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31 ‫کوییز شماره ی‬

‫زبان انگلیسی‬

‫استاد فرید‬

.‫@ ارسال نمایید‬Cafetadris_MBA ‫ فرصت دارید که پاسخ خود را به آی دی تلگرام‬۷۱ ‫ ساعت‬99 ‫ دی‬9 ‫تا فردا‬

.‫دانشجویانی که بتوانند به این سوال پاسخ صحیح پاسخ دهند به قید قرعه برنده ی جوایز متنوع از کافه تدریس خواهند شد‬
Directions: Identify the underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be
1- Hurricanes hardly never reach the east coast of Florida, but some that have were extremely
1 2 3 4
2- Tests have been performed to determine whether studying TOEFL questions will help students
1 2 3
rise their test scores.
3- John's wisdom teeth were troubling him, so he went to a dental surgeon to see about having
1 2 3
them pull.

Directions: Choose the word or phrase 1), 2), 3), or 4) that best replaces the underlined word in the given
4- Kapok is made from the silky fibers that encircle the seeds of the tropical silk cotton tree.
1) release 2) destroy 3) surround 4) circulate

5- Pop art aimed to portray all facets of modern culture.

1) heroes 2) celebrities 3) problems 4) aspects

We have to teach empathy as we do literacy.
Bill Drayton

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