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Test Mathematics’ FS.

c part 1
Objective Question
Name _________________ Maximum Time 30 mint Total Marks 20
Q1. Click the right option.
No Question A B C D
1 A real number is ……… Conjugate of Complex Self-conjugate Additive
other number inverse
2 Find the length of the equatorial
an angle of 10 at the center of 123km 143km 789km 111.1km
earth taking radius 6400km?
3 90 0, 1800, 2700 , 3600 Supplementary Quadrantal Acute angles Vertical
Are called angles angles angles
4 If p → q be a conditional then q Inverse Converse Contrapositive Negation
→ p is called
5 The cofactor of an element is Aij =(-1) × Mij Aij =-1 +¿ Mij Aij = Mij Non
6 (sec+ tanθ ¿ ¿ ¿ 0 1 4 6
7 A square matrix A = [aij] is called Lower Upper Principle Symmetric
an ------------if all element below triangular triangular diagonal matrix matrix
the principle diagonal are zero. matrix matrix
8 Tan(-135) = 0 1 -1 √3
9 The solution of equation secx + 2π 4 π 4 π 5π 2π 2π 4 π 5π
, , , ,
2 = 0 is 3 3 3 3 2 3 6 2
10 α 1−cosα 1−sinα 1+cosα 1−secα

Sum of all fourth root of unity is 0
√ 2
√ 1

√ 2

12 ( -1 + √ 3 )4 + ( -1 - √ 3 )4 = -4 -16 -10 32
13 The sum of all integral multiple of
3 between 4 and 97 1580 1581 1682 1630
14 Find the 5 term of G.P: 3, 35 48 54 36
6, 12…
15 Pn = 0! n! 1! n
n n n n
16 Cr × r! = Pn P0 Pr n!
17 In binomial theorem the term Binomial Binomial Binomial Binomial
n n n …… n expression terms coefficients matrix’s
(0 )( 1)( 2) (n) are called
18 In finding the middle term of
expansion of ( a + x )n if n is an 1 4 3 2
odd number then number of
middle term will be
19 The period of tanθ is 2π 3π π −π
20 Sin (2cos-1 x ) = 2x√ 1−x 2 2x√ 1+ x2 2√ 1−x 3 √ 1−x 2

Test Mathematics’ FS.c part 1

Name _________________ Maximum Time 120 mint Total Marks 80
Q2. Attempt any eight question.
i. Name the property use in equation a( b+ c- d) = ab + ac – ad
ii. Find the real and imaginary part of (√ 3 +i̇ )3
iii. Show that ∀ z ∈∁ (z - ź ) is a real number.

iv. Show that the given statement is tautology p → ( p v q )

v. Find the inverse of given relation {(1,3),(2,5),(3,7),(4,9),(5,11) }
vi. Prepare the table of addition of the set of residue class modulo 4.
2 3 −1
vii. Without expansion show that 1 1 0 =0
2 −3 5
3 1 x
viii. Find the value of x if −1 3 4 = -30
x 1 0
i 1+i
ix. If A = [
1 −i ] show that A + ( Á ) t is hermitian.
x. If αand β are roots of 3x2 – 2x + 4 = 0 then find the value of α 2 - β 2
xi. Show that roots of equation (p+q) x2 – px – q = 0 are rational.
xii. Show that sum of all cube root of unity is zero.
Q3. Attempt any eight question.
i. Resole into partial fraction
(x−1)(2 x−1)(3 x−1)
ii. Define partial fraction and conditional fraction.
iii. Which term of A.P 5, 2,-1,……. is -85
iv. Find three A.M between 3 and 11
v. If Sn = n (2n -1) then find the series.
vi. Insert two G.M between 2 and 16.
vii. Find value of n when Pn = 11.10.9
viii. How many necklaces can be made from 6 beads of different colors?
ix. Find the value of n and r when nCr = 35 and nPr = 210
x. Use mathematical induction to prove that 1 + 5+ 9+ ……..+ (4n-3) = n(2n-1)
xi. Find the term involving x4 in the expansion ( 3 – 2x )7
xii. If x is so small that it cub and higher power neglected than show that √ 1−x−x 2
1 9
= 1 - x - x2
2 8
Q4. Attempt any nine question.
i. The pendulum of a clock is 20 cm long and it swing angle 120 how far does the tip of pendulum
move in 1 second?
ii. Find the value of x if tan 2 450 - cos 2 60 0 = x sin 450 cos450 tan600
iii. Prove that sin3 θ - cos3 θ = ( sin θ - cos θ )( 1 + sin θ cos θ )
iv. Cos 3060 + cos 2340 + cos 1620 + cos 180 = 0
cos 8−sin 8
v. Prove that = tan370
cos 8+ sin 8
vi. Write in sum or difference sin( x +45 )sin( x -45 )
vii. Solve the triangle if a = 53 , β = 880 36’ and γ = 310 54’
viii. Find the measure of the greatest angle , if sides of triangle are 16 , 20 ,33
ix. The area of triangle is 2437. If a = 79 and c = 97 then find angle β
4 4
x. Without table and calculator show that cos-1 = cot-1
5 3
xi. Find the solution of equation secx + 2 = 0
xii. Solve equation sinx =

Loge Question
Attempt any three question
Q5. (a) Show that the set {1,ω,ω 2}, when ω 3 = 1, is an Abelian group w.r.t ordinary
(b) Find the five numbers in A.P. whose sum is 25 and the sum of whose squares is 125
Q6. (a) Solve the system of homogenous linear equation
X1 + 4X2 + 2X3 = 0
2X1 + X2 - 3X3 = 0
3X1 + 2X2 - 4X3 = 0
(b) Prove that Cr + nCr-1 = n+1
Q7. (a) Solve the system of equation 12x2 – 25xy + 12y2 = 0 , 4x2 + 7y2 = 148
(b) Find the coefficient of x5 in the expansion (x2 - 2 x )10

Q8. (a) If sinθ = then find the remaining trigonometric ratio
(b) Show that cos 200 cos 400 cos 800 = 8

Q9. (a) Prove that in an equilateral triangle, r : R : r 1 : r2 : r3 = 1 : 2 : 3 : 3 : 3

2 12
(b) Prove that 2 tan-1 3 = sin-1 13

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