Yoga and Personality Development Solved Mcqs Set 1 McqMate - Com 5

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Yoga and Personality Development Solved Mcqs set 1

1. Yoga sutra has_______________parts

A. three

B. two

C. four

D. five

Answer: C

2. The first part of yoga sutra deals with--------

A. samadhi
o m
B. niyam
C. asana
D. yama
q M
Answer: A c
3. Yoga sutra written by-----------
A. patanjali

B. kanada

C. kapila

D. yogi

Answer: A

4. The fourth part of yoga practice aims at----------

A. heaven

B. liberation

C. purification

D. satisfaction

Answer: B

5. Kaivalyapada means-------------
A. purification

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Yoga and Personality Development Solved Mcqs set 1

B. sthidi

C. liberation

D. peace of mind

Answer: C

6. The second part of yoga sutra explains------------

A. sadhanapada

B. cittapada

C. namapada
o m
D. none the above .c
Answer: A
7. Vibhutipada means-------------
q M
A. power c
B. weakness
C. super normal power

D. pleasure

Answer: C

8. The founder of yoga system--------------

A. kapila

B. jaimini

C. patanjali

D. yogacharya

Answer: C

9. Yoga sutra is the-------

A. oldestbook

B. interpretation

C. modernbook

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Yoga and Personality Development Solved Mcqs set 1

D. new version of yoga

Answer: A

10. The statement ‘Yogasutra has five parts’ is -----------

A. true

B. fals

C. undetermined

D. none the above

Answer: D
o m
11. Samadhi is explained in the ----------- part of yoga
A. first part
B. second part
q M
C. third part c
D. fourth part
Answer: A

12. Sadhanapada is in ----------------part of yoga

A. first part

B. second part

C. third part

D. fourth part

Answer: B

13. Kaivalyapada is in--------------part of yoga

A. first part

B. second part

C. third part

D. fourth part

Answer: D

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Yoga and Personality Development Solved Mcqs set 1

14. Vibhutipada is in --------------part of yoga

A. first

B. second

C. third

D. fourth

Answer: C

15. Liberation is described in the------------part of yoga

A. first
o m
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
q M
Answer: D c
16. The means of attaining Samadhi is described in-----------------part
A. first part

B. second part

C. third part

D. fourth part

Answer: A

17. Yoga means-----------------

A. relationship

B. union

C. attachment

D. none the above

Answer: B

18. The power of concentration is possible through------------

A. viyoga

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Yoga and Personality Development Solved Mcqs set 1

B. yoga

C. sadhana

D. asana

Answer: B

19. Meditation is a necessary condition of-----------

A. yoga

B. dhyana

C. dharana
o m
D. asana .c
Answer: A
20. The aim of yoga is separation between---------------
A. god and soul c
B. body and mind
C. purusha and pkriti

D. purusha and citta

Answer: C

21. Viyoga means------------

A. ignorance

B. desire

C. separation

D. knowledge

Answer: C

22. Yoga is a methodical effort to attain--------------

A. perfection

B. union

C. enjoyment

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D. discipline

Answer: A

23. The practice of yoga is meant for------------------

A. physcical freedom

B. spiritual freedom

C. courage

D. pleasure

Answer: B
o m
24. The meaning of separation in sanskrit
A. yoga
B. viyoga
q M
C. tapas c
D. vritti
Answer: B

25. How yoga represent purusha and prakriti

A. separation

B. union

C. related

D. matter of enjoyment

Answer: A

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