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Supplier Questionnaire for Farmed Seafood

Note: This questionnaire is used to gather supplier-specific data from aquaculture operations in the realm of
seafood1 sustainability assessments by WWF and its seafood business partners in Europe. All information given
by the supplier is treated confidentially. The purpose of the assessment by WWF is to offer guidance on
sustainability issues and identify potential for the improvement of the environmental performance of farm
suppliers to seafood businesses. The assessment process is not a certification and information will only be used
internally, not publicly.

How to use this Questionnaire

 This questionnaire applies to aquaculture grow-out operations and their production inputs only

 Where the applicants are working at processing level, it is mandatory to involve the farm management to correctly
answer the relevant questions
 Complete one questionnaire for one specific assessment unit only (definition see page 2)

 Correctly tick all applicable boxes for each question ( ) or add comments and information in the space provided

 Please support your answers by attaching documents and pictures where available (e.g. licences, feed documents,
pictures of operations etc.)
 The assessments and analysis of the information given by the supplier will be done anonymously

Important: assessors can only consider the information that you provide. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you
provide as detailed information as necessary. Try to be specific and answer all questions accurately and honestly.

In case of doubt, it is better to provide explanations and provide all information you have rather than skipping the answer.
The assessor can then select the information needed from your description.

Remember that the assessment will help you to identify improvement potential and is not meant to ‘punish transparency’.
The more accurate your answer, the more tailored and useful the feedback will be.

Supplier Information Delete ?

 To be completed by the supplier!
Note: The supplier information required below will not be forwarded to the independent assessors for evaluation. For each
assessment unit and questionnaire, a code-reference will be defined

Name of the Company: INDUSTRIAS MARTEC S.A.




Contact Person: ......................................................................................................

E-Mail: ......................................................................................................

Phone: ......................................................................................................

Date: .....................................................................................................

WWF-Reference-Code: No Input, Please


Input-Check & Print


‘Seafood’ used in this form covers all farmed aquatic animals such as fish, crustacean, and molluscs
Definition of Assessment Unit:

This technical questionnaire shall be completed according to the following definition of the ‘Assessment Unit’:
a. Single aquaculture farm applying a specific production system with clearly defined production inputs and outputs
b. Several farm operators using the same production systems, identical production inputs and outputs and working within
a framework of identical process management structures and quality management systems (e.g. Internal Systems of
Control for a group of farmers (ICS))
Note: Seafood processors with both ‘own farming operations’ and ‘external sourcing of raw materials’ need to complete
and submit separate questionnaires!

A. Species Information

Scientific Name:
(required) Lutjanus guttatus

Common Name (English):

Red Snapper

Common Name (local): Red Snapper

(optional) …………………………………………………………………………………….....................................................

✔ Fish  Crustacean  Bivalve Mollusc

 Gastropod  Amphibian  Other Species (describe below)


A.1. Are several species produced within the same production system? 
✔ No (Monoculture)

 For polyculture, please indicate all raised species in the table above!  Yes (Polyculture)

B. Information about Grow-out Farm ( to be filled by farm management)

B.1. Type of Production System

Indicate the type of aquaculture production system applied for the species under assessment
Open Systems Semi-Closed Systems Closed Systems

✔ Netpens / Cages  Ponds  Indoor Recirculation System (RAS)

 Bottom / Seafloor Culture  Canal / Drain / Raceways  Outdoor Recirculation System (RAS)

 Rope Culture / Suspended Lines  Tanks (Flow through Systems)  Pond-based Recirculation System

 Other (describe below)  Other (describe below)  Other (describe below)


Input-Check & Print

B.2. Type of materials used
Describe the main materials used in the production (tick all that apply)
e.g. Cages made of wooden frames and nylon netting, tick ‘wood’ and ‘nylon’

 Wood (frames)  Earthen (natural) ponds Predator-control

 Steel or other metals (frames, cages)  Nylon 

✔ Anti-bird netting

 Concrete (e.g. ponds)  Polypropylene (Polyamide)  Predator deterrents (specify below)

✔ HDPE liner (for ponds)  Fiberglass  No predator control

 Other (specify below)  Other (specify below)


B.3. Energy (& fuel) used

Indicate all relevant processes of aquaculture production that require external energy (electricity, fuel, gas, heat etc.)

 Aeration / Oxygenation of Water  Pumping of Water  Pumping of Feed

 Heating of Water  Cooling of Water  No energy required ( proceed to B.5)

✔ Other (specify below)

B.4. Type and Source of Energy

Indicate all sources of energy for processes mentioned under Section B.3 (tick multiple if applicable).

 Electricity  Electricity (Renewable)1  Fuel or Gas (Renewable type)2

✔ Fuel or Gas (Non-renewable type)  Industrial Waste Heat (non-nuclear)  Industrial Waste Heat (nuclear)

 Other (specify below)

Electricity from wind / solar / hydropower / thermal sources; 2 E.g. biomethane, ethanol, propanol, biodiesel

Please indicate the approximate share of renewable energy (if applicable, % of overall use): ………………………..%

B.5. Siting of Farming Operation

Indicate the siting of the farm(s)

 Land-based / Coastal  Water-based / Coastal 

✔ Water-based / Off-Shore

 Land-based / Inland  Water-based / Inland  Other (specify below)


B.6. Aquatic Environment

Indicate type of aquatic environment for the aquaculture production

 Freshwater ( proceed to B.6.3)  Brackish Water ( proceed to B.6.1) 

✔ Seawater ( proceed to B.7)

B.6.1. Use of Freshwater for Brackish Water Systems

Does the brackish water system require regular freshwater inputs for salinity control?

 Yes ( proceed to B.6.2)  No ( proceed to B.7)  Not known ( proceed to B.7)

Input-Check & Print

B.6.2. Frequency and Volume of Freshwater for Salinity Control

Indicate the frequency and amount of freshwater used for salinity control in brackish water systems

Frequency of Freshwater Use (per grow-out cycle): …………………………Times per Cycle

Amount and volume of Freshwater used (in % of total pond volume): …………………………%
Other calculation (e.g. ‘water use per day or month’), please specify ……………………………………………….

B.6.3. Source of Freshwater

For freshwater systems and brackish water systems requiring freshwater, indicate type of water body and source for water-intake

 Lake  River / Stream  Groundwater ( B.6.4 and B.6.5)

 Reservoir  Drainage / Irrigation Channel  Other (describe below)


B.6.4. Abundance of Freshwater

Indicate the estimated volume of the groundwater (aquifer) and the number of users that share the source
Estimated volume:  m3 or  litres Number of users:
…………………………… ………………………….

B.6.5. Type of Groundwater Supply

For groundwater supply, indicate type of groundwater

 Renewable  Non-Renewable  Not known / No information

B.7. Alteration and Conversion of Habitat

B.7.1. What was the land used/classified for before starting with aquaculture production?

 Agricultural land 
✔ Another aquaculture farm  Fishing ground

 Industrial use  Nature reserve ( proceed to B.7.3)  Production forest

 Other (specify below)  Open access / communal use ( proceed to B.7.3)


B.7.2. Indicate the time (year) when the habitat was first changed (from its natural state):

B.7.3. Before establishing the farm, did you have to carry out an environmental impact assessment (EIA)?

✔ No  Yes ( please attach any document that you believe is relevant for the assessment)

B.7.4. Indicate the type of habitat impacted

Land based Alterations Estuaries / Rivers / Lake Alterations Coastal / Seafloor Alterations

 Former Agricultural Land  Estuaries (intertidal Zones)  Coastal Intertidal Zone

 Scrubland / Grassland / Salt-Flats  Lakes (Riparian Zone)  Coastal Subtidal Zone (near shore)

 Riparian Land / Floodplains  Lakes (Open Water Zone)  Coral Reef / Sea-Grass / Algae-Beds

 Tidal Wetlands / Mangrove Forests  Rivers / Streams (Riparian Zone)  Off-Shore / Open Ocean

 Forest and Bush-Land  Rivers / Streams (Open Water Zone) 

✔ Off-Shore / Open Ocean

 Industrial Land  Other (specify below)  Other (specify below)

 Other (specify below)


Input-Check & Print
B.7.5. For the main habitat types indicated above (B.7.4), describe the detailed conversion made during the construction of the farm

Land based Alterations Estuaries / Rivers / Lake Alterations Coastal / Ocean / Alterations

…………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. ………………………………………….

…………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. …………………………………………

…………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. ………………………………………….

…………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. …………………………………………

…………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. …………………………………………

B.7.6. Have there been measures to compensate the alterations / land use change (e.g. reforestation)?

✔ No  Yes ( please specify)



C. Broodstock and Seedlings ( to be filled by farm management)

C. 1. Source of Seedlings / Juveniles / PL’s

Indicate the source of seedlings or juveniles

 Active collection of wild seed  Passive influx of wild seed  Capture of wild broodstock
( proceed to C.1.1) ( proceed to D.1) ( proceed to C.1.6)

 External hatchery ( proceed to C.1.4) 

✔ Own hatchery ( proceed to C.1.4)  Other (specify below)


C.1.1. If seedlings are actively collected in the wild, describe method of capture and indicate geographical area of exploitation


C.1.2. Is the collection of wild-seeds subject to a management plan / regulatory framework?

 Yes  No  Not known / No information available

C.1.3. Please specify (e.g. describe regulatory body, management plan and enforcement procedures)



…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..( proceed to C.3)

Input-Check & Print

C.1.4. Indicate the source of broodstock (parental stock and breeders)

✔ Domesticated Stocks ( proceed C.1.5)  Wild Capture ( proceed to C.1.6)  Other (specify below)


C.1.5. If parental breeders are domesticated, indicate the number of generations of successful breeding


C.1.6. If broodstock is sourced in the wild, please describe method of capture and indicate geographical area of exploitation

Capture Method: ........................................................................................................

Capture Zone (FAO number if known): ..........................................................................................................

C.2. Genetically Modified Species

C.2.1. Are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) being used as broodstock or as seedlings?

 Yes 
✔ No  Not Known / No Information available

C.2.2. Are triploid organisms being used as seedlings?

 Yes 
✔ No  Not Known / No Information available

C.3. Disease Prevention Measures

C.3.1. What is the health status of fingerlings / PL’s / juveniles ?

 Specific Pathogen Free (SPF)  Specific Pathogen Resistant (SPR) 

✔ No specific Health Status

 No information / not known  Other Situation (specify below)


 Documentation: Please attach documents of origin and certificates for SPF and SPR PL’s / fingerlings / juveniles

C.3.2. Are the juveniles / fingerlings subject to vaccination?

 Yes 
✔ No  Not Known / No Information available

 Documentation: Please attach documents of vaccination or description of vaccination procedure

D. Feed ( to be filled together with farm management and data from feed supplier)

D.1. Use of Feed

Does the production system rely on external feeding? (Def: External Feed: All fertilizer or feedstuffs added to the production system)

✔ Yes  No ( proceed to E.1)

Input-Check & Print

D.1.1. If external feed or fertilizer is being used, indicate the type used

✔ Manufactured Feed ( D.1.3)  Farm-made feed ( D.1.3)  Trash Feed / Fresh Fish ( D.1.3)

 Farm-made fertilizer ( D.1.2)  Fertilizer from other source ( D.1.2)  Other (specify below)


D.1.2. Amount of fertilizer used Kg of fertilizer per ton of final product:


D.1.3. Feed Conversion Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR): 2.3


D.1.4. Crude Protein Content Manufactured Feed Total Crude Protein Content in %: 50

D.1.5. Fat Content Manufactured Feed Total Fat Content in %: 15


D.1.6. Feed Composition (by Weight in %) Content of Fish-Meal in %: 25


Content of Fish-Oil in %: 4

 Documentation: To facilitate the assessment, please provide documentation and information on feed used (e.g. invoice, data
sheet, spec sheets)

D.2. Source and Type of Fishmeal

D.2.1. Indicate all types and sources of fishmeal for the total content of fishmeal indicated in D.1.6.

 A. Off-cuts / Offal / Trimmings from  B. Non-certified Forage Fisheries 

✔ C. Certified (sustainable) Forage
Fish Processing for Food Production Fisheries

Origin of Products (Fishmeal Producer): Origin of Products (Fishmeal Producer): Standard (MSC, FOS, IFFO RS etc.):

…………………………………………… …………………………………………… ………………………………………......
Origin of Raw-Material (Fishery): Origin of Raw-Material (Fishery): Origin of Raw-Material (Fishery):
(Species and FAO-Capture Area) (Species and FAO-Capture Area) (Species and FAO-Capture Area)

…………………………………………… …………………………………………… ………………………………………......

…………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………..

…………………………………………… …………………………………………… ………………………………………......

D.2.2. Indicate the percentage of the different sources of fishmeal in the feed (e.g. Source A: 30%; Source B: 70%) (A+B+C = 100%)

A. B. C. 30
…………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………...………

 Documentation: Please provide documentation and information on feed ingredients used (e.g. invoice, data sheet, spec sheets)

Input-Check & Print

D.3. Source and Type of Fish-Oil

D.3.1. Indicate all types and sources of fish-oil for the total content of fish-oil indicated in D.1.6.

 A. Off-cuts / Offal / Trimmings from  B. Non-certified Forage Fisheries 

✔ C. Certified (sustainable) Forage
Fish Processing for Food Production Fisheries

Origin of Products (Fish-Oil Producer): Origin of Products (Fish-Oil Producer): Standard (MSC, FOS, IFFO RS etc.):

…………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………..
Origin of Raw-Material (Fishery): Origin of Raw-Material (Fishery): Origin of Raw-Material (Fishery):
(Species and FAO-Capture Area) (Species and FAO-Capture Area) (Species and FAO-Capture Area)

…………………………………………… …………………………………………… ……………………………………….....

…………………………………………… …………………………………………… ………………………………………....

D.3.2. Indicate the percentage of the different sources of fish-oil in the feed (e.g. Source A: 30%; Source B: 70%) (A+B+C = 100%)

A. B. C.
…………………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………...………

 Documentation: Please provide documentation and information on feed ingredients used (e.g. invoice, data sheet, spec sheets)

D.4. Type and origin of Plant Protein and Oil Components

D.4.1. Indicate type and origin of the plant-based key protein and oil sources in the feed

Type of Crop Country of Origin Certified GMO free


✔ Soy ………………………………………………….  Yes 
✔ No/not known

 Rapeseed ………………………………………………….  Yes  No/not known


✔ Palm-Oil ………………………………………………….  Yes 
✔ No/not known


✔ Corn ………………………………………………….  Yes 
✔ No/not known


✔ Rice ………………………………………………….  Yes 
✔ No/not known


✔ Other crop (specify) ………………………………………………….  Yes 
✔ No/not known


D.4.2. Certified plant proteins

If plant raw materials are subject to a certification scheme, please indicate the name of the scheme

 Organic certification  Roundtable on Responsible Soy (RTRS)  Roundtable Sustainable Palmoil (RSPO)

✔ Other standards (specify) BAP

 Documentation: Please add any available certificates from the feed supplier

D.5. Feed Additives

Indicate all types of additives in the feed

✔ Colourings  Hormones / Growth Promotors 
✔ Antioxidants

✔ Immune Stimulants 
✔ Probiotics  Appetite-Stimulants

 Other (provide details)


Input-Check & Print

D.6. Origin and traceability of feed
If the entire feed as such is subject to a certification scheme, please indicate

 Certified organic (please specify)  GlobalGAP CFM 

✔ BAP Feed Mill Standard

 Documentation: Please attach any available certificates from the feed supplier

E. Farming Practices ( to be filled by farm management)

E.1. Biomass
E.1.1. Stocking Density
Indicate the stocking density of PL’s / fingerlings / fry / smolts at the beginning of the production cycle

Density [in Pcs / m2] If there is restocking during production, please describe process

…………………………………………… ……………………………………………………..…………………………………………

E.1.2. Harvest Biomass-Level

Indicate the biomass level at harvest

Biomass [in kg / m2] Explain if necessary

…………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

E.1.3. Survival Rate

Indicate the average survival rate over the entire grow-out cycle (in %)

Survival rate [in %] Explain if necessary

…………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

E.1.4. Average Weight at Harvest

Indicate the average weight at harvest

Harvest weight [in g] Explain if necessary

…………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

E.2. Water Exchange Rate

Indicate the daily water exchange rate as percentage of the total water volume used for production
Semi-Closed Systems Rate in % Closed Systems Rate in %

 Ponds extensive Culture

 Indoor Recirculation System (RAS)

 Ponds semi-intensive Culture

 Outdoor Recirculation System (RAS)

 Ponds intensive Culture

 Pond-based Recirculation System

 Canal and Raceways


 Tanks (Flow through Systems)


Input-Check & Print

E.3. Effluents and Discharges
E.3.1. Effluent Discharge
Please describe where and how effluent is discharged (e.g. ‘direct discharge into river through pumping’)


E.3.2. Effluent Treatment

Are there any of the following measures in place to reduce nutrient discharge? Please indicate
Open Systems Semi-Closed Systems Closed Systems

 Feedback-Loop Feeding System  Sedimentation (specify below)  Sedimentation (specify below)

 Collectors for Particular Matter  Biologic treatment (specify below)  Biologic treatment (specify below)

 Other (describe below)  Filtration (specify below)  Filtration (specify below)

 Other (describe below)  Other (describe below)



E.3.3. Sludge Removal and Deposit

Is a practice in place for the removal of sludge?

✔ No  Yes ( please explain)

Please describe the exact procedures for sludge removal including the frequency of removal (e.g. one time per year)



Please describe where the sludge is deposited (e.g. use in agriculture)



E.4. Escapes
Indicate systems, methods, practices or protocols in place to prevent escapes of farmed species

E.4.1. Open System Aquaculture (Netpens, Cages)

✔ Special Material for Nets 
✔ Nets over pens to prevent bird attacks 
✔ Regular Inspections of net pens

✔ Specific Measure for Stocking 
✔ Specific Measure for Net Exchange 
✔ Specific Measure for Harvesting

Mandatory: please describe the specific protocols and management measures in place to prevent escapes



Input-Check & Print

E.4.2. Semi-closed System Aquaculture (Ponds, Canals, Raceways, Flow-through Tanks etc.)

 Mesh or grill in inlet water  Mesh or grill in outlet water  Flood Prevention Measures

 Nets over pond to prevent bird attacks  Trapping devices in receiving water  Other Measures

Mandatory: please describe the specific protocols and management measures in place to prevent escapes




E.4.3. Closed System Aquaculture (RAS, Pond-based Recirculation System)

 Mesh or grill in inlets / outlets  Trapping devices in receiving water  Other Measures

Mandatory: please describe the specific protocols and management measures in place to prevent escapes




E.5. Use of Chemicals and Veterinary Drugs

Indicate all the veterinary drugs and chemicals used (including those that are not regularly used)
Please specify what they are used for and how often they are administered

Name of Chemical/Active Component Use / Type (see below*) Frequency of Use (e.g. ‘regular’, ‘at stocking’)

     
................................................................. .................................................................

     
................................................................. .................................................................

     
................................................................. .................................................................

     
................................................................. .................................................................

     
................................................................. .................................................................

     
................................................................. .................................................................

     
................................................................. .................................................................

     
................................................................. .................................................................

     
................................................................. .................................................................
* D: Disinfectant; P: Pesticide (Insecticide, Herbicide, Fungicide); I: Ichtyocides; AF: Antifouling; AM: Antibiotic Medicines;
Pro: Probiotics

Input-Check & Print

E.6. Predators and Predator Control

E.6.1. Predators

Do your farming operations incur losses due to predators or experience other issues with predators?
 No 
✔ Yes ( please explain)

Name of Species (or species group) Frequency of Incidences Type of Incidence

Regularly At times Rarely (e.g. ‘attacks by individuals’, ‘mass predation’)


................................................................. .................................................................

  
................................................................. .................................................................

  
................................................................. .................................................................

  
................................................................. .................................................................

  
................................................................. .................................................................

E.6.2. Predator Control

Please describe the measures in place to control, deter, or distract predators



E.7. Harvest and slaughtering

E.7.1. Harvest
Please describe the harvest and post-harvest processes including transport to the processing plant



E.7.2. Slaughtering
Please describe the slaughtering method and process

Indicate whether and how animals are stunned before slaughtering

 None (Products are sold alive)  Live-Gutting / -Cooking / -Freezing 

✔ Suffocation (in Air / on Ice)

 Hypothermia (Ice-Water / Slurry-Ice)  Carbon Dioxide (CO2)  Electrical Stunning

 Percussive Stunning (Mechanical)  Bleeding  No specific Methods applied

Input-Check & Print

F. Supplier Information

F.1. Type of business operation

 Indicate type of business operation (Note: for vertically integrated operations check all relevant options)
 Feed-Mill 
✔ Hatchery 
✔ Farm / Grow out

✔ Processor 
✔ Export 
✔ Import / Trade

 Other (describe next)


F.2. Aquaculture Certification Scheme

F.2.1. Is the aquaculture operation subject to a certification programme? 

✔ Yes

 No ( proceed to F.3)

F.2.2. Name and Type of Aquaculture Certification Scheme: Indicate all aquaculture certification scheme(s) currently in place

✔ BAP (ACC)  Friend of the Sea (FOS)

 Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)  Organic Certification* (specify below)  Other* (e.g. ThaiGAP, VietGAP,
specify below)

*Specify Standard or Scheme (e.g. Naturland, EU organic, AB Bio)...........................................................................................................


F.2.3. Subject of Aquaculture Certification Scheme

 which steps of production are subject to the auditing- and certification-process indicated under section F.2.2
H: Hatchery / FM: Feed Mill / F: Farming / P: Processing


Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) by Aquaculture Certification Council (ACC) 
✔ 
✔ 
✔ 

Friend of the Sea (FOS)    

Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)    
Organic Certification (e.g. Naturland, EU Organic, AB Bio)    

Other ……………………………………………………………………..
   

 Documentation: If the operation is subject to an aquaculture certification scheme (F.2. - F.3.), please provide copies of all current
compliance certificates for each relevant production step and operation indicated above.

Input-Check & Print

F.3. Are you currently working towards an aquaculture certification or participating in an
aquaculture improvement project (AIP)?

✔ Yes (specify below)

 No

Name of certification programme or AIP

and status of implementation: ASC


When is an audit expected to take place

or scheduled (if already)?

F.4. Traceability and Chain of Custody (CoC)

Can the origin of the farmed seafood products be tracked back to individual farms?

✔ Yes  No ( proceed to G.1)  Not sure / unclear ( proceed G.1)

 If indicating YES, please describe the traceability system which is in place in order to verify and document the farm origin of the final
manufactured seafood product






 Is this traceability system subject to an independent (third-party) auditing- and certification-process (e.g. Chain of Custody CoC audit)

 Yes  No  Not sure / unclear

 Documentation: If the product / production is subject to Chain of Custody certification, please provide copies of certificates.

G. Information about Legal framework in Country of Production

G.1. Country of Aquaculture Production COSTA RICA


G.1.1. Geographic Area of Production (e.g. Province / Region / District / State) ....................................................................

G.2. Farm location

Please provide the exact location of the farming operation(s)

Link to Google Maps image

GPS Coordinates CRQM+75 Quepos, Provincia de Pun


 Documentation: Please attach any available satellite pictures or aerial views of the farming operations

Input-Check & Print

G.3. Regulatory Framework
Please indicate:
 all the legal processes that you had to go through before establishing the farm,
 licences that you need for establishing or operating the business,
 and official inspection and monitoring routines that the operation is subject to

✔ Business licence 
✔ Land use change (permit or licence) 
✔ Land use permit

✔ Water use permit or licence  Species protection plan 
✔ Effluent monitoring scheme

✔ Escapees prevention plan 
✔ Animal health plan 
✔ Waste Disposal Plan or Scheme

✔ Bio-Security Measures 
✔ Animal Welfare measures 
✔ Labour Rights Control

 Environmental Impact Assessment 

✔ Worker Safety and Health Inspection  Social Impact Assessment (SIA)

✔ Residue Monitoring Plan  Others (please specify)


CHECK LIST: Documents to be included

Important: Before submitting the questionnaire, please make sure to attach all the relevant documents indicated above and/or any other
documents and information that you believe will facilitate an objective assessment.

 Business licence  Environmental Impact Study  Land use permit

 Water use permit or licence  Social Impact Study  Effluent monitoring routine

 Feed specification sheets  Feed invoices  Pictures of feed bags

 Supportive documents feed (supplier)  Seed origin documentation  Seed health status documents

 Waste Disposal Plan  Images of farm location  Images of farming operation

 Chain of Custody Certificates  Others (please specify)


Input-Check & Print


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