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Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

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Visualization of mercury percolation in porous hardened cement paste by

means of X-ray computed tomography
Yuxuan Qi a , Kangxin Liu a , Yu Peng a , Jiyang Wang a , Chunsheng Zhou b , Dongming Yan a ,
Qiang Zeng a ,∗
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, PR China
b School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, PR China


Keywords: Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) has been extensively used for the pore structure characterization of
Mercury intrusion porosimetry porous materials, but the percolation of mercury in porous cement-based materials during MIP has never been
X-ray computed tomography comprehensively investigated before. Here we visually probe the mercury percolation in a porous hardened
cement paste (HCP) using X-ray computed tomography (X-CT). Novel double surface coatings on the HCP
Hardened cement paste
samples before and after MIP tests by an epoxy resin are specifically designed. The first coating enables the
Pore structure
one-directional penetration of mercury in the HCP samples during MIP, while the second coating can partially
seal the release of the entrapped mercury. MIP tests are operated under different maximum applied pressures
(10,000 and 30,000 psi) and equilibrium time (5, 10, and 30 s). The high X-ray attenuation of mercury enables
the visual trace of the intrusion mercury percolation pathways and the entrapped mercury clusters in the
HCP samples by X-CT. The position-dependent entrapped mercury clusters in the pores account for the gray
value changes and gradients in the HCP samples after MIP. The MIP characteristics, such as, total intrusion
volume, volume size distribution and mercury entrapment, change with the maximum applied pressure and
equilibrium time, but the percolation pore size shows the consistent values. The findings of this work deepen
the understandings of MIP for the microstructure characterization of porous materials.

1. Introduction pore networks in porous materials. It is generally accepted that the

pores at the greatest mercury rises are identical to the threshold size
Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) is a popular technique to for mercury percolation through which continual mercury flows oc-
characterize the pore structure of cement-based materials (CBMs). Com- cur [26]. In a previous study by Thompson et al. [27], significant
pared with other porosimetries, like gas (nitrogen, argon, carbon diox- electric resistance shifts occur at the mercury injection (intrusion) shifts
ide and water) sorption and image analysis, MIP shows several ad- for porous rocks, which indirectly evidences the mercury percolation
vantages, such as, low cost, simple physical principle, fast operation, processes in porous media. The pore parameters determined by mer-
relatively large sample size, and broadly accessible pore range (depend- cury injection percolation are important for permeability prediction,
ing on the maximum pressures applied) [1–5]. However, debates on and the quantitative permeability-pore relationship is known as the
MIP are always mentioned by scholars due to the possibly biased pore Katz–Thompson (KT) equation [28]. Over the past thirty four years,
results induced by several intrinsic and extrinsic factors, including: the
the KT equation has been popularly used to predict the permeability
effects of sample size and surface roughness [2,6,7], the effect of sample
of different types of porous materials [29–33], and mercury intru-
pretreatment (drying) [8,9], the oversimplifications of pore topology
sion might be one of the benchmark porosimetries for pore structure
(geometry and connectivity) and interpretation parameters [10–17],
characterization [34,35].
the material deformations and damages under high pressures dur-
Researches on the percolation of mercury intrusion under pressure,
ing mercury intrusion [18–22], and the assumption of static testing
however, are rather limited. Some computer simulations may enable
processes [23–25].
Almost all MIP tests in open literature are conducted under high the virtual injections of mercury in fixed lattices (representing pore
maximum pressures that allow the complete percolation of mercury spaces in limited scales), which may facilitate to explore the percolation
through some narrow throats that contribute to form the connected process of mercury intrusion [23,24,36]. The relevant experimental

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Q. Zeng).
Received 4 August 2020; Received in revised form 31 March 2021; Accepted 17 May 2021
Available online 25 May 2021
0958-9465/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Qi et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

work is rarely documented. This must come from the difficulties in 2. Experiments
experiments for probing mercury intrusion in porous materials. An
obvious difficulty is that mercury can easily evaporate and is poi- 2.1. Material and specimen preparation
sonous to humans, so the mercury-intruded sample is not suitable for
microscopic observation. Alternatively, the intrusion of low melting- A white Portland cement (P. W. Grade 52.5) (Aalborg Portland
point metal is often combined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) Group, Anqing, China) was adopted as the only binder to synthesize the
to measure the pore structure of CBMs [37–42]. This method, albeit HCP specimens. The bulk oxide compositions, density, and the Blaine
feasible, only acquires 2 dimensional intruded pores in CBMs that fineness of the cement are listed in Table 1. A water-to-cement (w/c)
are intrinsically different from the real pores with heterogeneously 3 ratio of 0.35 was designed in the mix. A high-efficient water reducer
dimensional spacial structure. (MasterGlenium® , Basf, Shanghai, China) was mixed with the cement
Driven by the continual developments of advanced experimen- by 3wt% to get the high fluidity of paste slurries. This water reducer
tal methodology, e.g., X-ray computed tomography (X-CT), the non- dosage is much higher than that used in practical concrete to grantee
destructive microstructure (and transport properties) characterization the injection of paste slurries into thin tubes.
of porous materials in multi scales is progressively realized [43–51]. Manual mixing and stirring were operated in a beaker to prepare
X-CT and MIP tests are often combined in parallel to investigate the white cement paste slurries. A syringe was used to inject the
the microstructure of CBMs in different scales. For instance, Xue paste slurries into thin plastic tubes with the inner diameter of 3 mm
et al. [52] used micro X-CT and MIP to jointly assess the degradation (Fig. 1a). The paste-filled plastic tubes in different lengths were then
of cement mortars under thermal actions. The coupled X-CT and MIP fixed on a polystyrene foamed plastic board (Fig. 1b). Later, this board,
tests, however, are rarely reported. Previous studies implied that the together with the plastic tubes, was stored in a vessel at the temperature
combination of X-CT and MIP helps better understand the MIP testing of 20 ± 2 ◦ C and relative humidity over 95% for continual curing. After
process [7,18,34,53–56]. This relies on the fact that mercury has 28 d, paste cylinders of 3 mm in diameter were demoulded from the
the dramatically higher X-ray attenuation than any phase in ordinary tubes.
porous materials [57]. The tracks of mercury entrapped in the pores of Cylinders in length of 20 mm were selected and oven dried at 50
a porous material not only visually testify porosity variation at different ◦ C for 48 h for removing the physically absorbed and/or confined
material positions, but also provide information on transport pathways water [60]. The oven-dried cylinders were then coated with a quick-
that are hardly obtained by other means [53]. Within the same regime, hardening epoxy resin (termed as the first coating) (Fig. 1c). MIP tests
Rigby and coworkers has performed visual examinations on the entrap-
on those epoxy-sealed paste cylinders cannot be conducted because
ment of mercury in porous silica [54] and directly detected the spatial
no open surfaces are available for mercury penetrations. Therefore an
configurations of pore chambers with mercury entrapment connected
Abrasi-Met 250 manual cutter was used to cut each long cylinder into
by percolation paths in macro porous alumina by micro-X-CT tests [55].
two half cylinders with equal length (10 mm) and one open end.
It was suggested that micro X-CT scanning, in association with MIP,
The HCP cylinders then experienced the first X-CT test (Fig. 1d).
can detect pores and fractures two orders of magnitude smaller than
Later, MIP tests were conducted (Fig. 1e). Once the MIP tests com-
voxel resolution and will strongly improve 3D spatial analysis of low
pleted, the samples were immediately removed into plastic tubes (5 mm
porosity rock texture [56]. Our recent study proved that X-CT scans
of inner diameter). The pre-mixed quick-hardening epoxy resin was
can quantitatively assess the pore structure damages of CBMs during
then poured into the tubes to seal the samples as quickly as possible
the intrusion of mercury under high pressure [18]. The combination
(termed as the second coating). This step was to prevent the leakage of
of X-CT and the intrusion of low-melting point metals (e.g., Woods
mercury into the air, because mercury is highly evaporable at room
metal [58] and other bismuth-based alloys [41,42]) was also applied
temperature and is toxic to humans. The coatings of samples after
to characterize the pore structure of various porous materials.
MIP was recommended for the lab-safety based on our experimental
While the combination of X-CT and MIP facilitates to unravel the
experiences [7,18,34]. After the epoxy resin in the tubes was hardened,
mercury entrapment in porous materials that indirectly reflects the
transport paths, difficulties in the controls of mercury intrusion patterns the paste cylinders with double coats were readily prepared for the
always exist. For example, porous samples with and without surface second X-CT tests to probe the spatial positions of the mercury intruded
coating may show different mercury intrusion patterns and MIP pore in the samples (Fig. 1e).
spectra [59]. Furthermore, the partial surface coatings on HCP samples
can depress the surface roughness (or surface conformance) effect 2.2. Test procedure
and decrease the threshold pore size (TSP) [7]. Therefore, elaborate
surface coatings on porous samples are expected to help manipulate 2.2.1. MIP tests
the direction and pattern of mercury intrusion. This would provide A MIP device of Micromeritics AutoPore IV 9510 (Micromeritics
a preferable way to possibly trace the mercury intrusion percolation Instrument Corporation, USA) was used for MIP tests. Two different
pathways in porous CBMs. Despite the percolation of pore networks and maximum pressures, i.e., 10,000 and 30,000 psi (corresponding to 68.9
the formation of mercury entrapments in ’ink-bottle’ pores have been and 206.8 MPa, respectively) and three different equilibrium time,
virtually studied with statistical and molecular simulations [23,24], the i.e., 5, 10 and 30 s, were applied. Accordingly, samples were labeled
directly experimental visuals, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, are as MaxPressure-EquilTime-W/C (Table 2). By taking the Washburn
still absent. equation [25] and the commonly used physical parameters of mercury,
This work aims to fill the blank of the visual reports of mercury i.e., the contact angle of 130 degree and the surface tension of 485
percolation in the interconnected pore system of a porous HCP. A new mN/m [4], the minimum accessible pores under 10,000 and 30,000 psi
testing scheme is proposed to control the intrusion directions and pat- were estimated as 18 and 6 nm, respectively. The intruded pore volume
terns. Specifically, double coatings on HCP cylinders are applied before in terms of the equivalent pore size can be displayed in the cumulative
MIP and X-CT tests. This is an improve experimental scheme based on and differential PSD spectra.
our previous studies [18,34], where the first coating step to control
the intrusion patterns of mercury during MIP tests was not considered. 2.2.2. X-CT tests
Two maximum intrusion pressures (10,000 and 30,000 psi) and three X-CT scans were conducted in an industry device of XTH255/320
equilibrium time (5, 10 and 30 s) are adopted to control MIP tests. The LC (Nikon, Japan) with the X-ray source of 225 kV. Two X-CT tests to
mercury clusters entrapped in the pores of the HCP are probed by X-CT each sample before and after MIP were performed. For the first X-CT
measurements. Profound discussions are then performed to deepen the test before MIP, three HCP cylinders were bundled up to form a bigger
understandings of mercury intrusion in the pore system of HCP. specimen (see the inset panel of Fig. 1d). This operation was designed

Y. Qi et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

Table 1
Chemical component and physical properties of the white cement.
Chemical composition Content Physical properties Value
Silica (SiO2 , %) 24.75 Density (kg∕m3 ) 3.10
Alumina (Al2 O3 , %) 1.91 Specific surface area (m2 ∕kg) 380
Calcium oxide (CaO, %) 69.21
Iron oxide(Fe2 O3 , %) 0.30
Magnesium oxide (MgO, %) 0.56
Sulfur trioxide (SO3 , %) 2.10
Sodium oxide (Na2 O(eq), %) 0.16
Others 0.30
Loss on ignition (LOI, %) 0.71

Table 2
Sample nomenclatures and MIP testing parameters.
Sample ID Maximum intrusion pressure Minimum accessible Equilibrium time (s)
(psi [MPa]) pore size (nm)
1-5–035 10,000 [68.9] 18 5
1-10–035 10,000 [68.9] 18 10
1-30–035 10,000 [68.9] 18 30
3-5–035 30,000 [206.8] 6 5
3-10–035 30,000 [206.8] 6 10
3-30–035 30,000 [206.8] 6 30

Fig. 1. Sample preparation and testing procedures: (a) injection of paste slurries into plastic tubes (inner diameter of 3 mm); (b) setting of the tubes on a polystyrene foamed
plastic board; (c) coating of paste cylinders (20 mm in length) after oven drying with a layer of quick-hardening epoxy resin; (d) the first X-CT test; (e) MIP test; and (f) the
second XCT test.

to save the machine time (i.e., one test for three samples) without (Fig. 1f). For both X-CT tests, a slow rotation rate of the platform (12
loss of resolution. For the second X-CT test after MIP, X-ray scans degree/min) was set to ensure the high quality of two-dimensional (2D)
were conducted on each individual HCP cylinder fixed on the platform phase contrast images. The exposure time for a single projection was

Y. Qi et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

Fig. 2. X-ray projections of the HCP samples after MIP tests with different applied pressures and equilibrium time: (a) 1-5-035, (b) 1-10-035, (c) 1-30-035, (d) 3-5-035, (e)
3-10-035, and (f) 3-30-035. The panels of (d-1) and (f-1) display the local phase contrast tomographic images of the 1-30-35 and 3-30-35 samples, respectively.

1 s and, totally, 1800 projections were generated for completing the and the rest areas are significant (see the supplementary figure S1 for
scans by 360 degrees in 30 min. The acceleration voltages of 150 kV the gray value distributions of a local area), However, for the other
and 155 kV were, respectively, applied to deliver the X-ray beams to samples, visual examination is not valid owing to the insufficient gray
penetrate through the HCP samples before and after MIP test. To further value gradients (see the supplementary figure S2 for the gray value
filter out low-energy X-rays and reduce the beam hardening artifacts, distributions of a local area). The gradient distributions of the mercury
a 0.5-mm-thick copper plate was positioned between the X-ray source drops in 1-5-035 also directly provide the percolation directions. Rigby
and the sample. The penetrated X-rays were probed by a high-sensitive et al. [55] reported the percolation pathways in macroporous alumina
detector (DRZplus Scintillator with the pixels of 2000(h)×2000(v)) at materials after a complete MIP test under high pressure as well, but
the back of the objects synchronously. failed to provide the percolation directions. Fig. 2a, to the best of the
The collected data were first read by CTPro to primarily screen qual- authors, may provide the first visual demonstration of the percolation
ity of the projections. The projections in high quality were imported paths of mercy intrusion in the pore network of HCP.
into an image-processing software (VGStudio, Version 3.1) for subse- Fig. 2 also displays that part of the mercury has intruded into the
quent image processing and analysis. The typical 2D pixel resolution first epoxy coating layer. Indeed, the small dark circles (see for instance
was 7 μm. Region of interest (ROI) or volume of interest (VOI) would Fig. 2c-1 and f-1) represent the tiny mercury drops entrapped in the first
be selected in necessary for microstructure analysis. epoxy layer around the side surface of each HCP body. By identifying
those mercury drops, one can separate the first coating layer from
3. Results and discussion the epoxy resins that show the light gray color in the images. For
example, the thickness of the first epoxy layer is estimated as 0.6 mm
3.1. X-ray projections for the 1-30-035 sample (Fig. 2c-1). A part of the mercury near sample
surfaces may release to the second epoxy layer before it is hardened.
Fig. 2 shows the representative X-ray projections of the HCP samples The released mercury accumulates, forming big mercury drops; see the
after MIP tests with different applied pressures and equilibrium time. big dark circles shown in Fig. 2.
The dark color represents the mercury drops that are either entrapped
in the HCP samples or released to the epoxy coats. Directly and obvi- 3.2. Effect of mercury intrusion on gray value distributions
ously, only part of the 1-5-035 sample has been intruded by mercury
under the maximum pressure of 10,000 psi and the equilibrium time of The voxel-gray value (VGV) distributions of the HCP samples are
5 s (Fig. 2a). The other samples, however, show the dark color nearly used to measure the changes of X-CT images, because the voxel number
over the entire areas, suggesting the relatively homogeneous mercury of an object is a scale to measure its size or volume (under a certain
distributions after MIP tests (Fig. 2b-f). The ganglia-like structures in voxel resolution), and the gray value reflects the X-ray attenuation
Fig. 2a represent the percolation paths in the HCP sample. The direct when X-ray beams penetrate through this object. Generally, a high
visual examination of the mercury percolation paths is feasible for 1- voxel number at low gray value represents a large phase with low X-ray
5-035, because the gray value differences between the intruded areas attenuation (e.g., the pores, cracks, lightweight phase in CBMs). This

Y. Qi et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

Fig. 3. Voxel-gray value spectra of the HCP samples before and after the MIP tests with the maximum applied pressures of (a) 10,000 and (b) 30,000 psi and the equilibrium
time of 5, 10 and 30 s.

is the regime to quantitatively characterize different phases in CBMs VGV peak positions. This feature has been used for pore structure
by X-CT [44,52]. Fig. 3 shows the VGV spectra of the HCP samples characterization by tracing the mercury drops entrapped in the pores
before and after the MIP tests with different testing conditions. When of HCP samples with/without surface conformance control [7], and
operating the VGV analysis, the selected VOIs are slightly smaller than for pore damage assessment by quantifying the pore sizes of HCP and
the real sample bodies, so the epoxy coatings can be excluded. The mortar samples before and after MIP [18]. In this work, the dual peaks
details of VOI selection are shown in the supplementary figure S3. of VGV spectra for the samples after MIP are not observed (Fig. 3)
Several features can be figured out. First, the dual-peak VGV spectra because of the limited intrusion of mercury in the HCP with densely
before MIP reduce to the single-peak ones after MIP. For the HCPs compacted microstructure at low w/c ratio (W/C=0.35).
before MIP, the peaks at low gray values represent the pores with lower In order to better demonstrate the gray value changes induced by
X-ray attenuation (see the shadowed areas shown in Fig. 3), whereas mercury intrusion, local sectional analysis is performed. As an example,
these at high gray values denote the solid phases (unhydrous cement Fig. 4 comparatively displays the sectional X-CT images of the 1-10-
clinkers and hydration products) with higher X-ray attenuation. For 35 sample before and after MIP. It is clear that the large dark areas
inversely change to the bright ones after MIP test (Fig. 4a and d). A gray
the HCP samples after MIP, the pores have been partially filled with
value analysis is performed on an ROI (327 × 374 pixels) for specific
mercury, so the VGV peaks of the pores disappear. The gray values
demonstration (Fig. 4b and e). Before MIP, the ROI shows a rough
of the solids and the pores partially filled with mercury may merge
surface plot of gray values with the mean gray value of 140/255. A pit
together to form the single-peak VGV spectra. Second, the operation
with the gray value down to 40/255 and a bulge with the gray value up
of mercury intrusion greatly augments the gray values and broadens
to 180/255, respectively, represent a pore and an unhydrated cement
the VGV spectra of the HCP samples. All the spectra shift from left clinker (Fig. 4c). After MIP, the surface plot of gray values changes
(low gray value area) to right (high gray value area), and the spectra greatly. Several gray value peaks, that represent the entrapped mercury
width is substantially enlarged (Fig. 3). Those observations are the drops, appear in the plot, resulting in the sharply enhanced surface plot
consequences of mercury intrusion in the HCP bodies. The intruded roughness (Fig. 4f). Owing to the gray value rises by mercury intrusion,
mercury drops augment the gray values by raising the X-ray attenuation the unhydrous cement clinkers are not detectable any more (Fig. 4d and
on one hand, and eliminate the peaks at low gray values by partially e).
filling the empty pores on the other hand. It is noteworthy that the gray values of X-CT images vary greatly
If HCP samples with higher porosity are used, dual peaks may with scanning conditions, environments and sample statuses. Even for
still appear, but the first peak (empty pores) at the lower gray value the same sample, two X-ray scans can hardly generate the same VDV
region for the samples before MIP transforms to be the second peak spectra [56]. Therefore, specific imaging analysis is required to unravel
(entrapped mercury) at the higher gray value region for the same the microscopic changes between the HCP samples before and after
samples after MIP. In short words, MIP can induce the exchange of MIP.

Y. Qi et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

Fig. 4. Gray value changes of the 1-10-35 sample (a, b and c) before and (d, e, and e) after MIP test: the selected horizontal sectional X-CT images (a and d), local ROIs with
the pixels of 327 × 374 (b and e) and the surface plots of gray values (c and f).

3.3. Mercury distributions the same samples after MIP tests have rather rough and nonlinear
gray value distributions due to the existence of the heterogeneously
Figs. 5 and 6 show the vertical sectional images of the HCP cylinders entrapped mercury drops (Figs. 5d–f and 6d–f). An extreme case can
before and after MIP tests with different testing conditions. For each be the results of the 1-5-035 sample (Figs. 5d), which shows great
sample, only the bottom end is open for mercury intrusion. The average gray value gradients along the sample height. It reflects the mercury
gray values at different heights are used to demonstrate the gray value distribution gradients along the sample height: higher position contains
heterogeneity along the mercury intrusion direction (bottom to up). less mercury.
For the HCP cylinders before MIP, all images show the similar gray The position dependent vertical gray value distributions are still
levels, suggesting the relatively isotropic and homogeneous material valid for the other samples, which are the consequences of mercury
microstructure (Figs. 5a–c and 6a–c). This conclusion is also supported intrusion and extrusion. As an example, we comparatively plot the
by the smooth and linear gray value distributions along the sample vertical gray value distributions of the 1-30-035 and 3-30-035 samples,
height for all the non-intruded HCP samples. For the 1-5-035 sample and demonstrate the mechanisms in Fig. 7. For the 1-30-035 sample
before MIP, some big island-like aggregates can be observed (Fig. 5a), (the maximum applied pressure=10,000 psi), the gray value gradients
which may be caused by the agglomerations of cement clinkers. The occur at both the top and bottom ends, owing to the insufficient
mercury intrusion and the withdrawing of mercury, respectively, (left
dark edges around the agglomerations may be due to the formation of
half of Fig. 7). For the 3-30-035 sample (the maximum applied pres-
a water-rich layer, which will generate a porous structure that is more
sure=30000 psi), the entire sample has been completely intruded, so
feasible for mercury intrusion. This hypothesis can be proved by the
no obvious gray value gradient can be observed at the top end. But the
X-CT images of the same sample after MIP. As illustrated in Fig. 5d,
mercury release always occurs, so the significant gray value gradient
some polygons with the bright edges clearly evidence the structure of
still appear (right half of Fig. 7).
porous edges around the agglomerations.
After the HCP samples experience a complete MIP test, the vertical
3.4. Mercury clusters
X-CT images show different characteristics. A plausible one can be the
significant enhancement in the contrast of X-CT images for the mercury Segmentation and reconstruction on the X-CT data are performed
intruded samples (Figs. 5d–f and 6d–f). The phase in bright color, to explore the mercury clusters entrapped in the HCP cylinders with
representing the mercury drops entrapped in the HCP bodies, is rather different MIP testing conditions. Fig. 8 shows the results of the 1-5-035
obvious (see also the gray value analysis displayed in Fig. 4). Further- sample after the MIP test with the maximum pressure of 10,000 Psi and
more, due to the significant X-ray attenuating effect of mercury, the the equilibrium time of 5 s. The phase contrast image shows a rough
areas of the mercury drops seem to be larger than those of the empty gradient distribution of mercury in the sample body owing to the partial
pores of the same sample before MIP. The image contrast enhancement pore percolation (Fig. 8a). A large number of mercury drops are isolated
by mercury intrusion enables the characterization of microstructure in thin pores, while some entrapped mercury drops form large mercury
below the resolution of the X-CT device. Similar conclusion is evidenced clusters (Fig. 8b). The mercury clusters larger than > 0.01 mm3 are
by an X-CT investigation on low-porosity rocks [56]. specifically demonstrated in Fig. 8c. The connection of mercury drops
The mercury distributions along the sample height can be char- entrapped in the pores generates irregular mercury clusters (Fig. 8d).
acterized by the gray value distributions. Unlike the HCP samples The phase segmentation results of the 1-10-035 sample are used to
before MIP tests that show smooth and linear gray value distributions, explore the effect of equilibrium time (Fig. 9). With the equilibrium

Y. Qi et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

Fig. 5. Selected vertical sectional X-CT images and average gray value distributions along the sample height for the samples before (a–c) and after (d–f) MIP tests with different
conditions: (a, d) 1-5-035, (b, e) 1-10-035 and (c, f) 1-30-035. The 𝑋-axis range of gray value distribution is uniformly set as 8000.

time of 10 s, a default parameter in MIP tests [1], mercury can almost with the knowledge of CBMs, a type of highly heterogeneous compos-
thoroughly penetrate the sample with the length of 10 mm (Fig. 9a and ites with complex pore structure [61]. Similar results are reported by
b). This tells that a longer equilibrium time allows a greater penetration Qian et al. [41,42].
of mercury though thin pore throats. The results also evidence that
mercury intrusion is a dynamic process [23,24]. Some large irregu- 3.5. Interactions between mercury drops and pore wall
lar mercury clusters are located at different positions of the sample
(Fig. 9c), suggesting the hierarchical pore structure of HCP. Even with high entrapment, mercury drops may not always have
When the maximum intrusion pressure is raised up to 30,000 direct contact with pore walls. Fig. 12 shows the 3D microstructure
Psi, more mercury entrapment can be observed (Fig. 10a and b). of local HCP segments that consist of the solid skeleton, empty pores
and the entrapped mercury drops. The top and bottom parts of each
Those entrapped mercury drops form more and larger mercury clusters
sample (at the heights of 1 and 9 mm, respectively) are selected, and
(Fig. 10c). Those clusters cannot be probed in the un-intruded samples.
all figures are displayed in the same scale (Fig. 12a). As expected, the
In cement matrix, pores are generally isolated and/or connected by
mercury drop distribution is dependent of the sample position . For
very thin channels. Under high pressures, mercury can enter into the
example, the top part of the 1-5-035 sample almost contains no mercury
pores and penetrate through the thin channels. Those thin channels drops, whereas the bottom part has large continual and connected
may deform or expand after mercury intrusion. Then the pores, to- mercury clusters (Fig. 12a). In the cases of the MIP tests with the higher
gether with the channels, form large clusters (Fig. 11). The percolated maximum pressures and the longer equilibrium time, the mercury drops
mercury clusters (Figs. 8d–10d), to the best of the authors, have never and empty pores share the pore chambers at both the top and bottom
been demonstrated in the previous literature. Furthermore, the mercury parts of each sample (Fig. 12). The results are in line with our previous
clusters show significant spatial heterogeneity. This is in accordance X-CT measurements on HCP samples without surface coats [34].

Y. Qi et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

Fig. 6. Selected vertical sectional X-CT images and average gray value distributions along the sample height for the samples before (a–c) and after (d–f) MIP tests under different
conditions: (a, d) 3-5-035, (b, e) 3-10-035 and (c, f) 3-30-035. The 𝑋-axis range of gray value distribution is uniformly set as 8000.

The mercury fraction in the bottom part of an HCP sample is not more characteristic stages may be figured out [18]. In our tests, the
always higher than the top part due to the release of the mercury drops MIP pore data characteristics are summarized as follows:
outward the sample (see, for instance, the 3D microstructure images
of the 1-30-035 displayed in Fig. 12b and the analysis in Fig. 7). The • At the first mercury intrusion stage, obvious mercury volume
coexistence of mercury drops and empty pores are the consequences rises are recorded for the samples of 1-5-035, 1-30-035, 3-5-035
of the thermodynamic equilibrium among tiny mercury drops, pore and 3-10-035. These heavy and rapid rises of mercury volume
walls and the air [24]. One shall understand that the detected pores at the light pressure (1.8 psi) lead to the differential PSD peaks
(empty pores plus mercury drops) may be overestimated because of the at 100 μm (Figs. 13 and 14). The results are contrast to the
microstructure damages of HCP under high mercury pressures [18,21]. normally observed first mercury rise stage that shows relatively
low intrusion volume and slow rate [7]. However, this does not
3.6. Mercury intrusion spectra mean that the surface coating has changed the pore structure of
the HCP sample, because the PSD spectra of the first mercury
Figs. 13 and 14 show the accumulative and differential PSD spectra intrusion stage do not reflect the real pores filled by mercury.
of the coated HCP samples determined by the MIP tests with the Indeed, a highly likely explanation of the observation can be that
different equilibrium time and maximum applied pressures. Generally, some voids in the epoxy coatings of the HCP samples have been
the accumulative PSD spectra of porous CBMs follow a three-stage partially penetrated and filled with the mercury at this intrusion
intrusion character [7]: (a) a slow rise stage at the initial intrusion stage (see the shadowed areas in Figs. 13 and 14). This regime
period under low applied pressures; (b) a plateau stage at the middle also accounts for the tiny mercury drops detected by X-CT (Fig. 2).
intrusion period under moderately high applied pressures; and (c) a • At the plateau stage, the accumulative PSD spectra of all samples
rapid rise stage at the late intrusion period under high applied pres- stay stably in the pressure range between 3.6 and 90 psi (or the
sures. For some CBM samples with interfacial zones and fine blends, pore range between 50 and 2 μm) (Figs. 13 and 14). The material

Y. Qi et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

Fig. 7. Comparative plots of gray value distributions of 1-30-035 (left) and 3-30-035 (right).

Fig. 8. Analysis of mercury clusters in the 1-5-035 sample: (a) phase contrast image of the samples after MIP, (b) all the mercury clusters (aligned in different colors), (c) large
mercury clusters (volume > 0.01 mm3 ), and (d) 3D structure of a local mercury cluster.

Y. Qi et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

Fig. 9. Analysis of mercury clusters in the 1-10-035 sample: (a) phase contrast image of the samples after MIP, (b) all the mercury clusters (aligned in different colors), (c) large
mercury clusters (volume > 0.01 mm3 ), and (d) 3D structure of a local mercury cluster).

Fig. 10. Analysis of mercury clusters in the 3-10-035 sample: (a) phase contrast image of the samples after MIP, (b) all mercury clusters (aligned in different colors), (c) large
mercury clusters (volume > 0.05 mm3 ), and (d) 3D structure of a local mercury cluster.

has relatively dense compactness, so almost no mercury intrusion be attributed to the extra mercury intrusion into the epoxy coat-
takes place in the pressure range. As a matter of fact, except ings. The PSD spectra at the pores below 100 nm represent the
for some highly porous materials, like aerogel-modified cement penetration of mercury through thin capillaries between cement
composites [62], this plateau stage is commonly observed. grains and/or large gel pores between C-S-H layers [43]. The ex-
• As the applied pressure increases further, mercury rapidly pen- pected rapid mercury rises do not take place in the accumulative
etrates into the thin pores of the material matrix comprising of PSD of the 1-5-035 sample. This is caused by the uncompleted
mercury intrusion under the low maximum pressure and short
unhydrous cement clinkers and hydration products (and/or the
equilibrium time (Fig. 8).
epoxy coatings). For example, the PSD peaks around 1000 nm
for the 1-10-35, 1-30-35 and 3-30-35 samples (Figs. 13 and 14), The extrusion spectra of all samples show the similar characteristics.
which have not been observed for well cured ordinary HCPs, can As the applied pressure fades, the probed mercury volume does not

Y. Qi et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

Fig. 11. Mechanism of forming mercury clusters in the HCP samples after MIP.

Fig. 12. 3D microstructure of local VOI areas in the samples: (a) selected 3D images at the top (height=9 mm) and bottom positions (height=1 mm), and (b) representative
illustration of the entrapped mercury drops (yellow), empty pores (transparent gray) and cement paste skeleton (brown) in the 1-30-035 sample. (For interpretation of the references
to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

decrease immediately, but increases slightly followed by a very slow mercury volume of the 1-5-035 sample is 0.059 ml/g, higher than
decrease (Figs. 13 and 14). After the unloading process completes, the that at the pressure of 10,000 psi (0.053 ml/g) by 10% (Fig. 15).
recorded residual mercury volumes are close to or even higher than These are heavily different from the MIP extrusion spectra of open
the total intrusion ones (Fig. 15). For instance, the recorded residual CBMs that show obvious volume decays when the applied pressure

Y. Qi et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

Fig. 13. Accumulative (a) and differential (b) PSD spectra of the HCP samples under the maximum applied pressure of 10,000 psi with the equilibrium time of 5, 10 and 30 s.
The shadowed areas represent the possible mercury intrusion in the surface cavities and/or epoxy layers.

Fig. 14. Accumulative (a) and differential (b) PSD spectra of the HCP samples under the maximum applied pressure of 30,000 psi with the equilibrium time of 5, 10 and 30 s.
The shadowed areas represent the possible mercury intrusion in the surface cavities and/or epoxy layers.

withdraws [61]. The abnormal mercury decaying behaviors are the Some characteristic quantities (i.e., the intrusion volume of surface
consequences of mercury entrapment and redistribution in the neigh- and coat (S&C), body intrusion, total intrusion and residual volume)
boring empty pores due to the partial surface coatings on the samples. are acquired and displayed in Fig. 15. It seems that the S&C to total
The results of Fig. 15 imply that the partial surface coating may intrusion volume ratios are between 50% and 70%, suggesting that a
enhance the ’ink-bottle’ effect. large amount of mercury is captured in the epoxy coats due to their

Y. Qi et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

Fig. 15. The characteristic intrusion results for all samples with the equilibrium time of 5, 10 and 30 s under different maximum pressure: (a) 10,000 psi, and (b) 30,000 psi
(S&C: surface and coating).

soft and porous texture. As a consequence, the intrusion volumes into in big air voids and the nearby capillary pores. Indeed, because
the HCP bodies are less (Fig. 15). As the maximum applied pressure of the high mercury entrapment, we can observe the ganglia-
increases, more pores at thinner sizes can be filled with mercury, so like structures that reflect the high connectivity of the pores.
all the intrusion quantities increase (Fig. 15). Moreover, pores may This is different from our previous work [34], in which only the
deform and microstructure may damage under the intrusion of mercury mercury drops entrapped in big voids were addressed to resolve
in high pressures, which will cause the unexpected intrusion volume the ’ink-bottle’ pore structure. It is also a challenge to establish
increases [18]. the quantitative relationships between the mercury entrapment
The characteristic MIP quantities also change with equilibrium time, and pore connectivity, while previous attempts have been made
but they do not show appealing correlations (Fig. 15). One may note in the relevant issues [61].
that the body intrusion of the sample at the equilibrium time of 5 s • Third, mercury is a liquid metal with high surface energy, so it
(1-5-035) is greatly lower than that of the samples with the longer equi- can hardly stay in thin capillary pore throats. This means that the
librium time (1-10-035 and 1-30-035). This tells that the equilibrium entrapment and releasing of mercury drops in micro porous ma-
time of 5 s does not allow the completion of mercury intrusion, in line terials are always beyond the thermodynamic equilibrium [24].
with the X-CT results (Figs. 2 abd 8). Low-melting point metals (such as Bi-based alloys [58]) may be
used as the intrusion medium to have stably intrusions in CBMs.
3.7. Further discussion Furthermore, the technique of focused ion beam/scanning elec-
tron microscopy [63,64] may be applied to quantify the changes
In this work, we specifically design a double coating scheme to of percolation paths in HCPs after low-melting point metal intru-
control the mercury intrusion directions, and conduct X-ray scans to sion.
the materials after MIP tests under different conditions. While we may
first visually probe the percolation of mercury in a porous HCP and
4. Conclusion
resolve the 3D microstructure of mercury clusters (Figs. 8–10), some
issues deserve rigorous discussion.
A double coating scheme is specifically designed to prepare the
• First, mercury, under high pressures, can penetrate into the first partially sealed HCP samples before MIP and to prevent the leakage
epoxy layer, forming the mercury drops probed by X-CT. This of mercury after MIP. The first coat enables the one-direction intrusion
unexpected mercury intrusion brings the additional mercury rises of mercury into the HCP segments, and the second coat guarantees the
at low applied pressures (Figs. 13 and 14). Furthermore, the technicians’ safety when handling with the mercury intruded samples.
penetration of mercury through the first epoxy coating may also The X-CT images directly and visually demonstrate the percolation
break the pattern of one-direction percolation, so homogeneous paths of mercury in the HCP samples. This is probably the first visual
mercury clusters are observed for most samples. New coating evidence of mercury percolation in porous CBMs.
methods or materials are wanted in the future work to guarantee Mercury entrapment can change the gray value distributions of
the one-direction mercury intrusion in CBMs. the HCP samples. The dual-peak VGV spectra reduce to the single-
• Second, the surface coating can greatly change the extrusion peak ones, and the total gray values are greatly increased for the
spectra. For instance, one can hardly observe the decreases in HCP samples after MIP tests. The vertical gray value spectra become
mercury volume during mercury extrusion (Figs. 13 and 14), rougher, and show obvious gradients near the bottom ends due to
which is greatly different from the ordinary MIP extrusions. This the release of the entrapped mercury. Gray value distributions change
difference may come from the enhanced mercury entrapment in along the sample height, reflecting the mercury distribution. Mercury
the HCP body (Figs. 5 and 6). Mercury drops may be entrapped drops are heterogeneously entrapped in the pore system of the HCP.

Y. Qi et al. Cement and Concrete Composites 122 (2021) 104111

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