KCAC Meeting Summary Mar 2011

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March 2, 2011
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
North Kitsap Fire & Rescue Headquarters on Miller Bay Road


Opening Comments
Review/Approve Minutes
Old Business – Open Positions & new appointments


Diane Mark, Kitsap County



Roads Report – new chair?
Downtown Kingston Master Plan
Parks & Open Space Committee – Walt Elliott
WSF Committee – Walt Elliott


Rotary – Clint Boxman
Friends of the Library – Jan Richards
Kingston Stakeholders – Dan Martin or Siri Reinbold
Kingston Farmer’s Market – Clint Dudley
Schools Update – Rick Jones
Carpenter Lake/Creek – Steve Heacock
Kingston Garden Club – Mary Ann Harris
Village Green Foundation – Dave Wetter
Chamber Of Commerce – Tom Waggoner
Kiwanis – Ken Hanson
Downtown Kingston Association – Nancy Martin




*** Next Meeting, Wednesday, April 6, 2011 ***

Meeting Summary
March 2, 2011

Denise Lietz, Co-Chair, Member At Large
Naomi Maasberg, Co-Chair, Member at Large
Clint Boxman, Kingston-North Kitsap Rotary
Mary Ann Harris, Kingston Garden Club
Walt Elliott, Member at Large
Dave Wetter, Village Green
Steve Heacock, Carpenter Lake/Creek
Ken Hanson, Kingston Kiwanis
Betsy Cooper, Member At Large
Nancy Martin, Downtown Business Association
Dan Martin, Kingston Stakeholders
Clint Dudley, Kingston Farmers Market

Annie Humiston, At Large, Roads Subcommittee
Rick Jones, North Kitsap School District
Kari Golden, School Parent
Jan Richards, Friends of the Kingston Library
Siri Reinbold, Kingston Stakeholders

Not Present
Tom Waggoner, Kingston Chamber of Commerce

Kitsap County Representatives

Diane Mark & Tom Powers

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Introductions were made.

MSC to approve the February minutes.

Old Business:
Open positions have been filled:
Kari Golden is School Parent
Clint Dudley, Kingston Farmers Market
Dan Martin & Siri Reinbold, Kingston Stakeholders
Ken Hansen, Kiwanis
A recording secretary is still needed.

Kitsap County Report
Tom Powers, CENCOM, and Diane Mark, Kitsap County, described the 18-month
Addressing Project underway in Kitsap. CENCOM and Kitsap County are correcting
addresses that are out of sequence or out of range. They are also looking at street names
that are difficult because they are duplicative or otherwise confusing. The major issue behind
this is public safety – the ability to get emergency vehicles to every home and business in the
most efficient & timely manner.

Diane Mark also noted the errors that were discovered when the 2010 census takers were
attempting to use County GIS systems. The Census also indicates a need for re-districting, so
there is a need to get the addresses noted accurately before the re-districting is done.

If a person’s address is being changed, they will get a letter about it before it happens. There
will be opportunity for appeal for 14 days. After that the notification will be sent to other
agencies, such as utilities and the Post Office, as well as the CENCOM system. If you have
questions, you can call 337-5777.

Subcommittee Reports:
Roads – Vacant
A new chairperson is needed. This person would be a liaison with the Public Works Roads
department. The roads report can be received through the County. If no one wants to fill this
position, we may handle the roads concerns differently.

Downtown Kingston Master Plan – Dave Wetter

The Planning Commission met and viewed the presentation that Scott Diener gave to us last
month. The Planning Commission unanimously approved the recommendations. The parking
recommendations along with the previously approved, permitted use table for the UVC, now
go back to the County Commissioners for approval. The required parking by use type (i.e.
parking for a restaurant) will be addressed when the DCD tackles Title 17 which is scheduled
to begin later this year.

Parks & Open Space – Walt Elliott

Heritage Park work days are every second Saturday, 9 am – noon – all welcome! The new
column in the Kingston Community News is generating more interest in trails.

WSF Committee – Walt Elliott

The Clinton boats are coming to Edmonds, but should not affect the Kingston boats.
The State Legislators from our area will be at the Poulsbo Library on March 12, 1:30 – 3 pm.
This is an opportunity to talk with them about a variety of issues, including the ferry funding.
(Complete report attached to these minutes.)

Community Reports

Rotary: Clint Boxman

Rotary is putting in trail sign posts in late April or May. The golf tournament is on June 24th
and golfers and supporters are needed. Verizon is the main sponsor. The 4th of July Fun Run
is happening again & should be huge.

Friends of Library – Jan Reynolds

Walt noted that the next book sale is March 12 at the Community Center.

Stakeholders: Dan Martin

Nothing to report this month.

Kingston Farmers Market: Clint Dudley

Mary McClure is the new president. The 2011 Market season will be May 7 – Oct 15.

Schools: Rick Jones

Clint Boxman reported that the financial situation for schools is dire. There may be a
possibility for the district to be allowed to do a levy lid lift. Without this there will be many cuts
in staff, and technical equipment is also a great need. Clint will be on the levy committee, so
you can ask him or Rick about the funding.

Carpenter Lake/Creek: Steve Heacock

Request for Bids have gone out for the Stillwaters Fish Passage (S. Kingston Bridge). The
Fish & Wildlife permit is secured. Construction is still slated to start in June.

Garden Club: Mary Ann Harris

The plant sale is scheduled for April 30 at the Community Center. There will also be a quilt to

Village Green: Dave Wetter

Kitsap Commissioners approved an agreement with the Village Green Foundation regarding
the release of state funds that will be used to carry out pre-construction architectural and
engineering work. Some volunteers will be participating in a workshop on grant writing, in
anticipation of writing grants for funding. The County is set to loan the MPD the start-up funds
necessary for basic operations at the Village Green, and to follow-up on the county’s
expressed intention to convey the property to MPD.

Chamber of Commerce: Tom Waggoner

Dan reported that a Small Business Administration program called SCORE has training for
two people from our Chamber, and their services will then be offered to small businesses
through the Chamber. These are retired persons willing to provide 80 hours per year to help
small businesses. Dan Martin and Skip Peters will be the two to start and they hope to get

Kiwanis: Ken Hanson

The Kiwanis are raffling off the red Mustang. The Valentine’s Day fund raiser was very
successful for Boys & Girls Club. They have fulfilled their annual obligation to the Boys & Girls
Club and may fulfill the Village Green obligation sooner than planned. Their website is

Downtown Kingston Association: Nancy Martin

Kites over Kingston is planned at the Marina on April 9, from 11 – 3pm. The sponsor is the
Kingston office of Windermere.
General Announcements & Comments
Walt asked if we can take an email vote to affirm the issues re: the ferry funding, because the
time to respond is usually quite short.

MSC that the co-chairpersons could write a letter on behalf of the KCAC in regards to the
ferry legislation, with an email super majority vote of 60% of the filled seats. KCAC members
are asked to respond quickly when they receive the email requesting a vote.

Naomi announced the flyers put out for classes at Stillwaters, and the film “Play Again” will be
shown at the fire station on March 3 at 7 pm.

The SoundRunner advisory group has turned in recommendations to the Port Commissioners
that the service should start up on April 18. It may not be able to get started again that soon.
A public meeting may need to be held, and if so, it needs a lot of support and a good
attendance. Some discussion followed on the importance of the passenger only ferry for the
economic development of Kingston.

MSC to ask the Chairs to write a letter of support for the SoundRunner system and the
recommendations of the Passenger Only Ferry Advisory Committee, to be sent to the Port

Next meeting: Wednesday, April 6, 2011 –

Suggested program: SoundRunner Update

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Meeting Notes taken by Naomi Maasberg.

Ferries, Parks and Trails 3/2/11

Parks and Trails

Comments are for our 2/7 meeting; our March meeting is 3/7.
Heritage Park Stewardship committee will hold work days from 9-12 every second Saturday.
Normally everyone will meet at the Miller Bay Rd entrance. The HP Stewardship committee requests
that if people want to establish new trails, they should route the ideas through our Parks, Trails, and
Open Space committee. Plans are underway for signposts with plastic signage marking trails and
distances between posts. We are helping with an informal survey of park usage.
North Kitsap Trails Association continues work on a trails plan that will include a map showing
connections between routes.
The Trail Mix column for the Community News is generating interest in local trails.

Reminder: Boats from Clinton will be coming to Edmonds instead of Mukilteo Friday through Sunday
on March 18-20, 25-27 and April 1-3. There will be separate traffic and holding lanes for the Clinton
traffic. In Edmonds, expect more back-up on SR 104 and confusion but the normal boat waits.

Speak to Legislators: Sen. Rockefeller, Rep. Appleton and Rep. Rolfes will be hosting a town meeting
on Saturday March 12th POULSBO LIBRARY 1:30-3PM. This is held once during the legislative
session and is an opportunity for you to ask questions and make comments about legislation. From the
Ferry perspective our concerns are:
The Governor’s proposal for a system-wide cutback of service, taking a boat off-line and raising fares
10% this year. This will affect tens of thousands of riders.
We totally oppose the budget’s proposal for an up 20% surcharge to cover deficits in ferry fuel budget.
With a 115% farebox recovery rate Kingston-Edmonds has no “deficit”. As there has also been no
public transparency or participation in this surcharge scheme we think that is will be a bad one for
While we support the 25¢ per ticket charge to build two 144-car ferries that is based on the Legislature
finding the rest of the funding to build them this decade.

Legislation that’s still in play:

Labor Reforms: SB 5405 and 5408: HB 1511 and 1515Addresses cost issues identified by several
studies of WSF and also the Waste in the Water” series. Puts collective bargaining under the state’s
Public Employment Relations Commission
Management Reforms: SB 5406 and HB 1515. Sets performance targets for WSF management which
if not achieved will lead to management outsourcing in 2013.
Ferry Construction funding : SB 5742: Puts a 25¢ per ticket surcharge to build two 144-car ferries this
decade (covers about 15% of cost). Starting 2013 eliminates the sales tax WSF pays on fuel
HB 1352 & SB 5698: (may be dead) Eliminates the Oregon resident exemption from Washington sales
tax except in the border counties. 80% of revenue goes to ferries.
Ferry Appropriations : HB 1175 and SB 5176: Still a rough draft the action will heat up after financial
projections in mid March. Here’s where fares, service cuts, surcharges etc. will be decided

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