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LAO-CAI Nam hqc: 2001 -2002
------------------ D6 thi mBn: Ti$Ing Anh
D6 chinh thirc ( Thai gian: 180 phdt, kh6ng kg Wi gian giao d$ )

/ ~ i & bli
n thi:
. khdo d l : ................................................:..

Bing s6:....................................................................................................... ...................................

1. G i - h khho ~ $ 2....................................................


Question I. Complete the following sentences by using the correct form of the verbs in brackets:
1. A: Why ..........................( you / not / come ) with us yesterday ?
B:I .........................( study ).
2. It's a pity my sister can not came to the party. She .......................... ( love ) it.
3. Angus regrets ....................... ( tell ) her his secret. Now everybody ............................... ( know ) it.
4. It's half pw,tninine, It's high time you ........................ ( go ) to bed, boys.

~ u e s t i o n11. C&le A, C or D to choose the word which is best to fill in each of the numbered
1. At first I found it &ff'tl=dt io get used .................... on the other side of the road.
A. to dPi% B,driving C. to driving D. being driven
2. " What waqJrmr advice to Marvin ? "
" Wefl, I mornqnermded &at he .................... CI

A. wudy B. studies C. studying D. study

3. I suggested .....,...,.,,....,... to the party.
A. him in going make him go C. him to go D. that he should go
4. Television ..................... ~ n l for
y the last forty or fifty years.
A. must be e~$~t,e:d B. has been existed C. was existed D. has existed
Question 111: R,m&npthe t&t anan4 put the correct forms of the given word to fill in the blank:
Thrawaut history, m e n have had [U) ................ for healing the sick. However, it is only in
(1) ..............recent times that they have been allowed to train as doctors at (2) ..................... school
in Britain. Yet in that short time, they have made an enormous (3) modern
The first female doctors were priestesses who gave (4) ....................... about diseases and (5)
................end prepared medicines. In ancient Rome, women healers were considered (6) ....................
and respected.
In Britain, for centuries male doctors were (7) ........................of women who practised
medicine (8,) .......................... and in 1512 a law was passcd making it (9) ......................... for them to
do so. Women couldn't study medicine at universities until the 19th century and they only began to
gain (10) ................... with male doctors in the 20th century.

. Eg: RESPONSIBLE 0, responsibility


Question I. Fill in each blank with ONE. su~tnrdeword:

Last Autumn I .....:...........( 1 ) a wmk at 4 big hotel in London. It was one of those modern
hotels where ................( 2 ) room is the same size and ..............( 3 ) the same furniture, and looks just
................( 4 ) every other room. My room was 311 on the third .................... ( 5 ). One night, quite
late, I got back to the hotel .............. ( 6 ) a very g a ~ d dinner with some friends. I walked into the lift
and .................( 7 ) the button. When the lift ........:.... ( 8 ) , I got out and walked to my room or what
I .............. ( 9 )'was my room. ..................( 10 1I ogmed the door I saw an astonishing scene. A man
was painting a revolver ................ ( 11 ) a woman sitting in an chair, and the woman was saying in a
frightened ..................( 12 ): " Please ............( 13 ) shoot me ! " I turned round, ran along the corridor
and .................. ( 14 ) the stairs. I daren't wait for the lift and found the night porter in the hall.
Quick," I cried, " Someone is ...............( 15 ) murdered in my room ". .......

1. 2. 3.
5. 6. 7.
9. 10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15.
Question 11, m e , a r e many spelling and punctuation errors ifi this text. Find out and correct 15
The common cold, as it is technicaly known, still resists the efforts of science to control and
cure It, and has gixe:s;srise ta a rich pop-ular mythology .As the name sugests, the assumption is that
you catch a cold because you go out in the cold or get wet. As we now that a cold is a virus, and that
we actually catch it from being in contact with others', this is not strictly true. Shakeing hands with
people, kissing them ox just being in the same room, can pass on the virus. It is now generally
beleived that cold viruses, and there is more than one type, are always present in the throat, but only
become active when the body resistence to infection is 1owered.Theactivated cold virus then attacks
the membranes in the nose and the throat, who's tissues become weakened and thus susceptible to
infection by types of bacteria which are generally also present in the body. Sudden chilling, or get[&
soked to h e skin, promote conditions in nose and throat membranes that permitt the cold virus to
invade the M y , although some individuals seem to be resistant to this. Just being out in the cold is
not en~ugh, s a y s conducted in wartime among troops living in the open found that the
inddenm of colds' was no greater. As far as prevention and cure are cocerned, nearly everyone has
' [here own hvsaurite r e d y , b a c b r s have been unable to produse an affective vacine against colds,
k gkthauph s W t q claims have been made for vitamin C in tablet form as both a preventative measure
and an aid to recovpry.,

1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. . .

9. 10. 11. l2. -'

13. 14. 15.
. i ,.
Question 111. Read the text and answer these questions:
Once upon a time there was a girl
- called Ciderella who did all the work in the kitchen while
her lazy sisters-did nothing.
One night her sisters went to a ball at the palace. Cinderella was left at home, very sad. After a
time her fairy godmother appeared and told Cinderella that she could go to the ball, but had to return
home by midnight. So she went to the ball in a beautiful dress and a wonderful coach. She danced
with the Prince but at midnight she ran back home, leaving one of her shoes on the dance floor. The
Prince wanted to see her again and went to every house in the capital until he found that the shoe was
the right size for Cinderella. She and the Prince were married and lived happily ever after.

I . Where did Cinderella's sisters go one night ?

2. What did her fairy godmother tell her to do?
3. What did Cinderella do at the ball?
4. What happened at midnight ?
5. What do yo; think of the end of the story ? a


Question I. Finish each of the following incomplete sentences so that it has the same meaning as the
one printed before it.
I 1. I haven't been to a football match for years.
It's .............................................................................................................................................................
I -.
2. He had hardly finished his presentation when the other students started giving him questions.
Hvdl y .......................................................................................................................................................
E 3.We can't afford the car.
The car ..........................................................................1........................................................................
4.1 was drowning, but he saved me.
If he ......................................................................................................................................................
5. He will have to do all his exercises tomorrow.
All his exercises ...................................................................................................................................
Question 11. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given in brackets is such a way that they
mean the same as the original sentences. The word given must not be altered in any way.
. .I. You cam try as hard as you like but you won't succeed. ( HOWEVER )
.................. ................................................................................................................................................

I -
2.He felt that it had been a terrible mistake to treat her so badly. ( REGRETED )
3. But fur your generous contribution, we would have to cancel our work. ( IF )
4. There is a risk that he will miss the plane if he waits. RISKS )
5. I can't find the answer without a calculator. ( OUT )
Question 111: Using suggestians to write a complete letter.

12 Lindsay Street
Manchester M 14 6EJ
2 June 1991

Dear Carol,
Thank you very much/ invitation/ spend three weeks/ August/ you / your family/ Scotlagd.
a, ...............................................................................................................................................................
I love / come / unfortunately I be unable / accept.
b, ..............................................................................................................................................................
My cousins, / live / Canada, / stay / us / August 3rd / August 18 th.
As ir be / first visit / this country, I plan / show them around.
d, ..............................................................................................................................................................
It be possible / visit you J September instead ?
e, ........................... ...................................................................................................................................
I certainly need / rest after / cousins come back / Canada.
f, ........................................................................................................................................................
Please tell / September be convinient.
g, ...................................... ......................................................................................................................
I look forward / see you all again.
h, ................................;. ...........................................................................................................................

Question IV. Write a paragraph about the importance of English. ( About 120 words )

- The end -

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