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Bioresource Technology 77 (2001) 229±236

Review paper

Phytoextraction: a cost-e€ective plant-based technology for the

removal of metals from the environment
Carlos Garbisu a,*, Itziar Alkorta b
Departamento de Agrosistemas y Producci on Animal, NEIKER, Instituto Vasco de Investigaci on y Desarrollo Agrario, Berreaga 1,
E-48160 Derio, Spain
Departamento de Bioquõmica y Biologõa Molecular, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad del Paõs Vasco, Apartado 644, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain
Accepted 31 July 2000

Phytoremediation is an emerging technology that uses plants to clean up pollutants (metals and organics) from the environment.
Within this ®eld of phytoremediation, the utilization of plants to transport and concentrate metals from the soil into the harvestable
parts of roots and above-ground shoots is usually called phytoextraction. Most traditional remediation methods do not provide
acceptable solutions for the removal of metals from soils. By contrast, phytoextraction of metals is a cost-e€ective approach that
uses metal-accumulating plants to clean up these soils. Subsequently, the harvestable parts, rich in accumulated metals, can be easily
and safely processed by drying, ashing or composting. Some extracted metals can also be reclaimed from the ash, generating re-
cycling revenues. Phytoextraction appears a very promising technology for the removal of metal pollutants from the environment
and may be, at present, approaching comercialization. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Phytoextraction; Metal; Phytoremediation; Soil pollution

1. Introduction: soil pollution and heavy metals to desorb and leach metals from soil followed by the
return of clean soil residue to the site) (Salt et al., 1995).
Soil pollution, a very important environmental Apart from minimizing the impact of future incidents by
problem, has been attracting considerable public atten- means of controlling pollution input, it is imperative to
tion over the last decades. As a matter of fact, increas- deploy innovative technologies which could economi-
ingly widespread pollution has caused vast areas of land cally remediate polluted soils (Garbisu and Alkorta,
to become non-arable and hazardous for both wildlife 1997).
and human populations. Nowadays, more and more In contrast to many organic pollutants, which are
people consider that the magnitude of the pollution anthropogenic and often degraded in the soil, metals
problem in our soils calls for immediate action. Unfor- occur naturally and are conserved (Wade et al., 1993).
tunately, the enormous costs associated with the re- Due to their immutable nature, heavy metals are a
moval of pollutants from soils by means of traditional group of pollutants of much concern. The danger of
physicochemical methods have been encouraging heavy metals is aggravated by their almost inde®nite
companies to ignore the problem. In fact, the current persistence in the environment. Although some metals
state-of-the-art technology for the remediation of metal- are essential for life (i.e., they provide essential cofactors
polluted soils is the excavation and burial of the soil at a for metalloproteins and enzymes), at high concentra-
hazardous waste site at an average cost of $1 000 000 per tions they can act in a deleterious manner by blocking
acre (Raskin et al., 1997). Other common approaches essential functional groups, displacing other metal ions,
used to treat metal-polluted soils are ®xation (chemical or modifying the active conformation of biological
processing of the soil to immobilize the metals) and molecules (Collins and Stotzky, 1989). In addition, they
leaching (using acid solutions or proprietary leachants are toxic for both higher organisms and microorgan-
isms. In fact, many metals a€ect directly various physi-
ological and biochemical processes causing reduction in
Corresponding author. Fax: +349-4452-2335. growth, inhibition of photosynthesis and respiration,
E-mail address: (C. Garbisu). and degeneration of main cell organelles (Vangronsveld

0960-8524/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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230 C. Garbisu, I. Alkorta / Bioresource Technology 77 (2001) 229±236

and Clijsters, 1994). Some metals are accumulated in moval of these pollutants from the environment (Gar-
roots (especially Pb), probably due to some physiologi- bisu and Alkorta, 1997), it is certainly not less true that
cal barriers against metal transport to aerial parts, while when considering the remediation of a metal-polluted
others are easily transported in plants, for example, Cd. soil, metal-accumulating plants o€er numerous advan-
Heavy metals cannot be destroyed biologically (no tages over microbial processes since plants can actually
``degradation'', change in the nuclear structure of the extract metals from the polluted soils, theoretically
element, occurs) but are only transformed from one rendering them clean (metal-free soils). In fact, although
oxidation state or organic complex to another. As a a wide variety of bacterial, fungal, algal and plant sys-
consequence of the alteration of its oxidation state, the tems are capable of concentrating toxic metals from
metal may become either: (i) more water soluble and is their surroundings, so far no cost-e€ective way exists to
removed by leaching, (ii) inherently less toxic, (iii) less retrieve small organisms from the soil (Ow, 1996).
water soluble so that it precipitates and then becomes Therefore, and in relation to the bioremediation of
less bioavailable or removed from the contaminated site, heavy metals, microorganisms have been mostly used to
or (iv) volatilized and removed from the polluted area treat industrial waste streams, with the organisms either
(Garbisu and Alkorta, 1997). Heavy metals are present immobilized onto di€erent support matrixes or in a free-
in soil as natural components or as a result of human living state, enclosed in treatment tanks or other kinds
activity. The primary sources of metal pollution are the of reactor vessels. Subsequently, the metal-loaded bio-
burning of fossil fuels, mining and smelting of metal- mass can be either disposed of appropriately or, de-
liferous ores, downwash from power lines, municipal pending on their concentrations, treated to recover the
wastes, fertilizers, pesticides and sewage. metals. In the environment, as is the case for the in situ
bioremediation systems, bacteria are not e€ective as a
permanent, large-scale solution to heavy metal-polluted
2. Microbial remediation of metal-polluted soils areas, since this implies the ultimate removal of the
contaminated biomass from the site. As a consequence,
Microorganisms can detoxify metals by valence application of microbial bioremediation to the in situ
transformation, extracellular chemical precipitation, or removal of heavy metals from polluted soils is mainly
volatilization. In fact, some microorganisms can enzy- limited to metal immobilization by precipitation or re-
matically reduce a variety of metals in metabolic pro- duction (Summers, 1992).
cesses that are not related to metal assimilation (Lovley, Phytoremediation is also preferable to currently used
1993): some bacteria obtain energy for growth by cou- approaches for treating soils such as land®lling, ®xation,
pling the oxidation of simple organic acids and alcohols, leaching, etc., since it reclaims soil at the site, recycling it
hydrogen, or aromatic compounds, to the reduction of in a biologically safe state rather than permanently
Fe(III) or Mn(IV). Bacteria that use U(VI) as a terminal disposing of it by removal to a storage site (Salt et al.,
electron acceptor may be useful for removing uranium 1995).
from contaminated sites. The reduction of the toxic
selenate and selenite to the insoluble and much less toxic
elemental selenium may be exploited to enhance re- 3. Phytoremediation
moval of these anions from contaminated sites (Combs
et al., 1996; Garbisu et al., 1995a, 1995b; 1997a, Garbisu 3.1. General aspects of phytoremediation
and Alkorta, 1997). The more toxic form of chromium,
Cr(VI), can also be detoxi®ed by bacterially mediated Phytoremediation, de®ned as the use of green plants
reduction and the enzymatic mechanism responsible for to remove pollutants from the environment or to render
the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) is currently being them harmless (Cunningham and Berti, 1993; Raskin
studied and may ultimately lead to a commercial bio- et al., 1994), is being considered as a new highly prom-
remediation process (Garbisu et al., 1997b,c, 1998; ising technology for the remediation of polluted sites.
Ishibashi et al., 1990). Another natural reduction pro- Phytoremediation is often also referred as botanical-
cess now being developed for commercial applications is bioremediation or green remediation (Chaney et al.,
the transformation of mercuric ion, Hg(II), to volatile 1997). This technology can be applied to both organic
metallic mercury, Hg(0). Microorganisms can also en- and inorganic pollutants present in soil (solid substrate),
zymatically reduce other metals such as technetium, water (liquid substrate) or the air (Salt et al., 1998). In
vanadium, molybdenum, gold, silver and copper, but this respect, plants can be compared to solar driven
reduction of these metals has not been studied exten- pumps which can extract and concentrate certain ele-
sively (Lovley, 1993). ments from their environment (Salt et al., 1995). How-
Although it is true that microorganisms that use ever, the ability to accumulate heavy metals varies
metals as terminal electron acceptors or reduce them as signi®cantly between species and between cultivars
a detoxi®cation mechanism can be of use for the re- within a species.
C. Garbisu, I. Alkorta / Bioresource Technology 77 (2001) 229±236 231

Following harvest of pollutant-enriched plants, the lutants, mainly metals, from water and aqueous-waste
weight and volume of contaminated material can be streams. Plant roots or seedlings grown in aerated water
further reduced by ashing or composting. Metal-en- absorb, precipitate and concentrate toxic metals from
riched plants can be disposed of as hazardous material polluted e‚uents.
or, if economically feasible, used for metal recovery (Salt Phytostabilization: the use of plants to reduce the
et al., 1998). bioavailability of pollutants in the environment. Plants
Most existing remediation physicochemical technol- stabilize pollutants in soils, thus rendering them harm-
ogies are meant primarily for intensive in situ or ex situ less and reducing the risk of further environmental de-
treatment of relatively highly polluted sites, and thus are gradation by leaching of pollutants into the ground
not very suitable for the remediation of vast, di€usely water or by airborne spread.
polluted areas where pollutants occur only at relatively Phytovolatilization: the use of plants to volatilize
low concentrations and super®cially (Rulkens et al., pollutants. Plants extract volatile pollutants (e.g., sele-
1998). In this context, phytoremediation appears as a nium, mercury) from soil and volatilize them from the
very valid option since it is best suited for the remedi- foliage.
ation of these di€usely polluted areas and at much lower Phytodegradation: the use of plants and associated
costs than other methods. While the most heavily con- microorganisms (plant-assisted bioremediation) to de-
taminated soils do not support plant growth, sites with grade organic pollutants. Plant roots in conjunction
light to moderate toxic metal contamination can be with their rhizospheric microorganisms are utilized to
remediated by growing metal-accumulating plants remediate soils contaminated with organics; the air pu-
(Kumar et al., 1995). Examples of pollutants that could rifying uses of some plants.
possibly be removed by phytoremediation are heavy Some authors (Stomp et al., 1994) also distinguish
metals, 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene, trichloroethylene, benzene, between indirect and direct phytoremediation. In the case
toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (Rulkens et al., 1998). of indirect phytoremediation, plants participate in the
More and more often, and provided that it will result detoxi®cation of pollutants via their support of symbi-
in lower costs and that the risks posed to human pop- otic, root-associated microorganisms that actually ac-
ulations and ecosystems are acceptable, the fact that the complish contaminant detoxi®cation (this matches the
remediation procedure may take rather long, as is the previously named plant-assisted bioremediation). On the
case with phytoremediation methods, is not considered a other hand, plants could participate directly through
problem (Rulkens et al., 1998). contaminant uptake and subsequent contaminant im-
Interestingly enough, in the last few years, the pos- mobilization or degradation within the plant.
sibility of planting metal hyperaccumulator crops over a
low-grade ore body or mineralized soil, and then har- 3.3. Use of trees
vesting and incinerating the biomass to produce a
commercial ``bio-ore'' has been proposed (Brooks et al., According to some authors (Stomp et al., 1994), trees
1998). This ``phytomining'' o€ers the possibility of ex- potentially are the lowest-cost plant type to use for
ploiting ore bodies that are otherwise uneconomic to phytoremediation. A number of tree species can grow on
mine and its e€ect on the environment is minimal when land of marginal quality. This allows establishment of
compared with the erosion caused by opencast mining trees on sites with low fertility and poor soil structure,
(Brooks et al., 1998). keeping costs low for plant establishment. Besides, trees
As a result of their association with speci®c ore de- have the most massive root systems of all plants, which
posits, many metallophyte plants are used in prospecting penetrate the soil for several meters, farther than most
for mineral deposits (Brooks, 1983). herbaceous plants (Stomp et al., 1994). In some tree
species above-ground biomass can be harvested, and
3.2. Categories of phytoremediation trees will resprout without disturbance of the site. This
attribute would be valuable if periodic removal of pol-
These include (Chaney et al., 1997; Salt et al., 1995, lutants sequestered in plant tissue were desirable as in
1998; Raskin et al., 1997). the case of heavy metals bound to wood (Stomp et al.,
Phytoextraction: the use of plants to remove con- 1994).
taminants from soils. Pollutant-accumulating plants are
utilized to transport and concentrate contaminants 3.4. Conclusions
(metals or organics) from the soil into the above-ground
shoots; the term is mostly used to refer to metal removal With a sound footing in basic research and a new
from soils. In some cases, roots can be harvested as well regulatory environment supportive of innovative tech-
(Kumar et al., 1995). nologies, phytoremediation is increasingly being viewed
Phyto®ltration: the use of plant roots (rhizo®ltration) as a cost-e€ective and user-friendly alternative to tradi-
or seedlings (blasto®ltration) to absorb or adsorb pol- tional methods of environmental cleanup (Boyajian and
232 C. Garbisu, I. Alkorta / Bioresource Technology 77 (2001) 229±236

Carreira, 1997). Optimizing agronomic practices, such Curiously enough, the capacity of plants to concen-
as irrigation, fertilization, planting and harvest time and trate metals has usually been considered a detrimental
the timing of amendment application, will increase the trait since some plants are directly or indirectly re-
eciency of the phytoremediation processes (Ensley sponsible for a proportion of the dietary uptake of toxic
et al., 1997). heavy metals by humans (Brown et al., 1994; Cunning-
Phytoremediation is still a new ®eld which holds great ham et al., 1995). Dietary intake of heavy metals
potential and in order to develop this potential requires through consumption of crop plants can have long-term
a multidisciplinary approach, spanning ®elds as diverse e€ects on human health (Ow, 1996). Naturally occurring
as plant biology, agricultural engineering, agronomy, plants called ``metal hyperaccumulators'' can accumu-
soil science, microbiology and genetic engineering. late 10±500 times higher levels of elements than crops
(Chaney et al., 1997). According to Raskin et al. (1997),
the degree of accumulation of metals such as Ni, Zn,
4. Phytoextraction of metals and possibly Cu, observed in hyperaccumulators, often
reaches 1±5% of their dry weight (an order of magnitude
The term ``phytoextraction'' mainly concerns the re- higher than those concentrations found in non-accu-
moval of heavy metals or radionuclides from soil by mulating plants growing nearby). Unfortunately, most
means of the uptake capabilities of plants. Plants can hyperaccumulators are relatively small in size, have slow
accumulate heavy metals essential for growth and de- growth rates and we lack the technology for their large-
velopment such as Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mg, Mo, and pos- scale cultivation (Salt et al., 1995; Raskin et al., 1997).
sibly Ni. In addition, some of them have the capacity to The annual yields in biomass of hyperaccumulators are
accumulate heavy metals with no known biological generally one to two orders of magnitude lower than
functions, such as Cd, Cr, Pb, Co, Ag, Se and Hg (Baker those of robust crop plants (Ow, 1996). Therefore, a lot
and Brooks, 1989; Raskin et al., 1994). For the metab- of research emphasis has been placed on the evaluation
olism of metals, plants require a balance between the of the metal-accumulating capacity of high biomass
uptake of essential metal ions to maintain growth and plants that can be easily cultivated using established
development and the ability to protect sensitive cellular agronomic practices. In this respect, many authors have
activity and structures from excessive levels of essential studied the metal-uptake capabilities of the cultivated
and non-essential metals. Resistance of plants to heavy Brassica (mustard) species because of their relation to
metal ions can be achieved by an avoidance mechanism, wild metal-accumulating mustards (Kumar et al., 1995).
which includes mainly the immobilization of metal in Either the existing hyperaccumulator plants must be
root and in cell walls. Tolerance to heavy metals is based bred for increased growth and biomass, or hyperaccu-
on the sequestration of heavy metal ions in vacuoles, on mulation traits must be engineered into fast growing,
binding them by appropriate ligands like organic acids, high biomass plants (Ow, 1996). However, according to
proteins and peptides and on the presence of enzymes some authors (Chaney et al., 1997), natural metal hy-
that can function at high levels of metallic ions (Har- peraccumulator phenotype appears to be much more
borne, 1989; Robinson et al., 1994). important than high yield ability when using plants to
The phytoextraction of heavy metals represents one remediate metal-contaminated soils.
of the largest economic opportunities for phytoremedi- The prevention of herbivory and disease is thought to
ation because of the size and scope of environmental be the main function of this unique phenomenon of
problems associated with metal-contaminated soils and hyperaccumulation (Baker and Brooks, 1989; Ernst
the competitive advantage o€ered by a plant-based et al., 1990; Boyd and Martens, 1994, 1995; Boyd et al.,
remediation technology (Raskin et al., 1997). 1994).
The ideal plant to be used in phytoextraction should As pointed out in the excellent review by Salt et al.
have the following characteristics: (1998) there are, at present, two strategies of phytoex-
· be tolerant to high levels of the metal; traction: (1) chelate-assisted or induced phytoextraction
· accumulate high levels of the metal in its harvestable and (2) continuous phytoextraction.
· have a rapid growth rate; 4.1. Chelate-assisted or induced phytoextraction
· have the potential to produce a high biomass in the
®eld; Chelating agents have been used as soil extractants, a
· have a profuse root system. source for micronutrient fertilizers, and to maintain
The idea of using plants to remove metals from soils solubility of micronutrients in hydroponic solutions
came from the discovery of di€erent wild plants, often (Salt et al., 1995). As pointed out by its name, this
endemic to naturally mineralized soils, that accumulate strategy of phytoextraction is based on the fact that the
high concentrations of metals in their foliage (Brooks application of metal chelates to the soil signi®cantly
et al., 1979; Baker and Brooks, 1989; Raskin et al., 1997). enhances metal accumulation by plants. This is due to
C. Garbisu, I. Alkorta / Bioresource Technology 77 (2001) 229±236 233

the fact that under many circumstances, in the soil and synthetic chelates having a high anity for the metal of
depending on the metal itself, it is common to ®nd cases interest should be used: EDTA for lead, EGTA for
of low bioavailability, preventing the remediation pro- cadmium (Blaylock et al., 1997), possibly citrate for
cess. Due to this phenomenon of the low bioavailability uranium, etc. The mechanisms involved in metal-chelate
of metals in soils, it is common to observe that shoot induced plant uptake and translocation of metals are
metal accumulation in hydroponically cultivated plants not well understood (Salt et al., 1998). Nonetheless, it is
greatly exceeds the metal accumulation measured in soil- likely that Pb is transported within plants as a Pb±
grown plants. For instance, lead (Pb) is usually ex- EDTA complex.
tremely insoluble (i.e., not available for plant uptake) in Apart from the addition of synthetic chelates, plants
the normal range of soil pH (Raskin et al., 1997). Thus, secrete to the rhizosphere natural metal-chelating mol-
vegetation growing in heavily contaminated areas often ecules to mobilize soil-bound metals. So far, only
has less than 50 mg/g Pb in shoots (Cunningham et al., phytosiderophores, iron-chelating compounds have
1995). Corn (Zea mays) and, to a lesser extent, ragweed been studied in detail. Some of these phytosiderophores
(Ambrosia artemisii®lia) have been identi®ed as good include mugeneic and deoxymugeneic acids from barley
accumulators of Pb (Huang and Cunningham, 1996). and corn, and avenic acid from oats (Welch et al., 1993).
But even plants, such as Brassica juncea, that have a There is also the possibility that metal-chelating pro-
genetic capacity to accumulate Pb, will not contain teins, perhaps related to metallothioneins or phyto-
much Pb in roots or shoots if cultivated in Pb-contam- chelatins, may act as phytosiderophores (Raskin et al.,
inated soil (Raskin et al., 1997). A large proportion of 1997).
many metals remains sorbed to solid soil constituents. Finally, plants roots increase metal bioavailability by
The formation of metal±chelate complexes prevents extruding protons to acidify the soil and mobilize the
precipitation and sorption of the metals thereby main- metals. A similar mechanism has been observed for Fe
taining their availability for plant uptake (Salt et al., mobilization in some Fe-de®cient dicotyledonous plants
1995). The addition of chelates to the soil can also bring (Crowley et al., 1991). In fact, numerous studies have
metals into solution through desorption of sorbed spe- shown that lowering the pH of a soil decreases the ad-
cies, dissolution of Fe and Mn oxides, and dissolution of sorption of heavy metals and thus increases their con-
precipitated compounds (Norwell, 1984). centration in the soil solution (Harter, 1983; Salt et al.
Fortunately, the discovery that the application of 1995). It may be possible to increase metal availability
certain chelates to the soil increases the translocation of (and hence plant uptake) by means of maintaining a
heavy metals from soil into the shoots has opened a wide moderately acid pH in the soil through the use of
new range of possibilities for this ®eld of metal phy- ammonium containing fertilizers or soil acidi®ers (Salt
toextraction (Blaylock et al., 1997). Ethylenediamine- et al., 1995).
tetraacetic acid (EDTA), when applied to established Roots can also reduce soil-bound metal ions by spe-
plants several days before harvest, has proven to be very ci®c plasma-membrane bound metal reductases. For
e€ective in facilitating the plant uptake of Cd, Cu, Ni, instance, pea plants de®cient in Fe or Cu have an in-
Pb and Zn (Raskin et al., 1997). There are no reliable creased ability to reduce Fe3‡ and Cu2‡ , which is cou-
reports on the natural accumulation of the most envi- pled with an increased uptake of Cu, Mn, Fe and Mg
ronmentally important metallic pollutants (i.e., lead, (Welch et al., 1993).
cadmium, arsenic, radionuclides such as U, Cs, Sr) (Salt
et al. 1998). 4.2. Continuous phytoextraction
However, it has been described that high biomass
crop plants such as Indian mustard, corn and sun¯ower Continuous phytoextraction depends on the natural
could accumulate signi®cant amounts of Pb when in- ability of some plants to accumulate, translocate and
duced through the addition of metal chelates (Huang resist high amounts of metals over the complete growth
and Cunningham, 1996; Blaylock et al., 1997). Blaylock cycle. In this context, hyperaccumulators are the most
et al. (1997) demonstrated the simultaneous accumula- suitable plants for the phytoextraction of metal-polluted
tion of several metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn) by Indian soils. Unfortunately, as mentioned above, hyperaccu-
mustard plants after applying metal chelates. According mulators for the most environmentally important me-
to Blaylock et al. (1997) and Huang and Cunningham tallic pollutants (Pb, Cd, As, U) have not been reliably
(1996), plants can remove between 180 and 530 kg/ha of described (Salt et al., 1998). Nonetheless, hyperaccu-
Pb per year, making remediation of sites contaminated mulators can naturally accumulate more than 1% of
with up to 2500 mg/kg Pb possible in under 10 years shoot dry biomass as Zn, Ni, or Se (Ba~ nuelos and
(Salt et al., 1998). Metal accumulation eciency appears Meeks, 1990; Bauman, 1885; Brooks et al., 1979; Byers,
to be directly related to the anity of the applied chelate 1935, 1936; Chaney et al., 1995; Reeves and Brooks,
for the metal (Salt et al., 1998). Therefore, it can be 1983; Salt et al., 1995, 1998). The existence of hyperac-
concluded that, for ecient phytoextraction to occur, cumulators for metals other than Ni, Zn and Se is not
234 C. Garbisu, I. Alkorta / Bioresource Technology 77 (2001) 229±236

very clear and needs further substantiation (Salt et al., rhizosphere with selected microorganisms during the
1998). However, it is important to emphasize that even phytoextraction, it should be possible to enhance uptake
the best metal accumulators, such as Thlaspi caerules- of heavy metals from soils.
cens (Brassicaceae) (Baker et al., 1994), take a relatively
long time of continuous cultivation (13±14 years) to 4.2.2. Metal reactions in plants
clean a site of Ni or Zn (Salt et al., 1995). Once inside the plant, most metals are too insoluble
Most metal-accumulating plant species known today to move freely in the vascular system so they usually
were discovered growing on soils containing high levels form carbonate, sulfate or phosphate precipitates im-
of heavy metals. These plants are often endemic to these mobilizing them in apoplastic (extracellular) and sym-
types of soils, suggesting that metal accumulation is plastic (intracellular) compartments (Raskin et al.,
associated with heavy metal resistance (Baker and 1997). Unless the metal ion is transported as a non-
Brooks, 1989). The majority of hyperaccumulating cationic metal chelate, apoplastic transport is further
species discovered so far are restricted to tropical areas limited by the high cation-exchange capacity of cell walls
(Baker and Brooks, 1989; Baker et al., 1993; Brooks (Raskin et al., 1997). In addition, some metals may be
et al., 1993). The ®rst hyperaccumulators characterized transported to the shoots complexed to organic acids,
were members of the Brassicaceae and Fabaceae fami- mainly citrate (Baker and Brooks, 1989; Senden et al.,
lies. The number of metal-accumulating taxa identi®ed 1992).
to date has been reported to be 397 (Salt et al., 1998).
Therefore, there is a continuous search for novel phy- 4.2.3. Genetics of phytoextraction
toextracting plants adapted to particular ecosystems and One way to supplement the arsenal of plants available
climates. In general, and as mentioned above, some for remedial actions is to utilize genetic engineering tools
studies (Salt et al., 1995) have demonstrated that the to insert into plants those genes that will enable the
ability to accumulate heavy metals varies greatly be- plant to metabolize a particular pollutant (Newman
tween species and between cultivars within a species. et al., 1997). In fact, one of the goals of plant genetic
Particular emphasis has been placed on the evaluation engineering is to enhance the ability of plants to me-
of shoot metal-accumulation capacity of the cultivated tabolize many of the compounds that are of environ-
Brassica (mustard) species because of their relation to mental concern. Some laboratories are using traditional
wild metal-accumulating mustards (Kumar et al., 1995). breeding techniques, others are creating protoplast-
Although the largest numbers of temperate-climate hy- fusion hybrids, and still others are looking at the direct
peraccumulating species belong to the Brassicaceae insertion of novel genes to enhance the metabolic
(Baker and Brooks, 1989), in the tropics the Euphorbi- capabilities of a variety of plants (Newman et al., 1997).
aceae is the best represented group (Ensley et al., 1997). Major long-term improvements in phytoextraction
Several examples of ®eld trials for the continuous should come when scientists isolate genes from various
phytoextraction of metals have been reported: Thlaspi plant, bacterial and animal sources that can enhance the
caerulescens and Silene vulgaris for Cd and Zn, respec- metal-accumulating potential of the plants in which
tively (Brown et al., 1995); Brassica oleracea, Raphanus these genes are inserted. Actually, there is increased
sativus, Thlaspi caerulescens, Alyssum lesbiacum, Alys- support for the idea that genetically modi®ed plants can
sum murale and Arabidopsis thaliana for Zn, Cd, Ni, Cu, play an important role in extracting heavy metals from
Pb and Cr, respectively (Baker et al., 1991). contaminated sources (Mo€at, 1995). Besides, if the high
yield and hyperaccumulation traits could be bred into a
4.2.1. Microbes associated with phytoextraction single plant, the e€ectiveness of metal extraction could
Plant-assisted bioremediation has been mainly con- increase by one or two orders of magnitude (Ow, 1996).
cerned with the degradation of organic pollutants and By inserting an altered mercuric ion reductase gene
the use of microorganisms to improve the plant±metal (merA) into Arabidopsis thaliana, Rugh et al. (1996)
uptake from soils has hardly been investigated. Roots reported the production of a mercury-resistant trans-
can employ rhizospheric organisms (mycorrhizal fungi genic plant that volatilized mercury into the atmosphere.
or root-colonizing bacteria) to increase the bioavail- Results to date suggest that the cost of phytoremedia-
ability of metals (Raskin et al., 1997). However, it is tion of mercury-contaminated soils will be one-tenth to
believed that plant uptake of certain mineral nutrients one-hundredth the cost of other traditional engineering
such as Fe and Mn may be facilitated by rhizospheric methods, including land®lling, thermal treatments, and
microorganisms (Barber and Lee, 1974; Crowley et al., chemical extraction.
1991). Similar results may be found for non-essential Finally, to point out that although phytoextraction is
heavy metals. Several strains of Bacillus and Pseudo- still an active topic of research, small-scale ®eld trials
monas increased the total amount of Cd accumulated by with wild metal accumulators collected from naturally
Brassica juncea seedlings (Salt et al., 1995). From these contaminated soils have demonstrated the feasibility of
studies, it can be concluded that by populating the the phytoextraction approach.
C. Garbisu, I. Alkorta / Bioresource Technology 77 (2001) 229±236 235

Phytoextraction appears a very promising technology metal tolerant Silene vulgaris grown on sludge-amended soils.
for the removal of metal pollutants from the environ- Environ. Sci. Technol. 29, 1581±1585.
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ment and may be, at present, approaching comercial- States, with a discussion of related topics. US Dept. Agric.
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