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Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2015 Vol II

WCECS 2015, October 21-23, 2015, San Francisco, USA

An Efficient User Interest Extractor for

Recommender Systems

Bilal Hawashin, Ahmad Abusukhon, Ayman Mansour

Abstract— This paper proposes an efficient method to Many current recommender systems use item-item
extract user interests for recommender systems. Although content similarity(content based filtering). However, this
item-item content similarity has been widely used in the similarity could not always detect the real user interests. For
literature, it could not detect certain user interests. Our example, suppose that a user prefers movies of Tom Hanks.
solution improves the current work in two aspects. First, it
Such user would highly rate his films such as “Saving
improves the current recommender systems by detecting
actual user interests. Second, it considers many types of user Private Rayan”, the war-related movie. Using this highly
interests such as single-term interest, time interval interest, rated movie, item-item content similarity method would
multi-interests, and dislikes. This extractor would improve recommend other war related movies, such as “Schindler's
recommender systems in many aspects. Our experiments show List”, according to the movie plot similarity. However, such
that our proposed method is efficient in terms of accuracy and recommendations would not meet the user interest because
execution time. it does not have the user’s preferred actor. Table I provides
another example in details. The table contains four movies,
Index Terms— User Interest Extraction, Content Based three of which were produced in 2002, while the fourth was
Filtering, Recommender Systems. produced in 1960. Suppose that a user prefers movies
produced in 2002. According to the item-item content
I. INTRODUCTION similarity, the item-item cosine similarity between movie 1
and movie 3 is 0.37. In contrast, the item-item cosine

ecommender Systems are used to suggest items
to users based on their interests. They have many similarity between movie 1 and movie 4 is 0.51, even
applications in various domains. Examples of though movie 4 was released in a different year. This
recommender systems include research papers similarity between movie 1 and movie 4 is due to the
recommenders, book recommenders, product similarity in the genre between the two movies, as both are
recommenders, twitter follower recommenders, and much of genre comedy romance. Therefore, using item-item
more. In this paper, our concentration is on movies cosine similarity, the recommender system would give
recommenders, whereas the items are movies and the users movie 4 the priority over movie 2, even though movie 4
are the store clients. In this paper, the terms movie and item does not meet the user interest, which is 2002 movies. To
are used interchangeably. summarize, item-item content similarity would fail to detect
In order to provide recommendations, these certain user interests in many scenarios, and therefore, it is
recommender systems use user-item rates. When a user necessary to detect actual user interests to improve
buys an item, the recommender system asks the user to rate recommender systems.
the item on a scale, commonly one to five, one if the user Furthermore, user interests may take multiple types. For
did not like the item and five if the user found the item very example, a user may prefer movies of a certain actor. Other
interesting. Later, the recommender system predicts the user user may prefer movies whose genre is both comedy and
rates on non-rated items using existing rates and/or other horror, and this user would not highly rate the movie if it is
supporting information. Finally, when a user login to the horror only or comedy only. Third example is when the user
store, the recommender system would recommend the items prefers movies of a certain period of time, such as movies
whose predicted rates are the highest based on that user. of seventies or movies of the 21 century. Finally, a user
may not have interests but, on the other hand, have negative
opinions toward certain movies, such as horror movies.
In this paper, we propose an efficient method to extract user
interests. This method is capable of detecting the actual user
Manuscript received July 09, 2015; revised July 22, 2015. interests in its various types. Such method could be
Bilal Hawashin is with the Department of Computer Information integrated into existing recommender systems to improve it
Systems, Alzaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, 11733 Jordan, e- in many aspects. We leave this step to future work. In order
Ahmad Abusukhon is with the Department of Computer Networks,
to evaluate the system, we use a synthesized dataset, because
Alzaytoonah University of Jordan, Amman, 11733 Jordan, e-mail: commonly used datasets in this domain do not give the actual user interests in the form of terms. To evaluate our
Ayman Mansour is with the Department of Communication and method, we use both the rank given by our method to the
Computer Engineering, Tafila Technical University, Tafila, 66110, Jordan,
real user interest and execution time. The contributions of
this work are as follows.

ISBN: 978-988-14047-2-5 WCECS 2015

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2015 Vol II
WCECS 2015, October 21-23, 2015, San Francisco, USA

 Detecting actual user interests and returning them as III. EXTRACTING USER INTERESTS
terms. Our basic user interest extraction method, which is
 Considering many types of user interests such as presented in Algorithm 1, is described below. Some
single-term interests, time interval interest, multi- extensions would be presented in the next section. This
interests, and dislikes. basic algorithm is capable of extracting actual user interests
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II as terms. Furthermore, it is the first part of many
is a literature review of the related works in this field. improvements to the recommender systems that are left to
Section III describes our proposed method. Section IV the future work.
elaborates on some extensions to the method necessary for The user interest extractor has four inputs and one output.
certain user interests, Section V is the experimental part, The inputs are User Item rate file, which contains rates of
and Section VI is the conclusion. each user on items bought by this user, Item Term matrix,
TABLE I where every row presents an item and every column
A COMPARISON OF THE ITEM-ITEM SIMILARITIES BETWEEN presents a term from the item description file, a user U, and
MOVIE1, PRODUCED IN 2002, AND THREE OTHER MOVIES K, which represents the number of interests we want to
Cosine extract for a user U. The output of the algorithm is a list of
Similarity K terms that present the interests for user U. The algorithm
Title Genere Year Actor Country
with starts by creating a submatrix of the Item Term matrix, M,
Movie 1
for items rated by user U. Each row in the matrix presents
Comedy Penelope an item and each column presents a term. As rated items by
Up in 2002 USA 1
Romance Cruz
Reno a certain user is a subset of the list of all items, the number
Romance Tobey of rows, N, would be a subset of the number of items I.
Spiderman 2002 USA 0.51
Animation Maguire
Naomi Next, every row in this matrix M is assigned a label based
The Ring Horror 2002 USA 0.37 on the user rate. If the rate of the user U to the item in row r
The Comedy,
USA 0.51 is greater than three, row r is assigned a positive label, +1.
Apartment Romance Kassovitz
In contrast, if the rate of the user U to item in row r is less
than three, row r is assigned a negative label, -1. Later,
every term in the matrix M is given a value indicating its
Many works have studied recommender systems. Content importance, which reflects the degree of relation between
based filters[1],[4],[5],[6],[7] recommend items based on its the term and the positive label. The term importance is
description similarity to the previously highly rated items given for each term according to the following formula,
by the user. In details, [4],[6] used Bayesian classifiers to which is the formula for χ2 method.
estimate the probability that a user likes an item based on its
content, while [5] used the winnow algorithm that works
well when many possible features exist. [7] used a threshold (n pt  nnt  n pt  nnt )(n pt nnt  n pt nnt ) 2
Imp(t) = , (1)
to decide whether the description match that of the highly (n pt  n pt _ )(nnt  nnt )(n pt  nnt )(n pt  nnt _ )
rated items or not. Collaborative filtering
[2],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12],[13] on the other hand, recommend
Where npt+ and nnt+ are the number of items highly rated
items that were highly rated by similar users. In details, The
by the user and not highly rated by the user respectively in
Grundy system [8] is one of the earliest examples that
which the term t appears at least once; npt- and nnt- are the
proposed the use of user stereotypes. Tapestry system[9]
number of items highly rated by the user and not highly
demanded users to specify their similar users manually.
rated by the user respectively in which the term t doesn’t
Memory based methods[10],[11] in collaborative filtering
use the previously rated items in finding similar users, in
Depending on K, this method would extract the K terms
contrast with model based algorithms[12],[13] that learn a
with the highest importance values. These terms present
model from the previous rates, such as Baysian model[12]
user interests.
and maximum entropy model[13]. Hyprid methods[14],[15]
combine both content and collaborative features together.
Context aware recommender systems [16],[17],[18] are
those that consider context information such as location
[17], time[18], and user interests[19] in their Algorithm 1 is designed to retrieve user interests as
recommendations. single terms. For example, it would return Horror, Hanks,
As for interest-based recommender systems, [20] and so on. However, some user interests may appear in
proposed a design framework for multi agent interest based different formats. For example, a user may like a movie if it
system. [21] developed a reinforcement learning strategy is both Horror AND Comedy movie, other user may like
for market based multi agent recommendation system to movies of seventies. Furthermore, a user may does not have
provide the best recommendation when many recommender specific likes but dislikes animation movies. In all these
systems are used. [22] used user movie genre interest to cases, our method can apply with small extensions. These
detect account hacks, as attacker would give random and extensions are presented in the following subsections.
different genre interests . Up to our knowledge, no work has
extracted user interests as explicit terms and used them to
improve recommender system performance.

ISBN: 978-988-14047-2-5 WCECS 2015

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2015 Vol II
WCECS 2015, October 21-23, 2015, San Francisco, USA

Algorithm 1: USER INTEREST EXTRACTOR A. The Synthesized Dataset

Input: User Item rate file. This dataset has the same domain of MovieLens dataset,
Item Term matrix IT of I Items and T Terms. i.e. movies. It is composed of 1000 ratings of 10 users and
A user U. 100 movies, as illustrated in table II. Each user rated at least
Desired number of interests K.
Output: The top K interests for user U. 10 movies. First, we manually specified various interests for
Algorithm: users. Table III illustrates this part. Later, we filled the user-
01 Create a submatrix of matrix IT , named M, for items item rates according to these likes. It should be noted that if
02 rated by user U. M is NXT , where N < I. a user has a certain interest, such as Comedy movies for
03 For each record in M with item x example, it does not mean that the user would highly rate all
04 //If the rate of User U to item x >3 comedy movies. Therefore, we evaluated our method using
05 Add +1 label to the record
06 Else various values for interest degree, which is the percentage
07 Add -1 label to the record of highly rated movies that have the user interest in their
08 Use χ method to assign a value for each term in M
2 description. Also, if a user likes comedy movies, it does not
09 based on the labels mean that the user would not highly rate any non-comedy
10 Likes  The K terms of the highest values. movie. Therefore, we used various degrees noise, which is
11 Return Likes the percentage of highly rated movies that do not have the
user interest in their description. Item description file has
A. Multi-Interests
the description of 100 movies, each contains its Title, year,
To detect multi-interests, the same algorithm applies after genre(multiple), main actor, main actress, director, and
the following extension. In Algorithm 1, line 01, the country of production.
columns of the matrix IT must contain not only all single For our experiments, we used an Intel® Xeon® server of
terms from the item description file, but also all the n- 3.16GHz CPU and 2GB RAM, with Microsoft Windows
combinations of these single terms. Each column would Server 2003 Operating System. Also, we used Microsoft
present either a single term or an n-combination of the Visual Studio 6.0 to read the dataset and execute the
terms. The value of n depends on the domain. For example, methods.
it could be dual combination, triple combination, … etc.
The rest of the algorithm is the same. In line 10 of the TABLE II
algorithm 1, each single term or a combination of terms THE SYNTHESIZED DATASET
would be given a value of importance, and the algorithm Number
Number Number
would detect whether the user interests are single-term Dataset of
of Users of Items
interests or combined interests.
Synthesized 1000 10 100
B. Time Interval Interests
Certain user interests have the form of time intervals. TABLE III
For example, some users like movies of seventies, others
may like movies of the 20 century, and so on. In these Description
cases, we add the designated interval(s) as column(s) to the 1 Likes Tom Hank's movies
matrix IT in line 01. Each interval column is populated as
follows. If the movie record is in the interval, we add 1, 2 Likes Indian movies
otherwise, we add 0. For example, we can add to the matrix 3 Likes Horror movies
IT the columns Classic, Seventies, Eighties, Nineties, and
4 Likes movies produced in 2002
Recent. If a user has an interest to the movies of interval,
the algorithm would give it a high value of importance and 5 Likes movies plots about Dead
return it among the top interests. If the user does not have a 6 Likes Angelina Jolie’s movies
special interest to any of these intervals, none of them
7 Likes movies directed by James Cameron
would be given a high importance and none would be
returned among the top user interests. 8 Likes movies of seventies

C. Dislikes 9 Dislikes Horror Movies

If we want to extract user dislikes, the sign for rates 10 Likes movies that are both horror and comedy
greater than zero must be -1, and for rates less than zero
must be +1. This way, our algorithm would extract user In order to evaluate our method, we used rank and
dislikes. execution time measurements. They are defined as follows.
 Rank is the order given by our method to the actual
V. EXPERIMENTS user interest. As mentioned before, our method gives
In order to evaluate the user interest extraction method, a value of importance for each term(single or
we need a dataset that provides the actual user interests, combined) and later, it ranks terms based on their
importance and retrieve those of the highest
along with user-item ratings and item description file. We
importance. The ideal user interest extraction
could not find such dataset among the commonly used ones;
method would always place the actual user interest
therefore, we collected a dataset similar to MovieLens with
in rank number one.
the actual user interests. Below are details of this dataset.

ISBN: 978-988-14047-2-5 WCECS 2015

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2015 Vol II
WCECS 2015, October 21-23, 2015, San Francisco, USA

 Execution time is the time required to run the TABLE VI

algorithm. It includes reading dataset and applying DEGREES AND NOISE VALUES
χ2 method. Interest
Degree 90% 80% 70% 60% 50%
As mentioned earlier, we used various values of interest = 100%
degrees and noise. They are defined as follows. Noise =
1 1 1 1 1 1
 Interest Degree: The percentage of movies that 5% 1 1 1 1 1 1
have the user interest in its description and were
highly rated by the user. For example, a user may 10% 1 1 1 1 1 1
like horror movies in general but did not like
certain horror movie. 15% 1 1 1 1 1 1

 Noise: The percentage of movies that do not have 20% 1 1 1 1 1 66

the user interest in its description and were highly
rated by the user. For example, a user may like Table IX presents the noise percentage when the actual
horror movies in general but also liked a movie that
user interest rank shifted from the first rank when interest
is not a horror movie.
degree was 60%. From this Table, we notice that when the
interest degree is 60%, which is a rational minimum degree
According to Table IV, interest degree and noise are
if we want to claim that a user has an interest, then for all
formally defined as follows.
the users, when the noise was below the average of 20%,
Interest Degree = A/(A+C) (2)
the interest would be in the first order. When noise becomes
Noise = B/(B+D) (3) around 20%, the interest order shifted. We also noted that
the shift depends on the terms appearing in the movie
TABLE IV descriptions for the movies highly rated by the user. For
INTEREST DEGREE AND NOISE ELEMENTS example, if a user likes many noisy movies that have
User Interest Term User Interest Term common terms, these terms would have high order that
Appeared in Movie did not Appear in would push down the actual interest order. In contrast, if the
Description Movie Description
noisy movies do not have common terms, then the actual
Movie was Highly
A B user interest would maintain its high order.
Movie was not C D
Highly Rated TABLE IX
First, we retrieved the rank of the term Hanks using INTEREST DEGREE = 60%
interest degree values ranging from 50% to 100%, and noise Noise that
values ranging from 0 to 20%. Table V illustrates the shifted term New Rank
results. Clearly, our method succeeded to rank the actual below rank 1
interest term in the first order when the interest degree was Hanks 20% 57
60% or more. When the interest degree becomes 50%, the Indian 10% 2
rank of the actual interest shifted down gradually. When Horror 25% 68
applying the method on the term Horror, as shown in Table 2002 15% 78
VI, our method succeeded even with interest degree 50% Dead 20% 3
and noise up to 15%. Jolie 20% 2
Cameron 20% 5
TABLE V Seventies 25% 85
Dislike Horror 30% 106
Interest Comedy & Horror 15% 40
Degree = 80% 60% 50%
100% As for execution time, the main algorithm needed 1.56
Noise = seconds to read the dataset and extract the user interests. As
1 1 1 43
for the extensions, extracting user dislikes needed the same
5% 1 1 1 43 time as it applies the same algorithm with flipping the signs.
Adding time intervals increased slightly the execution time
10% 1 1 1 43
as in Table X. Regarding extracting multi-interests, we
15% 1 1 1 63
leave it for future work because including all n-
combinations is time consuming.
Noise =
1 1 57 64

ISBN: 978-988-14047-2-5 WCECS 2015

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2015 Vol II
WCECS 2015, October 21-23, 2015, San Francisco, USA

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The authors would like to thank Alzaytoonah University
of Jordan for its support.

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ISBN: 978-988-14047-2-5 WCECS 2015

ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

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