n. 1) bowl.
wolyama Pl: wolyammuwwa. n. sacrificial feast 2) hallow wooden container. 3) boat.
for Wolyani (a spirit of possession). wonjalana Pl: wonjalannuwwa. n. criminal.
Wolyani name. a strong spirit of possession. From: Amh.
Morph: The same as Wolleebaamo ? wonsho'o Pl: wonsho'uwwa. n. 1) filtering
wo'm caakkishsha [Status: check entry form] material. 2) complement.
np. description. wonshukko Variant: wanshukko. [Status: check
wo'm eddechcha [Status: check entry form] va (HCD)] vt. Morph: CAUS I of
np. suit. wo'mmukko. 1) to fill. 2) to complete. 3) to
wo'm xigo [Status: 2 or 1 words ?] np. whole accomplish. 4) to fulfil.
number. wonziro'o Pl: wonziro'uwwa. n. 1) gutter.
wo'mma 1) adj. full. 2) filled. 3) even. 4) 2) spout (of roof).
— n. traditional drink. [Status: check wo'o n. water. Morph: singl. only.
meaning] wo'o waachcha [Status: check entry form] np.
wo'mmaa'ukko [Status: check entry form !! duck.
(wo'mmukko ?)] vt. to fulfil. [Status: a wora'a n. a type of tree. [Status: check precise
prophecy or also other "items"? OR: to be full meaning]
(of sth.)?] woraaba adj. 1) redish (of cows). 2) brown.
Womba name. Womba. From: Engl. "womb". worada Pl: woradduwwa. n. district
[Status: check that deriviation] (administrative). From: Amh.
wombachcho [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. holder woraaddano n. adolescence. [Status: check
of the See. From: Kamb. woma "king". meaning (pl of woraadichcho ?)]
wombara Pl: womballuwwa. n. chair. From: woraadichcho Variant: waraadichcho. Pl:
Amh. woraada. [Status: check va (HCD)] adj
wo'mmukko vi. 1) to be(come) full of. 2) to be (n ?). 1) adolescent. 2) young man.
filled. [Status: check meaning ! (several xv in 3) bridegroom. [Status: check meaning]
HED 459] woraadukko vi. to be an adolescent.
won beeto np. first-born child. From: Amh. wana worag gixo'o np. poetry.
(1st word). worag kitaabo'o np. loose writing.
wona adj / n. 1) elder. 1b) first born. 2) main, worag qananaato np. prose.
capital. [Status: See punctuation in series of woraga n. layman.
nouns ...] woraqa n. chaff.
wonnaade'e [Status: check entry form - was: woraqaallichcho n. scorpion.
wonnade'e] n. a kind of ensete. woraqata Pl: woraqattuwa. n. sheet (of paper).
wonana n. hole to put ensete food. [Status: From: Amh.
check meaning] woranto n. tweezers.
wonnanna Pl: wonnannuwwa. n. Morph: * woraaphphi ellawwa np. brown coloured.
wonni anna ? 1) wooden bar. 2) shaft (of worassukko vt. to take away.
plough). 3) digging stick. 4) hoe. woree n. 1) rumour. 2) message. From: Amh.
wonannado n. 1) seeking milk. 2) staying woreegga [Status: check entry - underlined by
without milk for long time. [Status: check AT] adj/n. 1) arrogant. 2) an adorned woman.
meaning] woretta n. hostility. Morph: singl. only; *
wonnanni heeda np. hoe with metal point. woshsha.
wonata n. weevil. wori amadukko vp. to suppress. [Status: check
wonatukko vt. to damage grain (of weevil). meaning]
wonbara Pl: wonballuwwa. n. chair. From: Woriiqa'a name. 1) a mighty spirit of possession.
Amh. 2) sacrificial feast for that spirit. 3) ancestor
woncite n. 1) inclination. 2) tendency. spirit.
wonciwoncukko vi. to wave. worinne nakka np. inscribed.

142 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 11/18/2018

worinne nakki angila wotachcho

worinne nakki angila np. inscribed angle. wosqunnukko vi. to be restless.

worinnenakki dutmidaado np. inscribed wosso'llimi ogora [Status: enter under "ogora"?
polygon. cf. verb ?] np. recreational facilites. [Status:
worqa Variant: warqa. [Status: check va check meaning - Abraham prefers: "ways of
(HCD)] n. 1) gold. 2) ensete. From: Amh. feeling at home"]
worqi bukkaancho np. gold smith. wossoo'llukko vi. Morph: REFL of
woro Variant: waro. [Status: check va (HCD)] wossoorukko. 1) to joke gently. 2) to cheat.
part. 1) inside. 2) in. 3) interior. 4) under. 3) to talk. [Status: check meaning]
5) through. wossorukko [Status: check entry form - HED:
woro la'ukko vp. to examine. wossoorukko?] vi. to talk. Morph: cf.
woro moo'isukko vp (vt). to examine. Morph: worukko. [Status: check meaning (also: to
CAUS 1 of woro moo'ukko. [Status: check have a good time ?)]
difference with woro la'ukko (to take an wossoorukko vt. 1) to play with. 2) to cheat.
exam ??)] wossukko vi. 1) to feel lonely, to feel homesick.
woro yoo luwwa [Status: check entry form] 2) to talk, to chat. [Status: check meaning]
np. contents. wosh interj. interjection to command cows to ....
woro'l angila np. interior angle. [Status: check meaning]
woro'l eddechcha [Status: check entry form] woshsha Pl: woshshuwwa. n. Morph: *
np. underwear. worukko. 1) gossip. 2) speech. 3) news.
woronn- prefix. in. [Status: check ps] 4) case. 5) matter. 6) thing, incident. 7) affair.
woroon part. 1) under. 2) low. 8) section. 9) sentence, statement. [Status:
Woroo'n [Status: check spelling] n. South. check meaning ...] 10) word. [Status: check
woroo'n kollo [Status: check entry form] np. meaning]
south. woshsha dabarukko vp (vt). to answer.
woroo'n lugummo [Status: check entry form] woshsha ebukko vt. to create trouble for sb.
np. 1) bottom. 2) lower. woshsha kurukko vp (vt). to tell sth.
woroo'n shooto'o np. lower base. woshsha la'isukko vp (vt). to let sb. know sth.
woronne n [LOC]. 1) inside. 2) underneath. woshsha madukko vp (vt). to proceed with sth.
woronne ammadukko [Status: check entry woshsha murukko vp (vt). to decide sth.
form] vt. to contain. woshsha urukko Variant: washsha urukko.
woronne fooshshe'ukko vp. to inhale. [Status: check va (HCD)] vp (vt). 1) to
wororo part. 1) interior (of a house). 2) in. forgive. 2) to pardon.
woroyye n. a kind of Maskel play. [Status: woshaabbano uwwukko vt. to designate.
dance ?] woshaabichcho Pl: woshaaba. n. 1) tribal
worsawwite n. concept. chief. 2) judge in traditional structures.
worukko Morph: * wodukko ? Variant: [Status: check precise meaning]
warukko. [Status: check va (HCD)] vt. 1) to woshaada Pl: woshaadduwwa. n. 1) trap.
bring. 2) to get. 3) to find. 4) to put. [Status: 2) snare.
check meaning of sn 2-4] woshamada n. type of ensete.
worukko vt. Morph: * woro. 1) to send back. woshshaamo adj. nosy.
2) to turn away. 3) to drive sb. away. woshshanna n. arbiter. Morph: * woshsha
worwaatisukko vt. to make importunate. anna.
Morph: CAUS 1 of worwaatukko. [Status: woshshi bikke np. 1) with indifference.
check meaning] 2) crudely. 3) so-so. [Status: check meanings]
worwaatishsha n. 1) making to beg. 2) plea. woshshi dabachcha np. answer.
[Status: check precise meaning] woshshi duuha'a np. 1) meaning of sth.
worwaato n. 1) begging. 2) entreaty. 3) plea. 2) sense of sth.
worwaatukko vi. to importune. [Status: check woshshi ihukkaarem np (conj). but.
meaning ! (to be importunate ?)] woshshi (iina) aaggukko vp (vt). to
wossa n. conversation. understand.
woosa aa'ukko [Status: check spelling woshshi luda n. trace of sth. [Status: check
(woshsha ?)] vp (vt). to borrow (a thing). meaning !]
wossanukko vt. to decide. woshshi nigga np. the origin of sth.
wossisukko [Status: check entry form - was: wosho'o n. ??
wasisukko] vt. to long for. Morph: CAUS 1 woshshukko vi (?). 1) to carry on sth. [Status:
of wossukko. check meaning] 2) to argue with sb. 3) to
wossiisukko vt. to cause sb. to bring. Morph: bring a lawsuit against sb.
CAUS 1 of wossukko (worukko ?). wotachcho Variant: watachcho. Pl: wotara.
wossiyya n. 1) east. [Status: check meaning [Status: check va (HCD)] n. young of
(testament ?)] 2) will. animals. [Status: check meaning - Abraham

11/18/2018 Hadiyya - English Dictionary 143

wottaddachcho yemmukko

does not know this term] woiwonara] n. type of ensete.

wottaddachcho n. soldier. wudda [Status: entry necessary ?] adj.
wottaaddalluwwa [Status: check entry form 1) expensive. 2) costly. 3) dear. From: Amh.
(pl)] n. troops. Wu'eetichcho name. Friday.
wotambarada n. ?? wuh yukko vp. to bark (dog).
Woto'o name. March 10 - April 8. wullanchukko vi. Morph: * wullukko +
wox mine np. kitchen. From: Amh. hanchukko. 1) to step on sth. 2) to be on the
woxa Variant: waxa. Pl: woxxuwwa. [Status: spot. [Status: check meaning !]
check va (HCD)] n. 1) sauce (prepared with wule'e Pl: wule'uwwa. n. haystack. Morph: cf.
red pepper). 2) w㷼. From: Amh. ule'ukko.
woxabaca Pl: woxabaccuwwa. n. rod. wule'ukko vt. to hang up sth.
woxxara Variant: woxxalla. Pl: woxxalluwwa. wullissukko [Status: check entry - ullissukko ?]
[Status: check va (WHS)] n. pup. From: vt. to put up sth. Morph: CAUS 1 of
Amh. wullukko. [Status: check meaning]
wowwoqaancho Pl: wowwoqaano. n. abuser. wuriichcho Variant: wiriira. n. smoke.
wowwoqukko vt. to abuse. wuriirukko Variant: wiriirukko. vi. to smoke.
woyaaqukko [Status: check entry form] vt. to ... wurwuraa'ukko vt. to turn sth. this way and
cloth. [Status: check meaning] that way. [Status: check meaning]
woyi'n diqaasa np. wine. wurwurukko vi. 1) to hesitate. 2) to be
woyi'n mine [Status: check entry form] np. undecided.
prison. wussaane higisukko vp. to sentence.
woyi'n misha np. grape. wushukko [Status: check entry - underlined by
woyina dega np. middle altitude. From: Amh. AT] vi. to understand.
woyrerukko vi. to go to war. wuxxeeta n. grades (in exam). From: Amh.
woywonara [Status: check spelling - EGH

Y - y
yabaagukko vi. to seek protection. yame'i ihukko vp (vi). to be large in mass.
yabo n. protection. Morph: singl. only. yanna Pl: yannuwwa. n. saying.
yabo uwwukko [Status: check entry form] vp. yanna sabo np. 1) refusal. 2) curt. 3) flat.
to trust. [Status: check meanings]
yabu'l sagachcha'a np. bilabials. yaance'e Pl: yaance'uwwa. n. type of cloth put
yabu'llanee inqi sagachcho np. labiodentals. on donkeys.
yabura Pl: yabulluwwa. n. lower lip. yaansiisa n. 1) squash. 2) big pumpkin.
yabuwwukko vt. to give sth. to be protected. yattattukko v. ??
yafalaala adj. very wide. yatte'e adj. 1) huge. 2) big. 3) large.
yafalaalukko vi. to be (very) wide. ya'ukko vi. to call. [Status: check
yagoore'e Pl: yagoore'uwwa. n. velum. meaning! - Abraham prefers: "to be
yagoore'i sagara np. velars. gathered"]
yakaa'ukko vi. 1) to try. 2) to need great effort. yaayyamma adj. isolated.
yakite Pl: yakittuwwa. n. 1) trial. 2) experiment. yaayyamukko vi. to be isolated. Morph: PASS
yako'aare v (?). for the sake of. of yaayyukko.
yakko'o n ? 1) say. 2) name. [Status: check yaayyisukko vt. to make isolated (i.e., isolate ?).
meanings] Morph: CAUS 1 of yaayyukko. [Status:
yakukko vi. 1) to try. 2) to attempt. 3) to test. check precise meaning]
yaqiima adj. real. yaayyukko vt. 1) to isolate. 2) to expel.
yaqiina adj. sure. yee interj. hello.
Yaaqoob name. Jacob. yegeetta Pl: yegeettuwwa. n. 1) compensation.
yaala n. shame. Morph: singl. only. 2) help.
yamaa weeshamoohane [Status: check entry yegeetta uwwukko vp (vt). 1) to compensate.
form] vp. so-called. 2) to help up sb.
yamamcha n. 1) agreement. 2) treaty. yegeettukko vt. 1) to compensate. 2) to help up
yamamukko vi. Morph: PASS/REFL of sb.
yamukko ?? 1) to agree. 2) to make a treety. Yem name. Yem.
yambarshe'e Pl: yambarshe'uwwa. n. yemmaancho Pl: yemmaano. n. 1) swear.
1) catapult. 2) slingshot. [Status: check 2) curse.
meaning] yemmukko vt. 1) to repair. 2) to maintain. 3) to
yame'e adj. large in mass. curse. [Status: check meanings]

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yerite zuphite

yerite adj. 1) little (of rain). 2) few (of people). form - paraphrasis ..] np. menu.
Yesuus name. Jesus. yookko [Status: check entry (PRES) - should
Yesuus kichchi ugudo [Status: check entry probably be: yimma // Abraham prefers:
form] np. Passion. "ihimma"] vi. 1) to be. 2) to exist. [Status:
Yesuus qaranchi ugudo [Status: check entry check the meaning!]
form] np. Christmas. yookko'o vi. there is in place value (in
yigibaagna Pl: yigibaagnuwwa. n. appeal. mathematics).
From: Amh. yora adj. grouchy.
yirukko vi. to become rainy. [Status: check yorukko vi. 1) to nag. 2) to complain.
meaning (to rain ?)] yosha Pl: yoshshuwwa. n. big black pearl.
-yyo suff. NEGATION, stative (copula). yukko [Status: check entry form!] vi. Morph:
yoohom conj. yet. 2s: ..... 1) to be present. [Status: check
yoohome conj (?). yet. meaning! Abraham prefers: "hee'imma"] 2) to
yoohosha n (?). whole day. [Status: check be there.
meaning and entry - Abraham prefers "balli yukko [Status: check entry form!] vi. to say.
hoshsha"] Morph: 2s: ..... (??).
yoo'isa adv. as in. yuunversa Pl: yuunversuwwa. n. universe.
yoo'isame dabarukko [Status: check entry Yuuraanasa name. Uranus.
form] vp. to imitate. yuutirasa Pl: yuutirassuwwa. n. uterus.
yookki hurbaax hagara [Status: check entry

Z - z
zahima Pl: zahimmuwwa. [Status: check zeretta Pl: zerettuwwa. n. seed.
spelling - Abraham prefers: ZAAYIMMA] n. zeerohaalata [Status: 1 or 2 words ?] n. property
[Status: check ps - infin. ?] 1) talkative man. of zero.
2) talking much without stopping. zeero'i moorfiima np. zero morpheme.
zaaqite Pl: zaaqittuwwa. n. wandering. zeero'i somo'o np. collective name.
zaaqukko vi. to wander. zeero'o n. zero.
zammaraancho Pl: zammaraano. n. singer. zerpe Pl: zerpuwwa. n. bridge. From: Amh. ?
From: Amh. ziba Pl: zibbuwwa. n. gate towards cowshed.
zammarukko vi (vt?). to sing. From: Amh. From: Amh.
zambiila Pl: zambiilluwwa. n. bag. From: Amh. zibaachcha n. clearing.
zamunukko vi. to babble. zibaa'ukko vt. to clear.
zanga Pl: zanguwwa. n. staff. From: Amh. zibukko vi. to drop (in plenty). [Status: check
zaanxila Variant: jaanxila. Pl: zaanxilluwwa. n. meaning !]
umbrella. zigiiga Pl: zigiigguwwa. n. fence.
zappo n. splitted part of tree. [Status: check zigiigaancho Pl: zigiigaano. n. sb. who fences.
meaning] zigiigukko vt. 1) to fence. 2) to block.
zar n. type of possessive spirit. From: Amh. ziilla Pl: ziilluwwa. n. slug. From: Amh.
zarafamu mu'uta np. loot. From: Amh. zinbaaba Pl: zinbaabbuwwa. [Status: check
zaraa'mma Pl: zaraa'mmuwwa. n. bridge. entry - was: zanbaba] n. palm tree.
From: Amh. zinka n. zink.
zaraaro'o Pl: zaraaro'uwwa. n. seasonal flower ziiphpha Pl: ziiphphuwwa. n. zipper. From:
(at Meskel). Engl.
zarka n. ?? zoobira n. a kind of ensete.
zaatukko vt. to threaten. From: Amh. zoofaaro'o [Status: check spelling - was:
zawa'a Pl: zawa'uwwa. n. border. From: Amh. ? zoofaro'o] n. irrigation.
zaayilema n. zylem. zooge n. type of ensete.
zayita n. oil. From: Amh. zorxayukko vi. to fall down badly.
zebe yukko vp. to neglect. From: Amh. zuu n. zoo. From: Engl.
zebbukko vt. to dig. From: Amh. ? zubbaa'ukko vt. 1) to kick. 2) to hit.
zegeella n ? ?? zubbe'e n. elephantiasis.
zeele'e Pl: zeele'uwwa. n. 1) witch doctor's stick. zubbe'ukko vi. to become sick with elephantiasis.
2) metal shaft on staff. 3) staff. From: Amh. zulummaa'ukko vi. to take (sleep). [Status:
[Status: check precise meaning - only witch check meaning]
doctor's stick?] zulummukko vi. 1) to be sleepy. 2) to slumber.
zera'ma Pl: zera'muwwa. n. bridge. From: zuu'ooloojee n. zoology.
Amh. zuphite n. an exhaustive journey.

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zuphukko zuuyukko

zuphukko vi. to walk an exhaustive and long zuuyite n. loitering. [Status: check meaning]
journey. zuuyukko vt. to loiter. [Status: check meaning]
zuuweencho n. loiter. [Status: check meaning]

Total number of entries: 11130

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