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Airway assessment and


Airway assessment and management 1

Airway assessment and management 2
neck surgery, difficulty in passing endotracheal tube, difficulty in breathing

clenched teeth, not able to open jaw,

No or non well formed L.jaw - micrognathia and retrognathia

Beard or sinus infection or swelling in face might interfere with mask ventilation

buck tooth - might break or interfere with laryngoscope

Airway assessment and management 3

3 fingers inserting is an approximate good inter incisor gap
mass protuding from mouth - reduce inter incisor gap

and face reconstruction might alos reduce inter incisor gap

Airway assessment and management 4

Gives a rough idea of oral cavity of space

class 1 - entire uvula,pillar or pharyngeal wall, soft and hard palate

class 2 - uvula seen but not tip, pillar not seen, soft and hard palate not seen

class 3 - soft and hard palate

class 4 - only hard palate

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3 of your finger below chin and is adequate enough to put the tongue in
position - N

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receeding chin, with difficulty in neck extension and flexion due to

trismus with reduced interincisor space and needs nasal canula for ventilation

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burns having contracture so less oral airway and extension restriction which
might pose difficulty in airway management

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Pierre robin syndrome with macroglossia mostly might pose difficulty in
ventilation and this baby needs a tracheostomy tube to breathe

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triple manuever

jaw thrust - little finger

chin left - 2 finger - ring and middle finger

head tilt - other 2 finger

in head injury only jaw thrust doen

m- male patient

o - obese patients

a - age - extremes of age - old age

n - no teeth - geriatric patient

s - sinuses or any visible tumors

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Airway assessment and management 12
rest above the vocal cords (glottic opening) at the superior end of the
various sizes of lma available for various age group even babies

choose the right lma and check if there is any leak in the cuff

apply some gel over lma to smoothen position

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can be nasal or oral and goes thru pharynx and crosses vocal cords and sits on
the mid of carina

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adjunct in bag and mask ventilation

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nasal airway - length - tragus to lateral edge of nostril - is soft to avoid
trauma to venous plexus and bleed

oral airway - length - angle of mouth till angle of mandible and has hard bite

2 types of larnygoscope

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gold std way of providing o2

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stillets for stiffening the et tube and kept inside the Et tube and should not
protude beyond the tip

sniffing the morning air or magills position

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Corrmack - Lehane laryngoscope grading
grade 2 - post 1/3 only
grade 3 - only epiglottis

grade 4 - not even epi glottis

Grade 3 and 4 need expertise and additional help

female = 7.5 to 8.5

male = 8.5 to

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most commonly 2 3 L given above it, it will be discomfortable

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Hudson face mask

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Not all patients require high low o2

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